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Make Your Voice Help Save Prime TV and Independent Media in Zambia


The closure of the biggest Zambian private owned TV station, Prime TV by Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA) is a clear confirmation of the PF government agenda to get rid of independent media.

About three weeks ago Zambia Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services, Dora Siliya slapped the station (Prime TV) with what I call a diabolical punishment. Dora Siliya ordered all government ministries and other entities to cease any business with Prime television station.

The punishment is a result of Prime TV refusal to sensitise members of the general public about the coronavirus (COVID-19).

Several Zambians both home and abroad have condemned the punishment and demand the government to rescind the punishment. Surprisingly, the demand seem to be in vain.
It appears it is not just a punishment but an effort by Zambian government to have total control over media; get get rid of independent media. If it was not so, Prime TV would be on. Given that its proprietor Gerald Shawa has publicly apologized to the government and the general public.

The level of escalation of the matter despite apology makes it clear that PF government was looking for a way to eliminate Prime TV.
The goal has already been achieved. Prime TV is closed. It is now up to the people to save Prime TV from disappearing for good. It not easy but nothing is more powerful that the voice of the people.

We must not allow independent organisations help PF government achieve its goal to eliminate Prime TV and other independent media. We must not allow Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA) behave like a PF government department.

Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services, Dora Siliya punishes Prime TV. Next, Topstar, a joint venture company between Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation (ZNBC) and digital TV operator StarTimes of China announces removal of Prime Television from all its platforms. Now, Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA) closes Prime television station. Wow!

If it doesn’t sound like team work, forgive my reasoning.

Zambians must hear what they want to hear not what the government want them to hear. It can not happen if all TV stations become pro-government. Independent media platforms such as Prime TV are the ones that fully inform Zambians and the world about Zambia and its values.
It doesn’t matter where you are, your voice matters. Help save independent media in Zambia.

By Venus N Msyani
Concerned citizen in the diaspora

With so much rain why do we still have load shedding in Zambia?


Dear Editor,

Can someone please explain to me why we are still so having many hours of load shedding in Zambia? Yes I saw the recent press release from ZESCO that there will be additional loadshedding hours added to the already existing loadshedding hours because they have lost 132MW from one of their generating units. But even without maintenance we still have load shedding. Is every dam in Zambia flooding EXCEPT the Kariba dam? Please someone , any engineer out there to explain for a frustrated layman what the heck is going on in Zambia.Why is lack of electricity the new normal.

Frustrated Zambian

Forest Rangers’ Rise Excites Ex Boss Mutafu


Ex-Forest Rangers chairman Kelvin Mutafu has hailed the team’s improved performance over the years.

Forest are leading the FAZ Super Division with 46 points from 24 matches played in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic that halted the 2019/20 season.

Mutafu, who served at Forest from 2001 to 2009, said the Ndola team has been making strides.

As club chairman, Mutafu led Forest to winning the Coca Cola Cup in 2005.

“As former chairman, it makes me move with my head high when I see where the team is now and looking at where we are coming from,” Mutafu said.

Forest have graduated from being a mid-table team to league contenders.

“I am grateful to the current Forest Rangers executive led by Mr Mukuka. They have done us proud and we are behind them. It is not easy to be where they are, it takes hard work behind the curtain and motivation to the players,” he said.

Forest are able to attract top players and coaches among them current trainer Tenant Chilumba and ex-Dola Hill boss Patrick Phiri.

The former FAZ Treasurer is backing Forest to win the league title.

“I can put my money on Forest to win the league. Winning the league will be the best reward to Zaffico who have been very consistent in sponsoring the team,” Mutafu said.

He added:”The team needs to remain consistent and let the coach monitor players during the coronavirus outbreak.”

Government should call for a Mining Indaba after Mopani Ignores the directive not to shut down the Mine


The Centre for Trade Policy and Development is concerned with recent developments in the Mining sector and is calling for dialogue between the government of the Republic of Zambia and the Mining Players.

