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President Lungu Calls for Debt Relief or Cancellation of Debt Among All OACPS Countries


President Edgar Lungu has called for the debt relief or cancellation of debt among all African Caribbean Pacific member States.

Speaking when he took part in first-ever virtual First Extraordinary Inter-Sessional summit of Heads of State and Government of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS), President Lungu said that the Covid-19 pandemic has caused massive disruption to lives worldwide.

“Like other OACPS member states, Zambia has not been spared, recording 1062 cases and seven deaths reported as at 28th May, 2020,” the President said.

President Lungu made an intervention statement citing five proposals that member states must consider in light of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The proposals include:

  1. Soliciting for debt relief or cancellation for OACPS member states;
  2. Establishing a virtual platform for sharing best practices and measures on the fight against Covid-19;
  3. Enhancing research and local development of vaccines and treatment for Covid-19;
  4. Adequately mobilizing resources from local and international community; and
  5. Directing respective ambassadors and representatives in Brussels to lobby for enhanced support from the European Union.

The theme of the Summit, chaired by His Excellency, Mr. Uhuru Kenyatta, President of the Republic of Kenya, was Transcending the Covid-19 pandemic: building resilience through global solidarity.

President Kenyatta said Covid-19 had hit industries had and that there have been economic disruptions worldwide. He said the dire situation has been compounded by climate change where, Africa in particular, has suffered flooding.

He said the Summit was a great opportunity for Africa to speak with one voice and engage development partners to come up with concrete actions.
President Ramaphosa said Covid-19 has shown that countries of the world are interconnected and interdependent and feared that the worst could still come if the world did not act decisively in unison to stem the pandemic and its consequences.

Mr. Ramaphosa, speaking as African Union chairman, called for two-year debt relief and said sanctions against Zimbabwe and Sudan must be lifted. He said the AU also condemns the killing of African American George Floyd by a white policeman in the United States.

And during the discussions on the Key Strategic Partners, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said the world needs to come together because “we can only prosper when all of us prosper.” He said, “only together can we build stronger and resilient economies.”

The OACPS comprises 48 countries from Sub-Saharan Africa, 16 from the Caribbean, and 15 from the Pacific.

Other leaders who spoke were United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Gutteres, European Council President Charles Michel, French Prime Minister Emmanuel Macron, Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg, and Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison.

The OACPS members who spoke included Barbados Prime Minister Ms. Mia Mottley, Tuvalu Prime Minister, Mr. Kausea Natano, Papua New Guinea Prime Minister James Marape, and Gambia President Adama Barrow.

Others were Fiji Prime Minister, Mr. Frank Bainimarama, Jamaican Prime Minister, Mr. Andrew Holness, Congo Brazzaville President Denis Sassou Nguesso, Seychelles President, Mr. Danny Faure, and Guinea Bissau President Umaro Embalo.

Also present was OACPS Secretary General Georges Chikoti.

This is according to a statement issued by President LUNGU’s Special Assistant to the President for Press and Public Relations ISACC CHIPAMPE after the meeting at State house.

Gospel Artist Kings Malembe Malembe has apologised to the first family

Gospel Artist Kings Malembe Malembe has apologised to the first family barely a day after Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo gave him 24 hours to apologise to President Edgar Lungu for insulting the Presidency.

Malembe however says that the video of him which has gone viral on social media was edited to suit the interest of the people who leaked it.

“Mama, daddy forgive me for using a wrong fora, I should have called to advise you instead of going to Social media. Am a son in the house”, said Malembe.

He said he was just reporting on what people are saying on the Copperbelt about KCM and Gold mining.

And Malembe says he does not care whether he will be called a coward because he is obliged to apologise to the people he should have been protecting.

In a Video seen on Social media, Kings Malembe Malembe warned President Edgar Lungu not to allow the Chinese to get involved in Gold mining and KCM saying this will cost him the 2021 election.

Malembe warned that people on the Copperbelt are not ready to work with the Chinese and President Lungu must give them the mines of he is ready to lose in 2021.

Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo earlier today have Gospel Artist Kings Malembe Malembe 24 hours to apologize for insulting the Presidency on Social media.

Mr Lusambo has also urged musician B Flow and Cameraman Chella Tukuta to desist from insulting the Presidency over issues they do not understand such as Gold mining.

Speaking at a media briefing today, Mr Lusambo says it is unfortunate that youths have taken to social media to insult the Presidency with impunity.

He said the people that are insulting the presidency on social media are too naked to misbehave.

“What do you know about Governance, where have you governed? You can’t just wake up and start advising the President and talking ill about things you don’t understand”, said Mr Lusambo.

He has described the insulting of the presidency as indiscipline of the highest order and has warned that this will not be condoned in Lusaka Province.

Mr Lusambo said those talking ill about the Presidency are bringing the name of the President and the country into disrepute.

Imusho in Sesheke gets first ever mobile phone service

People of Imusho village in Sesheke, one of the remotest areas of Zambia will now be able to make phone calls after the launch of the first ever communications tower in the area.

Transport and Communications Minister Mutotwe Kafwaya who launched the tower on Tuesday said the development is significant as it will now allow the people of Imusho to communicate with the outside world using a mobile phone.

Mr Kafwaya said since Independence in 1964, lmusho has never been provided with any telecommunications services which had hampered development in the area.

He has since commended Zamtel for constructing the tower which is part of the 1009 Phase II GRZ Communication Tower Project.

Mr Kafwaya stated that bringing communication services to Imusho demonstrates President Edgar Lungu’ strong commitments to universal access to communication.

“Since Independence, you have been waiting for this day. You had 27 years of UNIP, 20 years of MMD and there was no communication tower here. Now under the leadership of His Excellency President Edgar Chagwa Lungu, you can now communicate. You should never forget who brought you this tower,” Mr Kafwaya told the crowd gathered at the launch event.
Mr Kafwaya said President Edgar Lungu will be remembered for taking telecommunication services closer to the people in remotest areas such as Imusho.

He further stated that the installation of communication towers in rural areas has helped in the improvement of service delivery.

Mr Kafwaya said the PF government has invested heavily in the telecommunication sector because of the importance of effective communication services in service delivery.
He said in the wake of the outbreak of Coronavirus, people are encouraged to work from home and do online transactions hence the need to improve the telecommunication sector.
“Communication is very important and these things have been understood. And this is why we have invested in this sector,” he added.

