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PF cadre who assaulted Breeze FM Reporter sentenced to 4 years in jail

The Lundazi Magistrate Court has sentenced a Patriotic Front cadre Frank Mwale to four years imprisonment.

This is in a matter in which Frank Mwale was facing two charges.

In the first count, Mwale was charged with assault causing actual bodily harm to Grace Lungu, a Breeze FM Reporter while in the second count, Mwale is accused of stealing money amounting to 400 Kwacha, property of Lungu.

The two incidents happened on February 12, 2019 during the Mkomba ward by-election in Lundazi district.

Magistrate Joseph Kapilya handed a two years suspended sentence to Mwale in the second count while another two years custodial sentence in the first count.

Magistrate Kapila told the accused that the sentences will run concurrently with effect from today the 6th of April 2020.

This means that Mwale will serve two years prison sentence.

It will be catastrophic to Keep PF in Power Beyond 2021


By: Anthony Bwalya – UPND Member

There are only THREE words that perfectly describes the Patriotic Front (PF) reign in office since 2011: MANIPULATION, DECEPTION, CORRUPTION.

Zambians must also be reminded, that right now, the PF regime has embarked on a dirty scheme of leveraging international investment banking laundering platforms, to divert our $11.6 billion external debt into the hands of vultures in exchange for millions of US dollars in commission.

What the Zambian public do not realize is that the rapid, illegal accumulation of public debt by the PF regime, in the name of infrastructure development, was a long-standing calculated move to defraud the Zambian treasury and allow our country and our people to be held at ransom by international lending vulchers, all in exchange for quick cuts in commission.

This is how the PF regime sought to back Zambians into an impossible public debt position, entrench poverty and destitution, and then continue to hold themselves out as the Messiahs of a highly impoverished country whose most vulnerable now exist merely on handouts from corrupt, thieving government politicians of the ruling regime.

It is worth mentioning, that the regime has now effectively cut all productive debt restructuring engagement ties with our multilateral partners such as the IMF, a path that demanded fiscal discipline and sobriety, and instead opted for an international investment banking route which puts the interests of vulchers ahead of our country, while ensuring that Zambian politicians within the PF regime get paid handsomely for accepting to launder the lives of Zambians!!!!!

We cannot be stupid enough, to forget that anything and everything that the PF regime has done, has always been aimed at consolidating the power and influence of the Patriotic Front and it’s high ranking members while weakening the underlying fabric of our public institutions.

Today, our public institutions are struggling to pay our hardworking civil servants and yet PF officials, government Ministers can afford to make “donations” in their millions. These individuals are no longer repentant about flaunting their unexplained wealth – they wear the most expensive suits, shoes, cologne; drive the most expensive vehicles, build the biggest mansions. They do all this while our mothers give birth on filth hospital floors, while hardworking Zambians die without ever receiving their pension benefits, while council workers go unpaid for months, as well as while students meal allowances are withdrawn.

These are the same people who have gone after our protected forests such as Forest Reserve #27 and started building mansions against the requirements of the Environmental Protection Act. These are the same people who confiscated thousands of tonnes of Mukula trees from legitimate permit holders, exported the logs and shared the proceeds among themselves. In aggregate, the regime has failed to account for over $1.5bn in Mukula revenue since 2012!!

And do Zambians want to know why the PF regime has spent close to $7bn “investing” in hydroelectric projects while foolishly making noise about climate change? Corruption and kickbacks. This regime could have installed 347MW of solar power in each one of our 10 provinces with this kind of money, but instead they decided to launder our public resources by tieing our nation to foreign debt that delivered maximum kickbacks to members of the regime while delivering little economic freedoms for Zambians.

If Zambians think all our sufferings have happened by accident then we never learn and we probably do not deserve this country.

The PF regime has been waging war against this country since 2011 and they will not stop.

For the PF, their continued stay in office is no longer about service; it is about power and control.

In 2021, Zambians will have a choice: either we take our country back or we must willingly accept to be slaves and live a life of slavery in our own, independent country…

I’ ll continue offering solutions to the prevailing challenges Zambia is facing-HH

UPND Leader Hakainde Hichilema says he will continue offering solutions to the prevailing challenges Zambia is facing.

