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Chief Justice must come to the party, there are billions of Kwacha locked down in courts-Sinkamba


Green Party President Peter Sinkamba has prodded Chief Justice Irene Mambilima to develop a strategy to complement efforts being made by the executive and legislature to cushion economic impacts of the covid-19 pandemic.

Addressing the media through his Facebook page on the review of the first quarter of 2020, the Green Party leader said for the country to navigation through the covid-19 induced economic crisis, there will be need for all the three
arms of government to ‘think outside the box’ and come up with innovative ways of averting an economic disaster in the country.

“Covid-19 pandemic has brought the global economic order to its knees. The richest nations on earth have crumbled like cookies. That’s why, despite very high deaths and sickness in these countries, there is urgent pressure to reopen the economies. The economic impacts of this pandemic are horrifying.

“Here in Zambia, whilst we appreciate measures so far taken by the executive and legislature to come up with express legislation to stimulate the economy, we think that much more needs to be done. We do not think that the stimulation of the economy will depend on the executive and legislature alone. The judiciary should also come in. It is a key
the player in the economy”, said the Green Party Leader.

Mr. Sinkamba has noted that there are numerous claims before courts of law that run in billions of Kwacha with some yet to be determined while others have already been determined but awaiting enforcement orders.

“To use COVID-19 vocabulary, this is money in the economy which is ‘locked down’ or ‘quarantined’. It must be expressly released in the economy to stimulate the economy. So, the onus is on the Chief Justice to expressly intervene with a COVID-19 strategy to unlock these locked-down or quarantined funds. That way, all the three arms of government will be aiding one another to cushion the impacts of this COVID-19 induced economic crisis in the
country,” Mr. Sinkamba said.

Meanwhile, Mr. Sinkamba said the executive should consider discussing with China on dismantling of the entire domestic debt as a means of stimulation of the economy.

He said that at the moment, an International Monetary Fund package is ideal but will certainly not be forthcoming in the short-term because a lot of fundamentals are in disarray.

“Zambia’s domestic debt is around $5 billion. This money can make a difference if it were paid to domestic creditors at once in the short-term. Now, Zambia has no capacity to pay this debt at once. IMF cannot loan us this money in the short-term because our economic and governance fundamentals are in disarray. So, the only solution to this is for the government to approach China for one-shot dismantling of this debt on favorable terms”, Mr. Sinkamba has said.

He noted that China has been amorous to covid-19 pandemic mitigation adding that China could give Zambia a long-term low-interest bilateral loan to dismantle this debt.

He said no economic stimulus package for Zambia could be better than 100% one-shot dismantling of the domestic debt.

And Mr. Sinkamba said the K10 billion stimulus package which the Bank of Zambia has promised to release to commercial banks for onward lending to small and medium enterprises is unlikely to make any impacts on the targeted beneficiaries.

He said the collateral conditionalities and other risk considerations are likely to be impeding factors.

“We have reviewed various funding envelopes that have previously been used to cushion of impacts of financial crises in the two decades. We have looked at both government and donor envelopes to support small scale miners and SMEs in the mining sector”, he added.

He said the tendency by commercial banks has been that of investing in treasury bills and other off-shore less risky opportunities than supporting SMEs.

“We do not expect any change from this approach especially now when the property market is depressed. Banks are not longer too comfortable with houses and farms as collateral because selling these properties is a big now problem. This is the major reason we think dismantling already existing domestic debt makes lots of sense,” Mr. Sinkamba said.

This is one of the most unusual labour day holidays in Zambia’s recent history-President Lungu

As Zambia marks the labour day today on which workers commemorate the value of human capital President Edgar Lungu says this is one of the most unusual labour day holidays in Zambia’s recent history where workers will not gather as they are forced celebrate it from homes.

The President has however urged workers to use this opportunity to reflect on their real individual and collective contributions as Patriotic citizens of Zambia in this challenging time.

He said it is also a time that workers should take stock of the efforts Government is putting in place to cushion the impact of this slowdown on the lives of the average Zambian family and businesses, large and small.

