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Siliya’s Covid 19 Illness Revelation – The Mixed Messages and Potential Impact on the Campaign


By Parkie Mbozi

ON FRIDAY 23 2020 Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services Dora Siliya released a video announcing that she had contracted the infectious Corona or COVID 19 virus. This was shocking news to many of us in the country. Ms Siliya has been one of the faces of the country’s fight against the pandemic, ostensibly the loudest voice in urging the citizens to take the disease seriously by adhering to the preventative measures announced by the Ministry of Health.

Siliya becomes the first high ranking public personalist, whether from the private or public sector, to do so. Hats off to her for that. There are two main reasons Siliya’s announcement should be taken and analysed utterly from a behaviour change communication (BCC) prism: 1. She is no ordinary person; she is not only the Minister of MIBS but also the chief government spokesperson’ 2. Her announcement was not private to relatives and close associates but rather a public message to the nation at large, akin to Boris Johnson’s to the world and British public on 27 March, 2020.
Any messaging on health issues, such HIV and AIDS and (now) COVID 19, falls in the BCC or Human Behaviour realm and model. It is defined as “a preventive approach and focuses on lifestyle behaviours that impact on health. … The behavioural change model “is based on the belief that providing people with information will change their beliefs, attitudes, and behaviours” (Wikipedia). The model further suggests that “a person’s belief in a personal threat of an illness or disease together with a person’s belief in the effectiveness of the recommended health behavior or action will predict the likelihood the person will adopt the behavior” (Ibid).

From this understanding, Ms Siliya’s announcement was ostensibly calculated to send a message or messages to the nation to achieve positive results at one or all stages of the behaviour change process: awareness, knowledge, perceptions, attitudes and (hopefully) behaviour (i.e. all the preventative measures – social distancing, wearing masks, sanitation, etc). At the core of BCC is the message/s one is sending to the intended audiences – primary or secondary. A message is the content or “a communication containing some information, news, advice, request, or the like, sent by messenger, telephone, email, or other means” . In other words, a message is what you say or intended to say to someone or a group of people.

A message can be plain (overtly or explicitly) or implied (covertly or implicitly). It can also produce intended results or unintended (or boomerang) results depending on how it is calibrated; hence we often hear people say, “that’s not what I meant to say.” A critical aspect of deciphering meaning is the human interpretation or decoding, defined as how people receive the message of communication “and turn it back into thoughts to make meaning” (Ibid). From these perspectives we can analyse Ms Siliya’s COVID 19 announcement in terms of the positive result and (unfortunately) the negative meaning from a BCC trajectory as follows: hope and human face/interest on one hand, and hopelessness and fear factor or scare tactics on the other. There are undoubtedly many versions of interpretations of Ms Siliya’s message, but I will focus on these four. Her message was posted on YouTube and available on various online platforms thus allowing the Zambian audiences to react to it. As I analyse I will post some of the narratives from selected readers.

Message 1 – Hope: The sheer confidence with which Ms Siliya conveyed her video message is a positive factor for the anti-Covid campaign in that it has a potential to instill hope in many of the citizens. Confidence and officialness of the communication are two message factors that have attracted massive research in BCC. Quoting extensive research data this author wrote in his MA Thesis (Mbozi, 1997:38), “messages that are presented more confidently tend to persuade more than the messages that are presented with uncertainty. Reich and Adcock (1974:61) conclude that “a source is increasingly persuasive as his message increases in confidence whether expressed over linguistic or kinetic channels.”

With a defiant tone Ms Silya said, “I urge you to remain calm and please work with the health officials so that we keep you and your families safe.” She added, “Together we will defeat the coronavirus. Do stay blessed and God Bless.” Some of the readers of the story seem to have been encouraged by Ms Siliya’s defiant tone. A reader wrote, “No need to worry, Dora. The fact that you’re not showing any symptoms shows that your immunity is at it’s best, so you’ll recover quickly without any treatment like so many other Zambians who haven’t even been tested.”

The fact that Ms Siliya is high ranking public figure and, in BCC narrative, an ‘opinion leader’ or ‘influential’, also heightens her potential to render positive results for the anti-Covid campaign. Again quoting extensive research, this author (Mbozi, 1997:38) wrote in his Master’s degree thesis on HIV/AIDS that, “Their influence is based on the fact that opinion leaders are the most powerful in their societies, have more access to the channels of mass communication and are, usually, leaders of groups.”

Message 2 – Human face/Interest: Ms Siliya gave the COVID 19 disease a human face. Until her revelation COVID 19 was largely an invisible disease, presented only in figures of its victims. Whilst others, such as Hon Kampyongo, went ballistic by mere association of his name to the disease, she was brave enough to give us the first major face of the disease. This is in line with the call by the World Health Organisation (WHO) Director General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus: “That is why we prefer to see the faces, the individuals, the people. They are not numbers. They are not averages. They are people. They are individuals.” The use of role models, from all walks of life, has been a key BCC strategy, especially since the time of HIV and AIDS. First Republican President Dr Kenneth Kaunda, for instance, won national and international accolades for being the first head of state to announce that his son Masuzyo had died of AIDS.
A number of readers saw Ms Siliya’s revelation from this perspective. One wrote, “Get well soon! It sends a message to all of us that this is real and we need to take extra precaution.”

