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Forest Hope They Will Be Champions If Season Is Ended Due to Covid-19

Leaders Forest Rangers want to be declared champions of the 2019/20 FAZ Super Division season in case the suspended campaign doesn’t continue due to the corona-virus pandemic.

Forest, who have never won the FAZ Super Division title, are leading the Super Division with 46 points from 24 matches played in the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic that has halted the season.

FAZ is in the coming days expected to decide how the current season will be concluded as guided by CAF.

Declaring the season null and avoid is one of the options FAZ is expected to consider.

But Forest chairman Ben Mukuka says it would be unfair to declare the season null and void when some clubs have played up to 24 rounds of matches.

“Obviously as league leaders people may think that we will be biased in our proposal on how the league should end but I think people should look at a fair solution to how the league should end,” Mukuka said on Saturday.

“Look at this; we have played more than three quarters of the league fixtures and its common sense now that we can’t play games with fans. I think that if we cancel the season the league leaders should be crowned as champions of the league. And then all the top four teams that are currently sitting on the top of the league should be allowed to participate in continental football next season,” he said.

When the league was halted at Week 25, the top four had Forest, Green Eagles Napsa Stars and Zesco United in that order while the bottom three is hosting Nakambala Leopards, Kabwe Youth and Mufulira Wanderers.

“To say that we declare the league null and void and then pretend like the 2019/20 season never happened and go back to the season 2018/19 will be very unfair,” Mukuka said.

“What is unfortunate in Zambia is that we don’t have uniform number of fixtures that have been played in the league. It also fair to allow teams that have not reached the 25 game-mark to play under closed door although this is the proposal the Government turned down,” he said.

Zanaco, the team with the fewest number of games, have played 21 times.

Mukuka added:”The other suggestion probably me I would think of why don’t we go for the head or tail of a coin because there are few games to be played.”

With COVID-19, Cassava gets New Use and Goes in High Demand



Reuters report that to deal with drier conditions brought by a shifting climate, farmer Pamela Nyirenda last year shifted to growing drought-hardy cassava, among other new water-sipping crops such as groundnuts and cowpea.

But this year her cassava field has brought not just a secure harvest but also a financial windfall, as buyers snap up the tubers to produce ethanol for alcohol-based hand sanitiser.

As the coronavirus pandemic hits Africa, cassava flour in Zambia is this year selling for up to 5,000 kwacha ($270) a tonne, a steep rise from less than 2,000 kwacha last year at this time, according to the Zambia National Farmers Union.

Small-scale farmers like Nyirenda, 39, who has a two-hectare family farm near the border with the Democratic Republic of Congo, say they’re fast reaping the benefits of switching to hardier crops, both in terms of better food security in a time of uncertainty and more income.

“This is my second year cultivating (it) and I have managed 10 tonnes of cassava tubers,” she told the Thomson Reuters Foundation in a telephone interview.

She said she expects to earn nearly twice as much from her cassava this year as last.

As they struggle with longer and more frequent droughts linked to climate change, a growing number of farmers in Zambia – and across sub-Saharan Africa – are switching to water-saving crops more likely to ensure a harvest, even in poor conditions.

Now that switch away from staples such as maize and rice to millet, cassava, sorghum and other crops is having multiple payoffs, particularly for farmers who depend solely on rain-fed fields for harvest, agricultural experts say.


Musika, a Zambian agricultural non-profit, noted than over 25,000 farmers in Zambia – many of them women – are now growing particularly drought-tolerant varieties of cassava, up from 5,000 five years ago.

Pamela Hamasaka, head of corporate affairs for Musika, said demand for cassava ethanol has surged in Zambia as companies rush to churn out more hand sanitizer to control the spread of the deadly coronavirus pandemic.

Zambia has so far recorded close to 100 confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus, with three deaths. Public gatherings and non-essential travel have been halted, and in April the president declared use of face masks mandatory in public.

Currently, 250 tonnes of cassava flour a day are being turned into ethanol for hand sanitizer and other products sold locally or exported to neighboring countries in the region, Hamasaka said.