And Zamtel Chief Executive Officer Sydney Mupeta revealed that his company will complete the installation and upgrading of all the 1009 new towers by December this year.
Mr Mupeta said this year, over 700 new sites have been rolled out in different parts of the country with Western Province receiving 72 new communications sites so far.
He said this is in addition to the 38 sites that the Province had before the commencement of the project which now bringing the total to 110 sites in Western Province as at end of May 2020.

“As Zamtel, we remain committed to supporting the Government’s agenda of taking development to all corners of this country in order to support developmental activities that depend on effective communication services. With the coming of these sites, farmers here can now communicate with the buyers of various products,” Mr Mupeta said.

“In addition, the customers can also receive payments for their produce on our Mobile money platform, which we call Zamtel Kwacha. This is a convenient and secure payment option which also helps reduce the handling of cash which curtails the spread of Covid-19.”

And Sesheke District Administrative Officer Mrs. Albertina Maliwa Kabatana said the installation of the tower in Imusho will result in effective service delivery and will easy communication challenges in the area.

She said as a boarder area, Imusho villagers have been depending on neighboring Namibia for a number of services but that the closure of the boarder due to lockdown has affected them significantly.

Mrs. Kabatana said the coming in of the Zamtel network in the area will therefore easy a number of challenges the people of Imusho had been facing.

Presumption of Innocence: The Case of Dr. Chitalu Chilufya


By Isaac Mwanza

Over the past few days, the country has seen an increase in headlines and newspaper editorials calling for the firing or stepping aside of the Minister of Health Dr. Chitalu Chilufya, over some corruption-related allegations, which remains allegations and still under probe. This topic is worth discussing.

Allegations and the fight against corruption

In one edition of News Diggers, the newspaper quoted an unnamed member of the Patriotic Front (PF) intimating that Dr. Chilufya is on the “wanted” list because he harbours presidential ambitions while in an editorial, the same paper asked: “Why is he (President Edgar Lungu) treating them (Ministers under investigation) like shameless morons or cadres from the streets? By subjecting his ministers to such humiliation, he is undermining his own authority.”

In his first address to Parliament on Friday, 18th September, 2015, President Edgar Lungu discussed his Government’s commitment to zero tolerance to corruption and emphatically added, “I will not protect anyone serving in public office found wanting in our anti-corruption drive. Government also remains committed to ensuring that it fulfils its obligations of protecting, respecting and fulfilling human rights.”

Since then, President Lungu has repeatedly pronounced the country’s patriotic duty to not only express outrage against corruption but to do more to combat the scourge. The President, however, gave this fight a decisive clarity during his address to Parliament on 14th September, 2019, when he said:

“The fight against corruption must be done in an honest manner, devoid of the narrow and selfish interests calculated to malign others simply because one has the platform to do so. The fight against corruption must be prosecuted with noble intentions to make our society better. But the screaming headlines of corruption propaganda may succeed to malign someone but they achieve nothing in terms of uplifting the lives of the poor and indigent of our society, the very people we swore to save and protect.”

This passage from the President’s speech summarises what is happening in the arena of the on-going fight against corruption in Zambia. First, it is only true that a number of private newspapers and opposition leaders continue to wage a relentless campaign targeting the Republican President and his inner circle, making all sorts of corruption-related allegations.

From tenders on opening up or upgrading our road network to purchase of the new presidential jet, the procurement of the infamous fire-tenders to ambulances, etc., the target of this negative narrative has been President Lungu himself, and this has been intensifying as the next general and presidential elections draw near in 2021.

Recently, those opposed to this administration have partnered with some foreign-based international entities such as the little-known Environmental Intelligence Agency (EIA), the Economic Intelligence Unit (EIU) of the Economist magazine, and now the pseudo-religious Nigerian “pastor” Seer 1 to spread propaganda on the alleged trafficking in Mukula timber, or simply to publish articles that cast negative perceptions on the Lungu administration.

Earlier, we also saw a screaming headline claiming that some member of the PF Central Committee had said Edgar Lungu’s candidacy for the Republican Presidency in 2021 would result in PF losing power in 2021. This was not taken seriously by anyone including the PF, as its Central Committee has remained united in support of President Lungu’s 2021 candidature.

Those who generate such stories, clearly aimed at rousing confusion within the PF, also coined what has been termed as “Luapula United” a fictional formation of leaders from Luapula province, allegedly seeking to oust President Lungu. The aim is to make President Lungu lose trust in, and therefore alienate some of these Luapula leaders on the unfounded perception that they are “fighting him”, to use local political jargon.

The campaign to run a negative narrative aimed at making President Lungu unpopular ahead of 2021 polls is expected to continue and even intensify with some civil society groups in the forefront, as a way to make a name for themselves and to attract financing from well-known anti-Lungu forces, both at home and abroad. They all will sing the same song of corruption or bad governance, in most cases without any foundation whatsoever, taking advantage of every opportunity that presents itself to poison the minds of the public against President Lungu and his party.

Despite these efforts which started the moment President Lungu ascended to office, it appears President Lungu has remained strong and undistracted in leading the nation. His opponents seem to have come to the conclusion that the only way to bring down President Lungu, is by targeting his lieutenants and his party rather than the man himself.

So, we now have this new song on the market on Dr. Chitalu Chilufya and a fresh attempt to use our own local institution, the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) as a tool to bring down Dr. Chilufya and, in the process, to tar the President with the same brush of corruption. It would appear this new round-the-circle attempt of getting at President Lungu, is being stage-managed by entities which, so far, have failed to produce the intended negative perception of President Lungu and his presidency.

The core aim of the current wave focusing on Dr. Chilufya, carries the same agenda as previous waves which were waged against a prominent PF founder member and former Cabinet minister, Chishimba Kambwili, his cabinet colleague Ronald Chitotela, former presidential aides Amos Chanda and Kaizer Zulu. The plan is simple and straightforward: delink, isolate or separate President Lungu from those who could genuinely stand by his side and defend his Presidency.