“We hang on to the hope and trust that we shall overcome and our dedicated labour force and human capital will once again go back into their productive units with most of them employers and creators of their own jobs”, he said.

President Lungu highlighted some of the ways in which his Government is supporting workers’ contributions with a lot more mitigating and supportive measures being rolled out.

He said the Bank of Zambia has provided a K10 Billion line of credit to banks that may face liquidity challenges and has also directed the Minister of Finance to ensure that priority is given to SMEs adversely affected by the COVID-19 outbreak such as schools, gymnasiums, restaurants, bars, and nightclub owners whose businesses have been halted and have sent their workers home.

The President said Commercial banks are obliged to give them loans at an affordable rate to enable their businesses to survive.

President Lungu said his Government has already released K500 million to the public service pensions fund to pay over 1,500 retirees or their beneficiaries adding that government has already released K170 million to banks to clear third party arrears.

He said the government has already released K140 million to various road contractors and decided to waive tax penalties and interest on outstanding tax liabilities resulting from the impact of COVID-19 which will assist companies and businesses to manage their cash flows during this period when they are faced with reduced revenues.

He added that the Government will extend the list of medical supplies that are not subject to import duty and value-added tax for an initial period of six months. This is also meant to expedite the provision of medical-related devices needed to support the fight against COVID-19.

The President said he has already directed the Ministry of Commerce, Trade, and Industry to ensure that all chain stores prioritize local agricultural products in their localities. Under the circumstances we are in, only products that cannot be sourced from locals should be imported saying this is the only way that Zambia shall collectively achieve its national strategic objective to: “Produce Local, Buy Local, and Use Local”.

President Lungu acknowledged that for Zambia to achieve its desired inclusive, robust, and resilient economic growth in the near-term and in the long-term, the nation must first; produce local, buy local, and use local, and then export more.

“To our nation’s labour force in the formal and informal sectors, you are the true value of this nation. I thank you once again for your contributions to this nation”, he added.

Traffic police officers told to resume foot and motorised patrols of roads

Inspector-General of Police Kakoma Kanganja has directed traffic police officers to resume foot and motorised patrols and ensure that there is sanity on the road.

The officers will, however, for the time being, not enforce the provisions of the law relating to Road Tax and Road Service Licences.

Mr Kanganja has also directed all traffic Police officers to observe all measures that have been spelt out by authorities as a response to COVID-19.

He has further directed them to enforce the regulation of mandatory wearing of masks on public transport motor vehicles in line with Statutory Instrument number 21 and 22 of 2020.

Mr Kanganja said any public transport motor vehicle where a passenger or passengers will be found without wearing a mask shall be impounded by law enforcement officers and will only be released once unmasked occupants mask up.

He has appealed to all road users to cooperate with the law enforcement officers.

This is contained in a statement issued by Zambia Police Spokesperson Esther Katongo

President Lungu Fires Commissioner of Police at the Zambia Police Headquarters, Hudson Namachila.

President Edgar Lungu has with immediate effect terminated the contract of Commissioner of Police at the Zambia Police Headquarters, Hudson Namachila.

This is in exercise of the powers vested in the President by Article 92 (2) (e) and 92 (2) (f) read with Article 270 of the Laws of Zambia.

The Head of State has thanked Mr. Namachila for services rendered to Government and wished him well in his future endeavors.

This is contained in a statement issued to the media by special assistant to the President for Press and Public Relations Isaac Chipampe.

President Lungu recently expressed disappointment and said it was justifiably so, that the police command in North-Western Province had failed to secure gold reserves.

He said it was regrettable that people have continued to mine precious minerals such as Gold illegally despite the minerals being strategic to national development.

The head of State was saddened that the police in the region have not provided the much-needed security to safeguard the precious resource.

To demonstrate his displeasure, the head of State removed Mr Hamachila and re-deployed him to Police headquarters in Lusaka where he was until his dismissal.

9 New COVID-19 cases out of the 307 tests recorded in the last 24 hours


Zambia has recorded 9 new COVID-19 cases out of the 307 tests conducted in the last 24 hours bringing the cumulative total to 106, Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya has said.

