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Nevers kicks off Zambia Shall Be Saved Covid 19 Prevention Campaign


Opposition New Hope Movement for Multi-party Democracy (MMD) President Dr. Nevers Sekwila Mumba yesterday kicked off a Zambia Shall Be Saved Covid Prevention in Kailikiliki Compound of Lusaka.

Dr. Mumba, who is also the Founder of Victory International Ministries was in the company of MMD Vice President Mr. Reuben Sambo, National Secretary Hon. Elizabeth Chitika, other Senior MMD Leaders and Victory Ministries International leaders who included Rev. Able Thosi, the Vice President of Victory Ministries International.

Dr. Mumba who was in a Jovial mood visited a number of Selected Households, where he donated various hygiene products in a bid to help in the fight and prevention of Covid-19 pandemic. The donation included buckets, hand sanitizers, face masks and hygiene liquid soaps.

In a short interview with the media, Dr Mumba said that he had decided take the fight against Covid 19 to densely populated areas like Kailikiliki Compound.
“The New Hope MMD in partnership with the Zambia Shall Be Saved Foundation have realized the impact of the Covid 19 pandemic hence the need to employ a hands – on approach. We realized that the most affected people are our brothers and sisters in high density areas like Kalikiliki Compound. So we decided that instead of doing the conventional way of donating to relevant authorities, we decided to being the fight against Covid 19 to densely populated areas such as Kalikiliki”, Dr. Mumba said.

Dr. Mumba further said that the Zambia Shall Be Saved Covid Prevention is a sustainable program where hygiene products will be periodically given to the households.

“Our donation program dubbed Zambia Shall Be Saved Covid Prevention is a sustainable program where hygiene products will be periodically given to various households around the Country and our team will be in constantly touch with them to check how they are doing and if they need more supplies. Kailikiliki compound is our first stop” Dr. Mumba said.

Mtendere area Councillor Mr. Watson Mtonga thanked Dr. Mumba and the New Hope MMD for the donations and called upon other stakeholders to follow suit. “On behalf of the People of Mutendere ward and Kalikiliki to be specific, we would like to thank Dr. Mumba and the Zambia Shall Be Saved Foundation for this timely donation. Kalikiliki is a densely populated area and some of our people can’t afford these hygiene products. Hence these donations and their follow ups will go a long way in the fight against Covid 19. I would like to take this opportunity to call upon other stakeholders to take a leaf from Dr. Mumba and the MMD”, Councillor Mtonga said.

And giving a Vote of thanks, Mr. Brian Mwanza a resident of Kalikilki thanked Dr. Mumba and the New Hope MMD for the donations.

“We the people of Kalikiliki Compound are very thankful for your generous donation and sensitization on the corona virus. Due to a number of reasons, a number of us can’t afford these products, so you following us to our homes to give us these products and sensitize us over the corona virus is an answered prayer”, Mr. Mwanza said.

Dr. Nevers Sekwila Mumba launching a Zambia Shall Be Saved Covid Prevention in Kailikiliki Compound of Lusaka.
Dr. Nevers Sekwila Mumba launching a Zambia Shall Be Saved Covid Prevention in Kailikiliki Compound of Lusaka.
Dr. Nevers Sekwila Mumba launching a Zambia Shall Be Saved Covid Prevention in Kailikiliki Compound of Lusaka.
Dr. Nevers Sekwila Mumba launching a Zambia Shall Be Saved Covid Prevention in Kailikiliki Compound of Lusaka.
Dr. Nevers Sekwila Mumba launching a Zambia Shall Be Saved Covid Prevention in Kailikiliki Compound of Lusaka.
Dr. Nevers Sekwila Mumba launching a Zambia Shall Be Saved Covid Prevention in Kailikiliki Compound of Lusaka.

ZRA dismayed by the political smearing of its donation to the Ministry of Health


The Zambia Revenue Authority is dismayed by the political smearing of its donation to the Ministry of Health towards the fight against COVID-19 by Patriots for Economic Progress President Sean Tembo.

In its endeavor to provide socio-economic security to the nation, the Authority has donated K200,000 and Re-allocated its advertising budget for messages such as anti smuggling by replacing them with COVID-19 sensitization messages, a move Mr Tembo said is illegal.

