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Zambian targets German business for greater COVID relief says Amb Mukwita 


The Zambian Embassy in Germany has begun discussions with Africa-Verein, an association of German businesses with interest in Africa on how the members of the organization could help Zambia with the necessary medical supplies needed to fight COVID-19.

With over 500 members of German companies, Zambia’s Ambassador to Germany, His Excellency, Mr. Anthony Mukwita, hopes Africa-Verein could help mobilize the much-needed material assistance Zambia needs to protect the country’s population.

“We remain hopeful and confident that German business could come through for us and complement government efforts in protecting the Zambian people and restoring the economy”, Ambassador Mukwita said.

Mr. Mukwita said Africa-Verein has been a friend of Zambia for a long time and contributed significantly to the Zambian economy by promoting investment into Zambia from the German business community. He said it’s partly due to this effort that Germany continues to see sustained interest in the Zambian economy.

The outbreak of the coronavirus has negatively affected the Zambian economy derailing its development plans as the country had to divert its resources to the fight against the pandemic which has also crippled the global economy.

To meet the demand for surveillance equipment and test kits coupled with public awareness, the Zambian government has had to appeal to both local and international donors to assist in every way possible.

Consequently, various cooperating partners, the local business community, WHO and the Zambians living abroad have donated money and medical supplies which the Zambian government has plowed into its efforts to fight the spread of the epidemic.

On its part, the German government recently contributed 18.5 million euros which is expected to meet the cost of medical supplies and provide social cash transfers to the vulnerable parts of the population who have borne the heaviest blunt of the epidemic.

The epidemic has killed about 8000 Germans and affected hundreds of Zambians.

KBF Should Be Allowed to Challenge President Lungu


PATRIOTIC Front (PF) member across the country have vowed to change the leadership of the ruling party at the forthcoming general conference in Kabwe.

According to voice recordings on most PF administered whatsapp and facebook groups, PF members expressed their dissatisfaction at the manner the leadership of the ruling party wanted to manipulate the party constitution to bar other members that have expressed ambitions to contest elective positions at the forthcoming general conference.

The PF members who are openly expressing their views on social media, wondered why, in particular, the current leadership of the PF was so determined to bar Mr. Kelvin Fube Bwalya from contesting the post of president at the general conference.

“Why are they so scared of him. As far as we know, KBF is and has always been a committed member of the PF. If he wants to contest for presidency of the PF, so be it! Our party constitution allows him to do so, and we shall stand by him, no matter what,” said one PF member.

The members warned that they would not tolerate the current leadership to do as they say because it’s against the party constitution. The members were speaking following the reiteration by Mr. Bwalya that he was a bonafide member of the PF and that he would be contesting the position of party president at the June/ July slated general conference in Kabwe.

There have been endorsements from several camps of the Patriotic Front in favour of current Party and Republican President Edgar Chagwa Lungu as being the sole candidate for the 2021 general elections. Others have argued that the endorsements go against the party constitution, which encourages a democratic selection of leaders through a general conference.

Sate Sate Kampamba’s Biography Set For June Launch

Nkana and Chipolopolo striker Ronald “Sate Sate” Kampamba’s biography is set to be launched next month.

Mufulira author Nickson Mutafela is behind the book titled “The Inspiring Story of Ronald Kampamba and the Beautiful Game”.

The book highlights Nkana striker Sate Sate’s rise to stardom from Kitwe’s Wusakile Mine Township.

“Born in a family of six in the densely populated middle class mine township of Wusakile in Kitwe; came to the spotlight when he joined Nkana Football Club in 2009 from Hetro Mining Football Club,” read an extract from the book’s preface.

In an interview, Mutafela said local heroes must be celebrated by documenting their stories.

“Sate Sate has an extra ordinary talent. I thought of writing a book about Sate Sate to appreciate his contribution to the growth of Zambian football,” he said.

“Profiling people like Sate Sate helps to keep records about living legends. Keeping records about people, who have contributed a lot in different spheres of life, is important.”

Kampamba has won the FAZ Super Division Golden Boot accolade twice and the league title with Nkana in 2013.