“The advent of COVID-19… has pushed the demand for bi-products of ethanol high,” she said.

But some experts fear turning food crops like cassava into ethanol could hit the region’s food security as a COVID-19 global economic slowdown leads to more export bans.

Zambia’s Ministry of Agriculture projects the country will produce just over a million tonnes of cassava flour this year.

The country has seen an average 6% rise in production annually over the last five years, according to ministry figures.

Cassava is now grown by about a half-million small-scale farmers in Zambia, as part of a push to diversify agriculture beyond maize, the country’s drought-vulnerable staple, ministry officials said.

Reporting by Danstan Kaunda ; editing by Laurie Goering : Please credit the Thomson Reuters Foundation, the charitable arm of Thomson Reuters. Visit

PF Member Reports Kitwe Mayor Christopher Kang’ombe to ACC for Corruption and Abuse of Office

The Problems for the ruling Patriotic Front (PF) Kitwe Mayor Christopher Kang’ombe have continued to mount after he was suspended for a year from all party activities and subsequently removed as Copperbelt Provincial Vice-Chairperson for what the party described as gross misconduct.

The latest is the decision by a PF Member Thabo Kawana to report the Kitwe Mayor to the Anti-Corruption Commission(ACC) over alleged corruption and abuse of office.

Mr. Kawana who lodged in an official complaint before the ACC in Kitwe yesterday has also reported Kang’ombe for alleged embezzlement of public funds.

According to Mr. Kawana, Kang’ombe between October 2018 and February 2020 did cause Kitwe United Football Club a team owned by the city council to be incorporated as a private company limited by shares instead of a guarantee.

According to Mr. Kawana, Kangombe is later said to have appointed himself as Director and Shareholder of the said company without following laid down procedure or getting approval or ratification from the council.

It is further alleged that the Kitwe City Council continued sponsoring Kitwe United Football team a private limited company using public funds.

Mr. Kawana wants the ACC to investigate how public funds have been used to sponsor a private company whose shareholder and Director is the Kitwe Mayor himself.

Mr. Kawana feels that there was an element of abuse of the office of authority and taking pecuniary advantage by Kang’ombe.

Early this year, PF suspended Mayor Kang’ombe from all party activities for gross indiscipline over his refusal to line up and greet First Lady Esther Lungu during her recent visit to the district. According to PF Copperbelt Provincial Chairman Nathan Chanda, Mr. Kang’ombe who was also PF Copperbelt vice Provincial Chairman refused to be officially recognized during the meeting despite being called three times.

Mr. Chanda said Mr. Kang’ombe actions were disrespectful not only to the first lady but the republican President as well and is tantamount to gross misconduct, adding that the entire PF Copperbelt executive had unanimously decided to uphold the recommendations of the disciplinary committee, requesting the central committee to consider invoking Article 74, clause 30 (VII) as recommended by the Provincial Disciplinary Committee to exclude Mr. Kang’ombe from his position of Provincial vice-Chairman.

The decision upheld by the Party’s Central Committee which removed Christopher Kango’mbe as Copperbelt Provincial Vice-Chairperson for gross misconduct. PF Secretary General Davies Mwila said that Mr. Kang’ombe, however, remained an ordinary member of the Party and Mayor of Kitwe.

Nakonde district mass screening set for next week

Health authorities are next week set to commence massive screening for COVID-19 in Nakonde district in Muchinga Province. This comes in the wake of a couple that had lodged at one of the lodges in the district and tested positive for COVID -19.

Nakonde District Medical Director Arthur Mataka confirmed to the Zambia News and Information Services (ZANIS) that there is a team of medical Doctors from the Zambia National Public Health Institute (ZNPHI) in Nakonde district. Dr. Mataka said the team is in Nakonde to strengthen surveillance before conducting the mass screening next week.

“We have received a team of health experts in the border town to help us with the massive screening that is scheduled to start next week,” said Dr. Mataka.