Mr Hichilema says in order to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, as well as the growing economic fallout, Zambians must join hands and take on a range of expert advice from various stakeholders.

He said Zambia comes first, before partisan politics and any differences leaders may have hence the need to embrace each other during these difficult times.

Mr Hichilema said solutions are often missed where there is intolerance to alternative views and perspectives from those whom other do not agree with.

He said the UPND’s commitment to Zambia is unwavering and have no doubt that together, Zambia shall overcome the deadly scourge that has brought the world to a standstill.

Recently, Mr Hichilema flagged off a nationwide distribution of hygiene products in a bid to help in the fight and prevention of Covid-19 pandemic.

Speaking when he flagged off the distribution exercise at his residence, Mr Hichilema said Coronavirus was real and should be taken seriously.

He encouraged Zambians to continue adhering to strict health guidelines as provided by health authorities.

No new COVID-19 case for four days in Zambia, two more Patients Recover and are discharged


Zambia has for the fourth consecutive day not recorded any new cases of COVID-19, Health Minister Dr Chitalu Chilufya has announced.

And the Minister said two more patients have been discharged bringing the total number of people discharged to five.

Updating the nation on COVID-19, Dr. Chilufya said 33 cases still remain active but stable in Lusaka Province and Masaiti District on the Copperbelt Province.

He said the government has continued to heighten surveillance and has reiterated the need for all Zambians to adhere to the Public Health measures announced by President Edgar Lungu in his address to the nation.

Dr. Chilufya, however, said that complacence remains one of the greatest threats Zambia faces as people are not acting accordingly to prevent the spread of the pandemic.

He reiterated the need for Zambia to stay home and avoid non-essential travel as they observe social distancing and wash their hands.

And Dr. Chilufya said 72 truck drivers that were carrying essential goods were tested and results have come out negative for COVID-19.

He said the drivers carrying essential goods through the Kazungula and Livingstone Ports were screened at the points of entry and were escorted into Lusaka at the University of Zambia where they were tested again.

Dr. Chilufya said this process will continue and everyone entering the country will be quarantined mandatorily for 14 days before being integrated into the society.

President Lungu applauds the Bureau of the Heads of States on COVID-19

President Edgar Lungu has applauded the Bureau of the Heads of States of the African Union that met on 26th March 2020 and created the Coordinating Committee of the African Union’s Response to COVID-19.

The Committee comprises ten out of fifty-five African member states.

President Lungu says he is also greatly pleased that Zambia has been selected to sit on this Committee and will be represented by Minister of Health, Dr. Chitalu Chilufya.

The President expressed happiness that Zambia’s strategic intervention to curb the COVID-19 pandemic is being recognized.

He said this presents an opportunity for Zambia to share her best practices with other states.

President Lungu said the Coordinating Committee of the African Union’s Response to COVID 19 is part of a holistic strategy to combat the pandemic.

“We recognize other initiatives adopted by Bureau which include the ratification of the joint continental strategy on COVID-19, and the creation of an African Taskforce on the Coronavirus(AFCOR)”, he added.

He said this is to help coordinate AU member states’ preparedness and capabilities to fight the pandemic.

In a facebook posting, President Lungu said Zambia also support the initiative to establish the African Union COVID-19 Fund, aimed at raising funds to fight the pandemic.

Government commended for the timely funding of the local government equalization fund


The Zambia United Local Authorities Workers Union and the Fire Services Union of Zambia have commended the government for the timely funding of the local government equalization fund.

The allocation amounting to K75 million will fund about 100 out of the 116 local authorities, a move the two Unions say will go a long way in motivating the employees.

They have encouraged Government to continue with the same commitment they have continued to demonstrate in ensuring that local authorities are timely and adequately funded.

In a joint statement issued by Emmanuel Mwinsa, the ZULAW General Secretary and Clement Mulenga, the General Secretary of the Fire Services Union of Zambia, the two Unions expressed confidence that the resolutions collectively made by concerned parties will continue to be respected for the betterment of service delivery by local authorities.

Meanwhile, the two Unions are concerned with revelations by Lusaka Mayor Miles Sampa that Lusaka City market generated over K13 million in 2019 and that only K600, 000 was remitted to the Lusaka City Council main bank account.

They have since called on the town clerk to immediately investigate the matter and ensure that culprits involved in the misappropriation of the funds are brought to book and face the full wrath of the law.

