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High Court Awards Serenje Villagers Compensation For Losing Land

The Lusaka High Court has ruled that the 13 villagers that were displaced by a commercial farmer in Serenje in 2013 should be compensated.

This was after the 13 villagers filed a complaint in the Lusaka High Court with the help of the Zambia Land Alliance and Southern Africa Litigation Centre after the release of a Human Rights Watch findings in 2017.

The villagers who sued live in the Muchinda chiefdom, territory and people ruled by Chief Muchinda in Serenje district, which covers about 324 000 hectares and had been parceled out into four large farm blocks which take up more than 273 000 hectares.

The chiefdom also has a forest reserve, an open-air prison facility with farms run by the Zambia Correctional Service and a “resettlement scheme”.

The villagers were forced off their plots of land as soon as investors leased the land and started clearing to plant, sometimes without all the required permits.

They lived out in the open for months, then later in tents or shoddy housing on the fringes of a government forest reserve, with inadequate access to water and no source of livelihood or permission to cultivate the land.

On April 30, the High Court ruled that the holding that the conversion of customary land was illegal and that the resulting forced displacement violated the community’s rights to life, freedom of movement and association, dignity, and equal protection of the law.

The Court ordered the Attorney General, the Serenje District Council and one of the companies at issue to provide relief, including providing alternative land and compensation for rights violations.

And Human Rights Watch Women’s Rights Researcher Juliana Nnoko-Mewanu has since urged the Zambian government to swiftly execute the order to ensure that community members have access to land and water and get help with building new homes and returning to farming.

Mrs. Nnoko-Mewanu said the government should also ensure that communities can adequately shelter-in-place to contain the spread of the coronavirus.

“Additionally, they should fully enforce the court order that the commercial farm must compensate them for their destroyed property, which includes ancestral graves.”

“Families who lived and farmed for generations were displaced without due process or compensation, with some left hungry and homeless. The High Court ruling is a first step in righting the wrong done to them. Petitioners had sought more and requested that the court cancel the commercial farm’s land title, and questioned the legality of the conversion of their land into a farm block. The court stopped short of doing so,” Mrs. Nnoko-Mewanu said.

“It found that though the procedure for converting the land was irregular, it could not cancel the title of the farm since the venture furthered the government’s national development plan.”

“The court then ordered the government to provide alternative land and compensation. The President should direct responsible senior officials and local leaders to urgently identify and provide alternate land, compensation and assistance to these community members in a way that preserves their connection to their ancestral area. Given the scarcity of land in the area, alternative land might be difficult to find. But the government has to do its best to find it — and do so quickly,” she said.

ECZ is obliged to conduct the exercise, with or without Covid-19-Sishuwa

Political Activist Sishuwa Sishuwa has charged that the Electoral Commission of Zambia has no legal powers to suspend continuous voter registration.

Recently, ECZ Chief Electoral Officer Patrick Nshindano stated that the Commission is revising its elections calendar due to the outbreak of Covid-19 noting that the revision might affect the voter registration exercise which might subsequently affect the holding of the August 12 2021 elections.

The Commission subsequently clarified that it has only suspended voter registration but has no legal mandate to postpone the holding of elections as such events are regulated by the constitution.

But Dr Sishuwa stated that the ECZ has the obligation to conduct continuous voter registration as the body has no powers to suspend the exercise.

“Section 7 of the Electoral Process Act No. 35 of 2016 mandates the Commission to conduct continuous voter registration. The Commission has no legal mandate to suspend the exercise unless an election is due, to facilitate publication and inspection of the voters’ register”, Dr Sishuwa said.

He added, “The law says voter registration shall be continuous. The use of the word “shall” means the ECZ is obliged to conduct the exercise, with or without Covid-19, as is the case with requirement to hold elections. The exercise can only stop for purposes of conducting an election.”

He added, “Think of it this way. Assume the threat of Covid-19 does not diminish until August 2021. Does this mean that the Commission will not conduct voter registration before the general election but will proceed to conduct the general election thereby disfranchising many eligible voters?”

Dr Sishuwa said the Act is clear on the need to hold continuous voter registration.

“What ECZ probably wants is to conduct online registration of voters, which is easier to manipulate. Remember they even attempted to start online voter registration in the absence of a statutory provision to support their action. So ECZ is delaying the start of voter registration because they want Parliament to pass the Electoral Process Amendment Bill of 2019, which provides for online registration of voters.”