ZRA Corporate Communications Manager Topsy Sikalinda says it is unfortunate that aspiring leaders mudsling the Authority at a crucial time when lives are more important than anything else.

Mr Sikalinda says the PEP Leader has of late been petty, criticizing everything that the Authority does to gain political mileage despite ZRA ignoring his statements.

He said the Authority has an annual Corporate Social Responsibility budget funded by Employees and the Government from which it uses to carry out charitable works in various communities.

Mr Sikalinda said recently, donations have been made to the University Teaching Hospital, City Market and Buseko market for toilets and water supply system.

He has reminded Mr. Tembo that ZRA will also prioritise a good cause for the nation such fighting a pandemic when it affects its operations and mandate at large.

Covid-19 splits Churches: Controversy erupts over reopening of Churches


Several Churches have taken different positions to President Edgar Lungu’s direction that places of worship may reopen in the wake of Covid-19 outbreak.

Hours after President Lungu’s national address, Bread of Life Church International quickly announced that it will go ahead and have a norm service this Sunday whilst adhering to hygiene practices and social distancing.

However, many traditional Churches such as the Seventh Day Adventist Church, the Catholic Church and Anglicans have told their members not to congregate.

Even Muslims in Lusaka through the Lusaka Muslim Society have said Mosques under its jurisdiction shall remain closed until “a clear guideline is given by the authorities”.

President Lungu said churches, saloons and barbershops would be allowed to operate subject to high compliance levels of Covid prevention measures.

He also said sporting activities like golf and tennis which do not require close contact would also be allowed to take place.

But his directive to Churches has been ignored with the many Churches telling their members not to congregate.

In a message to Adventist members, Union President, Dr H. Akombwa said the Church will wait for further guidance before restarting meetings.

“Dear Fellow Leaders, Good evening and happy Sabbath. We thank God for the announcement made by the Republican President that services can resume. However, the revelation that the new cases per day has spiked to 8 is a source of serious concern. We are told that we can reopen observe all the necessary protocols of hand washing, using hand saniters, no handshakes, social distancing and wearing masks. And Government will be sending inspectors around to check. How many of our churches are ready for this? As many as are ready and can meet these requirements let them feel free to go ahead and worship maybe up to service time. Given the fact that cases have gone up today more than ever before, we have decided to wait for the daily updates up to Monday before we can make an official pronouncement. Thank you,” read the notice.

At Central Church, members were asked to worship from home.

“Kindly note that there will be no worship services at the Lusaka Central Church tomorrow Sabbath 25 April, 2020.”

“Digital worship services will continue on Hope Channel and our Facebook and YouTube platforms until further notice. Members are encouraged to continue taking all reasonable measures to avoid contracting COVID19.”

And Admin Elder from University Church Br. Titus Ng’andu said there will be no church meeting today.

“There will be no meeting at church as we are not able to meet all the health guidelines with regard to COVID-19. We will continue with live streaming through mixlr and facebook. The church will be informed in due course on how we proceed going forward. Please note that the risk is still very high as evidenced by surging numbers.“

Meanwhile, Religious Affairs Minister Rev. Godfridah Sumaili is on Saturday expected to hold a meeting with church leaders to provide further guidance on the reopening of Churches.

“Following the pronouncement by His Excellency the President of the Republic of Zambia to allow churches to worship normally subject to observing the measures put in place by the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of National Guidance and Religious Affairs will give more clarity by outlining what is expected of the churches to ensure protection of lives and prevention of human to human transmission. This will be done in Consultation with the Ministry of Health and the church mother bodies and other Religions Organizations. Guidelines will be ready by mid day tomorrow Saturday,” read a message from her office.

Rev. Sumaili added, “We profusely thank His Excellency the President for His wise leadership in this trying time and the respect and confidence he has in our spiritual leadership.

The Catholic Church in Lusaka and Chipata says no mass should game place on Sunday.

Lusaka Archdiocese Bishop Dr. Alick Banda directed that the Church does not resume public celebrations but wait for further guidance.

And the Salvation Army it shall not resume Church meetings until further guidance is provided.

Muslims under Lusaka Muslim Society will also not be meeting.

LMS Chairman Suleman Patel made the announcement in a circular Friday evening.