Measures announced by BOZ are disjointed, impractical, vague and merely intended to give a false perception


Patriots for Economic Progress President Sean Tembo says he has noted with much consternation the statement that was issued by the Bank of Zambia regarding measures intended to stimulate the Zambian economy in view of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mr Tembo says the measures that have been announced by BOZ are disjointed, impractical, vague and merely intended to give a false perception that BOZ is doing something about the current economic situation when in fact not.

He said the first measure announced by the Bank of Zambia was that it has set up a medium-term refinancing facility of K10 billion to be accessed by financial service providers in Zambia which is not a genuine measure because before BOZ can talk about lending money to financial service providers as a way of mitigating the economic impact of COVID-19 as they should first of all pay back all the money the Government owes these financial service providers in unremitted loan deductions from civil servants done at PMEC which are currently estimated at K2 billion.

Mr Tembo said it is hypocritical of Government to talk about lending money to institutions that they owe money instead of firstly paying back what they owe.

He said the second measure announced by the Bank of Zambia which is to scale up open-market operations in order to increase short-term liquidity to commercial banks lacks specificity and is vague as it does not outline what those open market operations are.

Mr Tembo said it is therefore meaningless and unlikely to have any positive impact on Zambia’s ailing economy.

On the third measure announced by BOZ is that it will revise rules related to inter-bank foreign exchange transactions, Mr Tembo said just like others, this pronouncement lacks specificity and is vague as it does not outline what those rules related to inter-bank forex transactions which will be revised, are.

Mr Tembo said the fourth and fifth pronouncements made by BOZ to relax rules related to loan classification and provisioning as well as extend the transitionally period for the application of International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) 9 which is an accounting standard that regulates the classification, measurement, impairment, presentation and disclosure of financial instruments such as loans have dire financial and economic consequences because Zambia’s financial reporting system will not be compliant with that of the rest of the world.

Mr Tembo said International Financial Reporting Standards are issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and IFRS 9 in particular was issued on 24th July 2014 to replace IAS 39 and was optional during the transitionally period until 1st January 2018 when it became mandatory.

“It must further be noted that the Bank of Zambia has no authority whatsoever to defer or postpone the application of IFRS 9 as only the IASB is vested with such authority. It therefore follows that the pronouncement by BOZ to extend the transitionally period for the application of IFRS 9 to Zambian FSPs is utra vires, inconsequential and done without due research and advice on the matter. It must be further noted that other regulators have equally found IFRS 9 to be a thorn in the fresh for FSPs in view of the COVID-19 pandemic, but they have not called for its suspension because it is a worldwide accounting standard”, he added.

He said a case in point is the European Banking Authority which has issued an advisory that the application of IFRS 9 in view of the COVID-19 pandemic must be done by taking all factors into account including the economic stimulus packages that are being implemented by respective Governments.

Mr Tembo said the sixth pronouncement to allow financial institutions to use capital instruments that do not qualify as equity for purposes of computing capital adequacy levels amounts to window-dressing of the financial statements of these FSPs and is illegal as it conflicts with the requirements of section 251 of the Companies Act, 2017 and also amounts to fraudulent false accounting.

He added that measures 7 and 8 talk about reducing the cost of digital payment channels and are commendable, although most financial service providers are unlikely to immediately comply and there is need for the Central Bank to enforce timely compliance.

He has since urged the Bank of Zambia to revisit the majority of the pronouncements made in its communique and ensure that such measures are consistent and not in conflict of international and local laws and regulations.

Mr Tembo has acknowledged the efforts being made by BOZ to try and mitigate the economic impact of COVID-19, but such measures should be properly researched and well advised, otherwise the medicine may end up being more fatal than the disease.

Over 270 jobs slashed as Edgars and Jets close shops in Zambia


South African clothing chains Edgars and Jets have filed for bankruptcy, sending over 270 workers on the streets.

In a notice to employees, EDCON Limited, the owner of Jets and Edgars clothing stores have applied for voluntary liquidation.

They say they are shutting down Jets and Edgars operations in Zambia because the stores have faced unprecedented financial challenges.

They claimed that the business is not making profits in Zambia.

One of the over 270 workers affected said in an interview that the South African bosses have already left the country leaving the workers stranded.

