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Kakoma Kanganja advises Police officers not use excessive force in enforcing COVID-19 Guidelines


Inspector-General of Police Kakoma Kanganja has advised police officers involved in the enforcement of provisions of Statutory Instrument number 22 which spells out regulations aimed at containing the COVID-19 to always operate and carry out their duties within the confines of the Law.

Mr. Kanganja has observed that some officers have resorted to using excessive force in conducting their duties and has called on supervisors to closely monitor the ongoing operations.

He has guided that Police Officers should always observe the guidelines outlined in relevant pieces of legislation as well as Police Instructions which guide them on how and when to apply minimum force.

The Police Chief has however called on members of the public to comply with Presidential directives and regulations that have been put in place aimed at containing the Coronavirus pandemic saying all those that will be found abrogating the Law will not be spared but will be dealt with as provided by the Law.

This is according to a statement issued by Zambia Police spokesperson Esther Katongo.

But President Edgar Lungu says no level of irresponsibility by citizens will be tolerated by authorities on the ground.

The President says he has reported that some members of the public are defying public health regulations by “socializing” in car parks and other such places.

“We must bear in mind that COVID-19 is deadly and no one will be allowed to endanger lives of other people or indeed his or her own life”, he said.

Zambia and South Africa working on smooth flow of essential goods and services, during the COVID-19 lockdown


Zambia and South Africa have formed a private sector working group to create a framework that is targeted at ensuring the smooth flow of essential goods and services, during the COVID-19 lockdown of most Southern African Development Community countries.

Deputy Secretary to Cabinet Christopher Mvunga will chair the working group.

At the economic sustainability and emergence purpose meeting held in Lusaka, Thursday, the two countries discussed the necessity of ensuring that South African Chain Stores operating in Zambia open their doors wider to local producers and suppliers to ensure that there is business continuity and empowerment during the Covid-19 period and beyond.

Zambia was represented at the economic sustainability and emergence purpose meeting held at the Ministry of National Development Planning by Fisheries Minister Professor Nkandu Luo, Development Planning Minister Alexander Chiteme, Commerce Minister Christopher Yaluma, Transport and Communication Minister Mutotwe Kafwaya and Finance Minister Dr. Bwalya Ng’andu.

Others were Development Planning Permanent Secretary Chola Chabala, Monitoring and Evaluation Permanent Secretary Daniels Chisenga, Commerce and Industry Permanent Mushuma Mulenga, and ZRA Commissioner General Kingsley Chanda.

The Zambian private sector was represented by officials from the Zambia Association of Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Zambia Association of Manufacturers, Zambia National Farmers Union, Zambia Horticultural Association, and Zambia Private Sector Alliance.

South Africa was represented by the South African High Commission and members of the Association of South African Businesses in Zambia.

Speaking at the event, Finance Minister Dr Bwalya Ng’andu, who was also the convenor and Chairperson, said the Zambian Government has placed sustenance of the value chain and continued empowerment of local businesses at the centre of its economic sustainability and emergence purpose plans for the immediate term and the future.

Dr Ng’andu took the opportunity to encourage the Zambian private sector to rump-up participation in the value-chain and take advantage of the internal market platforms while maintaining quality standards, regular supply and stable prices to the greatest extent possible.

And South African High Commissioner George Nkosinati Twala said his office is ready to work with Zambian authorities to facilitate strengthened engagement between private sector players of the two countries and ensure that the value and supply chains are kept in motion.

Mr. Twala called for a proactive review of trade and economic affairs that need to be reviewed in the entire value chain to ensure a fast paced programme that will mount a lasting positive impact on the future economic relations between the two countries.

Among the other key issues discussed was import substitution, mutual market access, supplier payment systems, banking and financial services, transport and logistics, smoothening of regulatory matters, border clearance and transit insurance, and the creation of the Zambia and South Africa working group on trade and economic facilitation during Covid-19 and beyond.

Making a contribution to the deliberations, Livestock Minister Professor Luo said her Ministry was in the process conducting an inventory of livestock import-export permits..

She added that Covid-19 had presented an opportunity for the country to adopt an evidence based approach in assessing the impact of fresh and processed cross-border consumer products on the health and well-being of citizens.