“We therefore request the entire community to please be patient as we seek further guidance and clarity in the matter. We will inform you as soon as we get further clarity on the matter,” Patel guided.

KK’s 96th Birthday Celebrations Suspended


The Family and Office of Zambia’s first Republican President, Dr. Kenneth Kaunda has suspended his 96th birthday celebrations.

This follows the directive given by President Edgar Lungu and the World Health Organisation (WHO) on social distancing due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 globally.

Friends, institutions, and the general public wishing to present some gifts to Dr. Kaunda on his birthday are requested to leave the gifts at the entrance of his residence in State Lodge area or at the Office of the First President in Kabulonga in Lusaka.

And the First Republican President, Dr. Kenneth Kaunda has urged all Zambians to adhere to the measures put in place by the government to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 by observing social distancing, washing hands with soap, staying home as well as wearing masks when in public places.

Zambia’s First Republican President’s birthday falls on April 28.

This is contained in a statement made available to the ZANIS in Lusaka today by the Administrative Assistant at the Office of the First President, Rodrick Ngolo.

Move by the Auditor General’s office to track all donations welcome


Transparency International Zambia has noted with optimism, the move by the Auditor General’s office to track all donations made towards Zambia’s fight against the coronavirus.

The TIZ has welcomed the move which they say is an important step towards responding to the concerns that have been expressed by different stakeholders on the management of donations made towards the fight against this pandemic.

Maurice Nyambe, the Organisation Executive Director is optimistic that the Auditor General’s move to monitor the donated resources will increase public confidence in the management of all donations made and increases the likelihood of those resources reaching and benefiting their intended targets.

Mr Nyambe said when all stakeholders put their efforts together in a transparent, open and corrupt-free manner, the war against Covid-19 will be won.

He said those charged with the responsibility to verify the use of the Covid-19 funds will do it diligently and report all irregularities without fear or favour.

Mr Nyambe said TIZ will follow the auditing process with keen interest and has called on all those involved in managing these donations to adhere to the guidelines, laws and regulations governing the prudent management of public resources.

UPND MPs are to collect materials meant to fight COVID-19 from Ministry Health-Kamba


The PF in Lusaka Province has called for close collaboration between the Ministry of Health and Members of Parliament in the fight against the coronavirus.

PF Lusaka Province Secretary Kennedy Kamba says he finds it strange that UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema has kept quiet when his MPs are refusing to collect face masks, hand sanitisers and other necessities from the Ministry of Health meant to combat the coronavirus.

Mr Kamba has challenged Mr Hichilema to come out clean and tell UPND Members of Parliament to collect the protective equipment, sanitizers and soaps meant for Covid-19 fight.

He said this kind of conduct from opposition MPs is shocking, unbelievable and ridiculous at the same time especially that these are leaders aspiring to take over government power.

“We have seen the magnitude of havoc that Covid-19 has caused to humanity around the world and we cannot afford to politicize this issue here in Zambia. Already the cumulative figures recorded so far in the country are extremely worrying. We should not as a people, whether opposition or ruling party supporter try to play politics with this virus”, he said.

Mr Kamba said this is the time to come together as a people and fight this pandemic with one spirit.

Places of Worships, Golf, Tennis, Barbershops and Salons gets Green light to Operate from the President


President Edgar Lungu has allowed selected activities to continue being undertaken normally subject to adhering to health regulations and guidelines meant to prevent the spread of the coronavirus pandemic.

The President said places of worship may continue to congregate while observing social distancing, mandatory wearing face masks, sanitizing and hand washing guidelines.

President Lungu said sporting activities such as Golf and Tennis which do not involve physical contact between players while the sport is played in non clouded places may begin to be played but bars in such places should remain closed.

In a televised address to the nation on COVID-19 measures, the Head of State also allowed Barbershops and Salons to continue operating but warned that failure to adhere to the health guidelines will attract penalties including the revocation of licenses.

However, the President who could not announce how long the other measures such as the closure of bars, gyms and casinos will remain in force said he will address the nation soon.

And President Lungu said eight additional cases of the coronavirus have been recorded in Zambia in the last 24 hours bringing the cumulative number of cases to 84.

He said four of the cases are from the Community while the other four are health personnel.

President Lungu said 37 patients have recovered from the pandemic while 44 remain under isolation and are in stable condition except one who is being treated for severe malaria.

