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Government should continue Persuading IMF for bailout


Copperbelt University (CBU) Head of Business Lusaka Campus Collins Mudenda has encouraged the Government to continue persuading the International Monetary Fund(MF) on bailout options for the country.

Mr. Mudenda said that talks on the possible bailout package must continue in order for the country to fulfill its various debt obligations.

Speaking peaking in an interview with ZNBC News in Kitwe, Mr. Mudenda urged authorities to engage its bilateral partners such as China for a possible debt relief package such as a complete write-off.

Mr. Mudenda noted that this is the only surest way of ensuring that the cash flow in the economy is stabilized due to a decline in tax collections.

He said Government revenue has drastically declined because activities at various border points have slowed down, further reducing the collection excise duty and other taxes.

This week, the International Monetary Fund has clarified that Zambia long with a few other African countries was not in the priority bracket for accessing debt relief package from the Fund.

Zambia among with Burundi, Zimbabwe and Congo including Cote d’Ivoire are some of the countries that had missed out on the Covid-19 debt relief.

IMF Director of the African Department Abebe Selassie explained that Zambia missed out on the initial list of debt relief beneficiaries because it is not classified as most vulnerable and poorest.

Mr. Selassie was answering questions from Journalists during a virtual press conference when the Fund launched the Sub-Saharan Africa Regional Economic Outlook report recently.

President Lungu to Engage the Minister of Health to Consider Opening up some Sectors of the Economy


President Edgar Lungu has said that he will engage the Minister of Health to consider which sectors of the economy should be unlocked to sustain activities amid the Covid-19.

The Head of State said that when Cabinet sits it will deliberate on progress made and what can be done next, adding that some sectors of the economy have to be unlocked even if it means people wearing masks for some time.

President Lungu said this after touring Trade Kings in the industrial area in Lusaka.

Meanwhile, President Lungu said the importation of goods that can be produced locally should be discouraged.

President Lungu said companies like trade Kings have shown that Zambian companies can produce world-class products, if well supported.

The President said by manufacturing goods locally, the government will NOT only create direct jobs but also support other sectors such as agriculture that provide raw materials.

President Lungu said it will be pointless to have manufacturing firms when raw materials are coming from outside. and that was why government has started putting in place infrastructure for Milk processing in various parts of the country.

President Lungu said the idea is to allow cooperatives to supply milk as raw materials to big companies like Trade Kings.

The Head of State said it is in this vein that the government will ask the African Development Bank -ADB -to help in the setting up of more milk processing plants in Zambia and that the government will support the growth of the manufacturing sector.

Slot Machines Businesses in Compounds are flouting COVID-19 directives


The Zambia Gaming Association is concerned that some business houses involved in slot businesses have continued flouting President Edgar Lungu’s directives to suspend operations as a mitigating measure to curtail further spread of the COVID-19.

The association has observed that while some business entities like Casinos are fully complying with the directive meant to avoid overcrowding, some entities involved in Slot Businesses especially in the townships are not adhering to the directive with impunity.

Association Chairman Gift Simusamba has warned all businesses that are regulated by the Association that it will not hesitate to recommend revocation of their licences to the Ministry of Finance if found wanting.

While acknowledging that the gaming industry plays a key role in Zambia’s economic make up and job creation, Mr. Simusamba has noted the need for all stakeholders whether foreign or indigenous Zambians to observe the laid down laws and presidential directives.

He has advised members of the Association to endeavour to work closely with government in supplementing it’s efforts of fighting the pandemic that has ravaged the globe and not spared Zambia where 74 cases have been recorded, three deaths, and 35 discharged while 36 remain admitted as of 22nd April 2020.

Mr Simusamba noted that Zambia currently has one of the highest recovery rate with almost 50% of recorded cases having been discharged.

He says ZGA does not want its members to contribute in reversing the gains attained so far by government through various measures being employed.

