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It’s very unfortunate that the CEC and ZESCO failed to reach a mutually acceptable power supply deal


Energy Expert Johnston Chikwanda says it is very unfortunate that the Copperbelt Energy Corporation and Zesco have failed to reach a mutually acceptable power supply deal.

Mr Chikwanda says it was expected that it was not going to be a smooth separation between these two companies although it was and it still remains possible to resolve their issues.

He said the reported time frame in which the negotiations started was not enough.

Mr Chikwanda said given the intricacies around this two decade old relationship, seven weeks of negotiations were not enough.

He said with Zesco stopping to sell electricity to CEC, CEC’s main income would be from charging Zesco for using CEC’s infrastructure (transmission charges) on the Copperbelt in order to remain viable.

Mr Chikwanda said although there is a thought that CEC could import electricity from the region to supply its many customers, this is not guaranteed due to the lack of adequate electricity in the region and the high cost of importing electricity which is likely to me more than the price at which CEC is currently selling to its long term customers.

“Hence, the most realistic vector which CEC will appear to depend on for survival is to charge transmission charges (transmission tariff/wheeling charges).
Gaining full insight in this transmission charge which is also known as wheeling charge or transmission charge and assessing whether it is realistic or not is a matter for the Energy Regulation Board (ERB) which was not part of the engagements unfortunately”, he said.

Mr Chikwanda chikwanda the ERB still remains the best vehicle to adjudicate over tariffs between its licensees in order to maintain stakeholder harmony among players and ensure a fair return on investment for various licensees adding that both Zesco and CEC are ERB’s licensees.

He said in this case, Zesco is only willing to pay a certain amount of transmission charge so that it is able to sell electricity at a profit to the Copperbelt.

Mr Chikwanda chikwanda the amount Zesco is willing to pay may not be the amount CEC wants to charge in order for it to meet its operational requirements, capital expenditure and a fair return on investment hence the challenge.

He said to make matters even more intricate, CEC will also be charged by Zesco for use of Zesco’s transmission infrastructure should CEC resort to importing electricity from the region in order to service its Copperbelt based customers.

Mr Chikwanda said without an independent body to adjudicate and oversee this kind of state of affairs, this matter will go very far and lead to unnecessary challenges. Because of the way both parties have handled each other, there is no trust between them which makes above board negotiations very difficult.

“This is why ERB must be proposed to examine to what each party wants to charge each other for use of its transmission lines. However, ERB is incapacitated due to inadequacies in the current Energy Regulation Board Act”, he said.

“This is the reason I have maintained that the new Energy Regulation Bill of 2019 and the Electricity Bill of 2019 should have now been enacted in to law by now. These Bills when passed into law will solve a lot vexatious challenges and gaps in the electricity sub sector. As of now, ERB is not legally mandated to intervene and set tariffs with regard to Bulk Supply Agreements between Zesco and its big customers which include CEC”, Mr Chikwanda added.

He has however commended government for showing strong praxis of leadership to ensure continued of electricity supply although it is at terms and conditions which CEC appear to be uncomfortable with.

Mr Chikwanda said for the sake of country and given what we currently going through, CEC shoukd allow the electricity to reach the customers while they ignite alternative measures to resolve the impasse.

He said this is a pure case for an independent body to resolve and the sooner it is resolved, the better.

The Food and Nutrition Security Situation will worsen in the flood hit Lunga district-CSUN


The Civil Society Scaling Up Nutrition Alliance has expressed fear, the Food and Nutrition Security situation will worsen in Lunga district of Luapula Province which is a among the worst hit with malnutrition rate in Zambia due to the flooding that has characterised the area.

CSO-SUN Country Cordinator Mathews Mhuru says failure by the government to quickly clear the water channels has impacted negatively on the agriculture season as maize and cassava fields have all been submerged in water.

Mr Mhuru says his Organisation expect the people of Lunga to harvest nothing this farming season.

He said these floods have left many people vulnerable to hunger and we expect them to start asking for relief food immediately saying this situation could have been avoid had government invested in preventing this calamity through clearing of water channels.

