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ZCTU proposes postponement of external exams


The Zambia Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) in Muchinga Province has suggested that examinations for external candidates scheduled for June this year be postponed.

ZCTU Muchinga Province Regional Coordinator Nondo Kasanda suggestion comes in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic that has affected Zambia and the entire world.

Mr. Kasanda said since learning has been disrupted, there is need to postpone the exams so as to prepare adequately after the disease has been contained.

He told ZANIS in Chinsali today that the impact of failing to abide by presidential directives of staying home and social distancing will affect the education sector.

Mr. Kasanda explained that the partial internal lockdown has not only affected livelihood but also learners who are supposed to sit for exams in both June and at the end of the year.

He has further proposed that in an event that the country manages to curb coronavirus soon, eight provinces that have not recorded any case should be allowed to open schools for grades seven, nine and 12 and defer the GCE exams to the end of year to allow candidates prepare adequately.

He added that the initiative by the Ministry of General Education to open a television channel for pupils will not help much to cover topics that were not done in term one.

Mr. Kasanda added that not all pupils and parents can afford to pay DSTV especially in rural areas for them to watch the education channels.

He said learning requires both practical and theory in accordance with education policies.

All schools, colleges and universities have been closed indefinitely following the outbreak of coronavirus in the country.

120 police officers deployed to Kafue District to enforce Lockdown, 100 Health Workers deployed too


120 police officers have been deployed to Kafue District among them traffic officers to ensure compliance during the period of lock down.

Zambia Police spokesperson Esther Katongo says the District has been zoned into six and officers deployed to all the six zones to police the areas and ensure compliance by members of the public.

Mrs Katongo said some police officers have been deployed at the Toll Plaza on the Northern part of Kafue while other officers are at Kafue Road Bridge on the Southern Part of Kafue whose mandate is to escort convoys of motor vehicles through Kafue and ensure that no motor vehicle picks or drops off people within Kafue District.

She said all trading centers including markets in the District have been closed therefore restricting the movement of people.

Mrs Katongo said in a statement Police will remain on the ground until they are guided otherwise by relevant authorities.

And Minister of Health Chitalu Chilufya has revealed that 100 health officers have been deployed to Kafue district to conduct surveillance screening, disinfecting public place and testing of people in targeted areas.

This follows the lockdown of that district to quell the virus following the three cases of COVID-19 which have been recorded in Kafue, one of which resulted in death.

President Lungu yesterday invoked the provision of the Public Health Act to declare a 24hour lockdown on the town to restrict movements of people in and out of Kafue so that health workers can conduct screening and testing for COVID-19.

Dr. Chilufya said besides health workers, government has also sent security officers to help out with enforcement of the law in case some people decide to abrogate it.

He has reiterated his call for the members of the public to stay home, observe social distancing and wash their hands frequently in order to stop the further spread of the disease.

And a renowned Zambian Actor, Monde Mutale, a superstar in a popular telenovela, Mphali, has come to the defence of the law enforcement officers on the beating of people who violate the health guidelines.

Mr. Mutale, who is popularly known as Nguzu, said the use of force is necessary at this point in order to save lives of the law breakers, their families and the public at large.

He has called on the public to save themselves from being beaten by avoiding drinking places and other public gatherings.

Mr. Mutale, who plays a role of a wealthy Zambian polygamist in Mphali, jokingly said all his wives have been self-quarantined to avoid contracting the coronavirus.

Meanwhile, a London based mining company Moxico Resources has donated sanitizers, gloves and face masks to the Ministry of Health to support the fight against the pandemic.

Company Director Davis Mwanamoyo handed over the donated items with a commitment to the fight against COVID-19.

Mr. Mwanamoyo stressed that there was need for consented effort in the fight adding that his company will also donate to the Copperbelt and Northwestern provinces where it intends to start their operations.

Zack Songs released his highly anticipated music video “Calling Me”

Zack Songs released his highly anticipated music video “Calling Me“.

The dance track which Zack Songs dedicates to his female fans has gone viral on Facebook and has racked up over 48,000 Views in the first week of its release
The single Calling Me is from Zack Songs Latest project called “On My Way“. The mixtape was released on the 1st of August,2019.

Three More New COVID-19 Cases Recorded in Zambia in the last 24 hours


Zambia has recorded 3 more positive COVID-19 cases in the last 24 hours, health minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya has said.

