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Matate Ends Truce With Mpondela


Athletics great Samuel Matete has backed out of the 2018 reconciliation with Zambia Athletics (ZA) president Elias Mpondela.

Matete said the Mpondela led ZA executive has not implemented agreements made during their reconciliation process in September 2018.

After the reconciling, Matete was to be appointed deputy national athletics team coach, Technical director and Northern region coordinator.

“When we reconciled I was appointed deputy national athletics team coach, Technical director and Northern region coordinator but up to now the executive has not honoured that. To date they have not put into writing what we discussed. I even wrote to them about this but nothing has happened up to now,” Matete said.

The 1996 Olympics Silver medallist said he will challenge Mpondela at the forthcoming ZA elections.

“This is a year for elections and we are going to contest. We will stand by the ZA constitution. We want the constitution to speak and not individuals. We not here to fight Mr Mpondela, we are here to contribute to the development of athletics in Zambia,” Matete said.

Matete is also angered by Mpondela’s recent remarks that he has no intentions of stepping down after being at the helm of ZA for 22 years.

“Leadership is chosen by the people. The mandate is given to a leader by delegates. He has shown dictatorial tendencies by saying that. His comment speaks volume of what is happening in ZA. There is no free speech and democracy in ZA,” he said.

Matete is the most successful individual sports man in Zambia.

During his hey days, Matete won a gold medal at the 1991 World Championships and was twice silver medalist at the same event.

He was three-time World Cup winner and won gold at the 1994 Commonwealth Games.

Bowman Lusambo Wear Face Masks Operation in Action

Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo during his operation to ensure that everyone wears face masks as directed by the President

President Lungu concerned with new local cases of person-to-person COVID-19 transmissions


President Edgar Lungu has expressed concern with the new local cases of person-to-person COVID-19 transmissions which have been revealed through the vigorous screening and testing being conducted by the Ministry of Health.

The President says he is equally concerned by recent warnings from the World Health Organization that Africa could potentially become the next global epicentre of COVID-19.

A 19-year old woman from Bauleni who attempted suicide before admission died yesterday becoming the third COVID-19 mortality in Zambia with cases jumping to 61.

And in the process of trying to manage her condition, two health workers at Chilenje Level One Hospital contracted COVID-19.

The President says based on best experiences in global health learned from past outbreaks such as Ebola, all contacts of new cases are being traced and tested by the Ministry of Health and as this happens, vigorous mass screening and testing in Kafue, Lusaka and other areas shall both continue and be scaled-up.

He said this should be taken only as a timely warning of what Zambians risk to bring upon themselves if they continue to refuse to do the basics such as wearing masks, when in public, frequent hand washing, keeping a clean environment, no public gatherings, physical distancing, and ensuring that they stay at home and in their respective towns, cities and districts.

President Lungu said in light of the new cases and warning from the WHO, Zambians must not resign to fate, but bear in mind that any region or country can potentially become the next epicentre if prescribed measures are not followed.

He said Zambia’s success in its war against COVID-19 will be primarily determined by two factors namely effective implementation of global best practices in public health and collective responsibility manifested through immediate behavioral change.

President Lungu said with regard to public health measures, it is sad to note that some citizens have continued to act contrary to basic yet lifesaving measures.

He has warned those not following the measures to stop immediately as they are not only endangering their lives, but also endangering the lives of their families and everyone around them.

Don’t to allow briefcase buyers to exploit, HH tells small holder farmers


UPND Leader Hakainde Hichilema has advised small holder farmers not to allow briefcase buyers to exploit them as they embark on harvesting of their various crops from the last farming season.

Reports from Eastern and Southern Province indicate that farmers are already selling their produce including maize and soya beans at very low prices.

Mr Hichilema has requested farmers to consider their household consumption levels first before selling any excess crops.

He noted that rain patterns are very unpredictable nowadays hence the need for extra caution before they sell their crops.

Mr Hichilema said government should equally move in quickly in mopping up excess crops for stocking up on strategic food reserves to avert hunger in Zambia.

He said the cost of fertilizer and other inputs are very high, hence the need for favorable prices that would enable farmers to survive.

Any Bus from other Provinces with Passengers without Masks will not be allowed into Lusaka-Lusambo


The Provincial Administration in Lusaka will, beginning today, not allow entry by any Bus coming from other provinces with passengers not wearing face masks.

President Edgar Lungu last week directed that wearing of face masks when going out is mandatory to prevent a person to person transmission of the coronavirus.

The President yesterday noted with sadness that some citizens have continued to act contrary to basic yet lifesaving measures such as wearing masks, sanitizing and washing hands.

He warned those not following the measures to stop immediately as they are not only endangering their lives, but also those of their families and everyone around them.

Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo said that he will personally be at Katuba Toll Plaza today to ensure that the Presidential directive for everyone to wear a face mask is implemented.

Mr Lusambo whose approach has been criticised by some stakeholders describing it as undemocratic said he will send back any bus that is failing to comply with the Presidential Directive on Mandatory wearing of Masks.

He said District Commissioners have also been activated and will also ensure that the directive is adhered to at all entry points.

MOPANI’s ‘s unilateral decision declared 11,000 direct workers-ZYAFAC


The Zambia Youths in the Fight against Corruption (ZYAFAC) says it is illogical by some opposition political parties to try and disturbalise the country through their schemes to make the country ungovernable.

ZYAFAC Executive Director Maurice Malambo in a statement says his organization is surprised at the sudden turn of invents surrounding the impasse regards the
relationship between the Zambian Government and Mopani Mine arising from the unilateral decision by Mopani Mine administration to put the Kitwe and Mufulira mine divisions under ‘care and maintenance’ for three(3) months citing ‘ Force Majeure’ reasons in relation to the COVID 19 Pandemicand the plummeting copper prices on the International Market.

“This unilateral decision entails declaring 11,000 direct workers, another indirect workforce redundant and loss of revenue to the country in terms of the related taxes. First and foremost, the Mines and Minerals Development Act of 2015, provides the reasons and pre-requisite administrative guidelines for placing a mine under Care and Maintenance and even closure in relation to the reasons of ‘Force Majeure’. The term ‘Force Majeure’ is a French legal maxim under commercial law coined in reference to “an event of supreme strength; unforeseeable and unavoidable circumstances outside the control of a party to a contract that renders that party incapable of carrying out contractual duties,” he said.

“Therefore, ‘Force Majeure’ in the field of mining would in principle refer to natural disasters of the highest magnitude such as earth quacks and excessive flooding due to torrential rainfall, making the principle activity of mining impossible, it is also known as ‘vis major’ or‘the act of god’. As much as the COVID 19 Pandemic is a global economic disaster, nevertheless, it is NOT one beyond mitigation and whose economic ramification or diverse impact is of permanent nature or practically irreversible, because COVID 19 Pandemic can and is being fought with visible success in Zambia and world over, and its ramification is and can progress over time be mitigated by governments and international cooperating partners across the globe.”

He emphasized that the Zambian government under President Edgar Lungu through the Ministry of Finance has announced immediate mitigation measures to the economic impact of COVID 19 Pandemic and the plummeting copper prices on the International Market.

“Let me emphasize that in all sectors of the economy, the mining sector inclusive, normal operations have been sustained with strict adherence to practical Public Health Recommendations. Removed provisions of Statutory Instrument numbered 90 relating to the claim of Value Added Tax on imported spare parts, lubricants and stationary to leverage the cost of doing business on the part of the business community, the mining sector inclusive. Suspended import duties on the importation of concentrates to leverage importation cost in the
the mining sector,” he added.

“Other measures include suspended export duty on precious metals and crocodile skin; and. Lastly, the government has indicated its intention to issue a Statutory Instrument for the classification and provision of Loan Directives to encourage the Financial Market to provide relief to the private sector and the facilitation of long term lending to productive sectors of the economy, the mining sector inclusive. Suffice to mention that this measure is being implemented by the International Financial Market to which most mining conglomerates are indebted.”

Mr. Malambo stated that his organization does not find propriety in the unilateral decision by Mopani Mineadministration to place the two mine divisions under care and maintenance citing ‘Force Majeure’ in respect to COVID 19 Pandemic and the plummeting copper prices on the International Market as the plummeting of prices is a normal and temporal setback trend in any market in view of this global pandemic.

He further added that a worst-case scenario, addressing this temporal setback individual mining conglomerates can seek permission from the Ministries of Mines and Finance to engage in well-structured and time stock Pilling in mitigating the magnitude of actual loss arising from the cited reasons.

“In conclusion, as an organization, we strongly hold the view that a named opposition political party is working in league with some mining houses, players in the milling and petroleum sub-sectors, other criminal elements that had engaged in protracted gassing of citizens across the country and the subsequent incidences of Mob Justice, as well as its repeated call for a total country lockdown in respect to COVID 19 Pandemic, all tailored to carefully orchestrate economic sabotage in order to create a political environment potential to supplant the current government,” he said.

“In another related matter, it’s NOT malicious to think aloud that few hours after the leader of the United Party for National Development (UPND), Mr. Hakainde HICHILEMA on Friday, April 17th, 2020, accused the government of gross incompetency in running the economy and made an offer to intervene by dialogue in the impasse under discussion that the Mopani Mine administration decided to resume dialogue with the government which they had earlier on last week abandoned and went ahead to effect its unilateral decision without reaching some consensus with the government. In all fairness, the sudden change of heart by Mopani Mine administration and the offer to intervene in the impasse by Mr. Hakainde HICHILEMA, could this just be an innocent coincidence or something more pointing to a devious political cartel against the social-economic stability of our country,” he questioned.

Minister of Finance to hold Media Briefing as CTPD warns of effects of Zambia’s deteriorating Economy


Finance Minister Bwalya Ng’andu will today Monday, April 20, 2020 hold a briefing on developments in the economy. The event will be held at Lusaka’s Mulungushi International Conference Centre at 09:30 hours.

Ministry of Finance Spokesperson, Chileshe Kandeta confirmed to ZNBC News in a statement last evening. Mr. Kandeta said due to social distancing guidelines, access is restricted to ZANIS accredited media personnel.

He said all guests should be seated by 09:00hrs for prior public health guidelines and procedures. Mr. Kandeta said the briefing will be live on ZNBC TV1 and Radio two and other Online platforms.

Meanwhile, The Centre for Trade Policy and Development (CTPD has observed that the Country’s deteriorating economic growth is affecting a large number of people living under the poverty datum line.

According to the statement released to the media CTPD said that it also concerned that the threat of extreme poverty for some sectors of the population is still looming as the economy continues to deteriorate in its performance. The cost of living as measured by the Jesuits Centre for Theological Reflections Basic Needs and Nutrition Basket for the month of January 2020 increased to K7, 410.96 for a family of five compared to K5, 395.35 in January 2019. This creates a very difficult environment, especially for children in need of balanced and nutritious foods.

Additionally, Prices continue to go up and jobs are being cut in many sectors among which includes the extractives sector due to the challenges brought about by the COVID-19, a global pandemic that has literally put the world economy on standstill. As a result of this, we see Zambia’s economic growth target which was estimated at 2% for the year 2020 not attainable, a situation that may negatively impact the 2020 national budget.

CTPD further said that the sting in the economy is felt more by the already vulnerable (the poor), who need support in these harsh times and called on Government needs to seriously consider boosting initiatives such as the social cash transfer scheme by realigning the national budget allocation,so as to channel more resources towards social protection.

CTPD also said that there was a need for Government to take seriously recommendations the Centre has been been advancing on debt restructuring as there is urgent need to renegotiate Zambia’s debt in light of this unforeseen challenge confronting the country and urged the Zambian government to seek relief on debt interest repayment as this will free up the much-needed resources required for the country to effectively respond to the COVID- 19 pandemic.

CTPD concluded b appealing to Government to consider developing local stimulus packages that can help cushion sectors that will be affected the most with the COVID-19 pandemic as this is critical in ensuring that liquidity is sufficient for the affected sectors to weather the storm

Chambishi Copper Smelter Rescues Kalulushi Modern Stars


Kalulushi Modern Stars Football Club have received a donation of K115, 500 from Chambishi Copper Smelter (CCS) to go toward the clearing of outstanding eight-match winning bonuses for coaches and players

Kalulushi Member of Parliament Kampamba Mulenga Chewe lobbied the money from CCS.

CCS deputy Chief Executive Officer Laixiang Xu handed over the cash to club management during a brief ceremony at Independence Stadium in Kalulushi on Saturday.

“This donation is being made at the time when the world is fighting covid-19. Many sports have been postponed and clubs are not earning any income leaving players and coaches destitute,” Xu said.

MP Chewe said: “For players to perform they need to come in an environment that is conducive. If you are taking a player to go and play without motivation they will be stressed because he does not have rentals and he doesn’t know when he will be paid.”

Club Secretary Bruce Mubanga said Modern Stars are seeking a permanent team sponsor.

“Players’ welfare has been the greatest challenge here. Kalulushi Modern Stars has no official sponsor. We also want to appeal to other companies to come on board and support the team,” Mubanga said.

Meanwhile, Kalulushi are fourth on the FAZ Copperbelt Division One table with 34 points from 20 matches played.

The team last competed in the FAZ Super Division in 2015.

Micho Hands Class of 2017 Mantle in 2022 Qatar World Cup Race


Chipolopolo coach Milutin ‘Micho’ Sredojevic says it is time for the Class of 2017 to emulate the Class of 2007 but must take it a step further with a debut FIFA World Cup qualification.

A third of the Class of 2007 notably striker, Emmanuel Mayuka, and defender ,Stopilla Sunzu, played a critical role in Zambia’s debut AFCON triumph in 2012 in Gabon.

Micho said the Class of 2017, who won Zambia’s debut U20 AFCON on home ground led by players like Patson Daka, Enock Mwepu and Fashion Sakala, and later reached the 2017 FIFA U20 World Cup quarterfinals for the first time, will form the base of his charge during the 2022 Qatar World Cup qualifiers.

“Some players with the highest degree of respect to them, they have given to Zambian football, they have been part of the most glorious times of winning 2012,”Micho told Diamond TV.

“However after certain things have happened, it could not be that we continue with the same people. I want to call it lack of ambition and we still want to achieve something.

“Those are the decisions we need to make and let us not sugar-coat, let us be sincere to ourselves and look at the fact that for the 2012 generation which won it has been the backbone of that group which qualified for the World Cup under-20 2007.

“The same for us going into the World Cup 2022 which is, for us now the platform is the group which won the Africa Cup Under-20 in 2017, and reached the quarterfinal of the 2017 FIFA U20 World Cup.

“When you look at that, someone needs to have the courage and say the bold truth; we could not put all the players we are having outside in the team.

“There will be public sympathies towards those that made 2012 but let us also ask the question; who has failed Zambia in 2013, 2015, 2017 and 2019? Someone needs to pay that price.”

Meanwhile, Chipolopolo are also under pressure to end two successive failures to qualify for the AFCON that has not happened since 1972.

PF branded COVID-19 masks should be withdrawn

PF branded covid 19 truck

Britain’s Queen Elizabeth has asked that there be no gun salutes to mark her birthday on Tuesday. This is an act of decency and decorum given the tens of thousands of lives claimed by the coronavirus. A couple of millions plus are currently battling the virus with many more across the globe in lockdown to secure their lives and the lives of others.

The COVID-19 has devastated several economies with millions of people expected to lose jobs. It is a somber moment for families given the high level of uncertainty about when this epidemic will end.

Given this huge challenge that nations are facing, it is highly unfortunate the ruling party, the Patriotic Front, has seen this epidemic as a perfect platform to brand itself. There is information that hundreds of thousands of PF branded masks are under distribution. A truck in Kalulushi bearing a fight against COVID-19 is also branded PF; ECL 2021. What this all means is that:

The PF is there to protect only its cadres and followers from the coronavirus. The party is fully aware about the polarization of this country politically and therefore, the exercise of wisdom should be the limiting factor in how far we can go in the pursuit of self interest.

The party is intuitively saying to the nation, ‘Coronavirus, we are indebted to you. Without you, we would not have had an opportunity to amplify our brand among the Zambian people. If you can, stay here until 2021 because we have already spent so much money on branded materials. If you were going to disappear tomorrow, what do we do with all our investment in branding based on your ravaging presence?’

I implore the PF leadership to be highly sensitive to the feelings of the nation. Let’s imagine it was one of the opposition political parties that leveraged this unfortunate battle we are facing. Chiefs and other PF aligned political parties would be lined up before our own cameras, condemning them day and night.

The PF should demonstrate great restraint and good leadership on this COVID-19 epidemic. It is no child’s play. President Edgar Lungu has declared this fight as ‘war’. In a war of this magnitude, we need a United front with only the national flag being positioned in all materials.

I, therefore, implore the party leadership to withdraw all such party branded materials. If we have that much money, let us print masks that bear the National flag so that every Zambian, irrespective of political affiliation, can access them and be saved.

By an Anonymous contributor

Zambian lecturer in the UK dies from Covid-19


Tributes have been paid to a Swansea University lecturer and father-of-four who has died.

Brian Mfula, a lecturer in mental health nursing, was described as “an inspiring teacher who taught from the heart”.

The university where he worked said he died on Friday after a “battle with Covid-19”.

Mr Mfula was a father of four and described as a “dedicated family man”.

Professor Ceri Phillips, head of the College of Human and Health Sciences at Swansea University, said: “The College of Human and Health Sciences has been inundated with messages of condolence, all of which pay warm and heartfelt tribute to a dear friend and colleague.

“Students have described Brian as an inspiring teacher and role model who taught from the heart, and had a passion for mental health and nursing.

“Colleagues from across the college have made reference to his generous spirit, his warm personality and his highly infectious laugh, all of which made others feel good simply by being in his presence.

“His colleagues have also described him as a lovely man who will be sorely missed by themselves and his students.

“Brian was also recognised as a dedicated family man, and our thoughts and prayers are extended to his wife Mercy and children Kato, Nkweto, Thabo and Thandiwe for their tragic loss.”

Mr Mfula’s son Kato said he was “honoured” to be his son and described him as his “hero”.

He wrote on Twitter: “I never even got to say goodbye to my hero, my dad Brian Mwila Mfula. I’m so broken right now I don’t know what we’re going to do without. I love you so so so much and I’m honoured to call you my father but I’m even more honoured to be called your son.”

Source:Wales Online

Zambia records 4 new COVID-19 cases in the last 24 hours and records one death


A 19-year-old female who tested positive for COVID-19 and was admitted to Chilenje hospital last week has died, bringing the COVID-19 death toll to 3, Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya has disclosed.

He explained that the deceased who was admitted from Bauleni is the one who was brought in for attempted suicide and developed internal organ failure as a result of the poison she consumed and also tested positive for COVID-19.

Speaking at the latest COVID-19 update Sunday morning, Dr. Chilufya also announced that Zambia has further recorded four (4) new COVID-19 cases in the last 24 hours bringing the cases to 61.

He said the two cases involve Kafue residents one from Kafue estates and Kafue railways respectively while the other two involve a nurse and a medical licentiate from Chilenje hospital were the deceased was admitted.

He said a total of 397 cases were tested in the last 24 hours out of which 30 were done at Chilenje Clinic which brought out the two positive cases.

He said cumulatively the cases now stand at 61,3 deaths,33 recoveries and 25 active cases.

“The COVID-19 outbreak could be stopped if we follow President Edgar Lungu’s directive by enhancing social distancing, wearing masks, moral discipline. We have recorded 3 deaths and we can record more with poor compliance” Dr. Chilufya said.

He emphasized that Lusaka is an epicenter and discouraged routine and unnecessary visits and another gathering such as funerals and weddings.

“The strategy we have is early detection and we place a high premium on increasing community testing and screening. So you are going to see our teams in all specific areas and it will be increasing by the day” Dr. Chilufya said as he urged for a corporation with health authorities as they come into various communities.

And Dr. Chilufya disclosed that deployment of new health workers is progressing well and that they will be deployed in all ports of entry and said soon they will be seen conducting the massive screening and testing in various places.

Something is not Adding up at ZESCO, says UPND Leader Hakainde Hichilema


Hakainde Hichilema has charged that there is something not adding up in the manner in which ZESCO is being managed.

In a Facebook post, Mr Hichilema called for a complete audit of ZESCO’s operations.

“There is no doubt that Zesco is one the biggest problems we have in Zambia. Without stable and consistent electricity power supply in the country, all our plans for economic resuscitation will be doomed,” Mr Hichilema said.

“Here is the company that was one of the beneficiaries of the biggest chunk of the borrowed Eurobonds, but in a catastrophic failure to the nation, yet they increased electricity tariffs with the promise of better service.”

The UPND leader said ZESCO stories of continuing with electricity loadsheding at a time economic activities that consume lots of power have scaled down, does not add up.

“We have in mind the scaling down of operations in the mining sector, which should have resulted in more electricity power for other sectors, including domestic consumers, especially at this time when our citizens are mainly working from homes,” he said.

Mr Hichilema said the UPND in government could carry out a complete audit of all major contracts at ZESCO in the last 10 years.

“A complete audit and scrutiny of ZESCO power generation and supply equipment, a complete audit and scrutiny of human resource and financial audit in terms tender and procurements that have taken place in the last 10 years,” he recommended.

He further recommended a complete scrutiny of the current ZESCO operational arrangements and take a decisive decision on the way forward to increase efficiency at minimal costs.

“We shall come back for some of our alternative solutions for increased electricity power generation and supply in the country.”

Mineworkers Union of Zambia demands MOPANI withdraw the letters given to Employees


The Mineworkers Union of Zambia (MUZ) has demanded that Mopani Copper Mines plc cancels all letters given to miners when they placed the mine on care and maintenance as the mine owners seek dialogue with the government.

MUZ President Joseph Chewe has told ZNBC News in Kitwe that Glencore, the owners of Mopani Copper Mines have engaged President Edgar Lungu seeking dialogue in view of the happenings at the mine.

Mr. Chewe has also demanded that Mopani Copper Mines apologizes to all miners who received letters.

He said the petition sent to President Edgar Lungu by mine unions when they held a peaceful protest demanding the restoration of all workers or have Mopani Copper Mines license revoked has been received.

Mr. Chewe stated that from the dialogue, mine unions want all workers to get back to work and that Mopani Copper Mines be given strict conditions that will stop them from engaging in activities that put workers’ jobs at risk.

The Zambian government on Wednesday evening stopped Mopani Chief Executive Officer Nathan Bullock from leaving the country.

Glencore confirmed that said Mr. Bullock had been held at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport in connection with its decision to place the Nkana and Mufulira shafts on care and maintenance for three months.

“Nathan has subsequently been released,” Glencore said in a statement, adding that Mr Bullock was en route home to spend time with his family in Australia when he was detained.

Home Affairs Minister Steven Kampyongo also confirmed Mr Bullock’s detention saying the government could not allow him to leave the country when there are pending matters at the mine.

Mr Bullock’s detention came hours after Zambia threatened to strip Glencore of its licence to operate in the country and sharply escalates the increasingly bitter dispute over Mopani.

Glencore announced the closure of lossmaking Mopani for three months because of low commodity prices and the coronavirus pandemic.

That move that drew a furious response from Mines Minister Richard Musukwa, who called it unjustified and illegal.

In a letter dated April 14 to Mr Bullock, Zambia’s Mining Licensing Committee said it planned to revoke the company’s operating permits for the Nkana and Mufulira mines in seven days unless it could show why they should not be cancelled.

“The Mining Licensing Committee is in receipt of an investigation report by the Director of Mines which has established that you have proceeded to place the Nkana and Mufulira mines on care and maintenance without giving sufficient notice as required by law,” said the letter.

Glencore owns 73.1 per cent of Mopani.

The other shareholders are First Quantum Minerals with a 16.9 per cent stake and Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines Investment Holdings, with 10 per cent.

Glencore said it was committed to engaging in a constructive dialogue with the Zambian authorities.

The Swiss-based company has invested more than $4bn in the country since 2000.

PANOS calls for increased support for media houses and journalists covering the COVID-19 response


By Vusumuzi Sifile Executive Director, Panos Institute Southern Africa (PSAf)
Panos Institute Southern Africa is calling for increased support for media houses and individual journalists to effectively cover the response to the COVID-19 public health emergency while staying safe from infection and other risks.
While most of us are staying at home and working remotely in line with measures put in place by governments to curb the spread of COVID-19, media practitioners are out there generating in-depth information, educating the public and keeping various stakeholders up to date on this public health emergency. In most cases, the journalists do so at great personal risk, without personal protective equipment.
As governments and other agencies collaborate to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic, the media has a duty to ensure all stakeholders, especially the poor and marginalized communities, have access to timely, in-depth and authentic information on the pandemic, its impact and efforts to address it. The media must also provide a platform for supporting different stakeholders to effectively participate in the COVID-19 response.
As a watchdog, the media must highlight human rights violations and other gaps in the response at the local and national level, and packaging the content in a manner that will stimulate effective and timely response actions by government and relevant stakeholders.
However, the media cannot play its role without the support of law enforcement agencies, cooperating partners, local and national health authorities and other government entities, opinion leaders and civil society.
The media must be supported to produce evidence based, high quality and in-depth content while guaranteeing the safety of journalists from COVID-19, and from being abused or violated while doing their work.
With support from our partners such as the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD), Winrock International through funding from the US Department of Labor, Save the Children, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), and the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives, we have provided basic preventive accessories like hand sanitisers for community radio stations, as well as rural based radio listening clubs and community action groups.
We are also supporting some individual journalists with investigative media fellowships to generate in-depth content, and debunk false information on the COVID-19 response.
Further, we are collaborating with various stakeholders to ensure the protection of the rights of journalists and other information disseminators as they carry out their duties in this challenging time.
While we commend governments in the region for proactively sharing information on the pandemic, we call for the removal of any restrictions limiting journalists and media houses in the exercise of their duties.
We encourage media practitioners to adhere to guidelines from health authorities in dealing with Covid-19. We also remind our colleagues in the media that no story is worth dying for.
We are confident that with adequate support, the mainstream, community and online media can influence transparency and accountability in the COVID-19 response, and contribute to increased adherence to the tenets of democracy, human rights and the rule of law.