Saturday, September 28, 2024
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IBA Board Working with PF to Subvert Democracy in Zambia


By: Anthony Bwalya – UPND Member

I woke up to a message, impossible to fathom, yet not exactly unusual in a country like Zambia, where every action and decision made in the public arena is anchored on corruption, deception and manipulation; and all for the sole purpose of assisting the Patriotic Front (PF) cement their unholy grip on power and control.

Revelations that a serving IBA Board Member, Chalimba Phiri, is actively in bed and screwing around with the PF by actively providing them with “consultancy services” principally aimed at undermining our democracy by silencing the media, should be a wake up call for any sane Zambian, that our public institutions of governance are under a hostile, state capture takeover.

These institutions, such as the IBA, do not exist to serve the public and national interest as purported under the law that creates such creatures. The IBA is a working arm of the PF regime and will act and only act for and on behalf of the PF regime, and only in the interest of the PF regime.

How does an individual, who is either in the process of soliciting for work from the PF, or actively receiving payment from the PF, act impartially and professionally when his impartiality and professionalism can harm the people who are paying him?

Chalimba Phiri is NOT the only reprobate on the IBA board. They all are. If any one of them disagrees with my tagging them REPROBATES actively working to strangle our democracy by shrinking the private media space, and therefore working for the PF regime, let them come out in the open and justify their immoral conduct exercised in the closure of Prime Television.

This is the problem we currently have in Zambia: all frontline institutions of governance, including the courts, Electoral Commission of Zambia, the police, the IBA and several others are peppered with PF operatives and cadres who ensure that the agenda of the PF regime goes unchallenged.

The country witnessed an unplanned, unauthorized protest on the Copperbelt calling for Mopani Copper Mines to leave and the police allowed it. The reason is simple: the plan of the PF led cartel is to force the closure of not only Mopani but other viable mining corporations so that the cartel can take over. The takeover of the mines will NOT be for the benefit of Zambians. Any takeover will be for the benefit of the state capture cartel with PF at the heart of it.

Zambian workers will be worse off if and when we allow state capture cartels takeover our mines because our people will have no recourse to justice.

The reason I have mentioned protests on the Copperbelt against Mopani is to demonstrate that any protests against the closure of Prime TV will never be tolerated because it will fly in the face of the agendas of the PF regime.

This is why K13 million from City Market can be plundered without consequences because that money ended up at the PF Secretariat, and the market is under the leadership of known PF operatives.

And this is the sort of country we have been creating since 2011. And this is the sort of country others want to continue with post 2021.

This is not a Zambian Republic.

This is a PF mafia state.

Three New Cases of COVID-19 recorded in Zambia, with one involving a primary contact to the deceased Kafue patient


Zambia has recorded 3 more COVID-19 cases in the last 24 hours, Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya has said.

Speaking at the latest COVID-19 update, Dr. Chilufya announced that the first case involves a 58-year-old man of Makeni who is a contact to a confirmed case that traveled from Pakistan in March 2020.

He said the second case is his 13-year-old daughter while the third case involves a 41-year-old female who is a primary contact to the deceased Kafue patient.

He said all new cases have been put in isolation at Levi Mwanawasa hospital and being carefully monitored

“Stay home but if you are working and you are taking essential travel please adhere to the prescribed guidelines” Dr. Chilufya pleaded as he announced that Kafue is a hot spot following the death of the second COVID-19 Kafue resident.

Dr. Chilufya, therefore, said cumulatively the country has recorded a total of 43 COVID-19 cases, 2 deaths, 30 recoveries with 11 active cases of which 2 are admitted on the Copperbelt and the rest in Lusaka.

He further said 608 alerts of which 3 tested positive in the last 24 hours were detected adding that 2,192 individuals have completed the 14-day mandatory quarantine and have been released.

He said in the last 24 hours 106 tests were conducted and bring the number of all the tests done to 1,528.

Dr. Chilufya warned all those abrogating the rules against the fight that they risk putting the entire country at risk as he noted with concern the continued disregard for social distancing rules.

“Let’s all be responsible if we are to win this fight, let’s ensure we follow all the guidelines the President gave in his national address and we will control the pandemic with lesser disturbances on our socioeconomic sectors,” he said.

He urged everyone to support President Edgar Lungu’s transformative agenda in the health sectors to promote universal health coverage even as the country fights the pandemic and emphasized that all public gatherings such as graduations ceremonies, sporting events, weddings among others are not allowed.

Zanaco FC Backs Season to Be Determined After Covid-19 Ends


Zanaco FC are backing the 2019/2020 FAZ Super Division season to be determined once the Covid-19 pandemic ends.

The FAZ league has been on forced recess since mid-March due to the pandemic that has spread since the start of 2020.

Zanaco general manager Marlon Kananda told ZNBC TV Sport On show that it was every league clubs’ desire to see that the season be completed after the all-clear from the Ministry of Health.

