Wednesday, October 2, 2024
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Kabushi Constituency is a personal to holder from the voters and no one can take it away from me .

Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo says Kabushi Constituency is a personal to holder from the voters and no one can take it away from him.

Mr Lusambo says those aspiring to contest the seat are wasting their time because he will beat them in 2021.

He said the many projects he has delivered to the people of Kabushi since 2016 will be his campaign tool and those that intend to challenge him are wasting their time.

“I am not called a Bulldozer for nothing, you can’t be renting a one room in Kabwata and dream of challenging me in Kabushi”, said Mr Lusambo.

He has laughed off assertions that he has lost popularity in Kabushi because he has failed to deliver development to the people.

PFs Edward Ndalama and UPNDs Anthony Bwalya are among the people that have shown interest to challenge Mr Lusambo in Kabushi next year.

And Mr Lusambo says people that intend to challenge President Edgar Lungu at the July 2020 convention are wasting their time and must forget about it.

He said the PF structures across the country have already settled on President Lungu for a 2021 candidate and this will not change.

Mr Lusambo said President Lungu will win in 2021 to complete fulfil his vision of developing Zambia.

He has also said that Zambians are happy with the leadership of President Edgar Lungu and they will easily vote for him next year because of the development he has delivered so far.

Schools in Zambia have reopened for examination classes

Schools in Zambia have reopened for examination classes today after over a month of closure caused by the Coronavirus pandemic.

Some pupils in grades 7,9 and 12 have reported for class today with measures in some schools checked in Lusaka seemingly in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Pupils entering school premises are all seen wearing face masks while hand washing basins have been placed at school entrances to ensure that pupils wash their hands and sanitize as their temperatures are being checked.
However, some parents especially for grade 7 pupils are reluctant to allow their children back into schools saying current disinfection efforts are not enough to convince them it’s safe.

Those talked to have said that nothing was done in some schools before now to prepare for the reopening of the schools and wondered how the disinfection will now be done with pupils in class.

Others have said that the reopening of schools was I’ll timed as Zambian leaders are struggling to contain the virus, which has infected over 1000 people.

They have expressed fear that schools risk becoming the epicenter of the pandemic.

And the National Action for Quality Education in Zambia says fter monitoring a total of 631 schools across the country, between 22nd and 28th May with their counterparts Medical for Quality Healthcare in Zambia it has been revealed that three quarters of rural Primary schools are not ready for reopening today.

The two organisations have advised government to give rural primary schools one or two weeks in order for these institutions to receive all protective equipment, be safe and ready for both Teachers and Learners during this devastating period of Covid 19.

They said out of the 631 schools monitored,413 were Primary schools while 218 were Secondary schools.

“308 were rural Schools while 323 were Urban Schools”, they said in a joint statement adding that out of 308 rural Schools visited,290 of them ( 94.2% ) did not have sanitizers,no masks,no temperature recorders, fewer desks ,were not disinfected and had poor sources of water.

They said this makes them fertile environments for spreading and contraction of the Covid 19.

“We are of a considered position that allowing rural primary schools to reopen when they are clearly not ready would be going against the very good and plain guidelines put in place by Ministries of General Education and Health, aimed at fighting the Corona virus”, they added.

They explained that out of 323 Urban Schools visited,298( 92.3%) had put in place measures necessary for reopening except that they all lacked masks and thermometers but because of the advantaging locations and economic standing of most Urban Schools they should go ahead and reopen.

CEC KCM Saga: Government steps in to supply Power to KCM using CEC Infrastructure


Copperbelt Energy Corporation says it will stop supplying power to Konkola Copper Mines Plc (KCM) from today after talks on extending their supply agreement broke down over debt owed to CEC.

Energy Minister Mathew Nhkuwa said in a statement that KCM would now get its power directly from state-owned utility Zesco Ltd, which until now has sold electricity to CEC for onward supply to KCM.