CTPD Executive Director Isaac Mwaipopo says the way Mopani Copper Mines has defied Government’s directive not to place the mine on care and maintenance is one clear indication of a deteriorating relationship between the Government and some players within the extractive industry.

Mr Mwaipopo said there is urgent need for the Government to consider calling for a local mining indaba so as to deliberate on several matters affecting mining.

He said the deteriorating relationship between the Government and some players within the extractives sector can be attributed to several factors among which might include the recently introduced tax changes that have not been welcomed by several mining players.

Mr Mwaipopo added that are also growing concerns and fears among mining companies on the decrease of prices for commodities such as Copper on the International market due to the COVID -19 pandemic.

“As CTPD, we think there is need to get to the discussion table and work around resolving the issues that may still be affecting both sides in the interest of development. Although, both parties have legitimate concerns, we think that resolving these challenges is not something that can be done by exchanging positions in the media”, He said.

Mr Mwaipopo has urged Government and the mining players to address their grievances through the right channel and amicably find a solution that will be in the best interest of both parties.

He said this process could also be opened to include other experts in the industry that would be interested in rendering their services as a way of helping to improve the deteriorating relationship.

Mr Mwaipopo said the Civil Society equally stands ready to render any support towards ensuring that this dialogue takes place because failure to address these problems could negatively impact the country’s economic development.

Business Stakeholders Welcome extension of COVID-19 Restriction Measures


Various Stakeholders have welcomed President Edgar Lungu’s decision to extend the measures implemented to combat the spread of the COVID-19.

Speaking in an interview with ZNBC news, Private Sector Development Association Chairperson, Yosuf Dodia said that the extension is necessary because it will enable the country to contain the spread of the virus and praised Government for the measures put in place to mitigate the shocks that most SMEs have faced due to the impact of the Covid 19.

Mr Dodia said banks should also provide affordable loans that will allow the businesses to survive during the pandemic.

And, Zambia Medical Association President Samson Chisele, who supported the extention, urged the public to adhere to the measures put in place by Government.

Dr. Chisele said Government has tightened measures with emphasising on the need for members of the public to always wear face masks when in public places to avoid contracting the virus.

He also urged medical practitioners to ensure that they are always wearing protective gear, especially when operating around the medical facilities because they are high risk areas. Dr Chisele said the Government must also strengthen testing capability so as to ensure more people are tested and isolated.

Yesterday, Minister of Health Dr Chitalu Chilufya announced that Zambia has recorded the second death resulting from the Coronavirus.

Dr Chilufya said the deceased is a 50 year old hypertensive man with a chronic cardiac condition who was referred the University Teaching Hospitals from Kafue on 5th April 2020.

The Minister said the patient was put on a ventilator until the early hours of the third day when he died.

Dr Chilufya said the patient was being managed in an isolation ward in the Intensive Care Unit and samples were collected which on the day of his death confirmed that he had COVID-19.

He said the Ministry of Health has mounted investigations and is conducting a robust contact tracing programme and all the close contacts have since been contacted.

Dr Chilufya said the man was staying alone and all the people that might have come into contact with him in the last days of his life have been contacted.

He said the Intensive Care Unit at the University Teaching Hospitals has been fumigated and all the staff that came into contact have been quarantined and are being tested.

Meanwhile, Dr Chilufya said 22 tests were conducted of which non came out positive.

He said Zambia remains with a cumulative number of cases of 40 having admitted one more person to the statistics with two deaths.

He said one more person has been discharged bringing the number of discharges to 25 while patients in admission are 13 who are all stable except one on oxygen.

Dr Chilufya said of the 13 patients, two are on the Copperbelt and 11 in Lusaka.