President Lungu needs to comprehend this: the current narrative targeted at his lieutenants is meant to create and sustain a public narrative aimed at painting him as running a corrupt administration and Party which should not be voted back into Government in 2021. This is being exacerbated by the subtle in-fighting within the PF. So many people who fought or have staked their necks for the PF have now decided to go silent in order to avoid getting caught in the crossing, partly because the President’s own silence leaves these loyal members unsure as to which way their leader, President Lungu, wants to go.

In my view, right or wrong, the President’s silence is unhelpful and does not encourage his PF members who are willing and ready to fight for him and their Party, and it is therefore dangerous. The uncertainty about President Lungu’s direction, is strangling the enthusiasm of the party faithfuls and could do lasting damage to the Patriotic Front party. The President needs to come out and give clear direction to the many thousands who believe in him and look to him for leadership.

What is the End Game of Antagonising the North?

Luapula and Northern Province will be critical for the re-election of President Lungu for his second term in 2021. In Eastern Zambia, despite the polarisation of the PF resulting from last intraparty elections and efforts by mutineers against Lungu (the likes of George Kanyamula Zulu and Panji Kaunda) wanting to portray as if the entire Eastern is against the President, President Lungu is still certain to win the majority votes in the East, notwithstanding that he may not win with a wider margin which ordinarily the East ought to produce, as is the case in Southern Zambia for Hakainde Hichilema’s votes. This is a fact.

But President Lungu needs to swing into action to motivate the many voters, strategic planners, thinkers and executors in the East who are, at present, not sure about the President’s future direction. He needs to boldly announce himself and call the PF party troops to battle so that they can get ready to reach the people and mobilise support in order to ensure a winning turnout at the polls. PF needs its many supporters in all its strongholds to turn up at the polling stations and cast their ballots in 2021.

The President ought to take note of the fact that there is a ploy to antagonise the North comprising of Luapula, Muchinga and Northern provinces, which form one half of the bedrock of the PF’s support base, the other half being the urban provinces on the line of rail. The President’s opponents realise that the Patriotic Front needs a resounding victory in the North in order to consolidate its power.

The President’s opponents or, perhaps more appropriately, the President’s enemies, were hoping he would dismiss the former Infrastructure minister, Ronald Chitotela and thereby alienate the people of Pambashe and Luapula generally with the claim that Lungu was ungrateful for their support. It had been hoped that this would have compounded the situation following the separation with Chishimba Kambwili and later, the departure from the Cabinet of Former Foreign Affairs minister, Harry Kalaba.

Having failed to bring about the above, the President’s enemies are now targeting the energetic Minister of Health, Dr. Chitalu Chilufya, for separation. It is being alleged that the youthful minister has taken advantage of the spotlight shining on him under the unfortunate COVID-19 pandemic, to focus on himself as a more effective leader than the President. This, of course, is completely false.

Dr. Chilufya has been in the spotlight from the day President Lungu appointed him to the Health portfolio, a role for which he is well-qualified, being a medical doctor himself. He brought his own experience of the Zambian Medical system and has used that experience to push for the implementation of the Patriotic Front’s programme to bring health services to every Zambian.

The much criticised Health Insurance scheme is in fact the brainchild of the PF’s founding President, the late Michael Chilufya Sata who introduced a pilot scheme when he, Mr. Sata, served as Minister of Health in 1995 under President the late Frederic Chiluba. Now, Dr. Chilufya’s enemies are trying to sell the health insurance scheme as some kind of evil tax and blaming it on Dr. Chilufya as a personal enrichment scheme, and that somehow, the trail leads back to President Lungu.

For the record, the National Health Insurance scheme is a life saver for our publicly funded health service and future generations will thank President Lungu for implementing it now.

What about the so-called limelight Dr. Chitalu is said to be getting from the COVID-19 fight? First, it must be understood from a policy viewpoint that leadership in the fight against this pandemic world over has been led by appropriate heads of State or Government as we see from China, Italy, South Africa, UK and USA except where a Head of State designates health officials to do so.

From a legal point of view, Zambia deals with health pandemics using three different set of laws: the Public Health Act, Chapter 295 of the Laws of Zambia, the Disaster Management Act No. 13 of 2010, and the Emergency Powers Act, Chapter 108 of the Laws of Zambia, in that order. Under the Public Health Act, the Ministry of Health takes the lead but where the President pronounces a situation as a national disaster, the Vice President and Council of Ministers takes the lead. And the pandemic can also become an emergency requiring the President to invoke emergency powers.

The author is not aware if the COVID-19 pandemic was pronounced as a national disaster. So what has been wrong with the Minister of Health leading his Health establishment in giving daily updates about COVID-19 in the absence of escalation of the situation to a national disaster or a national emergency or the Republican President asking the Minister to step aside from taking a lead?

In the grand scheme of things, the plan to destabilise President Lungu’s government by way of baseless rumours and allegations, it is clear that those behind these calls for Dr. Chilufya’s dismissal, know that each plucking of wings of the Eagle will eventually incapacitate the Eagle. This is the end game.

Is Government and its leaders that corrupt?

When one reads the daily private tabloids, one gets the impression the entire Government system has broken down. The reason? Ministers and public servants are building mansions, own posh cars, farms, night clubs, etc. This appears to send the message that ministers or civil servants cannot own a farm or build a villa in this country, from scratch. If you don’t want to be accused of stealing, stay as poor as everyone else.

But that is wrong. There are many, many people who have become millionaires in this world, who started very small. In this country, there are people who saved from their salaries and private earnings from selling chickens, vegetables, salaula, block making etc, to buy a house or buy a mini-bus. The house was put on rent and mini bus began to operate. The income from these properties or activities, multiplied the number of properties and buses until they could afford to purchase or own their current villas or mansions.

Surely, even as we call for lifestyle audit of the people in the public service, we have no basis for the assumption that our government ministers and civil servants cannot own properties. There are many private individuals, some being very prominent leaders in the official opposition, who serve as an example of how it is possible for a person who manages his or her resources prudently, to rise from a poor village boy to a millionaire.

Again, I want to reiterate what President Lungu said in his address to Parliament, that even as we come to a common cause that the scourge of corruption is not just criminal but morally reprehensible, “we must also agree on a genuine legal and awareness response to the problem, not the baseless name-calling which does nothing to the crusade but simply polarises our society between the accused and the accusers.”

