Monday, September 30, 2024
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Experts off to Nakonde for COVID-19 mass screening


Government has dispatched a team of experts from the Zambia National Public Health Institute (ZNPHI) to conduct COVID-19 mass screening in the border town of Nakonde, Minister of Health Chitalu Chilufya has disclosed.

Dr. Chilufya said following the two COVID-19 positive people who entered the country through Nakonde, government has decided to send experts to conduct mass screening in the border town to ensure people who might have come in contact with the couple are screened.

He said the mass screening in Nakonde is necessary because the neighbouring Tanzania has also recorded a number of COVID-19 cases.

The Minister of Health said the Zambian government has since engaged its Tanzanian counterpart to strengthen cross border collaboration in view of the outbreak of the pandemic in the two countries.

He said the contacts of the Chingola couple which tested positive after returning from Tanzania are being traced and screened for the disease adding that contact tracing is still ongoing.

Dr. Chilufya was speaking to journalists at Ndeke House in Lusaka today during the daily COVID-19 updates.

The Minister further disclosed that the country has recorded two new cases of COVID-19 in last 24 hours, bringing the total number of cases to 89.

He clarified that the cumulative number of COVID-19 cases in Zambia has gone to 89 from 88 after adding two new cases because one of those reported recently from the Copperbelt was not a new case but a repeated test.

This means that Copperbelt remain with only four cases of COVID-19 instead of five because of the error in tallying of the cases.

He said mass screening and targeted screening of covid-19 in Lusaka will continue.

He has since called on the public to adhere to the health guidelines as announced by government.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Health has called on the members of the public to adjust their lifestyle to make the health guidelines part of their daily routine because the COVID-19 pandemic was likely to be around for a long period of time.

Dr. Chilufya said members of the public should always mask up and observe social distance to prevent themselves from contracting or transmitting the deadly disease which is likely take long to be eliminated in the country.

He said the only effective way to prevent catching the deadly pandemic is to mask up and keep a distance from each other.

Responding to questions from journalists who wanted to know if anyone has come up with any COVID-19 drug for trial like it was happening in Madagascar, Dr. Chilufya stated that Zambia has not yet found any evidence based remedy to the pandemic.

He said the Ministry of Health is open for anyone who has a cure to present his medicine to be tested.

The African continent has recorded about 32,657 cases with 1,427 death as of today while the global figure of cases has gone to 3,017,766 with 207,722 deaths.

Zambia Medicines Regulatory Authority with Falsified medicines for COVID-19 being sold to the public


The Zambia Medicines Regulatory Authority has noted with concern, reports in some sections of the media about people promoting and selling falsified medicines and allied substances recommended for use as preventive measures against Coronavirus such as alcohol- based hand sanitisers.

To this effect, the Authority has heightened Post Marketing Surveillance through inspections and monitoring of advertisements and promotion of medicines and allied substances related to COVID-19 on the Zambian market.

Furthermore, the Authority is following up with individuals and companies claiming to have products that can prevent, treat or cure COVID-19.

ZAMRA Senior Public Relations Officer Christabel Iliamupu says sampling and testing of products such as alcohol-based hand sanitisers on the market is on-going and products which fail to meet the set standard of quality, safety and efficacy shall be withdrawn from circulation.

Mrs Iliamupu said the Authority has also continued undertaking robust assessments of product labeling information and production documents for medicines and allied substances, and where necessary, provide guidance to manufacturers on the minimum requirements.

“Falsified medicines and allied substances are harmful and unsafe with a potential of seriously endangering one’s health. This is why we are working tirelessly to ensure that such products are not placed on the Zambian market’’, she said.

Mrs Iliamupu has further warned people engaging in production and sale of falsified medicines and allied substances to refrain from such vices or risk being prosecuted as provided for under the Medicines and Allied Substances Act No.3 of 2013.

She said ZAMRA remain committed and resolute in ensuring that only medicines and allied substances which meet the set standards of quality, safety and efficacy are placed on the Zambian market.