He said 15 health care workers have so far been infected with COVID-19 while in their line of duty and two have recovered while 13 are stable and remain in high spirit.

And President Lungu has directed the Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry to ensure that chain stores prioritise local agricultural products in their localities.

The President says the current COVID-19 situation opens a window of opportunity for Zambian farmers to produce and sell their products to chain stores that for a long time have denied them business and opted for foreign products.

In a televised address to the nation on COVID-19 measures, the President said Chain stores in their respective localities should buy agriculture products from farmers within their areas.

The President said under the circumstances Zambia is in, only products that cannot be sourced from locals should be imported.

ERB Issuance of Vague Statement reflects Insincerity-Green party


Amidst the Covid-19 pandemic that has hit Zambia hard economically, it is necessary for all possible gains to be transferred to the people to help cushion the dire economic effects of the novel Covid-19. Fuel is one such critical commodity that directly affects the cost of business and has a significant bearing on the local economy. There has been an unprecedented slump of oil on the international market, including “Murban Crude” the blend of crude that is imported by Zambia.

On 23 April 2020, ERB through the Public Relations Manager Ms. Kwali Mfuni issued a statement titled “Fuel Pump Prices in the Light of Current International Oil Trends and Kwacha Performance”. In the statement the ERB has claimed that the current gains from the sustained reduction in international oil prices have been negated by the depreciation of of Kwacha in the same period and therefore resulting into no price change since December 2019. This leaves much to be desired as a simple calculation will show you that the Kwacha amount of a Barrel of Crude is significantly cheaper today than it was in January regardless of Kwacha depreciation.

The general populace must be concerned and join in questioning the ERB Board why they have not taken critical consideration of the prevailing situation, Zambians are currently in distress and deserve a break especially that it is justified as follows; In Q1 Jan 2020 a Barrel of Murban Crude was selling at Us$69 with the Kwacha exchange rate at ZMW14.40/Us$, meaning a barrel of Murban was fetching ZMW993.6, the price of Murban Crude on 23 April 2020 was selling below Us$20 (Us$19.01 to be precise with a days delay from a Record low Us$15.44 the previous day), the Kwacha exchange rate is about ZMW18.70/Us$ using Us$20/bbl, a barrel of Murban Crude is fetching around ZMW374 currently. There is a massive difference between ZMW993.6 and ZMW374, ZMW619.6, which should amount to a significant downward Fuel adjustment of some sort, as the difference cannot only buy an extra barrel but there will be a whole lot of change. It is very unfortunate that instead of painting a real picture, the ERB has opted to vaguely elude the Zambian people to justify non adjustment of fuel.
I call upon Mr Raymond Mpundu to urgently sit with his ERB board and critically consider the disparity the major factors that determine fuel prices have brought or perhaps give a more elaborate and convincing outlay of the “Cost Plus Model” and perhaps call for its review. Covid-19 is everyone’s struggle may we all play our part in easing the fight and a fuel downward adjustment will guarantee public benefit. Let us rise to the occasion together we can defeat Covid-19.

Daniel Sichilongo
Secretary General
Green Party of Zambia

Kamanga:Nothing Sinister About New FAZ Constitution


FAZ President Andrew Kamanga says there is nothing sinister about the timing of the new FAZ constitution.

The new FAZ constitution has raised a storm over the last couple of months that saw some prominent figures, in particular ex-FAZ President Kalusha Bwalya; fail to make the ballot for the 2020 elective FAZ Annual General Meeting that has been postponed from March 28 due to the prevailing Convid-19 pandemic.

This is after Kalusha failed the integrity test that is embedded in the new FAZ constitution.

“When we got into office in 2016, the first thing which was a challenge for us, we found a directive from FIFA that we should adjust our constitution in line with FIFA statutes. That program had been started much earlier, we were only given a week but we got back to FIFA and negotiated more time to get the process started,” Kamanga told Chete FM in Nakonde.

“Around September 2016, we were given an extra six months to finish the process. We undertook a consultative process, basically what FIFA was saying was that our electoral college was too big because all the 380 members of FAZ would sit in one meeting and have one election.

“They felt that the number had been too high, we needed to find a way of reducing the number.

