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Senanga Timber Processing Company closed after License expires, 200 workers lose jobs


The Senanga magistrate court has seized timber worth over K60, 000 from a timber processing centre belonging to a local businessman. The timber was seized because the business was allegedly operating without a trading license.

The business, which was established in 1990, has been operating using casual licenses which were suspended in 2016 following some changes in the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources.

The casual licenses were replaced with production licenses which cost K7,500 each.

According to the sources, the timber processing centre belonging to Mr. Ivor Lance, acquired a trading license which expired in 2018 and has not been renewed since then.

And a family member of the businessman, Sharmine Lance said the processing centre does not have a production license because it is expensive and the process to acquire it is long.

She said the business is the major income earner for over 200 workers hence seizing the timber has disadvantaged many families.

Meanwhile, another timber dealer Chinyama Kayawe has called on the authorities to allocate more time for the traders to acquire a license.

He said traders should be allowed to trade while making arrangements to obtain a trading license.

And Senanga District Commissioner Vivian Mubukwanu said the district will not allow any illegal timber trader to operate.

Mr. Mubukwanu said all timber dealers are mandated to have a trading license and no one is exempted.

He stated that President Edgar Lungu has directed that natural resources should be secured and only those with trading licenses are allowed to engage in timber business.

He said the processing centre that had its timber seized has been approached several times and advised to get a license but it has not done so.

Government alone can’t manage to contain COVID-19 because of budgetary constraints-Lusambo

Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo has implored politicians, business entities and Zambians of goodwill to come together and supplement government efforts in curbing the further spread of the coronavirus pandemic.

Mr. Lusambo said government alone cannot manage to contain the disease because of budgetary constraints and other equally competing needs.

ZANIS reports that Mr. Lusambo particularly called on opposition United Party for National Development (UPND) parliamentarians to show unity of purpose by closely working with the government in sensitizing the public on the dangers of the pandemic.

The Lusaka Provincial Minister was speaking on a Radio Phoenix’s special ‘Let the People Talk Programme’ yesterday on the COVID 19 pandemic and measures that government has put in place to halt the spread of the disease.

“This is not the time for us to start politicking, it is in this vein that I am calling on my colleagues, Choma Central Member of Parliament, Cornelius Mweetwa, Monze Central MP, Jack Mwiimbu, Kafue MP Miriam Chonya and Rufunsa MP, Sherry Mulyata to join forces with government in preventing the spread of the disease,” he appealed.

And Mr. Lusambo has justified the use of minimum force by the police on revelers who have defied government’s directive to shut night clubs and bars among other places.

He explained that some people will only adhere to the directive when they are beaten.

“…….even a child will only listen if you spank them a bit. We are dealing with a very difficult situation which needs bold leader to control. You bar owners that want to abrogate the presidential directive with impunity am warning that soon l will visit and you will be sorry,” he warned.

Mr. Lusambo reiterated that people can buy alcohol and go home to drink.

And most callers to the programme commended Mr. Lusambo for his actions.

The callers said it was surprising that Zambians, especially those that are enlightened, are in the habit of abrogating the law with impunity.

Meanwhile, Mr. Lusambo disclosed that he is in the process of engaging Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services Dora Siliya and her Permanent Secretary Amos Malupenga on how best the Zambia News and Information Services (ZANIS) could be engaged in conducting mobile announcements on COVID 19.

He has however asked capable Zambians to come forward and supplement government efforts in conducting mobile announcements especially in Lusaka district which has recorded many cases.

“Those with private-public announcement equipment and a fleet of vehicles, please come forth so that we give you messages on this disease so that you sensitize Zambians. This pandemic has affected all of us hence the need for concerted efforts to curb the further spread of the disease especially here in Lusaka,” he said.

Zambia has seen an increase in the number of cases since it recorded its first two cases last week.

As of yesterday, the total number of laboratory-confirmed cases of coronavirus infected people in Zambia is 36.

PF Government is hiding information, the identities of the Government officials under Quarantine must be disclosed


By: Anthony Bwalya – UPND Member

At this moment, the Zambian public is entitled to treat with the highest contempt and distrust the infection figures thus far given by the PF administration – the culture of lying and deceit under the PF regime must be dealt with now.

The fight against COVID19 cannot and must never be anchored on lies and deceit.

The fight to beat COVID19 is a battle of honest conversation and open disclosure so that the public must identifiably know where the primary risks are.