Two new COVID-19 cases recorded as Government plans to Scale Testing to 1,000 people daily


TWO new COVID-19 cases have been recorded out of 184 tests conducted in the last 24 hours, Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya has said. Speaking at the latest COVID-19 update, Dr. Chilufya explained that the two cases involve a 13-year-old and 34 years old both of Kafue, all from the mass screening.

He said cumulatively cases now stand at 89, 3 deaths, 44 active cases with recoveries still remaining at 37 while 2,942 individuals have completed the 14-day mandatory quarantine.

And Dr. Chilufya has rectified that the earlier reported positive case from the Copperbelt is a repeat case as it is part of those that are already in admission at Masaiti Hospital.

He said the number of cases on the Copperbelt, therefore, remains 4 and not 5 as was reported yesterday.

He said there is a need for all to continue being patriotic and support all the directives if the pandemic can be contained effectively.

“The need for us to adhere to the directive on masking is extremely important. We are passing on the masks to the needy and nothing is being kept. ” Dr. Chilufya encouraged and assured that all the masks been donated are being distributed to the general public as well as frontline staff.

He said engagements with MPs and community leaders to distribute masks to the public have been intensified and assured that all donations are being used prudently with high levels of transparency.

“I want to assure you that there is prudence in the utilization of every penny. We are working with all government agencies to ensure there is accountability” he said.

And Dr. Chilufya said mass screening will continue in targeted places in Lusaka and said a scalable approach is being implemented which will see an increase in tests of approximately 1,000 people daily to identify and isolate as many cases as possible in order to avoid further spread of the virus.

He further announced that a team of experts has been dispatched in Nakonde which is due to undergo massive screening and contact tracing.

Dr. Chilufya appreciated the frontline health workers and assured them of President Edgar Lungu’s support and said he salutes and urges them to continue with the hard work which they have exhibited so far.

There is lies and misinformation about the safety and accountability of COVID-19 donations


By Antonio Mwanza

There are growing levels of suspicion, lies, and misinformation about the safety and accountability of Covid-19 donations. Some individuals and publications have gone on a rampage accusing Government and innocent people of looting Covid-19 donations.

The truth, however, is that Government has put very stringent measures to ensure transparency and accountability in the receiving and disposing of all Covid-19 donations.

According to the Public Finance Management Act (2018), all donations given to the Government constitute public resources and must be accounted for accordingly.

All donations towards the Covid-19 pandemic are subject to the following statutory provisions which Government is strictly adhering to as guided by the Ministry of Finance:

  1. Government has opened bank accounts with 16 banks specifically for purposes of Covid-19 donations.
  2. All monetary donations are deposited directly into the GRZ Covid-19 Accounts. No cash is allowed; all the monetary donations are deposited in the banks, not even a single coin is given in cash to any single individual.
  3. Once deposited, the funds are transferred to the Bank of Zambia and are managed by the National Treasury.
  4. All Ministries, Provinces and Public Service Controlling Agencies are compelled by law to ensure that all Covid-19 related funds being received from the Treasury are charged on appropriate budget lines in accordance with treasury guidelines.
  5. All expenditure related to COVID-19 activities in Ministries, Provinces and Public Service Controlling Agencies are made by Government Integrated Financial Management Information System (IFMIS) to ensure transparency and strict accountability.
  6. All Covid-19 donations are subjected to stringent internal audit processes as prescribed by the law.
  7. All Ministries, Provinces and Public Service Controlling Agencies submit income and expenditure returns on all COVID-19 funds received from the Treasury by 5th of every month to the Office of the Accountant General in accordance with Section 11(1) (p) of the Public Financial Management Act, 2018.
  8. In the case of Aid-In-Kind, Ministries, Provinces and Public Service Controlling Agencies receive and dispose such through the procedures stipulated in the law. In view of this, Ministries, Provinces and Public Service Controlling Agencies are compelled to submit monthly returns on all Aid-In-Kind transactions to the Office of the Accountant General, Ministry of Finance.
  9. All recipient Ministries, Provinces and Public Service Controlling Agencies have separate records and reports on the utilisation of donations from Cooperating Partners to ensure strict and higher levels of accountability and transparency.
  10. All donations towards COVID-19 are strictly used for the stipulated purpose, nothing, not money or material goods are permitted to be used for any other purposes other than Covid-19 related purposes.
  11. The Treasury periodically submits a consolidated return of receipts and expenditure from Ministries, Provinces and Public Service Controlling Agencies to the Controller of Internal Audit and Office of the Auditor General for verification.