He has also disclosed that Mwenzo girls’ secondary school has been identified as a quarantine centre for any person coming into the country through the Nakonde border.

The people who will be quarantined at the school are going to be observed for 14 days before leaving the district.

And Nakonde District Commissioner Field Simwinga has thanked Muchinga Province Presbytery Bishop in Charge, Festus Chulu, for availing the secondary school to government for use as a quarantine centre.

“We are grateful to the UCZ administration for availing to us their structures to be used in the fight against COVID -19,” he said.

Mr. Simwinga said government cannot work alone in the fight against COVID-19 hence the need for various stakeholders such as the church to help.

He meanwhile reminded the health personnel to ensure that high standards of hygiene are maintained and that no vandalism occurs.

Government through the department of health has continued to put up strict measures in the district to ensure that it protects the residents of Nakonde.

Last week, a local lodge and a bank were closed to facilitate for disinfection after the Chingola couple that tested positive for COVID -19 lodged there from 10th to 14th April 2020.

During the same period, one of the employees of the local bank was also staying at the same lodge.

Politicians Affirm To End Violence Against Women In Politics

Politicians in the country have affirmed to ending violence against women.

Gathered in Lusaka under the auspices of the Zambia Centre for Inter-Party Dialogue (ZCID), politicians from political outfits all endorsed the ending of violence especially that against women.

Speaking in Lusaka during a validation of a ZCID Manual on Violence and Women in politics, the stakeholders shared their concerns with all agreeing that women are a key component in the country’s democracy and hence they need to take part in politics unhindered by factors like violence.

“There is need to have a level playing field for women in Politics in Zambia and violence should not be anywhere near elections and a democratic cycle,” Precious Tambu of the Democratic Party says.

Other factors like lack of resources and traditions inhibited women from taking centre stage in politics also showed up their negatives in hindering women in taking part.

“For example, if the Electoral Commission of Zambia tells you two or three weeks before the election nomination that Nomination fee is K7, 500. Maybe you as a Councillor you pay that K7, 500 but there is that woman out there who too wishes to contest. But because of challenges in resources, they may think that they just use the same money in buying food at home because they have nothing,” a Zambia Republican Party representative says.

Zambia’s former Governing party, the United National Independence Party (UNIP) says women need to be given the space free of intimidation and violence for them to prove they too can make good leaders.

“We need to support the women, they are key to all faculties of leadership and we need a free space for them to operate in and the world could see that yes, they are better leaders. This can only happen if the space if free of violence,” Rev. Afraid Banda of UNIP notes.

And Zambia Centre for Inter-Party Dialogue says violence against women should be a thing of the past if the country is to make meaningful development both political and economic wise.

ZCID Chairperson Jackson Silavwe says it is important for all stakeholders to team up and fight the vice noting that violence against women in Politics has made it difficult for them to take part actively and contribute effectively.

He says this is even the cause of not having a number of women in decision making positions.

The ZCID Chairperson says that this should be done with as soon as possible if women are to make a mark in politics and governance of the country.

Mr. Silavwe affirms that as ZCID as an entity that deals with politics, will do everything possible to fight the negative trend.

And Zambia National Women’s Lobby Juliet Chibuta says partnering with organisations like ZCID, the centrepiece of politics in Zambia, is one key aspect to achieve the goal of ending the depravity that affected exiling of women.

ZCID has continued to engage all political parties in the country over various governance matters and key among them is participation of all regardless of gender where it has been noted that many women are critically thrown away the political front because of violence.

It is for this reason that ZCID has decided to come up with a Manual that will give some guidance to politicians are they undertake their activities and all political players in the country have had their input in the document to be shared with the public soon.

Delegates at the meeting to end Violence
Delegates at the meeting to end Violence
ZCID Chairperson Jackson Silavwe addressing the delegates
ZCID Chairperson Jackson Silavwe addressing the delegates
ZCID Chairperson Jackson Silavwe
ZCID Chairperson Jackson Silavwe addressing the delegates
ZCID Chairperson Jackson Silavwe
ZCID Chairperson Jackson Silavwe

Kazabu:Stick to FIFA and FAZ Constitution

Veteran sports administrator Luxon Kazabu says the Football Association of Zambia (FAZ) has the potential to resolve its internal wrangles.