And National Development Minister Alexander Chiteme said as a term of reference for the working group, the issue of rental charges in major shopping malls located in different parts of the country needs to be examined conclusively to ensure that Zambian businesses are accommodated on more affordable terms and conditions especially now that Covid-19 had impacted negatively.

Transport and Communications Minister Mutotwe Kafwaya assured the meeting that his Ministry had commenced engagement with the Ministry of Health and other stakeholders in the logistical-chain in order to develop guidelines and rules for cross-border transporters during the Covid-19 lockdown period in some SADC Countries.

Speaking at the same event, Shoprite General Manager Charles Botha said the chain store buys 43% of its goods from the local market and 39% from local agents who import from outside the country.

He stated that the shop only imports 18% and took the opportunity to encourage local small-scale businesses to form cooperatives and benefit from economies of scale, value addition and quality and business improvement schemes.

ZACCI President Jerome Kawesha called on South African Chain Stores to engage the Zambian private sector regularly and deal with the perception that they deliberately constrain access of local producers and suppliers into their supermarkets and other businesses such as hotels.

“We would like to see South African businesses in Zambia signing off-take agreements with our people [local businesses],” said Dr KAWESHA while the ZAM representative ROSETTA CHABALA added that during this period, “there is need to exhaust local supply capacity before resorting to imports.”

After South-Africa, Angola and Tanzania in that order, the Zambian economy is the fourth largest in the fourteen member SADC Region. South Africa is a member of the powerful G20 and the BRICS [Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa] economic groupings, while Zambia is also a member Africa’s biggest trade block, COMESA, whose headquarters it also hosts.

The Zambian Government team also held a meeting with the Business Council Emergency Task Force Against Covid-19, at which the Chairperson, Jason Kazilimani proposed some measures for consideration by the Government, such as prohibiting and curtailing speculative trading in the Kwacha, promoting close engagement of the banking and financial services sector and Covid-19 affected borrowers to forestall business stagnation and closures, facilitation of the importation of fuel and fertilizer by the private sector, cutting all non-priority expenditure from the budget and examining the full impact of the employment code of 2019 on businesses during Covid-19.

Dr Ng’andu thanked the BCET team for the presentation and reiterated the Government’s commitment to work closely with the private sector, investors and other cooperating partners in developing solutions that will result into the best case scenario for the economy under the current Covid-19 circumstances.

This is according to a statement issued by Ministry of Finance spokesperson Chileshe Kandeta.

139 first year students at Mukuba University awarded 100% full Scholarships


The Higher Education Loans and Scholarships Board has awarded student loans at 100 percent to 139 first year students at Mukuba University for the 2020/2021 academic year.

Higher Education Loans and Scholarships Board Acting Communications Officer Chiselwa Kawanda said this is from a total of 145 students who applied for the student loans.

Ms Kawanda said all the 145 applications were for science based programmes.

She said the breakdown of the applicants was 101 males and 44 females representing 70 percent and 30 percent, respectively.

Ms Kawanda said 139 applicants were eligible for the award of student loans while 6 were ineligible, representing 96 percent and 4 percent, respectively.

She said only one student living with disability applied for a student loan representing 0.69 percent of all applications received and was awarded the student loan.

Ms Kawanda said a total of 43 applicants were from rural towns while 102 were from urban towns representing 30 percent and 70 percent, respectively.

She explainex that the loans for the first year students will cover Tuition fees, Accommodation fees, and book allowances.

Ms Kawanda said as the nation continues to fight COVID-19, all awarded students are advised not to report to the University until they are advised to do so.

She has since appealed to all students who have not been awarded loans not to report to the University unless they will be able to support themselves on the self-sponsorship mode of study.

Two more cases of COVID-19 have been recorded in Zambia


Two more cases of COVID-19 have been recorded in Zambia in the last 24 hours bringing the total number of confirmed cases to 45.

This is out of the 123 tests conducted in the country in the last 24 hours, Health Minister Dr Chitalu Chilufya has announced.