Mr Simusamba said the Association will in the next few days commence a nationwide exercise to ascertain compliance levels of the Presidential directives for Casinos and businesses operating slot and gaming machines across the country.

This is according to a statement issued to the media by Simon Lungu, the Association Public Relations Director.

Can UPND Show us a Ward or Council they have Developed Using their so called Connections and Management Skills


By NAREP Womens League

We read with interest what RPP President Mr James Lukuku also (opposition alliance spokesperson) had to say about NAREP President Stephen Nyirenda’s stance on political violence involving The UPND. Mr Lukuku should desist from using the opposition alliance to pursue his personal agenda or please his masters. RPP is a political party that should be able to stand on its own feet propagating its own agenda. We as NAREP will not waste our valuable time responding to individuals with questionable character.

In response to UPND Monze MP, Hon Jack Mwiimbu’s allegations against NAREP, we want to state categorically that we fully support our president’s statement that UPND is one of the oldest opposition political parties in Zambia and is directly participating in ruling Zambia through its representatives in council chambers and parliament. Hon Mwiimbu represents Monze where all councilors are UPND – can he point at one basic example of a single ward that has been developed using their so called connections and management skills, a ward that UPND can use as a prototype of how they would develop Zambia if given the mandate to run the affairs of the country. What is there to expect from an MP who has allowed an Agricultural hub of only about 200,000 people to be begging for relief food.

We want to remind Hon Mwiimbu that development should not only happen when one is in state house, NO! Not all development has to be initiated or delivered by the central government. For Hon Mwiimbu to say that they depend on central government for funding for them to develop their constituencies is a joke, lack of seriousness and visionary leadership just like their counterparts the PF! As NAREP women, we know from our simple survey that Hon. Mwiimbu is he himself not a people person who can engage with the people but thrives on casting aspersions on those that are a threat to his continued hold on the constituency. As a matter of fact, besides his legal contribution to UPND, there is nothing we can see tangible from the honourable MP.

We are fully aware of constitutional provisions that mandate the central government to deliver development. The constitution has not stopped anyone to identify projects and lobby funding for the same, but this can only be done by leaders who have a heart for the people. With all the land, the youthful human resource in thousands right in his backyard, Hon Mwiimbu and the UPND have guts place all the blame the central government for their failure to realise development. Our humble advice to hon Jack Mwiimbu of the UPND is that the he has overstayed as MP. It’s now time for new energy, youthful energy, new people with new ideas and solutions to not only represent Monze, but to inspire development.

The Honorable has done his part in his capacity and interest and must be respected and appreciated in that regard. This is the best he can do in all the years he has been an MP for Monze! NAREP will never be a surrogate of any political party, whether UPND or PF. NAREP shall otherwise interact with political parties that are bringing not only progressive ideas to the table but also practising them for the good of the Zambians. Leaders of the likes of Hon Jack Mwiimbu have failed to inspire! Mr. Mwimbu must desist from dragging Zambia’s hope in President Nyirenda into his politics of mudslinging. Mr. Nyirenda is a leader with his own plans for Zambia and must not be expected to be a praise singer for anyone whether ruling or opposition. He shall continue to call things by their known name at any forum, and this we know the Hon is aware. The president’s comment on Prime TV is a candid and experience driven professional observation that Mr. Mwiimbu also understands but maliciously choose to malign.

We wish to render timely warning to Hon, Mwiimbu that the people of Monze Central will soon be tired of his empty promises and inconvertible leadership. NAREP through a visionary Leadership of one Stephen Nyirenda has already started rolling out ideas for the youth, that includes those of Monze Central constituency.

Lastly, we the NAREP women call on all well-meaning women and youths in Zambia and in the diaspora, to rally behind true leadership that is visionary, has integrity, is able to inspire, plan and deliver meaningful development. Zambia is for Zambians, and will only be developed by Zambians.

NAREP – Women’s League.