The revelations today by Minister of Health Dr. Chitalu Chilufya, that some high ranking government officials and permanent secretaries are currently under quarantine for COVID19 and yet clear attempts are being made by the PF administration to lie about this vital information, and patently looking to keep this information a secret, is not only an injury to the integrity of the fight against COVID19, but also an indictment of the culture of lies and deception upon which this government is founded and now thrives.

Zambians have known for a very long time, that the PF governments is addicted to lying about important matters to the Zambian people. This is the same government that has lied on the record about the cost of Fire Tenders, Ambulances, failed to account for over $1.5bn of Mukula revenue, failed to account for close to $4m of social cash transfer funds and allowed government officials to extract close to K5bn out of this economy through corruption and money laundering – as per FIC report of 2018.

It is disgraceful, that at a time when the country is looking for unity and honesty around the fight against COVID19, the PF administration is in the forefront to peddle lies about who actually has fallen victim to COVID19.

They are happy to disclose the nationalities of other individuals and almost peddle hatred and dissent against these individuals all for contracting a disease. We have seen individuals of Indian origin being ridiculed, as has been Chinese nationals, after being branded as the primary carriers of COVID19 in Zambia. What Zambians may not know is that COVID19 may actually have been brought to Zambia by our own indisciplined government officials whose lack of sound judgment is now an existential threat to all of us.

The biggest enemy Zambia and Zambians have now is not even COVID19.

Our biggest enemy is a PF regime that thinks it can survive and thrive on lies.

How can we trust that all the monetary donations we are receiving for COVID19 will be accounted for when the PF regime cannot be trusted with giving very basic information about who is infected? These high ranking officials had contact with their PAs, drivers etc. Have these individuals been tested for COVID19? Have their families been tested?

Dr. Chitalu Chilufya must be given 24 hrs to disclose the identities of the government officials under quarantine or he must resign his position as Health Minister for lying to the Zambian people.

Please note Prime Minister Boris Johnson of the United Kingdom, his closest officials, Prince Charles among prominent officials, were honest enough about their health status on view of COVID19. What is so incredibly special about some pampered, overpaid Ministers and Permanent Secretaries in Zambia?

Thank goodness none of these individuals will be evacuated anywhere for treatment.

What a disgrace of a government.

Kalumbila mine donates towards fighting COVID-19


Kalumbila Minerals Limited (KML), a subsidiary of First Quantum Minerals, has pledged to donate in-kind over K600, 000 towards combating the coronavirus in Zambia.

KML Assistant General Manager, Junior Keyser has also pledged to provide the necessary health support that shall fall within the means of the mining firm.

“I wish to assure you that we are together in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic and we shall provide the necessary health support that shall fall within our means as and when need arises. Our earnest hope is to see our country Zambia walk through these hard times with manageable social and economic impacts,” he said.

Mr. Keyser said this in a letter made available to the media yesterday by Kalumbila District Commissioner, Robinson Kalota following his recent request from the mining company for assistance in combating the coronavirus outbreak.

He stated that KML has pledged to donate in-kind 50 percent (K620, 201.25) of the total district epidemic preparedness and response budget pegged at slightly over K1.2 million.

“The decision to donate in-kind was motivated by our stringent internal corporate auditing procedures. The pledged donation shall be accessible through the Trident Foundation Limited (TFL) with immediate effect,” he said.

He said the donation will cover personal protective equipment (PPE) for healthcare service providers, consumables for epidemiological investigations and active surveillance, medical supplies and laboratory consumables, public health consumables, public road user screening requirements, fuel for distributing materials within the district as well as preparedness needs for potential worst-case situations.

Mr. Keyser said KML is currently providing support through sensitisation support in 12 communities in collaboration with the district health team.

This is done though distribution of awareness material, provision of fuel for contact tracing being coordinated through the provincial health team and transportation of samples to Lusaka for analysis.

And Kalumbila District Commissioner Robinson Kalota has appreciated the gesture by the mining company.

Mr. Kalota said the fight against COVID-19 is a responsibility for everyone even if government through Ministry of Health is leading.

“This fight can only be won if we all adhere to the guidelines set. I am very delighted by this gesture as it shows that we can achieve by working together,” he said.

Mr. Kalota has since called upon other stakeholders to emulate Kalumbila mine and Mei Mei Limited who also recently donated assorted hand washing basins, liquid soap and face masks.