Dr Chilufya said Kafue has so far recorded three cases, among them the daughter of the adult male from Kafue who died from Coronavirus on 8th April 2020 making Kafue a hotspot for COVID-19.

He said the other case involves the wife of a man from Makeni who yesterday tested positive for the virus.

Dr Chilufya said of the 45 cases recorded in Zambia, 25 had history of travel to COVID-19 hot spot countries while 20 are local transmissions.

He said the high number of local transmissions should remind Zambians to corporate with health officials and security wings as they work hard to defeat Zambia’s newest enemy.

Dr Chilufya said in the last 24 hours, two people have been discharged with 13 cases under the care of health authorities while 30 have recovered in Zambia.

He said health personnel continue to observe high risk persons that came into Zambia adding that Kafue remains in the limelight.

Meanwhile, President Edgar Lungu says he has reports that some members of the public are defying public health regulations by “socialising” in carparks and other such places.

He reminded Zambians that COVID-19 is deadly and no one will be allowed to endanger lives of other people or indeed his or her own life.

President Lungu said this level of irresponsibility will not be tolerated by authorities on the ground.

He has since called on all members of the public to take personal responsibility by adhering to the measures he announced in his address to the nation.

Grizzly Mining Sends Workers on Forced Leave To Prevent COVID-19



GRIZZLY Mining Company has, with immediate effect, sent half of its entire workforce on forced leave in the wake of coronavirus and implemented stringent measures designed to minimise chances of exposing its employees to the pandemic.

Apart from those sent on paid forced leave, the company has identified others as non-essential employees who have been directed to work from home, in compliance with Government directive of encouraging non-essential workers to operate from home.

Group human resources manager Davy Phiri, who confirmed the development yesterday, said the decision to send half of 822 employees on paid two-month forced leave, would contribute to efforts meant to prevent the spread of the disease.

Mr Phiri said although management had proposed two months of forced leave for the affected employees, the decision would be reviewed depending on the situation regarding the COVID-19 and the workers may be recalled before the expiry of 60 days.

Other measures the emerald mining company has put in place, include reduction of vendors on the mine site, stopping all expatriate employees from leaving the mine site until the situation is declared safe and free from COVID-19 and prohibiting all expatriates on vacation from returning to work.

Mr Phiri further explained that the company had frozen job recruitment until further notice and the available employees on site have been guided on how to maintain high levels of hygiene and sanitation. Employees who are off duty have been encouraged to stay home.

He said the decision has officially been communicated to the Mineworkers Union of Zambia (MUZ) following a meeting they held on March 23, 2020 regarding the environment and safety of workers in the advent of COVID-19. Grizzly Mining Company also engaged the National Union of Miners and Allied Workers (NUMAW and the Labour Office

Whipping and Beating Citizens to Enforce Measures on COVID-19 is Disturbing-HH


UPND Leader Hakainde Hichilema is disturbed with reports of law enforcement officers whipping and beating citizens as they enforce measures on COVID-19.

Mr Hichilema says Law breakers have a constitutional right to due process, which includes being brought before a competent court.

He says corporal punishment is not the answer and the statutory instruments that have been issued to fight Covid19 do not prescribe the punishment being metted on erring citizens.

“Law enforcement is based on the principle of “Innocent till proven guilty”. We don’t have to see people getting killed extra judicially before we speak about this behaviour”, he said.

He said a civilised society functions by the rule of law and if the country is to aspire to a higher level of development and governance, leaders must behave in a civilised manner at the very least.

Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo recently vowed he will ensure that people advocating for the human rights of those being whipped for defying the Presidential directives are also whipped.

Zambian Breweries beer brands –

Meanwhile, Zambia Breweries has pleaded with distributors of beer and bar owners to follow government’s directive to close bars and night clubs during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Zambia Breweries Country Director, Jose Moran said distributors and bar owners must do what is right for the community.

“At Zambia Breweries, there is one thing we love as much as beer…and that’s bringing people together for a better world. But our world has changed. Now we all must step up and do our part by staying apart. We must do what is right for our communities and for each other,” said Mr. Moran.

He stated that as a law-abiding corporate citizen, Zambia Breweries stands with the authorities and the nation in the fight against coronavirus.