“The company has experienced unprecedented financial difficulties reflected in the poor performance, coupled with the expected massive impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the manufacturing and retail industry, which may likely result in a complete shutdown of EDCON Ltd (in South Africa). We were compelled to critically review our business initiatives, retail footprints and store portfolios,” reads the letter in part.

“Our operations in other territories in Africa could not escape this critical review. In Zambia, the majority of our stores are not profitable in either of our brands (Jet and Edgars) and combined, they recorded a moving annual negative EBIT of R21.3m as at the end of January this 2020.”

The letter also highlighted some factors contributing to the loss as property rentals which were paid in US dollars and South African rands, the requirement to implement computer hardware for the real time monitoring of the sales at a cost of “+R3.5m as well as the cost associated with the supplying of stock to the Zambian operators.

It further stated that the company had considered all possible options in trying to sustain the operation from South Africa without placing EDCON South Africa in more financial hardships.

However, the letter clarified that the company has been unable to secure any significant assistance from the landlords or other key stakeholders in Zambia in that regard.

“It is therefore with regret that we have to inform you that we will apply for a creditor led liquidation in terms of Section 95 (1) of the Corporate Insolvency Act, No, 9 of 2017. The creditor’s meeting will be held on 24 April 2020, where the creditor’s resolution to liquidate the company will be put to the creditors of the company and passed. Meetings will be scheduled with management at which matter of staff welfare will be addressed. PWC have been appointed to manage the process with the assistance of Musa Dudhia and company (attorney).”

Zamtel offers Free Calling, Free Data as Part of COVID-19 Relief Package


Zamtel says it has launched free calling, free messages and free data usage to its customers during the period of the Covid-19 pandemic.

All Zamtel mobile prepaid customers will receive free 5 Minutes On-net calling, 50 MB of data and a further 10 On-net SMS’s as part of the Company’s Corporate Social Responsibility during this period.

Zamtel Chief Executive Officer Sydney Mupeta said the offer will allow customers to remain connected with family and friends during this difficult period.

Mr Mupeta explained that customers will be able to enjoy this offer on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays starting this week.

The offer will be available to all active customers with no conditions attached and will be valid up to midnight on the selected days.

“Zamtels key priority is keeping people connected during this difficult period. Driven by our strong belief that all our customers should be connected, we have announced this free calling offer as part of our contribution to the fight against Covid-19,” said Mr. Mupeta.
Mr Mupeta said the offer which can be activated by dialing *335# is aimed at minimizing the impact of Covid-19 on households and small businesses and ensuring that the pandemic does not constrain people’s ability to stay connected.

“During this difficult period, it is critical that customers stay connected with their loved ones. We want to encourage people to stay home but remain connected to their family and friends. We know that the pandemic has had negative effects on the lives of our customers and our hope is that this offer can help cushion this impact.”

He added, “We will continue to work with all stakeholders in order to fight the spread of Covid-19. Recently, we partnered with the Ministry of Health to provide front line staff with 500 mobile handsets provisioned with Closed User Group free calling for all group members. We also donated K200,000 to support the national Covid-19 response,” Mr Mupeta said.

Mr. Mupeta also disclosed that Zamtel has opened new Service Centers in Chawama, Kafue and Ten Miles so that customers can easily access products and services.

“We urge the public to visit the new Service Centers in Chawama, Kafue and 10 miles and access Zamtel products and services such as mobile money, purchase of airtime, buying of SIM cards, Sim replacement, and registration as Mobile Money Agents.” Mr. Mupeta added.

Mr Mupeta also appealed to businesses and individuals interested in opening Zamtel Service Centers to get in touch through Zamtel Shops and Distributors. Potential partners can also call 0950003317 or email [email protected].

He urged Zambians to continue practicing social distancing and other measures recommended by the Ministry of Health such as staying at home.

Robin Siame Enjoying Life at GBFC

Green Buffaloes winger Robin Siame is enjoying life at the Zambia Army club.

Siame joined Buffaloes from Kitwe United at the start of the 2019/20 FAZ Super Division campaign.

In an interview with LT Sports, Siame has talked about game time and his reception at Buffaloes.

“Everything is ok here. I was received well by the guys. I thank the boys for the warm reception,” Siame said.