The ACC has been investigating hundreds of civil servants and other public workers. In these cases, it is very rare that civil servants and public workers are made to step aside except when there is compelling evidence giving rise to fear that the investigation may be compromised if the subject of the investigation is allowed to remain in office, in which case the subject may interfere with data or evidence.

We have also had cases like the one where the Director at the Zambia Law Development Commission was investigated and prosecuted in the courts of law, the Commission itself did not ask for the director to step aside or go on forced leave during the investigation or prosecution. What then, is different with Dr. Chlufya or indeed any other minister, especially when there is nothing concrete arising from the ACC’s work so far?

We should allow the ACC and its sister investigation units do their work and when they are ready, they should ask the appointing authority to take appropriate action.


Zambia, like any other country, has a duty to protect the meagre resources it has through a relentless war against corruption. The genuine fight against corruption must be supported by all well-meaning Zambians, but this fight, as stated by President Lungu, must never be used as a scapegoat to destroy the lives of people through mudslinging.

The current calls for Dr. Chitalu Chilufya to resign or for his dismissal, in my view, amount to nothing more than a desperate attempt to sow division and discord within the higher ranks of the Patriotic Front with the aim of weakening the Party and President Lungu who has already lost a number of strong men and women to these allegations.

In our society where one is presumed innocent until proven guilty, it appears that Dr. Chitalu Chilufya and many others, are instead judged by the court of public opinion as guilty and therefore may never enjoy the presumption of innocence as guaranteed under our Republican Constitution.

Dr. Chitalu Chilufya should be encouraged to stay strong and stay on the job as he leads the fight against the fire threat posed by COVID-19; he and his team, with their colleagues at the Zambia National Health Institute, have done an outstanding job so far and Zambia remains an outstanding example of resilience in the face of a dire situation and grave challenges. The author urges President Lungu to ignore these manufactured challenges to his authority and his very position as President of this Republic.

The President of Zambia is elected by Zambians at large, not by some cabal at some dark corner meeting. President Lungu should not unduly concern himself with these made up stories of imaginary challengers; Dr. Chilufya just happens to be one of those individuals to whom hard work comes naturally, not to attract attention in the political arena.

The Zambian people demonstrated, twice in the space of 18 months, that they recognised Edgar Lungu as the man to lead this country after Michael Sata; it is my humble view that the fervour with which the Constitutional Court’s verdict was received, confirming that President Lungu was eligible to run for the presidency in 2021, demonstrated clearly that the people of Zambia have not changed their mind about President Lungu being the man for 2021. He should therefore focus on leading this country, and pay no attention to the baseless stories of imaginary challengers within his party PF. There are none.

The author, a governance activist and holder of Bachelor of Laws, is inclined to discourse on governance and legal matters

Mbesuma Academy Opens In Luanshya

South Africa based Zambian striker Collins Mbesuma has been saluted for establishing a soccer academy in his home town Luanshya on the Copperbelt.

The Collins Mbesuma Foundation and Youth Academy were simultaneously launched on Wednesday afternoon by Sports Minister Emmanuel Mulenga at Luanshya Sports Complex.

Mulenga launched the foundation in the presence of Luanshya Mayor Nathan Chanda, Roan MP Joseph Chishala, FAZ Vice President Rix Mweemba, Chipolopolo coach Micho, Zesco United coach George Lwandamina and former internationals John Lungu plus Joseph Musonda among others.

“I have not forgotten where I am coming from. My wish is to change the life of someone in Luanshya,” Mbesuma said in a written speech led on his behalf by project consultant Charity Munthali.

Minister Mulenga said: “This launch is a reminder that we have a duty and moral responsibility to contribute to the well being of our communities if progress is to be won.”

In his remarks, Micho called for the promotion of football at the lower level.

“What Mbesuma has done is like a dream come true for every player. This country really needs such a project that will help players to find a way to succeed in life,” the Serb said.

Mbesuma, the 2012 Africa Cup winner, launched his career at Roan United in Luanshya in the early 2000s before trekking to South Africa, England, Portugal and Turkey.

Honorable Lusambo, why should Gospel Artist Kings Malembe Malembe apologize to President Lungu?

By Alexander Vomo

I’m writing this article in response to the nonsense going on in the government. This is a country of democracy and we are all as Zambians should be free to speak without being intimidated or being labelled to be a Cadre of the opposition. My first issue that I would like to mention is the article where the Minister of Lusaka Province, Honorable Mr. Bowman Lusambo is asking the Gospel Artist Kings Malembe Malembe to apologize for insulting the President on Social Media.

Honorable did you see the video and say yes, he has insulted the president, or someone told you that the president was insulted, unless there is another video that you are talking about. Malembe Malembe spoke as a concerned Zambian who has the rights to democracy and the freedom of speech. Honorable please grow up and stop intimidating us, we are free, and Zambia is for all of us not only for you people in PF. These days we can not even cough without being followed by your Cadres or any one of you. Two weeks ago, it was the Cadres of PF blocking and disrupting HH’s Appearance on Radio Stations in Muchinga Province.

My next issue is on the issue with the Lusaka Mayor His Worship Mayor Miles Sampa. I’m talking about the issue of him doing a great job concerning the mistreating of Zambians who are employed by Chinese being locked in the factory not letting them go home to be with the family, saying they will bring COVID-19 to the factory if they go home to the family after getting off work. This is inhumane it’s unacceptable, are we going back to slavery? For what His Worship Mayor Miles Sampa did is what was expected for any Leader in any society to do for the Citizen, but the government of PF made him apologize to the Chinese who were mistreating their employees, are you guys serous? I don’t blame the Mayor he had to do what he was instructed otherwise he would have lost his job.

The issue of the Gold Mine concerns every Citizen and we cannot keep quiet. Kings Malembe Malembe in video to the president he is saying God is giving us a second chance for us to liberate ourselves through the newly found Gold Mining all over Northwestern Province, but you are choosing to work with some Sudanese Investors, how did an advice to the president of not letting these investor take over become an insult?