“The power supply agreement between Konkola Copper Mines and Copperbelt Energy Corporation (CEC) is coming to an end at midnight tonight (Sunday). However, despite this development, let me assure the nation that there will be no power disruption to the mine. On 29th May 2020, I issued Statutory Instrument No. 57 of 2020 declaring all transmission and distribution lines operated by the CEC as a common carrier. This means that this infrastructure is now available to other players in the electricity market to use for commercial purposes at agreed terms and conditions by the parties. I exercised this power pursuant to section 15 of the electricity act no. 11 of 2019,” Mr Nkhuwa said.

“Let me emphasise that this infrastructure still belongs to CEC and will be accessed by other parties at a fee and on agreed terms and conditions,” he added.

“Lastly, let me remind all actors in this matter that mining is a strategic industry to the economy of Zambia and I expect all parties to act in the national interest. The government therefore urges all the parties currently in discussion to conclude the negotiations as quickly as possible. While the negotiations are going on, power supply to the mine must continue.”

But CEC said the power supply agreement with KCM which came to an end on March 31 and was only extended through mutual agreement until May 31.
CEC said KCM owes it $132 million in debt.

“Negotiations for its further extension have broken down, despite CEC’s best efforts in good faith towards securing a new contract,” the statement said.
“Without a renewed contract in place, CEC cannot continue supplying power to KCM as doing so would jeopardise the Company’s financial position and endanger its efforts to provide essential power supply to its other customers,” it said.

“CEC has informed KCM that its supply will be discontinued, after making clear throughout the negotiations that this would be the only option available should they fail to engage constructively in the negotiations and in resolving their substantial debt.”

In trying to agree the new contract, CEC sought to resolve KCM’s outstanding debt of $132 million as well as obtain a firm commitment from KCM regarding the timely payment of electricity charges going forward, it said.

CEC said it had informed KCM that its supply will be discontinued, adding that this was the only option available after the talks failed to resolve KCM’s outstanding debt and obtain a firm commitment from KCM regarding the timely payment of electricity charges going forward.

“Due care has been taken to make certain that the process of discontinuing supply ensures the safety of personnel and equipment and preserves the integrity of the mine,” CEC said.

A CEC Spokesperson said, “It is unfortunate that it has come to this. Over the past several months, we have made clear to KCM the consequences of their non-payment and their unwillingness to engage in negotiations in good faith. Sadly, they have chosen not to honour our previous agreement or pay the considerable sum that is owed. In order to protect our staff, our customers and all our shareholders, we have had no choice but to discontinue the supply of power. All efforts will be made to ensure that this is done in a way that protects the safety of both personnel and equipment.”

“KCM remains an important customer to CEC given that it is directly connected to and fed from the CEC power network at multiple points. This means that even if KCM signs a PSA with another provider, KCM will still require transmission and connection services from CEC. Like any other customer, KCM cannot exist on the CEC network without a form of connection services agreement with the Company. As a customer-centred business, CEC remains open to continuing to work with KCM and other parties that may be involved to negotiate and enter into the required transmission and connection agreements, should the need arise. CEC will continue to meet its core mandate of providing all such transmission and connection services at the best quality possible.”

While Zesco will now transport power to KCM, it will still travel through CEC power lines.

Mr. Nkhuwa said in an interview that CEC would be breaking the law if it refused to transport the power.

“I issued a statutory instrument on Friday declaring the CEC lines a common carrier. CEC is therefore obliged to transport the power from Zesco to KCM at a fee,” Mr. Nkhuwa said.

Lusaka City Council Names Road After Dan Pule

The Lusaka City Council (LCC) has named the road adjacent to Football House as Danny Pule Road.

Speaking during the unveiling ceremony, Lusaka Deputy Mayor Christopher Shakafuswa said the Council decided to honor Dr. PULE for his contributions to religious and political development of the city, and the country at large.

Mr. Shakafuswa said the Council has adopted a policy of naming roads after residents of Lusaka who have contributed to the development of the city.