FAZ wrangles have heightened in recent months with some officials resorting to taking each other to court.

Former FAZ President Kalusha Bwalya’s failure to pass the integrity test alongside other aspirants prior to the delayed 2020 elective annual general meeting has ignited tension in the association.

In an interview, Kazabu, the former National Sports Council of Zambia General Secretary, said adhering to the FAZ constitution would be helpful in resolving the squabbles.

“In the football fraternity everybody is discouraged from going to court but encouraged to use the mechanisms that are available for one to have his or her grievance redressed,” Kazabu said.

“We have been appealing those of us who have been there before that look; let’s use the FAZ constitution, the rules and regulation, not forgetting the FIFA statutes,” the former Nkana Member of Parliament said.

Kazabu has asked aggrieved administrators to consider withdrawing their court cases.

“If I were one of my own brothers that are aggrieved, I would have simply said look this is not the end of the world and abandon the idea of seeking redress through the courts of law.”

“What does it benefit one to go to court and because of your action we end up being suspended as a country by FIFA? Would one still walk with his head high? Certainly I would not; I would feel that I have betrayed my own country, something that I never ever dream of. So it’s not too late those that have gone to court can reflect and perhaps abandon this avenue and do something different,” he said.

With the coronavirus pandemic halting football, it is not yet clear when the delayed FAZ elections will be held.

Schools recomended for implementing Production Unit Program

Ministry of General Education Permanent Secretary- Technical Services Jobbicks Kalumba has commended the Lusaka Provincial Education Officer for ensuring that schools in Lusaka implement the Production Unit Program.

Speaking when he officiated at the Fish harvesting ceremony at Lusaka Girls and Kabulonga Boys Secondary School in Lusaka, Dr. Kalumba stated that the government is delighted that the provincial administration has taken seriously the directive by the government for schools to reintroduce production units in order to be self-reliant.

And Dr Kalumba has urged schools in the country to use their production units to produce more fish to supply to the ready market.

The General Education Permanent Secretary also expressed delight that despite the outbreak of coronavirus, the implementation of the production unit programs in schools has not been affected.

Fish harvesting ceremony at Lusaka Girls and Kabulonga Boys Secondary School in Lusaka
Fish harvesting ceremony at Lusaka Girls and Kabulonga Boys Secondary School in Lusaka

“This is what is needed to be seen in leadership at all levels of Education, once a policy direction is given then our men and women on the ground must be seen to ran with the vision and implement what government has put in place,” Dr. Kalumba added.

Dr. Kalumba also commended the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) for working with the schools’ management in ensuring that the implementation of the production unit program in schools yields positive results.

And Lusaka Provincial Educational Officer Christopher Sinkamba also commended teachers for working hard in ensuring the success of the Production unit in Schools.

“What we have seen today is as a result of your effort to make sure that products unit succeeds in schools,” Mr. Sinkamba stated.

Mr. Sinkamba also stated that the implementation of the production units will also cushion the burden that schools face following the reduction of school fees in secondary schools.

He further urged parents to complement this by paying the reduced fees so that they can work together to provide a good environment for pupils as they educate them.

Fish harvesting ceremony at Lusaka Girls and Kabulonga Boys Secondary School in Lusaka
Fish harvesting ceremony at Lusaka Girls and Kabulonga Boys Secondary School in Lusaka
Pig rearing at a Production Unit
Pig rearing at a Production Unit
Fish harvesting ceremony at Lusaka Girls and Kabulonga Boys Secondary School in Lusaka
Fish harvesting ceremony at Lusaka Girls and Kabulonga Boys Secondary School in Lusaka

Reports of Health facilities sending away patients for not wearing face mask being investigated


The Health Professions Council of Zambia says it is investigating reports of some health facilities sending away patients for not wearing face masks.