In conclusion, we would like to sincerely thank all those that have donated towards the fight against Covid-19. Your generosity is going a long way in alleviating the numerous and enormous challenges that the Covid-19 pandemic is posing.

We wish to encourage others to emulate the kind gestures of generosity shown this far.

To our frontline staff, we can never be thankful enough for your sacrifice and bravery in providing your invaluable service to serve others.

Finally, we would like to encourage everyone to stay at home and adhere to the preventative measures and directives as spelt by Government.

Together we shall overcome Covid-19.

One Zambia, One Nation.

ZANACO to relieve pressure on customers


The Zambia National Commercial Bank (ZANACO) has announced the financial relief packages available to its customers in the awake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

ZANACO Acting Chief Executive Officer Lishala Situmbeko explained that the relief is aimed at cushioning the negative economic effects that COVID-19 has caused on the customers.

“The impact that the COVID-19 has had on individual and business cannot be ignored and it calls for all of us to be supportive of each other. As a bank, we recognize the need to support our customers at a time like this, because it is not business as usual,” said Mr. Situmbeko.

He noted that the relief will be available to personal, business banking and corporate customers who have existing loan facilities with the bank.

He said this will be done after extensive engagements with different customers and stakeholders.

Mr. Situmbeko stated that the relief will include extension of loan tenures, refinancing of loans and loan repayments holidays.

He added that the assistance will be provided in line with the bank’s credit parameters and customer needs.

He further explained that ZANACO seeks to ensure that it customers’ cash flow are cushioned in the medium term and will also provide business coaching and investment guidance.

“We would like to assure our customers that they are not alone in this journey, our doors are open and we are ready to assist them through these uncertain times and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic,” he said.

This is contained in press statement issued to media by ZANACO Head of Marketing and Communications Mutinta Musokotwane.

Government releases K2 million towards mitigating the effects of floods and hunger


Government has released K2 million towards mitigating the effects of floods and hunger in affected areas across the country.

Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit National Coordinator Chanda Kabwe disclosed this today when he paid a courtesy call on Western Province Permanent Secretary, Daniel Bukali in Mongu.

Mr Kabwe said Government has further released 3,200 bags of mealie meal and 600 bags of beans for the affected communities in Western province.

He said the areas to receive include Lukuku, Mitete, Nalolo, Mongu, Kaoma and Sikongo districts and has thanked the people of Western province for the patience and confidence in the ability of government to provide for them.

Mr Kabwe said government will do everything possible to support affected families in the province even as the country is grappling with the COVID-19 pandemic.

He also urged the people of Western Province to support President Edgar Lungu and his government as they work towards meeting the needs of all Zambian despite the numerous challenges being faced in the country.

And Western Province Permanent Secretary Daniel Bukali has thanked government for the quick response to the people of Western Province.

Mr Bukali said the West Bank of the Province is the most hit and needs quick intervention which the DMMU has always provided.

He has however called on DMMU to increase the food relief allocation as the people affected in the province are too many.

And The Zambia-China Economic and Trade Cooperation Zone (ZCCZ) has donated 3, 000 bags of mealie meal to flood victims in Mungwi district of Northern Province. The bags of mealie meal weigh 10 kilogrammes each.

Presenting the donation, Zambia-China Economic and Trade Cooperation Zone Vice Chairman Liao Zibin said his company will continue to supplement government efforts in providing relief to flood victims.

He said the responsibility of assisting people affected by floods should not be left to government alone. Mr. Zibin said the donation is part of his company’s corporate social responsibility.

And receiving the donation, Malole Constituency Member of Parliament Christopher Yaluma thanked the Zambia-China Economic and Trade Cooperation Zone for the assistance.