Fighting COVID-19 in Zambia: The Next Phase


By Bernadette Deka Zulu – PMRC Executive Director

The Coronavirus,

With more than 1.39 million cases and 79,382 deaths globally, the world continues to battle the COVID-19 pandemic. Even before the outbreak, the outlook for the world economy and especially developing countries was fragile, as global GDP growth was estimated to be only 2.5 % in 2020. The spread of the pandemic in Africa however has been relatively slow with around 11,000 cases and 500 plus deaths relative to the continent’s 1.2 billion population. In Zambia so far, out of more than 1672 tests conducted, we have recorded 39 cases, with 24 people discharged, 14 still in admission and 1 tragic death recorded. The numbers look very promising but indeed this is the time to continue stepping up efforts. So far, Government has instituted several measures aimed at cushioning the effect of COVID-19 on the economy.

On 9th April 2020, His Excellency President Edgar Lungu addressed the nation on the continued fight of the COVID-19 and announced a further extension of measures by two more weeks .The President’s directive for an extension of the current measures is indeed very timely due to the fact that global and regional trends are all signaling a surge in the pandemic. The COVID-19 is being fought through an integrated and collaborative approach at both national and international level and thus it is prudent that external factors and trends are considered, even though our statistics in Zambia currently look favorable. COVID-19 is not just a health pandemic but has also negatively affected economies, societies and communities. Several currencies such as the Ghana cedi, the Egyptian pound, the Tanzanian shilling and the Zambian kwacha among others have all been negatively affected by the COVID-19.

The reality of COVID-19 has resulted in several sectors being affected, businesses closing and people being sent home. This is indeed a call for concerted efforts and working towards cushioning the effects of Covid in the economy.

What are the additional measures announced by the President?

  1. Government has released K2.5 billion to reduce domestic arrears owed to domestic suppliers of goods and services. The money also includes the reduction on outstanding arrears to pensioners under Public Service Pension Fund and retirees who are claimants under the Ministry of Justice. It is also aimed at reducing outstanding third-party arrears and other employee related commitments.
  2. Government has released K140 million to pay local contractors in the road sector. This move is aimed at protecting the business of local contractors whilst also extending the wide effect to the families and societies.
  3. Government has removed provisions of Statutory Instrument no. 90 relating to the claim of VAT on imported spare parts, lubricants and stationery. This is aimed at easing pressure on companies and enables them to continue in Business.
  4. Further the Bank of Zambia (BOZ) has taken measures to encourage use of digital financial services and mobile transaction services.
  5. The Bank of Zambia has provided a K10 billion line of credit to banks that may face liquidity challenges and revoked statutory instrument for classification and provisioning of loans. This is aimed at encouraging financial service providers to provide relief to the private sector and facilitate long term lending to productive sectors of the economy.

PMRC welcomes these policy interventions by Government, as they will indeed provide some relief and ensure sustainable amount of liquidity in the economy. From these decisions, we expect the Bank of Zambia to immediately act by directing Commercial Banks on lowering interest rates as much as possible, so as to promote increased borrowing for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and households alike. Commercial Banks have been directed to oblige and provide loans at very affordable rates and this must be adhered to. This is in alignment with the President’s call to the Ministry of Finance to ensure that priority is given to SMEs that are adversely affected by the impact of the COVID-19. The ultimate goal is that these interventions should benefit businesses such as schools, gymnasiums, restaurants, bars, and nightclub owners whose businesses have been halted and have sent their workers home. Another component that was highlighted is adherence to the Public Finance Act, of which PMRC has been a strong proponent. Just as the President has emphasized, PMRC further calls for consolidation of internal controls to ensure that the funds are indeed channeled according to the guiding provisions.

Further, we also submit that another critical component that must be considered is adequate electricity provision. Available electricity is a necessity considering that Government through the Ministry of Education has introduced education channels on local television, therefore this should be accompanied by adequate electricity to households. This is a call to the service provider; ZESCO to explore all possible ways to ensure that adequate electricity is supplied to also support the section of the workforce that are now working from home.