Council Registrar and Chief Executive Officer Bwembya Bwalya has disclosed that the HPCZ has received several complaints from members of the public of patients being denied access to medical care because they lacked face masks.

Mr. Bwalya said the wearing of face masks is mandatory, but refusing to provide healthcare service to a patient for not having a mask is unethical.

He said health practitioners or members of staff at health facilities must utilize the situation to sensitize patients and the general public on the importance of wearing masks to prevent spread of COVID-19.

Meanwhile, the HPCZ Registrar and Chief Executive Officer has applauded President Edgar Lungu’s directive through the Ministry of Health to recruit 400 Doctors and 3,000 other health workers.

He said it is HPCZ’s hope that the health workers are recruited and deployed as soon as possible to mitigate the current shortages of human resource in the health sector.

Mr. Bwalya was speaking during a media briefing in Mansa, Luapula Province where the Council is assessing preparedness of health facilities for COVID-19.

As long as the workers’ voice remains divided, it will continue to be dismissed


By Nevers Sekwila Mumba President-MMD

It is amazing how the story of our country, Zambia and the story of the fight for the worker’s rights cannot be separated.

It is the same story year in year out. The cry of the common Zambian worker. The demand for a fair wage, better working conditions, better opportunities to invest in housing, better medical schemes and dignity in the workplace.

Nonetheless, the Zambian worker has come a long way. From the establishment of the first union by the likes of Goldwin Mbikusita Lewanika and Lawrence Katilungu whose collective action and organisation among African mines workers validated that African miners were already aware of a common interest and could organise united resistance against employers.

The Labour Movement was also instrumental as far back as the struggle for independence when the labour movement constituted an active ally of other nationalist movements.

By 1990/1991, the labour movement had reached its peak in popularity and supported the Movement for Multi-party Democracy (MMD) in the struggle to re-introduce plural politics in Zambia. The formost labour leader of the time, Frederick Chiluba defeated Dr. Kaunda and his UNIP to become the second Republican President.

In 2011, It was the rapport that late President Michael Sata had developed with the workers of Zambia with his values of “Lower Taxes and More Money in your pockets” that saw to the MMD-PF regime change.

Today, we again face a changing economy. With inflation standing at 15.7%, Fuel per litter and the Exchange rate all racing towards K20 per unit, and the entire world embroiled in a war against an invisible enemy, the dreaded Corona Virus (COVID-19), It seems the Zambian worker is once again, at the epicenter of the coming change.

Although it is undeniable that we have come a long way since the days of Lawrence Katilungu, we still have a number of challenges as a nation and as workers. We seem to be rushing headlong into the worst economic crisis since 1991. At the same time, too many Zambian families feel like even when the economy had been in better shape, they didnt’t feel like they got their fair share, and much less now. Because of this, that Zambian workers need a voice now more than ever.

If this is going to happen, our labor unions will need to be the driving force for raising that voice. Over the past decade, its almost as if the labour movement has auctioned its very soul, while membership in Unions has fallen, and inequality has risen.

As long as the workers’ voice remains divided, it will continue to be dismissed. When workers come together, and when it’s not just one voice but a chorus— it becomes impossible to ignore.

As we commemorate this year’s Labor Day, most of our workers are at home. Not because its May Day, but because we are all on partial lock down due to the break out of the Corona Virus.

We have a chance as a nation to fully appreciate our workers, to miss the water because it is gone. To appreciate some of the most mundane task workers, and to highlight one category of workers, the frontline health workers who continue to fight for us from the front even through this pandemic.

It is time for the Zambian worker to take up this fight. I have no doubt that Zambia will one day be a nation where if you work hard you can get ahead and build an even better life for your children regardless of your tribe, gender, religion or the color of your skin. That’s why I am running for President —and it’s why I believe in you.