Message 3 – Hopelessness: on a negative note (unfortunately), Ms Siliya sent a message of hopelessness when she said, “I have been very involved in risk communication in the fight against Coronavirus.” She went on, ”However, I regret to announce that even after taking all precautions, washing my face and hands regularly, masking and observing social distancing, as much as possible, yesterday (Friday) I did test positive for COVID 19.”
The question on the minds of many of her audiences is, if a privileged personality like her, who has all the resources at her disposal to afford the preventative measures being advocated for without compromising say economic opportunities like the folks at Soweto can get it, what more them? Ms Siliya’s message also implies that no matter what one does, they can still acquire the virus. Many studies have proved that loss of hope leads people to engage “in high levels of risky behaviour.” When people feel they can not achieve the advocated position, whether for reason of lack of resources or will power to do, they simply give up. One beach goer in the USA, for instance, told CNN the other day that they care less about Covid 19 because they will still die from other means anyway.

Message 4 – Scare tactics: by stating that despite taking all the precautions she had contracted the disease, Ms Siliya was also overtly resounding her consistent warning about the dangers of the disease. She has been the loudest voice during the hitherto daily briefings and tour of compounds warning people to take the disease seriously. She may have seized this opportunity to use herself as the living testimony of the impact of the disease. Although research has produced conflicting results about the negative impact of scare tactics in attitude-behaviour change, the majority of studies reveal that they produce boomerang or unintended results on audiences. People simply ignore messages that scare the hell out of them.

Two researchers, Kahn, 1984:100 and Schneider, 1976: 273) thus concluded that, “There is also sufficient evidence to suggest that people who fail to adopt the recommended course of action are left with high fear. As a result, they may try to minimize the dangers by convincing themselves that they will not be affected or, as a last resort, by not thinking about the Issue altogether. It may be concluded from the foregoing, that scare tactics are if successful only when the subjects have the psychological and material capacity to adopt the unpleasant condition with minimal loss of their self-identity.”

The Conspiracy Theory – readers also have had their own interpretations of Ms Siliya’s revelation, alluding to some conspiracy theories, which plays to an old theory we call ‘reinforcement’. This author (Mbozi, 1997) wrote, “After decades of research it has been proved beyond doubt that the values, opinions and attitudes people hold (on an issue) before being exposed to communication have great influence on their reaction to the on-coming messages” (Dexter and White, 1964).

One readers wrote, “Fake….just lying that she tested positive…dont believe these politicians…too much gimmicks…looks like real COVID of two months ago is gone…now we have fake COVID which is not killing anyone.” Another said, “Fake news dolo sili (Dora Siliya) is fine government just what to keep stealing donations money, they want to make people believe that this is serious while not. People don’t be fooled open your eyes pf now is a government of thieves.”

To conclude, Ms Siliya’s announcement may have produced both intended and unintended results on her audiences in terms of awareness, knowledge, perceptions/attitudes and behaviours about the dreaded Covid 19 disease. While some of the reader comments give a hint to some of these outcomes, only full research will provide conclusive evidence when all is said and done. Allow me to end by wishing Hon Siliya, and (on a personal level) my long-time friend, quick recovery.
The author is a media and health communication researcher and scholar with the Institute of Economic and Social Research, University of Zambia. He is reachable on [email protected]. The facts and figures in this article were sourced from WHO recognized and international media sources.

Citizen’s Empowerment Vs Lazard: Restructuring Zambia’s Debt.

By Mwamba Peni II

From the onset, I am sure you are aware by now that both the Minister responsible for Finance and the Governor of the Central Bank have admitted that our debt is unsustainable. For me, that is a starting point in the right direction. In as much as we may not agree with the route that has brought us here in the first place, and we are justified not to, there is no other way out of this quagmire than the pragmatic route the Ministry of Finance has taken to bring in a consultant of such standing in the international market to help Zambia restructure its debt.

If I was to begin with the Eurobonds, particularly the one which is due in 2022, more than eight institutions are involved; Citi Bank, Barclays Investment Group, JP Morgan and Bank of America to name a few. These institutions invested their clients money in the Eurobond market because the yields were attractive. For now, the IMF cannot be part of the restructuring process especially when it comes to private money due to the litigation risks therein.

