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Miles Sampa Closes A Chinese Owned Angels Barbershop At Arcades Shopping Mall For Alleged Racism

Three days after he indefinitely closed Lantian restaurant in Lusaka’s Longacres area for discriminating against Zambians, Lusaka Mayor Miles Sampa has closed Chinese owned Angels Barbershop at Arcades Shopping Mall for discriminating against blacks.

The Barbershop was also found displaying their prices in Chinese contrary to the Food and Health Act.

“We had a tip off from a whistle blower who took his son to cut hair but was told K300 as price just to put him off. When he agreed to pay, they then changed their mind and said the Barbershop was actually closed and had to leave”, said the Mayor.

Mr Sampa said when he went to Angels Barbershop for a fact finding mission on 21st March 2020, he found a closed sign at the door but upon entering, he noticed a Chinese having his haircut.

“They did not recognize us as we had a mask on. We pretended wanting to have our haircut and they said ‘We Closed’ said Mr Sampa who upon inspecting their price board noticed also that nearly everything was labeled in Chinese and not English as prescribed by the Food and Health Act.

Mr Sampa has since retrieved Council licenses from them and closed them indefinitely and a formal sign closure notice from the Council has since been sent to them.

“We are happy to support 100% all law abiding Investors”, he added.

Mr Sampa has vowed not to condone any Investor that discriminates customers or employees based on their color of skin or pricing in other foreign languages other than English which is the constitutionally prescribed official language for Zambia.

He has encouraged residents not to hesitate to inform him if mistreated by any investor including local investors.

The Workers at the Chinese owned Angels Barbershop at Arcades Shopping Mall
The Workers at the Chinese owned Angels Barbershop at Arcades Shopping Mall
Miles Sampa at  the Chinese owned Angels Barbershop at Arcades Shopping Mall
Miles Sampa at the Chinese owned Angels Barbershop at Arcades Shopping Mall
Miles Sampa talking to the owners Angels Barbershop at Arcades Shopping Mall
Miles Sampa talking to the owners Angels Barbershop at Arcades Shopping Mall

Haabazoka opposes Consolidated Gold Company Zambia


Economics Association of Zambia President Lubinda Haabazoka has opposed the manner in which ZCCM-IH is going about with its gold business.

ZCCM-IH has set up a new company called Consolidated Gold Company Zambia (CGCZ) in which it is a minority shareholder for purposes of buying and processing Gold from artisal miners.

But Dr Haabazoka stated that the way ZCCM IH has organized gold mining is contrary to government’s policy on empowering Zambians and also ensuring that mineral resources benefit locals.

“EAZ cannot support a ZCCM IH’s venture to open a gold company with shares only at 51%.

We cannot also support outsourcing gold processing in a joint venture with a foreign company. We shall seek to meet ZCCM IH to ensure that Gold is purely for Zambians,” Dr Haabazoka said.

“We advise technocrats to advise policy makers correctly. It will be pointless to declare gold a strategic asset when it benefits foreigners. Joint ventures with foreign firms have failed in the mining industry,” he said.

Dr Haabazoka has since advised ZCCM-IH to halt any further collaboration until they listen to various stakeholders.

“EAZ stands ready to help out shape a citizen financed gold mining industry.”

Chinese investors are locking their workers inside their plant for fear of spreading the COVID-19-Lusambo

Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo says there has been an increase in the number of reports of abuse of workers being recorded during this period of COVID-19 in the province.

Mr. Lusambo says most of the reports he has received involve foreign investors’ majority of them are Chinese investors who are locking their workers inside their plant for fear of spreading the coronavirus pandemic if they are left to go home.

The Provincial Minister said reports indicate that some workers have spent close to two months without visiting their families and are forced to send their salaries to their families using mobile money platforms.

He said he will to this effect be deploying officers to check on the situation and has warned appropriate action will be taken against Investors that will be found wanting.

Mr Lusambo is concerned that such abuse of workers risk driving many of them to exhaustion, illness, depression.

Meanwhile, Mr Lusambo has warned that the owner of the closed Lantian restaurant in Lusaka’s Longacres area will be deported should he be found guilty of discriminating against Zambians.

He said the restaurant Owner Tang Wei will be used as an example to all would be offenders that racism will not be tolerated in Lusaka Province.

