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Ecobank Zambia contributes ZMW500,000 to Ministry of Health to fight COVID-19

Ecobank Zambia Country Risk Manager Mr. Gabriel Mwami presenting the Cheque to the Health Minister Hon.Dr. Chitalu Chilufya.

Lusaka, Zambia April 29th 2020 -Ecobank Zambia has contributed ZMW500,000 to the Ministry of Health towards the fight against COVID-19. It has also removed fees on transfers to MTN Money and Airtel Money on transfers of up to ZMW200 to encourage its customers to use digital platforms and remit money via contactless transactions. Ecobank Zambia has increased the daily transaction limit to ZMW20,000 on mobile banking.

Ecobank has donated a total of US$3 million to 35 African countries across its footprint to combat COVID-19.

Mr. Gabriel Mwami, Country Risk Manager of Ecobank Zambia said: “COVID-19 is a major threat to everyone around the world and it is essential that we all take the steps necessary to help prevent its spread in Zambia. We hope that the donation of ZMW500,000 to our Ministry of Health will help them acquire the necessary hospital equipment such as testing kits, masks and ventilators to help combat this virus.”

Ecobank is committed to the safety of its staff and customers and is following guidance from the WHO, governments in countries where it has offices, and health agencies in implementing best practice for its employees and customers. It has suspended all non-essential business travel and cancelled physical meetings, replacing them with virtual meetings. Staff and customers no longer shake hands as a greeting and must stay at least 2 metres apart. Regular hand washing with soap and water and alcohol-based hand sanitisers is mandatory. The bank has limited the number of people that can enter its branches at one time. It carries out temperature checks at all premises and branches and tellers and front office employees wear face masks and gloves and maintain a 2
metre distance. Staff do not exchange phones or equipment with customers when carrying out transactions and regularly wipe down equipment and surfaces with disinfectant wipes. All Xpress Point agents have been asked to carry out the preventative measures implemented in branches.

Ecobank’s ATMs and call centres remain open and it offers the full range of banking services via its digital platforms. Consumer Bank customers can use Ecobank Mobile App & Ecobank Online Commercial Bank customers can use Ecobank Omni Lite Corporate and Investment Bank customers can use Ecobank OMNI.

Chingola launches COVID-19 sensitization programme


Chingola District Commissioner Agnes Tonga has today flagged off the COVID-19 sensitization programme aimed at raising awareness on the deadly coronavirus.

Speaking after flagging off the programme at her office, Ms. Tonga has thanked the Zambia Red Cross Society for partnering with the Ministry of Health and the Zambia News and Information Services (ZANIS), to help spread the message.

Ms. Tonga said the sensitization programme has come at the right time when the district is one of the hotspots in the country.

She expressed optimism that after this sensitization programme, more people will start practicing preventive measures against the spread of COVID-19.

She has since urged the sensitisation team to ensure that the message is rightly delivered to the people so that they are well informed.

And Zambia Red Cross Society Chingola branch president, Berrington Musonda said the society has a mandate to save lives and reach out to everyone.

Mr. Musonda assured the DC that COVID-19 messages will be disseminated correctly so that more people are aware of the disease.

He said the collaboration with Ministry of Health and ZANIS will in some way help overcome the spread of the pandemic.

And some Chingola residents have thanked the Zambia Red Cross for partnering with the Ministry of Health and ZANIS to sensitize the public.

Zambia records 2 new COVID-19 cases out of 355 tests in the last 24 hours


Zambia has recorded 2 more COVID-19 cases out of 355 tests conducted in the last 24 hours, Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya has said.

He said the two cases involve a truck driver who was transiting from Daresalam to the Copperbelt while the second case is from a Lusaka based man of Lusaka West.

Speaking at the latest COVID-19 update, Dr. Chilufya, however, said 12 recoveries have been recorded, 5 among them being health workers.

He said cumulatively cases now stands at 97, 54 recoveries, 3 deaths, and 40 active cases.

And Dr. Chilufya has expressed concern with the continued politicking of the Coronavirus pandemic by some politicians who want to gain political mileage out of the pandemic.

“Together we shall win the war but I should send an alarm that this is not the time to play politics.COVID-19 knows no politics and should therefore not be politicized” he said and called on all opposition political leaders to work together.