How will this work? The consultant will be engaged by the Ministry but paid unpon delivery and this consultancy engagement may take two to three years before it is concluded. By implication, the consultant will have to pay for their own costs for now which includes but not limited to accommodation, air tickets and upkeep until the expectations of government are met. With the greatest respect to some voices calling for Government to give this assignment to Zambians, these conditions may be unbearable to our local consultants. In addition to that, certain discussions and engagements will require one to be members of associations where bondholders reside as the case is here with either ZICA or LAZ. It will be impossible for our local consultants to acquire practicing licences and expensive to outsource services in all the cities and countries where the bondholders are.

Like I said earlier, some of these institutions have invested their clients money and have a schedule of payment in place. If our debt is restructured, how do they pay their clients who are retired and depend on their investment to make ends meet? This kind of assignment has to be undertaken by a reputable institution with presence in many countries so as to avoid loss of time and costs associated with travelling, accommodation and air tickets. Moreover, there is also an element of networking as the international financial system is a closely knit community which is not open to outsiders. And relationship, both formal and informal, is a key currency not just technical skills or academic qualifications.

You may wish to know that Lazard’s Financial operating revenue is $1.36 billion and its assets under management were sitting at $246 billion as of 31st December 2019. And Lazard has consulted for the following Governments; UK, USA, Australia, Ethiopia, France, Italy, Togo, DRC, Serbia and Mozambique amongst others.

Empowerment is key for local Banks and individuals and what Government should do is to ensure that Lazard picks a local team that will have access to its networks and body of thought when it comes to handling such transactions.

President Lungu directs rapid completion of Ikelenge Boarding School


President Edgar Lungu has directed Ministers of General Education and Housing to ensure that construction works at Ikelenge Boarding school resumes and be completed by January 2021.

And the President has expressed concern that issues of stalled projects have continued, adding that he will now focus on taking note of all projects that have stalled to ensure their completion for the benefit of the people.

Construction works on Ikelenge Boarding School started in 2013 and was expected to be completed by 2016.

Zambia Non Ferrous Metal Exploration and Construction is constructing the school at a cost of over Forty Seven million kwacha.

ZANIS reports that speaking when he toured the school in Ikelenge district Friday, President Lungu underscored the need for the two Ministries to expedite construction works so that the school can be opened to the public thereby addressing challenges of access to education in the area.

The President advised that construction should be done in phases and works should be concentrated on key areas to make learning conducive for pupils.

“You need to see how quickly you can complete this school and make it operational, my suggestion is for you to complete key areas so that learning can start, we need to get value for the money,” he said.

“I will now start checking on stalled projects so that we give them life and people get value for their money. Like this project it was delayed for obvious reasons, but I have decided that it partially opens,” he noted.

And Minister of General Education, David Mabumba, disclosed that works on the school are expected to commence in the next two weeks following the release of Three million Kwacha by the Ministry of Finance.

Mr Mabumba explained that the delays were caused by financial constraints noting that Ikelenge boarding is among other 115 schools that are also under construction in various parts of the country.

“Your Excellency we have got funding from Ministry of Finance, we have been given Three million Kwacha so in the next two weeks works are expected to start here, and I must mention that this school is part of the other 115 dotted across the country whose works are also at over 80 percent hence we have to distribute the resources among these schools,” he added.

And Area Member of Parliament, Elijah Muchima, appealed to President Lungu to ensure that the school is open to respond to the increasing demand of secondary school education in the area.

“Your Excellency, we really need this school to open in this constituency we have three chiefdoms so access to secondary education is on demand because many people cannot afford to take their children to Mwinilunga to access education,” he stated.

Your Investments Are Protected By The Governing Law Of The Land, ZDA Chief Assures Investors


The Zambia Development Agency (ZDA) has assured investors and businesses in general that their investments are safe and protected by the governing law of the land.

ZDA board Chairperson Fisho Mwale said the Agency understands the important role investors play in sustainably enhancing economic growth, wealth creation and job creation for the people of Zambia as well as the need to adhere to the laws that govern how businesses are to be run.

He said the agency however regrets the incidents that have occurred in recent days in which lives have been lost, and Zambian workers being subjected to harsh conditions of service.

Mr Mwale said Zambia needs foreign direct investment (FDI) as it is a conduit of transferring foreign capital investment abroad and directly contributes to expanding investment and tax base in the country and is key in addressing the problem of unemployment through the creation of new job opportunities and the introduction of advanced technology.

He said it is pertinent to recognize that the peace, rule of law and the political will that the country enjoys is one of the major attributes that makes Zambia the best investment destination of choice in the sub region and therefore it is important that we recognize the need to preserve it at all cost.

Mr Mwale assured that Zambia is enjoying very cordial and warm relations with most countries and as such has attracted major investments from those countries in keys sectors of the economy.

“I wish to state that in view of this, it has become imperative that as a country we need to manage our due process in a the dispensation of the law, without jeopardising our good standing with the investor community, that the people of Zambia have worked so hard to build, but in the same vein we call upon all investors to adhere to the laws obtaining in this country for the mutual benefit of all parties involved” Mr Mwale.