Speaking during the latest COVID-19 update, Dr. Chilufya has said the cases involve 3 truck drivers, an Asian and the rest are from the mass screening.

“The cases involve 3 truck drivers and one national from Asia who recently came into the country as a consultant for work. The remaining cases include contacts of cases we have reported before from Chawama Chipata and Kanyama and also from the community screening and targeted testing that we are doing while one is from health care facility-based surveillance” Dr. Chilufya disclosed.

And Dr. Chilufya has disclosed that the 10-year-old COVID-19 patient of Kabwe has been discharged after she tested negative twice, bringing the total number of recoveries to 55 while 48 are active cases and 3 deaths.

The minister has emphasized the need to try and avoid new infections by adhering to all the necessary measures to contain the pandemic.

He said aggressive contact tracing is underway in various parts of the country and said the exercise will be escalated to find as many contacts as possible to avoid new human to human transmission.

Dr. Chilufya named Rhodespark as the next target in Lusaka to undergo massive screening and said sensitization and disinfection of public places will equally continue.

Dr. Chilufya assured that the government under the watchful eye of President Edgar Lungu is ensuring that the economy is running amidst a robust COVID-19 preventive strategy.

“Let’s stay home, let be safe, let’s avoid non-essential travels and avoid public gatherings. Should you have any public gatherings, make sure you meet all the set standards” he said and called for collective responsibility and patriotism to effectively fight COVID-19.

Kitwe Businessman Cancels Rental Payment from his Tenants for the next 3 Months


Kitwe Businessman Aubrey Chali Chola, popularly known as Chacho, has canceled the collection of rent from all retail tenants occupying his shops in Bulangililo.

In a notice addressed to his tenants, Mr. Chali announced that rental payment for the month of May, June, and July had been canceled to allow his tenants, who have been receiving from little to zero income, time to recover from the loss of business caused by COVID-19 pandemic.

The notice read in part;

“To all my tenants occupying shops in Bulangililo, I would like to inform you that with effect from 30th April 2020, you will not be required to pay rentals for months: May, June and July”.

Mr. Chali also said that he is contemplating on extending the gesture to tenants occupying his residential property based in Ndola’a Mushili Hill View and Kitwe’s Ndeke area

Letter to Tenants
Letter to Tenants

FIFA Official Free To Come for FAZ EGM


Government has assured FIFA that its emissary from Zurich for the planned FAZ Emergency General Meeting will not be prosecuted when he lands in Zambia.

The FAZ EGM, that has been postponed due to the Coronavirus pandemic, has been called to settle the alleged wrangles at Football House.

Kalusha Bwalya, Damiano Mutale and a non-FAZ councilor Patson Lusaka filed an injunction to halt the ongoing 2020 FAZ elections that have so far been completed in six out of the ten provinces.

The trios’ lawyer Gilbert Phiri said in the press on April 22,202 that FIFA Chief member association officer Mosengo -Omba faced contempt of court charges if he disobeyed the Ndola High Court ruling not to go ahead with the 2020 FAZ elections.

“It has been agreed upon that FIFA representative Mr. Veron, who has been picked to handle the matters concerning the wrangles at FAZ, won’t face any sanctions in the spirit of reconciliation because as government, we are interested in all parties reconciling and finding a win-win situation in the interest of football in this country,” Sports Minister Emmanuel Mulenga said on Wednesday.

“I did indicate early on that what unites us is more important than the difference we have in opinion.

“So what makes us differ is not as important as what unites us.”

And Phiri said his clients welcomed governments’ guidance in this issue.

“We understood the context in which Mr. Veron Masengo-Omba, the FIFA representative, will be coming to Zambia to meet with the concerned parties,” Phiri said.

“In that context, and having been fully acquainted that the meeting will be under the auspices of government ,it is fully welcomed by ourselves on behalf of our clients Mr. Kalusha Bwalya, Mr. Damiano (Mutale) and Mr. Patson Lusaka.
“It is fully welcomed in the interest of resolving the issues that have beleaguered football in Zambia.