Mr. Yaluma, who is also Minister of Commerce and Trade, said the donation has come at a right time and will greatly help in alleviating the hunger situation among flood victims

He has since encouraged other companies to also help people affected by floods.

Mungwi is among the districts in Northern Province which has experienced severe floods due to heavy rains.

Roaming children worry Luanshya Mayor


Luanshya Mayor Nathan Chanda has expressed concern with the manner in which children are roaming the streets despite measures put in place for people to stay at home so as to prevent the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) in the country.

ZANIS reports that Mr. Chanda said this was weakening the efforts which the Ministry of Health has put in place to ensure the spread of the pandemic was stopped.

Mr. Chanda, who is also Copperbelt Patriotic Front Chairperson, has since taken it upon himself to go round into townships checking on adherence levels concerning the prescribed measures.

He observed that there were a lot of children who are freely socializing and interacting in huge numbers.

He said such behavior is putting the lives of children at risk as they were more vulnerable to contracting the disease and possibly contribute in spreading it to their families if not sensitized.

During his visit to various townships, the Luanshya Mayor said the decision by the Government to close schools was to ensure that children stay home and not to be loitering.

“It has been an eye-opener. We have discovered that our children are so vulnerable as they are moving about in numbers playing. The idea by the government to close schools was to ensure that children are kept safe at home so as to avoid large gatherings in a bid to prevent the spread of the coronavirus,” Mr. Chanda said.

Among the areas which Mr. Chanda visited are Roan sections 9 and 10, Kawama, sections 21, 25, and 27.

Mr. Chanda has since appealed to parents that use public transport to always leave their children at home and ensure that they wear face masks or use clean pieces of cloths as advised by the Ministry of Health.

“We got on business and I found that yes parents are putting on face masks, but the child they carry along does not have. So the best way is to leave the children at home. This is my honest appeal, we need to fight Covid-19 together,” he said.

He meanwhile noted that people were using disposable face masks for a couple of days when they were supposed to be changed after three to four hours.

Mr. Chanda has therefore called for more public sensitization on how to use the masks.

He further acknowledged the significant role that local tailors that make affordable face masks were playing.

“Am sure the Church, Members of Parliament and NGOs in our district are doing their job but are also invited to come on board as this was not a war for government alone but everyone if the COVID-19 was to be defeated,” Mr. Chanda said.

Luanshya district has so far recorded one case of COVID-19 since the outbreak of the pandemic in the country and the patient is among the two in isolation at Masaiti isolation centre in Masaiti district.

FAZ Clarifies FIFA Funds Not Covid-19 Relief


FAZ has clarified that the US$500,000 it has received from FIFA is not for Coronavirus relief.

FAZ general secretary Adrian Kashala said the money is part of the annual grant it receives from FIFA.

“FAZ has noted that the announced US $500, 000 has been misinterpreted for support to local clubs as part of the Covid-19 mitigation measure,” Kashala said.

“However, the correct position is that FIFA under its FIFA Forward 2.0 Football Development Programme provides to all Member Associations US$1,000,000 Operations Funding, that is disbursed in two equal installments annually as part of the FIFA support to all members.

“The first batch amounting to US$500, 000 is received at the beginning of every year while the second batch amounting to US$500, 000 is disbursed in July every year after an audit by FIFA and so subject to a Member Association meeting set developmental criteria.”

But Kashala added that FIFA was currently working on a Coronavirus relief programme for its members.

“FAZ however has commenced the process of applying for a relief package available from FIFA for members to mitigate the impact of the Covid-19,” Kashala said.

“In this regard FAZ has requested clubs to avail information regarding income loss projections in the remaining matches of the season and come up with a reflective picture of the situation.”

UPND Troubles in Western Province Continues as Youth Oppose dissolution of executive Committee

UPND youths in the Western province have warned party president, Hakainde Hichilema of a looming destruction of the party if the decision to dissolve its executive committee is not rescinded within 48 hours.

Youths said they were disappointed with Mr Hichilema for failing to reverse the ‘illegal’ dissolution of the executive committee despite several pleas.

Youth chairperson, Mbangu Mbangu, said the dissolution was illegal because elections were supposed to start from the lower structures.