As Government continues to explore further measures towards cushioning the economy from the effects of COVID-19, PMRC commends the Republican President for fostering social safety net policies that are aimed at paying off some pensioners at a critical time as this, and as well as continuing to explore more social security policies that will be extended to needy households under the social welfare umbrella.


There is still an opportunity to sustain the gains that we have attained to date and preserve the country’s health security by scaling up interventions that have proven to be effective. In this moment, it is imperative that we continue to explore tools for an expansionary monetary policy. Our aim should be to increase liquidity and work towards lowering interest rates thus making loans cheaper. This will allow for businesses and households to borrow more at favorable rates and sustain their businesses and livelihoods in this period. In the short term, Zambia, and the region at large needs greater fiscal space to boost health expenditures, contain the spread of COVID-19, help the hardest-hit sectors, and stimulate domestic consumption, while the Central Bank could cut interest rates and channel liquidity to firms and households.

For Citizens, the call is to ensure that we are all compliant and adhere to the provisions as stipulated by the Ministry of Health and World Health Organization.

PMRC also commits to continue working with the Government ministries to continue exploring strategic policies that will cushion the effect of COVID-19 for the economy. We also commit to continue sensitizing the public on the key policy measure as instituted by the Government.

As we commemorate Easter, this is time to also reflect on the Love of Christ for us all. We have and shall still continue to seek the divine intervention of God in this global pandemic. We indeed remain hopeful, resolved and very positive that truly we shall win this fight against COVID-19. In the spirit of sacrifice and giving, let us all reflect on what we can do in our institutional and individual capacities to help in whatever ways we can for the benefit of our country.

NGOCC appeals to IBA to immediately reinstate Prime Television’s Operating License .


The Non-governmental Gender Organizations’ Coordinating Council has noted with concern the drastic decision by the Independent Broadcasting Authority to suspend the operating license of Prime Television in public interest.

NGOCC Executive Director Engwase Mwale said the decision without doubt negates the fundamental rights of press freedom and freedom of expression that are guaranteed and provided for in the Republican Constitution.

Mrs Mwale said the role of a free and independent press cannot be overemphasized in a young democracy like ours. An independent and free press is critical in nurturing the growth of a democratic State as citizens depend on the unhindered flow of information to make informed decisions.

She said there is no doubt that Zambians were and are dependent on Prime Television and other media organizations for information.

Mrs Mwale said the underlying principle is that media diversity and pluralism is an important ingredient in any given democracy.

She has since appealed to the Independent Broadcasting Authority to immediately rescind their decision and reinstate Prime television.

“As a women’s movement, we regard the media as a critical player in the governance of the country which can negatively be affected by any efforts to muzzle the press. We appeal to the Minister of Information, Hon. Dora Siliya, to preside over this matter and reconsider the decision of the IBA. It is in the interest of the Government to protect its reputation against accusations of being authoritative against independent media”, she added.

“In conclusion, we reiterate the words of the late Nelson Mandela, that “A critical, independent and investigative press is the lifeblood of any democracy. The press must be free from state interference”, Mrs Mwale said.

US President Donald Trump Officially Welcomes Zambia’s newly Appointed Ambassador Lazarous Kapambwe


US President Donald Trump has officially welcomed Zambia’s newly appointed Ambassador to the United State, Mr. Lazarous Kapambwe.

According to a statement released to the media by Eric Mwanza, the First Secretary for Press and public relations, at the Zambian Embassy in Washington, President Trump expressed his Government’s desire to deepen the “strong and abiding friendship” between Zambia and the United States of America.

In a letter of acceptance of the Letter of Credence for Mr. Lazarous Kapambwe, President Trump said; “Pursuant to the authority vested in me by the Constitution of the United States, I accept the Letter of Credence for Lazarous Kapambwe as Ambassador of the Republic of Zambia to the United States of America and accept him as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Zambia and acknowledge receipt of the Letter of Recall of his predecessor.”

“I welcome Ambassador Kapambwe as a member of the diplomatic corps in Washington and express our Government’s desire to advance our common agenda and deepen the strong and abiding friendship between our countries, President Trump said.