He had spells at Wadi Degla in Egypt and Belgian side Lierse SK before returning to Nkana.

Ronald Kampamba
Ronald Kampamba

If My COVID-19 Positive Test had leaked, it would have undermined the fight, Dora tells BBC


Zambia’s Information Minister Dora Siliya has told the BBC that she publicly shared her Covid-19 test results to fight stigma associated with the respiratory illness caused by coronavirus.

Ms Siliya said that she was afraid the stigma would impede the fight against the virus-like it did for HIV in Zambia. Ms Siliya said she felt that if her test results had leaked it would undermine the fight against stigma.

“I felt if I did not share my status in terms of the COVID, people will be treating this the same way they do with HIV.

The minister said some Zambians still don’t believe Covid-19 is real. She said the behavioral change has only been seen among the elite in the city, but those in rural areas still think coronavirus only affects those who travel abroad.

“There are people who still think it is a disease for those other people.”

And Matshidiso Moeti, the World Health Organization (WHO) regional head for Africa, has praised Ms. Siliya for being open and sharing important information on COVID-19 risk and prevention measures.

Ms Moeti said “Such candor is vital to the fighting stigma around the virus. I wish you a speedy recovery,”

The total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Zambia is 920, with 7 deaths and 336 recoveries.

PF Regime Scheming Beyond The Gold


By: Anthony Bwalya – UPND Member

The ferocity with which ZCCM-IH is defending the gold Joint Venture with foreign companies should have every patriotic citizen gasping for breath. If the ZCCM-IH Board are not careful, we will not only be calling for the recalling of this scandalous, politically motivated JV but also demand for the immediate dissolution of the entire ZCCM-IH Board.

Zambians have had enough of captured quasi boards playing the role of that useful idiot who facilitates the criminality of political actors at the expense of Zambians.

We have seen this with the Energy Regulation Board (ERB), a quasi institution that has continued to aid and facilitate the diversion of economic gains away from the Zambian people by relentlessly keeping the pump price of fuel high, a pattern of criminal decision making that entrenches corruption across the fuel value chain.

Today, Zambians are staying paying a savage K18.62 per litre of petrol when all indications are that our pump price should be a maximum K10 per litre under global market conditions, despite a 30% plummetting in the value of the Kwacha against the US dollar.

It is also the same kind of criminal manipulation which the ZESCO board has been engaging in, by relentlessly sacrificing the local economy through the calculated manipulation of energy production, local and export distributions, deliberate price distortions and blatant deceptive conduct targeted at protecting the criminal behavior of politicians in the PF government.

This is the same ZESCO board that has been used by the PF regime to launch an illegal assault on the Bulk Power Supply Agreement with the Copperbelt Energy Corporation (CEC), in an attempt aimed at hijacking energy revenues arising from the mines. It is this kind of institutional stupidity that has contributed to the destruction of the general mining investment environment as business environment uncertainty has made it incredibly difficult for companies to plan long term, resulting in mass job losses for our people.

The same ZESCO Board, rather than engaging in professional negotiations with CEC over the BSA, they succumbed to political pressure and allowed the PF Secretariat to dictate the tone of what should have been professional negotiations. But in essence, there are no actual negotiations going on. It is a front to sabotage close to $1bn worth of private investments and drive the control of CEC private assets into the hands of PF operatives.

We have also seen and witnessed the hasty taking over of private mining assets at Konkola Copper Mines (KCM), again by PF operatives and without the proper professional due diligence. This has turned the current “KCM” liquidation process into a total looting machine with revenues now being used to fund the political party activities of the PF through irregularly awarded, inflated supply contracts to PF cadres.

How else does “the liquidator”, explain a $132m energy expense hole to CEC, the same private entity the PF regime are after, when we are being made to believe that KCM is performing far much better under a PF liquidator than previously? Where is the liquidator diverting production revenues?

And this is how the PF have planned to sabotage CEC. KCM, under Milingo Lungu, will never be able to pay off the $132m electricity bill to CEC. CEC will try to terminate electricity supply to KCM and then this will be used as a trigger to completely take over CEC by the PF in the “national interest.”