He called on residents who feel that they have any contributions on who should be honored in the same manner to follow Council procedure by submitting the profiles to Lusaka City Council for consideration.

Speaking at the same event, Dr. Pule expressed gratitude to the Mayor of Lusaka for honoring him by naming a road after him.

President Lungu determined to complete all developmental projects  


President Edgar Lungu says he wants to see all developmental projects currently underway countrywide completed.
The Head of State said Government’s desire is to see people start deriving maximum benefit from developmental projects hence the need to expedite the completion of the projects.
President Lungu said this in Ikelenge district Friday when he addressed traditional leaders.
He expressed concern that some projects Government is undertaking in the district have stalled adding that this has led to the termination of some contracts.
“Some contracts in this district have been terminated and for Mwinilunga – Jimbe Road, the project is under review so that the contract can be given to others because the Public-Private Partnership with Frecha Mining, the contractor has failed to work,” President Lungu said.
“I don’t feel happy when I see projects stalling, it is not Government’s intention. Our intention is to take development to all parts of the country. There are some uncompleted development we as PF inherited from the previous governments and the ones we ourselves initiated which we want completed,” he stated. 
The Head of State has since encouraged the traditional leaders to continue giving government guidance on many development issues.
And Chieftainess Ikelenge said for the district to have meaningful development, there is need for a good road network.
“My district borders two neighbouring countries Angola and Congo DR and once the road is worked on it can bring Government the much needed revenue,” She said.
Chieftainess Ikelenge also bemoaned lack of clean and safe drinking water and electricity saying the area has abundant water bodies which Government can take advantage of for hydro power generation.
Chief Nyakaseya thanked President Lungu for many developmental projects being implemented in the area and appealed for speedy completion.
And Chief Mwinyilamba appealed to President Lungu to connect his chiefdom to electricity saying lack of it has hampered development in his area.
“Lack of electricity in my chiefdom has negatively affected the operation of schools and a rural health center in my chiefdom. Pupils are not even learning information communication technology due to this challenge,” He noted.
President Edgar Lungu is in North Western Province on a three-day working visit.

President Edgar Chagwa Lungu tours Aquaculture Field Day in Chief Kanyama's area in Mwinilunga District, North Western Province on Saturday, May 30, 2020.
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu tours Aquaculture Field Day in Chief Kanyama’s area in Mwinilunga District, North Western Province on Saturday, May 30, 2020.

President Edgar Chagwa Lungu tours Aquaculture Field Day in Chief Kanyama's area in Mwinilunga District, North Western Province on Saturday, May 30, 2020.
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu tours Aquaculture Field Day in Chief Kanyama’s area in Mwinilunga District, North Western Province on Saturday, May 30, 2020.


Government to resume fruit processing plant construction in Mwinilunga,President Lungu Promises Chiefs


President Edgar Lungu has promised the people of North Western Province that his Government will finish the construction of a fruit processing plant in Mwinilunga District.
President Lungu said construction works at the processing plant which slowed down due to the outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic will soon resume.
Speaking Saturday when he met Chiefs from Mwinilunga District, President Lungu noted that works will commence at the site to ensure that the plant is completed in good time.
The President said the plant once completed, will help add value to the locally produced fruits especially the pineapples that are grown in the area.
“We want that plant to finish and I will officially commission it, we are aware that the works had stopped due to the COVID-19 but people will get back on site again to finish it,” he said.