Washington and Lusaka have for generations enjoyed long-lasting and strong friendship with few parallels on the African continent. The friendship dates back decades to Zambia’s independence in 1964 when the country’s founding leader, Kenneth Kaunda, found in the United States a genuine, willing ally and set the stage for a long-standing partnership.

President Edgar Chagwa Lungu appointed Mr Kapambwe as Ambassador to the United States to take over from Dr. Ngosa Simbyakula who had been appointed as Zambia’s Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations in New York.

In February, former Foreign Affairs Minister Harry Kalaba alleged that Mr. Kapambwe been expelled from the US, when he was scheduled to present his credentials to President Donald Trump on 7th February 2020.

Mr. Kalaba said that the American government had retaliated because American Ambassador to Zambia Daniel Foot was unfairly treated by the PF government for merely expressing his opinion on the imprisonment of the Kapiri gay men, adding that Zambia will have to bear the consequences for poorly handling its diplomatic relations with the USA.

Mr Kalaba’s position was quickly by Vice President Inonge Wina who has insisted that Zambia’s Ambassador designate to the United states Lazarous Kapambwe had not been recalled, adding that no Zambian diplomat has been expelled by the US Government in retaliation to the expulsion of that Country’s Ambassador to Zambia Daniel Foote.

Mrs Wina said Ambassador Foote was not expelled from Zambia but that he was recalled by his country after Zambia complained over his conduct regarding the issue of homosexuality.

Mrs Wina explained that as Ambassador to the UN, Ambassador Kapambwe had a different permit which is different from the one required by Washington

The Closure of Prime TV, its the only TV station which got to the community


By Harry Kalaba

Fellow Zambians, Ladies, and Gentlemen,

Today is a very sad day in the history of Zambia. The closing of the biggest Zambian owned TV station by the PF government without cause is not only an unfortunate incident, but an act of cowardice, impunity, and desperation by an unpopular government which has out used all its unwitty government survival ploys and now resorts to dictatorship.

Prime TV was the only TV station which got to the community and showed the world how you live, your sufferings and your happy moments. Today the Patriotic Front government is using the same old MMD tactics which President Sata and all of us fought. How many Zambian companies are we going to allow President Lungu to destroy? Dora Siliya destroyed Zambian Airways, President Lungu got her to destroy the Post, and today they have managed to destroy our community pride Prime TV.

The closure of prime TV demonstrates that president Lungu is not interested in your good fare. How does he close Prime TV for no reason when Prime TV is a Zambian employer of youth. How does he destroy prime TV and yet he went to China to broker a loan for digital migration, a loan of $274 Million, when we had the option of going digital with no cost to the government. President Lungu brokers and guarantees a loan for Top Star a Chinese company to come and regulate and carry content for Zambian companies. Is President Lungu president for Zambians or for Chinese?

The Chinese have their own very good president who takes good care of his people. He provided funds for his Chinese people to build business enterprises in China and all over the world. Yet the Zambian president is all out to destroy the businesses facilitated by his predecessors.

Country women and men,

I am not one to judge good and evil.

And I don’t want to judge the religious convictions of President Lungu, the religious minister and all concerned, as I have no authority over that. However, the behavior of our own leadership does not reflect the behavior of a government of a Christian nation. I call upon the religious minister my mother whom I respect so much, to resign if she is not effective in providing guidance on morals and values for the leadership to which she is a party to. If your own leadership cannot rule the country on values, how do you expect the people to live by proper values? My mother Madam Sumaili, we know that the PF dirt is not yours, please resign as you are being smeared with this dirt.

Country women and men,

President Lungu has destroyed more jobs while he has failed to create jobs for the suffering youth and the people of Zambia. He has failed to control the price of mealie meal. He has failed to control the economy which is completely dead. The only thing he wants to control is you and I. Is that what we voted him for?