Mr Mhuru said although it is gratifying that President Edgar Lungu took time to inspect the situation and promised to deliver relief food to the affected families, dealing with the root causes of the flooding problem is cardinal in avoiding the situation were people need to survive on relief food.

He said the the current situation should be a wake up call for the Government particularly the Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure Development to quickly find resources to run the dredgers to clear the water channels.

Mr Mhuru said it is unfortunate that failure to clear the canals has made flooding a perennial problem in Lunga and has affected not only the agriculture sector but the movement as well.

He said with the Government currently focusing its energies and resources towards fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, Zambian people should consider helping the people of Lunga with food and other requirements to enable them survive this phase in their lives.

Mr Mhuru said the people of Lunga have lost everything and require every form of assistance from food, clothing and others to pass through this stage.

President Lungu flying over the flooded areas in Luapula, Muchinga and Northern Provinces.
President Lungu flying over the flooded areas in Luapula, Muchinga and Northern Provinces.
President Lungu flying over the flooded areas in Luapula, Muchinga and Northern Provinces.
President Lungu flying over the flooded areas in Luapula, Muchinga and Northern Provinces.

No New COVID-19 Case Reported in the last 24 hours in Zambia-Health Minister


Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya has disclosed that Zambia has not recorded a new COVID-19 case in the last 24 hours.

During the twelfth COVID-19 update Wednesday afternoon Dr Chilufya said no new case has been recorded out of the 99 individuals that underwent testing and the number of confirmed cases still stands at 36.

And Dr. Chilufya has announced that President Edgar Lungu has ordered with immediate effect on the recruitment of 400 doctors as well as 3100 paramedics as a way of enhancing the response towards the fight against the pandemic.

He said the President has gone further to offer incentives to the front line health personnel as a way of motivating the workers who are sacrificing their lives to the coronavirus fight.

“The President has directed extra incentives for the front line health personnel who are heroes and heroines and he is thrilled with your patriotism and hard work towards the Covid-19 fight and stands with you as you wage the fight against the pandemic” Dr. Chilufya assured.

On the status of the cases, Dr. Chilufya said all the people that tested positive are all stable except the critical individual who is on oxygen but not deteriorating.

He disclosed that 5 alerts of possible cases were recorded but tested negative after being isolated and have since been discharged.

And Dr. Chilufya said tests have been expanded to Ndola in order to cater for the northern region.

He said Zambia also continues to respond to the pandemic regionally and these include facilitation of movements, regional trade regulation issues, and business facilitation among others.

He reiterated the need to avoid traveling into or outside Lusaka considering that it is the epicenter of the Coronavirus and discouraged public gatherings while emphasizing the need to adhere to all the laid down health measures to curb the virus and said a scalable plan in relation to the escalation of cases will also be enforced.

Dr. Chilufya said the government remains committed to ensure that the matrix of the ones that tested positive are followed in order to avoid new infections at all costs.

Keep talking and educating each other about COVID 19 despite criticisms, HH urges Zambians

UPND Leader Hakainde Hichilema has urged Zambians not to stop talking and educating each other about COVID 19, even amidst criticism by those whose task is to disparage and denounce every worthwhile effort to halt the advancement of the pandemic.

Mr Hichilema has noted with regret that some people are criticizing and disparaging worthwhile effort to halt the advancement of the pandemic.

He said whether by various vehicles of social media or by performing arts, news must be spread about COVID-19.

Mr Hichilema has urged Zambians to play catch up with the cold hard facts of COVID 19, because lessons from other nations that were once where Zambia is, are visible and available for free use.

He said the COVID-19 pandemic has formed a social fabric of humanity and has become a glue which holds society together, one which has helped shape socially cohesive communities despite the disease’s devastating consequences.

Mr Hichilema said the COVID 19 has offered humanity a ‘highly accelerated life test’ in which to fact check resilience and resolve as brothers and sisters’ keepers.

Chef 187 releases video for Grammy Muchibemba

chef 187 performing

Chef 187 released the video for the song Grammy Muchibemba that is off his latest album Bon Appetit.