The general citizenry must now be very awake and careful and realize that now is never the time to give the PF regime a hallpass.

The country is under attack by sponsored criminal cartels who have identified political power as the ultimate prerequisite to carry out their dirty war against an independent Zambian Republic.

We must all be united in saying never again, and certainly not over our dead bodies, shall we allow our Zambian Republic to be stolen for the benefit of criminal capitalism.

The President Failed to Incorporate Attacks on Media by Cadres on Covic-19 Update

What is the position of President Edgar Chagwa Lungu on the continued wave of attack on media?

Attack on media by PF cadres has been a very hot issue in the country for the past few weeks. The attack is a clear product of the fight against the virus. Despite that, President Edgar Lungu has chosen to ignore to incorporate the issue in his address to the nation on Covid-19.

Per cadres and some top PF officials, attacks on media is an effort to combat Covic-19! They believe media promote division in the national fight against Covid-19.

The speech by the President leaves people wondering. Does the President agree with Muchinga province PF chairman Alex Simuwelu, DC of Mpika Moses Katebe, and the cadres who have declared Muchinga province a no go area for UPND President Hakainde Hichilema and have resorted into storming radio stations? Or he is with Information and broadcasting Minister Dora Siliya who has recently condemned attacks on radio stations hosting UPND President Hakainde Hichilema.

It is clearly seen that the Patriotic Front (PF) is divided over the issue. Hence too important for the President to ignore. Is he neutral on the issue?
The President urged people to remain united, resilient, and patriotic under Covic-19 environment. Underlining the word “remain”, it tells us that President Edgar Lungu believes that the country is united on the fight against the virus.

If Zambia is united on the fight against Covid-19, it implies that attacks on media helps maintain unity.

Hence help answer the question above. Does the President agree with those who have declared Muchinga province a no go area for UPND President Hakainde Hichilema. Those who want to use Covid-19 fight as an opportunity to force people surrender some of their rights. Those who to them attacks on media is an effort to combat Covic-19!

By Venus N Msyani
Concerned Citizen.

Africa is now ready to lead – Nevers Mumba


By Dr Nevers Sekwila Mumba
Former Vice President of Zambia and President of the Movement for Multiparty Democracy( MMD)

Africa Freedom Day Statement


Before we became bond men on our soil, we were free. We were widely regarded as the richest continent on earth. It was, in fact, for our wealth that we were colonized. It was for our wealth that we were divided and weakened. Today should remind us that Africa is the original cradle of human civilization. As we commemorate this year’s Africa Freedon Day, it should remind us that we signify what the beginning of life looked like. It is therefore impossible to keep a people like us under bondage. This day must remind us that we have our own heroes and liberators. We must publicly honor them and write our own books. Our history must be deliberately retold on this day.


Known as Africa Freedom Day, Africa Liberation Day or Africa Day. Today carries significant worth for every African. It reminds us of our prowess as a people to free ourselves from the shackles of colonialism and creates hope that united, we can defeat any enemy that may rise against us now or in the future. With our bare hands, we defeated well oiled colonial armies.

All it took was a decision to never again, be slaves on our own soil. The resolve was accompanied by fearless and principled leaders who at the price of their own blood unshackled the continent from slavery. It’s for this reason, every african must celebrate this day.


Today, Africa stands as one of the most enlightened continents. It has produced great scholars. Historians, Scientists, Doctors and many in other fields. It has produced the likes of Ali Mazrui, Chinua Achebe, Patrice Lumumba and others who have ably diagnosed the core problem of our continent. From Poor governance to high levels of poverty created by our own ignorance as to who we are as a people.


We are living at a pivotal time in World history. The world is about to change after COVID-19 from what it was before COVID-19. We are the generation chosen to shape tomorrow’s world. We are the transition.

My message to every african in the post COVID era is to insist that we frame our own future. We must not wait for the West to prescribe a future for us. If they do, they will place us exactly where they want us to be and that’s at the tail end of the new civilization as they did before. In 1884 at the Berlin Conference where Africa was apportioned to European Countries, no African was invited to the table. In Second World War Africans were mobilized to go and fight alongside our colonial masters. Countless number of Africans lost their lives, but when it came to share the benefits of victory, Britain, France, the United States and others, excluded Africa. The only thing we got was a new name of the “Third World.”