Mulenga Bwalya appointed DBZ CEO


The Development Bank of Zambia has announced the appointment of Dr. Samuel Mulenga Bwalya as its Managing Director (MD).

Dr. Bwalya has over 25 years of experience in development economics, economic management and international development, which spans across Nigeria, Ethiopia and Zambia.

He has conducted research in several fields of economics, political economy, taxation and tax administration systems, and on environment and natural resource management.

Prior to joining DBZ, Dr. Bwalya worked for the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Nigeria as Country Director and Resident Representative.

He also worked for UNDP Ethiopia as Country Director, as well as the Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) as Director for Corporate Planning and Research.

He holds a PhD Degree in Economics and Master of Science Degree in Economics from the University of Rhode Island and Addis Ababa University respectively, and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Economics from the University of Zambia.

Commenting on Dr. Bwalya’s appointment, DBZ Board Chairperson Prof Pinalo Chifwanakeni said ‘We are confident that his leadership capabilities, coupled with his economic management and international development expertise, will enable the Bank to formulate and implement key transformative programs that will enhance its position as a development finance institution.”

DRC Government Accuses Zambia Of Trying to Annex Part of DRC Territory


Authorities in the Democratic Republic of Congo have accused the Zambian government of attempting to annex part of the territory belonging to DRC. Tensions brewed between Zambia and the DRC following skirmishes between the armed forces of the two countries at a border last week.

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) disclosed the armies’ clashes on the border had resulted in further displacements, particularly in the Moba territory.

The incident is the first sign of cross-border tension between the DRC and Zambia since the meeting in October last year between the authorities of Tanganyika in DRC and Zambia to normalize the situation at the border.

Gilbert Kankonde, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior said tensions exist between Zambia and the DRC towards Mpweto where Zambians are showing signs of wanting to annex part of DRC territory.

This is according to Africa News Correspondent Gaël Mpoyo who reported that Congolese authorities suspect Zambia of wanting to annex a part of the territory belonging to DRC. He said these sentiments were shared during a Council of Ministers meeting chaired by President Félix Tshisekedi on Friday.

And National Deputy Jean Manda confirmed the presence of Zambian forces in Mulilo in Moba territory after his stay in the region.

“Tensions persist on the border from March 13th when Zambian forces occupied several villagers along Lake Tanganyika in Moba territory, this is the case of Villages of Kibanga, Libondwe and Kalibamba in the Molilo area located about 300 Kilometers east of the city of Moba. The Congolese military are entrenched in the Molilo Centre with Headquarters based in Moba Centre to control this part of the south eastern part of Moba,” Mpoya said.

He said Zambian forces are occupying villages in Mulilo from Moba territory on the border since the October meeting.

“Zambian soldiers are now occupying territories that they did not even occupy before like Kapingo, now they have come back in force and they have positioned war machines there.”

He said during the diplomatic sessions, authorities of the two countries have agreed to resolve this border dispute peacefully.

“It should be recalled that similar incidents have occurred in 1996, 2006 and December 2016 around a Congolese town easily accessible from Zambia while on the Congolese side the swamp makes it difficult to access. The tension is still very high,” he said.

Mpoya said the Congolese military is in position just waiting for orders.

“Moreover repeated invasions by Zambian forces have been reported in Old Tanganyika, two Congolese provinces bordering Zambia since the beginning of the year, after clashes between the naval forces of the two counties after fishermen using illegal nets. The situation is astonishing given that the two counties have normal diplomatic relations,” he said.

Zambia-DRC border
Zambia-DRC border

Covid-19 has messed up 2020 budget- Dr Ng’andu


Finance Minister Dr Bwalya Ng’andu has admitted that the 2020 national budget will need to be revised.

Dr Ng’andu said Covid-19 has caused a government financing gap of at least 20 billion Kwacha ($1.09 billion) to 29 billion Kwacha this year which accounts for as much 40% of planned revenue.

In an interview in Kitwe on Monday, Dr Ng’andu also admitted that Zambia was “over ambitious” with its borrowing.

He said Zambia is seeking to restructure its debt after years of “over-ambition” in borrowing to plug an infrastructure deficit.

Dr Ng’andu said Zambia has stopped taking on new commercial debt and is seeking to cancel some loans that it’s contracted but not yet received.

He said the country also aims to restructure loans already disbursed as the government strives to achieve debt sustainability that would allow it to tap emergency financing from the International Monetary he said.