“You know if you are not welcomed well at any club it’s tough to play especially us forwards. And the supporters have received me well,” he said.

Siame’s impressive form before coronavirus halted the league saw Chipolopolo coach Micho invite the forward for pre-African Nations Championship (CHAN) camp in Lusaka.

On game time at Buffaloes, Siame said:” The coach has been giving me a chance to play. I was tried in different positions. I can simply say that I am happy with the game time.”

Siame has in the past featured for Indeni.

“I am happy people are saying good things about me. I just need support from the supporters.”

Lusambo warns Nutricom Food and Beverage Limited for claiming their Ginger Kombucha Energy drink can prevent Corona virus

Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo has warned that government will not allow business entities in Zambia to produce misleading adverts that their products can fight the deadly virus.

Mr. Lusambo who on Friday, took an impromptu visit to Nutricom Food and Beverage Limited, a company that produces Divine Power, Ginger Kombucha, an energy drink that is alleged to fight the coronavirus and boost immune system, said such claims have the potential to derail government efforts to combat COVID-19.

Mr. Lusambo, who was accompanied by Lusaka Province deputy Permanent Secretary Frazer Musonda, observed that the company was using a persuasive advert which he said could make people believe that there is a cure for COVID-19 when in fact not.

“You are taking advantage of people’s ignorance in order to make more money when, government officials are having sleepless nights on how to contain the coronavirus yet you claim that you can fight it,” he said.

He wondered what the motive of the advert was and has since cautioned Nutricom Food and Beverage Limited Managing Director, Yugandhar Reddy, to withdraw posters that have been placed in various parts of the city to advertise the product.

The Lusaka Province Minister noted that people in communities might end up disregarding the Ministry of Health guidelines for combating the spread of the disease and follow the misleading adverts.

He said such a move might put the country at a greater risk of the COVID-19.

Mr. Lusambo further said it was disturbing that while government was telling people to stay at home, regularly wash their hands, improve hygiene and maintain a social distance of at least one metre to combat the spread of the COVID-19, the Nutricom Food and Beverage Limited was claiming to have a cure.

“You want our people to be careless due to your claims that the beverage can be used to fight coronavirus,” he asked.

And Mr. Musonda said government was information that Nutricom Food and Beverage Limited had recorded an increase in sales due to the misleading adverts.

Mr. Musonda noted that it was wrong to use misleading statements to advertise a product.

Meanwhile, Nutricom Food and Beverage Limited Managing Director Yugandhar Reddy had a tough time to substantiate the claims in the adverts.

Mr. Reddy said Divine Kombucha had medicinal purposes which he said could boost immunity but it cannot cure COVID-19.

According to posters, Nutricom Food and Beverages is encouraging consumers to take divine power ginger Kombucha which can fight coronavirus, boost the immune system and it is certified by the Zambia Bureau of Standards (ZABS).

Government releases over K5.6 billion to finance developmental, service delivery programmes


The National Treasury released last month released a sum of K5.64 billion to finance various developmental and public service delivery programmes in the country.

Of this amount, K1.07 billion went towards both domestic and external debt servicing, K2.2 billion was allocated to the public service wage bill, K1.1 billion was released for transfers, subsidies and social benefits while K819.2 million was for financing various government projects, programmes and general operations.

A further K437.6 million went to developmental programmes such as roads and rural electrification among others.

In line with the government’s fiscal sustainability and debt reduction implementation strategy, K1.07 billion was allocated for both domestic and external debt service.

According to a press statement made available to the media in Lusaka yesterday by Ministry of Finance Spokesperson Chileshe Kandeta the treasury also released K500 million towards dismantling outstanding pension dues.

Mr. Kandeta said ministries, provinces and other public service controlling agencies received K89 million for liquidation of outstanding liabilities related to consumption of goods and services.

He explained that in the month under review, a sum of K104.7 million was also released for the purchase of drugs in public health institutions and the fight against the COVID-19.

“Under general operations, the treasury released K819.1 million, notable among which were the following expenditure areas; K71.1 million for general operations of ministries, provinces and other public service controlling agencies while K33.1 million for the judiciary and the Ministry of Justice,” he said.

Mr. Kandeta disclosed that the Zambia Statistical Agency was given K21.4 million for 2020 census preparatory programmes under the Ministry of National Development Planning.