Meanwhile, Dr. Chilufya has disclosed that a total amount of 1,054,000 Kwacha has so far been raised from monetary donations as of this week apart from other donations that are non-monetary.

He said it is unfortunate that some people are peddling falsehoods on the utilization of donated funds and assured that every penny has been accounted for and will be used accordingly and will trickle down to the community.

He explained that all donated items whether monetary or in-kind are well accounted for and deposited in the ministry’s account which already had 51 million contingency funds as decreed by President Edgar Lungu.

He said the ministry remains transparent and will not drain out energies to engage in negative talk but will focus on addressing the issue at hand.

“Our records are up to date and every penny has been accounted for as we work together to make sure there is no room for any pilferage” he assured.

On the mass screening, Dr. Chilufya said Madras, as well as Kamwala, will continue to be screened before the exercise extends to other places and announced that the government has dispatched a technical team to Nakonde to enhance surveillance and cross border control.

“We will soon reach the plateau and start going down and let’s remain hopeful as we adhere to all the measures put in place,” he said.

Meanwhile, Vision Ambassadors have donated 10,000 worth of face mask towards the fight and joined several other well-wishers including the Anglican church which donated various items such as hand washing buckets, sanitizers, and face masks amounting to 260,000 kwacha.

Let’s unite to fight challenges in Zambia-Yaluma


Malole Member of Parliament, Christopher Yaluma, has called for unity of purpose when addressing challenges such as the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and floods in Northern province.

Mr. Yaluma, who is also Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry, said Zambians need to embrace love and unity in overcoming the challenges which the country is facing currently.

He said this when he held a sensitisation meeting on the coronavirus, also known as Covid-19 pandemic, in Mabula ward of Mungwi district.

And Mr. Yaluma has urged people in his constituency to seriously follow the Covid-19 preventive measures which Ministry of Health has put in place.

The lawmaker also donated some hygiene items to help prevent the spread of coronavirus.

He said people should continue protecting themselves by observing the preventive measures such as avoiding none-essential travels, public gatherings and handshakes.

And speaking when he received the donation on behalf of the people of Mabula ward, village headman Mwila Mabula thanked the Member of Parliament for the help.

Headman Mabula has however appealed to Mr. Yaluma to extend the assistance to people in remote areas where access to radio and television is a challenge.

He noted that people in remote areas have little or no information on the Covid-19 pandemic.

The coronavirus pandemic, which first broke out in China, has spread throughout the world killing over 200,000 people and infecting nearly three million others.

The respiratory disease has also affected Zambia with Lusaka being the epicentre and Kafue and Chingola districts as other hotspots. So far, three lives have been lost to the disease.

Northern Province has not been affected by the virus since the first case was recorded in Zambia on March 18, 2020.

However, the province, including parts of Mungwi district, have been affected by floods resulting from excessive torrential rains which have washed away homes and crops, leaving people in destitution.

Suspend PAYE for all Healthcare first responders for at least 3 months


By Anthony Bwalya – UPND Member

The United Party for National Development (UPND) continues to sympathize with ordinary people whose lives have been disrupted, and in many cases destroyed, due to the non consultative response approach adopted by the Patriotic Front (PF) regime to COVID19.

Let it be known, that the UPND has always advocated for smart incentives targeted at not only supporting the mainstream economy by delivering targeted incentives aimed at helping the wider business environment ride the COVID19 storm, the UPND is also on the record for having called for the suspension of VAT, PAYE for businesses and individuals, as well as suspending some taxes on the pump price of fuel for a period of at least Three (3) months in order to shore up economic activity.

This is intended to work side by side with a robust public debt renegotiation strategy to suspend debt repayments for a determined duration, with the principal aim of freeing up resources into the mainstream economy.

We are particularly concerned, that our healthcare workers – the doctors, nurses, clinical and laboratory technicians, including cleaners and many other first responders; have continued to diligently serve our country on the frontline of the fight against COVID19 with zero incentives.

Our healthcare workers across the board are having to do an incredibly difficult job of being first responders at a great personal risk to their own health, as well as that of their loved ones; with inadequate protective wear and support equipment, and without any added incentives to motivate their exceptional efforts.