History is back again, except this time it has found us grown, matured and more enlightened. Accepting the back bench again would be an act of recklessness on our part.

Some of the areas we must immediately start to interrogate are how to protect and manage our wealth (natural resources). We must search for a new system by which we can govern ourselves which meets our aspirations as a people. We must be bold enough to embrace our cultural values above those we import through television and the internet. We must promote our natural foods which kept us healthy all of our history. We must promote our own music. We must promote our own clothes. We must be proud of our own languages.

If we don’t do our own thing, we shall always be at the back of the line imitating those ahead of us. This is a battle we can never win. We can’t beat an american at being american. Neither can an american beat an african at being african. It’s easier to be a carbon copy than an original. We must not choose the easy way forward. The Coronavirus pandemic provides a very unusual opportunity to reclaim our inheritance and our God given values. If we miss this turning point we may have to wait another hundred years before we can reshape our own destiny.

The larger part of this transformation shall depend on the type of leadership Africa shall select beyond COVID-19. If it will be business as usual with rigged elections, Africa’s plight shall be worse than in the last century. We shall rig our own future to our destruction.

Beyond COVID-19, african nations must re align their multilateral relations with the rest of the world. We must revisit all relations with China, USA, European Union, India and other G7 nations. Our relations MUST be based on mutual respect. To achieve this, we must leverage future bilateral or multilateral relations on our indisputable natural resources. Further, we must avoid the temptation of engaging the world’s bigger economies as individual countries. We must leverage our 1.3 billion population as a continent when dealing with China for instance. Gabon with a population of 2.2 million and a GDP of 16.8 billion cannot negotiate with China with a population of 1.3 billion and a GDP of 13.6 trillion.

Today, we fully understand our problems as a continent. We can no longer continue to outline our mess to the world. It’s time to change our story. To do this, we need new thinking and new leadership on the continent.

We need to set up special think tanks which constitute the best brains and hearts that Africa has, to deal with a new approach to governance and management of our resources.

Africa is now ready to lead.

I thank you.

One More Person In Connection With The Murder of Chinese Nationals Arrested


One more person has been arrested from Ndola bringing the number of suspects arrested in connection with the murder of a Chinese woman in Lusaka to two.

Zambia Police Spokesperson Esther Katongo has confirmed that the second person was arrested from Ndola last night.

Mrs. Katongo said Police Officers are still conducting a search for the other two Chinese nationals at the gutted warehouse and an update on the findings will be given once the search is concluded.

Police on 24th May 2020 arrested one person with the help of the Members of the Public arrested one suspect whose name they withheld aged 22 of Garden House area in connection with the murder.

A burnt body of a female Chinese national namely Hu New Cao aged 52 was retrieved from the inferno with a search for the other two remaining Chinese Nationals has continued having continued.

This was after the Police received a report of Aggravated Robbery and Murder which occurred on 24th May 2020 at around 12:00 hours in Makeni.

Initially, a report of fire incident was received by the Police from a member of the public to the effect that Warehouses belonging to Chinese Nationals were on fire.

When Police rushed to the scene together with the Fire Brigade and whilst there, it was discovered that owners of the warehouses were not at the scene of the fire and a further inquiry led to a search of their houses located behind the warehouses.

Police spotted bloodstains on the floor right from the entrance and a machete with blood stains was also found inside the house on the floor near the bed.

Mrs. Katongo said a docket has been opened and one arrest has been made while investigations have continued.

Government Restricts Parents And Guardians From Accessing Schools

The government has restricted parents and guardians from accessing schools as examination classes reopen on June 1.

General Education Minister David Mabumba says the restriction will apply to both day and boarding schools as part of Covid-19 measures meant to make the learning environment conducive when schools reopen next week.

Addressing Central Province District Education Board Secretaries and Heads of Schools at Kapiri Girls National Technical Secondary School, Mr. Mabumba advised parents and guardians to pack enough essentials for their children as they return to school.