The Ministry of Higher Education was allocated K19.6 million for skills development fund while the Examinations Council of Zambia got K5 million for administration of examinations programme.

He said cooperating partners also released K193.3 million for donor supported programmes under various ministries, provinces and other public service controlling agencies.

The treasury further released K609 million towards transfers and subsidies.

He said out of this amount, K146.3 million went towards support for operations of grant aided institutions.

The Zambia Revenue Authority got K129.6 million, Local Government Equalization Fund (LGEF) was given K98.9 million and operations of public universities, K79.1 million.

To support scaling up of hospital operations countrywide, a total of K51.8 million was released in the month under review.

“Non-tax revenue collection agencies received K43.6 million under the Appropriation-In-Aid (AIA) mechanism, bringing the first quarter support to this initiative to K144.4 million.

Appropriation-In-Aid is an initiative devised by the Ministry of Finance for non-tax revenue collecting agencies to retain a part of the funds raised through fines, fees, and levies etcetera.

With regard to the agriculture sector, government released K59.6 million out of which the Food Reserve Agency (FRA) received K28 million for grain purchases under the strategic food reserve programme while K21.6 million went towards the 2019/2020 Farmer Input Support Programme (FISP) and the Food Security Pack Programme received K10 million.

During the month under review, the national treasury also released K437.6 million for capital development programmes for road infrastructure

Secretary to the Treasury Fredson Yamba in his weekly consultative meetings with players in the economy requested for optimal utilization of work tools that the information and communication technology industry offers to ensure sustained productivity and the prudent utilization of time at work.

Mr. Kandeta added that in this regard, the Ministry of Finance confirmed that measures have been instituted to enhance surveillance and evaluation of economic fundamentals aimed at assessing the impact of unfolding events in the international economy due to COVID-19 on the domestic economy.

Germany organisations donate ambulance to Kaindu clinic

Zambia’s Ambassador to Germany Anthony Mukwita has applauded Amatheon Agri and the German Arbetheir-Samariter Bund (ASB) for investing in Zambia’s health and agriculture sectors.

Mr. Mukwita disclosed that Amatheon Agri and ASB have jointly donated an ambulance to Kaindu health centre in Mumbwa district in Central province.

He noted that the donation was timely and will enable residents in the area to acquire medical assistance on time.

“The donation is expected to contribute to the avoidance of needless deaths that sometimes arise from the failure to get patients to health facilities where they could get immediate medical attention,” He said.

The Ambassador stated that investing in rural areas helps bridge the development gap that exists between rural and urban places.

In a statement to the media yesterday, Mr. Mukwita said over US$15 million dollars was investment by Amatheon Agri in the agriculture sector some time back and this has seen about 600 local people getting employment.

He said the investment also supported an out-grower scheme involving hundreds of farmers in Mumbwa district.

He added that ASB has also elevated health and wellness, medical services and infrastructure in Mumbwa district.

Meanwhile, Mr. Mukwita disclosed that Amatheon Agri intends to expand its investment in agriculture that will reduce poverty levels in Zambia.

He has since hailed President Edgar Lungu for investing in the country’s road infrastructure with a view to link areas of production with their markets and ease the distribution of farming inputs.

He indicated that the two organisations target geographically isolated communities that surround Amatheon farm.

This was contained in a statement made available to ZANIS by Zambia’s First Secretary for Press and Public Relations in Germany, Kellys Kaunda.

Street Vending is still illegal in Zambia, says Local Government Minister


Local Government Minister Charles Banda has reiterated that street vending in the country is illegal unless when conducted in designated places as prescribed by the local authorities.

Dr. Banda explained that the Statutory Instrument (SI) number 10 of 2010 still remains in force unless Cabinet or a Council of Ministers decides otherwise.

Dr. Banda, who was in the company of Lusaka City Mayor Miles Sampa told journalists in Lusaka yesterday that there are only two designated places namely Simon Mwewa Lane and Lumumba Road for venders in Lusaka.

He explained that the Central Business District of Lusaka should be left free of vending because these places lack basic social amenities and other auxiliary facilities which are ideal for trading.

“Let me reiterate that street vending in Lusaka and elsewhere is illegal and the status quo remains unless Cabinet or the Council of Ministers decides otherwise,” he said.