Speaking at the latest COVID-19 update this morning, Dr Chilufya said two cases involve two females aged 23 and 29 respectively who are contacts of the man from Makeni while the third case is of a 26 year old man who arrived from Poland on the 12 April 2020 aboard Ethiopian airlines.

He said the new 3 cases are out of 150 cases that were tested in the last 24 hours.

Dr Chilufya said cumulatively the cases now stands at 48 cases,2 deaths,30 recoveries with 16 admissions who are all stable including the 74 year old man who is recuperating well and out of oxygen support.

He disclosed that the total number of tests conducted now stands at 1,846 with those that have successfully completed now at 2,336 while 637 alerts were recorded with all of them testing negative.

On the ongoing lock down on Kafue, Dr Chilufya said the district remains an area of interest for now in order to increase testing and screening before it can spread and become a bigger public health threat.

The minister said the lockdown in Kafue which has paved way for massive testing and screening will give a clear evidence of extent of cases in the district.

He urged for full cooperation from Kafue residents to ensure they give the health authorities the support they need.

“The only way of reducing coronavirus is by entrenching in our communities the reduction of person to person transmissions and you should help us by staying home and mask up and to corporate with public health authorities in various jurisdictions” he urged.

He said everyone is at risk but urged for the protection of the vulnarable in society especially those susceptible to the virus such as the advanced in age and emphasized that adhering to the prescribed measures is cardinal to disrupt further transmission of cases.

And Dr Chilufya cautioned all those abrogating the provisions of the guidelines and called on business owners in the transport sector to ensure they protect the passengers by observing the social distancing guidelines and to disinfect all public areas.

“We know how to resuscitate your business but we do not know how to bring back to life your clients that could be lost due to Coronavirus” he said.

Meanwhile, Zambia has received more COVID-19 materials from the Jack Ma Foundation aimed at supporting the detection and treatment of the Coronavirus disease.

The consignment has been organized by the Jack Ma Foundation, African Union, Ethiopian Airlines and the World Food Program.

Zambia’s Ambassador to Ethiopia and Permanent Representative to the African Union, Emmanuel Mwamba confirmed the development and thanked all the partners involved in the fight against the pandemic on the continent.

Mr. Mwamba said the consignment which has been dispatched to Lusaka arrived today at 14:40 hours aboard Ethiopian Airlines.

He said the consignment Zambia has received comprise, 18,900 viral swabs, transport medium and extraction kits, 3,700 personal protective clothing sets, 3,800 face shields, 4.36 thermometer guns and 5. 9,500 gloves.

Mr. Mwamba said this consignment together with the first shipment, represents a baseline of Personal Protective Equipment and test kits that the Jack Ma Foundation has supported Africa in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

He said in addition to the materials donated, the Jack Ma Foundation has donated Yuwell Bi-level Positive Airway Pressure, devices that clear the airway used for patients requiring incubation which are not ventilators but perform similar functions.

Last month, the Foundation donated to Zambia 100,000 face masks, 20,000 laboratory test kits, and 1, 000 personal protective equipment.

This is contained in a statement issued to the media by Inutu Mwanza, the First Secretary Press, and Tourism at the Zambian Embassy in Ethiopia.

Why PF is Opposed to Multilateral Debt Resolve Proposals


By: Anthony Bwalya – UPND Member

Let’s be clear: Zambia’s bonds are junk. They are trading at close to 65% discount right now. It means investors are willing to dump them for only 35% of their original value because they do not believe they will ever get their money back.

But there are consequences to this.

Restructuring Zambia’s public debt through Capital Markets will cost close to 60% more than the initial cost of this debt. That is close to $600m more debt to restructure the existing debt

At the height of the Bill 10 debate, just when the PF was proposing to put a dagger in the back of our Republican constitution,one Garry Nkombo took the house to the task and raised a point of order tied to the court action that one Dipak Patel had commenced against the PF regime; questioning the LEGALITY of all public debt contracted after 2016.

Now, I speak confidently on the legality of all debt contracted after 2016 by the PF regime because my thoughts have always been in the public domain and there are numerous records to corroborate my stance on this.