He therefore urged and encouraged all businesses operating in Zambia to engage relevant authorities to further orient themselves with applicable laws and policies if in doubt.

Gold Should Benefit Locals First, Chief Appeals to President Lungu


President Edgar Lungu has hailed Senior Chief Sikufele of Kabompo District in North Western Province for voicing out a number of concerns that would help him identify with the needs of the people.

President Lungu said this in response to Senior Chief Sikufele who has called on the President to ensure that Zambians benefit from the local gold deposits at Kasenseli in Mwinilunga district.

President Lungu also says the traditional leadership remains an integral partner to Government in the development process at various stages.

The President said that it is still not Government’s role to interfere with traditional affairs but provide support.

The President said this in Kabompo Thursday when he met with Senior Chief Sikufele of Manyinga and Kabompo residents during his three-day working visit to North Western Province.

President Lungu said that Government will continue to formulate policies to curtail mushrooming of ungazetted traditional leaders who are causing confusion in other parts of the country.

Meanwhile, the President said the peoples’ representatives in Parliament did not serve any purpose by fomenting squabbles with Government rather than communicating the needs of the people.

President Lungu said amending the Constitution was one way of curing squabbles in chiefdoms. He expressed hope that Parliamentarians would support the Constitution Amendment Bill Number 10 of 2019 which the House is expected to debate in a fortnight. 

“On issues of development we can only hope that our people had effective representation in Parliament because most of our colleagues choose to be loyal to those that own their political parties and frustrate our programs by not telling us the exact needs of the community,” he said.

During his visit, the President also addressed party officials, calling for unity of purpose in the party’s mobilization strategy ahead of next year’s general elections.
And President Lungu says he is not impressed with some peoples’ adherence levels to the COVID-19 preventive measures.

The President said that people should not dare the COVID-19 pandemic just because they have not contracted it as it is deadly and not something light to take advantage of.
The Head of State said this when he met party officials in Kabompo district Thursday.

He noted with dismay upon arrival that people were not observing social distancing in Kabompo as crowds gathered to catch a glimpse of him at Kapende stadium.

President Lungu added that his Government will not protect anyone being engaged in illegal deals and hiding behind the party.

He said all those that were facing suspensions in North Western Province are being punished because they involved themselves in illegal deals thus punishment is needed to help members do the right thing.

He further stated that the fate of those involved is yet to be known as the results of the inquiry on the issue is yet to be released by the responsible committee.

Earlier, Senior Sikefule advised the President that local people should be given first priority to benefit from the mining of gold instead of foreign nationals.

“Your Excellency more often than not it is the foreigners who benefit from the country’s mineral resources. We have these resources in abundance and our people must be the first to benefit,” the traditional leader said.

He has since called for the quick construction of the Manyinga-Mwinilunga Road to ease access to the mineral deposits. 

The Chief thanked President Lungu for embarking on a good Government development agenda for the region, particularly the declaration of Manyinga as a district.

The traditional leader urged the President to ensure that the development of essential service infrastructure in Manyinga was fast-tracked to improve the plight of civil service staff deployed in the area.

He also thanked President Lungu for facilitating the sensitization of traditional leaders on the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and called for resources to help disseminate awareness messages to communities.

Senior Chief Sikufele further commended President Lungu for sustaining the One Zambia, One Nation motto, saying his chiefdom was a model of a united front as he presided over subjects hailing from 15 different tribes.

However, he disclosed that some unscrupulous individuals are trying to destabilize the chiefdom through illegal installation of sub-chiefs.

And the Chief appealed to the Head of State to intervene in sorting out a number of problems being faced by both Manyinga and Kabompo districts. 

The traditional leader said that there is need to increase the number of forest concessions as very few individuals are benefiting from the timber resources the district is endowed with.

He further added that the region has continued to have deplorable roads, a situation which has been worsened by those trading in timber but are not ploughing back into developing the area.

The traditional leader noted that Chief Chiyengele area is endowed with abundant resources such as oil and copper but the never-ending wrangles have contributed to its underdevelopment as Government cannot interfere where there are traditional wrangles.

He also appealed for assistance in renovating the palace, a project which was started by his subjects but has stalled due to lack of funds. President Lungu is today expected to tour Ikeleng’i and Kasempa Districts.

Local Economist’s Hypocrisy On Zambia Seeking Lazard Services Stinks-Sunday Chanda


The Patriotic Front says it has heard and listened with shock to the levels of dangerous ignorance and hypocrisy by the Opposition on many issues, including Government’s decision to restructure the national debt.

PF Media Director Sunday Chanda says with due respect to our local economists, these men and women understand the complexities that go with debt restructuring.

He says the debt restructuring undertaking demands for a firm with global networks and global influence in order to arrive at desired results in so far as restructuring debt is concerned.