He also referred to restructuring to describe what the government has so far called a “liability management exercise” of its external debt.

The Finance Ministry is seeking financial advisers for this process, which will include all of Zambia’s external debt.

“There was an over-ambition in terms of borrowing,” he said. When asked if the nation’s debt was unsustainable, Dr Ng’andu said “everybody knows that.” The Finance ministry knows that.”

He said the Ministry has written to lenders with which it had contracted debt, but not yet received the money, asking them to cancel or reduce the projects.

In February, he said the government could reduce the total $7 billion of contracted but undisbursed debt by about $5 billion.

Zambia is also planning to restructure loans it’s already received and in its external debt count, which totaled $11.2 billion at the end of last year including $3 billion in Eurobonds.

“The idea was to begin the process of restructuring — talking to the lenders with the view to restructure the loans,” Dr. Ng’andu said.

“We have gone in this process by seeking to get professional advisers on debt. There was a process which has been completed last week of assessing possible friends that can work with us in terms of helping us to restructure our debt.”

ZESCO and Power China Ink 600 MW Solar Power Deal


ZESCO Limited and Power China have signed three contracts worth US$548 million to develop 600MW (AC) grid-connected Solar PV Power Plants to be located in Chibombo, Chirundu, and Siavonga Districts.

The signing ceremony took place at the ZESCO Limited Head Office today.

The three-grid connected Solar PV projects will have a capacity of 200MW each.

ZESCO Limited Managing Director, Mr. Victor Mundende said the signing of the three contracts is historic for ZESCO and Zambia as a whole, as it is a significant step towards diversifying renewable energy development in power generation.

Mr. Mundende said that the project, will among several benefits, greatly profit the over one million current and potential customers by increasing access to reliable electricity, enhance industrial development and create employment opportunities for local people.

Mr. Mundende urged Power China to ensure that the plant technology takes advantage of the tremendous technologies that are continually improving on the market.

He further urged Power China to expedite the works on time with due care to quality, performance, and safety.

And PowerChina Authorised Representative Mr. Wang Junzhou said his company was proud to partner with ZESCO in the provision of clean energy which will contribute to optimizing power structure, grid stability, and the economy.

Nevers Mumba Marks 60th Birthday by Performing Charity Work

“New Hope” Movement for Multi-party Democracy (MMD) leader Dr Nevers Mumba marked his 60th birthday on Monday (18th May) by spending time performing charity work in Lusaka’s Kalikiliki Compound.

The charismatic pastor and politician gave away food packs to the elderly and vulnerable people and also donated sanitary buckets and soap to selected households.

The cheerful “birthday boy” interacted with residents, engaging them on the dangers of Coronavirus and demonstrating how to wash their hands to protect themselves from infection.
He also distributed face masks to children while urging residents to strictly adhere to guidelines given by health officials.

Afterwards, Dr Mumba said the charity work was done in his capacity as president of Zambia Shall Be Saved as well as leader of the opposition MMD.

“For me it’s an great honour to spend the first hours of birthday doing this, being able to make someone’s life better, being able to save a life by ensuring that we teach hygiene to our people, and so there is no better way to celebrate my 60th birthday than to be able to help somebody else. So I feel greatly fulfilled to be part of this,” he said.

He explained that a total of 200 buckets, liquid soaps and food hampers were distributed in Kalikiliki.

Dr Mumba thanked his cooperating partners that had made the dream of serving the families of Kalikiliki come true.
“We still have about 1,700 families to serve and I know with the help from the Church and those who want to help, we appeal to you different partners, especially the Church that would like to help us to continue making these packs available to our people,” said Dr Mumba.

“I also want to thank all those partners that are working with us in this project, including the Potter’s House [and] Bishop TD Jakes who is working with us in ensuring we can do what we are doing. So I take this opportunity to thank Bishop TD Jakes publicly. He was held our hands as we are working on this project.

Nevers Mumba assisting a Child put on a face Mask
Nevers Mumba assisting a Child put on a face Mask

DEC’s Anti-Money Laundering Unit Arrests 40 People In First Quarter


The Drug Enforcement Commission through the Anti-Money Laundering Investigations Unit in the first quarter of 2020 arrested 40 people from 17 concluded cases involving over K17.4 million.

The Unit received a total of 63 reports during the first quarter of 2020, involving K30, 313,058.18 and $7, 292.00.