The PF regime has been contracting public debt without the approval of Parliament, contrary to relevant sections under Articles 63, 114 and 207; the same sections they are now trying to remove using Bill 10. You can refer to my historical positions on this matter and note that I have always called it illegal borrowing.

This is problematic for the PF. Firstly, it demonstrates a lack of patience and discipline in planning for public borrowing, to the extent that they were prepared to disregard the Constitution just to get their hands on expensive capital markets, and they did.

The only motivation for the lawlessness and commission of illegality by the PF regime is corruption and the need for people to get paid commissions just to tie our country into debt. This has happened before in Mozambique and there was consequences. See the links herein:

In fact, high ranking members of the PF regime are most likely to have received hefty kickbacks, running in hundreds of millions of dollars just to commit our country to capital markets’ debt.

Zambians must weary of the appetite for corruption and illegality by the PF regime.

An IMF bailout demands discipline, the credibility of political leadership and a real commitment to sober public expenditure patterns. This is something that capital market operatives are not interested in because they make their money in commissions on the loans issued, that is all.

It is foolish for the PF regime, to turn their backs on multilateral initiatives and run into the hands of loan sharks.

A few things should happen right now:

  1. There will have to be a process of reassessing the legality of Zambia’s public debt so that the state can void all such debt and individual members of the regime be held personally accountable for the criminality
  2. Zambia to institute a credible, talented team of negotiators to engage multilateral partners and negotiate an alternative rescue package away from capital markets.
  3. Zambians must commit to a change of government because a lot of this depends on it.

We are about to lose our country to political greed.

Mutati has no moral fibre to advise PF- MMD Youths


Opposition New Hope Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) Youths have said that Former Finance Minister in the PF led Government Hon. Felix Mutati has no right to advise the PF because he contributed to the current economic downturn in the country.

In an Open letter to Republican President Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu and Finance Minister Hon. Bwalya Ngandu, Senior former MMD Economic leaders have advised the PF led Government to get an IMF bailout package as this will ease our creditors in restructuring our loans. These former MMD Economic leaders include Hon. Situmbeko Musokotwane, Hon. Dipak Patel, Hon. Ngandu Magande, Dr. Caleb Fundanga, Dr. Moses Banda and Hon. Felix Mutati.

In a statement, New Hope MMD National Youth Secretary Mr. Gregory Mofu said that the MMD Youths welcomed the Open Letter.

“We as the New Hope MMD Youths shall welcome any advice from our Former Economical leaders. The Economy which we left in 2011 on Cloud 9 at a B+ rating is today nose-diving. Inflation is now rising, our debts have surpassed the Pre – HIPC Period and our Kwacha is dancing to major currencies. There is an immediate need to find a solution to this economic meltdown and hence the advise given by our former economical leaders to the PF led Government is very timely and welcome”, Mr. Mofu said.

Mr. Mofu said that Hon. Mutati behaved like an Ostrich by sinking his head in the sand when he was Minister of Finance.

“We are shocked that one of the signatories to this letter is One Felix Chipota Mutati. This is someone who served in this Edgar Chagwa Lungu led PF Government as Finance Minister between 2016 and 2018. When he was Finance Minister, he never gave any warning about our debt as a country and continued to borrow money. Our Party President Dr. Nevers Mumba did write to him on the 31st of July 2017 asking him to inform the Nation of Zambia’s alarming debt, but what did he do, he sank his head into the sand like an ostrich by not responding. President Mumba sent a second letter in which he uncovered the real debt and challenged Mr Mutati to refute the figures, but he refused to answer again”, Mr. Mofu said.

Mr. Mofu said that Hon. Mutati is simply playing to the gallery by advising the PF.

“We are shocked that whilst Hon. Mutati was the Finance Minister, he never advised President Lungu about the alarming debt. For your information, he is the second longest-serving Minister of Finance in the PF led Government. But today, he has the guts to go on an anthill and hide among his friends who are not part of this mess and who are advising the Government. To us, Hon. Mutati is simply playing to the gallery”, Mr. Mofu said.

Mr. Mofu said that Hon. Mutati had no moral fibre to advise the PF.

“Lastly but not least, we would like to challenge him to inform the Nation what he did to avoid this debt trap when he was Finance Minister. We know of a number of loans Zambia got during his tenure as Minister of Finance. Hon. Mutati has no moral fibre to advise the same people he helped fail into this debt trap”, Mr. Mofu said.