The closure of Prime TV is not about Mr. Shawa and his people. It’s about President Lungu not wanting the Zambian entrepreneurs and Zambian businessmen and women to survive and thrive. It’s about president Lungu sending a message to you and me that only he and him and what he wants matters. It’s about taking you and me back to the days when Zambia was a one-party state when no dissenting voice was allowed. It’s about President Lungu’s cowardice and desperation of losing the elections next year, the fact which is well known to him and his colleagues.

We had made so much progress as a country since 1991.

Today President Lungu has managed to reverse all the gains of the multiparty state in just 6 years of his rule.

This is the fastest collapse of any economy in the history of the world. He has taken us back to pre-1991 where we were queuing up for mealie meal.
He has added another element that has never been seen in Zambia before, he is a dictator in all its forms.

Zambians have more than suffered under President Lungu’s leadership. Corruption, Intimidation, political violence and killings, Arsons, gassing of people and dictatorship…its all under PF.

I call upon all the people of Zambia to stand with Prime TV. I call upon the Church to stand with Prime TV. I call upon all the politicians to stand with Prime TV. We must show Madam Dora Siliya that Zambia is bigger than her. We must show President Lungu that Zambia is bigger than him.

Let us all join hands as brothers under the sun at this crucial and defining moment of our time

Let us defend the values and morals of our country. Today its prime TV, tomorrow it’s you and you and you and me. It’s all of us.

Let us defend the principles on which our beautiful precious Republic of Zambia was founded upon, the principles which make us to stand and proclaim the pride and freedoms of us as a people. The freedoms our forefathers fought for. The principle of fairness and equality.

Harry Kalaba
Democratic Party

Let’s believe again!!

President Lungu urges the nation and families to dedicate this Easter to praying fervently for Zambia


President Edgar Lungu has urged the nation and families to dedicate this Holy Week and Easter to praying fervently for Zambia and the rest of the world for God’s infinity mercy and healing on all COVID-19 patients.

President Lungu said, unlike the past, this year will mark the Holy Week and Easter behind closed doors with our families.

He said the commemoration this year is even more significant as the world grapples with COVID-19 which has claimed thousands of lives and left millions infected.

“During this time, may we remember our brothers and sisters who have died across the globe due to COVID-19. My deepest sympathies go out to the bereaved families across the world who have lost their loved ones and together with the family of our beloved citizen who lost his life to the pandemic”, he said.

The President said in the midst of this pandemic, as a Christian nation, Zambia joins the rest of the world in commemorating the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

“Let the commemoration bring about renewed hope, trust and faith in God. This is equally a time for self-introspection”, he added

President Lungu also urged Zambians continue to take precautionary measures against COVID-19.

Zanaco FC Players’ Pay Safe


Zanaco FC has disclosed that the teams’ wage bill will not be adjusted despite the Coronavirus pandemic that has forced the FAZ league to be postponed.

The FAZ Super Division has been locked-out for over the last three weeks now following the suspension of the 2019/2020 season due to the pandemic.

“I think what we need to appreciate is that the salary structures in Zambia are different from Europe so as Zanaco FC, we have maintained paying our normal salaries,” Zanaco FC general manager Marlon Kananda said on ZNBC TV Sports On show on Thursday.

“As a club we know that this pandemic has hit everybody and taking away something from the players will be an injustice so we have decided to maintain their salaries. There is no pay cut.

“Definitely, they will be other areas that players will not enjoy what is in their contract like bonus because it come with performance.”

And Kananda added that the seven-time champions’ operations were running smoothly despite the dent in match-day revenue.

“It is not an easy task running a successful club like Zanaco FC,” Kananda said.

“The shareholders and stakeholders look forward to seeing the team perform well both in the local league and continental.

“But what is exciting is after delinking from the bank, we are expected to run as a business and expected to ensure that the club is able to sustain itself and definitely we will come up with all these strategic plans to ensure that in the next five years, the club should be able to sustain itself.