The Minister also directed schools to stock up their Tuck shops and get rid of vendors, who trade around schools as part of Covid-19 mitigation measures. He also advised school heads to ensure an updated database of contact details for parents and guardians in case of emergencies.

And Mr. Mabumba said school fees remain unchanged at 150 kwacha for rural-based Secondary schools and 200 kwacha for urban-based Secondary schools. He added that boarding school fees also remain the same at 1 200 kwacha standard fees while consultations for STEM schools are still underway.

The Minister has since appealed to parents to pay the fees because schools need finances to operate and supplement government efforts against the Covid-19.

And Teaching Council of Zambia -TCZ- Chairperson Christopher Chama, who is part of the minister’s delegation, said the new Board is looking at refining regulations for teachers and colleges of education to enhance the quality of education and teaching in the country.

Professor Chama also revealed that TCZ has now localized the printing of certificates for both registration and practicing, which he said has helped clear the backlog and reduced inconvenience, while creating jobs for locals.

As part of his latest tour of Central province Mr. Mabumba also visited schools and held meetings in Mkushi, Serenje, and Chitambo Districts with a late-night meeting in Lavushimanda district of Muchinga province.

UPND MPs will defect to PF next year, They have already approached us-Sunday Chanda

PF Media Director Sunday Chanda says a number of UPND Members of Parliament will defect to the ruling party next year because they are fatigued with the leadership of the opposition party.

Mr. Chanda says a number of MPs from the UPND have already approached the ruling party and are ready to defect next year.

“If my brother Hakainde Hichilema has informers within his structures, he must have been told about this development and must be worried”, he said.

Mr. Chanda said many Members of Parliament in the UPND are fatigued with the leadership of Mr. Hichilema and are just waiting for the right time to leave.

“You can’t treat old people like kids or robots which you can control from a distance using a remote control “, added Mr. Chanda.

Meanwhile, the PF Media Director has rubbished continued claims by the opposition party of PF buying their members particularly councilors in Western and North-Western provinces.

Mr. Chanda said it is an insult for the leadership of the UPND to render their members vessels for sale and hire by those that have money.

He said the PF does not have money to buy people to cause unnecessary by-elections.

“Our Secretary-General Honourable Davies Mwila had actually suggested that by-elections be halted and some people objected him, why are they now accusing us of causing these by-elections”, he added.

Kundananji Dreams of Europe Move

Shepolopolo striker Rachael Kundananji has revealed her dream to play in England and Spain.

Kundananji currently plays for Kazakhstan side BIIK Kazygurt.

In a recent interview, the Zambia forward said she admires the type of football displayed in Spain and England.

“I have now settled down here in Kazakhstan. I have finished one season and started another that has been disturbed by coronavirus,” Kundanaji said.

“The next step I want to take if God allows is going to play in the Spanish league. Spanish league is very competitive; I admire that league very much,” she said.

Kundananji added: “If not Spain I would like to play in other European countries like England.”

She also spoke about life during the coronavirus pandemic that halted the world sport in the second quarter of 2020.

“Coronavirus has disturbed many programmes but we still train. I do road run, sometimes ball work but it is a big challenge because football is a team sport. You need to be in a group to even know the areas in which you are behind.”

Kampyongo Warns PF Cadres Who Are In The Habit Of Harassing Citizens and Police Officers

Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo has warned PF cadres who are in the habit of harassing citizens and Police officers in the name of the PF party to desist from doing so.

Mr Kampyongo says the law will take its course against any PF cadres who will be found harassing police officers in the name of the party.

The Home Affairs Minister was speaking when he commissioned the newly built Kabanana police post in Lusaka’s Mandevu Constituency.

Mr Kampyongo encouraged the PF cadres to at all times ensure that the law is followed in airing any grievances other than harassing police officers.

And Mr Kampyongo warned members of the public to desist from breaking infrastructure whenever they have issues with the police.

He said infrastructure such as police posts are built at a huge cost using Public resources hence no one should find pleasure in destroying such facilities.

The Kababana police post has been built at a cost of over K600, 000 using constituency development funds.