Mr Mbangu said the party had abandoned officials who had sacrificed a lot for it to get where it was today.

“I was shot in Mulobezi and still have some bullets inside me, I have been in prison all because of UPND,” he said

Mr Mbangu has since given Mr Hichilema 48 hours to see to it that the decision to dissolve the executive committee in the Western province was rescinded.

And provincial vice youth chairman for politics, Boyd Muyotwa, said all the 19 constituencies had agreed to melt the party in the province if the dissolution was not rescinded.

Mr Muyotwa said youths in the province would not let a few selfish individuals destroy the party by imposing their preferred leadership.

He said the leaders that had been abandoned helped build the party together with its founder, Anderson Mazoka.

Meanwhile, provincial youth chair lady, Munkombwe Mufwambi, warned that the UPND was headed for doom if a few selfish individuals were allowed to make illegal decisions.

“The same dissolved committee there is an old man, Mbingi Shishwashwa who was the right hand man of Mazoka, today they want to abandon him, we won’t allow that,” she said.

Nevers Mumba’s Response to President Lungu’s Speech


By Nevers Mumba

Fellow Countrymen,

I trust that by now, most of us would have had time to listen in and perhaps take in the meaning and impact of the address by the Republican President.

Without much ado, I would like to put on record the following as our official response.


In his speech, the President made it very clear that his basic strategy was to try and preserve life, while also putting in place an economic rescue package of sorts to save the business houses and the economy in general.


While we wish to commend the effort to save the selected areas of business, we wish to point out that the PF government has so far made key pronouncements including the K10 billion rescue package from the Bank of Zambia, and the other Economic Rescue interventions announced by honourable Bwalya Ngandu, Minister of Finance.

We notice that all these interventions are aimed at saving the “big businesses” with little or nothing to be felt by the poorest or smallest businesses and at the household level.

We know that some of these stimulus packages such as the K10 billion come with an inherent moratorium, which allows some period of time to pass before the banks have to pay back, to effectively cushion the negative impact of COVID-19.

However, WE DO NOT SEE how any of the benefits of these rescue packages are going to benefit the MAJORITY ZAMBIANS who include the self-employed, young people and the poor in the compounds.

Our suggestion is that the President must follow up on these interventions and make a pronouncement that will either CURTAIL or REDUCE the following across the board:

  1. RENT
  2. WATER
  4. FUEL

The logic behind this is that these four expenses is what gives most Zambians headaches in their quest to provide for their families. While we expect an outcry from landlords regarding this, it must always be made clear that EVERYONE IN THE ECONOMY has suffered the same fate and have had their income somewhat CUT or totally lost, Landlords CANNOT BE THE ONLY ONES GOING ABOUT WITH business as usual.
In fact, under the stimulus package offered to the banks, most banks are under obligation to also pass on the benefit of the soft loans to their Loan DEBTORS, among which most of the landlords fall.

We demand a reduction to at least 1/3rd of whatever everyone pays as at present.


Our position on this matter has been and continues to be very consistent.: MR.PRESIDENT, PLEASE LOCK DOWN THE MOST AFFECTED CITIES LIKE LUSAKA.

I know that some sections of the society and especially the liberal church might disagree with this and cite various reasons why we must be celebrating as the church. Our position is that NOBODY KNOWS the direction, speed, and momentum that this deadly Corona Virus pandemic is going to take. It is, therefore, more expedient even for the body of believers (the church) to treat this as a plague. We should not risk our people’s lives.

In the Bible, God told the children of Israel to go on LOCKDOWN, and place blood on the door lintels and side posts in order to preserve the life of their first borns when the Death Angel would pass. So Even though God had promised them deliverance, he still required obedience and submission to his will at household level for them to survive. Every life in the homes that were on LOCKDOWN was preserved.

It is no different today. We call ourselves a Christian Nation and we have prayed and stopped COVID-19 from having the devastating EFFECTS on the lives of our people as we have no capacity to deal with it in large numbers. We believe that this is true, but we must claim the blood of Jesus on the door posts of our hearts, and stay IN DOORS on lock down, until the death angel passes. Only in this way shall Zambia be Saved from the extreme spread of the virus.