Commission Public Relations Officer Theresa Katongo said 60 percent of the cases involved fraud, 21 percent theft, and 19 percent other types of predicate offenses.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Katongo said two convictions were recorded in cases under the Anti-Money Laundering Investigations Unit during the quarter under review.

Below is a full statement….

Lusaka, Wednesday, 20th May 2020

Drug Interdiction

The Drug Enforcement Commission in the first quarter of 2020 recorded 1 013 arrests for various drug-related offenses countrywide, representing a twenty (20) per cent reduction from 1, 279 arrests recorded in the same period in 2019.

Of the total arrests recorded for drug-related offenses 959 comprised males and fifty-four (54) females. The total arrests also included 75 juveniles.

Further, of the total arrests, 167 convictions were recorded with 31 cases disposed of through other legal provisions while 514 cases were still pending at various stages of the court process at the end of the quarter under review. The Commission seized cannabis plants, herb and seeds totaling 18.77 tons, compared to 13.47 tons recorded in the same period in 2019, thereby representing an increase of 39.3 percent while other seizures included 110.6 Kg of miraa and 1.07 Kg of heroin.

Money laundering and Counterfeit Notes

The Commission through the Anti-Money Laundering Investigations Unit (AMLIU) arrested forty (40) people from seventeen (17) concluded cases involving a total of ZMW17, 408, 598.00. The Unit received a total of sixty-three (63) reports during the first quarter of 2020, involving ZMW30, 313,058.18 and $7, 292.00 United States Dollars. Sixty (60) per cent of the cases involved fraud, 21 per cent theft, and 19 per cent other types of predicate offences.

Meanwhile, two (2) convictions were recorded in cases under the Anti-Money Laundering Investigations Unit during the quarter under review.

Drug Demand Reduction

The Commission through the National Education Campaign Division (NECD) conducted a total of 533 awareness activities from which 85, 931 people were sensitised through institutions of learning, community and workplace programmes as part of the drug demand reduction strategy.

Further, the Commission attended to 210 clients aged between 13 and 46 years under the counselling and reintegration programme, with the primary drugs of abuse being cannabis, alcohol, heroin and codeine.


The Commission has continued to monitor the trends of drug trafficking and money laundering with a view to curtailing the illicit vices as mandated in the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic substances Act Chapter 96 of the Laws of Zambia and Prohibition and Prevention of Money Laundering Act No. 14 of 2001 as amended by Act 44 of 2010.

We wish to warn perpetrators behind the vices of illicit drug abuse, trafficking and money laundering to desist from the acts as the Commission will be on hand to ensure all offenders are brought to book. We urge members of the public to continue supporting the Commission in the fight against illicit drugs and money laundering.

Issued by:

Theresa Katongo

Public Relations Officer

Drug Enforcement Commission

Kambwili Supports Government’s Decision Against Glencore’s Move on Mopani


Opposition National Democratic Congress-NDC leader Chishimba Kambwili has supported government’s decision not to allow Glencore to place Mopani Copper Mines-MCM on care and maintenance.

Mr. Kambwili said this when he made submissions to a committee of three cabinet ministers who are on a fact-finding mission of the mining sector.

He said Mopani Management has been applying wrong mining methods, which have resulted in high cost production.

The NDC leader said government and political leaders must put their foot down and not allow the mines in Kitwe and Mufulira to be placed under care and maintenance.

He said Zambians are not in any way benefiting from Mopani as the company has employed many expatriates and engaged foreign contractors and suppliers at the expense of locals.

Mr. Kambwili noted that the mining firm has a cartel of foreign contractors and suppliers whom they contract at exorbitant costs.

According to ZNBC, Mr Kambwili submitted that the country has a lot of local experts who can run and manage the firm profitably.

The NDC leader cited that Mopani mine was run and managed efficiently and at low cost when it had Mr. Emmanuel Mutati as its Chief Executive Officer.

He further charged that it is not possible for him to go to the Media and criticize government decisions if he is consulted, like the case has been on Mopani mine.

Earlier, Finance Minister Bwalya Ng’andu said the three ministers are on a mission to have a clear picture of what is on the ground.

Dr. Ng’andu said government wants reliable information about operations of mining firms.

He thanked Mr. Kambwili for availing himself before the ministers especially that he had to drive from Lusaka just to make his submissions.

And Mines Minister Richard Musukwa said the intention of government is to sustain mine operations at Mopani beyond the Ninety days notification that Mopani has given government.