Mr Lusambo said apology or no apology, Mr Wei must be aware that Zambia is a country of laws which should be respected by all employers regardless of their nationality.

And Mr Lusambo who has laughed off claims that most Government Officials are on the payroll of Chinese Investors, said he has received reports from various employers locking their employees for several weeks due to COVID-19.

The PF Government Has Had No Strategic Plan To Combat The Pandemic, Their Response Has Been Poorly Coordinated


By Fred M’membe

Things are changing ceaselessly. As we witness the daily rise in the coronavirus cases recorded in the country, we must begin to acknowledge that the pandemic has and will magnify the structural dilemma our country is faced with.

But we must be reminded, that even though the pandemic may worsen these problems – it did not create or cause them.

The current government of our country has had no strategic plan to combat the pandemic. Their response to the pandemic has been poorly coordinated.

Necessary measures like closing borders, the provision of PPE for our health workers, confining citizens and reaching out to countries that have dealt with the pandemic better such as China and Cuba have not been prioritized.

Instead, the pandemic has not been taken seriously – gyms, casinos, restaurants, golf clubs have been reopened whilst our daily number of recorded cases is on the increase.

But at the center of this, our health workers are doing a tremendous job in the most difficult of circumstances. They are being placed in the front line of this battlefield to provide a service to the community, yet they are not well protected, yet they are not well remunerated and yet they are not even well appreciated. They are risking their own lives and the lives and wellbeing of their own children to save us. We must protect them, remunerate them well and appreciate them.

And we must tackle this pandemic with the seriousness, tenacity it deserves. Our peoples lives are at stake.

It is also clear that the reality that this pandemic will leave our already limping economy in shambles has already dawned on our people – from street vendors to people who run their own small businesses to employees of big companies – they are all already feeling the pinch of it.

And this has been confirmed by projections that the Zambian economy for the first time in over 20 years, will experience negative growth this year, as it will shrink by at least 2.6 per cent.

We are already beginning to see many lose their jobs. This will increase with the prolonged pandemic, but again, we must not believe that this is a result of the pandemic alone. A stronger economic performance, prior to the pandemic, would have minimized job losses and forced pay cuts.

We have time and time again warned this government about the careless contraction of unsustainable debt – but we have not seen things change. Last year, our debt to GDP ratio increased from 35 per cent in 2014 to about 80 per cent in 2019. It was clear prior to the pandemic that servicing this debt will prove difficult for this country. But today, the government will blame the projected defaulting on loan obligations on this pandemic.

We must also remember that the failure to improve the standard of living of our people prior to this pandemic has endangered many lives. With over 60 per cent of our population living below the poverty line, over 350,000 people not having access to regular food supply, and an astonishingly high proportion of our fellow citizens in Kwa and villages not having access to clean running water.

Our people need a leadership that acknowledges that the coronavirus pandemic, has revealed to us, that poor leadership and continued reliance on the “each one for himself” way of life propagated cannot bring solutions for our people.

We must face the reality that pandemics will increase in the years to come, due to over population in many parts of the world, reduced animal habitat increasing the spread of animal diseases in humans, the increase in mega cities and the increased global and local movement of people.

We therefore, cannot continue not to prioritize our economic, health, social and environmental preparedness for these occurrences.

And based on the global and local response to this and past pandemics, it is evident that only socialist oriented solutions can be applied. All the countries are, to varying degrees, applying socialist solutions to try and deal with this virus.

We must therefore ask ourselves: why is it that when there is a crisis socialism comes in? Why not have socialism permanently? Why not all the time or permanently guarantee and provide all our people with free quality health care, decent housing and sanitation, free quality education, food and all the basic necessities for one to live a dignified life?

What has been exposed through the response of all the political representatives of capitalism is that workers and the poor cannot defend their conditions, their rights and now their very lives, through these organisations and under capitalism.

The coronavirus pandemic has expanded the spectrum of imaginable futures and political possibilities. And some of those possibilities have been a sight for sore socialists’ eyes. The virus has validated the core socialist tenet that we are all dependent on each other. When one nation lacks the public-health infrastructure necessary to contain an infectious disease, the public health of all nations is undermined. If thousands or millions of Zambians cannot afford to stay home from work or access health care when they are ill, the well-being of all Zambians is jeopardized.