We insist that the government should follow through with the declaration that we are at war as the President said exactly 4 weeks ago. But we must follow through and do what a nation at war does. Spare no means, SHUT DOWN, PRESERVE LIVES, AT WHATEVER COST.
To ask the church to go back to normal services at the height of the Pandemic is as good as leading God’s people to the slaughter house. This is not time to backslide. To the contrary, it is time to step up by declaring a total lockdown.

Having said that, we also recognise that the President has the power to take the country in whatever direction he deems fit, that is within his authority. None the less, we also wish to place on record that we can provide leadership as opposition leaders by giving timely leadership advise in matters that affect the going concern status of the nation, matters such as this.

ZCCM Gold Company has injected approximately K45 million in Kasenseli Gold Mine Project in Mwinilunga


ZCCM Gold Company has injected approximately K45 million for the initial phase of the Kasenseli Gold Mine Project in Mwinilunga.

With the granting of the exploration licence by the Ministry of Mines and Minerals Development end of March 2020, ZCCM Gold moved on site and started mobilisation in the first week of April 2020 to undertake detailed exploration that will determine the extent of gold mineralisation in the licence area.

According to a statement released to the media by Loisa Mbatha-Kakoma, the Public Relations Manager for ZCCM Investments Holdings Plc, the extensive exploration works which includes geophysics, geochemistry and diamond drilling activities are aimed at delineating the hard-rock (underground) gold deposit in the licence area.

The mining and processing of the alluvial (surface) gold is pending approval of the Environmental Project Brief (EPB) by the Zambia Environmental Management Authority (ZEMA), and the granting of the mining licence by the Ministry of Mines.

The capital injection will also go towards the fencing of the licence area to avoid and prevent any intrusion from outsiders.

Over 40 locals will be employed in the fencing exercise scheduled to start this week. The fence is an additional security measure to the state security that is already on the ground and keeping vigil, patrolling the area to wade off any illegal activities.

Speaking during a courtesy call on Chief Chibwika early April, ZCCM-IH Chief Executive Officer Mr. Mabvuto Chipata indicated that it has taken a bit of time to start the operations at the mine due to a number of statutory and regulatory approvals that are required.

Mr. Chipata said that ZCCM-IH is a listed entity and cannot start any operations without obtaining the necessary and required approvals. He said ZCCM-IH is required to comply with best corporate Governance practices as required by the Lusaka Securities Exchange listing rules, the Mines and Minerals Development Act, the Zambia Public Procurement Authority Act, and the Zambia Environmental Management Authority Act.

Commenting on the coming on board by ZCCM-IH, Chief Chibwika expressed happiness that this will help address the challenges they have been facing in the area with regards to security and the need for development in the area and the district.

He appealed to ZCCM Gold that preference should be given to the local community in terms of jobs and local participation in the supply of various goods and services.

Chief Chibwika said that there is a lot of expectation from the local community with the coming of ZCCM Gold.

ZCCM-IH through ZCCM Gold has been mandated to drive the national gold agenda, working in collaboration with the Ministry of Mines and Minerals Development and other stake holders.

ZCCM Gold is undertaking and overseeing all gold related investments throughout the gold value chain in the country including exploration, mining, processing, refining, marketing, trading and beneficiation in Zambia.

ZCCM Gold is owned 51% by ZCCM-IH and 49% by the Ministry of Finance.

The Positive Pronouncements In The President’s Speech We Are Not Talking About


By Sunday Chanda

This is my analysis of the Presiden’st speech yesterday that seeks to highlight some very progressive measures the President labored to address, that we may not be talking about or have forgotten because of one miscalculated decision. However, I hold the view that the following points the President raised are of great benefit to the nation in Post-COVID-19 if well implemented.

1. PRIORITISE LOCAL PRODUCTS: The President instructing the Ministry of Commerce, Trade, and Industry to ensure that chain stores around the nation prioritize local products from our domestic farmers is a positive step towards self-reliance as a nation. He also emphasised on the need to continue in this direction even in post-COVID-19, cautioning chain stores to only import products the local farmers cannot produce. For people that are futuristic this is an opportunity for growth to those that organize themselves.