No country has developed based on foreign aid nor debt! Zambia is no exception


By Dr Richard Mbewe

In the case of Zambia, one of the good consequences is that it has made us seriously look at economic issues facing the country. These are issues like high unemployment, high debt, lack of future economic strategy, lack of export product, virtually non-existence of international trade that is beneficial to our country. To mention but a few.

The fact remains that Zambia will ONLY develop if it can produce other export products than copper. Those products should be coupled with value-addition and innovations that will make Zambia have products that they can export top other countries. However, this is a difficult task for our country to satisfy taking into consideration the country working culture, research culture and approach towards to what is owned by everyone, i.e. the state. The country is riddled with corruption, apathy, laissez faire approach to solving national problems or simply getting things done!

The best way out of this predicament for our country is a two-phase approach:

The first phase is to produce and sell produce that can generate immediate income for the State. The intention is to raise enough income that will help alleviate the country’s immediate social problems: reduce unemployment, generate income for fiscal balancing, act as capital for other income generating projects that will improve the standards of living of the Zambians.

The second approach requires creating Zambian capital based on the positive exploitation of our natural resources. These are both natural and human resources. The activities mentioned above should be strategic in nature. This means that for the first phase, it is necessary that we think strategically based on the current global situation regarding Corona virus. Most of the countries are in lockdown, which means that they do not work or produce anything for that matter. This is the time Zambia should start agricultural activities that are aimed at producing the necessary products that countries will need include our neighboring countries. These are maize, soya, different types of meats: poultry, beef, pork and so on.

The point is for Zambian institutions including ZABS to certify these products as corona virus free. It is this income from the selling of these products that will be used to finance Zambia’s development, for now and in the future. It is important to note that if we believe in the conspiracy theory that China started the corona virus in order to gain global economic domination, and then we as Zambians must just emulate China by starting to produce things we are capable of, based on our capabilities, knowledge and technology. These things will give us a competitive advantage of having products to sell when the World is declared corona-virus-free.

If our business acumen is high enough (in line with Porter’s Diamond), we can generate enough funds that would go a long way in financing debt service, provide capital for investments that are necessary for Zambians and income that can be used to finance economic growth for the second phase of development as described above. Therefore, asking IMF loans or support packages in uncalled for as our country has the capability to finance and sustain its economic growth without external support. This is in line with the economic concept that no country has developed based on foreign aid or foreign debt. Moreover, Zambia will be no exception! Zambia will have to work its way to riches, no shortcuts, please!

Dr Richard Mbewe, MSc., PhD., MBA, is a freelance consultant and lecturer. Previously, he worked as an investment banker, fund manager and lecturer in Poland, Turkey, Syria, Slovenia and Zambia. He specializes in chemical engineering processes, macroeconomics, nation branding, marketing, business case development, business arbitration and corporate strategy. The opinions expressed here, solely represent his opinions and NOT those of entities he co-operates or is associated with.

Kitwe City Council Clarifies Kitwe United Status


Kitwe City Council says the process of harmonising club license requirements and Local Government regulations is underway in a bid to resolve the impasse surrounding funding to Kitwe United Football Club.

Council has halted funding to Chingalika after the club was registered as a private entity as Local Government regulations prohibits councils from funding private firms.

This development has led to Kitwe failing to pay players monthly wages and winning bonuses.

Commenting on the impasse, Kitwe Mayor Christopher Kang’ombe assured club supporters that the harmonisation process would be successful.

“Kitwe United was a social club now there is club licensing. Kitwe has been registered as a private entity. Club licensing requirements are in conflict with Local Government regulation,” Kang’ombe said in Kitwe.

“We are now harmonising the two regulations. We have a budget of K8, 000, 000 for Kitwe United for the current season. This money is available so we just waiting for the harmonisation of regulations before it could be released to the club,” he said.

When asked how players are surviving during the covid-19 pandemic, Kang’ombe responded philosophically.