“It will be an exciting end to this season reasons being a lot of teams are looking forward to the league resuming once we are given the go-ahead by government regardless of playing in empty stadiums,” Kananda said.

“I mean, what people want is the league to be concluded on the pitch and I think most teams are looking forward to it.”

Zanaco are currently 10th on the table on 35 points, eleven points behind leaders Forest Rangers after 21 and 24 games played respectively – with technically nine matches left to play.

“As Zanaco Football Club, we are ambitious that we can still finish in the top four depending on how other teams will perform- we can even win the league- we haven’t given up and we will go flat out in terms of pursuing that league title,” Kananda said.

Bowman Lusambo’s COVID-19 Enforcement Orchestration in Pictures

Busted Wedding where over 60 Indians were having a party right in Emmasdale
Busted Wedding where over 60 Indians were having a party right in Emmasdale
Busted Wedding where over 60 Indians were having a party right in Emmasdale
Busted Wedding where over 60 Indians were having a party right in Emmasdale
Woman resisting Police Arrested
Woman resisting Police Arrested
Woman resisting Police Arrested
Woman resisting Police Arrested
..but over powered and put in a police van
..but over powered and put in a police van
Lodge Owner in confrontation fight with the Police
Lodge Owner in confrontation fight with the Police
..but eventually over powered and led by his waist to police
..but eventually over powered and led by his waist to police
Man tries to run to safety after being confronted by Police with whipping sticks
Man tries to run to safety after being confronted by Police with whipping sticks
Man tries to run to safety after being confronted by Police with whipping sticks
Man tries to run to safety after being confronted by Police with whipping sticks
Man tries to run to safety after being confronted by Police with whipping sticks
Man tries to run to safety after being confronted by Police with whipping sticks
Police pick up a man found consuming alcohol
Police pick up a man found consuming alcohol
Police pick up a man found consuming alcohol
Police pick up a man found consuming alcohol
Police whip and picked up patrons found consuming alcohol at total filling station in Salama Park
Police whip and picked up patrons found consuming alcohol at total filling station in Salama Park
Police whip and picked up patrons found consuming alcohol at total filling station in Salama Park
Police whip and picked up patrons found consuming alcohol at total filling station in Salama Park

Today’s Message:Forgive So You Can Be Free

Today’s Scripture

“…Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”

(Luke 23:34, NIV)

Forgive So You Can Be Free

As Jesus was hanging on the cross, having been betrayed by one of His disciples, falsely accused by the religious authorities, mocked by soldiers, and about to breathe His last breath, He did something significant. He said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” They didn’t ask for or deserve forgiveness. But Jesus was showing us by example to release the toxin of unforgiveness so that nothing will hold us back.

When somebody does us wrong, human nature wants to hold on to the hurt and anger, to carry around a bitter grudge. We think, I’m not going to forgive them. They don’t deserve it. But you’re not forgiving for their sake; you’re forgiving for your sake. Unforgiveness is a toxin that will contaminate your life. When you forgive, as Jesus did, you’re not excusing their behavior. You’re simply getting the poison out of you. You have to forgive so that you can be free.

A Prayer for Today

“Father, thank You for Your love toward me. Thank You that because I am freely forgiven by Jesus on the cross, I can also forgive others for anything they’ve done wrong to me. I declare that I’m letting it go and getting the poisons out of my life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Nevers hints of a Virtual MMD Convention

Opposition New Hope Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) President Dr. Nevers Sekwila Mumba has said that his party is contemplating of having a Virtual Convention should the COVID 19 threat continue.

The MMD through its National Secretary Hon. Elizabeth Chitika announced that they would soon have a Convention, which would be announced 30 prior to its sitting as per party constitution requirements.

The COVID 19 or the Corona Virus which first started in Wuham China has infected over 1,800,000 people world wide and killed over 108,000 people. Zambia has reported over 40 cases with 2 deaths.

In a post on his Facebook page, Dr. Mumba who is also former Zambian Republican Vice President called upon the former ruling party to go digital.

“How do we hold branch, ward, Constituency and even Provincial meetings whilst on lockdown? Gone are the days when society would scoff at the idea of using Technological contact and being labeled Facebook President”, Dr. Mumba said

Dr. Mumba than called upon Youths of the MMD to maximize the use of technology.

“As the New Hope MMD, I want our members , especially the Youths to quickly Recognize, Accept and Amplify the age of technology which we find ourselves in”, Dr. Mumba said.

Dr. Mumba then said that the MMD would consider having a Virtual Convention should this Covid 19 threat continue.

“Let us not shy away from the possibility of having Virtual meetings, virtual addresses and even Virtual Conventions if the Covid 19 threat continues. We as the New Hope MMD are considering having a Virtual Convention should this threat continue”, Dr. Mumba said.

Eastern Chief Hails Government Development Agenda


His Royal Highness Chief Ndake of the Nsenga-speaking people of Nyimba District has thanked Government for building secondary schools in his Chiefdom.