“Mr. Veron Masengo-Omba, be rest assured that when he comes to Zambia on the mission of FIFA to pacify the warring parties, under the auspices of government, no action will be taken against him in the interest of resolution issues at hand.”

Meanwhile, Phiri had earlier stated to the Daily Nation of its April 22,2020 edition that FIFA had taken sides in the issue.

“FIFA representative cannot chair meeting because FIFA have taken sides in the issue at hand. So, a conflicted or interested party cannot chair a meeting to the satisfaction of all the parties. If the FIFA Representative coming for the consultative meeting is Mr. Veron Masengo-Omba, he will face possible arrest for actively encouraging FAZ to defy a court order. He cannot get away with lawlessness. In this regard, FIFA is advised to send a disinterested party who will simply observe the proceedings,” Phiri said in the interview.

“In practice, and going by past practice, FIFA has never chaired a meeting of FAZ even at the height of serious controversy. They have simply been observers. Nothing has changed for FIFA to now chair an EGM. An independent local person or body must chair the meeting.”

The Foolishness of Shouting Amen to Lungu’s Opening of Churches–Stay Home on Sunday!


There is foolishness and there is faith–the PF declared Christian government is simply foolish. Among my people, it is said madness is curable but not foolishness. I am not surprised at the number of Zambians celebrating the opening of churches in the name of Christian faith. The opening of churches will fool masses into believing COVID-19 can be stopped by prayers. I don’t think so. We have been here before–for years some pastors lied that they could pray out HIV AIDS. After many pastors and their followers died in masses, the Church finally accepted that there is no cure for AIDS–we can only control it. Of course, some pastors still claim to cure it while being on HIV medications themselves, while fooling unsuspecting followers.

Faith is not foolishness. Your car is on fire, and everyone is shouting at you to come out. Then you hear your pastor shouts, “just claim Jesus putoff the fire. Amen!” If you choose to remain in the car, is it faith or foolishness? Of course, the pastor will surely bury your burnt body–simply because you had no faith–stupid!

The reopening of churches amidst increasing COVID-19 cases befits this life-ending scenario. Nothing shows that the spread of the virus is under control in the nation; we are at the brink of COVID-19 disaster. Pastors for Lungu and Rev. Sumaili’s bishops are busy shouting, “sit in the burning car Mr. President. Our prayers will putoff the fire.” In his wisdom, Lungu trusts his pastors over healthcare workers and public health experts. The truth is, people will die in the masses. Broke pastors, however, will make money for conducting many funerals. Surely more money in their pockets!

President Lungu and Rev. Sumaili are playing politics with people’s lives. My wife and daughter work in the medical field and l hear COVID-19 death stories each day–Americans are dying in masses. Who is so foolish to believe Zambia is more advanced than the US or Europe when it comes to the control of the spread of the Coronavirus? Yes, attention is on Europe and America, but soon Zambia will be hit and Lungu will be forced to reverse this irresponsible decision after countless infections, and innocent lives are lost.

President Lungu is courting the votes of conmen turned pastors in 2021 at the cost of people’s lives. “Amen and Alleluia” may sound good especially to Rev. Sumaili–the minister much concerned with fighting Freemasons and gays than this deadly virus. The good news is, Lungu and his ministers are not immune–it is just a matter of time. The Coronavirus pandemic may be the very killer of Lungu and Rev. Sumaili’s own political careers. As for his pastors, they will gather around HH.

The so-called apostles, bishops, pastors, and prophets are celebrating this foolishness–God has finally answered their prayers for more tricks and deceit. The closing of churches robbed them of their tricks–nobody was able to claim to cure COVID-19 by shouting amen. This is because the cases were limited to hospitals.

Now the Lungu administration has opened a can of worms–creating a public health messaging crisis on the one hand, and the exploitation of poor citizens on the other. Starting this Sunday, look out for claims of curing COVID-19 with holy water. Many poor people will be asked to lie. Worse still, the reopening of churches’ endangers healthcare professionals who are already working under very hard conditions.

I am not against prayers, but the fooling of people from accepting that COVID-19 is deadly. The nation has tested very few people to declare victory or reopen the churches. Indeed fools don’t learn–we have seen it in England and the US. Every public health analyst would tell you that based on the smallest sample of tests conducted so far, Zambians must brace for the worst.