“We have a responsibility to take care of the players. We are aware that the players should not hungry because you can’t play football with hunger,” Kang’ombe added.

The Buchi Boys are fourth on the FAZ National Division League with 45 points from 22 matches played.

As at week 24, Kitwe, who have two un-played games, are two points behind leaders Prison Leopards.

Kitwe were demoted from the Super Division last year during the transitional season.

Police arrest 32 year old man for murdering his 16-year-old girlfriend


Police have arrested a male adult identified as Crispin Kawanga aged 32 of Lusaka’s Mtendere east in connection with the murder of his 16-year-old girlfriend identified as Getrude Lungu.

This followed a report of a missing person to Kalikiliki police post on Sunday 19th April 2020 by Simon Lungu, the father of the victim who reported that his daughter had gone missing on Sunday at about 12 00 hours.

Zambia Police spokesperson Ester Katongo said investigations were instituted which led to a Traditional doctor of Mtendere who later revealed that he attended to a client who was later identified as Crispin Kawanga who went to him seeking for help after he had killed someone.

Mrs. Katongo said Police apprehended Crispin Kawanga and upon interrogation, the suspect confessed to have murdered the victim and led the police to Salama Park where he dumped the body in a drainage after putting it in a sack.

She said in a statement that the body was found in a decomposed state hence Postmortem will be conducted on the scene.

Fast Spreading Coronavirus Now Reaches highly populated Matero and George compounds


The outbreak of the fast-spreading Coronavirus has now reached Matero and George compounds, some of Zambia’s highly populated areas. Health Minister Chitalu Chilufya disclosed the development this morning during a regular Covid19 update.

Dr. Chilufya said in the last 24 hours, 4 more tests came out positive from the 322 tests conducted bringing the cumulative number to 74 cases,35 discharges, 36 active cases with 3 deaths.

Dr Chilufya said one case is from the mass screening which was done in Kafue, second from George compound, another from Matero, with the third case being a 63-year-old of George compound, and the fourth is a Medical Doctor who was attending to a deceased challenged patient.

“The first case is of a 52-year-old man from Shikoswe out of the mass screening which was conducted from Kafue, the second is a 30-year-old Medical Doctor who was attending to the deceased from Chilenje, another one is of the 23-year-old woman of Matero following an alert from the neighbor and the fourth is of a 63-year-old man of George compound ” Dr. Chilufya explained and said all the patients have been isolated.

Dr. Chilufya also announced that the results of the suspicious death of the man from Choma who died at UTH will be availed tomorrow.

He said as a result of increased positive cases with Kafue alone recording a total of 11, the mass screening will continue and be rolled out into Lusaka starting with Emmasdale and Chaisa before moving into Matero and George compound.

He announced further that additional community screening will be intensified in various places in Lusaka and urged everyone to cooperate in order to identify new cases and isolate them before they spread further.

“Let’s ensure we cooperate with the mass screening and with the health authorities. COVID-19 is still on the surge and we have to make sure it does not go beyond by taking action which involves you to stay at home and follow all the directives” he advised.

And on the recruitment of health personnel, Dr. Chilufya updated that the process is almost complete and health workers will start reporting for work very soon and further announced that the government is also engaging retired health personnel on a part-time basis to beef up health response.

He also assured that government is prioritizing the protection of frontline health workers by putting all necessary measures to increase their protection while capacitating them in various ways.

He said only when directives by the President and health authorities are followed will the country effectively fight COVID-19.

Major COVID-19 catastrophe on the horizon in Sub-Saharan Africa


Expert spokesperson calls for ramped up global effort to supply PPE and rapid detection kits to avert explosion of coronavirus-related deaths

Many experts, including Bill Gates, are predicting that developing countries in Sub-Saharan Africa will be the worst affected by the coronavirus epidemic. The World Economic Forum has highlighted that the loss of one doctor in Africa affects more than 10,000 people. In countries where poverty, malnutrition and poor general health are rife, healthcare systems are overburdened, and social distancing will be difficult to implement, a major catastrophe is on the horizon.