Media Liaison Committeee appalled by Prime TV Shutdown


The Media Liaison Committee is appalled at the withdrawal of Prime Television’s license by the Government through the Independent Broadcasting Authority.

The Committee has observed that the withdrawal of Prime TV’s broadcasting license by the IBA has nothing to do
with the coverage of COVID-19, an undertaking that the station, like any other media house in Zambia, has adequately and timely covered but an attempt to deny Zambians an alternative platform of accessing information and debates on matters that affect them.

Media Liaison Committee Chairperson Enock Ngoma who read the Communique on behalf of the journalists that met under the auspices of the Committee said the cancellation of Prime TV’s license is illegal, highly political, and totally against the
Digital Migration Policy of 2014.

Mr Ngoma said the Committee is aware that the Independent Broadcasting Authority did not engage Prime TV before cancellation of their broadcasting license as stipulated under the IBA Act and under normal rules of natural justice.

He said the Committee is further aware that the IBA Board did not deliberate on these matters, it was an impulsive and illegal decision and as Zambia heads towards the 2021 Presidential and general elections, and with such
developments, the media fraternity anticipates a more ruthless environment where abuses of media practitioners and media institutions by political elements in the government and the ruling party will escalate.

Mr Ngoma said the Committee further anticipates IBA and other Government agents to be unleashed on all media platforms perceived to be offering critical and independent media
coverage to stakeholders outside Government and the ruling Patriotic Front party.

He has, therefore, demanded that police officers be withdrawn from Prime TV premises immediately and allow the owners of the property and their staff be allowed unfettered access to their offices and business grounds saying there is no criminality in this matter to warrant police presence.

Mr. Ngoma has alsi demanded that the IBA reinstates Prime TV’s broadcasting license forthwith, to allow for the con-
tinued day-to-day business as a free and independent media protected by the Zambian Constitution and that the Zambian government takes seriously the international statutes that Zambia signed as a country on Press Freedom, Access to Information and Protection of the Rights of Citizens to Free Flow of Information and Ideas.

He demanded that the current IBA board be dissolved and that a new board that will put the national interest first for the people of Zambia be appointed immediately in consultation with media
associations, media owners, and community radio stations, which constitute the majority of media houses under IBA supervision.

Mr Ngoma also demanded that the current IBA Director General Josephine Mapoma be retired in the national interest and that an independent body be constituted immediately, to be the signal carrier for all television stations as the current arrangement where Zambia has TopStar as the signal career is illogical and defies business sense.

He said TopStar’s behavior has justified the State interference that the Media Liaison Committee feared about 10 years ago when the digital migration process was mooted in the

Mr Ngoma said the harmonization of the IBA and ZNBC Acts should be expedited so that all media platforms, including ZNBC, are guided by the same laws and behavior regarding fair coverage of
issues in Zambia, now and during the 2021 general elections, and thereafter.

Kampyongo joins in criticising Bowman Lusambo for Whipping People to enforce COVID-19 Guidelines


The criticism of Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo for whipping people abrogating Presidential directives on measures to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus has continued with the latest being Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo.

Mr Kampyongo says even he as Home Affairs Minister cannot instruct the Police to beat up people or arrest them for any reason.

He said Police Officers know whose instructions to follow when there is an operation order and certainly not from politicians.

Mr Kampyongo said even when to invoke minimum force, strict and lawful instructions must be given by the Police command which officers must strictly follow.

He reminded the Police to ensure that there is balance in the enforcement of the measures pronounced by the president to ensure that people are not injured in the operations.

Speaking on 5FM Radio in Lusaka, Mr Kampyongo, how however pleaded with Zambians to adhere to the measures to avoid coming into conflict with the law.

Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo has come under intense criticism from stakeholders including the Human Rights Commission and the Law Association of Zambia for allowing the Police to use excessive force on people abroagating the presidential measures to curb COVID 19.

Mr Lusambo has among other forced the shut down of bars abroagating the measures as well as interrupted a wedding ceremony involving Indians in Emmasdale where over 60 of them had gathered against the required 50 people.

Musokotwane, Magande Economic Prescription is the Reason Zambia is in this Crisis-Dr. Mbita Chitala


Former Deputy Minister of Finance and academic, Dr. Mbita Chitala has rejected the proposals from four fellow economists proposing that Zambia begs to go back to an IMF program and abandons all borrowing until the economy improves.