He, therefore, advised bar owners to consider incorporating takeaway services in their businesses to continue running during the COVID-19 outbreak.

“For bars and pubs owners, we can still operate our businesses as takeaways for home consumption. But we need to stay closed and avoid unnecessary crowds. Let’s be part of the solution and not the problem,” he emphasized.

Mr. Moran maintained that beer lovers can buy beers at any licensed outlet and enjoy responsibly from home until COVID-19 is defeated.

He said people need to stay at home and avoid gatherings only for the period of COVID-19 during which the government has directed everyone to stop unnecessary travels and gatherings.

He stressed the need for togetherness in the fight against COVID-19.

And Mr. Moran has disclosed that the brewing company, through its Budweiser brand, is sponsoring online parties to reduce the temptation of opening night clubs.

He said the company has since partnered with Zambian DJ Sebastien Dutch to host online parties on Saturdays for party lovers to club while at home adding that two social distance parties have so far been hosted.

Kitwe Mayor calls on local authorities to work with People Living with Disabilities in the fight against the COVID-19.


As the crisis caused by the coronavirus continues to ravage world communities, Local Government Association of Zambia President Christopher Kang’ombe has called on local authorities to actively work with People Living with Disabilities in the fight against the Covid-19.

Mr Kang’ombe who is also Kitwe Mayor has observed that local authorities have an important role to play as institutions at the frontline by maintaining community
engagement and ensuring that essential public services continue to flow uninterrupted in compliance with the provisions of the Constitution and various statutes which include the Public Health Act.

He said as prevention and containment measures are developed at the local level, local authorities should ensure that they engage their communities especially those with special needs like People Living with Disabilities.

Mr Kang’ombe said as they contribute to the fight against COVID-19 in their respective jurisdictions, Mr. Kang’ombe has made an earnest appeal to all local authorities to develop strategies that will benefit People Living with Disabilities to ensure that their needs are taken care of by accessing physical and other essential public services.

“More often People Living with Disabilities are stigmatized, discriminated and denied public services enjoyed by their able bodied counterparts. While the
COVID-19 has brought about misery and unprecedented challenges, it also offers an opportunity for local authorities to lead in the development of disability-
inclusive strategies,” he said.

Mr Kang’ombe has paid glowing tribute to President Edgar Lungu and Government, for recognizing local authorities as part of the solution in the multi-sectoral response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

He has made an assurance that local authorities will continue to actively play their role in the implementation of COVID-19 response strategies within their abilities.

“My sincere gratitude is due to His Excellency the President for recognizing the role of local authorities in the implementation of COVID-19 response protocols. As
local authorities we will do our best within the available resources,” said Mr Kang’ombe.

This is contained in a statement issued by Mpatanji Namumba, Director Information and Communication at the Local Government Association of Zambia.

Chief Chitimukulu’s Interview with Radio Mano

This is the interview Chief Chitumukulu did with radio Mano in which he bemoaned the lack of leadership in the Bemba community citing as a diversion of funds meant for projects in Chinsali as the case was with the Luwingu road when the MMD Government used money meant for that road to fund its convention.

Chief Chitumuku also criticized the leadership of certain political parties that have been formed but lack substance hence most of them fall by the wayside and expressed concern over those who are sponsored politically to demean their tribe for whatever reasons.

On voting, the Chief said that since Bembas were in the majority, they have always determined who becomes President from KK days, voting for whoever they believe in with no tribal lenses and further asked the Bembas to use their numbers and put in the right leadership in place.

Below is the full interview which was done in Bemba

LAZ is on firm ground to question the decision by IBA to close Prime TV


Political philosopher Mark Simuwe says the Law Association of Zambia is on firm ground to question whether the Independent Broadcasting Authority was in order to close Prime TV without giving them a chance to be heard.

Mr Simuwe says rules of natural justice demand that non should be punished unheard and Prime TV was not heard.

He said Prime TV must have been heard pursuant to Section 29(1),(2),(3) and (7) which require, in summary, that IBA writes a broadcast institution about the section they have violated and measures they have to put in place in a specified period, and that such a broadcaster would receive punitive action after such guidelines have not been adhered to by the broadcaster.