And while we continue to call on the PF regime to deliver robust economywide incentives to help individuals, households and SMEs ride the COVID19, the UPND is particularly calling on the PF government to immediately suspend Pay – As – You – Earn (PAYE) for ALL our doctors, nurses, clinical and laboratory technicians, cleaners; and all identifiable first responders in the fight against COVID19.

This is to say thank you for their effort, dedication and professionalism in our time of this unprecedented public health crisis.

This is not the time for the government to renew its appetite to attack the household economy with persistent taxation. This is a time for the government to loosen its grip on taxation, particularly for our healthcare responders and allow them the lattitude of a liberated conscience as these frontliners lead the fight against COVID19.

No buses into, out of Nakonde until further notice-Minister


Muchinga Province Minister Malozo Sichone has directed that no passenger buses coming from Lusaka and Copperbelt provinces will be allowed to enter Nakonde district.

The temporal ban, which will last for 14 days, is with effect from tomorrow Thursday, April 30, 2020. Mr. Sichone said the directive to halt the movement of all buses from the Copperbelt and Lusaka provinces is aimed at prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the province and allow massive screening for the virus in the border town.He added that banning buses from entering and leaving Nakonde district will protect the province from recording any case of coronavirus as health workers get on the ground to conduct massive screening.

The Minister said allowing public buses to get into and out of the province poses great risk not only to the people of Muchinga but the entire nation.Mr. Sichone said this when he received donations of hygiene materials and food items from China Railway Seventh Group and Tanzania Zambia Mafuta ( TAZAMA) pipeline limited in Chinsali.The donation will go towards the fight against COVID-19 pandemic and flood victims in the province.He said the fight against COVID-19 requires concerted efforts from all well-wishers as government alone cannot manage to stop the spread of the deadly disease.

On Monday this week, Minister of Health Chitalu Chilufya announced that a team of health workers has been dispatched to Nakonde district in Muchinga Province to carry out massive screening for COVID-19. The planned massive screening in the border town of Nakonde follows reports that a Chingola couple that travelled from Dar-es-salaam in Tanzania through Nakonde, tested positive to COVID -19. A total of 22 people, among them bankers, who came into contact with the Chingola couple and workers at a named lodge where the two stayed for about four days, have since been put under quarantine for 14 days.The quarantine has been extended to a total of 107 families coming from the initial 22 people who came into contact with the Chingola couple while in Nakonde.

Meanwhile, China Railway Seventh Group Site Manager Tang Haisheng said the firm stands with the Zambian people in fighting the COVID -19 pandemic.Mr. Tang said this is because the universal virus knows no race or national borders hence the need to work together to fight it.He said the donation reflects the corporate social responsibility of his company and further demonstrates the cooperation between China and Zambia in fighting the pandemic.

Mr. Tang added that the donation also shows that the firm does not only build good roads and create jobs through various projects but it is also committed to fighting the negative impact on human beings in Zambia.

The road contractor donated 500 pieces of face masks, 100 germ guards, 22 sprayers, 1,000 tablets of hand washing soap, 200 bags of mealie meal weighing 25 kilogrammes each, 100 containers of five litres cooking oil and 100 packets of one kg brown sugar.

Meanwhile, Tanzania Zambia Mafuta (TAZAMA) pipeline has also donated assorted items towards the fight of COVID-19 worth over K 40,000 to Chinsali health office.TAZAMA pipeline Senior Public Relations Officer Kenneth Kalunga made the K1 million worth donation on behalf of the company.

Mr. Kalunga said TAZAMA has donated infrared thermometers, face masks, hand washing buckets among others to selected districts along the pipeline between Ndola in the Copperbelt province and Dar-es-salaam in Tanzania. He said the pipeline, working in collaboration with the Ministry of Health in Muchinga province, has also set up one inland screening point as a measure of protecting the region against COVID-19 pandemic.

COVID-19 Tax Relief Measures are rewarding non-compliant taxpayers-Sean Tembo


Patriots for Economic Progress Leader Sean Tembo has noted with sadness that the COVID-19 tax relief measures that have been implemented by the Zambia Revenue Authority as instructed by the Minister of Finance last week are rewarding non-compliant taxpayers while at the same time offering no reward to compliant taxpayers.