The experience of the past months has presented the real face of capitalism – a system that constitutes the greatest threat to mankind. Workers, the poor, young people and professionals must fight for a socialist perspective, the only means by which we can make progress.

Without a huge scientific advance soon, the reality of us spending five or more years with high death rates and anemic economies is almost certain.

The coronavirus is indeed a likely major hinge point, but it is only an accidental vehicle to reveal more sharply all the internal contradictions of capitalism and the underlying character of its failed democracy.

It fully reveals its ineptitude, blind allegiance to survival of the fittest herd immunity ideology, hatred for the poor and old, gleeful thoughts of having created a new way to achieve permanent daily death and destruction benefits of traditional war that capitalism is so addicted to. The dangers are real. We now have the chance to choose: barbarism or socialism.

This requires the building of a new socialist awareness and leadership among all our people.

The Author is the 2021 Presidential Candidate for the Socialist Party whose primary mandate is to promote and entrench socialist values in the Zambian society. Anchored on the principles of Justice, Equity and Peace (JEP), the Socialist Party shall transform the Zambian society from capitalism to socialism, building socialism in three key sectors: Education, Agriculture, and Health

Auditor General Conducts Emergency Audit at Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit

Auditor General Dick Sichembe says his office is happy with the cooperation levels by the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit during the emergency auditing of COVID-19 donated items.

Speaking when he visited DMMU National Coordinator Chanda Kabwe at his Office, Mr Sichembe said his office is mandated to conduct emergency audits if and when it deems it fit to do so.

He said the country is in an emergency and that in times like this resources get to be misappropriated.

The Auditor General said his office will not allow mismanagement of COVID-19 donated items both money and material.

He said DMMU has so far shown leadership in the prudent, transparent management and utilization of the donated items.

Mr Sichembe urged the National Coordinator to continue putting the interests of Zambians first by upholding high transparency levels in the handling of COVID-19 items.

And DMMU National Coordinator Chanda Kabwe said his office is making sure that all donated items are distributed on time and to the intended beneficiaries.

Mr Kabwe said just like the Vice President instructed all donated items will be accounted for and given to intended beneficiaries.

He explained that his office and that of the Ministry of Health are coordinating well the COVID-19 response.

Mr Kabwe said DMMU will cooperate with the office of the Auditor General in every way possible so that no speculations are raised and raise public confidence in the government.

IMF Confirms No Covid-19 Relief Package For Zambia Because Of Higher Debt


The International Monetary Fund has confirmed that it has not processed Zambia’s request for emergency Covid-19 assistance because the country has unsustainable levels of debt.

IMF Director of Communications Gerry Rice confirmed that the Zambian authorities have requested emergency assistance from its international partners, including the Fund in addition to an earlier request from Zambia for Fund support for their broader economic reform program.

Dr Rice reiterated that any IMF financial support, including emergency financing, is contingent on steps to restore debt sustainability.

He was speaking during a regular virtual press conference with Journalists from across the world at the IMF Headquarters on Thursday evening.

“As indicated in last year’s Article IV consultation with Zambia, and as published in the report, there, for you to look at, Zambia’s public debt is on an unsustainable path, under current policies, as the Minister said in February, and we note the government’s commitment to restore debt sustainability through fiscal policy adjustment and debt management. So, that’s where it stands,” Dr Rice said.

“Let me also say this to try and help and explain the context. It’s the Fund’s role to help countries address their medium-term viability, economic viability, and we are always and everywhere prepared to perform this role. That’s what we do,” he stressed.

“Our rules are there to help us keep a laser-like focus on designing programs that will work to help the country escape its problems, and they reflect decades of experience, really, of what works and what does not. So, I say that because particular care must be taken in unsustainable debt situations. Why? Because a poorly designed program can make matters worse for a country and its citizens.”

He added, “So, it’s important to get that right, and with strong commitments and actions, by a country and its creditors, a way forward can be found, which we can support, and, again, we always try to make that happen as soon as possible. You know, I won’t speak for other international institutions, but I know they are as dedicated as we are to resolving problems, and, again, more recently, in the case of Zambia, the authorities have expressed their intention to restructure Zambia’s debt, and, in this context, to hire debt advisors.