At the same event, area Member of Parliament Jean Kapata reiterated the need for residents to look after the facility built at a huge cost.

Ms Kapata said the police post will help reduce high crime levels in the area.

She appealed to the Police command to deploy more police officers to Kabanana to ensure increased patrols.

ZCCM-IH Defends Gold Partnership with Sudanese Owned Karma Limited


ZCCM Investments Holdings (ZCCM-IH) has prioritised investments in the mining sector particularly in other minerals such as gold and manganese. As mandated by Government to harness the gold potential in the country, ZCCM-IH strategy is to forge partnerships with any industry player within the gold value chain.

The partnership with Karma Mining Services and Rural Development is one such partnership were the joint venture (Consolidated Gold Company Zambia) is entirely focused on gold processing.

The following account provides clarity on various issues raised by stakeholders:

1. The partnership between ZCCM-IH and Karma Mining Services and Rural Development (Karma)

Karma came into Zambia in 2016 and registered the company in November 2018. Just like any foreign investor they came in the country in search of investment opportunities in the gold mining sector.

They first started with the Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry, and went through the Zambia Development Agency to apply for an investment licence. Their key interest was only in setting up gold processing lines in the gold value chain in which they possess vast experience and expertise from their country of origin – Sudan.

Karma first embarked on talking to existing local small scale gold mining licence holders in the country for partnerships in processing their gold ore, particularly in Eastern Province, before setting up the company in Zambia. With established potential partnerships with these local mining licence holders, they applied for a Mineral Processing Licence through the Ministry of Mines and Minerals Development to enable them set-up gold processing plants.

Instead of them doing it entirely on their own, and engage commercially with these local small scale licence holders, they were advised by the Ministries of Commerce, Trade and Industry and the Ministry of Mines to partner with ZCCM-IH, seeing that ZCCM-IH was now mandated to drive the gold national agenda, with gold being declared a strategic mineral. In fact, the granting of the Mineral Processing Licence to Karma was dependent on them partnering with ZCCM-IH. The two Ministries should actually be applauded for their pro-activeness in seeing that any investor coming to invest in the gold sector now, should partner with ZCCM-IH.We must also understand that the sole business of the JV between Karma and ZCCM-IH is ONLY in gold processing. Karma does not own any gold exploration or mining licences, and will not own any of these, except for Mineral Processing Licences.

2. Shareholding of 45% stake in Consolidated Gold Company of Zambia (CGCZ)

ZCCM-IH undertook its own due diligence on Karma who had already signed agreements with two existing local small scale gold mines to start processing gold. Seeing that Karma was bringing on board the machinery and vast technical expertise and know-how in GOLD PROCESSING, ZCCM-IH entered into a partnership with Karma to form the Joint Venture – Consolidated Gold Company Zambia Ltd – and negotiated for a 45% stake in the JV.

In addition to this, it is enshrined in the agreement with Karma that ZCCM-IH will be able to increase its stake in CGCZ or own it entirely after five years. This period will ensure knowledge and skills transfer in running the operations of gold processing and ensure the business is established successfully.

Further, not only does ZCCM-IH have this significant minority stake, ZCCM-IH has strategic management control in the company and is actively involved in the operations for direction. For instance, the Chief Financial Officer and procurement officer are appointed by ZCCM-IH, and additionally a technical person, a metallurgist is attached to the JV.

Holding a significant minority or majority stake in new investments with investors coming to partner with ZCCM-IH, with some level of control and participation in strategic management positions, is part of our new strategy aimed at ensuring ZCCM-IH gets value and ensures checks and balances in the running of these new entities.

3. The benefits of the partnership between Karma and ZCCM-IH in CGCZ

It is all about the empowerment of the local small scale gold miners. A lot of small scale licence holders have struggled to develop their mines due to lack of resources to conduct exploration to estimate the resources. Most of them have been mining alluvial gold which only involves sifting through gravel to separate the pieces of gold, and can be done by a single miner with a gold pan, by washing the ore in water.