God Bless Zambia
Zambia Shall Be Saved

Zambia records 3 new COVID-19 cases out of the 487 tests


Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya disclosed that Zambia has recorded 3 new COVID-19 cases out of the 487 tests conducted in the last 24 hours.

Dr. Chilufya disclosed that the three cases involve a 55-year-old truck driver from Tanzania who entered Zambia through Nakonde on the 26 April and is admitted to Masaiti after being quarantined in Ndola.

Dr. Chilufya said the second case involves a 36-year-old man who is a contact of a known case of Lusaka while the third case is a 13-year-old young girl from Mtendere who was swabbed at Levi Mwanawasa hospital.

He said all the cases are not only isolated but are having their contacts traced.

He said cumulatively cases now stand at 109, 74 discharges, 3 deaths and 32 active cases which are all stable except for a 3 months old baby who was diagnosed with pneumonia and is surviving on oxygen but assured that health experts are working tirelessly to ensure the life of the precious baby is saved.

Dr. Chilufya acknowledged the hard work and patriotism of all health personnel including other workers in the country during the difficult time of COVID-19 even as the country commemorates labour day which is being celebrated today under the theme “Reducing Developmental Inequalities through Sustainable Job Creation”.

On the continued surveillance and screening, Dr. Chilufya said the team is today in the Rhodespark area where they are conducting massive screening to replicate what they did in other parts of the city.

“This screening will continue to take place because our strategy remains and involves case finding, and quarantining these cases, ensuring that we do community sensitization to avoid new infections,” he said.

He reiterated the need for all to adhere to the Coronavirus preventive measures if the country is to effectively deal with the pandemic.

Electoral Commission of Zambia Reviewing the Roadmap for Elections to be held in 2021

Following the Coronavirus outbreak, that has affected the day to day life of citizens, the electoral Commission of Zambia has announced it is reviewing the Roadmap for Elections, and will soon advise Stakeholders and the general public the commencement date for all the electoral processes leading up to the 2021 General Elections.

The Commission says it is monitoring events closely as the pandemic unfolds and is, therefore, re-aligning its Elections Calendar.

Commission Public Relations Manager Margaret Chimanse says as a consequence, the Voter Registration Exercise that was scheduled to commence in May will commence on a date to be advised.

Mrs Chimanse, however, said that despite the outbreak of COVID-19 the Commission will still conduct the Polls for three Local Government By-elections in Nakato and Imalyo Wards of Mongu Town Council in Western Province, and Bulilo Ward of Chilubi Town Council in Northern Province.

She said unlike the Voter Registration Exercise which has been postponed, the three ward by-elections shall be conducted as prescribed by Article 57 (1) of the Constitution of Zambia (Amendment) Act No. 2 of 2016, which provides that “where a vacancy occurs in the office of a Member of Parliament, Mayor, Council Chairperson or Councilor, a by-election shall be held within 90 days of the occurrence of the vacancy..

Mrs Chimanse said in view of this, the Commission will institute administrative measures to guide the conduct of all by-elections to prevent the transmission of Covid-19.

She said measures put in place among others to comply with the Ministry of Health guidelines include adherence to the Public Health Statutory Instrument No. 22 of 2020 which outlines the guidelines and procedures on how to prevent, control and manage the COVID-19.

Mrs Chimanse said other measures include the observance of all Public health procedures and allowing Health Personnel into their buildings such as meeting venues, Nomination Centres, Polling Stations and Totaling Centre, provision of sanitary materials such as hand sanitizers, gloves, masks, soap and water to all polling staff and other officers at polling stations and implementing speedy and efficient voting procedures to enable voters’ walk-in and leave the Polling Stations without delay.

She added that the ECZ will further ensure provision of additional Officers/Ushers, including Health Personnel at meeting venues, Nomination Centres, Polling Stations and Totaling Centre to ensure that people are sanitized and observe hygiene standards in a public place or gathering. This is in addition to ensuring adherence to social distancing guidelines of keeping at least one-meter spacing on the queues for voting on Poll day.