President Lungu Meeting His Royal Highness, Chief Chinyama
President Lungu Meeting His Royal Highness, Chief Chinyama

And President Lungu said Chiefs have an important role to play in the development of the country hence the need to work with Government in the provision of services to the people.
Mr. Lungu also appealed to traditional leaders to advise civic leaders such as Members of Parliament to support the amendment Bill number ten (Bill No. 10) because of the progressive clauses contained in it, among them, the clauses to improve the governance of  chiefdoms such as boundary conflicts and succession disputes.
And Chief Ntambo who represented other traditional leaders thanked President Lungu for the various developmental programmes taking place in the country.
Chief Ntambo said traditional leaders in Mwinilunga district have resolved to work with Government to ensure that the area is developed for the benefit of the people.
“We, the traditional leaders in the district are happy with what you are doing, you have brought development in all parts of the country. Us here we pledge to work and support you because we know that you have a heart for Mwinilunga,” he said.
Among the traditional leaders who attended the meeting include senior Chief Kanongesha, Senior Chief Sailunga, Chief Ntambo and Chief Chibwika.
President Edgar Lungu has been in North Western Province on a three-day working visit where he inspected some developmental projects being implemented by Government.

Zambia Applauds SADC Joint Efforts on Covid-19

The Minister of Home Affairs, Hon. Stephen Kampyongo, M.P, led the Zambian delegation in Lusaka which participated in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Council of Ministers videoconference meeting on Friday, 29th May 2020.

Hon. Kampyongo was representing Hon. Joseph Malanji, MP, Minister of Foreign Affairs who was out of town on official duties.

Hon. Kampyongo was accompanied by Minister of Transport and Communications Hon. Mutotwe Kafwaya M.P., Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry Hon. Christopher Yaluma, M.P., Ministry of Foreign Affairs Permanent Secretary International Relations and Cooperation Ambassador Chalwe Lombe, Ministry of Finance Permanent Secretary Budget and Economic Affairs Dr. Emmanuel Pamu, Ministry of Health Permanent Secretary Technical Services Dr. Kennedy Malama, Ministry of Commerce Trade and Industry Permanent Secretary Mr. Mushuma Mulenga, and other senior Government officials.

Council deliberated on the implementation of its previous decisions on the fight against COVID-19 in the region.

In this regard, Council directed the Secretariat to convene, this week, a meeting of the expanded multi-sectoral Committee on Health to finalize the revised “SADC Guidelines on Harmonisation and Facilitation of Cross Border Transport Operations across the Region during the COVID-19 Pandemic”.

During deliberations on this agenda item, Hon. Kampyongo informed Council that Zambia recognized the scale of the threat of Covid-19 and His Excellency Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu, President of the Republic of Zambia had put in measures to curb the spread of the disease.

The Minister hailed all member states for instituting similar measures adding that countries will only yield the desired results through a coordinated response.

Reacting to the report of the Secretariat on the socio-economic impact of COVID-19 on the SADC region and its implications, and on the Status of Finances, Hon. Kampyongo said the Covid-19 pandemic had affected the global economy with Zambia recording a decline of 22.1 percent in revenue collection in April 2020.

He added that foreign currency denominated payments such as debt and other foreign payments have increased resulting in the Government recording a shortfall in the expenditure of 32.1 percent in April 2020.

Home Affair Minister  Stephen Kampyongo in an ONLINE SADC Meeting  together with  Minister of Transport and Communications Hon. Mutotwe Kafwaya M.P., Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry Hon. Christopher Yaluma, M.P., Ministry of Foreign Affairs Permanent Secretary International Relations and Cooperation Ambassador Chalwe Lombe, Ministry of Finance Permanent Secretary Budget and Economic Affairs Dr. Emmanuel Pamu, Ministry of Health Permanent Secretary Technical Services Dr. Kennedy Malama, Ministry of Commerce Trade and Industry Permanent Secretary Mr. Mushuma Mulenga, and other senior Government officials.
Home Affair Minister Stephen Kampyongo in an ONLINE SADC Meeting together with Minister of Transport and Communications Hon. Mutotwe Kafwaya M.P., Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry Hon. Christopher Yaluma, M.P., Ministry of Foreign Affairs Permanent Secretary International Relations and Cooperation Ambassador Chalwe Lombe, Ministry of Finance Permanent Secretary Budget and Economic Affairs Dr. Emmanuel Pamu, Ministry of Health Permanent Secretary Technical Services Dr. Kennedy Malama, Ministry of Commerce Trade and Industry Permanent Secretary Mr. Mushuma Mulenga, and other senior Government officials.