The Local Government Minister added that it was difficult to manage people who are trading in undesignated areas and it becomes a huge challenge to provide adequate sanitary services to them.

Dr. Banda noted that in view of the current outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, it was almost impossible to ensure social distancing is observed and the provision of hand sanitisers to both venders and their clients.

“Let our people go and trade in designated areas dotted across the city and this also applies to other districts that are grappling with this issue as well,” he said.

Dr. Banda’s statement comes in the wake of a protracted wrangle between the LCC and vendors who recently took to the streets to protest their imminent removal from their illegal trading areas.

Luanshya Mayor Nathan Chanda led a sizable team, which included some ward councillors council directors and members of the municipality fire and rescue team who sprayed disinfectants and other chemicals aimed at killing germs starting from Zaone Market, Buseko, Mpatamato , Roan , Kalala Market in Mikonfwa , the team members took turns in spraying and cleaning the environment while the traders who have been sensitised about significance of the 48 hours Markets Spraying and Cleaning exercise stayed away.
FILE: Cleaning at the market.

Meanwhile, Local Government Minister Charles Banda has observed that markets and bus stations were critical sectors to the growth of the Zambian economy.

Dr. Banda said the two also help to meet the demand for goods and services and further provide a livelihood for many Zambians in the informal sector.

Dr. Banda has however noted that as common meeting places, markets and bus stations remain highly vulnerable to disease outbreaks such as the deadly COVID-19 pandemic.

He was speaking during a consultative meeting with marketeers associations and other key stakeholders at the Lusaka City Council in Lusaka.

“I am glad that we have been able to meet in this manner to discuss the concerns that have been raised by many stakeholders on the risks that our markets pose to the spread of the coronavirus disease,” he said.

Dr. Banda said the meeting was convened as part of government’s ongoing efforts to reduce the spread of the deadly COVID-19.

“Given the importance of the markets and bus stations, government’s desire is to keep these services running as long as possible, while safeguarding the health of the traders and the rest of the people in these areas,” he said.

He further said government recognizes the efforts that market and bus station associations have continued to make to supplement government’s efforts in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic.

Dr. Banda said the two associations have been doing and must be supported, not only by government through the Lusaka City Council (LCC), but by other stakeholders as well.

“We have a mammoth task ahead of us. If we are to protect the lives of the people while safeguarding their livelihoods, we need to step up our efforts and we must be ready as citizens to adjust the way we do things, we need to give up some of our normal activities. This calls for sacrifice from all of us,” he emphasized.

Dr. Banda observed that failure to keep these places clean may entail temporarily closing off the business activities in order to allow for intensive cleaning and disinfection.

The Local Government Minister further observed that this may also entail reducing on the business hours in order to reduce the level of exposure for the traders and buyers.

COVID-19 could cost Africa a GDP loss of between $22.1 billion and $88.3 billion


By Akinwumi A. Adesina

These are very difficult days, as the world faces one of its worst challenges ever: the novel coronavirus pandemic. And it seems almost no nation is spared. As infection rates rise, so does panic across financial markets, as economies drastically slow down and supply chains are severely disrupted.

Extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures. As such, it can no longer be business as usual. Each day, the situation evolves and requires constant reviews of precautionary measures and strategies. In the midst of all this, we must all worry about the ability of every nation to respond to this crisis. And we must ensure that developing nations are prepared to navigate these uncharted waters fully.

That’s why I support the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres’ urgent call for special resources for the world’s developing countries.

In the face of this pandemic, we must put lives above resources and health above debt. Why? Because developing economies are the most vulnerable at this time. Our remedies must go beyond simply lending more. We must go the extra mile and provide countries with much-needed and urgent financial relief — and that includes developing countries under sanctions.

According to the independent, global think tank ODI in its report on the impact of economic sanctions, for decades, sanctions have decimated investments in public health care systems in quite a number of countries.

Today, the already stretched systems as noted in the 2019 Global Health Security Index will find it difficult to face up to a clear and present danger that now threatens our collective existence. Only those that are alive can pay back debts.

Sanctions work against economies but not against the virus. If countries that are under sanctions are unable to respond and provide critical care for their citizens or protect them, then the virus will soon “sanction” the world.