My relatives are worried about my safety and have called to check on me because of the number of deaths in the US. But l am million times better than they are–Zambia has no capacity to handle COVID-19 patients. I commended the government’s social distancing policy, closing of schools, and churches for this very reason. All signs are that we should lockdown the nation. Instead, Lungu opened churches–presenting the myth that we have defeated the virus. Implementing social distancing earlier has proved to be effective in combating the spread of this deadly virus. Unfortunately, the PF government reversed its own science informed policy–thereby compromising lives of the masses.

I am a minister and l understand the need to have people in churches. After all, people pay for our work. But to let God’s people die to ensure my salary is immoral. As religious leaders, we are morally responsible for all those who enter our churches. Moreover, we must remember that healthcare providers have families too. Our foolishness should not send them early to their graves–they will never be replaced.

Before you insult me, do me a favor. Ask your loudest miracle-working apostle, bishop, pastor or prophet to be among those dying from COVID-19. After all, they may pray themselves out of the deadly virus.

Please don’t be a fool, stay home on Sunday. Don’t listen to Lungu, Rev. Sumaili or conmen turned apostles, bishops, pastors, and prophets–you are so valuable to your family. Your God and not your pastor, will hear you from your home.

Rev. Kapya Kaoma

Zambia to access K 2.7 billion support from bilateral and multilateral cooperating partners to fight COVID-19


The United States, United Kingdom, the African Development Bank, and the World Bank will provide financial support to the Government of the Republic of Zambia in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

In a statement released to the media, the Minister of Finance Dr. BWALYA NG’ANDU expressed gratitude for the financial support from the four cooperating partners. The Minister stated that the heart-warming support from Cooperating Partners is a sign of their unfettered commitment to bettering the well-being of Zambian’s, through strong collaboration with the Government, without leaving anyone behind.

Dr. NG’ANDU pledged the Government’s commitment With respect to the support received from the World Bank, stating that it is an affirmation of their commitment to walk with Zambia during these difficult times and strengthen development cooperation with the country, in our quest to overcome the challenges posed by Covid-19.

Dr. NG’ANDU further said that that as the Ministry of Finance, Zambia is pleased that the AfDB has assured the country that its doors will remain open for further assistance as the situation evolves. Dr. NG’ANDU acknowledged that the support from AfDB is a confirmation of its commitment to deepening development cooperation with Zambia now and in the future.

Dr. NG’ANDU has also thanked the two bilateral partners that have kept very close liaison with Zambian authorities on the provision of financial and technical support to Zambia.

The Minister received the announcement of the USA assistance and assurance of commitment towards improving the health of all Zambians with a deep sense of gratitude.

He acknowledged the assurance of the United States Embassy Charge D’Affaires that the fight against Covid-19 is a critical priority that will also continue to cover the fight against HIV, malaria, tuberculosis and improving the health and nutrition of women and children in Zambia.

Dr Ng’andu stated that the support of the United States – despite being the most affected country worldwide; and in need of huge Covid-19 patient recovery resources itself -demonstrates the steadfast nature of the two friendly country’s long-standing relationships in many fields of human endeavor and well-being.

And the Minister further said that he is pleased with the close collaboration between the UK Government on one hand and the Zambian Government and its multilateral partners on the other, in supporting this country’s fight against Covid-19. He says the support from the United Kingdom demonstrates its (UK Government) resilience in fighting Covid-19 at its doorsteps while remaining committed to the long-standing development cooperation with Zambia, in a true show of commonwealth brotherhood.

Dr. NG’ANDU personally thanked the Country Managers of the two multilateral organizations, African Development Bank and World Bank, for their tireless efforts and engagement with the Zambian Government during the past and current difficult times. He looks forward to stronger future cooperation with each of the two partners.

The Minister of Finance assured all donors past and prospective, that what is received will fully be accounted for and that the Government will continue to assess the situation and implement appropriate measures as the Covid-19 situation evolves. He reiterates that Ministry of Finance will regularly inform the public on the progress of the intervening measures as they get implemented.