Further, Mrs Chimanse said the Commission is encouraging Voters to leave their Children/babies at home and avoiding carrying them to the meeting venues, Nomination Centre, Polling Stations and Totaling Centre and restricting the number of people attending ECZ Stakeholder-meetings as well as the frequency of the meetings to be held in the District with the By-election.

On other stakeholders, Mrs Chimanse said political Parties for instance are discouraged from holding public rallies to avoid the contraction of COVID-19 but are encouraged to use appropriate campaign strategies such as mobile Public Address System, distribution of flyers and other political party materials with minimal or no contact with a crowd.

She said parties should desist from ferrying cadres from one district/ward to the other for campaigns in Districts where by- elections are taking place and are encouraged to observe all the Health guidelines and procedures outlined by the Ministry of Health.

Mrs Chimanse has reiterated that the Commission will work very closely with the Ministry of Health during the by-elections and all Stakeholders participating in the Polls should abide by the Ministry of Health guidelines on the prevention of the spread of the COVID-19.

The opposition FDD congratulates Zambian workers for their patriotism and hard work

The opposition FDD has congratulated Zambian workers for their patriotism and hard work as they celebrate Labour Day which is a global annual event falling on 1st May.

This year’s Labour Day is being commemorated under the Theme “Rebuilding National Economy through decent work”.

FDD Chairperson for labour and Employment Yotam Mtayachalo says his party considers the working class as an important factor of production because without labour there can be no any meaningful economic development taking place anywhere therefore workers deserve to be well remunerated in order to achieve high productivity at work places.

Mr Mtayachalo says it is however sad that workers this year celebrated their day indoors which is unusual because of the challenges brought about by the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic which has disrupted the global economy and the smooth preparations of this historic landmark day on the worker’s international calendar.

“Further we are alive to the fact that workers in the country continue to face enormous economic challenges due to the ever increasing cost of living which has eroded their purchasing power and the situation has been exacerbated due to the effects of COVID-19 and as such a number of workers have lost their livelihoods as the result of job losses not only in Zambia but at global level as well as the wheels of production have tremendously slowed down and it is our prayer that with concerted efforts the situation can be brought under control as quickly as possible”, he added.

Furthermore, Mr Mtayachalo said many workers all over the world continue to be subjected to slavery wages and others get injured or lose their lives every year in the course of discharging their noble duties because some operate in most hazardous work places which calls for effective Occupation Health and Safety regulations at work places and improved working conditions.

Mr Mtayachalo said he is however very proud and greatly humbled to have been associated with the labour movement for many years and has urged Trade Unions especially in Zambia to unite in view of fragmentation of trade unions and the growing anti union activities being perpetuated by hard core capitalists employers who have a tendency of using workers as just mere tools of production without much reward.

He said the labour movement must now be more united and proactive than before if they have to speak with one united voice and rekindle their lost glory in order to strengthen their bargaining power in pursuit of their noble duty of advocating for the rights of workers and better working conditions for their members.

Mr Mtayachalo has appealed to employers in the country to increase their budgetary allocations towards interventions which safeguard the health of workers in order to keep them safe from COVID-19 and other health hazards in work places because a healthy and motivated workforce is key to increased labour productivity thus accelerating the country’s economic development.

Zambia allegedly “Hiding” US$6.68 million Grant from Global Fund for COVID-19 Fight

The Zambian government has allegedly failed to disclose a grant of over US$6 million it received from the Global Fund to tackle Covid-19. Last month, Zambia along with 67 other countries were given varying amounts as a grant to aid their respective national COVID-19 responses.

According to a leaked notice from the Global Fund, Zambia received US$6.68 million on April 17th to be channeled to the fight against Covid-19.

To confirm the Zambian government’s intentions not to disclose the grant, the Ministry of Finance on Friday released what it said was the full catalog of financial contributions that Zambia has received so far with respect to Covid-19 response.

In a treasury statement released by Ministry Spokesman Chileshe Kandeta, the United States, United Kingdom, the African Development Bank, and the World Bank will provide K2.7 billion to the Government of Zambia in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic.