Prime TV drags Government to Court over severance of business relations


Prime Television Zambia has dragged the Zambian Government, Top Star Communications Company Limited and Multi Choice Zambia Limited to court over commercial relations which Government decided to severe.

In a petition filed on 31st March 2020 by LCK Chambers run by Linda Kasonde, Prime TV has asked the High Court to declare that their rights as provided for in Article 20 of the Constitution were violated when Government decided to cut business ties after its proprietor Gerald Shawa told Government that the Station was not prepared to broadcast free adverts to sensitise the public on preventive against the Coronavirus (COVID-19).

Prime TV has asked the High Court to declare the decision by Government to cease all commercial transactions with the station as being unconstitutional. In addition to compensation, the petition by Prime TV is further seeking a quashing order against, usually obtained from judicial review, against the decision of the Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services Dora Siliya to cease all business cooperation with the station.

The Station is also seeking an order that TopStar Communications Ltd and Multi Choice Zambia Ltd cannot remove Prime TV from the TopStar decorder at the direction of Government which has shares in TopStar Communications Ltd.

The strain in commercial relations between Prime TV and Government has been filed by LCK Chambers as a human rights issue under Article 28 of the Constitution of Zambia.

Active Swedish-Based Duo Cheers Micho


News that the Swedish-based Chipolopolo duo Edward Chilufya and Emmanuel Banda have returned to full training with league champions Djurgarden has lifted coach Milutin ‘Micho’ Sredojevic’s spirits in the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic that has halted World football.

Sweden has implemented a liberal quarantine policy while its neighours and most of Europe have been severely struck by pandemic that has seen players restricted to personal training at home after leagues were postponed.

“Edward Chilufya and Emanuel Banda are in full training at present and this coming Saturday are starting Sweden premier league after the second division kicked off earlier in this week,” Micho said.

“We in football are suffering as well so we need us as leaders to technically generate some positive energy to try and inject this in our players telling them that with discipline, seriousness and responsibility they should not be complacent in this terrible situation.”

Chilufya and Banda kicks off the 2020/2021 season with the defending Swedish champions this weekend away to Orebro on schedule that traditionally runs through the European Summer.

COVID-19 cases rise to 36, with 25 cases imported while 9 contracted locally


Zambia has recorded one more laboratory confirmed case of coronavirus in the last 24 hours, bringing the total number of cases to 36.

Minister of Health Chitalu Chilufya revealed that the new case involves an adult male who travelled to Pakistan and transited through Dubai, then Johannesburg to Lusaka, aboard the Airlink plane on March 24, 2020.

In his daily briefings on the disease, Dr. Chilufya said among the confirmed cases of COVID-19, 25 were imported from France and Pakistan, while nine contracted the disease locally through contact with infected people.

He discloses that the people suspected to have been in contact with those infected have settled in some residential areas of Lusaka that include Chaisa, Jack, Emasdale, Ibex Hill and Eureka, while others have settled in the Copperbelt province.

Dr. Chilufya explained that all the infected people are stable and continue to be in isolation while one patient with severe symptoms has continued to be under intensive health care and is not deteriorating.

He added that the health surveillance team has continued to follow and test all those who came into contact with the people confirmed to have the virus.

Dr. Chilufya said his ministry has continued to identify more facilities that will be transformed into isolation centres adding that the Court Yard hotel and Old Victoria hospital are on the list.

And Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services Dora Siliya emphasized the need to unite and intensify the observance of preventive measures that have been put in place by the government.

Ms. Siliya has since called on every citizen to take leadership and join in the fight against the pandemic if the country is to contain the disease.

Meanwhile, ZAMTEL has donated about K200, 000 and 500 phones with free airtime to be used for communication during the fight against the pandemic.

ZAMTEL Managing Director Sydney Mupeta made the donation on behalf of the telecommunication company.

And the Association of Indian Community in Zambia has also donated assorted medical items worth K2 million to supplement government’s efforts in curbing the further spread of the coronavirus.

South African Politician get his wish to be buried in his Mercedes Benz Honoured


A South African Politician from the opposition United Democratic Movement (UDM) had his wish to be buried in his Mercedes-Benz honoured.

According to reports from local newspapers, including, Tshekede Bufton Pitso, was over the weekend, while smartly dressed in a white shirt and suit, wheeled into his final resting place in Sterkspruit over the weekend, as mourners somberly looked on.