2. COVIC-19 ECONOMIC RECOVERY FUND: The President instructing the Ministry of Finance to ensure that they set aside recovery fund models that can help existing businesses is a positive direction for businesses in reshaping their delivery strategy in the world to come after COVID-19.

3. EMPOWERMENT PACKAGES FOR THE YOUTH, WOMEN AND VULNERABLE: Understanding that in Post-COVID-19 we shall see an increase in unemployment. The President instructing the Ministry of Finance to identify and consolidate all available resources that can be distributed to Small businesses run by the Youth, Women Groups and the Vulnerable is a progressive step.

4. CITIZEN ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT COMMISSION TO SPEARHEAD WEALTH CREATION MODELS: The President instructed the CEEC to look for new bankable businesses that can be funded in order to spread the country’s potential in generating wealth creation. This also proves as an opportunity for the average Zambian to look forward to.

5. BRIDGING THE DIGITAL GAP: Post-COVID-19 will be a highly tech-driven era, and the President instructing the Ministry of Transport and Communication and Smart Zambia to support better digital infrastructure and digital skills development is a step closer to bridging our country’s digital divide.

6. TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCEMENT IN THE HEALTH SECTOR: The President emphasized on the need to restructure the manner in which the health sector delivers its services, and in doing so, one of the measures he established was the need to encourage Mobile-Data Diagnostic Tools in the health sector. Which is also a futuristic and progressive step.

7. ADDRESSING FOOD INSECURITY IN POST-COVID-19: Food insecurity will be a challenge for most countries in Post-COVID-19 and in order to ensure that the nation does not experience another food crisis after this pandemic. The President emphasized the need for the Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of National Development and Planning to create a conducive environment through which the local private sector can produce food for domestic consumption and export. An opportunity for the average Zambian citizen to go into food production.

8. ADDRESSING CLIMATE CHANGE: Climate change is a serious issue, and the President having to instruct the Ministry of National Development and Planning to rework their Climate Change Action plan for the Post-COVID-19 era is a progressive and futuristic step to appreciate.

These are some of the positive pronouncements I believe we may have overlooked from the Head of State which we may all appriciate regardless our independent political views.

Fisho Mwale appointed ZDA Chairman


The new Board of the Zambia Development Agency (ZDA) last week paid a courtesy call on Commerce, Trade and Industry Minister Christopher Yaluma with a pledge to ensure that the ZDA continues to promote reinvestment and attract quality investments, deliver real development to Zambian people and ensure the sustainability of such development.

Representing the new board, Chairperson Fisho Mwale says the board will focus much energy on local direct investment while at the same time ensure foreign direct investment benefits the people of Zambia.

Mr. Yaluma recently appointed a new ZDA board which consists of private sector representatives and representatives from government line ministries.

The board will be chaired by Mr. Fisho Mwale and deputized by Mr. Enock Bwalya both from the private sector.

Other private sector representatives that have been appointed to the board are Ms. Chisoma Lombe, Ms. Chipego Zulu, Mrs. Rabecca Katowa, Mr. Robinson Chongo Mwansa, and Bishop David Musonda Masupa.

And the government line ministries are represented by permanent secretaries from the Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry; Ministry of labour and social security; Ministry of Finance (Budgets); Ministry of General Education; Ministry of Agriculture; Ministry of Mines and the Attorney general from the Ministry of Justice.

Mr. Mwale says he also wants to make the Agency more visible and relevant to the Zambian people.

He further emphasizes that his Board will focus on seven key pillars which include providing advice to government on country recovery roadmap post-Covid 19 based on ZDA’s strategic position of being the practical link between government and the private sector.

“The board will, therefore, support the development and implementation of industrial development strategies based on research and innovation that is oriented around reverse engineering and in line with the priority sectors as stipulated in the Seventh National Development Plan,” explained Mr. Mwale.

“The other pillar of focus is reinvestment by promoting the expansion of existing businesses in Zambia as a competitive strategy to reduce unit costs through economies of scale,” he added.