In this regard, Council directed the SADC Secretariat to undertake an assessment on capabilities of Member States to remit contributions in view of the pandemic and present a report at the next Council of Ministers meeting in August 2020.

Earlier during the official opening, Minister of Foreign Affairs and East African Cooperation and Chair of the Council of Ministers Prof. Palamagamba Kabudi noted the challenges in the implementation of the regional guidelines on the harmonisation and facilitation of cross border transport operations.

Prof. Kabudi called on member states to quickly harmonise policies to ease congestion at the borders.

Prof. Kabudi urged members states to take advantage of challenges posed by Covid-19 and the increasing need for medicines by creating a favourable environment for the establishment of new pharmaceutical industries and provide incentives for the already existing establishments.

And SADC Executive Secretary Dr. Stergomena Tax commended member states for the rigorous measures put in place to address and deal with the pandemic.

Dr. Tax said SADC had conducted a mapping exercise of regional manufacturers of essential supplies and a needs assessment and that the information gathered was being used in ongoing efforts to mobilise resources and enhance capacities in the context of the regional bloc’s industrialization strategy.

She said SADC had engaged several cooperating partners with the aim of supporting a regional coordinated approach in the provision of personal protective equipment and other medical equipment to deal with Covid-19.

“To date, the Secretariat has secured Euro 7.3 million from the German Government, Euro 3.6 million from the European Union, Euro 190,000 under the GIZ/African Union Commission, whereas, the African Development Bank, has considered a support of UA 7 million,“ Dr. Tax said.

The SADC Council of Ministers is the principal advisory institution to the Summit on matters of overall policy, harmonious functioning and development of SADC.

Give women opportunity to lead. They can do much better-Gender Minister

Gender Minister, Elizabeth Phiri, has called for increased participation of women in politics. Ms. Phiri says women have for long been left behind and not considered when it came to political participation.

She says it is high time society started supporting them to aspire for political office.

And The Minister challenged Political Parties to adopt 50 percent of women in the coming 2020 General election.

“Give women opportunity to lead. They can do much better given an opportunity in the political arena. I challenge all political parties in the country to ensure that as the 2020 election comes, they appoint 50 percent as a way of empowering the females.

Rwanda has done, we can also do it,” she says.

She was speaking during the launch of a Manual on Women Leadership and Political Violence Management by Zambia Center for Interparty Dialogue (ZCID) today.

The manual which is done in conjunction with Hivos and Zambia National Women’s Lobby, is aimed at strengthening public influence and increase the role of women leaders in shaping the Country’s development and addressing political violence especially during elections.

She says women’s track record in shaping developmental decisions needs to be effectively profiled though it can only be done in a violence free society.

And ZCID says the launch of the manual will contribute positively to achieving more numbers of women in Politics.

Mr. Silavwe says Zambians should stand to support women in Politics if development is to take shape in the country.

Meanwhile, William Chilufya, representing Hivos says it is projects like what ZCID has embarked on that will see women be empowered and have a safe space in Politics.

He has hope that women can make it in Zambian Politics only if they are supported by society.

PF Government Is In Very Serious Trouble. It Has Failed To Manage Its Debt


By Fred M’membe

After arrogantly failing to listen to the free advice of the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and many others, including ourselves, to rationalise its borrowings and infrastructure projects, today this government has turned to Lazard, to lizards to advise on restructuring its $11bn foreign debts that have threatened to become Africa’s first sovereign default during the coronavirus pandemic.

The investment bank was hired on a $5m contract to advise on “liability management” of the country’s debt.

Zambia is facing $1.5bn of debt payments this year, more than its official international reserves as of January. Fitch Ratings cut Zambia’s credit rating to double C in April and said that default was “probable”.

Clearly, this government is in very serious trouble. It has failed to manage its debt. It has borrowed beyond what it can manage.