“So, the bottom line is, on all of that, is we continue to have active discussions with the Zambian authorities on their economic response to the pandemic, as well as their medium-term macroeconomic objectives and policies.”

Mbesuma Open to Chipolopolo Return

Veteran striker Collins Mbesuma has disclosed that he is open to a Chipolopolo return,

The 36-year-old 2012 AFCON winner currently plyas for South African second tierclub Univeisty of Pretoria.

“I am still available if needed. I feel there is something I can still offer at the national team,” Mbesuma told The Times of Zambia.

“I am doing well in my career and scoring goals. This season I managed to score 11 goals and I am sure I can play a part and help the national team.”

Mbesuma last featured for Zambia in 2017 during the reign of Wedson Nyirenda where he scored two goals in the 2018 FIFA World Cup qualifiers.

UPND’s Structures In Western Province Are Crumbling Because Of Fatigue with HH’s Type Of Leadership-Sunday Chanda

The Ruling Patriotic Front has told UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema to stop accusing it of buying his counselors in Western Province.

Speaking during Hot FM’s Hot Seat radio program, Party Media Director Mr. Sunday Chanda has explained that Hichilema’s structures in the Province are crumbling because his councilors are fatigued with his type of leadership.

He said the PF did not have the resources to undertake such schemes.

He however indicated that UPND should expect more of its members of parliament to resign next year because they are fed up with Hichilema’s leadership.

He said most of them have openly stated that they will ditch the longest party in opposition (UPND) because Hichilema has been treating them like children.

Meanwhile Mr. Chanda has cemented the Party’s respect for Media Freedoms in the country, by condemning all acts of violence against media houses perpetrated by the opposition political party.

He further advised the opposition to stop using the COVID-19 situation in the country to stop foster their political agenda.

He said if Hakainde meant well for the country he’d have come up with ways to encourage and sensitize people in Muchinga province about COVID-19 rather than playing his usual politics when people were facing challenges caused by the pandemic.

And speaking during the phone-in Segment Party Deputy Secretary-General Hon. Mumbi Phiri has urged politicians to stop politicking in the wake of the deadly coronavirus.

She said she found it appalling that Hichilema would ignore the feelings of the people by paying for radio programs just to politick in areas that are on total lockdown.

The Deputy Secretary-General lamented how she could not proceed with featured radio programs because of having appreciated the people’s distress and concerns amid COVID-19

Grades 7, 9 and 12 Time tables Adjusted

The Ministry of General Education has adjusted this year’s examination time tables for Grades 7, 9, and 12 to December to enable pupils have more time to learn.

General Education Minister David Mabumba announced at a joint press briefing with Minister of Information and Broadcasting Dora Siliya that the school calendar has also been adjusted with the second term running from June 1, to August 28 while the third term is expected to start on September 14 to December 4.

Mr. Mabumba explained that lessons will start from where the teachers ended when schools abruptly closed in the 1st term following the outbreak of COVID-19 adding that all examinations will be based on what the pupils will learn.

“The 3rd term will ran from 14th September to the 4th December while external Examinations will be on 31st August to 15th September 2020,”
Mr. Mabumba added.

And Mr Mabumba has assured parents and guardians that the Government will ensure that schools are safer for the learners.

He stated that President Edgar Lungu means well for the people of Zambia adding that he wouldn’t risk the lives of their children as they go back to school.

Mr. Mabumba also disclosed that masks will be made available to all the learners and teachers as a preventive measure against the spread of coronavirus.

The General Education Minister also emphasized that school authorities will ensure that social distancing is observed.

Mr. Mabumba added that Covid 19 sensitization material will be provided to parents, teachers and pupils as well screening and testing of every person accessing school premises.
And Mr. Mabumba has disclosed that he will send a team from the Ministry of General Education to go and make an independent assessment on the children as they open Schools on First June.

The Rising Cases of COVID-19 in Zambia Will Continue, Says Prof Mukonka As 34 New Cases Are Reported


Zambia National Public Health Institute (ZNPHI) Director Victor Mukonka has said that says scientific evidence suggests that COVID-19 will be prevalent in the country for a long time to come.