Mr Tembo notes that the measures which consist of waivers for penalties and interest upon meeting certain conditions are concentrated on non compliant businesses at the expense of compliant ones.

He said the purpose and primary objective of a tax authority such as ZRA is to maximize tax collection by encouraging compliance among taxpayers therefore, any kind of promotion which the Zambia Revenue Authority runs must be designed to encourage tax compliance by rewarding compliant taxpayers and punishing non-compliant taxpayers.

Mr Tembo has however noted that in this particular instance, the Zambia Revenue Authority is doing the exact opposite by rewarding non-compliant taxpayers through waivers of penalties and interest while offering no reward whatsoever to those taxpayers that have been faithfully compliant over the years.

We would have been happy if ZRA had designed a package to reward compliant taxpayers as part of its COVID-19 relief package. This is important because for as long as ZRA only rewards bad behavior, the compliant taxpayers are likely to feel neglected and unappreciated, which has the potential to undermine future tax collections by the Authority”, he said.

Mr Tembo has since appealed to both the Zambia Revenue Authority and the Ministry of Finance to apply adequate thought in formulating economic intervention policies, so that such policies do not undermine the future performance of key institutions, as the case is in this matter.

He has added that sound Government policies can only be formulated through adequate consultation and input of key stakeholders, and not by a few elites, to the exclusion of the governed.

Kanganja wants PPEs for his Police Officers enforcing COVID-19 Guidelines


Inspector-General of Police Kakoma Kanganja says Police officers require necessary Personal Protective Equipment to avoid exposure to the Coronavirus.

Mr. Kanganja says the Police service is fully involved in the enforcement of the Statutory Instruments number 21 and 22 to ensure that the public complies with the directives aimed at preventing the spread of the virus.

He said in as much as the government is doing everything possible to equip the officers in the advent of the Covid-19, there is still a need for stakeholders to join efforts with the government to curb the spread.

Mr. Kanganja said this at Police Headquarters in Lusaka when he received a donation of hand sanitizers, hygienic liquid soap, and mealie-meal all valued at K17,000 from BIGOCA Bishop Peter Ndhlovu.

The Police Chief thanked the church for the gesture and emphasized the need for collective responsibility in the fight against the disease.

And Bishop Ndhlovu, who spoke through his Church Administrator Bishop Lazarus Shumba, said the church Administration recognized Zambia police service as one of those in the frontline in the fight against the pandemic.

He said the government has shown leadership in the fight against the disease and that all efforts by frontline workers should be complimented by all.

Natasha Chansa pay tribute to Zambia’s first Republican President, Dr Kenneth Kaunda

In Celebration of Zambia’s first Republican President, Dr. Kenneth Kaunda’s 96th Birthday on the 28th April, 2020Natasha Chansa and The We Are Zed Campaign partner to release this song titled Kenneth Kaunda, in order to pay tribute to him as well as celebrate all he’s done and taught us.

Fred Mukwita : Covid-19 song


Sung in Zambian Local language to sensitise the locals in Solwezi North Western Province on measures to help mitigate the spread of corona virus.

Chief Nkula suspends premature sale of maize because of his subjects selling the commodity cheaply


Senior Chief Nkula of the Bemba people of Chinsali in Muchinga Province, has bemoaned the continued trend of his subjects selling crop fields even before harvest is done.

Speaking during a live programme on Radio Delight Kwitonta FM on COVID -19 sensitization anchored by Harrison Phiri, Senior Chief Nkula said he is disappointed with some of his subjects who have started selling their maize which is still in the field to briefcase buyers.

The traditional leader said so far he has caught two of his subjects who have sold their maize crop which is still in the field at K10, 000 to a foreign national.

Senior chief Nkula said investigations into the third suspect are underway adding that he will deal firmly with anyone who will be found selling maize before harvest starts.

The traditional leader said what is saddening is that people selling their crop fields are beneficiaries of government fertilisers under the Farmer Input Support Programme (FISP).

He warned that premature sale of the farm produce even before government announces the floor maize price for this year’s marketing season is a big threat towards household food security.

Senior chief Nkula added that he has since banned the buying of maize in his chiefdom and further directed all those who have invaded his chiefdom with intent to buy maize fields to immediately stop and leave the area.