They are now looking for a scapegoat in Lazard. Tomorrow they will say, ‘We were advised by most competent institution.’

But we all know the right thing to do; we all knew they could not sustain the debt this government was accumulating from the most expensive sources. We are now looking for some institution to tell us what to do – at a fee of $ 5 million – even though they know already what is required.

Going to seek advise from Lazard, from lizards is also an indication that they consider our institutions – our Ministry of Finance, our central bank, our Ministry of National Planning, our legal ministry – not competent enough to provide correct advice. It is a vote of no confidence in those managing these institutions. This is an admission that as a political party, as a government they are not competent enough to manage our country’s economy.

Are they telling us that all our institutions – universities, research institutions, professional firms – are not competent enough to help manage this debt?

But how different is Lazard’s advice going to be from what has already been given locally and internationally? Even the institutions that we already know their purpose is to serve the interests of the powerful nations that dominate them – the IMF and the World Bank – gave them advise, right or wrong, but they overlooked it.

So now that they are in deep trouble they want to look for messiah, a saviour in Lazard! This government is going to pay Lazard $ 5 million to tell them what they already know!
This is what happens when leaders stop listening to advice and only listen to their own inner demons. They used to arrogantly brag that their government will not stop borrowing! Can they say that today?

We are reminded in Proverbs 12:15, “The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice.”

Schools Adherence To Ministry of Health Guidelines To Be Monitored

Lusaka Province Education Officer Christopher Sinkamba says a Provincial task force has been set up to be monitoring schools’ adherence to Ministry of Health guidelines on the Covid-19 pandemic.

Dr. Sinkamba says the exercise that will start on Monday when schools reopen for examination classes will cover all the districts in Lusaka.

He however says he is happy with some schools’ preparedness in the province ahead of reopening on June 1st.

Dr. Sinkamba told ZNBC news that schools have been supplied with all necessary materials needed in the fight against the COVID-19.

Dr Sinkamba says monitoring will be done in both private and public schools and assured all parents that their children will be in safe hands.

Meanwhile, Kafue District Commissioner Joseph Kamana has toured some schools in the area to access the preparedness and readiness ahead of the re-opening of schools on Monday.

And Mr. Kamana has declared that the district is ready for re-opening of schools for exam classes.

He has warned all those that are conducting Private tuitions or Extra lessons to stop because they have not been inspected for them to conduct such ventures.

Meanwhile, Mr. Kamana has commended the office of the District Education Board Secretary for working closely with his office in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

Speaking during the same event, Kafue District Education Board Secretary, Teddy Chibwe praised the school heads in the district for their efforts in ensuring that all schools are ready to reopen for the second term.

Kampyongo dismayed the behaviour of some political leaders Mocking Ms Siliya and Dr Chilufya

HOME Affairs Minister Hon Stephen Kampyongo has noted with dismay the behaviour of some political leaders who are politicising the scourge and scorning at the two cabinet Ministers who have tested positive to the COVID-19 during the course of duty.

Speaking when he received a donation of COVID-19 preventive materials from the Islamic Educational Trust at Chimbokaila Correctional facility in Lusaka, Hon Kampyongo said the two Ministers, Hon Dora Siliya and Hon Chitalu Chilufya played a battle front role in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

He said all well-meaning Zambian citizens deserve to commend the two Ministers for their sacrifice while putting their lives at stake.

“They wholeheartedly devoted their time, lives, and energies to ensure that every citizen had access to information on the deadly coronavirus in the country, as a way of educating and sensitising the citizens”Hon Kampyongo said.

The Minister said that the two Ministers exhibited exceptional and exemplary leadership of serving others above themselves and has since challenged naysayers to desist from making hate speeches and give support to the two Ministers.

Chinese Firm Given Two Weeks To Improve Labour Conditions By Ministry Of Labour

The Ministry of Labour has given a two-week ultimatum to Zhejiang International Engineering Company in Lusaka’s Lilayi area to improve the conditions of service and sanitation for their workers.