Speaking from his palace when he met leaders from a consortium of civil society organisations from Lusaka on Saturday afternoon, Chief Ndake said the people of Nyimba District are thankful for the four (4) secondary schools constructed in his Chiefdom.

The Chief called on Government to continue working towards the attainment of universal basic education by targeting rural youths.

He said through his interventions, the Chiefdom has dissolved 12 early child marriages with minors and taken back the girls to school.

And Chief Ndake has thanked the Civil Society organisations for explaining the contents of Constitution of Zambia Amendment Bill Number 10 with clarity, and dispelling the misinformation surrounding the Bill.

“What I ask of you as civil society is that you must simplify Bill 10 by producing a booklet which explains what you have ably explained today,” said Chief Ndake.

Meanwhile, the Chief has bemoaned the low voter turnout in Nyimba district during elections as compared to other provinces in Zambia.

The Chief has attributed the low voter turnout to frustrations among his subjects and lack of knowledge on how voting is related to developmental agenda.

He suggested several measures which Government must implement in order to increase voter turnout in Nyimba District.

“Government and the Electoral Commission must work with traditional leaders and civil society to achieve a high voter turnout in the Province in 2021 and future elections,” said Chief Ndake

Lungu’s strategic march to 2021: the shutdown of Prime TV


By Sishuwa Sishuwa

On 9 April 2020, the Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA), Zambia’s broadcasting regulator, cancelled the broadcasting licence of Prime TV, the country’s most popular and leading independent television station, established eight years ago. In a letter to Prime TV Executive Director Gerald Shawa, IBA Board Secretary and Director General, Josephine Mapoma, stated that the action has been taken in the ‘public interest’ and pursuant to Section 29 (1) (j) and (k) of the IBA (Amendment) Act of 2010. This Section, Mapoma wrote, “provides that the Board may cancel a broadcasting licence if ‘the cancellation of the licence is necessary in the interest of public safety, security, peace, welfare, or good order’”, or if “the Board considers it appropriate in the circumstances of the case to do so”.

She advised Shawa, if he was aggrieved with the decision of the Board, to appeal to the Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services for redress, as per the provisions of the Act.

What do we make of this move by the supposedly Independent Broadcasting Authority?

The first point to note about the cancellation of Prime TV’s broadcasting licence is that it is illegal. This is because the decision of the Board did not comply with a mandatory provision of the very section that the IBA Board cited to explain their action. While the quoted Section 29 (1) (j) and (k) of the IBA (Amendment) Act of 2010 empowers the IBA Board to cancel a broadcasting licence, Section 29 (7) of the same IBA (Amendment) Act of 2010 provides that “The Board shall, before cancelling or suspending a broadcasting licence under this section, give the broadcasting licensee an opportunity to be heard”.

The hearing safeguard provided in this provision is important for, among other reasons, enabling the IBA to draw specific charges against the licensee (otherwise how does one defend themselves without written charges?), determining what constitutes, for instance, ‘public interest’, establishing the facts behind the alleged conduct of the station that amount to the violation of public interest, and deciding whether those facts were so grave that they warranted cancellation of the station’s licence. By cancelling the licence of Prime TV without according the station, or its representatives, the opportunity to be heard, the Board disregarded an express provision of the law. As a result, the actions of the IBA are illegal, as the body does not have the legal power to close down a TV station in this manner.

Were the station to appeal against the cancellation, any level-headed Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services would swiftly overturn the IBA’s decision and sack all the Board members who supported it for testing positive to the more lethal ignorance virus disease – IGVID20. Of course, this then raises the question of whether Prime TV will be lucky enough to find a level-headed Minister of Information when their appeal is finally heard. Few people would be willing to accuse Dora Siliya, the current occupant of the office, of possessing an independent judgement – independent in particular from the desires of the appointing authority.

The other problem is that while Section 31 (1) of the IBA (Amendment) Act of 2010 stipulates that “A person who is aggrieved with a decision of the Board under this Part may appeal to the Minister within thirty days” – after which they may appeal to the High Court if left unsatisfied – it does not provide for a specific timeframe within which the Minister must decide the matter. This is an institutional loophole that the Minister may take advantage of to unduly delay deciding the case, one that should be rectified urgently because it potentially undermines the efficient administration of justice and enables a minister who is susceptible to external influence to hide behind its ambiguity.

The second point is that the cancellation of Prime TV’s broadcasting licence is a political decision and part of President Edgar Lungu’s wider strategy for the 2021 election. Those who are calling on the IBA to reverse the illegal action it has taken against Prime TV are missing one crucial point that is likely to render their appeals futile: the prime mover of the decision is almost certainly the President of Zambia. By closing the country’s leading independent television station, Lungu may be seeking to remove one more hurdle in his strategic step-by-step march to retaining power and extending his rule.

Over the last few years, Prime TV, competing against 41 other officially licensed television stations in Zambia, has emerged to become the channel of choice in most Zambian households. It has provided an important platform for the expression of a plurality of views and the discussion of issues that matter most to the public. These include the performance of the Patriotic Front (PF) in power, the viability of opposition political parties, the implications of the Constitution of Zambia (Amendment) Bill No. 10 of 2019, and the question of whether Lungu is eligible to stand for another term of office.