“Foreigners have invaded my chiefdom buying maize from my subjects which is still in the field at as little as K10, 000 only,” he said.

And Chinsali District Commissioner Maximo Chitambi, who also spoke during the same Delight Kwitonta FM Radio programme, expressed disappointment at the behaviour of some small scale farmers who are selling their crop which is still in the field.

Mr. Chitambi said premature sale of the produce for the 2019/2020 farming season will greatly affect the household food security in the district.

He said last week, the district received 3,620 bags of relief mealie meal each weighing 12.5 kilogrammes for the residents of Chinsali who have been affected by hunger due to floods being experienced in the area.

Mr. Chitambi added that it is unfortunate that at the time government expects people of Chinsali to have enough food for home consumption, others have already started prematurely selling their crop to briefcase business men who have invaded the district.

Meanwhile, senior chief Nkula has warned that anyone who will be found brewing local beer in his chiefdom will be dealt with accordingly.

The chief said people should adhere to the presidential directive to close down the bars, observe social distancing and maintain high standards of personal hygiene by washing hands with soap and clean water regularly.

The traditional leader also reiterated the need for parents and guardians to take care of their school-going children by ensuring that they are not allowed to roam the streets aimlessly during this period when schools, colleges and universities are closed.

Katambo reiterates need for farmers to supply chain stores


Minister of Agriculture Michael Katambo has joined other stakeholders in welcoming President Edgar Lungu’s directive for farmers to increase their production and supply local chain stores.

Mr. Katambo has, therefore, urged farmers to heed to the Presidential directive and supply the local market in the wake of COVID-19.

He said this is the only way that local farmers can benefit from the readily available market and better their livelihood.

The Minister said this when BuyZed campaign founder, Evans Ng’oma, paid a courtesy call on him.

Meanwhile, BuyZed founder, Evans Ngoma, revealed that Zambians have in the recent past been able to satisfy the market with potatoes and other fresh farm produce such as maize.

Mr. Ngoma has however called for increased supply of locally produced farm products to chain stores.

He said the economic lockdowns in neighbouring countries has broadened chances of local producers to believe in homegrown solutions.

New Labour law will hit mining sector hard, say experts


The Zambian government should repeal or at least suspend the Employment Code Act, according to a report by one of the country’s leading economists and a human resource expert.

The report further recommends the establishment of a multi-sector Employment and Labour Legislation Taskforce, which should undertake a comprehensive review of the Employment Code Act. This action should be taken immediately, with a reversion back to the previous legislation pending further review.

“It is strongly recommended that the Employment and Labour Legislation Taskforce undertakes extensive consultations with all the relevant stakeholders to ensure that all the submissions are seriously considered bearing, in mind that what may appear to be in the best interest of employees in the short-term could result in serious repercussions in the medium- to long-term in term in forgone opportunity to enable employers to remain viable and profitable, which is essential for securing jobs and employment expansion,” they continued.

The report, Critical Assessment of the Employment Code Act by Professor Oliver Saasa of Premier Consult and Felix Mwenge, a research fellow in the Human Development Unit of the Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR), says the Employment Code Act (ECA) has introduced significant complications to labour and employment legislation in Zambia, which calls for urgent introspection before it begins to seriously affect growth prospects.

The mining sector has been particularly hard hit by the new legislation because of the large numbers of people it employs, they noted.

The mining industry is a significant employer: 85,111 people were employed in the sector in 2018. In that year, the mining sector accounted for 7 percent of wage employment and 3 percent of total employment in Zambia, according to the report.

The number of women employed in the mining and quarrying sector was 9,713 in 2018, which represents 11 percent of the total employed in the sector.

Multiplier effects in companies directly or indirectly supplying the mines adds to this impact, they continued. However, the researchers note that the ECA will negatively impact on the employment of women.

Jobs in contractors’ firms, for example, are intimately linked to the buoyancy of the mining sector, and any changes to labour and employment laws that result in disruptions in the sector would threaten growth among contractors.

The new legislation did not consider the implications at the micro- and macro-economic levels, and was ill-timed against the backdrop of subdued economic growth in the coun country, said the report.