Prof. Mukonka said that the rising trend of COVID-19 cases in the country will continue for some time and warned that the scenario may escalate further if citizens do not adhere to public health measures against the pandemic.

Professor Mukonka has, therefore, called on the participation of all members of the public in ensuring that the country finds a balance between averting a public health disaster and keeping the wheels of the economy running.

Speaking during the routine updates on COVID-19 in Lusaka today, Prof. Mukonka said 418 tests were conducted in the last 24 hours and 34 new cases were recorded, with the bulk of the new positive cases of COVID-19 coming from Nakonde District, while the others are from Lusaka.

Prof. MUKONKA said 105 people have been discharged and that the majority of these are from Muchinga province while the rest are from Kabwe, Solwezi, and Lusaka.

The cumulative number of COVID-19 cases now stands at 866 with 302 2 recoveries

Government lifts ban on the capture and translocation of wild animals

The government has lifted the ban on capture and translocation of wildlife from public protected areas. This follows the ban that was effected on October 2nd, 2019.

Tourism and Arts Minister Ronald Chitotela says after reviewing the situation, the ministry has put in place modalities and processes to include the participation of other stakeholders.

Mr. Chitotela says the decision has been made to promote transparency in the capturing and translocation of wildlife.

The minister stated that the government is hopeful that the move will help boost the tourism sector which has been affected by the COVID 19.

He was speaking at a press briefing that was held in Lusaka today.

And Mr. Chitotela disclosed that the wildlife management Licensing Committee will be appointed and start functioning within the course of next month.

Deregister Consolidated Gold Company, PACRA petitioned


A group of over 5,000 concerned Zambians have written to PACRA to deregister the newly formed Consolidated Gold Company of Zambia (CGCZ) saying its creation is not in the best interest of the nation.

CGCZ is a company that is majority-owned by Karma Mining and Rural Development with only 45% shareholding for ZCCM-IH which is 77.7% owned by the Zambian government.

In a petition seen and copied to the Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry, the petitioner contends that Zambia as a state only has 34.9% stake in CGCZ meaning that the Zambians are minimal shareholders having minimum say in the company’s policy direction and operations.

The petitioners now want PACRA to deregister CGCZ and re-register it as CGCZ (Gold Company in Zambia Limited).

They say the similarity of the name Consolidated Gold Company of Zambia to the names Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines is meant to give the impression that CGCZ is a state run consortium when in fact not.

They say that the use of the name consolidated has no justification and that the use of the name Zambia is meant to invoke a sense of credibility and a level of ownership in any Zambian national that reads it when infact it is a private run company spearheading a foreign agenda.

Zambia’s economy is projected to contract by 2.6 percent in 2020 from a projected 1.9 percent in 2019


Bank of Zambia Governor Dr Denny Kalyalya says Zambia’s economy is projected to contract by 2.6 percent in 2020 from a projected 1.9 percent in 2019.

Dr Kalyalya said at a media briefing that this is the first contraction in real Gross Domestic Product in more than 20 years.

He said with the COVID-19 pandemic, the already challenged domestic macroeconomic environment has worsened adding that the significant reduction in consumer and investment spending due to the disruptions in business operations is expected to weigh on economic activity.

Dr Kalyalya said so far, the sectors known to be most adversely affected are construction, wholesale and trade, tourism, manufacturing, electricity as well as mining.

Meanwhile, Dr Kalyalya said the Central Bank has revised downwards the Monetary Policy rate by 255 points to 9.2 percent from 11.5 percent.

He said this is to mitigate the adverse impact of the COVID-19 on financial sector’s stability, economic activity and ultimately on people’s livelihoods.

Dr Kalyalya has explained that the cut also complements the other broader set of measures already announced by the Central Bank to mitigate the impact of COVID-19.

He said that although the path for inflation is higher than the February 2020 forecast, it is expected to trend towards the upper bound of the 6 to 8 percent medium-term target range at the end of the forecast horizon.

And on the depreciation of the local currency, Dr Kalyalya said the Kwacha, which had exhibited relative stability over the first two months of the year following significant tightening of monetary policy in November and December 2019, came under intense pressure in March.

He said this reflected the unresolved macroeconomic challenges associated with high debt service and debt levels, rising fiscal deficits as well as declining international reserves.