Honorable Lusambo we know you as one of the biggest Bootlicker but you are doing too much on your bootlicking, last time you were busy whipping people on the streets if found not wearing masks, where do you get all those rights to do that, I can only remind you that your days as a Minister of Lusaka Province are numbered and its not long before you join us as ordinary citizen, the only difference between you and me is that, I will still be free after 2021 but for you and your fellow ministers, you will be in jail or going to court back and forth to explain where you got your wealthy. Just like it happened to the Egyptian government of President Hosni Mubarak, he went to jail, and you too can go to Jail, your time will come.

To conclude, I would like to applaud His Worship Mayor Miles Sampa for doing a good job, although he was forced to apologize, we were able to know what was happening in that factory and that exposed the incompetence of the Leadership of the PF government. And for the Gospel Artist Kings Malembe Malembe, put your foot down brother don’t be intimidated, it’s freedom of speech you said what is right why should you be forced to do that? Mr. Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba popularly known as GBM, insulted the president so many times and today he is back in the same government as Patriotic Front National Mobilization Deputy Chairperson, and they are eating together, what a shame.

CEC- A Victim of Government Gone Rogue


By Anthony Bwalya

The statement issued by CEC yesterday (2 June 2020) makes sad reading. For reference, two key paragraphs are included below.

“From the above events, it is abundantly clear that the GRZ has for all intents and purposes taken steps that amount to the expropriation of the CEC infrastructure and CEC is now on the brink of defaulting on all its loans borrowed from international lenders. GRZ’s actions have the full effect of taking away CEC’s commercial and property rights, and completely inhibiting the Company from taking viable business decisions, including enforcing its legal and commercial rights in the best interest of the business.

CEC takes this opportunity to advise all its investors of these actions from the GRZ that are highly detrimental to the well-being of the business and its ability to continue as a going concern.”

Before we begin to analyse this saga and what it means for the Zambian public, let’s lay out some basic facts to clear out any misconceptions:

  1. CEC is a publicly owned company listed on the Lusaka Stock Exchange since 2008. It’s shareholders include in excess of 4,000 Zambians.
  2. Zambians own 65% of the company with the government owning an effective 24% via ZCCM-IH. 77% of profits before tax remain in Zambia.
  3. GRZ through ZCCM (24%) and Corporate tax (35%) effectively own 60% of CEC’s profits.
  4. CEC’s Executive Management Team is 100% Zambian
  5. They own approximately $500m in power generation, transmission, and distribution assets.
  6. CEC was formed out of ZCCM’s Power Division which was privatized in 1997 and acquired by Cinergy Global Power (US) and National Grid (UK). In 2006 it underwent a Zambian Leveraged Management Buyout (MBO), which culminated in its eventual listing in 2008.
  7. ZCCM and GRZ have one representative each on the Board of Directors

Has CEC been ripping off the Zambian public as claimed by the PF?

  1. Since listing in 2008 and upto 2019, CEC has recorded cumulative profits before tax of $352m.
  2. Of $352m in profits, CEC has recorded tax on profits of $186m.
  3. Of the remaining profits after tax, CEC has paid out $172m in dividends to its shareholders, with ZCCM-IH receiving $37m
  4. Therefore the Government of Zambia has effectively received 63% of all CEC’s profits since 2008 via ZRA and ZCCM.

If the Government has benefitted $223m worth of CEC’s profits, is it really fair to say they have been ripping off the Zambian public?

Over the same period Zesco has nowhere near paid the same amount in income taxes and dividends to the Government.

In fact since 2008, apart from Kansanshi Mine, no other mine in the country has paid as much in Income Tax as CEC.

If CEC was absorbed into Zesco, it would have been run unprofessionally and at a loss, resulting in no benefit for the people of Zambia. CEC, and the Bulk Supply Agreement has actually significantly benefited the people of Zambia.

 Is there any truth in the claim that CEC has been funding the opposition?

  1. Under the Companies Act, any political donations need to be disclosed in the company financial statements. CEC has been audited by globally renown audit firms and no such payment has ever been identified or disclosed.
  2. CEC’s largest shareholders are publicly disclosed as ZCCM-IH, Affirma Capital, Zambia Energy Corporation (Largest shareholders are disclosed publicly), Standard Chartered Securities Zambia (Nominees), and other Zambian Pension Funds. These shareholders account for 86% of the shareholding in CEC. The majority of the remaining shareholding is made up of over 4,000 Zambian Individuals and companies.
  3. Based on the above structure, it is clear that if any opposition leader held any shareholding in CEC, it would be immaterial to the company for them to exert any influence over the company. Further, any dividends received would be inconsequential in the context of running a political party in Zambia.

How did we arrive here? Let’s follow the key events that led us to today:

  1. Propaganda and Non-renewal of the Bulk Supply Agreement
    – There has been an ongoing campaign by the PF to paint CEC as a leech that has been ripping off the Zambian public for the past 20 years. Apparently, they are responsible for the mismanagement and consequent losses at Zesco, and have been using their profits to fund the opposition who apparently hold a significant stake in the company. Therefore it was essential for the PF that the Bulk Supply Agreement was not renewed under any circumstance, and if it was, it would be on terms that damaged the viability of CEC. Many of the public have brought into this propaganda without challenging any of the truths.
  2. Illegal takeover and mismanagement of KCM
    – In June 2019, the government hastily through ZCCM-IH, without following agreed provisions of their legal obligations, began a liquidation process against KCM and took over operations. Since then, mismanagement of the mine has meant KCM’s financial woes have deepened, with the company no longer able to meet its obligations as they fall due. Prime amongst those owed was CEC, a key supplier to the mine. Since the liquidator took over, no payments had been made to CEC. It appears as if this was intentional from the onset, in order to squeeze CEC.
  3. Manipulation of legislation
    – Complaints from CEC started to mount in September 2019 around the non-payment of bills from KCM, following legal action from Zesco over their unpaid portion of the debt. Under normal circumstances, CEC would’ve restricted power supply to KCM, as they have historically done over much smaller outstanding amounts. However, since this was now a Government operated entity, CEC demonstrated lenience in good faith. This was the fatal error for CEC, trusting the PF government.

Sensing that supplying KCM would eventually become unsustainable for CEC, and that they had no intentions of renewing the Bulk Supply Agreement, the government swung into action in November 2019, introducing the Electricity Bill No. 16 of 2019. The bill was rushed through parliament, with assent being received only a month later in December 2019, culminating in The Electricity Act, 2019, repealing and replacing the The Electricity Act, 1995.