Photos of the ceremony showed the politician behind the wheel of his car as the vehicle was mechanically moved toward the hole in the ground, positioned in a way resembling him driving while wearing a seatbelt.

His Party president Bantu Holomisa tweeted that he had planned to attend the funeral of the politician, who some people described as flamboyant, but had abandoned his trip on account of COVID-19.

SOuth African Politician Tshekede Buffon Pitso's resting place
SOuth African Politician Tshekede Buffon Pitso’s resting place

CEC-ZESCO deal expires tonight, ZESCO to take over the supply of electricity on the Copperbelt


The long standing business relationship between the Copperbelt Energy Corporation and ZESCO comes to an end tonight after the expiry of the Bulk Supply Agreement.

Energy Minister Mathew Nkhuwa confirmed that the deal through CEC was suppling bulk electricity to mining companies and residential customers on the Copperbelt expires at midnight tonight.

Mr Nkhuwa told a news briefing in Lusaka on Tuesday afternoon that after seven weeks of negotiations among officials from CEC, ZESCO and the Ministry of Energy, the parties have failed to come up with a new agreement.

He revealed that the main point of disagreement was CEC’s insistence that it needed a 16 years long term agreement while ZESCO was only willing to accept a one-year interim agreement.

Mr. Nkhuwa said ZESCO had preferred to enter into an interim supply contract with CEC as it was awaiting results of the Cost of Service study which only be ready in November.

He said ZESCO therefore cannot commit to long term agreements before the study is concluded as it may have negative implications on its business.

Mr Nkhuwa expressed regret that negotiations for a new agreement had failed.

The Energy Minister assured that Government not allow any threats to the supply of electricity on the Copperbelt.

He said from 00.01 Hours Wednesday morning, ZESCO will take over the supply of electricity to CEC Copperbelt based customers on conditions on ZESCO’s terms as the utility is the true owner of the electricity.

PF Response To COVID-19 on the Zambian Economy Meaningless – MMD Youth Chief


Opposition New Hope Movement for Multi-party Democracy (MMD) National Youth Secretary Mr. Gregory Mofu has said that the economic measures announced by PF led Government are meaningless as they will not impact the Ordinary Zambian.

The Minister of Finance Hon. Ngandu Bwalya on Friday had a presser at Mulungushi Conference Hall where he announced a number of economic measures amid to reduce the impact of the COVID-19 on Zambian Citizenry.

Mr. Mofu in a statement this morning said that the MMD expected that the PF government would extend the suspension of duty to essential food item imports, and further reduce the VAT on all essential food products.

“While We as the New Hope MMD recognize that the measure to suspend the excise duty of on imported ethanol for use in alcohol-based sanitizers and other medicine-related activities is progressive, we note with concern that the PF government has taken no other measure to reduce the tax liability, and cost liability on citizens for essential items during this period. We would have expected that the PF government extends the suspension of duty to essential food item imports, and further reduced the VAT on all essential food products”, Mr. Mofu said.

Mr. Mofu further said that it unfortunate that the Minister of Finance didn’t give fiscal relief to Local Industries.

“While the statement by the Minister noted the critical role of local producers and their products during this period, nothing has been done as a measure to ensure incentivize their role. We expected the PF government to give fiscal relief to local industries producing and providing essential goods and services as a way to keep either much-needed businesses alive and at full production in this critical period”, Mr. Mofu said.

Mr. Mofu then questioned the move by the Government to give relief to the Mining Industry.

“ Lastly but not the least, We note with concern that the during this critical time, the PF government has chosen to further incentivize the export-oriented mining sector by giving them relief in some of the VAT payments, suspending import duties on the importation of concentrates and removing export duty on precious metals. This is questionable; it does not seem to work for increased revenue generation for the government to respond to any effects that the COVID_19 has had on the Zambian economy”, Mr. Mofu wondered.

ZCCM-IH to appeal against the Lusaka High Court judgment delivered in favour of First Quantum Minerals


ZCCM Investments Holdings Plc (ZCCM-IH) has said that the company intends to appeal against the Ruling of the Lusaka High Court delivered on 23 March 2020 regarding a matter the firm commenced in 2016, against First Quantum Minerals Limited (FQM Ltd), FQM Finance Limited, Philip Pascall, Arthur Mathias Pascall, Clive Newall, Martin Rowley, and Kansanshi Mining Plc.