Dr Kalyalya said market attention to these was heightened by the publication of sovereign credit downgrade at this time.

He said the COVID-19 outbreak has since compounded these exchange rate pressures.

Dr Kalyalya said during the period, the Kwacha depreciated by 9.6% against the US dollar to a quarterly average of Kl5.18/US dollar.

He said with the mounting pressure in March, the Kwacha ended the quarter with a year-to-date rate of depreciation of 28.9% to K 18.1 1/US dollar.

Dr Kalyalya said to moderate exchange rate pressures, the Bank of Zambia provided support to the market and in addition, the Bank revised rules governing the operations of the interbank foreign exchange market to support its smooth functioning, strengthen market discipline, and provide a mechanism for addressing heightened volatility in the exchange rate in periods of stress.

KCM partner Trafigura contributes to the COVID-19 fight


Trafigura Services South Africa, one of largest buyers of copper from Konkola Copper Mines (KCM), has provided 70,000 face masks worth USD$30,000 (K555,000.00) towards the fight against the Coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic in Zambia.

Trafigura officials opted to donate the materials to the national fight against COVID-19 via KCM due to restrictions in international movements, which have been caused by the Coronavirus pandemic. Trafigura has pledged to contribute a further 40,000 pairs of protective gloves and 1,400 protective suits for frontline medical personnel, which will be delivered in due course.

KCM Chief Executive Officer Christopher Sheppard said the mining company was glad to represent one of its partners in making the donation towards the fight against the COVID-19 at a time when concerted efforts were required to win the war against the Coronavirus.

Mr Sheppard commented that, “The Coronavirus has emerged as a global enemy whose devastating effects have created far-reaching economic, social and medical dilemma. As such, only a global connect in terms of fighting the COVID-19 will win us this war. It is for this reason that KCM applauds Trafigura for being concerned with the well-being of Zambia and its people and hence making such a significant contribution towards this fight.”

Trafigura’s representative Franck Rogozin said in a message to the government through KCM that his organisation had seen it fit to assist in the COVID-19 fight because of the magnitude of the spread of the virus across many frontiers.

“The distortion to international commerce caused by the COVID-19 is unprecedented in our contemporary times. Trafigura is aware of the numerous challenges this virus has caused for governments and businesses and population in general across the world. We all have to stick together and win the war against COVID-19. We are happy to have been able to contribute vital medical supplies for Zambia’s fight against the virus,” Mr Rogozin said.

Supreme Court Orders Mopani Mines To Pay Over K240 Million Tax Liability To ZRA


MOPANI Copper Mines has been ordered to pay over K240 million tax liability to the Zambia Revenue Authority-ZRA for the years 2006 to 2010. Of the amount, over K140 million covers tax liabilities from 2008 to 2010 while K100 million caters for the years 2006 to 2008.

The order has been made by the Supreme Court in a 63-page Judgement. Chief Justice Ireen Mambilima, Supreme Court Judges Mumba Malila, and Nigel Mutuna handed down the judgment. The judgment is on the backdrop of the appeal filed in the Supreme Court by MOPANI, disputing the Tax Tribunal ruling of 2010.

In 2010 the Tax Tribunal passed a ruling in favour of ZRA, obligating MOPANI Copper Mines to pay the latter the tax liability. This was after the ZRA advanced the complaint before the tribunal when Mopani Copper Mines failed to settle the tax liability.

Meanwhile, the Government has proposed measures to Mopani Copper Mines, aimed at sustaining its operations. Finance Minister, Bwalya Ng’andu has disclosed this to journalists after his Ministerial delegation held a closed-door meeting with management at Mopani copper mines.

Flanked by Labour Minister, Joyce Simukoko, Mines Minister, Richard Musukwa and Copperbelt Province Minister, Japhen Mwakalombe, Dr. Ng’andu said it is now up to the mine management to engage Glencore.

Dr. Ng’andu explained that the government expects feedback from Glencore, the owners of Mopani Copper mines.

He said the government hopes the issue of Mopani mine will be concluded within the few coming weeks, in order to put the matter to rest.

And Mopani Copper Mines Board Chairperson, Moses Chilangwa said the mining firm is ready to listen to the government, as the two parties try to find a solution to the matter