One of the key clauses amended was Section 15 relating to the common carrier clause. Under the old Act, the minister only had the powers to declare transmission lines as common carrier. This would have been of no use to the PF regime as CEC controlled both transmission lines (Long Distance Electricity transport) and distribution lines (Short distance electricity transport to the end user) to its customers. It therefore conveniently added distribution lines to its range of powers under the Act. Therefore the PF was now able to direct the use of CEC’s transmission and distribution lines, on terms that they set themselves.

This is clearly an abuse of the spirit of the law, which was only originally included to be used in the event a private company held the nation’s energy supply hostage.

What does this mean for the people of Zambia?

  1. Pensions and Life Savings potentially lost for 4500 Zambians who had invested in CEC, or for the hundreds of thousands for whom their pension fund had invested in CEC.
  2. For the past one year, KCM has not paid for any electricity consumed, worth $142m. KCM is the largest consumer of electricity in Zambia and the Zambian public have been paying for their electricity. We have effectively been subsidising the PF governments mismanagement of KCM by giving them free electricity.
  3. By KCM not paying CEC $142m, CEC consequently has not paid Zesco their portion. Therefore Zesco has also lost out on over $110m in revenue, almost 15% of their annual revenue.
  4. Therefore, for every K100 you spend on electricity, K15 has been going towards subsidising operations at KCM. That is why despite excess electricity being available in the region due to Covid-19, Zesco still cannot afford to import.
  5. Continued load shedding due to failure to import electricity despite more than doubling tariffs.
  6. Now with Zesco taking over the supply agreement with KCM, Zesco and the public will continue to subsidise KCM’s operations and mismanagement, increasing the cost of electricity.
  7. Lack of investment and maintenance in key energy infrastructure due to lack of resources at Zesco will mean crumbling infrastructure and more power faults and loadshedding.
  8. Lost tax revenues from CEC due to losses incurred from poor government decisions, similar to the reality for hundreds of Zambian businesses who have been bankrupted due to the incompetence of the PF regime, and their inability to pay their arrears and obligations in a timely manner.

What does this mean for Zambia as an investment destination?

  1. Reputational damage to Zambia.
  2. It will be considered a nation that does not respect laws, or changes laws to suit political agendas.
  3. Lower foreign direct investment as investors will not feel safe investing in a country that can unilaterally expropriate and take control of assets, for the benefit of not even the public, but a private entity.
  4. Ability to renegotiate debt will be impaired as creditors will have no confidence or trust in this government.
  5. The blatant interference of the government in the operations of the board of Zesco is a clear violation of the promises made to the IMF and World Bank for the independent operation of Zesco to avoid privatisation and allow Zambia to obtain HIPC Debt Relief in 2005.

 What does this tell us about the PF Government?

  1. One rule for KCM and one rule for the public. If you don’t pay for your electricity, Zesco cuts the power. No negotiation. KCM equally is a private entity but hasn’t paid for electricity for a whole year, yet they are treated as a special citizen. Should citizens not be offered the same benefit?
  2. They will destroy a Zambian owned company due to their myopic understanding of the business industry and economics.
  3. They will destroy a Zambian owned company for their political agenda and to benefit and enrich themselves and their business associates.
  4. They will spur propaganda and lies to deceive the Zambian public on their true intentions for making certain decisions.

 What about the Board of Directors of ZCCM-IH, Zesco and IDC?

  1. The boards of these institutions have proven themselves to be puppets of the PF government, completely void of any independence and objectivity, rubber stamping decisions that will drive their companies into the ground. They have failed to protect the interests of their ultimate shareholders, the People of Zambia.
  2. How can the board of Zesco agree to supply a customer they know has not paid for electricity for a whole year, and accounts for almost 15% of their revenue, and has no ability or plan to pay?
  3. How does the board of Zesco allow the PF Cabinet and PF Central Committee interfere with their mandate to negotiate the Bulk Supply Agreement? Again, doesn’t this class them as useful idiots?
  4. How can the board of ZCCM-IH completely ignore the terms of a shareholder agreement in respect of KCM, to begin liquidation proceedings, and then allow the mine to be run into the ground, destroying all shareholder value?
  5. What oversight has the Board of IDC been providing to these two subsidiaries to ensure that the people of Zambia’s interests are protected?

The people of Zambia must wake up to the continued lies and deceit of this PF government which has now gone rogue. Corruption is entrenched in every action they take, and it would not be a surprise if that is their ultimate intention after bankrupting CEC. Their lack of general business and economic understanding has resulted in a catalog of poor decisions and errors, for which the public is now having to pay for.

The Board and Management of CEC must continue to protect the interest of the Zambian public as they have done so far.

The people of Zambia must stand up and protect what belongs to them. We must demand that the PF government takes a step back and allows the Boards of the respective companies to meet at a roundtable to thrash out an agreement, without any political interference. If they fail to reach consensus, let the due legal processes play out.

We must demand #AccountabilityNow and #ChangeNow.

Global Peace Will Only Be Achieved With the Full and Effective Participation of Women

Global peace will only be achieved with the full and effective participation of women because the female gender has the ability to improve the effectiveness of peacekeeping operations, Zambia has told the United Nations.

Zambia has, therefore, reaffirmed her commitment to the UN peace and security efforts around the globe.

Zambia’s Permanent Representative to the UN Dr. Ngosa Simbyakula has celebrated the efforts of the women peacekeepers undertaking their mandate, especially those in the frontline during the time of the COVID-19 global pandemic.

Ambassador Simbyakula assured the UN that Zambia’s commitment to peace and security will remain resolute and continue to play a critical role in UN Peacekeeping Operations.

He said the UN had ranked Zambia among the top 20 contributors of uniformed personnel to the UN peacekeeping operations because the Zambian Government valued the contribution of women in peacekeeping missions.

Ambassador Simbyakula said this during a virtual side event to mark the International Day of Peacekeeping under the theme: “Women in Peacekeeping; a Key to Peace.”

Dr. Simbyakula said Zambia is concerned with the fact that female peacekeepers continue to face various challenges and barriers hampering their full and meaningful participation in peacekeeping operations.

And UN Secretary-General António Guterres is concerned that women have continued to represent only 6 percent of uniformed military, police, and justice and corrections personnel in field missions.