Copperbelt Minister Japhen Mwakalombe, Members of Parliament for Mufulira Central, Kamfinsa, Wusakile, Chimwemwe and Kitwe District Commissioner Chileshe Bweupe also joined the meeting in Kitwe this morning.

Jacob Banda: Zesco United Recharged During Lock Down

Zesco United captain Jacob Banda says they are 100 percent focused in lock-down individual training and hoping to successfully defend their league title.

All FAZ Super Division Stadiums have been silent since March 8 when it was decided a week later to pause the 2019/2020 season due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

The decision left Zesco in fifth position on 42 points, four points behind leaders and Ndola archrivals Forest Rangers with nine matches left to play.

“I think we have had time to rest and recover from injuries. What is important is that we keep ourselves in shape during this lockdown,” Banda said.

“We can’t afford to relax because when the league resumes, all the teams will be fighting to get good results.”

Zesco are also one point outside the top four bracket whose prize is continental qualification with first and second playing in the CAF Champions League while third and fourth will play in the CAF Confederation Cup.

Napsa Stars, Green Eagles and Nkana are second, third and fourth on 45, 44 and 43 points respectively.

60 new COVID-19 cases, all linked to Nakonde, have been recorded in last 24 hours


60 new COVID-19 cases have been recorded out of 495 tests conducted in the last 24 hours, Zambia national public health institute director Professor Victor Munkonka has disclosed.

Speaking during the latest update, professor Munkonka said 5 more patients have been discharged adding that cumulatively cases now stand at 832, recoveries at 197, active cases are now 628 with 7 deaths.

Professor Munkonka explained that 48 cases are from 307 tests conducted from Muchinga province, out of which 4 are health workers, 24 from community screening in Nakonde, 17 from contacts of known cases while 1 was presented to Isoka hospital.

“The other 12 confirmed cases are from 188 samples tested from Ndola at the Tropical Disease And Research Control.8 are truck drivers who traveled from Nakonde to deliver fuel while the rest are isolated cases from Ndola and Kitwe” professor Munkonka explained.

He said all cases are somehow linked to Nakonde and said intensified activities have been heightened such as training of community workers and deployment of more health workers and said mass screening has also been extended to other ports of entry such as Chirundu and Kasumbalesa.

Professor Munkonka emphasized the need for people to adjust to the new normal by adhering to the measures that have been announced such as social distancing, personal and environmental hygiene, and intensify masking in public places to avoid new infections.

Evans Kangwa Hailed for Starting Soccer Academy

Youth coach and ex-Nkana defender Noel Phiri has saluted Chipolopolo striker Evans Kangwa for establishing Shamuel Soccer Academy in Lusaka.

The academy has junior teams ranging from under-8 to 17 with the main team competing in the FAZ Division 1 Lusaka Province.

In an interview with LT Sport, Phiri, who is Samuel Soccer Academy coach, said the promotion of grassroots football is key to advancing the sport in the country.

“At the academy we have under 8, 10, 12, 14 and 17 up to the main team that is in Division 1. Shamuel Academy is not an ordinary academy but an academy with a vision beyond talent. The vision of this team is to see young talented players reach the levels beyond expectations,” Phiri said.

“My brother and our President Evans Kangwa is making a route where we will be taking players to other teams in Zambia and outside. This is a route that should take players to places they desire in their careers,” he said.

Phiri emphasised the need to promote football at the lower level.

“Grassroots football is the one sustaining our game in Zambia. Like they say in Bemba ‘imiti ikula e mpanga’. Imagine a team with players on loan from other clubs, what happens when those players go back to their parent clubs? That is why we have this academy so that players can be graduating from one level to another,” he said.

Meanwhile, Phiri is relishing his new coaching career after hanging his boots recently.

The retired defender played for Nkana, Nkwazi and Napsa Stars.

“I never thought I will be in this journey of coaching this soon. I think God just changed by destine for me to lead these talented young people. Most people think that one can stop playing active football at a tender age because he is tired or because of age. Sometimes one can stop playing football at a tender age because of the vision one has and what God has for that person in future,” Phiri said.

Phiri won the FAZ Super Division title with Nkana in 2013 and played in the CAF Confederation Cup group stage a year later.

Continued Attack On Radio Stations By Patriotic Front Party Members is Sad-Sean Tembo

The Patriots for Economic Progress is saddened with the continued attack on radio stations by Patriotic Front Party members in Muchinga Province, despite several public condemnations of this criminality by President Lungu’s Government.