The station has also regularly televised paid-for rallies of opposition parties that are denied access to the state-run Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation. Furthermore, Prime TV, sometimes in conjunction with other institutions, has organised and broadcast a series of public discussions that have raised public awareness and understanding on different subjects of mutual interest. Such was Prime TV’s influence and rising appeal that even ministers and ruling party officials regularly abandoned the public media and queued to appear on this private television station, seeking to tap into its distinct viewership. Of particular concern to the PF is that the channel, available on the decoders of DStv, Top Star and GOtv, is most popular in the urban centres of Lusaka and Copperbelt, where the party’s support has become shaky.

Worried that the disenchantment arising from an informed public may damage his re-election prospects and work against the governing party, President Lungu may have exerted pressure on the IBA to shut down Prime TV in order to strike a serious blow to the electoral chances of opposition parties by removing the most effective platform that enabled them to connect their agenda for political change with the concerns or demands of the electorate.

If democracy is about the competition of ideas, politics is about the struggle for power – social and economic. This struggle cannot be waged without the media. Lungu knows this, and he is crudely making impotent his opponents by demolishing their access to this tool. Incidentally, by eliminating the possibilities the media offers for non-violent competition for power, Lungu is priming the country for civil war – the only other means for struggling for power.

By closing Prime TV sixteen months ahead of Zambia’s next election, Lungu and the PF are also seeking to deceive many into thinking that the decision is totally unconnected to the 12 August 2021 election, when, in fact, it is the underlying motivation. It is worth noting that when Lungu and the PF, in another move that was meant to boost their re-election chances, closed The Post newspaper on 21 June 2016, only about six weeks had remained before that year’s election. Despite great attempts by the government to present the action as a result of the failure by Zambia’s then leading independent newspaper to settle a disputed tax debt, it was quite obvious to many that the decision was linked to the election and was difficult to explain for any other reason. Lungu appears to have learnt from that experience by closing yet another critical media organisation much earlier this time around.

As well as seeking to conceal the obvious link to next year’s election, notwithstanding the fact that it is the primary motivation behind the move, he has decided to take an early decision in order to leave sufficient time to exhaust possible legal challenges against the cancellation of Prime TV’s broadcasting licence. In 2016, Lungu took a gamble in closing The Post based on the expectation that the newspaper would not have enough time to exhaust the legal processes before it could be allowed to resume operations. This time, with the executive’s capture of key state institutions, Lungu and the PF may have the confidence that the courts are on their side and that the final judgement has probably already been written in their favour.

It is this perceived inability of the judiciary to salvage its independence from the executive that may explain why the IBA Board decided to overlook the procedure laid down in the Act for the cancellation of a broadcasting licence. Here, we see another point: the increasing deployment of lawfare to undermine democracy. Lawfare, in this case, refers to the strategic use of the law and legal institutions by actors in the executive to achieve political goals, obscure their authoritarian tendencies and enhance their grip on power. By using the IBA to remove a significant hurdle in his bid for absolute power, Lungu could be attempting to wrong-foot his critics by arguing that the closure of Prime TV was a legal decision, even if the directive may have come from him and the motivation was entirely political.

The third point to be made about the closure of Prime TV is that it demonstrates the increasing authoritarian and extra-constitutional exercise of state power in the interests of the ruling cabal. Moments after the IBA Board announced the cancellation of the station’s broadcasting licence, about 15 to 20 heavily armed police officers moved to seal off the premises of Prime TV and chased away all the workers. This action was as lawless as it was reckless and represented the highest expression of state-sanctioned impunity.

Section 29 (5) of the IBA (Amendment) Act of 2010 stipulates that “Where a broadcasting licence is cancelled under this section, the broadcasting licence shall be void and shall be surrendered to the Authority”. This means that the only thing that belonged to the government on Prime TV premises was the broadcasting licence. Even if the cancellation of Prime TV’s licence was legal, the government, based on the cancellation of a broadcasting licence alone, has absolutely no right to take over private property.

As a matter of fact, the occupation of Prime Television premises by police officers is a violation of the right to privacy of property protected by Article 17 of the Constitution of Zambia, which states that “Except with his own consent, a person shall not be subjected to the search of his person or his property or entry by others in his premises.” In other words, every person is protected from violation of their right to privacy through entry by others in their premises without their consent. The police had neither consent nor licence to enter the premises of Prime Television. In the absence of a licence issued under a written law or an order issued by court of law, their action was both unjustified and unconstitutional.

Here, we see that the PF does what the PF wants. Not even the law, including the Constitution of Zambia, can stop them. Their ultimate goal is to create a fear-driven society where no public criticism of the government and president is possible. Freedom of speech will not be directly outlawed but there will soon be no media outlets willing to print or broadcast any critical views. As the country heads towards the 2021 election, Zambians should not be surprised to wake up one day and learn that the government, for one manufactured reason or another, has closed the remaining critical newspapers such as News Diggers or The Mast. The struggle on the mass front – mass consciousness against oppression and the possibility to rise against them – is what Lungu and the PF are preventing by shutting down the independent media.