This is according to a statement issued to the media by First Secretary for Press at the Permanent Mission of Zambia to the United Nations Wallen Simwaka.

The Announced Maize Price of K 110 Is Not Cost-Reflective and Can Hurt Farmers


The Centre for Trade Policy and Development has observed with great concern that the recently announced purchasing price of Grain by the Food Reserve Agency is not cost-reflective and can hurt farmers.

The CTPD also notes that the current prices only highlight historic controversies associated with state intervention in agriculture.

Dr. Simon Manda, the CTPD Senior Researcher has further noted that these prices will not help to stimulate rural growth as it will erode opportunities meant to enhance rural income disbursements necessary for driving an agricultural transition, poverty reduction, commercialization and value addition.

He said these prices will discourage small-scale farmers and other rural producers to engage in agriculture.

“CTPD advised that if care is not exercised, the country risks failing to produce a stream of empowered rural producers capable of commercializing and even transitioning into diversified economic and livelihood avenues”, he said.

Dr. Manda said in addition, such low purchasing prices have the potential of depressing private sector actors who would even push their buying prices further down, undercutting what has been announced by FRA especially that the institution is associated with persisted delays in paying farmers.

He said with the growing public external debt now estimated at 11.2 billion US dollars of external debt, his Organisation is even more worried that payment towards procurement of strategic reserves may even take longer than the 5 to 6 months delays observed in the recent past.

Dr. Manda said Regional experiences such as from Tanzania have shown that it is possible to limit the extent of state intervention and stimulate private sector actors to provide competitive prices even better than is provided by our government.

He said the difference has been that the Zambian Government has been bold enough to carefully think through the benefits of private sector engagement in agriculture.

“Such efforts have seen cost-reflective prices prevail thereby expanding opportunities for local producers. In light of the COVID- 19 pandemic and the need to ensure availability of funds for the most vulnerable groups, CTPD urges Government to consider allocating part of the ten billion stimulus package recently announced by the Bank of Zambia to support procurement of grain by FRA as this will be critical in ensuring that our local farmers get their payments on the spot should they opt to sale their grain to the Agency”, he said.

Dr. Manda said this will go a long way in protecting small scale producers from the harsh economic hardships the country is currently going through.

Indeni Oil Refinery Has Had No Crude Oil For Over 60 Days


The Indeni Oil Refinery has had no crude oil for over 60 days, the longest in the last decade, the Power Generation and Allied Workers Union of Zambia and the National Union of Transport and Allied Workers have revealed.

In a joint statement issued by the Power Generation and Allied Workers Union of Zambia General Secretary Mutukelwa Lubita, there is no pumping at Indeni despite the many assurances by the Ministry of Energy.

Mr. Lubita said the situation raises many concerns and must not be allowed to continue.

He said that there is need for every patriotic Zambian to reflect on the efforts and selfless approach put in by Dr. Kenneth Kaunda and his team.

“They built the pipeline from Dar-e-salaam through to Ndola where Indeni Refinery is. The plant is an expensive installation whose safety gets compromised when left to lie idle. It must not be allowed to be exposed to the elements while in non – working state”, he said.

Mr Lubita said in this era of COVID-19 it should be the position of the Ministry of Energy to compliment the fight against the pandemic by reduced exposure unlike the increased importation of finished products.

“In our view, the importation is exposing tanker drivers to Covid-19 and consequently the entire country. The pandemic has brought with it untold suffering in form of job losses”, he added.

Mr Lubita said this situation at Indeni therefore does threaten the workers adding that the anxiety levels are high especially that there has never been a lengthy shut down like it for nearly two decades.

“We do sympathize with the workers for the mental torture they are being subjected to. This is not just torture to the workers but also a threat to the nation if transportation of fuel is left in private hands. It puts money in the oil marketing company’s and none in the government”, he added.

He expressed hope that the delay is not in any way a test of the refinery’s’ relevance because it is.

Mr Lubita said with the shutdown of Indeni, Ndola lime operations are affected, Ndola energy which contributes about 100 Megawatts of power to the Zesco grid is equally shut which affects the national power supply. There are many more too numerous to mention.

He has further implored the authorities to consider migrating the responsibility of crude oil procurement to Indeni so as to avoid future occurrences of this nature.

“As we understand it, the money for crude oil should not be a challenge because it revolves. Crude oil is procured, it’s refined and sold, for a profit at that”, he said.

Mr Lubita said as workers representatives therefore, they are left wondering whether or not to believe the speculations that some highly placed technocrats at the ministry of energy are cashing in on the situation by involving themselves directly or indirectly in the importation of finished petroleum products.

Lusambo Gives Gospel Artist Kings Malembe Malembe 24 hours to apologize for insulting the Presidency on Social media

Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo has given Gospel Artist Kings Malembe Malembe 24 hours to apologize for insulting the Presidency on Social media.

Mr Lusambo has also urged musician B Flow and Cameraman Chella Tukuta to desist from insulting the Presidency over issues they do not understand such as Gold mining.

Speaking at a media briefing today, Mr Lusambo says it is unfortunate that youths have taken to social media to insult the Presidency with impunity.

He said the people that are insulting the presidency on social media are too naked to misbehave.

“What do you know about Governance, where have you governed? You can’t just wake up and start advising the President and talking ill about things you don’t understand”, said Mr Lusambo.

He has described the insulting of the presidency as indiscipline of the highest order and has warned that this will not be condoned in Lusaka Province.

Mr Lusambo said those talking ill about the Presidency are bringing the name of the President and the country into disrepute.

In a Video seen on Social media, Kings Malembe Malembe warned President Edgar Lungu not to allow the Chinese to get involved in Gold mining saying this will cost him the 2021 election.

Malembe warned that people on the Copperbelt are not ready to work with the Chinese and President Lungu must give them the mines of he is ready to lose in 2021.

Zambian government’s actions amount to nationalization-CEC


The Copperbelt Energy Corporation has charged that the action by the Zambian government to declare its transmission and distribution lines as Common Carrier amount to the expropriation of the CEC infrastructure.

Expropriation is the action by the state or an authority of taking property from its owner for public use or benefit.

In a statement, CEC Senior Manager for Corporate Communications Chama Nsabika stated that CEC is now on the brink of defaulting on all its loans borrowed from international lenders.