Arun Prabhu, co-founder of Landcent, a health innovation company that is delivering PPE and testing kits internationally, is calling for Western countries to urgently ramp up their response to the spread of Covid-19 on the African continent and reorient supply chains to ensure that critical PPE supplies and rapid testing kits are made available in the required quantities on the frontlines.

Arun Prabhu is raising the alarm that a globally coordinated response, as seen in the Ebola crisis, will be necessary to mitigate the looming catastrophe.

“The situation in Sub-Saharan Africa is a ticking time bomb. For healthcare systems that are already overburdened, the loss of even one doctor or nurse in many African countries would have enormous ramifications. Just as with the Ebola crisis, we cannot leave African countries to fend for themselves at this critical moment.

“While developed nations are battling the virus at home, they must also rally together to coordinate a global response to this epidemic that ensures that African countries also receive the urgently needed supplies to tackle it. Supplies are available, but we must act now to reorient supply chains and divert some of this to Africa. If we fail to do so, we are going to see an explosion of the death rate that we have seen until now.”

Landcent can confirm that supplies are available, with their manufacturing partners having already supplied over 450,000 COVID-19 test kits (with another 4.5 million in production) and 7 million 3 Ply surgical masks (with another 14 million in production) worldwide to countries including South Korea, United States, Sweden, Netherlands, Singapore, and Germany.

Landcent has been in discussion with representatives in Liberia, Kenya, Uganda and Zimbabwe to discuss supplies, however, they have found that a major roadblock for authorities in these countries is that global supply chains are mainly geared towards serving European and the US-based customers as the current epicenter of the disease.

Landcent develops next-generation malaria prevention technologies and is based in the Netherlands and China. In response to the current pandemic, Landcent is sourcing European CE and US FDA approved PPEs, including coveralls and masks, and rapid diagnostic kits, which are urgently needed on the frontlines.

Ndola city council advises – ensure you tear up mask before discarding it


THE Ndola City Council would like to advise everyone using disposable masks to ensure they tear them up before throwing them away.

The Public health department is further encouraging users of gloves and face masks that they should be washed with water and soap for 20 seconds, and then be cut into small parts to prevent re-using them.

The Local Authority is sad to learn that some street garbage pickers are picking disposable masks, washing them and offering them for resale to unsuspecting residents.

discarded facemasks
women washing discarded facemasks
disposable face masks washed and ready to resale

This is very dangerous and any such individuals involved in this vice will actually be prosecuted. The Local Authority is also advising residents against the purchase of disposable face masks from the streets.

Meanwhile, the Ndola City Council would also like to remind residents using reusable masks to ensure they wash them with soap every so often as well as press them with heat.

The Public Health Department is therefore encouraging those using reusable masks to have at least two or three.

And as a reminder noting that the use of face masks is mandatory, the Ndola City Council would like to encourage the proper use of face masks;

• Before putting on a mask, clean hands with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.
• Cover mouth and nose with mask and make sure there are no gaps between your face and the mask.
• Avoid touching the mask while using it; if you do, clean your hands with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.
• Replace the mask with a new one as soon as it is damp and do not re-use single-use masks.
• To remove the mask: remove it from behind (do not touch the front of mask).

Remember masks are effective only when used in combination with frequent hand-cleaning with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.

Issued by;
Ms. Tilyenji Mwanza
Public Relations Manager
Ndola City Council

ZESCO to reduce Load shedding hours from 15 hours to 10 hours a day


Power utility company Zesco has announced that load shedding hours will revert to a maximum of 12 hours per day instead of the 15 hours experienced in the last 10 days.

Zesco Public Relations Manager Hazel Zulu says generating unit 2, belonging to one of the country’s Independent Power Producers, that was taken out for maintenance on 7 April 2020 has been restored.