“We call upon other companies that want to advertise their product that Zanaco is a club they can always come to because we play in continental and always aiming high playing in the local league.”

Zanaco headed into the emergency recess 10th on the FAZ Super Division table on 35points from 21 games with four matches in hand and are eleven points behind leaders Forest Rangers with nine fixtures left before the league is concluded.

UPND donates additional beef to the Ministry of Health COVID-19 Committee and to the Zambia Correctional Service


The Opposition UPND has donated additional beef to the Ministry of Health COVID-19 Committee and to the Zambia Correctional Service for those incarcerated.

Other donated items handed over to the Ministry of Home Affairs today included 100 by 25 kg bags of mealie meal, 20 boxes of soap, 10 thermometers and 20 boxes of hand sanitizers.

UPND Secretary General Stephen Katuka handed over the donation to Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo at the Lusaka Central Correctional Facility.

Mr Katuka delivered a message of goodwill to the inmates at the correctional facility from UPND Leader Hakainde Hichilema who he said was a part of them a few years ago.

He said the donation marks a special day for the UPND as it is the day Mr Hichilema was arrested after the Mongu road traffic fracas.

Mr Katuka said the donation is one of the many the UPND will make to the Correctional Facilities to help fight the COVID-19.

And receiving the donation, Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo commended the UPND for the gesture which he said will go a long way in supporting government’s quest to prevent the spread of the pandemic.

He also expressed happiness that the donation was made during the Easter weekends which shows that the UPND cares about the incarcerated people.

House of Chiefs express desire to join government in the fight against the COVID-19


Three representatives of the House of Chiefs have expressed their desire to join government in disaster management including the fight against the COVID-19.

Chairperson for the House of Chiefs Chief Kaputa, accompanied by Chief Chibesakunda and Chief Chipepo announced this during a meeting with Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit National Coordinator Chanda Kabwe.

Chief Kaputa said there is need for the traditional leadership to join government in the management of disasters even beyond the COVID-19 to ensure safety and wellbeing of subjects.

And Chief Chibesakunda said it is important to intensify community based disaster risk management in every Chiefdom, hence the need for traditional leaders to come on board.

The Chiefs said that their Chiefdoms which have been ravaged by floods are also at risk of the COVID-19 and therefore the need for cooperation with the DMMU.

Meanwhile Chief Chipepo called on leaders to correct myths surrounding the pandemic and disseminate awareness messages in the rural areas.

And DMMU National Coordinator Chanda Kabwe said government acknowledges the important role played by traditional leaders in disaster management and will soon sign a Memorandum of Understanding with them to conduct risk communication in climate change risk areas.

He added that despite some parts of the country being affected by the COVID-19, it is important to realize that there are still more hazards affecting communities such as floods that need to be responded to.

Mr. Kabwe disclosed that government through DMMU has been responding to floods in 47 districts and has so far distributed approximately 115,000 bags of mealie meal to the affected households in addition to tents and other food requirements.

Mr. Kabwe further reiterated the need to support health personnel and adhere to all the directives given by President Edgar Lungu in preventing further spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Zambia Records a Second COVID-19 Death


Minister of Health Dr Chitalu Chilufya has announced that Zambia has recorded the second death resulting from the Coronavirus.

Dr Chilufya said the deceased is a 50 year old hypertensive man with a chronic cardiac condition who was referred the University Teaching Hospitals from Kafue on 5th April 2020.

The Minister said the patient was put on a ventilator until the early hours of the third day when he died.

Dr Chilufya said the patient was being managed in an isolation ward in the Intensive Care Unit and samples were collected which on the day of his death confirmed that he had COVID-19.

He said the Ministry of Health has mounted investigations and is conducting a robust contact tracing programme and all the close contacts have since been contacted.

Dr Chilufya said the man was staying alone and all the people that might have come into contact with him in the last days of his life have been contacted.

He said the Intensive Care Unit at the University Teaching Hospitals has been fumigated and all the staff that came into contact have been quarantined and are being tested.