The support is broken down as follows:

  1. The World Bank has made available US$57.60 million (Approx. K1.05 billion) under its Rapid Response Facility. In addition, the Zambian Government has applied for a
    further US$20 million (Approx. K372 million) under the Banks Covid-19 Fast Track Facility.
  2. The African Development Bank (AfDB) has committed US$37.5 million (Approx. K697.5 million) to Covid-19 as part of the Bank Groups’ Covid-19 Rapid Response Facility. The funds will cater for the purchase of medical equipment, screening of patients, rehabilitation of quarantine facilities, and community sensitization. Further, the AfDB will provide support to high-density areas through the provision of hand sanitizers, soap, water bowsers, hand washing facilities, and supply of clean and safe water to fight Covid-19.
  3. The AfDB will augment these resources with the Fifteenth Africa Development Fund [ADF-15] Programme resources and the unutilized component of the Fifteenth Africa Development Fund [ADF-15] Programme. The AfDB will also provide food security packs for approximately two-hundred thousand (200,000) households in the event of the situation escalating.
  4. The United Kingdom has pledged support towards upscaling social cash transfer
    under its GDP 30 million (Approx. K705million) social cash transfer grant assistance. The United Kingdom has to this effect pledged to frontload its support in view of the Covid-19 pandemic to ensure that the vulnerable are cushioned.
  5. The United States of America: The United States Government has approved a grant of US$14.5 million (Approx. K270 million) towards the fight against COVID-19 in Zambia. The funding is an addition to the technical support that the United States Centre for Disease Control (US-CDC) is providing to the Ministry of Health and the Zambia National Public Health Institute.


And the Ministry has produced the following Donation Guidelines.


  1. All Institutions or Individuals who would like to make ‘cash donations’ towards the fight of COVID-19 are advised to deposit such funds to any of the GRZ COVID-19 Commercial Bank Accounts. These funds will, in turn, be transferred to a designated account held at Bank of Zambia to be managed by the National Treasury.
  2. All Ministries, Provinces, and Public Service Controlling Agencies are requested to ensure that all COVID-19 related funds being received from the Treasury are charged on appropriate budget lines in accordance with treasury
  3. All expenditures related to COVID-19 activities in Ministries, Provinces and Public Service Controlling Agencies should be made through the Government Integrated Financial Management Information System (IFMIS) and be subjected to statutory internal audit processes.
  4. All Ministries, Provinces, and Public Service Controlling Agencies are expected to submit income and expenditure returns on all COVID-19 funds received from the Treasury by 5th of every month to the Office of the Accountant General in accordance with Section 11(1) (p) of the Public Financial Management Act, 2018.
  5. In the case of Aid-In-Kind, Ministries, Provinces, and Public Service Controlling Agencies are expected to receive and dispose of such through the procedures stipulated in the law. In view of this, Ministries, Provinces, and Public Service Controlling Agencies will be required to submit monthly returns on all Aid-In-Kind transactions to the Office
    of the Accountant General, Ministry of Finance.
  6. All recipient Ministries, Provinces, and Public Service Controlling Agencies are expected to maintain separate records and reports on the utilization of donations from Cooperating Partners.

Muchinga Province Reverses the decision to ban Lusaka and Copperbelt buses from entering the Province


The provincial administration in Muchinga has rescinded the decision it made two days ago to temporarily ban public buses from Lusaka and Copperbelt provinces to enter Nakonde district. Muchinga Province Minister Malozo Sichone told ZANIS in Chinsali today that following the arrival of health experts in Nakonde, the provincial administration has temporarily allowed the flow of buses into Nakonde.

Mr. Sichone also disclosed that the provincial administration has received enough test kits to screen people for COVID -19 in Nakonde. He said the arrival of health experts and more test kits in Nakonde is what made the provincial administration to halt its earlier decision.

The minister said this is meant to give chance to the health experts to do their work and advise the government accordingly. Mr. Sichone said the travelling public will be informed in due course on the next course of action after the mass screening in the area.