Mr. Chanda says local economists such as Professor Oliver Saasa, Chibamba Kanyama including former Ministers of Finance and Bank of Zambia Governors know too well Lazard’s reputation and success rate in these endeavours.

He says these men know too well that in order to succeed, a country needs an internationally respectable firm with a successful track record such that even rating agencies such as Moodys, Standard and Poors, and Fitch can respect them.

Mr. Chanda said these men and women understand that a country needs a firm that can successfully restructure its debt and put Zambia’s story in respectable and influential international media such as the Financial Times, among others.

“We also must remember that part of the reasons why our economy has had the sort of downgrades by rating agencies is the sponsored propaganda in international media targeted at the financial markets by Opposition UPND and it’s funders to whom they promised to hand our natural resources to in return”, he said.

Mr. Chanda has alleged that as part of UPND’s regime change strategy is hurting the country’s reputation in the eyes of the global financial market by churning out sponsored lies about Zambia such as ZESCO and Kenneth Kaunda International Airport being sold to China.

He said it is the only reason the UPND leader has never said anything positive about Zambia abroad.

“On 1st April 2020, which also happens to be fools day, the UPND leader released a statement opposing Government’s plans to engage an international firm to restructure the debt. He argued that he was willing to work with Government to restructure the debt for free instead”, he said.

Mr. Chanda said this hypocrisy stinks because this is the same man whose firm, Grant Thornton, an international firm, as receivers of Luanshya Mine during Privatisation is reported to have received about USD 12 million and today he wants to misunderstand why international consultants are engaged.

He has questioned why Mr. Hichilema did not render the said service for free at the time.

“We will always remember how a whole President Frederick Chiluba was accused by his successor of having stolen money, including the said USD 12 million and yet this money went to pay a firm the UPND leader worked for as a local partner”, added Mr. Chanda.

He said many countries including Argentina have hired Lazard as a financial advisor in the restructuring process of a close to $100 billion public debt.

Mr. Chanda said the firm’s success rate in debt restructuring is something no serious former minister of foreign affairs should have challenges grappling with.

He noted that sadly, a former minister of foreign affairs and Presidential wannabe thinks such national debt restructuring is something one does by handpicking economists and not financial advisors from a lecture room at the university.

“Unfortunately this is the populistic but cheap mindsets of the so-called alternatives in Zambia”, he said.

ZNFU President Commends Farmers For The Bumper Harvest


The Zambia National Farmers Union has commended farmers, the small scale farmers, emergent and large scale for producing 3,387,469 metric tonnes of maize to make Zambia food secure.

ZNFU President Jervis Zimba says the Union recognizes the challenges the farmers went through last farming season among them the high cost of inputs and the uneven distribution of rain.

Mr. Zimba said this notwithstanding, farmers rose against adversity to produce a maize bumper harvest.

He has urged farmers to now focus on the marketing aspects.

Mr. Zimba said off-takers especially the Food Reserve Agency to ensure that farmers are paid an economic price to the farmers and pay them on time.

“We are five months away from the 2020/2021 farming season and we do recognize that the inputs costs have increased due to various factors”, he said.

Mr. Zimba said it is only by paying farmers an economic price for the maize that they have products that they expect them to invest for the coming season.

Late Nkana Coach Masauso Mwale Remembered

Former Nkana defender Noel Phiri has paid tribute to the late Kalampa coach Masauso Mwale on the sixth anniversary of his death.

Phiri said Mwale will never be forgotten as his legacy will live on forever.

Mwale died in a road accident on 22 May 2014 on the eve of Nkana’s home CAF Confederation Cup Group B match against Sewe Sport of Cote d’Ivoire.

Mwale was traveling from Ndola to Kitwe to join his team in camp when he perished.

In recent days people associated with Nkana and Mwale have taken to social media to remember the 2013 FAZ Super Division title winning coach on the sixth anniversary of his death.

In an interview with LT Sport, Phiri said he will always cherish Mwale.

“I think coach Massy will always be remembered. He is gone but his vision is not gone,” Phiri said.

He said Mwale succeeded in his coaching career because he had a good rapport with players.

“He was a parent to us. He had a good relationship with players. He also transformed me not only career wise but spiritually, physically and mentally.”

“Coach Massy won souls not for the glory of the team or anything else but for the glory of God,” Phiri said.

The retired footballer revealed that he still communicates with the family of the late coach.

“True friendship is shown when one is gone. We don’t have to be good friends with someone when they are alive. I usually speak to the coach’s wife who is our mum. My friends Evans Kangwa and Donashano Malamo have also kept in touch with the family.

FRA To Pay K110 For A 50kg Bag Of White Maize.


The Food Reserve Agency has announced it will in this year’s crop marketing season pay K110 for a 50kg bag of white maize.

The Agency has also fixed the price of a 50kg bag of Soya Beans at K150 and paddy rice at K70 for a 40kg bag.