And the Ministry of Labour has directed management at the Company to employ a Zambian Human Resource personnel within a month.

This follows an inspection conducted by labour officials at the company last evening after workers complained about poor conditions of service.

Assistant Labour Commissioner Inspections Lupili Sichone said failure by the company to comply with the directives will attract punitive measures.

Ms. Sichone said there should no disparities in the way the managers treat themselves and their Zambian workers.

She said the differences in treatment amounts to discrimination which is not supposed to be tolerated in the labour sector.

And Zhejiang International Company Human Resource Manager Sally Chen promised to improve the conditions of service and Sanitation for the workers within the given period.

No Zambian Financial Advisory Firm or Political Party Has A Track Record to Execute The Debt Restructuring Zambia Needs


Economic Statistician Shebo Nalishebo says there is no Zambian financial advisory firm or political party with a track record to be able to pull off the kind of debt restructuring that Government needs.

And Mr. Nalishebo says Zambia needs an experienced negotiator such as Lazard Freres of France, one of the financial companies in the business to help in restructuring its debt servicing.

Mr. Nalishebo says the type of restructuring required, is debt rescheduling or refinancing which involves a change in an existing debt contract and replacement by a new debt contract.

He told ZNBC news in a statement that Lazard Freres of France helped to convince 86 percent of bondholders of Ivory Coast debt to agree to amended payment terms in 2012.

Mr. Nalishebo said Mozambique’s national oil company also sought the services of Lazard Freres to help raise as much as two billion United States dollars to refinance gas development projects in 2018.

He said countries need a financial advisor with clout and experience in dealing with other financial institutions who may be the holders of their economies for bondholders to agree to new terms.

On Wednesday, Secretary to the Treasury Fredson Yamba said Government intends to use the services of the financial advisors in line with signed agreements with lenders; multilateral, bilateral and private.

He restated that Government has no intention of unilaterally restructuring debt without consulting creditors.

Mr. Yamba said the decision to engage fresh advisors followed the expiry, in 2019, of the mandate given to previous advisors.

He said a thorough evaluation process of the tenders from the organisations was undertaken to select financial advisors for liability management of Zambia’s debt portfolio.

The evaluation was completed according to the Public Procurement Act Number 12 of 2008 and a notice of intention to award the tender to the best evaluated bid was circulated to all bidders on Tuesday 26 May 2020 and expired on Friday 29 May 2020.

Patson Daka Returns To Competitive Action

Striker Patson Daka returned to competitive action on Friday for the first time since early March to collect a winners medal with RB Salzburg in the Austrian Cup final.

Salzburg beat second tier side Austrian Lutsenau 5-0 in the final on Friday night behind closed doors following Austria’s recent easing of the Covid-19 lockdown.

Patson started the match but was not on target before he was substituted in the 78th minute.

Compatriot and midfielder Enock Mwepu missed the final due to suspension after he was sent-off for a second booking during stoppage time in the semifinals on March 5 when they beat LASK 1-0.

Patson and Mwepu return to league action for the first time since March 8 after the three-month lockdown on June 3 at home against Rapid Vienna.

Is Kabaso Chongo Leaving TP Mazembe?

Chipolopolo captain Kabaso Chongo is reportedly seeking a move away from TP Mazembe.

The defender has been at Mazembe since 2013 when he joined them from Konkola Mine Police FC.

According to Africatopsports, the defender has decided his time at the DR Congo champions is up and is seeking greener pastures.

Kabaso’s contract with the Lubumbashi giants expires this August.

Africatopsports states Kabaso is exploring options in Europe, the Gulf or South Africa.
His compatriot and midfielder Nathan Sinkala left Mazembe in January, 2020 after eight years with the club to join promoted South Africa PSL club Stellenbosch FC.

Chongo is one of three Zambian players still at Mazembe together with midfielder Rainford Kalaba and defender Tandi Mwape.