In a statement released to the media, ZCCM-IH said that the defendants’ conduct, allegedly, among others, that the defendants on several occasions fraudulently engaged in transactions totaling in excess of $2 billion for the benefit of the FQM Group, is detrimental to ZCCM-IH’s interests and those of the nation, and remained committed to protecting the said interests, adding that it will be appealing against the Ruling.

In 2016, ZCCM-IH started the process of claiming up to $1.4 billion from First Quantum Minerals Ltd accusing the firm of engaging in fraud. The claim included $228 million in interest on $2.3 billion of loans that ZCCM-IH said First Quantum wrongly borrowed from the Kansanshi copper mine, as well as 20 percent of the principal amount, or $570 million, according to an internal company presentation, dated Nov. 4, 2016.

ZCCM-IH is also seeking $260 million as part of a tax liability the Zambia Revenue Authority said Kansanshi owed it, as well as the cost of the mine borrowing money commercially that ZCCM-IH said could have been avoided.

In papers filed in the Lusaka High Court on Oct. 28 2016, ZCCM-IH said that First Quantum used the money as cheap financing for its other operations.

ZCCM-IH is triple listed on 3 stock exchanges: the Lusaka Securities Exchange (Primary listing) and on the London Stock Exchange and the Euronext Access (Paris – Marche Libre) (Secondary Listings).

Government holds directly 17.25% shares and its 60.28% shares is held through the Industrial development Corporation (IDC) in Zambia, with the remaining 22.47% held by institutional and private individual shareholders.

ZCCM-IH currently has an investment portfolio of 22 companies, including Kansanshi Mining Plc (20%), Mopani Copper Mines Plc (10%) and Konkola Copper Mines Plc (20.6). Its shareholdings in these companies range from 10% to 100%, with commodities and services that are diversified in nature, including copper, gold, cobalt, coal and power, limestone, mining consultancy, financial services and gemstones.

We will start whipping people disregarding Covid-19 regulations-Lusambo


Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo has warned that people disobeying regulations on Coronavirus such as not frequenting bars will get whipped.

Mr. Lusambo said it is regrettable that some people have opted to disregard regulations outlined by government to contain the spread of Covid-19 such as staying home and not visiting bars.

He said the Provincial Administration and officers from the Council will start going round the Province whipping people that fail to follow the regulations.

Mr. Lusambo was speaking this morning when he featured on Tuesday edition of Let the People Talk programme on Phoenix FM.

He said it is incorrect to assume that some people are not aware of the regulations issued by the Ministry of Health because the information flow has been adequate since the disease broke out.

“When I inspected J.S Mall in Chalala over the weekend, I found Elite people in Chalala drinking in these bars. They had locked themselves inside and they even had boor bouncers to limit entry and there was a notice placed on the door saying the Bar is closed but they were only taking takeaways which was not rue because when I entered, I found a lot of people drinking. Now these are educated people with big vehicles packed outside but they just decided to do silly things and this is why we are going to whip them,” Mr. Lusambo said.

The Lusaka Province Minister said a similar pattern repeated itself in Chelstone when he inspected the area on Saturday evening.

“In Chelstone, the people we apprehended after we found them drinking confessed when we interviewed them that they were aware of Coronavirus that they only wanted to drink a few bottles. So we know that Information is out there but people are just ignoring it,” he said.

He added, “We are dealing with adults and we can’t say we have failed to communicate as government, we will continue sensitizing the people but we will activate Plan B which is whipping these people because it appears that they are acting like Two-year-old babies who can only be controlled using whips. The same way we handle our babies in our homes, we give them strokes when they become indiscipline.”

Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo interrogates some people found drinking beers in bars in Chelstone area on Saturday evening before apprehending them for disobeying coronavirus regulations
Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo interrogates some people found drinking beers in bars in Chelstone area on Saturday evening before apprehending them for disobeying coronavirus regulations

Lusaka Commercial sex worker among those infected with Covid-19 as Doctor tests positive


A commercial sex worker based in Lusaka is one of those that have tested positive for Coronavirus after she slept with a South African national who visited Zambia two weeks ago.

The sex worker whose names have been withheld is now undergoing treatment at the Coronavirus treatment centre at the Levy Mwanawasa Hospital.