How bad do things have to get in Zambia before we stand up to Lungu and the PF, and say ‘enough and no more’? Yesterday, it was The Post and then John Sangwa. Today, it is Prime TV. Tomorrow it will be YOU. We commit the greatest crime as we consent to the status quo by remaining silent and doing nothing in the face of serious democratic backslides, injustice, abuse, corruption, and glaring inequality. This is our challenge: we Zambians are complicit in our brutalisation because we choose to be spectators in our own torture at the hands of Lungu and the PF. We have a responsibility to stop Zambia’s slide into authoritarian rule and prevent our descent into a darkness we may never recover from. Time is running out, fast.

Cancellation of Prime TV’s licence is illegal-LAZ


By Chileshe Mwango

The Law Association of Zambia has called on the Independent Broadcasting Authority to immediately rescind its decision to cancel the broadcasting license for Prime TV because it is illegal.

LAZ President Eddie Mwitwa says the action and conduct of the IBA is an affront to the freedom of the media and an assault on the democratic right of freedom of expression.

Mr Mwitwa further states that the timing of the cancellation of prime TV’s license raises a lot of speculation and reasonable doubts about the independence and professionalism of the IBA in this matter.

He has since demanded that both the IBA and Zambia Police Service should allow Prime TV’s proprietors, officers and staff to access and control Prime TV’s premises with immediate effect saying the Authority did not order Prime TV to close for Zambia Police officers to take control of private premises without a court order and without any evidence of any criminal activities perpetrated by either prime TV officers or employees.

Mr Mwitwa has also challenged the IBA to explain to the public, in whose interest the decision was professedly taken, the basis of the decision, the security and peace concerns as well as other circumstances in issue and whether the IBA itself had complied with the entire provisions of section 29.

Below is the full statement



The Law Association of Zambia (LAZ) is deeply saddened and gravely perturbed by the cancellation of Prime Television’s (Prime TV) broadcasting licence by the Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA) on 9th April 2020. In the Press Release issued by the IBA on the said date, the IBA stated that the cancellation of the licence was done in “Public Interest” pursuant to section 29 (1) (j) and (k) of the Independent Broadcasting (Amendment) Act No. 26 of 2010 ( the “IBA Act”), which stipulates that the Board may cancel a broadcasting licence if, “the cancellation of the licence is necessary in the interest of public safety, security, peace, welfare or good order” or “the Board considers it appropriate in the circumstances of the case to do so.” Although the IBA has discretionary powers to cancel any licence that it issues under the IBA Act, LAZ notes that in its Press Release, the IBA did not go further to explain to the public, in whose interest the decision was professedly taken, the basis of the decision, the security and peace concerns as well as other circumstances in issue and whether the IBA itself had complied with the entire provisions of section 29 of the IBA Act, which stipulates in section 29 (2) that:
Where a broadcasting licensee does not comply with this Act or with the conditions of the broadcasting licence, the Authority shall notify the broadcasting licensee of the measures that the broadcasting licensee should undertake, within a specified period to comply with the conditions of this Act or the broadcasting license.

Furthermore, section 29 (3) of the Act stipulates that:

The Authority shall, where a broadcasting licensee fails to comply with a notice issued under subsection (2), within a specified period of time suspend the broadcasting licence for a specified period of time or cancel the broadcasting licence.

More importantly, perhaps, section 29 (7) of the IBA Act stipulates in mandatory terms that:

The Board shall, before cancelling or suspending a broadcasting licence under this section, give the broadcasting licensee an opportunity to be heard.

In view of the above provisions of the IBA Act and the contents of the Press Release issued by the IBA on 9th April 2020, LAZ is of the view, and did establish from Prime TV, that the IBA never issued any notice or warning to Prime TV, as required by Section 29 (2) of the IBA Act and that the IBA did not go further to avail Prime TV an opportunity to be heard. Accordingly, LAZ is of the view that the conduct of the IBA in cancelling the licence for Prime TV was done prematurely and contrary to the clear provisions of the law.

LAZ is also of the view that the action and conduct of the IBA is an affront to the freedom of the media and an assault on the democratic right of freedom of expression. With the recent decision by the Government to stop all government officers from dealing with Prime TV owing to Prime TV’s reported decision not to allow the Government to air any COVID-19 announcements on Prime TV and the removal of Prime TV from the TopStar platform, the timing of the cancellation of Prime TV’s licence raises a lot of speculation and reasonable doubts about the independence and professionalism of the IBA in this matter. This is a serious concern for the future of the private media in Zambia especially as the nation heads towards the 2021 Presidential and General Elections.

LAZ further adds that the decision and action of the IBA is untimely and extremely unfortunate especially when the nation is still grappling with the COVID-19 pandemic which needs to be combatted through concerted efforts of both the private and public media.