“Considering the magnitude of discomfort among employers regarding the provisions of the ECA, particularly those in the small-scale category, it is clear that, in its present form, this piece of legislation would be difficult to enforce. Even where willingness on the part of an employer is not an issue, the current economic situation in the country makes it difficult to adhere to many of the ECA’s provisions,” they explained.

“The all-embracing character of ECA has left some employers, particularly those in the small-scale category, perplexed regarding the prospects of its enforcement for the currently financially-stressed small business. To the extent that the ECA covers all categories of employees, this has resulted in significant challenges at the operational level with some categories of employers finding the law difficult to adhere to,” said the experts.

The authors noted with concern liquidity challenges, government crowding out of the private sector, rising debt levels, and policy inconsistency for some sectors had combined to make the investment environment not hospitable and the ease of doing business problematic.

Increasing debt service costs amidst a high fiscal deficit are also among the major macroeconomic challenges facing Zambia presently and have clouded the country’s fiscal outlook.

The external debt stock in February 2020 stood at around US$11.2 billion (inclusive of guarantees). The country’s domestic debt is currently in the region of US$5 billion and the total public debt is now estimated at over 90 percent of GDP,” they continued.

The consultants have further warned that inadequate or inappropriate legislation for labour market protection may hurt optimal allocation and application of labour as a vital resource in production.

“The Zambian economy is currently operating in a very challenging macroeconomic environment, which requires it to make hard policy choices that include the need to implement difficult reforms that may directly impact labour in an adverse way. At the external level, the sluggish growth of the global economy has affected Zambia’s growth prospects, which could result in serious labour shedding by industry,” they added.

The researchers noted that was the responsibility of governments to ensure that workers’ rights and entitlements were not flouted by employers and hence the securing of these rights through legislation is standard practice globally.

However, the most critical consideration that has been expressed by most of the employers and, to some extent, some employees, is that the ECA would cause significant cost escalation for the average company in Zambia.

Kingphar Pharmaceutical files for liquidation


Chinese run Kingphar Pharmaceuticals Limited has been placed under supervisory liquidation.

This follows a Consent Order to place Kingphar Company Zambia Limited under supervision and commencement of business rescue proceedings.

Lewis Mosho of Lewis Nathan Associates as been appointed as provisional liquidator in respect of all assets belonging to the company.

Kingphar Pharmaceutical, located in the Lusaka East MFEZ was only commissioned two years ago and was supposed to be producing injective drugs and oral preparations.

The plant was commissioned by President Edgar Lungu who hailed the investment as the beginning of Zambia’s drug export exploits.

The total investment was about 25 million US dollars.

200 Zambian workers were created.

No PF Minister will be adopted in our government-HH


Opposition leader Hakainde Hichilema says none of the serving PF Ministers will be retained if the UPND forms government next year.

Mr. Hichilema said the UPND in government We will not adopt any Minister from the current PF government to serve in the role of Minister.

“As you can see, the are numerous factors that affect who will serve in our government but in due course, as we move past various milestones, you will be informed. You have my word on this,” Mr. Hichilema said.

He added that the Public Service Management Division, the HR department of the government will conduct an audit to ensure that not only does the UPND government have competent and qualified people, it also erases the corrupt phenomenon of “Ghost Workers.”

He said it is no secret that the civil service is riddled with highly incompetent PF cadres.

“Those are undoubtedly going. It is also not a secret that the civil service is not a reflection of the diversity of our country. It must be balanced by various tribes, youth, gender & other groups. We won’t fire anyone for political reasons but rather, based on merit. Most good civil servants will stay, even though they were engaged through the PF.”

“This may be disconcerting to many but we have to be inclusive and objective. A significant number of Directors and PSs will have to be evaluated based on their competencies, performance, and record. We certainly intend to inject new blood in such roles and candidates are already in the system. Some will, of course, come from outside government. Let us bear in mind that there is a civil service in place.”

He said his party had done an initial assessment of the caliber of those employed in it and many, I must admit are sound. There has been problems with regard to politicization of key roles such as Directors and Permanent Secretaries.

We need career professionals who carry out our outlined objectives.

We have developed performance metrics similar to those used in the private sector that will be strictly enforced. Our aim is to have a truly competent & effective Gov’t that delivers on the people’s aspirations.