Mrs. Zulu sais this implies that the 132 megawatts that were lost for 10 days has been reinstated into the national grid.

She has thanked customers for their cooperation and patience and urges them to continue employing energy-efficient initiatives such as completely switching off appliances when not in use, migrating to the use of energy-efficient lighting, and using gas for cooking, to mention but a few.

Mrs. Zulu said these power-saving initiatives will reduce household bills and contribute to protecting the environment.

UPND Leader Hakainde Hichilema recently charged that there is something not adding up in the manner in which ZESCO is being managed.

In a Facebook post, Mr. Hichilema called for a complete audit of ZESCO’s operations.

“There is no doubt that Zesco is one of the biggest problems we have in Zambia. Without stable and consistent electricity power supply in the country, all our plans for economic resuscitation will be doomed,” Mr. Hichilema said.

“Here is the company that was one of the beneficiaries of the biggest chunk of the borrowed Eurobonds, but in a catastrophic failure to the nation, yet they increased electricity tariffs with the promise of better service.”

The decision to relaunch Zambia Airways should be “quarantined”-CTPD


The Center for Trade Policy and Development says the decision to relaunch Zambia Airways should be “quarantined” due to the increased risk of failure and the need for fiscal discipline.

CTPD Senior Researcher Bright Chizonde says the global tourism and air transport sector has suffered the most direct negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

He says International Air Transport Association estimated that worldwide flights were 70% lower at the start of April 2020 as compared to the first quarter of 2020.

Mr Chizonde said this drop is projected to continue on account of travel slowdown and regional restrictions adding that the CAPA Centre for Aviation projects that by the end of May 2020, most airlines in the world will be bankrupt.

He said it is therefore clear that the environment is no longer allowing for Zambia Airways to be re-launched.

Mr Chizonde said Government should therefore take actions to “quarantine” this decision adding that CTPD believes that any move by government towards the relaunch of Zambia Airways, such as the delivery of planes and consequent commencement of payment towards the lease of these planes, would reflect a serious lack of fiscal discipline.

He has emphasized that government should stop taking steps towards the re-launching of Zambia Airways saying now is the time to focus all the available public resources on fighting COVID-19 and its economic impact through a meaningful recovery program and investing in sectors that can help stimulate economic growth and ultimately contribute towards reducing poverty.

Chamber of Mines want Government to urgently engage with the sector to forestall the negative impact


The Zambia Chamber of Mines has urged Government to urgently engage with the sector in order to forestall the negative impact that will arise on the health of the Zambian economy if measures are not taken immediately to address the issues facing the mining sector in the midst of COVID-19.

Over three weeks ago the Chamber of mines submitted a broad three-phase economic plan to Government, to urgently manage the economic impacts arising from the pandemic.

This was with a view to providing some guidance to the government on the critical areas to be urgently addressed.

This proposal included, firstly, immediate relief measures that could be implemented by Government in a matter of days, followed by an emergency support package for which financial support could be sought from the IMF and World Bank, and lastly, a ‘fight back’ fiscal regime to be implemented once the COVID-19 pandemic has abated and investment is needed from which to rebuild the economy.

Zambia Chamber of Mines Acting Chief Executive Officer Talent Ng’andwe says since then all mining industry stakeholders have been hoping that some significant stimulus measures would be instituted, as is being seen across the world.

Mr Ng’andwe says tax relief measures announced by the Minister of Finance on 27th March, such as the removal of the provisions of Statutory Instrument 90 and the suspension of import duties on concentrates and export duties on precious metals, were a welcome first step in the broader relief package which is needed, however even these initial measures are yet to be introduced.

He said in the time that has elapsed since the initial submissions and the 27th March announcements, the industry’s circumstances have become more desperate and the issues being faced at Mopani Copper Mines are but an example of this distress.