“Fortunately through a consultative process with all the members of FAZ, we decided in March 2017 to adjust the constitution to re-aligning it with the FIFA Statutes which obviously imposed the introduction of extra judicial bodies like the independent Audit and Compliance Committee, Ethics Committee which obviously has seen the most topical issue around the Integrity Checks and of course we saw a big opportunity with the change of the constitution where we now started the decentralization program.

“It means essentially each province has representation on the national executive committee so this is why you have seen that this time around, the elections are happening in the provinces before we finish off with electing the president, vice president and the female candidate.

“Essentially each province including Muchinga where Nakonde is will have an executive committee which has a chairman, vice chairman, one in charge of youth, women and one committee member. That committee in the province, the chairman will automatically sit in the national executive committee.”

Meanwhile, there is an initiative spearheaded by Sports Minister Emmanuel Mulenga to hold an emergency annual general meeting outside the aegis of the new FAZ constitution that will bring together all aggrieved parties.

Advise sought on dealing with greedy step sisters


Good afternoon all,

Kindly help me on how to resolve a problem in our family.We are a family of eight my father died in 2007 left two houses behind.One house is on rent then the other one mum used to stay in to take care of my siblings.We had some confusion with the houses with my step sisters.They started harassing mum to sell the house that she used to live in because she was not working any where for her to be benefiting from two houses.Mum sold the house and shared the money equally to every one of us.She remained with one house which is still on rent,the problem is that the same step sisters still claiming to be given shares from the one house which is on rent. My question is, is it fair for mum to be still giving them shares (1)they are all married and above 35 (2)mum still has children to take to school. How best can the law help please advise.


FDD salutes Bank of Zambia’s timely allocation of K10 billion to Commercial banks


The Forum for Democracy and Development has saluted the timely decision taken by the Bank of Zambia to allocate K10 billion to commercial banks and other financial institutions to enable Small and Medium Enterprises to access credit facilities from these institutions at a reduced interest rate.

Party spoke Yotam Mtayachalo says this will revive businesses that have greatly been affected by the effects of the Coronavirus pandemic.

Mr. Mtayachalo has however expressed concern that small businesses, especially in rural areas, have had difficulties in accessing credit facilities due to a number of challenges among them few or non-availabilities of credible lending institutions and issues of collateral just to mention but a few and stand to lose out a great deal as opposed to their colleagues in urban areas.

He has appealed to financial institutions and the central bank to ensure that these resources are fairly allocated to all districts so that they can be accessed fairly by all deserving beneficiaries because rural-based Small and Medium Enterprises involved in Agro-processing are very critical in job creation and economic emancipation and therefore must be supported if they have to grow into large business undertakings.

Further, Mr. Mtayachalo said financial institutions should also relax stringent conditions attached to acquisitions of these loans especially on issues of collateral because many rural business undertakings do not have title deeds on their properties hence accessing credit facilities remains a tall order or a pipe dream.

He said the government should also come up with a deliberate policy by offering incentives to indigenous financial institutions which also operate in rural areas such as the National Savings and Credit Bank so that many rural-based industries can benefit from credit facilities at reasonable interest rates.

Mr. Mtayachalo said the COVID-19 pandemic undoubtedly continues to inflict a huge toll on human life and the global economy nevertheless it has also provided a window of opportunity for Zambia and Africa at large to seize this opportunity and support Agro-businesses and other homegrown manufacturing industries to boost industrial development.

He said it is very unfortunate that the well-intended establishment of some lending financial institutions by the UNIP government such as the Development Bank of Zambia was meant to promote the country’s industrial development but such institutions have failed to achieve their intended objectives because most often they offer credit facilities to the elite at the expense of local SMEs.

“It is our desire to see a situation where the majority of deserving Zambians benefit from the K10bn credit facility offloaded on the financial market by the central bank as a way of empowering Zambians economically amidst covid19 instead of Zambians being used as fronts of foreigner nationals if the country has to create the much-needed wealth at the household level for the local people hence uplifting the majority of our people out of perpetual jaws of poverty which is more pronounced in rural areas”, he said.

Donations of Public funds by ZRA to different causes including COVID-19 is illegal-Sean Tembo


The Patriots for Economic Progress has noted with sadness the increasing propensity of public institutions such as the Zambia Revenue Authority to donate taxpayers money to different causes including COVID-19.