Patriots for Economic Progress Leader Sean Tembo says this is evidence enough that President Lungu is not taken seriously and is considered a joker by his own party members, hence their continued disregard of his Government’s directives to stop the attacks on radio stations.

Mr Tembo said any President who is unable to instill discipline in his own political party members, to the extent that his members run amok destroying private property and assaulting innocent citizens at radio stations, is a lame-duck president and unsuitable to be the commander in chief of our armed forces.

He has challenged President Lungu to grow a backbone and deal with his unruly Patriotic Front Party members saying if the President is unable to grow the necessary backbone, then he should resign the presidency forthwith.

Mr Tembo has reminded President Lungu that Zambia has continuously existed as a peaceful nation for more than 53 years because of adherence of the citizens to the rule of law.

“Not even UNIP members during the One-Party-State, would have the audacity to attack a radio station, destroy private property and seriously assaulting journalists. Mr. Lungu is hereby advised that the citizens of this Republic will not allow to be held hostage by the unbridled and insatiable political ambitions of a single individual, who is willing to sacrifice our national security in order to preserve his fast dwindling political fortunes in the northern-circuit of Zambia”, said Mr Tembo.

He has called on President Lungu to not only enjoy the privileges that come with being Republican President, but also properly discharge the duties that come with the job, which duties include protecting citizens and their property.

Mr Tembo has demanded that not only should the PF members that attacked radio stations in Muchinga Province be arrested and prosecuted, but also Mr Lungu’s Lusaka Province PF Chairman, Paul Moonga and his accomplices that attacked the PeP peaceful protest along Cairo Road on 28th November 2019 should also be arrested and prosecuted.

He said President Lungu’s most outstanding failures, since the commencement of his Presidency in January of 2015, has been his lack of self-restraint to use any and all means necessary to achieve his political goals, regardless of the damage of his methods on the fabric of this nation, and its posterity.

Youth Activist Stages Lone Protest Over Continued Placing of Chambishi Metals Under Care by Owners


Youth activist Chikabala Kaleta has staged a lone protest over the continued placing of Chambishi Metals under care and maintenance by owners Eurasian Resources Group (ERG).

ERB sent 229 workers on forced leave when shutting down operations in February 2020 leaving the firm with a skeleton staff of 29 during the indefinite care and maintenance period.

Mr. Kaleta, who is also a business executive in Chambishi on the Copperbelt, was seen with a placard outside the mine.

In an interview with Lusaka Times after the protest, Mr. Kaleta said the Government should intervene in the Chambishi Metals issue with the same zeal it showed when Mopani Mine sent workers on forced leave recently.

“Government should advise ERG to resume operation or surrender the mine to people who can run Chambishi Metals. I think Government can even do what it did with KCM and later sale the mine to another investor,” he said.

According to records from mine unions, the workforce at Chambishi Metals has reduced over the years from over 1000 to 29.

“It seems our leaders in Chambishi are sleeping. Where is the Member of Parliament (Kampamba Chewe), where is the District Commissioner? We want to see the same zeal the Government showed when Mopani sent miners on forced leave,” Mr Kaleta added.

ERG say lack of feed is one of the factors leading to the placing of the mine under care and maintenance.

UN Food Program Begins Delivering Food Relief to Flood Victims

The United Nations World Food Programme has begun delivering relief food assistance to more than a quarter of a million vulnerable people heavily impacted by recent flash flooding.

On top of last year’s drought that plunged 2.3 million people into food insecurity, recent flash floods have left an estimated 1.1 million in need of food assistance.

WFP Representative in Zambia Jennifer Bitonde says unpredictable weather patterns are having a profound impact on the lives of the most vulnerable in Zambia.

She said the COVID-19 pandemic hit Zambia as people affected by drought and flash floods were just starting to recover and rebuild their livelihoods and this risk undermining resilience gains and further aggravating food insecurity of the most vulnerable.

Ms Bitonde said WFP is working with the Government and the national disaster management agency to deliver immediate relief food to 260,000 food-insecure people in 32 flood-affected districts in central, northern and eastern parts of Zambia.

She said with COVID-19 preventative measures in place, people affected by the floods are receiving up to 30-day rations of government-supplied maize meal, together with WFP pulses that ensure an adequate protein intake.

Ms Bitonde has thanked the Government of the United States and the United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund, whose support has enabled this significant intervention.