“We have just temporarily allowed the flow of buses into Nakonde from Lusaka and the Copperbelt province and will inform the public on the next move after few days,” he said.

The Provincial Administration has since apologised to the travelling public on the inconvenience caused stressing that this is in the interest of promoting public health of the Zambian citizens. On Tuesday this week, Mr. Sichone directed that no passenger aboard buses coming from Lusaka and Copperbelt provinces will be allowed to enter Nakonde district. The temporal ban, which was to last for 14 days, was supposed to be effected today, Thursday April 30, 2020.

Mr. Sichone explained that the directive to halt the movement of all passengers on buses from the Copperbelt and Lusaka was in a bid to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the province and allow massive screening for the virus in the border town. He added that the banning of buses from coming in and out of Nakonde district will protect the province from recording any case of coronavirus as health workers get on the ground to do massive screening.

The Minister said allowing public buses to come in and out of the province possess great risk not only to the people of Muchinga but the entire nation. The planned massive screening in the border town of Nakonde follows reports of a Chingola couple that travelled from Dar -es-salaam in Tanzania via Nakonde and one truck driver who tested positive to COVID -19.

‘Sate-Sate’ Kampamba’s Soccer Academy Gets Kit Donation


Kitwe’s Sate Sate Soccer Academy has received a donation of jerseys from Copperbelt business executive Nichodimus Kalobo.

Academy owner Ronald ‘Sate Sate’ Kampamba received the new kit from Kalobo.

Kampamba, the Nkana striker, said the new kit will motivate youngsters at the academy.

‘We are thankful to the Kalobo family for the support. This is not the first donation, they have us given us balls,’ Sate Sate said.

‘The boys are happy and they want to play using the new kit today but we have told them that there is no football because of coronavirus. Playing in a new jersey motivates young players,’ Kampamba said.

Kampamba said managing an academy while actively playing was challenging.

‘It’s not easy; we need a lot of things like water, drinks, balls and training equipment. We are praying that more people come to support the academy,’ he said.

We Wont Glorify Stealing Allegations of Donated COVID-19 Resources with a Response-Health Minister


Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya has said that the role of the Ministry of Health and that of the many health workers at the frontline is to fight Covid 19 on behalf of the Zambian citizens and that they will continue to do this to the best of their abilities, without being swayed by false reports being peddled by some sections of social media.

Reacting to social media allegations of that there is stealing of donated COVID-19 fight resources, the Mr said that from the time they wake up in the morning after very little sleep, all energies are focused solely on how to defeat the invisible enemy which is devastating the lives of many citizens around the globe, Zambia included.

Dr. Chilufya said they would therefore not be drawn into responding to fake news items as doing so would be glorifying false narratives.

“We take note of the negative comments on some social media platforms but do not respond because we won’t glorify such evil with answers,” he said. “For those that think the priority of the Ministry of Health is to steal, we guide that we are at war with Covid 19 and have no time for anything else,”

“We are a transparent government and remind you that our values remain Prudence and Fiduciary Integrity and that we will ensure that all get to the community,” he added.

He stated that various Members of Parliament are already collecting the donated materials for distribution in their constituencies.

He called on members of the public wishing to find out anything about the Covid donations to feel free to contact the Ministry of Health at any time stating that the Ministry has an open-door policy and a fully operational communications department which comes complete with a call center and available 24/7 to respond to queries about anything the general public wishes to know.

He thanked the business community and cooperating partners for their continued support towards the fight against Covid 19 and announced that the audit conducted on donated funds had shown that K1,054, 000 had been deposited into the Ministry of Health Emergency Fund, adding to the already existing 51 million which the Ministry of Finance had released to set up the contingency fund as directed by the President.

The Minister said that the funds are being used to procure PPE test kits and other items needed in the fight of COVID-19 and that the government has put in place internal and external audit systems that are working closely together to ensure that there is no pilferage.

Government to buy 1 million metric tonnes of Maize this year for Strategic Reserves-President Lungu


President Edgar Lungu yesterday inspected the Food Reserve Agency (FRA) storage sheds in Lusaka’s industrial area. During the inspection, the President said Government will buy more than one million metric tonnes of Maize for strategic reserves during this year’s maize marketing season.