The board Chairperson adds that reposition Zambia’s international business by focusing on unique resources and Zambia’s comparative and competitive advantage to create sustainable and export-oriented businesses is another key focus area.

Mr. Mwale notes that arising from the population of Zambia, which creates a limited market, export focus and promotion of non-traditional export products would be paramount with a focus on unfilled markets of DRC, Zimbabwe, Angola, and southern Tanzania

He adds that as part of the sustainability strategy, promoting meaningful joint ventures, green investment, partnerships between foreign investors and local investors including Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, and supporting efforts towards the promotion of impact investments and capital to speed up the attainment of the sustainable development goals.

Meanwhile, Mr. Yaluma congratulated the new board members and wished them well.

Mr. Yaluma encouraged the new board to work hard and produce the expected results for the people of Zambia.

He emphasized that the Zambia Development Agency should be able to deliver in accordance with its mandate of promoting investment, trade, and enterprise development which leads to wealth and employment creation for the people of Zambia.

Form cooperatives to produce quality goods , says President Lungu


President Edgar Lungu has urged citizens to form cooperatives to ensure that they meet quality and safety demands if the directive for Chain Stores to procure Zambian produce is to be actualised.

President Lungu says this is the only way that Zambia shall collectively achieve the national strategic objective to: “Produce Local, Buy Local, and Use Local”.

He said in order to self-sustain the country’s economy now and in the long-term, Zambians must first produce local, buy local, and use local, and then export more.

President Lungu said with Courage, Patriotism, Collective Action, Perseverance and Hope, Zambians must face the days ahead, knowing too well that the country shall covid-19.

During his third address to the Nation on COVID-19 on 24th April 2020, the President directed the Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry to ensure that chain stores prioritise local agricultural products in their localities.

He said the current situation Zambia find itself in opens a window of opportunity for Zambian farmers to produce and sell their products to chain stores, that for a long time have denied them business and opted for foreign products.

“If a chain store is in Chipata, let them buy agriculture products from our farmers in Eastern province. Under the circumstances we are in, only products that cannot be sourced from locals should be imported”, he said.

He expressed hope that once this is actualised, even after COVID-19, farmers will continue trading with these chain stores.

Meanwhile, Economics Association of Zambia President Lubinda Habazoka says the directive to the Ministry of Commerce by President Edgar Lungu to ensure that local farmers are given preference in chain stores should excite all those that are in farming.

Dr Habazooka has advised small scale farmers to form groups where they can guarantee quality, quantity and timely delivery to chain stores.

He said this is a big plus to those that are in farming and know the hustle.

Dr Habazooka notes that it has been difficult to get local goods on shelves and this move will significantly reduce pressure on the Zambian Kwacha.

He also emphasized on the need for local businesses to consider opening chain stores which will procure most of the local products.

And on the President’s directive for the Citizens Economic Empowerment Commission to consolidate all monies available in all empowerment funds and direct them towards helping SMES and in particular youth groups, women groups and those that have been hit the hardest, Dr Habazooka said this is that time when citizens will be sensitized about various funds available to them for businesses.

He said this move will create new businesses and add value.

“It’s up to businesses to ask their MPs for clarity on the availability of such monies. This is not money to misuse but should go into business ventures”, he said.

Coronavirus KO’s Zambia U15 Teams European Outing


The Zambia Under-15 national team has missed out on participating at a junior tournament in Europe due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

FAZ President Andrew Kamanga told radio Chete FM in Nakonde that the U15 national team was invited to participate in an eight-team tournament in Croatia

“We should have strong U17, U20 and u23 teams. Our programs with the technical directorate we are going further and even having Under-15 as well as U13 and U11.

“In fact this year, we were invited to an eight nation tournament where we were supposed to send our Under-15 national team,” Kamanga said

“We need to invest in all these junior teams because if we expose our players at an early stage they will be able to have the confidence to compete globally as they grow.

“There is no shortcut to getting results without investing, the priority is to invest in junior teams with the hope that we will eventually get the right players from there who will be able to compete and also ensure that we continue getting as many of our players into competitive leagues in Europe.”