In my Yoruba language, there is a saying. “Be careful when you throw stones in the open market. It may hit a member of your family.”

That’s why I also strongly support the call by the UN Secretary-General that debts of low-income countries be suspended in these fast-moving and uncertain times.

But I call for even bolder actions, and there are several reasons for doing so.

First, the economies of developing countries, despite years of great progress, remain extremely fragile and ill equipped to deal with this pandemic. They are more likely to be buried with the heavy fiscal pressure they now face with the coronavirus.Second, many of the countries in Africa depend on commodities for export earnings. The collapse of oil prices has thrown African economies into distress. According the AFDB’s 2020 Africa Economic Outlook, they simply are not able to meet budgets as planned under pre-coronavirus oil price benchmarks.

The impact has been immediate in the oil and gas sector, as noted in a recent CNN news analysis. In the current environment, we can anticipate an acute shortage of buyers who, for understandable reasons, will reallocate resources to addressing the Covid-19 pandemic. African countries that depend on tourism receipts as a key source of revenue are also in a straightjacket.

Third, while rich countries have resources to spare, evidenced by trillions of dollars in fiscal stimulus, developing countries are hampered with bare-bones resources.

The fact is, if we do not collectively defeat the coronavirus in Africa, we will not defeat it anywhere else in the world. This is an existential challenge that requires all hands to be on deck. Today, more than ever, we must be our brothers and sisters’ keepers.

Around the world, countries at more advanced stages in the outbreak are announcing liquidity relief, debt restructuring, forbearance on loan repayments, relaxation of standard regulations and initiatives.

In the United States, packages of more than $2 trillion have already been announced, in addition to a reduction in Federal Reserve lending rates and liquidity support to keep markets operating. In Europe, the larger economies have announced stimulus measures in excess of 1 trillion Euros. Additionally, even larger packages are expected.

As developed countries put in place programs to compensate workers for lost wages for staying at home for social distancing, another problem has emerged — fiscal distancing.
Think for a moment what this means for Africa.

The African Development Bank estimates that Covid-19 could cost Africa a GDP loss between $22.1 billion, in the base case scenario, and $88.3 billion in the worst case scenario. This is equivalent to a projected GDP growth contraction of between 0.7 and 2.8 percentage points in 2020. It is even likely that Africa might fall into recession this year if the current situation persists. The Covid-19 shock will further squeeze fiscal space in the continent as deficits are estimated to widen by 3.5 to 4.9 percentage points, increasing Africa’s financing gap by an additional $110 to $154 billion in 2020.

Our estimates indicate that Africa’s total public debt could increase, under the base case scenario, from $1.86 trillion at the end of 2019 to over $2 trillion in 2020, compared to $1.9 trillion projected in a ‘no pandemic’ scenario. According to a March 2020 Bank report, these figures could reach $2.1 trillion in 2020 under the worst case scenario.

This, therefore, is a time for bold actions. We should temporarily defer the debt owed to multilateral development banks and international financial institutions. This can be done by re-profiling loans to create fiscal space for countries to deal with this crisis.That means that loan principals due to international financial institutions in 2020 could be deferred. I am calling for temporary forbearance, not forgiveness. What’s good for bilateral and commercial debt must be good for multilateral debt.

That way, we will avoid moral hazards, and rating agencies will be less inclined to penalize any institution on the potential risk to their Preferred Creditor Status. The focus of the world should now be on helping everyone, as a risk to one is a risk to all. There is no coronavirus for developed countries and a coronavirus for developing and debt-stressedcountries. We are all in this together.

Multilateral and bilateral financial institutions must work together with commercial creditors in Africa, especially to defer loan payments and give Africa the fiscal space it needs. We stand ready to support Africa in the short term and for the long haul. We are ready to deploy up to $50 billion over five years in projects to help with adjustment costs that Africa will face as it deals with the knock-on effects of Covid-19, long after the current storm subsides.

But more support will be needed. Let’s lift all sanctions, for now. Even in wartime, ceasefires are called for humanitarian reasons. In such situations, there is a time to pause for relief materials to reach affected populations. The novel coronavirus is a war against all of us. All lives matter. For this reason, we must avoid fiscal distancing at this time. A stitch in time will save nine. Social distancing is imperative now. Fiscal distancing is not.

The Author is President of the African Development Bank Group (