Mr Simuwe a News Analyst on Prime TV says the proposition by LAZ is not questioning the jurisdiction of the IBA as some people are assuming and misleading non legal minds, but whether the IBA followed it’s own law, the IBA Act No.26 of 2010.

He explained that Section 29 of the IBA Act No.26 of 2010 has been violated by the IBA.

A Lusaka based Lawyer Tutwa Ngubule had said that the current Law Association of Zambia Council has no mandate to issue statements on behalf of the Association.

Reacting to a statement put out by LAZ current President Eddie Mwitwa, Mr. Ngulube said that the mandate for the Council members expired on the 2nd of April 2020 and that Lawyers have not sat to extend the mandate of the former council members wondering where they are getting the authority to speak on behalf of the Association.

Mr. Ngulube said that as things stand, it is illegal and misleading for anyone to masquerade as a Council member and challenged those who issued a recent statement to State which Section of the Law Association of Zambia Act gave them a fresh mandate or an extension.

The Chinese Ambassador to Zambia should be summoned to explain the racism being publicly displayed against Africans in China


The Golden Party has urged the Zambian Government to immediately summon the Chinese Ambassador to Zambia to explain the racism being publicly displayed against Africans in China.

Mr Silavwe says Zambia is one of the country’s in Africa with the largest Chinese population.

He said all African Countries especially those with large chinese should do the same before people can start discriminating against the Chinese community.

Mr Silavwe says no matter how generous the Chinese are, they cannot dish the world coronavirus and racism to Africans at the same time hence must be held accountable.

Media reports suggest that African students and expatriates in China are being evicted from their homes and mistreated over fears they could spread the novel coronavirus.

African ambassadors in China have written to the country’s foreign minister over what they call discrimination against Africans as the country seeks to prevent a resurgence of the coronavirus, which originated in the central Chinese city of Wuhan last December.

Several African countries have separately also demanded that China address their concerns that Africans, in particular in the southern city of Guangzhou, are being mistreated and harassed.

In recent days Africans in Guangzhou according to Aljazeera have reported being evicted from their apartments by their landlords, being tested for coronavirus several times without being given results, and being shunned and discriminated against in public. Such complaints have been made in local media and on social media.

Chief Chtimukulu was not being tribal for urging his subject to vote in numbers as alleged by UPND


By Sunday Chilufya Chanda

Let me begin by paying homage to an icon of Zambia’s struggle for Independence; one of Zambia’s founding fathers; a patriarch of patriarchs; an esteemed culturist who would have been two years shy of his 100th birthday today -The late Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe 12th April 1922 to. January 26, 1980 (MHSRIP) .

And seeing that the essence of this particular piece touches on respect for traditional leadership, an aspect that is integral to our culture; it would only be appropriate to use one of the late Kapwepwepwe’s many insightful quotes on the subject:

“Culture is the heritage of us all. some may be more interested than others in the treasures of the past, but no one can fail to take a pride in his country’s participation in the story of mankind, as represented in carvings, sculpture, music, paintings and the other arts. And there is a personal commitment to this, for no man can really say he is alone: we are all joined through our identity, with the cultures which are part of the mainstream of life.”

It is evident that UPND, its uncultured leadership, and its alliance partners do not value culture; They are, let’s say, to put it mildly, uncouth. On this score, I wish to ask my elder brother Mr. Chishimba Kambwili, leader of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) to state whether or not he buys into the propaganda by an alliance partner in the name of UPND.

How else could their madness to launch unprovoked personal attacks on the Paramount Chief of the Bemba- His Royal Highness Chitimukulu- Mwine Lubemba be explained?

What kind of looney frenzy has driven UPND and its uncultured leadership to unleash unwarranted insults against all the Bemba speaking people? As usual, UPND the Dons of Distortion, Harbours of Hatred and Masters of Malice, have twisted something positive. This time they have distorted some guidance Mwine Lubemba gave in good faith in a radio interview.