Announcing the development at a media briefing, FRA Executive Director Chola Kafwabulula said the Agency will this year buy 1 million metric tonnes of maize as announced by President Edgar Lungu recently.

Mr Kafwabulula said the private sector is expected to purchase the remainder of the over 3 million metric tones of maize that the country is expected to harvest.

Zambia’s agriculture sector is this year expected to produce over 3 million metric tones of maize as announced by Agriculture Minister Michael Katambo.

President Edgar Lungu said recently that Government will buy more than 1 million metric tonnes of Maize for strategic reserves during this year’s maize marketing season.

The President said the government wants to take advantage of this year’s bumper harvest to buy more maize as the weather patterns for next year cannot be predicted due to climate change.

The President asked the Ministry of Finance to fund the FRA on time so that they start purchasing maize on time.

The President further instructed the Agency to avail the Minister of Finance with a schedule on procurement of maize to enable the ministry to start processing payments.

HH Joins The Queue Offering Free Debt Restructuring Services To Zambian Government


Opposition leader Hakainde Hichilema has offered to render free debt restructuring services to the Zambian government.

Mr Hichilema said the US$5 million to be paid to the French firm should instead be given to Zambian for youths and women empowerment programmes.

Below is Mr Hichilema’s statement

29th May 2020

Give the $5 million to the youth and women empowerment programmes, we can restructure the debt for free

As stakeholders in the Zambian economy, our offer for free advice to the PF government on debt management and other economic management issues still stands. Our free consultation will save our meager resources. It is not prudent and morally right to seek $2.5 million from ‘foreign investors’ to invest in mining our gold resources and, at the same time, pay a foreign firm $5.0 million for advice that could be freely obtained.

Our advice to PF since 2012 on issues of debt has been as follows:

(i) Stop unplanned and excessive borrowing, lest debt levels become unsustainable

(ii) We need to have a plan for the repayment of the enormous debt

(iii) The sinking fund set for debt repayment needs to be adequately funded. We have also called on the Ministry of Finance to reign in commitments by line ministries that are not aligned with fiscal consolidation and undermine any efforts to attain internal coherency in debt management. Unfortunately, PF’s usual response was that there’s no need to worry about the government’s debt load, and the UPND are just bitter.

Like they say, you cannot manage an economy through propaganda or rigging. WE KNOW WE WERE RIGHT. Our first 10-year Eurobond was issued with a 5.625 percent yield in 2012, and nine years later, the yield has increased to over 50 percent. What this means is that our Eurobond is JUNK.

We have failed to inspire confidence among bondholders, who have now priced in an increased likelihood of a sovereign default. The seriousness of the situation has been confirmed by PF’s intensions to pay Lazard Freres to give them advice they have been receiving since 2012 from ourselves and others.

Our advice to PF is as follows:

As the country seeks to change the maturity dates, reduce the principal amount of debt (mostly on bilateral debt) and reduce the interest rate on the debt (coupon adjustment on the Eurobond) or MERELY PUT RESTRUCTURE OUR DEBT. A successful debt restructuring exercise that is rapidly executed and provides enough debt relief is contingent on taking steps to immediately restore debt sustainability and rebuild the collapsed economy. This will create confidence among creditors and, more importantly, the citizens, who are the principal builders of the Zambian economy, and ultimately have to repay this debt load in one form or another.

Further, any debt restructuring must be underwritten by the strong political will to stay the course and implement a sound economic program as a guarantee that the exercise will be of mutual benefit to both borrowers and lenders in the longer term.

We are confident that several of our official bilateral creditors and some private lenders in the Institute of International Finance would be amenable to engage under such guarantees.

Our high-level advice is that with immediate effect, strengthen oversight and overall framework for debt procurement, monitoring, and reporting. The changes in Bill 10, to weaken the oversight role of Parliament, do not help in these matters. For now, the role of the Minister of Finance in debt procurement, we will leave it as the issue is in court. On the overall framework, all the contracts that you signed must become public knowledge – transparency and accountability are a hallmark of good governance, which is crucial to rebuilding the economy and getting the confidence of your creditors.

Fully disclosing our borrowings will qualify Zambia for the suspension of debt service offered by G20 countries and other forms of external assistance that would improve cashflows for a robust COVID-19 response and economic recovery. Debt procurement on non-concessional terms or market rates must stop. You cannot have a situation where on paper, the government commits to have stopped contracting new loans, while some Ministers are busy procuring debt. Again, we stress that the Ministry of Finance must reign in such behavior. This not only undermines the credibility of the overall system but also confirms the lack of overall leadership in coordinating matters of the economy.

In rebuilding the economy, we can engage fully, and we shall provide the advice we have been giving you the last nine years. We have one Zambia and no other country to run to. Together we can.

Hence give the $5 million to the youth and women empowerment programmes, we can restructure the debt for the benefit of our citizens for free.