According to a statement released to the media by Statehouse, the President said the government wants to take advantage of this year’s bumper harvest to buy more maize as the weather patterns for next year cannot be predicted due to climate change. The President has since asked the Ministry of Finance to fund the FRA on time so that they start purchasing maize. “The Agency will buy maize starting with the areas that will meet the moisture content,” President said.

The President has further instructed the Agency to avail the Minister of Finance with a schedule on procurement of maize to enable the ministry to start processing payments.

And the President says the country is food secure. “Those who want me to declare hunger as a national disaster don’t mean well. Those are the same people who want me to completely lock down the country so that they can, in turn, blame me when the economy collapses. FRA has enough maize to feed the country including the people that have been affected by floods,” the President added.

At the same event, Minister of Finance Bwalya Ngandu assured the President that the Ministry of Finance will make funds available for the procurement of maize. And Minister of Agriculture Michael Katambo urged farmers not to sell all their Maize but conserve some for home consumption.

The FRA Executive Director Chola Kafwabulula said the Agency has so far given the Disaster Mitigation and Management Unit (DMMU)under the Office of the President 93 metric tonnes of Maize for food relief. He said the Agency has more stocks of Maize for relief food. The FRA Executive Director also asked the President to ensure that money for buying maize is released early.

President Lungu during the inspection of the Food Rerseve Agency (FRA) depots in Lusaka's industrial
President Lungu during the inspection of the Food Rerseve Agency (FRA) depots in Lusaka’s industrial

Allegations that UPND MPs have boycotted COVID-19 fight are myopic-Mwiimbu


The UPND has described as pathetic and myopic allegations by Southern Province Minister Edify Hamukale that its members of Parliament in the Province boycotted the fight against coronavirus.

Leader of the opposition in the National assembly Jack Mwiimbu has challenged Mr Hamukale to produce any evidence that UPND members of parliament were accordingly informed that they were required to collect materials from the ministry of health.

Mr Mwiimbu said Mr Hamukale and his Permanent Secretary are playing cheap dirty politics that are inimical to the fight against corona virus.

He reminded Mr Hamukale that Zambia can only win the fight against COVID-19 if he desist from petty cheap politics.

Mr Mwiimbu reiterated that the UPND, through its President Hakainde Hichilema has made generous and tremendous contributions through the ministries of Health and Home Affairs to fight the corona virus.

He said the UPND Mps and other leaders have been apolitical in this fight against the pandemic.

Mr Mwiimbu said UPND MPs have mobilised resources to purchase various items to fight the pandemic and it must be noted that Zambians have been united to fight pandemic without any political considerations.

He said Mr Hamukale should realise that Zambians are not competitors in a musical concert where they sing the way he wants.

Decision to shut down SAA saddens CTPD


Reports that a decision to shut down troubled South African Airways has been reached has saddened the Centre for Trade Policy and Development.

CTPD Executive Director Isaac Mwaipopo said the development is saddening.

He said shutting down SAA is bad for South African but hoped that Zambia could learn from the experience as it attempts to relaunch Zambia Airways.

“Too bad for South African Airways, hopefully, our government can learn something from this turn of event,” Mr. Mwaipopo said.

He said CTPD has for the past two years been advising the government to reconsider its intentions to relaunch a national airline.

“CTPD has for the past two years been advising the government to reconsider its intentions to relaunch a national airline, we have raised concerns around the business model, the financing plan and many other aspects drawing our lessons from regional carriers like SA, Ethiopian Airlines and Malawi Airlines,” Mr. Mwaipopo said.

On Wednesday, the National Transport Movement (NTM) said a decision to shut down South African Airways (SAA) and form a new airline has been reached.

The union says the plan was confirmed on Tuesday during a meeting between SAA unions and Public Enterprises Minister, Pravin Gordhan.

In terms of the agreement, the government will source R2.2 billion funding for severance packages.

The decision will result in the termination of all SAA employees’ contracts.

However, current airline staff will be given preference for employment in the new airline.