Ministry of Health officials has revealed that the commercial sex worker was critically ill when she checked herself into the hospital and that her condition is now stable.

Health workers performed contact tracing after she stabilized and she admitted to having offered her services to a South African national who was in Zambia for business some two weeks ago.

The health personnel later phoned the South African client who was discovered to be very ill in hospital undergoing treatment for Coronavirus.

Meanwhile, a medical Doctor at the Cancer Diseases Hospital in Lusaka has tested positive for COVID-19.

Information obtained from Ministry of Health shows that this has caused panic at Cancer Diseases Hospital after it emerged that the said Doctor had interacted with more than 30 other doctors before being tested.

Health Minister Dr Chitalu Chilufya yesterday confirmed that COVID-19 cases had risen to 35.

Many Katete residents resist COVID 19 preventive measures


The regulations that the government has set up in the wake of the COVID 19 pandemic in the country seem to have fallen on deaf ears as some people in Katete district of Eastern Province have continued with their usual way of life.

Some members of the public have refused to adhere to public health pronouncements in the district and have not perceived risk that is presented by the coronavirus pandemic.

A check by ZANIS around the Central Business District (CBD) of the district revealed that people seem not to care about the pandemic and have chosen to ignore most of the guidelines set out by the government.

One of the members of the public, Aaron Mwanza who was asked why he was not adhering to the preventive guidelines, said the measures being pronounced cannot save a person, arguing that it was only God who could save someone.

Mr. Mwanza claimed that death was inevitable with or without the coronavirus adding that there was nothing that man could do to save himself.

“If white people who are busy sensitizing us on social distancing are dying, death just comes. It is inevitable. It is only God who can protect and save us,” he said.

Another resident, Racheal Zulu, said she was failing to maintain the two metres social distance because she was accustomed to sitting close to others.

“I just forgot to sit two metres apart from the next person, otherwise I know about how one can protect themselves and that is by washing hands with soap, maintain good personal hygiene and social distancing of two metres,” she said.

On the measures put in place by government, Ms. Zulu said the regulations were valid and important as they were not only a means of preventing oneself from COVID 19 but also for other diseases that could come out of unhygienic practices.

And when asked if the public should not practice preventive measures but just wait on God to save them, Ms. Zulu said just waiting on God without practical preventive measures was folly.

Ms. Zulu said God helps those who help themselves adding that by taking necessary preventive measures while praying, God will come through to save someone.

Meanwhile, Katete District Commissioner (DC) Joseph Makukula took some time to sensitize the public at the Boma area who did not seem to maintain some level of social distancing.

Mr. Makukula underscored the importance of social distancing and not standing or sitting closer to one another.

He explained that being close to one another posed a risk to individuals and other people within the community.

Mr. Makukula further said adhering to some of these practical and simple rules of hand washing, social distancing and personal hygiene would prevent the disease from breaking out in the area.

“I have just been telling them on the importance of social distancing and not being close to each other. You can’t tell who has it and who has not, so it is important to take preventive measures,” he said.

Zambia Revenue Authority to undertake a Tax Compliance Audit on Copperbelt Based Millers


The Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) will undertake a tax compliance audit on Copperbelt based millers as soon as the list of those that have an agreement with the government is cleared by the Commissioner General’s office.

ZRA Indirect Taxes Acting Commissioner, Shadreck Kachusha said the authority will undertake the assignment where it will look at all interests of the nation.

Mr. Kachusha said during a meeting that was called by Copperbelt Province Minister Japhen Mwakalombe in Ndola yesterday that once the list of millers under the tripartite agreement with the government is cleared, the authority will ensure that a thorough job whose outcome should be a win-win situation is done.

And Mr. Mwakalombe said it was a pit that some millers in the province have allegedly resorted not to be issuing sales invoices to the clients, a situation he said is robbing the government of resources.

ZANIS reports that Mr. Mwakalombe said the government is not just losing money through the exploitation of consumers due to escalated prices of mealie meal but also through tax evasion.

He said the government will not hesitate to revoke trading licenses for millers that will be found wanting.

He described the behaviour of millers as tantamount to criminal.

And speaking earlier, Copperbelt Province Permanent Secretary, Bright Nundwe said there are 11 millers that are under the tripartite agreement in the Copperbelt province.

Yesterday, the Copperbelt Province Minister called on ZRA to conduct a thorough audit on tax compliance on Copperbelt based millers.