LAZ is also seriously concerned by the reported commandeering of the Prime TV premises and offices by Zambia Police officers as reported by MUVI TV on 9th April 2020. LAZ is alarmed by the fact that though the IBA did not order Prime TV to close, the Zambia Police officers appear to have taken control of private premises of a private television station without a court order and without any evidence of any criminal activities perpetrated by Prime TV officers or employees following the cancellation of its licence. The cancellation of Prime TV’s licence is a civil matter and should not be turned into a criminal case without adherence to the dictates of the relevant law.

LAZ also condemns any heavy-handedness and blatant breach of the law by any authority or law enforcement agency especially that it appears that the actions against Prime TV are premised on mere differences in opinions. It is LAZ’s firm position that in a democratic society such as ours, it is not necessary for everyone to sing and dance to one song. Diversity in opinions does not weaken but rather strengthens us and must be encouraged and espoused if we are to grow even more as a society.

LAZ therefore calls on the IBA to immediately rescind its illegal decision to cancel the licence for Prime TV and to allow Prime TV to start operating in accordance with the law. To this effect, LAZ demands that both the IBA and Zambia Police should allow Prime TV’s proprietors, officers and staff to access and control Prime TV’s premises with immediate effect.

11th April 2020

Released Rruck Drivers after the 14 days Quarantine told to cooperate with the officers escorting them


The Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA) has called on truck drivers leaving COVID-19 isolation centers after their 14 days quarantine period elapses to cooperate with the officers escorting them.

RSTA Chief Executive Officer Gladwell Banda says the Agency is doing everything possible to ensure the drivers have a smooth passage from the centers to their destinations.

Speaking to ZNBC news in Livingstone shortly after inspecting truck driver situation at Livingstone Institute of Business and Engineering studies LIBES, a designated isolation center, Mr. Banda said the agency understands the inconvenience the drivers have had to go through.

He, however, said the 14 days plus quarantine is very important for the drivers and the people they will be meeting afterward.

Mr. Banda said the Agency has mobilized human resources from other parts of the country to ensure that the drivers are escorted without any challenges.

And one of the truck drivers, Lazarous Sapalo, who has just been released after been certified COVID-19 free after 14 days quarantine period says he is happy that he can finally go home.

Mr. Sapalo, border truck driver says being away from his friends and family for 14 days has not been easy especially due to an imposed isolation.

He also bemoaned the poor sanitary conditions in quarantine centers at Kazungula Border Post.

Meanwhile, Kazungula District Commissioner Pascalina Musokotwane said the district is aware of the challenges facing the isolated truck drivers.

She said one of the immediate measures government has put up is to relocate the drivers from Kazungula to LIBES where sanitary conditions are favorable.

The District Commissioner added that the government is also looking at ways of helping the driver in isolation with food among other needs.

Sports Minister says FAZ stakeholders have agreed to a meeting to iron out differences


The government has said that Football stakeholders have agreed to hold an Emergency Annual General Meeting were various misunderstandings will be resolved.

Sports Minister, Emmanuel Mulenga said that the outcome of the AGM will be final and that everyone will have to comply.

Mulenga said that the parties, who include the FAZ Executive, come up with this initiative through a meeting which was organized by the National Sports Council of Zambia.

Speaking at a press briefing, Mulenga said the government will ban anyone who will abrogate what will be agreed upon by the AGM.

He said the government does not want the country to be banned because of a few individuals.

And Mulenga said parties have agreed to withdraw the cases before the courts of law in the spirit of promoting reconciliation and that government has no preferred candidate for the FAZ Presidency.

Mulenga said the fact that Kalusha Bwalwa and Andrew Kamanga have all accused him of being bias in the media, a sign that he does not support any of them.

He said the government is interested in taking football forward rather than saving the interests of two people.

But, when reached for comment, FAZ General Secretary Adrian Kashala said those who want to be heard by the Emergency Annual General Meeting are free to do so.

Kasahala said this should, however, been done according to the FAZ and FIFA regulations.

Zambia continues recording Zero cases as three more patients are discharged


Three (3) more COVID-19 patients have been discharged as no new case has been recorded in the last 24 hours, health minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya has said.

During the latest COVID-19 update Saturday afternoon, Dr. Chilufya said the cumulative number remains at 40 with 28 recoveries, 2 deaths with 10 remaining active cases of which 2 are on the Copperbelt while the remaining 8 are in Lusaka.

And Dr. Chilufya has said an autopsy conducted on the latest deceased patient from Kafue confirmed that the man had a chronic illness.

Dr. Chitalu said all the contacts for the deceased man including his family, health workers, friends all totaling to
51 have been tested and are negative.

“Because this happened in Kafue, we have gone further to extend and expand surveillance in Kafue to enhance contact tracing considering that it is now a hotspot in order to avoid any new infections,” he said emphasizing that there is no need for panic.