Hakainde Hichilema
UPND President

The Constitution Court Asked To Determine Whether A Councillor Can Retract A Resignation

The Constitution Court of Zambia is set to hear and determine whether article 157(2)(b) of the Constitution of Zambia provides for retraction of a notice of resignation by a councillor before the lapse of 30 days.

In originating summons filed on Wednesday by a governance activist, Isaac Mwanza, the Court has further been asked to determine whether a unilateral retraction of a valid notice of resignation by a councillor would necessitate or prevent the holding of a by-election.

In 2018, a councillor from the United Party for National Development (UPND) from Sinda was refused to retract his notice of resignation on grounds that the Constitution does not provide for withdrawal of resignation letters while in Mafumbwe and Monze, UPND councillors were allowed to withdraw their notices of resignation.

Recently, ECZ gave an opinion that the Constitution provides for withdraw of notice of resignation, sentiments which have now been challenged before the Court.

Mr. Mwanza has also called on the Court to determine whether a by-election held after a councillor unilaterally rescinds his or her resignation without the consent of the other party (either Mayor or Council Chairperson) within 30 days, would be valid.

Mr Mwanza said the Country is witnessing a new wave in which the Commission is accepting retraction of letters of resignation for the same reasons they rejected in Chilongozi Ward of Sinda District.

“The question is, how will the Commission justify the holding of a by-election in Sinda when their man said the Constitution does not provide for withdrawal of a resignation?” he asked.

Mr. Mwanza said the interpretation of constitutional provisions related to resignation of councillors will help straighten out the correct position of the law as regards the unilateral withdraw of notices of resignation by councillors who resign.

Nevers Mumba Calls For A Zambians First Policy and Demands The Removal of All Chinese Notices in Public Places


The Opposition New Hope Movement for Multi-party Democracy (MMD) President Dr. Nevers Mumba has called on all Zambians to send a strong message to the Government that the country’s policy must be Zambians First.

In a statement released to the media, the MMD leader called for the removal of all notices written in Chinese from all public places and replace them with English. Dr. Mumba further called for the immediate deportation of the Chinese national who used racist remarks against a Zambian.

Dr. Mumba also urged the Government to call for an emergency bilateral meeting with China through their embassy to discuss matters that could injure the future relations between the two countries and demand mutual respect and equitable reciprocity.

Below is the full statement

Zambia – China policy must change now.

By Dr. Nevers Mumba

I approach this subject in my three capacities. As a DIPLOMAT, as Former VICE PRESIDENT, and as a PASTOR.

China has been a partner of Zambia since independence. As a young man growing up in Chinsali, we grew up with Chinese people as they built TAZAMA 1,700 pipeline from Dares Salaam to Ndola. (52 years ago)

They later built TAZARA from Dare-salaam to Kapiri Mposhi. They intermarried.

    1. Relations should be based on Mutual benefit to both peoples. (Diplomat)
    2. Must be based on equality as all men are created equal and justice must be for all. (Pastor)
    3. Leaders must listen to the governed as they lead them. (VP)

Zambia / China policy must change now. The government is implicating the Chinese population in Zambia. When Zambians are attacked in China. The Zambian Government is mute. When a Chinese calls a Zambian a foreigner in his own country, the Government is mute. When a Chinese ill-treats a Zambian, the Govt is mute. When a Chinese kills a Zambian, the Govt is mute, but when a Zambian challenges a Chinese for ill-treating Zambians, he is made to apologize.

In Public Policy this picture is lethal against a sitting Govt. It shows that the decision makers in such a government are eating off the hands of the Chinese. This perception must change now. The behavior of the PF government not only angers Zambians but puts the lives of Chinese in Danger. Once Zambians feel that their government is standing with foreigners and not them, they are tempted to take the law in their own hands.

When Zambians are attacked in China. The Zambian Government is mute. When a Chinese calls a Zambian a foreigner in his own country, the Government is mute. When a Chinese ill-treats a Zambian, the Govt is mute. When a Chinese kills a Zambian, the Govt is mute, but when a Zambian challenges a Chinese for ill-treating Zambians, he is made to apologize.

Mr President, from a Public Policy point of view. The Zambians have concluded, rightly or wrongly that your government has been financially compromised by the Chinese concerned and in the process you have surrendered the entire Zambian population to Chinese domination. The statements from the ministers of Labor and local government have cemented this unfortunate position.

Last year, a Chinese national called Kenyans monkeys and within hours, the Presidency directed that the Chinese be deported within hours.

Having served as Pastor for 41 years, as a Diplomat and Vice President, I wish to propose as follows:

    1. That the government immediately deports the Chinese national who used racist remarks against a Zambian.
    2. That the government interrogates, in a public manner those Chinese accused of oppressing and abusing Zambians in places of work and thereafter take decisive steps to protect Zambians from further abuse.
    3. Remove all notices written in Chinese from all public places and replace them with English.
    4. Call for an emergency bilateral meeting with China through their embassy to discuss matters that could injure the future relations between our two countries. We must demand for mutual respect and equitable reciprocity.
    5. Insist that only Chinese with needed professional qualifications be allowed to work in Zambia.