Zambia asks proposals from banks on how to postpone its debt repayments


The Zambian government has asked banks for proposals on reorganizing as much as $11.2 billion of foreign debt as its debt-service costs rise and metal prices plunge, hurting its economy.

The country “intends to implement a liability management of its external debt portfolio to lengthen maturity and enhance its capacity to meet debt-service obligations,” the finance ministry said in a request for proposals sent to lenders, seen by Bloomberg and verified by two of the recipients.

The advisers’ mandate would include assisting the government in negotiations with creditors, as well as “formulating restructuring plans for loans” where creditors agree, according to the document.

The request for proposals is part of Zambia’s plan to put in place measures to ensure debt sustainability and deal with liabilities that will become due in the medium term, Finance Ministry Spokesman Chileshe Kandeta said in an emailed response to questions.

“The government has no intention of unilaterally restructuring its debt without consulting creditors,” Kandeta said. “The government will respect agreements and use market-based instruments where applicable.”

The document was sent to lenders including Barclays Plc, Citigroup Inc., Deutsche Bank AG and Goldman Sachs Group Inc.

The ministry also sent it to Greylock Capital Management LLC, an investor in emerging-market distressed debt.

Any restructuring plan will include debt held by multilateral and bilateral lenders, commercial banks, capital-market investors export-credit organizations and others, the document said.

Zambia’s foreign debt amounted to $11.2 billion at the end of 2019.

Zambia’s currency is the world’s worst performer after Brazil’s this year, and foreign-exchange reserves have fallen to a record low and cover less than two months of imports.

Its $3 billion of Eurobonds have been trading at distressed levels, with yields on notes due 2022 rising above 50%. The bonds extended losses Tuesday.

The selected advisers will “review the entire debt-loan portfolio to identify loans that are plausible for liability management,” according to the request for proposals. They will also “formulate restructuring plans for loans where liability management terms have been agreed to by creditors,” and help arrange financing, it said.

Zambia debuted in the Eurobond market in 2012, when low interest rates in the wake of the global recession and the ensuing hunt for yield among investors meant it could borrow more cheaply than Spain at the time.

Two other Eurobond sales followed in 2014 and 2015.

It’s also contracted billions of dollars in loans for infrastructure projects from lenders including Export-Import Bank of China, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and Saudi Fund for Development.

Covid-19 grounds Mahogany Air


Mahogany Air has announced it has suspended all flights from 30th March to 30th April 2020 in response to the Coronavirus control measures and to join the rest of the country in less contact and observance of staying home.

Company Chief Executive Officer Dr Jim Belemu has noted that since the announcement of the pandemic, the major control measures have been travel restrictions across the globe which put Mahogany like any other airline in the frontline of being negatively affected.

Dr Belemu said Mahogany is open to support flights for any emergency supply that the Ministry of Health may require to move around the country.

In a statement, Dr Belemu said Mahogany flight crew will be on standby to undertake flights as it is everyone’s concern and contribution to prevent and control this disease in Zambia.

Standard Chartered to commit $1 billion of financing for companies to help COVID-19


Standard Chartered has announced it will commit US$1 billion of financing for companies that provide goods and services to help the fight against Covid-19, and those planning the switch into making products that are in high demand to fight the global pandemic.

Companies in scope include all those associated with helping to tackle Covid-19, including manufacturers and distributors in the pharmaceutical industry and healthcare providers, as well as non-medical companies that have volunteered to add this capability to their manufacturing output – goods in scope include ventilators, face masks, protective equipment, sanitizers, and other consumables.

Simon Cooper, Chief Executive Officer of Corporate, Commercial and Institutional Banking at Standard Chartered, said clearly there’s a cost for companies to switch into these hugely in-demand items, so it’s an area where the Bank can help them get up and running more quickly.

He said at the same time, the Bank wants to make sure that existing manufacturers and service providers get the support they need.

Mr Cooper said the bank intends to provide, at preferential rates, at least US$1 billion of financing to those companies in the form of loans, import/export finance or the working capital facilities that they use for day-to-day business operations to help them tool up, and help existing manufacturers get their products to market.