And Dr. Chilufya further said 74 tests including alerts were conducted in the last 24 hours of which all of them tested negative while 2,072 have been discharged after completing the 14-day mandatory quarantine.

And Dr. Chilufya has confirmed that 3 American based Zambians contracted and succumbed to the Coronavirus and further said no Zambian student in China has contracted the virus.

“By the grace of God we have seen improvement and progress in the fight against Coronavirus but we should remain committed as government implements a multisectoral approach towards the pandemic,” he said.

He said the government will not be complacent in the fight against the pandemic and emphasized that there is transparency with all the statistics being mentioned and warned that the law will visit those abrogating the prescribed measures.

Dr. Chilufya thanked all those that have continued to donate towards the fight and recognized the donation of 5,000 masks by the (5) special assistants to President Edgar Lungu who include Mr. Issac Chipampe for Press and Public Relations, for Politics Chris Zumani Zimba, for Economic and Development Affairs Hibeene Mwiinga, for Project Implementation and Monitoring Andrew Chellah and for Legal Affairs Sukwana Lukangaba.

Has thanked all those that have been supportive by following the directive given by president Edgar Lungu and encouraged for all stakeholder commitment to the fight against the pandemic.

IMF and World Bank have called for a halt to debt servicing for the world’s poorest countries


The IMF and World Bank have called for a halt to debt servicing for the world’s poorest countries as the World Bank Group latest report revealed that sub-Saharan Africa was going into recession with initially projected 2020 growth adversely affected by the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak.

The IMF says the standstill of debt service to official bilateral creditors for the world’s poorest countries should help economies deal with the strong negative effects of COVID-19, particularly the sub-Saharan region whose growth is forecast to fall sharply and push the region into recession for the first time in over25 years.

“The COVID-19 pandemic is testing the limits of societies and economies across the world, and African countries are likely to be hit particularly hard,” said Hafez Ghanem, World Bank Vice President for Africa.

“We are rallying all possible resources to help countries meet people’s immediate health and survival needs while also safeguarding livelihoods and jobs in the longer term – including calling for a standstill on official bilateral debt service payments which would free up funds for strengthening health systems to deal with COVID 19 and save lives, social safety nets to save livelihoods and help workers who lose jobs, support to small and medium enterprises, and food security.”

IMF Managing Director, Kristalina Georgieva said in a statement that the institution was working “24/7 to support our member countries – with policy advice, technical assistance and financial resources”.

In a delivery entitled “Confronting the Crisis: Priorities for the Global Economy”, Georgieva set out a four priority action points list to deal with the COVID-19 impact and said that the IMF had $1 trillion in lending capacity and were placing it at the service of the membership.

“We are responding to an unprecedented number of calls for emergency financing—from over 90 countries so far. Our Executive Board has just agreed to double access to our emergency facilities, which will allow us to meet the expected demand of about $100 billion in financing. Lending programs have already been approved at record speed – including for the Kyrgyz Republic, Rwanda, Madagascar, and Togo—with many more to come,” Georgieva said adding; “And together with the World Bank, we are calling for a standstill of debt service to official bilateral creditors for the world’s poorest countries”.

According to the latest Africa’s Pulse, the World Bank’s twice-yearly economic update for the region, growth in the sub-region is forecast to fall sharply from 2.4% in 2019 to -2.1 to -5.1% in 2020.

As a result of the impact of the COVID-19, analysis shows that the region will suffer losses ranging from between $37 billion and $79 billion in output losses for 2020 due to a combination of effects.

They include trade and value chain disruption, which impacts commodity exporters and countries with strong value chain participation; reduced foreign financing flows from remittances, tourism, foreign direct investment, foreign aid, combined with capital flight; and through direct impacts on health systems, and disruptions caused by containment measures and the public response.

Several African countries, including Zambia, have reacted quickly and decisively to curb the potential influx and spread of the coronavirus, very much in line with international guidelines. However, the report points out several factors that pose challenges to the containment and mitigation measures, in particular the large and densely populated urban informal settlements, poor access to safe water and sanitation facilities, and fragile health systems.

The World Bank report recommended that African policymakers focus on saving lives and protecting livelihoods by focusing on strengthening health systems and taking quick actions to minimize disruptions in food supply chains. They also recommend implementing social protection programs, including cash transfers, food distribution and fee waivers, to support citizens, especially those working in the informal sector.

Indian Community in Support of Bowman Lusambo’s dispersing of an Indian Wedding ceremony in Emmasdale


The Association of Indian Community in Zambia (AICZ) has humbly requested not only members of the Indian Community in Zambia but all the People to abide and respect the guidelines set out by President Edgar Lungu, if the country is to stop the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19).

The Association has also expressed sadness that it has been made aware of a social gathering that took place in Lusaka, last night, Friday 10 April 2020.

On Friday night, Lusaka Province Minister Hon Bowman Lusambo led Police officers to disperse an Indian wedding ceremony in Emmasdale area in which the number of people in attendance exceeded the stipulated number.