I call on all Zambians to send a strong message to the Government that our policy must be Zambians First.

Chief Mukuni commends the Barotse Royal Establishment For Rejecting BILL 10

Senior Chief Mukuni of the Toka Leya people in Southern Province has commended the Barotse Royal Establishment for their forthrightness and candor for officially rejecting the abhorrent Bill 10.

Chief Mukuni says Bill 10 if enacted will finally achieve the aspirations of the anti-BRE agents that have for so many years desired to obliterate the BRE as a Kingdom.

He said in a statement that it is pleasing that the BRE has seen through the whimsical arbitrariness of autocracy and treachery by the proponents of this legislation that goes against all tenets of democracy, and the collective will of the Zambian people whose opinion has not been sought.

“Isn’t it however remarkable that the prime movers of the Bill in the National Assembly are bonafide subjects of the Barotse Royal Establishment namely, Leader of Government Business in the House, Her Honour the Vice President Inonge Wina, Minister of Justice Given Lubinda, Honorable MPs Professor Lungwangwa and Mutompehi respectively”, he said.

The Traditional leader said this was a clever but sinister attempt to dress the bill with a sheep’s skin over a ferocious and marauding wolf, whose real ambition was to ambush the BRE.

He said if in future people of Barotseland protested against the Bill for whatever reason, they would be reminded that Bill 10 that had changed the face of the BRE came through the blessings of the Royal Establishment whose distinguished daughter and sons were crafters and movers of the Bill into law, while the BRE gave unqualified support.

“That is why I am eternally proud and grateful that the BRE thwarted this attempt by the promoters of Bill 10”, he added.

Chief Mukuni said it is now up to all the lawmakers from Barotseland to stand with the Royal Establishment in rejecting this Bill and ensuring it does not see the light of the day in Parliament.

It’s Possible, Government Could be Lying About Escalating COVID-19 Cases in Zambia-Kambwili

National Democratic Congress Leader Chishimba Kambwili says it is possible the government is lying about the escalating cases of COVID-19 in Zambia.

Mr Kambwili has wondered why despite the cases of COVID-19 escalating in Zambia, there has been no death reported beyond the reported seven deaths from the pandemic.

He accused the government officials of giving wrong and conflicting statements on the disease especially regarding the two Ministers who have tested positive for the pandemic.

Mr Kambwili has questioned why Health Minister Dr Chitalu Chilufya and Chief Government spokesperson Dora Siliya have not been quarantined in Government isolation centres where all the patients are being taken.

“In their contact tracing, why are they only targeting drivers leaving out the entire cabinet ministers and the President who Dr Chilufya and Ms Siliya have had meetings with, these people are lying”, he said.

He has challenged government to allow all the COVID-19 patients to go home as is the case with the two Ministers who have been allowed to be quarantined at their respective homes.

Mr Kambwili said if the two Ministers are sick, they are a danger not only to their families but the people who go to visit them as well.

He said the President and his Ministers should also stop working until they are cleared by the health authorities.

Economist Noel Nkhoma supports Government decision to contract a foreign firm on Debt Restructuring


Economist Noel Nkhoma has disagreed with some opposition Leaders reasoning over government’s decision to contract a foreign firm Lazard to restructure Zambia’s debt.

Mr Nkhoma says the arguments advanced by NAREP President Steve Nyirenda, DP President Harry Kalaba and PeP President Sean Tembo on the financial advisor, he disagrees with their stance opposing the move.

He has insisted that unless they understand the full mandate of the financial advisor, then only will they appreciate that the Assignment is not as simple as they think.

Mr Nkhoma has challenged the critics to name one Zambian firm which successfully delivered on a similar Assignment.

“Perhaps l should ask, do they know that when Zambia was contracting the Euro Bond, a financial advisor and debt underwriter were contracted and paid colossal sums of money in hard currency”, he has said.

Mr Nkhoma said the tenders were not even publicised like the case is now and the Finance Minister should be applauded for his transparency on the matter.

Zambia appointed Lazard Freres as financial adviser to help it restructure its external debt, the Finance Ministry said a move widely opposed by the opposition.

According to Bloomberg, Zambia is seeking to avert a debt crisis looming even before the Covid-19 pandemic throttled the global economy.

The government is hoping that the process will be able to move quickly enough to convince the International Monetary Fund that it’s on track to achieving debt sustainability, unlocking much-needed emergency funding.

Zambia invited proposals in March for advisers for what it called a liability management exercise. The southern African nation had about $11.2 billion of external debt at the end of December, after years of excessive borrowing pushed up interest costs and drained its foreign reserves. The government said it won’t force any lenders into a restructuring.