There is nothing tribal with what the Paramount Chief said on Radio Mano as he spoke to his people. UPND and its allied online media are trying to make political capital out of it because they think everyone is like them. They have conveniently twisted the Bemba Paramount Chief’s remarks and used them out of context to suit their morbid tribal agenda. If anything, Paramount Chief Chitimukulu has demonstrated his admiration for the Southerners, of whom he eulogises:

“They know what they want.”

While Bembas constitute a very significant part of the Zambian population (about 22%), their voting figures and trends do not reflect a pattern that is characteristic of Southern Province – which had a voter turnout of 70%. (Bembaland only had 50% voter turnout). That’s why just one province beat the combined vote of Muchinga, Northern and Luapula provinces. It’s a statement of fact!

Was it wrong for the Paramount Chief to encourage his subjects to take interest in voting for national leadership that will secure their interest? Isn’t the essence of voting to elect leadership that brings development to the voter’s area? Is it wrong for the Bemba Paramount Chief to prod his subjects to get to KNOW what they want in an election?
Is there anything wrong with admiring the voting zeal and consistency of citizens from a part of our country? What is wrong with emulating their zeal in knowing what they want?

Instead of continuing with their lackadaisical approach to national matters and their apathy to elections, what is wrong with Bembas replicating the spirit behind the consistent voting trends and high voter turnout intensity of their Southern bretheren? Surely, doesn’t one good turn deserve another? Can anyone become President if the Bemba population at 22% decided to vote along tribal lines? Your answer is as good as mine!

Did the Paramount Chief direct his subjects to vote for a fellow tribesman or woman? No he did not! Is there any wrong in replicating the voting enthusiasm of Southern Province? No there isn’t! Then why do UPND and its leadership have it so twisted?

Why are they jittery? Leave the Mwine Lubemba Chitimukulu Kanyanta-Manga II of the Bemba speaking people of Zambia out of your bitterness.

The Author is a Patriotic Front Media Director. At the Patriotic Front Secretariat.

Three cases of COVID-19 should make people strickly follow guidelines-Lusambo


Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo has said that the three cases of COVID-19 recorded in the province should make people strictly adhere to the guidelines given by the government.

Mr. Lusambo says failure to follow the guidelines such as social distancing and washing of hands with soap may result in the country recording more cases.

He says those in leadership such as the district commissioners should take a lead in sensitizing the public on how to stop the spread of the Coronavirus.

The Lusaka Province Minister said this when he toured and sensitized the public on how to present the COVID -19 at Shimabala toll plaza, shopping malls and some selected markets in Chilanga and Kafue districts respectively.

And some residents spoken to in the two districts have praised the government for prioritizing the health of the citizens amid the outbreak of the COVID-19.

Meanwhile, Kafue district commissioner Joseph Kamana has declared war against those that will deliberately disregard guidance given by government.

And Chilanga district commissioner Edith Muwana said 15 bars have been closed in the area for not following the directives by governmen

Mwepu Hoping Football Fever Will Resume Soon


Chipolopolo and Red Bull Salzburg midfielder Enock Mwepu is looking forward to the resumption of football when the coronavirus pandemic subdues.

Covid-19 has halted sport activities globally after affecting over 200 countries.

In Austria where Mwepu is based, close to 14,000 cases have been confirmed with about 350 deaths and slightly over 6,900 recoveries.

Speaking by phone from his base in Austria, Mwepu said he is striving to keep himself fit during the covid-19 induced recess.

He also talked about his safety in Wals Town.

“I am training alone at home where it is safe. I am always training every day and I am safe here. I am keeping myself fit,” Mwepu said.

“This situation is tough. We just pray that things gets back to normal and we all get back to what we do,” he said.

Mwepu is urging the public back home in Zambia to stay safe and follow covid-19 guidelines from experts.

“Let our people follow instructions from health experts. Let them do things like regular hand wash. When this disease spread much it will be sad,” he concluded.

Mwepu and his friend Chikabala Kaleta recently donated hand washing kit to residents of his home locality Chambishi in a bid to fight the spread of the virus.

Current LAZ leadership has no mandate to speak on behalf of members, their term of office expired-Tutwa


A Lusaka based Lawyer Tutwa Ngubule has said that the current Law Association of Zambia (LAZ) Council has no mandate to issue statements on behalf of the Association.