“As Zambia, with other countries globally, grapple with the debilitating and public health danger of the COVID 19 virus, the mining industry in Zambia recognizes the catastrophic nature of the public health crisis as well as the untold harm this virus will wreak on the Zambian economy. Several mining companies have rushed to Government’s aid to demonstrate their solidarity with the Government and people of Zambia through various interventions. This is in recognition of the urgency and need to stand shoulder to shoulder with our host communities at this very trying time of need”, he added.

Mr Ng’andwe said as various senior Government Officials have pointed out, COVID-19 represents a very serious public health concern, but of equal concern is the negative impact on the Zambian economy.

He said the Chamber of Mines considers it essential that industry and government seize control of the negative narrative that has taken on a life of its own against the mining sector.

Mr Ng’andwe said this joint effort, the chamber membership stands ready to support government efforts in its engagements with multilateral institutions to obtain assistance firstly in the fight against the epidemic and secondly for the support of economic recovery.

Partner with Government to reduce the cost of domestic tourism in Zambia after COVID-19-Chitotela


Minister of Tourism and Arts Ronald Chitotela has called on tourism operators to partner with Government to reduce the cost of domestic tourism in Zambia after COVID-19.

The Minister said there is a need for a ‘give and take’ situation if Government is to drop taxes like the corporate tax for the industry to get motivated and the operators should see what they can give to the Zambian people so that domestic tourism can be boosted.

Mr. Chitotela said this would work well as an incentive for local citizens to tour the tourism offing of the country as they stand a chance to pay a half rate in accommodation facilities.

He said he wants the Zambia Tourism Agency to change their marketing strategy by moving away from relying on scheduled international calendar events like expos and exhibitions.

Mr. Chitotela said in an interview that he appreciates the importance of international tourism but that domestic tourism will be key in the revitalization of the sector after the COVID 19 pandemic.

He said this would be the easy way out to set sell what the country has to offer to the international market.

Mr. Chitotela said international tourists would appreciate more about the country and see the need to visit the local citizens can understand and tell them where to go.

The Minister itemized the Liuwa Plain National Park and the Victoria Falls as acclaimed international tourisms that Zambia can easily sell to the outside world if they first visited these places.

Glencore attaches conditions to restarting Mopani operations


Glencore says it will reverse its earlier decision to places Mopani Copper Mines on care and maintenance if it reaches an agreement with the Zambian government.

Glencore’s statement came after the Ministry of Mines said Glencore had “rescinded” its decision to put MCM on care and maintenance following a video conference between Glencore executives and Zambian ministers.

Glencore’s statement struck a different tone to the ministry – emphasising that a re-start of mining operations was conditional on an agreement being reached.

Zambia had earlier said it “applauded” Glencore’s “gesture of goodwill” in rescinding its decision and opting for dialogue.

Glencore said it had submitted a proposal to the government, giving no further details.

“IIf an agreement is reached Mopani will re-start mining operations and issue a notice of its intention to place the mining operations on care and maintenance after 90 days,” Glencore said.

It said it had submitted a proposal to the Zambian government that, if agreed, will see if restart copper production before notifying the government of its intention to mothball the assets.

“During the 90-day period, Mopani will continue to engage with the government on potential solutions to its current challenges,” the company added in a written statement.

The Ministry of Mines said MCM had “sought relief” from government on issues related to tax and, in particular, VAT.

The Ministry said MCM must deliver a “detailed plan” on how it intends to proceed in the 90-day period and “possibly” beyond, adding that MCM would defer some non-production activities and cut capital expenditure in order to unlock cashflow.

The Ministry also said MCM must restructure its cost profile in order to become profitable and start paying corporate income tax.

The Ministry said Charles Sakanya, chief engineer at MCM, has been appointed acting CEO after the government allowed CEO Nathan Bullock to leave the country.

Mr. Bullock had been briefly detained at Lusaka airport on April 15.

MCM, which produced 119,000 tonnes of copper in 2018, is 73.1% owned by Glencore, 16.9% by First Quantum Minerals and 10% by ZCCM-IH.