However, the process of hard rock gold mining and processing requires professional technical expertise for gold to be extracted; it is found in rocks which are supposed to be extracted from beneath the ground, crashed and milled into very fine particles, then chemically processed using leaching processes to extract the gold. CGCZ is partnering with these existing small scale licence holders to set-up gold

processing lines for all the types of gold ore materials; they are also being helped with technical expertise to open up gold veins by providing access to earth moving machinery as well. All this will see a boost in their gold production for their benefit, and that of the country at large, as we develop this sector tobring about formalisation and regularisation. Again, knowledge and skills transfer in gold processing to these local licence holders will be another benefit. As such, any current licence holder is free to partner with any investor to mine and process the gold in their licence area.

There are currently small scale licence holders who are already doing so with other foreign partners other than CGCZ or Karma or ZCCM-IH.

The industry traditionally has remained unformalised and a lot of illegal mining has been taking place since time in memorial. And there are sections of society particularly foreigners that have been massively benefiting from this illegality.

There are no formal records of how much gold is siphoned and smuggled out of the country. There are over 60 spotted gold mining areas around the country, and the locals are currently mining. CGCZ is only present in Rufunsa and Mumbwa; and in Mwinilunga ZCCM Gold Company will entirely be responsible for mining and processing operations. CGCZ is not participating in the Kasenseli gold mine as alleged in social media commentary.

4. The CGCZ and Array Metals Joint Venture

The partnership between CGCZ with Array Metals is another JV where they (Array Metals) hold the exploration licence in Mumbwa, and have invested millions of dollars in conducting geological exploration to estimate the gold resources. Again, they could have started processing gold on their own with any investor, considering it is their licence. But they approached CGCZ for a JV in gold processing seeing what CGCZ is already doing with other small scale licence holders in Eastern Province. They saw it fit to have CGCZ come on board to invest in processing their ore materials and negotiated a revenue split of 65% for CGCZ and 35% as licence owners.

So any Zambian can still approach Array Metals to partner with them be it in mining or processing, seeing they have a large scale exploration licence in Mumbwa, and the JV with CGCZ is to process only a portion of the same over a period of time.

5. About ZCCM Gold Company

Early this year, ZCCM-IH formed ZCCM Gold Company to oversee and undertake investments in the gold sector’s value chain. ZCCM Gold is owned 51% by ZCCM-IH and 49% by the Ministry of Finance, and was formed after CGCZ was established and already operational. ZCCM Gold will invest in the entire value chain starting from gold exploration, mining, processing, refining, trading and beneficiation. It will hold its own licences in mining in other gold occurrence areas.

The first project is the Kasenseli gold mine which will be a large scale mining and processing operation. ZCCM Gold is in charge of all the operations of the project. ASpecial Purpose Vehicle is being formed which is comprised of ZCCM Gold as majority shareholder, alongside the previous licence holders who are Zambians and the Chiefdom Trust as equity partners. CGCZ or Karma are not party to the Kasenseli project.

6. The role of ZCCM Gold Company

The mandate given to ZCCM-IH to harness the gold sector is being implemented by ZCCM Gold. ZCCM Gold started buying gold mined by artisanal gold miners in February this year, by providing an open market and competitive pricing as the first step towards formalising the industry.

Gold mining activities have been taking place for years albeit illegally. And now there is a pro-active attempt to formalise the small scale and artisanal gold mining sector. So far, Government has given artisanal miners gold panning certificates to legalise their alluvial or riverbed gold mining activities.

ZCCM Gold is working with these licenced artisanal gold miners by providing them with gold equipment, access to earth moving machinery, and offering technical expertise among others. Again, this is another avenue in which citizen participation in the gold sector is being encouraged and promoted.

As ZCCM Gold build up gold stocks, and get a fair understanding of gold production in the country, ZCCM Gold will set-up a gold refinery in future so that we also start producing gold bullions, and also have a beneficiation line to make jewellery among others.

So, there are vast business opportunities in the gold value chain, and any Zambian can participate. In addition, ZCCM Gold will partner with any local licence holder to conduct exploration and mining were potential viability is established.