He said Standard Chartered is also trying to identify companies that may wish to switch into or add anti-virus products to their output but haven’t indicated that they will do so at this stage.

“Our industry teams are looking across our client base and, given our understanding of clients’ current manufacturing processes, we’re assessing which companies might want to consider adding these items to their production line,” he added.

He said All financing will be subject to companies having received regulatory approvals to manufacture the goods.

Mr Cooper said the bank will continue to serve all of its clients during what is a challenging period for all companies, from small businesses to large multinationals.

This is according to a statement issued to the media by Standard Chartered Bank Zambia Head of Corporate Affairs, Branding and Marketing Christine Matambo.

Defiant Bar Owners in Solwezi District have been arrested


A joint team of health inspectors from the Solwezi municipal council, council and Zambia police officers have apprehended eight bar owners who defied the presidential directive banning bars from operating.

Solwezi Municipal Council Assistant Public Relations Manager Esther Chirwa told ZANIS in Solwezi that the team conducted patrols and inspections of business houses on Sunday and found some bars open.

Ms. Chirwa said the team, which conducted patrols in Kyawama, Muzabula, Magrade, Kazomba, Messenger and Zambia compounds among other areas, also confiscated merchandise and revoked liquor licenses.

She commended Solwezi residents for reporting business owners that open their premises to members of the public against the Presidential directive.

Ms. Chirwa said the precautionary measures put in place are not meant to cripple businesses but to cushion the further spread of COVID-19, adding that business owners should therefore adhere.

She said those apprehended may be tried in the fast track court.

She thanked those that have complied with the guidelines that were announced by the Head of State.

During his national address last week, President Edgar Lungu ordered the closure of bars, night clubs, gyms, cinemas and casinos with effect from Thursday 26th March 2020 in an effort to prevent the further spread of COVID-19 whose confirmed cases are now 36 in the country.

It’s appalling for leaders to give Zambians incomplete information on status of Zambia and Zambians on COVID-19

Operation Young Vote says it is sad and appalling that leaders particularly those in government have opted to give Zambians incomplete information on the status of Zambia and Zambians regarding the deadly Covid 19 epidemic.

Organization Executive Director Guess Nyirenda says the fact that the Minister of Health and the government generally chooses to censor information given to the nation on a matter of life and death is vexing, as heard on the live streaming on Facebook where he confirmed that Permanent Secretaries and other high ranking officials are among the people in isolation.

Mr Nyirenda said this is not only a confirmation of leaders irresponsibility but also an indication that they are ready to keep everyone in the dark.

“Should we honestly continue believing the numbers government through the Minister of Health is giving us as updates – NO – unless we are fools. This behavior by our leaders is total politicization of the epidemic and should not be condoned. It should be stopped henceforth”, he said.

Mr Nyirenda said Zambia has a government that is not ready to be open and truthful to its citizens so as to make everyone appreciate the gravity of the challenge.

He has noted that true leaders in other parts of the world have voluntarily come out in the open declaring their positive status of Covid 19 to the public with one of the key messages that all need to preach about the Coronavirus epidemic is that everyone is a potential carrier and that each one of the citizens must be very alert as the country deal with one another in whatever form or business.

Mr Nyirenda said the Minister of Health and government have no right whatsoever of putting people’s lives at risk of the epidemic by telling them cooked information on the status.

He said this should have been a point of Zambians sympathizing with this government including on many other things it has failed but alas, due to always wanting to scheme against its own people – even on global epidemic the government sees an opportunity.

Mr Nyirenda said this is not only chaotic but also shameful.

He said this behavior of censoring information even in calamities such as Covid 19 is unchristian.

Zambian music stars teamed up for a song to sentize people to prevention measures of Corona Virus

Zambian music stars Pontiano KaicheMaureen LilandaMacky2Wezi and Chef 187 teamed up for a song to sentize people to prevention measures of Corona Virus.

The song is called “Together We Can“, it was produced by Fumbani.

Zambia shuts down Victoria Falls


The Victoria Falls (Mosi oa- Tunya) shared between Zambia and Zimbabwe has been closed to the public on the Zambian side as countries struggles to cope with the Covid-19 outbreak.