AICZ Secretary-General Zuber Dasu told the media that the Association, the Lusaka Hindu Association (LHA) and the Lusaka Muslim Society (LMS) have jointly, in the strongest terms condemned the event that they describe as unfortunate incident.

Mr. Dasu said the parties concerned have been spoken to and they have apologized for their irresponsible behaviour.

“It is with great sadness that we have been made aware of a social gathering that took place in Lusaka, last night, Friday 10 April 2020,” he said.

“As you are all aware, the Association of Indian Community in Zambia (AICZ), together with the Lusaka Hindu Association (LHA) and the Lusaka Muslim Society (LMS) have been working closely with the Government of the Republic of Zambia (GRZ) through the Ministry of Health (MOH) to supplement their efforts in fighting this deadly pandemic.”

He added that numerous other bodies also have come together in the fight to curtail the spread of the deadly and life-threatening COVID-19.

“Although we understand that gathering last night was of less than the 50 individuals, this does not in any way alleviate the situation before us,” he indicated.

“It is therefore not only very sad, but totally irresponsible, abhorrent, and downright belligerent, that those individuals saw it fit to continue with their gathering in disregard of GRZ’s directives in exercising caution and showing restraint during these difficult times.”

He stated that the situation is exasperated by the fact that Lusaka has a number of recorded cases of COVID-19, and consequently it is in this area that social distancing, isolation and other measures announced by the government should be strictly adhered to.

Last night, the Police have dispersed an Indian wedding ceremony in Emmasdale area in which the number of people in attendance exceeded the stipulated number.

Lusaka Province Minister, Bowman Lusambo, who led a team of police officers in the anti-COVID-19 operation, said that people should abide by the COVID-19 measures, adding that the operation will not spare anyone that will be found going against measures put in place to address the spread of the Coronavirus.

Mr. Lusambo said that police will continue patrolling the city to ensure the measures are adhered to, to minimize the effects of the pandemic.

Mr. Lusambo has, however, warned those that have continued defying the law that the law will visit them, adding that government is doing everything possible to avert the COVID-19 pandemic but some people are frustrating its effort.

Mr. Lusambo has commended residents, who have continued informing the law enforcers on the people that are breaking the COVID-19 regulations.

“It was shocking to find that one Barbershop in Chilulu has been turned into a bar,” noted the Provincial Minister.

“It is highly unfortunate that despite the good efforts by the government through the Ministry of Health, we still have a lot of people practicing irresponsible and selfish behavior. We shall not relent. Remember these measures have been extended by another two weeks by His Excellency, President Edgar Chagwa Lungu – so go out to drink at your own peril.”

ZANACO closes its Kafue Branch due to possible COVID-19 exposure


Press Release

Zambia National Commercial Bank wished to advise its customers and the public on the closure of our Kafue Branch with immediate effect until further notice.

We regret to advise that the closure has been necessitated by some of our Kafue Branch members of staff having been in situations that have exposed them to the coronavirus.The UTH patient, who was a former member of staff of Zanaco ,passed away on 8 April 2020( the deceased patient, MHSRIP, retired from Zanaco in April 2017.)The Ministry of Health has confirmed that samples taken from the deceased tested positive to COVID-19.The cause of his illness was not clear until 10 April 2020.

Our Kafue branch staff came into contact with the deceased’s caregiver who went into Kafue branch on Tuesday 8 April 2020. Furthermore, following his death,some of our members of staff from Kafue branch visited the funeral house.

This incidence presents a high-risk exposure to our customers and our employees,especially those at Kafue Branch.In view of the above,the bank has taken precautionary measures to temporarily suspend operations at the branch and our Kafue branch staff are required to be on home quarantine as guided by the Ministry of Health.The Ministry of Health is also keeping in touch with pur emploees,including the security guard and the cleaning staff to guide them on next steps.

Zanaco remains committed to the fight against the spread of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Zambia and continues to enforce the following:

  • Members of staff are constantly engaged on the necessary hygiene precautions they need to take during this time.The Bank provides regular staff updates through a daily COVID Communication Newsletter on various aspects including self care and colleague care
  • Sanitiser,gloves and masks have been distributed to all staff to ensure adherence to hygiene best practise
  • Regular temperature checks on customers and staff
  • Sanitising points have been placed around our premises for use by customers and staff.Sanitising is mandatory for both staff and customers.Anyone declining is prohibited entry into the bank premises.
  • Zanaco Xpress Agents have also been equipped with hand sanitiser and masks
  • The Bank has continued to be diligent in enforcing social distancing.In this vein,standing points have been placed within the branches to meet WHO requirements of 1.5meters
  • The Bank is also implementing remote working.Currently,90% of members of staff are working from home.

    We wish to reassure our customers and the public that we are committed to prioritising their health and safety during this time.Zanoaco Management is in constant touch with the Ministry of Health officials regarding this incident and will provide further guidance in due course.

Issued by Mutinta Musokotwane
Head Marketing and Communications