7. Technical expertise in gold processing

Indeed, alluvial gold can easily be obtained on the surface. But as the resource gets deeper it would require huge capital outlay to mine. At Kansanshi Mine for example, gold is a by-product of a huge mining operation, and only produce an annual average of 5 tonnes of gold.

ZCCM-IH is open to any local Zambians with this technical expertise in gold processing, to forge partnerships in developing the sector, or they can also apply and obtain licences or partner with existing small scale licence holders to develop the gold mines.

As a country, we are still at a very early stage in formalising and establishing the industry, and this will require hard work and investment over time to attain high production levels. We will obviously need any technical expertise throughout the gold value chain considering the vastness of gold occurrence areas in the country.

ZCCM-IH remains committed to ensure that the benefits that will arise from the formalisation of the gold sector will empower the licence holders, the local communities and derive value for its shareholders. The door remains open for anyone to approach ZCCM-IH for partnerships in the gold value chain.

President Lungu urges youths not to be used for violence and warns illegal gun owners


President Edgar Lungu has called on youths not to be used as tools of violence and appealed to Zambians to embrace dialogue.

Addressing the nation on the eve of Africa Freedom Day, which will be celebrated today under the theme silencing the guns creating conducive of conditions Africa’s development, the President said that youths must strive to promote peace and enhance co-existence and regretted that youths have lately been used as tools of violence.

President Lungu reminded the younger generation that the freedom they are enjoying today was attained by the fore-fathers who made great sacrifices to attain peace.

The President said that Zambia wants to see continent free of conflicts, and one that promotes peace and stability and urged Zambians to embrace the one Zambia One nation Motto.

President Lungu said that despite Zambia enjoying peace there is still a need to check certain vices that undermine the capacity to safeguard peace and achieve sustainable development.

President Lungu said that was needed to guard against vices such as tribalism, corruption, child marriages, and violation of human rights. President Lungu said that Zambia must also guard against emerging threats such as terrorism, cyber-crimes money laundering, and illicit financial flows. He emphasized that such and other vices can sabotage Zambia’s efforts to build a strong and resilient economy.

President Lungu also urged those in possession of illegal firearms to surrender them to the state, adding that, in doing so, they will be contributing to the eradication of the gun culture thereby promoting peace.

“As a country we have been implementing an arms amnesty initiative since 2011 which is also in line with the African Union Initiative to silence the guns by 2020.
Let me therefore urge those still in possession of illegal fire arms to surrender them to the state. In doing so you will be contributing to the eradication of the gun culture thereby promoting peace in our country.” Said President Lungu.

President Lungu said that Zambia has been implementing an arms amnesty initiative since 2011 which is also in line with the African Union Initiative to silence the guns by 2020.

He said anyone who will be found in possession of illegal firearms after the amnesty will be sternly dealt with under existing laws.

“Once this amnesty ends anyone found in possession of illegal fire arms will be sternly dealt with under our existing laws.” he said

The amnesty comes to an end on June 30th, 2020.

This year’s commemorations fall under the theme “Silencing the guns, creating conducive conditions for Africa’s development.”

Protection of journalists and media institutions needs to be enhanced in the run-up to next year’s tripartite elections

Kitwe based political activist Kelvin Chipili is calling for the enhanced protection of journalists and media institutions in the run-up to next year’s tripartite elections.

Suspected Patriotic Front supporters recently disrupted a live paid for radio programme that featured UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema at Isoka FM.

Similar incidents had earlier in that week occurred at Mpika FM and Muchinga Radio Station in Chinsali.

In an interview with Lusaka Times on the Copperbelt, Mr. Chipili said Police should take a leading role in ensuring that journalists are protected from attacks perpetuated by political party cadres.

“I am greatly concerned with the continued intimidation and harassment of the media. It is unfortunate that journalists are vulnerable to attacks from political party cadres,” he said.

“The police should come on board and ensure that they provide security to the media. Police must be vigilante and ensure that they protect reporters in media institutions,” Mr Chipili said.

He added that political parties have a duty to speak against violence and take action against erring members.

“A free press plays an important role in a democratic society and allowing the dissemination of information. So, political parties should also sensitise their cadres against violence. The law has no selection and must be applied fairly,” Mr Chipili said.