Zambia’s National Heritage Conservation Commission confirmed in a statement on Tuesday.

In a letter addressed to Livingstone Tourism Association, Commission Regional Director, Oliver Kandyata, explained that the falls has been closed until further notice.

Kaindu Plots For Buildcon Revamp

New Buildcon coach Kelvin Kaindu is seeking to lift the FAZ Super Division side out of relegation.

Kaindu was this week given the mandate to coach Buildcon for the remainder of the 2019/20 season with Boyd Mulwanda as his assistant.

The team is fourth from the bottom of the 18-team league table with 25 points from 23 matches played.

“It’s never an easy decision to join a team that in the relegation zone but I think if you have foresight, you believe and have faith and everybody puts in their efforts, I think we can try and probably survive,” Kaindu said.

Buildcon have six wins, seven draws and ten defeats.

“Our primary target is to put all our efforts together – praying and having faith that we will come out of relegation. We will try and motivate the players, change the mind of players to fight on until the last game,” he said.

Kaindu, the former Power Dynamos trainer, bounces back into coaching three months after his dismissal at Zanaco where he served as an assistant to Mumamba Numba.

Lusaka City Council to stop street vending in the Central Business District


The Lusaka City Council will with effect from today not allow street vending in the Central Business District in the quest to fight the spread of Coronavirus in the city.

Lusaka Mayor Miles Sampa says this includes Simon Mwewa Lane and Lumumba filter Lane which were late last year designated for street vending.

Mr Sampa said all street vendors have been requested not to turn up in the streets tomorrow but instead go back to established markets dotted around the city where they can access handwashing facilities that the Council has provided and also observe social distancing.

“Our records indicate that all markets in the City have vacant stands or trading spaces to accommodate applicants from the street vendors”, he said.

He said the decision comes in the wake of the increasing number of confirmed cases of Coronavirus in the country which stands at 36 and also in line with Statutory Instruments No. 21 and 22 of 2020, which, among other things has restricted mass public gatherings.

Mr Sampa said the Council has observed that it is practically difficult to provide handwashing facilities in the streets and make vendors observe social distancing of at least one meter apart.

“LCC together with its stakeholders are doing everything possible within their means to provide hand washing facilities, conduct sensitisations and make marketeers observe social distancing but the same cannot be done to street vendors”, he added.

Mr Sampa said this clearly shows that some residents of the city are not being reached in terms of measures put in place by Government to fight the spread of Coronavirus pandemic.

He said to this end, LCC has procured 300 litre capacity hand washing facilities to be placed in markets and bus stations and also enough chemicals to disinfect the establishments.

Mr Sampa said vending, is also hampering the Council’s efforts to keep the city clean thereby risking the lives of all residents.

He expressed hope that vendors and other stakeholders such vendors’ associations will support the move to avoid the spread of Coronavirus.

Mr Sampa has warned that Vendors who will not abide by the directive will be met with the full force of the combined team of state and council police officers.

Man in court for murdering his wife for alleged infidelity


A 32-year-old man of Itezhi Tezhi district, who is facing a charge of murdering his wife for alleged infidelity, has appeared in the magistrate’s court for mention.

Justin Kachulwe, a farmer of Shikumbe village in chief Musungwa’s area in Itezhi Tezhi district is accused of murder contrary to section 200 of the penal code, chapter 87 of the laws of Zambia.

Particulars of the offence are that on 10 January 2020, in Itezhi Tezhi district in Central Province, Kachulwe murdered his wife, Fiona Mulube.

When the matter came for explanation of the charge before magistrate Keggan Litia, Kachulwe said he understood the charge.

Magistrates Litia then informed Kachulwe that the magistrate’s court has no jurisdiction to handle his case as it is only triable in the High court.

The magistrates then told the accused person that he will continue appearing in the magistrate’s court until it receives instructions from the Director of Public Prosecutions to commit him to the High court for trial.

Magistrate Litia has since adjourned the matter to April 14, 2020 for another mention.

Kachulwe is alleged to have killed Fiona after he found her with another man.