But Dr. Chitala says the IMF program is neo-liberal in nature and is likely to be harmful to the economy, to the security of state assets and may lead to numerous job losses as witnessed in the past IMF programs.

Former Ministers of Finance, Situmbeko Musokotwane, Ngandu Magande, Felix Mutati, and former Minister of Commerce and Trade, Dipak Patel and former Bank of Zambia Governor, Caleb Fundanga have signed an open letter to President Edgar Lungu and Minister of Finance Ngandu Magande suggesting the primacy and importance of clinching the IMF deal.

But Dr. Mbita has proposed that Zambia still had an opportunity to go back to bilateral and international capital markets to contract long-term debt.

Dr. Chitala Wrote;

Running the risk of offending some of you may I say this.

The prescription suggested by those colleagues that our government adopts a humiliating IMF programme when we know that such a scheme would bring untold suffering, instability and worsen the poverty in our country is not smart at all.

The neo liberal Washington Consensus is dead. Such a humiliating programme would mean surrendering our governance to Washington technocrats, reducing public investment in health and education, stopping deficit financing to tackle any recession, place our trade unions to be at war with the state as we reduce the wage bill, freeze wages and salaries, eliminate subsidies to our small farmers FISP, petroleum, electricity, education etc which will tend to increase poverty and cost of living, abandon most capital expenditure such as construction of roads, schools, clinics and public goods such as Kafue Lower Power etc, further selling off to foreigners of our strategic companies and institutions such as NAPSA, ZESCO etc that will result in more unemployment and underemployment, reducing recurrent budget spending on goods and services that will mean weakening the state and making it vulnerable, devaluation of the Kwacha and increasing costs in our economy.

All these negative social outcomes will lead to people rage as Africa and other developing countries witness in the 80 and 90s leading into state instability and downfall of governments.

There is a solution to all this. We need to have our own developmental state as the Eastern Asian dragons and China have demonstrated.

We can still go to International capital markets or bilateral partners to contract long term debt.

There is nothing wrong with this.

More importantly we should have our own middle class on which our development will be anchored. We must have our own cobalt and copper mines owned by Zambians.

We must rejuvenate our manufacturing and agro business. We must stop capital flight and introduce smart capital controls.

We must create employment creating programmes such as the national service, small enterprise promotion, local banks etc.

We have largely not been successful so far because we failed to be patriotic, never provided incentives for our people to save, invest and innovate and so we are poor because our leaders so far have made this choice.

Quadri Kola Hopes to Continue Forest Hot-Form After Covid-19 Recess


Forest Rangers striker Quadri Kola is confident of continuing where he left off before the league was postponed because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Nigerian-born striker hit the ground running for league leaders after making the short move between Ndola clubs from champions Zesco United to their Levy Mwanawasa Stadium mates in January.

Kola has so far scored three goals in five games since he joined the current FAZ Super Division pacesetters.

Players have since the stoppage been restricted to individual training at home after practice sessions were banned by health officials.

“Not at all, I am training at home,” Kola told the Zambia Daily Mail.

“It not easy, just managing. It is by God’s grace but I know everything will be OK by his grace and may we overcome this pandemic.”

Forest enjoy a one point lead at the summit of the 2019/2020 FAZ Super Division log on 46 points ahead of second placed Napsa Stars with nine matches left to play.

Zesco are fifth on 42 points.

COSAFA Hopeful of Staging All Its 2020 Tournaments


COSAFA are still hopeful they will stage all their competitions this year despite the disruption to its regional tournament calendar by the Coronavirus pandemic.

COSAFA secretary general Sue Destombes said the regional football body remains positive despite the first casualty of the pandemic being the postponed 2020 COSAFA Women’s U17 Cup that was set for April 17-26 in Mauritius.

Its flagship COSAFA Cup tournament is next on the schedule from June 13-27.

“Notwithstanding the Coronavirus which is currently ongoing, COSAFA’s commitment is to still stage as many of our six tournaments as possible in 2020,” Destombes said.

“Obviously, what may get in the way of that is simply timing depending when the lock-down in South Africa is lifted and in other countries in our region.