Reacting to a statement put out by LAZ current President Eddie Mwitwa, Mr. Ngulube said that the mandate for the Council members expired on the 2nd of April 2020 and that Lawyers have not sat to extend the mandate of the former council members wondering where they are getting the authority to speak on behalf of the Association.

Mr. Ngulube said that as things stand, it is illegal and misleading for anyone to masquerade as a Council member and challenged those who issued a recent statement to State which Section of the Law Association of Zambia Act gave them a fresh mandate or an extension.

Mr. Ngulube said that those speaking on behalf of LAZ even after their term of office has come to an end may be cited for Professional Misconduct.

But when contacted for a comment, LAZ President Eddie Mwitwa’s phone went unanswered.

Yesterday the Law Association of Zambia called on the Independent Broadcasting Authority to immediately rescind its decision to cancel the broadcasting license for Prime TV because it is illegal.

LAZ President Eddie Mwitwa said that the action and conduct of the IBA is an affront to the freedom of the media and an assault on the democratic right of freedom of expression.

Mr Mwitwa further stated that the timing of the cancellation of prime TV’s license raises a lot of speculation and reasonable doubts about the independence and professionalism of the IBA in this matter.

He has since demanded that both the IBA and Zambia Police Service should allow Prime TV’s proprietors, officers and staff to access and control Prime TV’s premises with immediate effect saying the Authority did not order Prime TV to close for Zambia Police officers to take control of private premises without a court order and without any evidence of any criminal activities perpetrated by either prime TV officers or employees.

Mr Mwitwa has also challenged the IBA to explain to the public, in whose interest the decision was professedly taken, the basis of the decision, the security and peace concerns as well as other circumstances in issue and whether the IBA itself had complied with the entire provisions of section 29.

Reopen Prime TV, You Will Need It When You Lose Power – MMD Advises PF

Opposition New Hope Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) Youths have advised the ruling Patriotic Front (PF) to reconsider their decision to close down Prime Tv because they will need it once they leave power.

In a statement, New Hope MMD National Youth Secretary Mr. Gregory Mofu said that the PF has played Donchi Kubeba by closing Prime Tv whilst talking about the protection of Jobs during the COVID 19.

“We as the Youths of the New Hope MMD are shocked with the PF led Government decision to close Prime Tv through the IBA. This act is not only an attack on Press Freedom, it is also an Attack on Democracy because the Media is a Fourth Estate in the democratic process and is further an attack on the Economy because Prime Tv was a Business entity that not only provided Employment to the many unemployed Youths but also paid taxes and provided the necessary Forex needed in our Economy. Whilst the PF through the Minister of Finance Hon. Bwalya Ngandu announced Economic measures to support local firms from closing down due to the COVID 19 pandemic, we find it strange that they have decided to do a Donchi Kubeba by closing down a reputable local enterprise thus sending a number of youths into the streets”, Mr. Mofu said.

Mr. Mofu encouraged the ruling Patriotic Front (PF) to be tolerant to criticism.

” Secondly, We as the MMD would like to encourage our counterparts the Patriotic Front (PF) to be thick-skinned to criticism. When We or others criticism them, We do so because We care and we don’t want them to fail. By shutting down the independent media houses like Prime Tv which we can use to criticism or advise them, they are simply shutting down channels that we can use to advise them”, Mr. Mofu said.

Mr. Mofu further called upon the PF to facilitate the reopening of Prime Tv because they will need them when the lose power.

“Lastly but not the least, We would like to advise the Patriotic Front (PF) that we as the MMD have been through that path. We had media houses like the Post who criticised us whilst we were in government. They even went a step further by seemingly campaigning for our opponents. Did we close them, Nope We didn’t. As pioneers of Democracy, We deeply understood that an independent media is the fourth estate of Democracy. And that We wouldn’t be in power forever, hence we would one day need the Post because State media would no longer gives us supreme coverage. And true to that, when we left govt in 2011, the Post became our darling because they were one of they few who provided coverage to us but also defended us when the PF led Government tried to deregister our party”, Mr. Mofu said.