The World Bank has made available US$57.60 million (Approx. K1.05 billion) under its Rapid Response Facility.

In addition, the Zambian Government has applied for a further US$20 million (Approx. K372 million) under the Banks Covid-19 Fast Track Facility.

The African Development Bank (AfDB) has committed US$37.5 million (Approx. K697.5 million) to Covid-19 as part of the Bank Groups’ Covid-19 Rapid Response Facility.

The Ministry of Finance said the funds will cater for the purchase of medical equipment, screening of patients, rehabilitation of quarantine facilities, and community sensitization.

The AfDB will provide support to high-density areas through the provision of hand sanitizers, soap, water bowsers, hand washing facilities, and supply of clean and safe water to fight Covid-19.

The AfDB will also provide food security packs for approximately two-hundred thousand (200,000) households in the event of the situation escalating.

The United Kingdom has pledged support towards upscaling social cash transfer
under its GDP 30 million (Approx. K705million) social cash transfer grant assistance.

The United Kingdom has to this effect pledged to frontload its support in view of the Covid-19 pandemic to ensure that the vulnerable are cushioned.

The United States Government approved a grant of US$14.5 million (Approx. K270 million) towards the fight against COVID-19 in Zambia.

The funding is an addition to the technical support that the United States Centre for Disease Control (US-CDC) is providing to the Ministry of Health and the Zambia National Public Health Institute.

Below is the table of Funds Distribution

Churches dominate list of urgent applications to resume public gatherings

Lusaka City Council says it had received 268 applications for public gatherings as at Thursday morning.

Out the 268 applications, 240 are from churches, 23 are for weddings, two from golf clubs and three are for funeral gatherings.

So far 24 churches, golf clubs and funerals have been cleared.

Public Health Inspectors are currently in the field checking the suitability of the remaining 216 churches and 23 wedding venues.

The number of applications is likely to increase.

However, LCC Spokesman George Sichimba says Public Health Inspectors are doing everything possible and by the end of the day on Friday, all applicants will have received their results.

“Applicants should note that a mere application does not mean that they have been cleared instead they should wait for results of whether or not they have been cleared. Despite Friday being a holiday, Public Health Inspectors and other essential workers will be working through out the long weekend,” Mr Sichimba said.

A combined team of Public Health, Zambia Police and Council Police will going round to monitor compliance.

“Churches applying for overnight prayers and those who congregate in classrooms will not be granted permission. Churches will also not be allowed to conduct more than one service because its disinfect objects such as chairs and tables is not easy to do between services,” he said.

“For overnight prayers, it is difficult to monitor compliance with public health guidelines while classrooms are too small for observance of social distancing of at least one metre apart.”

LCC sells Kabwata Market Car Park for 13 years

Lusaka Mayor Miles Sampa has disclosed that a 13 years lease agreement for Kabwata Market Car Park has been approved.

The land is earmarked for development into a public Car Park for Kabwata Retail Centre.

In January, 2020, Time Projects Property applied to LCC to consider leasing to the company part of Kabwata Market Land for the development of a public car park.

The proposed piece of land measures 55m along Burma Road and 35m into the market affecting a total number of 93 traders.

Mr Sampa said the facility is earmarked for re-development under the Develop-Finance-Build -Operate.

Mr. Sampa says the lease agreement which will also be developed under the Transfer Public Private Partnership model and will only be executed once the market traders have been compensated.

Mr Sampa said the developer Times Square Projects will be written a Letter of Consent to compensate the traders as per agreed amounts which were done in liaison with the Kabwata Market Management Committee.

He said LCC made the decision at its 4th Ordinary Meeting held on 24th March this year and the resolutions have been communicated to Times Square Projects awaiting its response.

Mr Sampa said while the Council supports the modern developments taking place at Kabwata market, the interest of market traders is also at the heart of the local authority.

He says the Council has since written to the Ministry of Local Government and is awaiting for their formal green light to proceed with the offer letter and Lease agreement.