Meanwhile, Dr Chilufya said 22 tests were conducted of which non came out positive.

He said Zambia remains with a cumulative number of cases of 40 having admitted one more person to the statistics with two deaths.

He said one more person has been discharged bringing the number of discharges to 25 while patients in admission are 13 who are all stable except one on oxygen.

Dr Chilufya said of the 13 patients, two are on the Copperbelt and 11 in Lusaka.

Coronavirus: Zambian Students Adapt to Online Learning Amid Class Suspension Over Pandemic


By Sidney Kawimbe

For a while now, online education has been a good option for students who, for various reasons cannot access on-the-ground education. And although there are still examples of rudimentary online courses out there in Zambia, both the technology and the pedagogy powering online learning have gotten considerably better over the last decade. Evidence of student success and, indeed preference, for the online classroom is mounting especially at post graduate level, and this will serve widespread benefits for all of us. For instance, a Babson survey in 2012 showed a glimmer of early recognition of quality in online education. The survey revealed that 77% of academic leaders thought online education was equal to or superior to learning in a physical classroom. Over 69% of chief academic officers believed online learning is a critical part of long-term education strategies. Another survey conducted in 2018 by Learning House, Inc., showed 85% of students who had previously enrolled in both face-to-face and online courses felt their online experience was either the same or better than the classroom course. That included 37% who felt it was a superior experience.

In Zambia, all of a sudden, this paradigm shift is getting traction, thanks to COVID-19. For 20-year-old Musale Kakubo, staying home for online learning over the past weeks has not made much difference from face-to-face lessons, as online classes are now conducted following a strict timetable every week. At the zenith of this surge is ZCAS University. As one student put it last week,
“ZCAS University has been using high-tech innovation for some time now, but never at this level have we seen technology taking root in the advent of COVID-19”.
ZCAS University has moved to teaching online after face-to-face teaching, supervision and academic support was suspended at in March due to the pandemic. In a determined effort to continue learning, academic staff and students have embraced e-learning and resources such as WizIQ, Zoom to continue with lectures, revision and feedback, thanks to the institution’s massive investment in IT enabled learning long before the COVID-19 pandemic heralded.

In Zambia, there have been apprehensions at whether online is feasible with connectivity challenges and just the feel of being in a brick and mortar lecture room. It is understandable not to discount the scepticism surrounding online. It is hard to understand the notion of leaving behind the conventional classroom, especially with the invasion by this vast space called “The Internet”. In this era, there are three things that education providers and learners should be appreciate in online teaching and learning:

1. It is Flexible
Online education enables the lecturer and the student to set their own learning pace, and there’s the added flexibility of setting a schedule that fits everyone’s agenda. As a result, using an online educational platform allows for a better balance of work and studies, so there’s no need to give anything up. Studying online teaches you vital time management skills, which makes finding a good work-study balance easier. Having a common agenda between the student and teacher can also prompt both parties to accept new responsibilities and have more autonomy.

2. It is Accessible
Online education enables a student to study or a lecturer to teach from anywhere in the world. This means there is no need to commute from one place to another, or follow a rigid schedule. On top of that, not only does the student save time, but also save money, which can be spent on other priorities. The virtual classroom is also available anywhere there is an internet connection.

3. It allows for a customised learning experience
Online classes also provide the space to focus on the student’s needs and doubts, and as a result tutors can better understand their students’ strengths and weaknesses. There is often access to very diverse material such as videos, photos, and eBooks online as well, and tutors can also integrate other formats like forums, chat rooms or discussions to improve their lessons. And this extra content is available at any moment from anywhere, which helps create a tailor-made education for both the student and the teacher.
In concluding, it is increasing becoming apparent that there is a paradigm shift from conventional lecturing to online learning, partly brought about by COVID19. As the saying goes “every cloud has a silver lining”. So, every difficult or sad situation has a comforting or more hopeful aspect, even though this may not be immediately apparent.

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