Party President Sean Tembo says such actions, although outwardly charitable, constitute misappropriation of public funds and are in fact illegal as they contravene article 63(2)(b) of the Republican Constitution, which gives the sole mandate to appropriate public funds to the Parliament of Zambia and not any other institution or body.

Mr Tembo said enshrined by law, it must be noted that the duties of the Zambia Revenue Authority begin and end with collecting tax revenue on behalf of Government.

He said on the other hand, it is the duty of the treasury to submit a proposal to Parliament on how such taxpayers’ money should be spent. Such a proposal is normally referred to as a National Budget, and it is the duty of Parliament to adopt such a proposal as presented or to amend it.

Mr Tembo said therefore, the actions of the Zambia Revenue Authority to donate taxpayers money which they have collected, without remitting it through established channels, is not only illegal but also a source of confusion and anarchy.

He said by so doing, the Zambia Revenue Authority is usurping the powers of both the Treasury and Parliament, and such actions cannot go unchallenged.

Mr Tembo said if ZRA finds itself inundated with the urge to be charitable, they should ask their employees and Board Members to make contributions from their individual pockets, which can then be donated to different causes of their wish, including the fight against COVID-19.

He said it has become evident to Zambians that the tendency to donate what does not belong to oneself, among public institutions, is not limited to the Zambia Revenue Authority but cuts across various other public institutions.

Mr Tembo said most notable, the National Pension Scheme Authority has even institutionalized the illegality of donating pensioners’ money by establishing a football club, while at the same time failing to pay pensioners their retirement packages on time.

He said the reason why most public institutions end up deviating from their primary mandate and start spending public money on illegal activities, is primarily because of incompetence and in order to mask their poor performance in the discharge of their primary mandate, most public institutions end up engaging in illegal populist activities such as donating money that does not belong to them, in order to deviate attention from their perennial incompetence and poor performance.

Mr Tembo has noted that over time, this illegal behavior has become so rampant among public institutions that it has subsequently been embraced as “best practice” when in fact not.

He has since called on President Edgar Lungu to consider reforming his public institutions so that they can focus on the discharge of their respective primary mandates.

Sate-Sate Itching For Action


Nkana star striker Ronald Sate Sate Kampamba is itching to return to action when the coronavirus outbreak is contained.

Sate Sate said life has not been easy during the covid-19 outbreak which has halted sport globally.

Kampamba said football was his way of life.

He is also confident of maintaining his fitness during the coronavirus induced FAZ Super Division recess.

“We have been asked to stay home so I am just training at home, sometimes I do jogging and road run. As a player I use my body and legs to play so I need to keep myself fit,” Kampamba said in Kitwe.

“We are praying to God to help us. It’s not easy to live like this because football is our life. We are praying to God that soon we go to the pitch,” he said.

Meanwhile, Kampamba couldn’t comment on his future with Nkana.

Kampamba recently announced his intention to leave his boyhood club when his contract expires next year.

UPND says it’s appalled at the levels of corruption and downright thieving of national resources by PF Leaders and Cadres


The opposition UPND is appalled at the levels of corruption and downright thieving of national resources by the Patriotic Front leaders and their cadres.

UPND spokesperson Charles Kakoma says the PF is a bunch of kleptomaniac individuals who steal money, anything that they want, whenever they can and nearly all the time.

Mr. Kakoma says his party has seen and heard how some people connected to PF leaders are now supplying personal protective equipment that was donated by well-wishers in the fight against the novel coronavirus pandemic.

He said the UPND is horrified that even after President Lungu sent hundreds of paramilitary officers to secure the gold deposits at Kasenseli gold mine in Mwinilunga, his cadres took over the mine without anyone stopping them.

Mr. Kakoma noted that President Lungu led his party members into Mwinilunga and has wondered his interest in the area he visited four times in a month.

“A fortnight ago, our Member of Parliament for Mwinilunga Newton Samakai had given the Zambia Police an ultimatum to leave Kasenseli mine failure to which he was going to lead the locals to take over the mine as only PF cadres, mostly from outside the province, we’re benefiting from the wealth given to them by God”, he said.

Mr. Kakoma said President Lungu has received reports from the police and the country’s intelligence services on how his party leaders and cadres camped in Mwinilunga are exploiting the natural resource to their benefit.