“It is abundantly clear that the GRZ has for all intents and purposes taken steps that amount to expropriation of the CEC infrastructure and CEC is now on the brink of defaulting on all its loans borrowed from international lenders. GRZ’s actions have the full effect of taking away CEC’s commercial and property rights, and completely inhibiting the Company from taking viable business decisions, including enforcing its legal and commercial rights in the best interest of the business,” Mrs Nsabika said.
“CEC takes this opportunity to advise all its investors of these actions from the GRZ that are highly detrimental to the well-being of the business and its ability to continue as a going concern. Investors are notified that CEC will, in the time being, engage in dialogue with the GRZ in the hope of obtaining an amicable and equitable outcome targeted at restoring the Company’s commercial and property rights. CEC will keep all its investors fully updated.”

She said the Statutory Instrument No. 57 of 2020 (SI 57) issued by the Minister of Energy, Honourable Mathew Nkhuwa, declaring all of CEC’s distribution and transmission lines as Common Carrier came just hours before the expiry of CEC’s power supply agreement (PSA) with Konkola Copper Mines Plc (KCM), which took effect at midnight on 31 May 2020 and in the wider context of the failed negotiations for the renewal of the Bulk Supply Agreement (BSA) between CEC and ZESCO, which lapsed on 31 March 2020. Both KCM and ZESCO are, as of now, effectively controlled by the Government of the Republic of Zambia (GRZ).

CEC notes the following significant events leading to the issuance by the GRZ of SI 57:

  1. 8 May 2020 – CEC institutes measures to recover debt from KCM, which has now grown to about USD144 million
  2. 13 May 2020 – KCM admits its indebtedness to CEC
  3. 26 May 2020 – ZESCO requests use of the CEC transmission network to supply power to its new unknown client on the Copperbelt and requests for a meeting in the first week of June 2020
  4. 28 May 2020 – CEC acknowledges the ZESCO request, stating that it stands ready to start negotiations as long as the customer involved has no valid agreement with CEC and does not owe CEC money
  5. 28 May 2020 – the Minister of Energy writes to CEC asking the Company to give path to ZESCO to supply power to KCM
  6. 29 May 2020 – GRZ through the Minister of Energy promulgates SI 57 declaring CEC infrastructure COMMON CARRIER
  7. 31 May 2020 – ERB writes CEC setting a wheeling tariff equivalent to about 30% of CEC’s current network tariff (current tariff charged for using the CEC network)

“From the above events, it is abundantly clear that the GRZ has for all intents and purposes taken steps that amount to expropriation of the CEC infrastructure and CEC is now on the brink of defaulting on all its loans borrowed from international lenders,” Mrs Nsabika said.

KBF Expelled from PF


The Patriotic Front Central Committee has expelled Lusaka Lawyer Kelvin Fube Bwalya commonly known as KBF from the party.

According to a letter of expulsion delivered to Mr Fube by PF Deputy Secretary General Mumbi Phiri and seen by the media, the Central Committee at its meeting held on 2nd June 2020 expelled him from the party.

This is according to a letter signed by Party Secretary General Davies Mwila copied to President Edgar Lungu, Vice President Inonge Wina, National Chairperson, Chairperson Disciplinary Committee and Provincial Chairman Lusaka.

Restoring the right of audience of Lawyer John Sangwa State Counsel before all Courts in Zambia applauded

GEARS Initiative Zambia has applauded the judiciary for restoring the right of audience of Lawyer John Sangwa State Counsel before all Courts in Zambia.

McDonald Chipenzi, the Organisation Executive Director says this development has demonstrated lenience and tolerance by the Zambia Judiciary.

He has commended both the Judiciary and the Constitutional Court for being tolerant.

The Judiciary has restored the right of audience of Lawyer John Sangwa State Counsel before all Courts in Zambia.

However, the Judiciary says with regard to the complaint by the Judiciary against Mr. Sangwa, it still stands and will remain before the Law Association of Zambia to be determined in accordance with the rules of the LAZ Legal Practitioners’ Committee.

On the 13th March, 2020, the Judiciary suspended the right of audience of Mr. John Sangwa before the Zambian Courts following some statements which were published in the News Diggers Newspaper and attributed to Mr. Sangwa.

The statements in issue were considered contemptuous and hence the suspension of his right of audience before the Courts and the lodgment of a complaint against him to the Law Association of Zambia by the Judiciary.

The Constitutional Court also began the process of prosecuting Mr. Sangwa for contempt of Court. At the initiative of some State Counsel, Mr. Sangwa engaged the Constitutional Court over the statements attributed to him.

The said process of engagement culminated in a statement issued by Mr Sangwa and published in the News Diggers Newspaper Edition of 22nd May, 2020.

In a letter signed by Chief Registrar and Director of Court Operations Charles Kafunda, in view of the Statement issued by Mr. Sangwa, the Constitutional Court will not proceed with the intended contempt charges against him.

The letter has been copied to the Chief Justice, Deputy Chief Justice, President of the Constitutional Court, all judges of the Constitutional Court and Mr Sangwa.

Zambia Medical Association condemns public insinuations regarding alleged faking of COVID 19 results


The Zambia Medical Association has condemned public insinuations and proclamations regarding alleged faking of COVID 19 results.

Association President Dr. Samson Chisele says the Association will stand by members of the medical profession, regardless of their current standing in society, including the current Minister of Health Dr. Chitalu Chilufya.

Dr Chisele says the Association finds unsubstantiated public accusations that Dr. Chilufya, a member of the Zambia Medical Association, with the aid of other medical professionals, faked his COVID 19 results, as a slap in the face of the medical profession.

“We, as a medical profession pride ourselves of being the custodian of medical procedures and processes, and pitch medical ethics very high in our practice. All doctors work under strict medical ethics, breaching of which can result in dire consequences”, he said.

Dr Chisele said the COVID 19 medical response is being led by very experienced, internationally acclaimed public health experts and clinical specialists who are members of the Zambia Medical Association.

He said it is extremely unfair to put the reputations of these noble medical practitioners into disrepute.

“We ask all well meaning members of the general public to treat insinuations of faked COVID 19 results with the contempt they deserve”, said Dr Chisele.