“But certainly, where ever possible, we will be looking forward to staging our tournaments this year.”

Zambia are the defending champions in the COSAFA Cup, COSAFA U20 and COSAFA U17 tournaments.

They finished third at the COSAFA U17 Women’s Cup.

Shepolopolo finished second in both the COSAFA Women’s U20 Cup and COSAFA Women’s Cup.

Government should pay Risk Allowances to medical personnel fighting COVID-19


The Democratic Party has appealed to government to seriously consider giving risk allowances to front line medical personnel during the Coronavirus pandemic.

Party spokesperson Judith Kabemba says doctors and nurses are risking their lives and doing a lot hence there is need to give them this incentive.

Ms Kabemba said it can be proved and its evident that no amount of money can compesant for the risk that medical personnels are being exposed to, however, it is just noble to show appreaciation and care.

She has further appealed to government to seriously consider provinding enough Protective Personal Equipment to medical personnel in various hospitals so that they are consistently protected rather than the current situation where most hospitals do not have and medical personnels are only wearing them when there is an emergency.

Ms Kabemba has bemoaned a situation where front line medical personnel are ending up buying PPE to protect themselves which is unfair looking at the amount of money they get.

She says the current scarcity of PPE being experienced during this difficult time is unfortunate and Governments should look into the situation immediately.

Ms Kabemba said the DP continues to appreciate the services provided by health workers across the country to serve lives and only prays that government can look into their plight to lessen the burden.

Dora Siliya urges businesses affected by COVID-19 to take advantage of business loans by Bank of Zambia


Information and Broadcasting Services Minister DORA SILIYA has urged the business community affected by the Covid-19 to take advantage of loans that the Bank of Zambia will avail to commercial banks in the country.

Government through the Central Bank has provided a 10 billion Kwacha Medium-Term Financing facility which will be accessible effective April 15.

Ms SILIYA says Government is aware of the challenges that businesses are facing due to the Covid-19 and wants to prioritise Small Medium Enterprises -SMEs- in the acquisition of affordable loans.

She said this during a special programe on Covid-19 on Radio Maria Yatsani .

The minister also said bus owners and operators should adhere to social distancing because it is one of the key preventative measures to help limit the spread the Covid-19.

Students loan scheme to be extended to private higher learning institutions


Government plans to extend the students loan scheme to private higher learning institutions in the country.

Higher Education Minister, BRIAN MUSHIMBA says government wants to ensure students in private universities and colleges benefit as well from the loan scheme.

Dr MUSHIMBA has since implored private higher learning institutions to constantly engage government on the best way the vulnerable students can be helped through the scheme.

The Minister has said this when he received a donation of 5-hundred mattresses and 5-hundred blankets, worth over 3-hundred thousand Kwacha from the University of Lusaka.

Dr MUSHIMBA has praised University of Lusaka for coming on board in helping towards measures for COVID-19.

And, University of Lusaka Vice Chancellor PINALO CHIFWANAKENI said the donation has been necessitated to supplement government’s efforts in curbing the COVID-19 pandemic.

Government give Mopani Copper Mines a 7 days ultimatum before Revoking their Mining Licence


The government has given Mopani Copper Mines a Seven Day ultimatum to show cause why its large-scale mining licences for Mufulira and Kitwe must NOT be revoked.

This follows Mopani Copper Mines alleged breach of provisions of the Mines and Minerals Act and the Employment Code Act.

This is according to a letter to Mopani Copper Mines, Chief Executive Officer, Nathan Bullock from Mining Licensing Committee Secretary Micheal Chibonga and made available to ZNBC News.

Mr Chibonga said the committee is in receipt of investigations report by the Director of Mines which has established that the mines have proceeded to place the NKANA and Mufulira Mines on Care and Maintenance.

He said this is without giving sufficient notice as required by law and in total defiance of the directive against such action, and the employees have already been given letters.

Mr Chibonga says it has also been established that all critical contracts for mining services and suppliers have been terminated with immediate effect.

He said the Mining Licensing Committee intends to revoke the large-scale mining licences for Nkana and Mufulira mine in accordnace with the Mines and Minerals Development Act of 2015.

Mr Chibonga said the Mine also breached section 37 of the Mines and Minerals Development Act of 2015 by defying the directive by the Director of Mines to resume mining operations