“Acting on the information from the police and the intelligence agencies, President Lungu has taken a new Police Commissioner to North-Western Province to replace Hudson Namachila who is accused of having failed to protect the gold”, he added.

Mr. Kakoma has wondered why PF party Secretary General Davies Mwila has taken action against one person, Jackson Kungo the party provincial chairman in North-Western Province, over his involvement in the looting of gold in Mwinilunga.

He said the suspension of Kungo by Mr. Mwila goes to show that indeed there is no honor amongst thieves.

Mr. Kakoma said it is however shocking to the nation that Mr. Mwila is sending a team of PF cadres to investigate their fellow cadre Kungo when the police and the intelligence agencies have already handed their findings to President Lungu.

He challenged the PF should not insult and take the Zambia people for grated by sending cadres to cleanse their colleagues of criminal offenses.

Mr. Kakoma said the theft of gold by the PF elements and agents in Mwinilunga is undeniable indisputable and irrefutable truth and fact known by the people of North Western Province and the Zambians at large.

He said the theft of gold in Mwinilunga should not be trivialized as a PF internal matter at a time the country is shackled in debt.

Mr. Kakoma said this is a serious matter that does not need Patriotic Front Chairperson for Legal affairs Brian Mundibile and his band of fellow cadres in the names of Nixon Chilangwa, Syacheye Madyenkunku, Kampamba Chewe, Andrew Lubusha, and Alick Tembo to investigate the matter.

He said the only reason these cadres are being sent to Mwinilunga by Davies Mwila is that they should go and get their share of the loot taking place there.

Mr. Kakoma said if President Lungu is serious about his utterances to uproot corruption in the PF and government and his promise not to shield anyone found wanting by the law, then he should stop cadres from undertaking this investigation.

He has challenged President Lungu to take action based on the reports from the Zambia police and the country’s security apparatus.

Informal is Normal: Why Lockdown Won’t Work in Lusaka


When the coronavirus first became the topic of conversation on world news, I kept my fingers crossed hoping it wasn’t going to reach Africa, not least Zambia, my beloved country. Alas, it has.

I appreciate the efforts the government is putting in place to combat the spread of the virus. It goes without saying that Zambia’s current health infrastructure isn’t prepared to deal with the severity of the pandemic should the situation currently happening in New York City befall us. While I understand on an intellectual level that the lockdown is most likely our best approach to prevent the spread of this deadly virus, on a practical level, I don’t think it’s a sustainable approach—especially in a city like Lusaka.

Why am I taking this stance? It’s important to understand that the city of Lusaka is unlike cities such as London or New York. People in these foreign cities can survive during the lockdown but in Lusaka, life takes a whole different shape. To begin with, the majority of people in Lusaka fall under the category of informal employment. This largely means when people go to work, they don’t report to offices. Rather, they report to the streets. Essentially, the streets and roads are their offices. You only have to walk the streets of Lusaka and you’ll see people selling secondhand clothes, fritters and doughnuts, phone accessories, to mention just a few. These people don’t spend their time on the streets to make surplus income. Instead, they do it for survival. Hence, enforcing a mandatory lockdown in Lusaka will only result in starvation to many families.

Secondly, the lockdown is likely to exacerbate the problem of homelessness. Unlike in Western countries, landlords in shanty compounds of Lusaka such as Kanyama and Chibolya aren’t rich people. They rely on rentals from tenants to feed themselves. Many of these tenants make their money by getting out in the streets to run their informal businesses. The lockdown makes this impossible, making them unable to pay rent. The landlord is left with no choice but to evict them from his property.

Lastly, the lockdown causes economic activity to slow down, if not come to a halt. It doesn’t take an economist to realize that income reduces when economic activity slows down. The downside of this scenario is that it is likely to lead to higher rates of crime. When people are fighting for survival, they do desperate things—even breaking the law becomes an option. Yes, the lockdown may be good at preventing the spread of the virus, but it’s important to understand the implications of this course of action to the many small business owners in Lusaka who rely on being on the streets to generate income. Those with government jobs have dodged the bullet of this lockdown, but they’re only a few. Authorities need to remember that informal is normal in Lusaka. This lockdown is hurting the masses.

By Joram Mutenge

The author is a Zambian student in the USA pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy.