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Kamanga: FAZ Fulfilling Its Half of Micho’s Salary


FAZ President Andrew Kamanga says it is unprecedented that Football House has been able to sustainably foot over half of the Chipolopolo coach’s salary.

New Chipolopolo coach Milutin ‘Micho’ Sredojevic has yet to sign his contract due to a bureaucratic delay at the Ministry of Sports.

However, Kamanga said in a radio interview on Tuesday with Flava FM of Kitwe that FAZ was currently footing its 60 percent stake in Micho’s dues while Government has set aside US$10,000.00 for the coach’s monthly pay.

“I am actually surprised that you have not even mentioned that for the first time, the FAZ has committed resources to pay the national coach in addition to what the Government is paying so that ultimately if we were financially independent that is a matter that the FAZ should be able to address,” Kamanga said.

“That aside, that even now, within the limitations of what we have, we are able to contribute $15,000 to the coach’s salary is a good start.”

Micho was hired in February, 2020 and took charge of his first assignment on March 12 in Chipolopolo’s 1-0 friendly win over Malawi at Nkoloma Stadium in Lusaka.

But the momentum has been halted due to the Coronavirus pandemic that has forced all domestic and international competitive games to be postponed.

I’m Watching the Developments at Mopani Copper Mine with Keen Interest-HH


UPND Leader Hakainde Hichilema says he sympathises with the plight of workers, mine suppliers, contractors, other stakeholders and the Copperbelt community at large following the happenings at Mopani Copper Mines.

Mr Hichilema says he is watching the developments at Mopani Copper Mine on the Copperbelt where two mines in Kitwe and Mufulira have been placed on care and maintainance with keen interest.

Mr Hichilema says the sad developments at Mopani Copper Mines come at a time when Zambia still has unresolved issues with KCM in Chingola.

He said the Zambian economy cannot afford to have an additional 11,000 plus jobless people that MCM is laying off.

“ZCCM-IH is a shareholder in MCM. It should therefore be true that ZCCM-IH is part of the decision to put MCM on Care and Maintenance, a situation Government has known all along”, said Mr Hichilema.

He said for the the politicians in the Patriotic Front to express surprise about this development is purely a political stunt and an act of populism.

“We have advised on diversification of the economy on several occasions, we have spoken about supporting Zambians through positive contract discrimination, financing, market linkages, but there is a tendency to always wait for a disaster to strike, and indeed the handling of MCM is a disaster. Today we are talking about a negative situation where the MCM’s Chief Executive Officer is being intercepted at the airport for allegedly trying to flee the country”, he added.

Mr Hichilema said Zambians must own the economy, even on joint venture arrangements.

He said the sad part is when citizens try to own business entities, they are either closed, victimised or intimidated into towing a particular political line, the case of the Post Newspaper and now Prime TV are fresh in our minds.

Mr Hichilema has since called for the immediate resolution of this Mopani versus Zambian government dispute for the benefit of all stakeholders and the citizens.

He said the UPND economic and mining team are on standby to help Government navigate through this mess.

PF should to desist from linking UPND Leader Hakainde Hichilema to everything that they can’t even substantiate-Lukuku

Republican Progressive Party President James Lukuku has advised the Patriotic Front to desist from linking UPND Leader Hakainde Hichilema to everything that they can’t even substantiate.

Mr Lukuku says it is shameful that the PF are accusing Mr Hichilema of being behind everything including droughts and Climate change.

“The Dollar get to K19 ati it’s HH, Load shedding they blame HH, when Chinese bridges break down due to poor workmanship they say its President HH”, lamented Mr Lukuku.

He says he finds it very unfortunate that a statement he issued to offer credible advise to Paramount Chief Chitimukulu has been spread as having been endorsed by Mr Hichilema.

Mr Lukuku said the PF hatred and fear of Mr Hichilema is deeply saddening and said what he writes represent his thoughts and not Mr Hichilema.
On Thursday, PF Deputy Chairperson Mobilisation Geoffrey Mwamba has challenged the Opposition Alliance to distance themselves from the tribal accusations leveled against Paramount Chitimukulu by their spokesperson James Lukuku.

Mr Mwamba accused UPND Leader Hakainde Hichilema of being behind the utterances by Mr Lukuku and has warned that Bembas will not allow anyone to attack their chief for addressing his subjects.

Speaking at a media briefing, Mr Mwamba said Paramount Chief Chitimukulu has the right to address his people and there was nothing wrong with him asking Bembas to vote like Tongas.

He wondered why sentiments which have in the past been expressed by UPND followers including himself when he was party Vice President have today become an issue after being uttered by a bamba chief.

Mr Mwamba said there was nothing tribal about what Paramount Chief Chitimukulu said.

And PF Media Director Sunday Chanda said the Paramount chief was justified to urge his subjects to emulate southerners in the quest to curb voter apathy.

Mr Chanda said did not advocate for a bamba president for anyone to accuse him of being tribal.

PF Secretariat Distances itself from the Party’s Branded Face Masks


Ruling PF Secretary General, Hon. Davis Mwila says his office has not sanctioned the making and distribution of any PF branded Covid-19 prevention face masks.

Mr. Mwila said in an interview that he has recieved news of PF branded face masks with shock because he has at no time authorized the making of such products.

He stated that as far as he and the Patriotic Front is concerned, the fight against Covid-19 cannot be politicized.

Mr. Mwila said Government has done a tremendous job in the fight against Covid-19 and emphasised that as a party, the PF cannot do anything to reverse the gains.

He said Covid 19 is a global catastrophe which has not spared Zambia and urged all citizens to fight the pandemic in one accord without looking to politicize the fight.

He said as a party, the PF is doing its part to support the fight by making donations across the country, the latest being the K150,000 which he presented to government at the Ministry of Health briefing yesterday.

“I want to emphasise that the Secretariat has not sanctioned anyone to make face masks using party regalia. Those who have done so have done so in their individual capacity. As a party, we distance ourselves from that action. The fight against Covid 19 is apolitical. We urge all citizens including our members not to attempt to politicize this fight. Allow government to do their work in peace. The President has done a tremendous Job in this fight. Let’s not reverse the gains that have been posted by His Excellency President Edgar Chagwa Lungu and government,” he said.

Branded PF face Mask
Branded PF face Mask
Distribution of PF Branded Face Masks
Distribution of PF Branded Face Masks

Konkola Blades Chairman Mwanza Dies


FAZ Copperbelt Division One side Konkola Blades are mourning their Chairman Bernard Mwanza who died on Thursday in Chililabombwe after an illness.

Mwanza was also Manager Engineering at Konkola Copper Mines’ Nchanga Open Pit mine in Chingola.

“Konkola Copper Mines plc (KCM) regrets to announce the death of Konkola Blades Football Club Chairman Bernard Mwanza on Thursday, 16th April 2020 after a short illness,” KCM acting General Manager Corporate Affairs Shapi Shachinda announced on Thursday evening.

“The company has lost a gallant a dedicated employee and an avid football administrator, who was committed to the plan to ensure Konkola Blades bounced back to the top league of the FAZ,” Shachinda stated.

Mwanza was in his second tenure as Konkola chairman after being re-appointed last year.

He had also served the club in the same capacity between 2011 and 2014.

Mwanza further served as Nchanga Rangers Vice Chairman between 2007 and 2010.

He is survived by a wife and three children.

Presidential call for all Zambians to begin wearing face masks welcomed


The Medical for Quality Healthcare in Zambia has welcomed the presidential call for all Zambians to begin wearing face masks when in public.

Organisation Director General Dr Quince Mwabu says this is a good preventive measure against Covid 19 ,and the President must be commended for this pronouncement.

Dr Mwabu said because some citizens may not manage to immediately buy the masks, the Ministry of Health should purchase the masks using donated funds from various entities.

He emphasised that these masks should then freely be distributed to poor Zambians.

Dr Mwabu said this is the surest way of affording all Zambians with these Important protective masks.

He has saluted the Minister of Health ,Dr Chitalu Chilufya ,and all the front liners in the fight against the Corona Virus for the great works and tireless efforts they have put in place to combat this dreaded disease.

Dr Mwabu said the country is recording many discharges because of the hard work and patriotism by the Minister and health workers in Zambia.

He said these heroes and heroines deserve maximum support and encouragement.

He has appealed to the Ministry of Health and other Ministries to facilitate the use of all government vehicles in sensitizing Zambians in all districts ,especially rural areas.

“We need sensitizations using the 7 major local languages, to make the majority of our people understand measures against Covid 19 pandemic. Our view is that the majority of our people in rural areas have very little information about the disease”, he said.

Farmers’ Union shocked by sentiments that Millers Association of Zambia have run out of maize stocks


The Zambia National Farmers’ Union is shocked with the sentiments by Millers Association of Zambia President Andrew Chintala that they have run out of maize stocks and now applying to be considered for early maize from large scale farmers.

ZNFU Media and Public Relations Manager Calvin Kaleyi says this is utterly shameful because the country has huge stocks of early maize to a tune of 146, 510 metric tonnes, which large scale farmers are grappling with to sale.

Mr Kaleyi says this largely, this is so because there has been inertia on the part of Millers, the Ministry of Agriculture and the Food Reserve Agency to make the tripartite contracts to work.

He said of the 146, 510 metric tonnes, FRA has only made available contracts for 27,754 metric tonnes for early maize purchases, but even this some Millers are failing to sign while other millers on the tripartite list have even pulled out.

Mr Kaleyi said for the record, farmers on their part have
already signed the contracts that have been released and are ready to supply the maize and to this end, farmers are waiting for millers to purchase the early maize under the tripartite agreement, and the FRA to avail contracts for another 30, 000 metric tonnes so that the maize can start moving.

“We regret to say that the statement issued by MAZ is misleading and simply hot air because the early maize is abundantly ready and they, together with FRA, are the ones that are stalling on the tripartite contract signing”, he said.

Mr Kaleyi added that the ZNFU is gravely disappointed by the inertia exhibited by MAZ, FRA and Ministry of Agriculture over the matter as large scale farmers are now stuck with their maize and yet it is
from the same commodity sales which resources are supposed to be ploughed into wheat cultivation in winter.

“Suffice to say that farmers had to borrow from banks to venture into early maize production based on the push by the Ministry of Agriculture to produce this crop and ensure national food security.We are afraid that if this is the way we are going to carry on with matters of food and national food security, it will be difficult to engage farmers on similar projects in future”, Mr Kaleyi added.

He said this whole early maize tripartite contract arrangement is just a sheer kindergarten talk with no seriousness attached to it, and yet it is a grave matter for farmers.

Mr Kaleyi said the tripartite contract arrangement saga is a total mess; the worst disaster in the history of Zambia’s agriculture and if millers are not ready to up-take the early maize, and if the FRA is not willing to allocate contracts for more maize purchases and are not willing to respect the agreement, then Government must allow farmers, millers or traders ready to purchase
the early maize to export the maize or mealie meal immediately.

UPND says the Distribution of Branded PF Face Masks is Politicising the Fight Against COVID-19


United party for National Development (UPND) Lusaka Province Chairperson Obvious Mwaliteta has accused the PF Government of politicising the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic by declaring the wearing of masks mandatory.

President Edgar Lungu yesterday announced the mandatory wearing of masks in public places in Zambia as a measure to combat the spread of the deadly Coronavirus pandemic.

Mr Mwaliteta said while the move maybe welcome, but unknown to the Zambian public, the PF regime wants to politicise the disease by rolling out a fully fledged campaign programme through the distribution of branded PF face masks.

“How reckless, insensitive and evil can people be to its citizens taking advantage of the disease to campaign when the whole country is united in praying for the country to get over the pandemic”, said Mr Mwaliteta.

He said the PF would rather this disease stays a little bit longer and continues to ravage communities as long as it presents an opportunity to them to campaign through PF face masks.

Mr Mwaliteta has questioned how a neighbour will render solidarity to another neighbour against this vicious disease, if they have to first view each other through political lenses.

“How ungodly can a regime be to always be taking advantage of people’s suffering for them to always be campaigning like they have equally done with the hunger situation where they are donating PF branded mealie meal”, he added.

Mr Mwaliteta said the PF knows that face masks are very expensive for ordinary citizens hence the proclamation to make it mandatory to wear face masks, so that they can use the disease as a campaign vehicle.

He said the PF are diluting the seriousness of the message of the mask.

“So far, a number of organisations and individuals, including our party President Hakainde Hichilema have generously donated without politicizing the gifts, but for the PF, it’s always winning political mileage. This disease is not partisan, it kills indiscriminately. Please don’t destroy the common solidarity created by the coronavirus fight”, he added.

Implementation of the measures to fight the Coronavirus yielding the necessary results-Dora Siliya


The cabinet is impressed that the continued implementation of the measures to fight the Coronavirus announced by President Edgar Lungu is yielding the necessary results.

Chief Government Spokesperson, Dora Siliya says Cabinet has also taken note that adequate preparedness instituted in order to fight the pandemic.

Ms. Siliya says the multisectoral approach put in place by Government which is being coordinated by the Vice-President Inonge Wina through the Council of Ministers, is also working well.

She says Cabinet is also impressed that a number of individuals, institutions and companies have come forward to support Government’s efforts in fighting COVID-19 support, materially and financially.

This was during the 10th Special Cabinet Meeting called by President Edgar Lungu, to have an update on the implementation of the measures on the fight against COVID-19.

Ms. Siliya said that Cabinet is comforted that further tests undertaken in Kafue town on a number of citizens on yesterday, all came out negative.

And During the same Meeting, Cabinet approved a 13 member WARMA Board whose previous Board’s tenure of office came to an end.

Ms. Siliya said Cabinet felt it is prudent that the Board be reconstituted and appointed in order to ensure that water resources management functions are well superintended over to promote sustainable development in Zambia.

Meanwhile, Ms. Siliya, who is also Information Minister, said that Cabinet has also approved the 12 member Zambia Environmental Management Agency Board in accordance with Section 11 of the Environmental Management Act Number 12 of 2011.

She said Cabinet put in place a board in order to provide strategic direction, develop policies, approve its work plans and budget as well as monitoring of its functions as it relates to administration of the Environmental Management Act.

Boma ni Bowman? The Plight of the Rule of law in Zambia during COVID-19


By Felicity Kayumba Kalunga

Zambia reported its first two COVID-19 positive cases on 18th March 2020. Ahead of this development, the country had taken proactive measures based on the global trends by issuing two statutory instruments (SI), under the Public Health Act, which were published in the Government Gazette on 13th March 2020. The Act provides for the prevention and suppression of disease and generally regulates all matters related to public health in Zambia. It contains provisions for dealing with diseases and empowers the Minister of Health to make regulations. The Act uses the terms “approved” and “prescribed” to describe actions that may be undertaken under its authority and are defined as “respectively approved or prescribed by the Minister or the Board or by the appointed officers or by the regulations framed under this Act, as the case may be.”

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, two statutory instruments were issued. The first, SI No. 21 of 2020 declared the Coronavirus Disease 2019 as a notifiable infectious disease pursuant to section 9 of the Public Health Act. The second, SI No. 22 of 2020, set out measures aimed at controlling the spread of COVID-19. A clear example is the restriction on free movement of people suffering from, or suspected to be suffering from, or who have been in contact with a quarantined person suffering from, COVID-19. Another example is the limitation of public gatherings exceeding five people who are not family members in an infected area without the permission of a local authority or “Medical Officer of Health”. The last example is restriction of movement of people in and out of an infected area without the permission of an authorised officer. The statutory instrument defines “an infected area” as “a part of the Republic or any conveyance declared as being or appearing to be threatened by the epidemic of COVID-19.”

All the measures contained in the cited statutory instrument can only be invoked when the urgency level has reached alert level. The schedule to the SI describes “alert level” as “conveying the highest level of importance and warranting immediate action or attention.” According to the statutory instrument, a person who fails to comply with the “direction, prohibition or restriction of an authorised officer or otherwise contravenes (the) regulations” of the SI is guilty of an offence and liable, upon conviction, to pay a fine not exceeding 2,500 penalty units (K750.00) or imprisonment for a maximum period of six months or to both a fine and imprisonment. The term “an authorised officer” is defined as “a Medical Officer of Health, Health Inspector, District Medical Officer, Environmental Health Officer, or a suitably qualified person authorised in writing by the Minister (of Health) or a local authority with approval of the Minister.”

Following the announcement of the first COVID-19 positive cases on 18th March 2018, the Minister of Health announced that all schools would close indefinitely on 20th March 2020. Further direction was given for the public to observe social distancing and health guidelines given through regular updates to the press.

The President, who has only made one public appearance since the outbreak of COVID-19 – the 30th March 2020 visit to the north of Zambia, which is affected by floods – has only addressed the nation twice through pre-recorded televised messages. The first presidential address was made on 25th March 2020. In that address, the President issued directives that were to take effect at midnight on 26th March 2020. Among the directives announced included restriction of public meetings to no more than 50 people subject to them complying with public health authority guidelines and the closure of bars, gyms, and restriction of operation of restaurants to take away basis. These measures were to be observed during the initial 14 days’ period, subject to constant review, depending on how the epidemic evolved.

The second presidential address was held on 9th April 2020 at 15:30 hours, two hours after its scheduled time, with no explanation as to what caused such a long delay. In this address, the President extended the measures announced on 25th March 2020 for a further 14 days and emphasised the importance of compliance. Following the President’s second address, the Minister of Health announced the death of a patient from COVID-19, which patient was not amongst the publicly announced statistics from the Ministry. With these changed circumstances, the President, on 14th April 2020, this time via a written post on his Official Facebook page, announced that Kafue has been declared an infected area and that people should not move in and out of the town for a day to facilitate massive testing. The Minister of Health confirmed this message during his 25th COVID-19 media update.

With a few exceptions, such as the quarantine measures for patients and those suspected of suffering from COVID-19 and restrictions on trade in unsanitary conditions, the other measures that have been undertaken are not backed by any legal instrument to facilitate their enforcement. Among these measures that have been taken so far and without the backing of the law include the imposition of restrictions on movements of people and the nationwide prohibition of public gatherings of more than 50 people. The Minister of Health has claimed that these restrictions fall within the provisions of SI No. 22 of 2020. This is however not true for three reasons. First, none of the two statutory instruments empowers the President to issue directives to the general public. Secondly, the Minister of Health, being the correct authority under the Public Health Act, is supposed to act through issuance of statutory instruments and orders as provided by the guiding legislation. Thirdly, the Public Health Act does not authorise the Minister of Health to issue regulations that have the effect of derogating or suspending fundamental rights of all citizens, which rights are protected by the Constitution through the Bill of Rights. Human rights can only be limited or suspended in accordance with the strict standards set by the Constitution itself. The actions so far taken fall short of the minimum standards expected by constitutionalism and the rule of law in Zambia.

The rule of law supports the equality of all citizens before the law. It also protects citizens from arbitrary use of power by despotic or authoritarian governments by demanding that law must support all governmental actions. Another important aspect of the rule of law is that laws should be enforceable through established judicial institutions to which all citizens are subjected. It therefore protects citizens from arbitrariness through access to justice.

In terms of the Constitution of Zambia, the rule of law is expressed through the supremacy of the Constitution which binds all persons, including state organs and state institutions, respect for human rights and the independence of the Judiciary. The rule of law also protects the quality of the law, which must be written, clear, general, and predictable. A great example of this point is the right to secure protection of the law under Article 18 (8) which provides that “A person shall not be convicted of a criminal offence unless that offence is defined and the penalty is prescribed in a written law.”

In an open letter to President Edgar Lungu dated 26th March 2020, a mere three days after the first presidential address, prominent constitutional lawyer John Sangwa magnanimously advised the President to uphold the rule of law in implementing measures aimed at addressing the COVID-19 pandemic. Sangwa observed that “the measures introduced by (the) Government under the Public Health Act are woefully inadequate to contain the ravages of the virus” and recommended the declaration of a state of emergency and the issuance of comprehensive regulations which would address matters such as restriction of movement of people and protection of businesses and employees during the period.

On 27th March 2020, Chapter One Foundation, a local non-governmental organisation, issued a public statement that presented an alternative approach, urging the President to declare a “state of disaster” pursuant to the provisions of the Disaster Management Act of 2010. According to Chapter One Foundation, this step would facilitate a “comprehensive framework for the government to take the necessary measures to address the Covid-19 scourge without unduly compromising on human rights unnecessarily.” Although inadequate to implement measures requiring the suspension of the Bill of Rights, the proposal offers a useful multisectoral approach compared to the purely medical approach in the Public Health Act.

Both these proposals would have provided a platform for legally enforceable measures. This well-founded advice, however, fell on deaf ears and government officials have proceeded to take measures to enforce directives that have no legal backing and are therefore illegal. Suffice to mention, the most overzealous actions are disturbingly those orchestrated by Lusaka Province Minister, Bowman Lusambo, who, in the company of Zambia Police officers, has taken to what he recently described as “successful Stay Home night operations.” These illegal moves typically involve arresting people alleged to be abrogating the presidential directives accompanied with physical beating of suspects. Lusambo has graciously documented evidence of these violations by posting on social media graphic images of violent attacks on unarmed citizens.

Not to be outsmarted, the Zambia Police Service Spokesperson, Esther Mwaata Katongo, in an interview aired on Diamond TV on 31st March 2020, publicly warned that police officers would whip people who “go out to drink” in breach of the presidential directives. The police spokesperson justified the use of what she described as “gazetted whips” on suspects on account of low staffing levels in the police service. Katongo also confirmed that people who would be arrested would be charged pursuant to the regulations under SI No. 22. Lastly, Katongo, on behalf of the Zambia Police, also attempted but failed to define the presidential directives as being sub regulations under the statutory instruments.

These incidences of police brutality have sparked outrage and public criticism from various stakeholders including the Human Rights Commission which, on 12th April 2020, issued a statement condemning the violence by police officers and emphasised the importance of the rule of law in addressing the COVID-19 pandemic. The Commission spokesperson, Mweelwa Muleya, categorically stated that “neither the Constitution nor human rights have been suspended because of Coronavirus in Zambia.” The statement also condemned the use of corporal punishment, which constitutes torture and other inhuman and degrading treatment that is outlawed in Zambia. The Law Association of Zambia on 15th April 2020 also issued a statement condemning the beatings.

Without hesitation, Lusambo, in an audio interview with a presenter from Hot FM radio that has since gone viral, dismissed the legally founded Human Rights Commission’s statement with impunity and arrogance. The Inspector General of Police, Kakoma Kanganja, in statement issued on 13th April 2019 responded by guiding police officers to “observe the guidelines outlined in relevant pieces of legislation as well as Police Instructions which guide them on how and when to apply minimum force,” but fell short of condemning the use of “gazetted whips,” whatever they might be.

Whilst all this is happening, political and constitutional institutions that ordinarily provide checks on executive excesses have been silenced either through implementation of COVID-19 measures or despotic actions of the Executive. The voice of the Attorney General, the chief legal advisor to the Government, is only heard by its clear silence. Many civil society organisations have suspended their operations in compliance with the social distancing measures that have restricted their area of influence to non-contact means.

Government has not shied from using COVD-19 as a scapegoat to suppress independent media. On 17th March 2020, Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services and Chief Government Spokesperson, Dora Siliya, unlawfully banned Prime Television from covering government events on grounds of their alleged refusal to assist Government in disseminating COVID-19 messages free of charge. This is an allegation over which the Prime Television proprietor publicly apologised but to no avail. Based on this unlawful Government act, Top Star Communications company limited and MultiChoice Zambia limited, both of which Government has stakes in, prematurely terminated their service agreement with Prime TV, a matter currently being challenged in the courts of law.

On 9th April 2020, the Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA), in unexplained circumstances, cancelled Prime Television’s broadcasting licence without the basic tenet of being afforded an opportunity to be heard before any adverse action. In its letter communicating the cancellation, the IBA merely stated that the broadcasting licence had been cancelled in “public interest”. The actual “public” in whose interest the IBA acted is yet to be known.

Meanwhile, citizens have continued being threatened in their exercise of freedom of expression through mass messages sent by the Zambia Information and Telecommunications Authority (ZICTA) to the effect that “publication or circulation of false information which may cause discontent is a criminal offence.” This is notwithstanding the fact that the law that creates the subject offence was declared unconstitutional by the High Court in 2014 in the case of MacDonnald Chipenzi and others v The People. The coincidence of all these unconstitutional happenings appears deliberate.

The National Assembly was one of the first institutions to suspend its operations, having adjourned indefinitely on 18th March 2020 on account of COVID-19. This has created a further challenge in providing necessary legislative changes. In addition, some proposed executive measures that require Parliamentary approval have been suspended. For instance, a declaration of a state of emergency would require the approval of the National Assembly within seven days of the proclamation by the President.

The Judiciary has also scaled down its operations by postponing sessions of the Supreme Court, Constitutional Court and Court of Appeal, which were scheduled to commence on the 7th, 14th and 21st April 2020, respectively. The High Court has, since 6th April 2020, indefinitely suspended its criminal sessions in various districts and so have hearing of all civil matters, except for one judge attending to urgent matters such as injunctions and stay of executions. Criminal proceedings before the Subordinate Courts, which would ordinarily hear allegations under SI No. 22, have continued under precautionary guidelines. However, Subordinate Courts have no power to hear allegations of human rights violations.

Several well-meaning citizens such as civic activist Laura Miti, human rights campaigner Linda Kasonde, prominent musician Chama Fumba, alias Pilato, and leading public intellectual Sishuwa Sishuwa have all drawn public attention to the shrinking democratic space and the total disregard for the rule of law in Zambia. Unfortunately, the current COVID crisis has undermined effective responses to these issues and provided cover for authoritarian abuses. The ongoing violations of the rule of law in Zambia suggest that the country is fast sliding into a despotic state, under the guise of containing the COVID-19 pandemic. The “suspension of human rights approach” that has been taken is not only detrimental to democracy but also threatens the chances of the COVID-19 response measures succeeding. It must be emphasised that both eventualities are equally disastrous for the country.

A recent statement by the Director General of the International Development Law Organisation (IDLO), Jan Beagle, published on 27th March 2020 entitled “A Rule Of Law Based Response To The COVID-19 Pandemic’ emphasised the importance of good governance and rule of law to managing the COVID-19 crisis and pledged, in collaboration with its member parties and the United nations, “to support rule and law and justice and find innovative ways to work together in overcoming COVID-19 while moving purposefully toward more resilient, peaceful, just and inclusive societies.” The statement referenced the 2017 report by the World Health Organisation entitled “Advancing the Right to Health: The Vital Role of Law” for useful guidelines on enabling speedy and effective public health responses to the pandemic.

It would be folly for the Zambian Government to ignore these overwhelming existing frameworks and insist on the despotic path it has since embarked on. The Boma ni Bowman (Government is Bowman) approach to containing COVID-19 encourages criminal impunity. Its adverse effects will likely become a more deadly and lasting pandemic that Zambia would have to grapple with years after winning the current fight against COVID-19. We must stop both – the COVID-19 pandemic and the Bowman Lusambo epidemic.

Felicity Kayumba Kalunga is a lawyer and Lecturer in Law at the University of Zambia.

Government to help Zambians caught up in COVID-19 Lock down in Foreign Countries


Foreign Affairs Minister Joe Malanji says government through its foreign missions has intensified the registration of Zambians in the diaspora to see how best they can be helped in view of the lockdown due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

Mr. Malanji has told journalists that all Zambians that have been caught up in some countries due to the lockdown should immediately register with their respective Zambian missions.

He said the Zambian foreign missions have been directed to help Zambians who might require medical attention in countries under lockdown.

Mr. Malanji further said Zambians, who might have visited countries under lockdown will be helped by foreign missions to facilitate their passage back home.

He was, however, quick to mention that in some countries it might be difficult to facilitate passage of Zambians back home because some flights have been suspended due to the COVID-19.

Meanwhile, Mr. Malanji has disclosed that there is NO Zambian that has been caught up in the harassment of Africans in Guangzhou.

The Foreign Affairs Minister said all Zambians in Guangzhou and China as a whole have lived within the confines of the law.

Mr. Malanji said in line with presidential directives all Zambians are advised not to travel to COVID-19 high-risk countries, adding that all those coming from high-risk countries will have to be quarantined for 14 days regardless of their status.

Vice President Inonge Wina says government is extremely concerned with the floods


Vice President, Inonge Wina, has said government is extremely concerned with the floods which have wreaked havoc on the crops and public infrastructure in Northern Province.

Mrs. Wina said government was initially hopeful that the northern part of the country would contribute to the forecast bumper harvest but it was regrettable that floods have destroyed the crops.

She added that it is sad that this is happening at a time the country is battling with another calamity, the outbreak of the coronavirus.

Mrs. Wina said this in Kasama today when she paid a courtesy call on Paramount Chief Chitimukulu of the Bemba people.

She said government was very concerned that it had to look for funds and other resources from outside the national budget to cushion the suffering of the affected people, not only in Northern Province but also in other parts of the country.

And the Vice President has donated boxes of assorted hygiene materials, which include hand sanitisers and soap, to Chitimukulu to help curb the spread of the coronavirus.

Meanwhile, Paramount Chief Chitimukulu has thanked government for the help it is rendering to flood victims in Northern Province.

Chief Chitimukulu recounted that the excessive rains took the region by surprised saying the similar season which experienced abnormal rainfall was in the year 1951.

“People had relaxed and never expected to have such type of a season with a prolonged rainfall and it has recurred as surprise,” he said.

The traditional leader noted that government, through the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU), has been distributing mealie meal to households which have been affected by the floods.

He said he is also soliciting for aid from other stakeholders in order to assist government in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

The chief sympathised that the government has been found in what he called a queer position as it has to solve the problems of the two natural disasters namely the floods and the Covid-19 pandemic at the same time.

The Vice President arrived this morning in Kasama to check on the extent of damage caused by excessive torrential rains which Northern Province has continued to experience this rain season.

She is accompanied by National Coordinator for DMMU, Chanda Kabwe and National DMMU Director, Charles Mang’wato among other officials from her office.

The floods, which have resulted from persistent torrential rains, have caused flooding in homesteads, crop fields and damaged public infrastructures such as schools, health facilities and roads among others.

No New COVID-19 Cases in Zambia as Kafue Lockdown is lifted


Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya has announced that there are no new COVID-19 cases in Zambia in the last 24 hours.

Speaking at the 27th COVID-19 update Thursday afternoon, Dr. Chilufya said that COVID-19 cases cumulatively remains at 48 cases,2 deaths,30 recoveries with 16 admissions who are all stable.

Dr. Chilufya also said that the lockdown that was imposed on Kafue tow had been lifted and that operations and life in Kafue had returned to normal. Dr. Chilufya further said that 131 tests were done and all of them tested negative.

The Health Minister thanked all the Kafue residents for cooperating with authorities during yesterday’s operation and urged them to continue being vigilant in ensuring that they sustain all the preventive measures as directed by President Edgar Lungu and other health authorities.

“Responsibility at a personal level and to follow up the preventive measures is key and will help in reducing transmissions of new cases” he emphasized.

And Dr. Chilufya also announced that President Edgar Lungu has directed the mandatory wearing of masks in public places by every Zambian in an effort to curb new Coronavirus transmissions, adding that the directive entails that every Zambia will need to put on a mask every time they access public places as one of the effective ways to avoid person to person transmission and that all Zambians to adhere to the directive.

Presidential Empowerment Iniative Fund buys face masks worth K25, 000 from local tailors for distribution


The Presidential Empowerment Iniative Fund has today purchased face masks worth K25, 000 from local tailors to be distributed to residents as a preventive measure against the coronavirus pandemic.

And Presidential Empowerment Initiative National Cordinator Clement Tembo reiterated that Republican President Edgar Chagwa Lungu will continue to empower and support women and other traders in Zambia so that they can grow their businesses.

Speaking when he visited markets in Kabwata constituency to buy face masks and distrubute material to tailors for sewing more masks, Mr. Tembo explained that the initiative is meant to benefit all Zambian regardless of their political affiliation.

Mr Tembo has since urged traders to take advantage of the initiative and use it to grow their business by making mask in large quantities.

The Presidential Empowerment Initiative National Coordinator further stated that he was delighted to note that some tailors have exceeded his expectations when he challenged them to make face masks to be distributed to members of the public.

“We have the cash and our President wants to empower more marketeers, and traders hence we need to move fast and produce as many face masks as we can,” Mr Tembo said.

He stressed that the demand is very high and it was up to the local tailors to live up to the challenge.

Mr. Tembo added that all the traders that have made the face masks have be given money adding that all masks that have been brought from them will be distributed for free to needy places.

He explained that in the initial phase, a total of K150, 000 has been set aside for this undertaking and today K25 000 has been used to Purchase the masks from traders.

“The onus is on your that Traders who have been empowered to make sure that you produce more face masks then we can buy from them and later on distribute in the markets, bus and taxi drivers including our passengers in these busses as well as kafue,” he said.

Meanwhile, Kabwata Ward 6 councilor Longa chiboboka thanked President Edgar Lungu for empowering women and traders in his ward.

He said that the people of Kabwata shall continue to support the leadership of his excellency President Lungu as he has shown his love to see his people develop.

Over 4000 face masks from tailors from Kabwata, Libala, Chilenje, Chifundo and Munyaule markets have been purchased and will be distributed to members of the public by the Presidential Empowerment Initiative Fund to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.

Presidential Empowerment Initiative National Cordinator Clement Tembo
Presidential Empowerment Initiative National Cordinator Clement Tembo receiving the face masks for Distribution

Manyinga District Refutes Reports of Two Confirmed New Cases of COVID-19 in the District


Manyinga District Commissioner Queen Manela has dispelled rumours suggesting that there are two confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Kasamba area.

Ms. Manela explained on a local radio station, Manyinga FM, that two people, who had secondary contacts with an infected person, tested negative to COVID-19 but are in self-isolation.

She said the two were just with a person who was in primary contact with one of the COVID-19 deceased persons in Lusaka.

She however stated that local health practitioners are still monitoring the duo, who will remain on self-quarantine until after 14 days elapse in line with the Ministry of Health guidelines.

Meanwhile, health authorities in Manyinga district have applauded the local people and organisations that have come on board to help health institutions in the fight against the spread of the coronavirus in the area.

Speaking when he received a donation of assorted hand sanitizers, hand washing facilities, soap and face masks, Loloma Mission Hospital Director Charles Kalwiji said the items will equip the health institution with some tools for curbing the spread of the pandemic.

The donation, which is worth K10, 000, was made by a local resident and businessman Evans Muhanga.

Mr. Kalwiji said Loloma mission hospital was overwhelmed with the number of people seeking medical attention as it is currently the only big health institution in the district.

Ha said Loloma hospital and ten other health institutions in the district still need prevention materials and equipment to prevent the spread of the disease.

He has since called on other local residents and individuals to supplement government efforts in fighting the pandemic.

And Mr. Muhanga said he was duty bound to support and give back to the community, especially the area he grew up from.

Mr. Muhanga said his donation was also in line with government’s appeal through the Ministry of Health to all Zambians to come together in fighting the disease.

Meanwhile, Chikankata district has acquire infra-red thermometers and health personnel have since started screening people entering and leaving the area.

District Commissioner Trevor Kayanda said the health workers have been stationed at Kafue checkpoint and have started screening in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the district.

Mr. Kayanda added that authorities in the district have also identified two isolation centres at Nansenga and Nadezwe clinics in case of an outbreak of COVID-19 in Chikankata.

He has since encourage the people in the district to continue abiding by the health guidelines that are being given by the Ministry of Health.

And Chikankata District Council Chairperson Conard Ngoma said most bars have closed and shop owners and other business are following the laid down guidelines of conducting business in the district.

Mr. Ngoma said the district is also carrying out sensitization messages and radio programmes to educate the people in the district about COVID-19.

And A total of 595 community health volunteers have been trained in malaria testing and treatment in Kapiri Mposhi district.

The volunteers have been trained in the bid to roll-out the community door-to-door screening and treatment of malaria in the district.

District Malaria Elimination Coordinator, Danny Sinyangwe told ZANIS that the community testing and treatment of malaria is aimed at expanding coverage and access to malaria control interventions to eliminate the disease in the district.

Mr. Sinyangwe said the initiative will also help in the reduction of the high incidence rate of malaria which currently stands at 443 per 1,000 people in the district.

“Kapiri Mposhi is among the most affected districts by malaria in Zambia where we have over 400 out of every 1,000 people suffering from malaria therefore this intervention will greatly assist to reduce the incident rates on the district,” he said.

He attributed the high cases of malaria in the district to people’s bad health seeking behaviour and low uptake of malaria control interventions such as treated mosquito nets (ITN).

“Malaria incidence rates have remained high in because most people are still not seeking malaria testing and treatment at health centers instead they opt to use traditional remedies,” Mr Sinyangwe said.

During the test and treat campaign, the community volunteers will also sensitise the communities on malaria issues.

And the Churches Association of Zambia (CHAZ) has procured 500 bicycles for community health volunteers that will be engaged in the community door-to-door testing and treatment of malaria in Kapiri Mposhi district.

The bicycles are meant to ease movements for the volunteers who will be deployed across the district.