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Chinsali market traders want vendors out of streets


Traders at new Chinsali market have cried foul over the alleged failure by the local authority to control street vending in the district.

The traders told the Zambia News and Information Services (ZANIS) in Chinsali yesterday that there is a need to control street vending especially this time around when Zambia and is ravaged by coronavirus (COVID 19).

They expressed worry that there was an increase in the number of traders that have opted to sell their merchandise in the streets of Chinsali instead of doing so in designated places such as markets.

The marketeers suggested that in the wake of COVID 19 and all the measures that the government has put in place, trading in undesignated places should not be allowed.

They said those who trade in the streets of the Central Business District (CBD) also risk their lives as they can be run over by vehicles.

They said about a week ago, some traders nearly lost their lives when an identified vehicle lost control and veered off the road.

The traders also complained that the same street vendors block members of the public from entering the market hence they opt to buy from outside.

They added that the street vendors pose a higher risk of further spread of the current pandemic that has hit the nation and many other countries globally.

The concerned marketeers charged that the street vendors do not adhere to the regulations and guidelines that have been put in place by the Ministry of Health in order to prevent and control coronavirus disease.

They said if the situation is left unchecked, Chinsali district will soon record cases of coronavirus.

But Chinsali Mayor Thomas Mutale assured the marketeers that their concerns have been noted and will be addressed.

Mr. Mutale has since appealed to all the traders to ensure that they observe high standards of personal hygiene by washing hands with soap and clean water.

He reiterated that COVID 19 has no cure hence it was important that preventive measures are strictly followed.

Limulunga residents ignoring COVID 19 preventive measures


Limulunga residents have been urged to seriously take preventive measures against the deadly coronavirus in order to prevent the outbreak of the virus in the area.

Limulunga District Commissioner Maurice Litula said in a speech read for him by the District Administrative Officer Allan Simakando that people were not observing social distancing.

Mr. Litula said during the district epidemic preparedness stakeholders’ meeting that the behaviour of some people was contrary to the directive from the Ministry of Health.

He therefore appealed to line departments and stakeholders to enforce measures holistically.

And Mr. Litula has announced the cancellation of unessential travels outside the district adding that social visits and patrolling shopping malls should be minimised.

He has also called on public institutions to maintain hygiene by providing sanitizing facilities for their staff and visitors.

Mr. Litula said the department of health and the council should spearhead sensitization to the communities.

Meanwhile, Limulunga District Disease Surveillance Officer Vincent Siaziyu disclosed that the Nang’oko health post has been earmarked to be an isolation centre for patients with moderate or severe symptoms of COVID 19 in the district.

Mr. Siaziyu said those that will test positive to COVID19, they will be ferried to Mongu district hospital, which is the provincial treatment centre.

He has since urged people in the district to distance socially, cook meat thoroughly and avoid being touching their faces.

He further urged people to adhere to all precautions and to seek medical attention whenever they fell unwell.

And the Barotse Royal Establishment (BRE) has closed court sessions as a preventive measure against COVID 19.

And Western Water District Manager Francis Nakweti said the utility company will not disconnect water supply residences following a directive from the Ministry of Water Development, Sanitation and Environmental Protection.

Mr. Nakweti said the company has also increased water rationing hours from three to six hours in the district.

Mr Hichilema’s Immediate Lockdown Prescription would Hurt the Masses


By Sunday Chanda

We are very disappointed with Mr. Hakainde Hichilema’s insensitivity to the realities of the Covid-19, all in his quest to sound relevant.

At a time when everyone is putting their differences aside and coming together to fight a common enemy, Mr. Hichilema is busy politicking by running knee jerk political radio and TV adverts calling for a “Total Lockdown”.


Mr. Hichilema is not making the call for a total lockdown in good faith.

Mr. Hichilema and UPND are aware of the civil unrest that is brewing in neighbouring countries that are under lockdown. There are long queues of people struggling to get food supplies in compounds and shops in high density areas while are running out of stock as people queue for hours.

Their army’s are being compelled to use force to control crowds.

A total lockdown may work for the “Mayadi” elite like Mr. Hichilema who can afford to stock up food for months on end but elsewhere in the compounds it will be a total disaster. This is the problem they’re facing in South Africa.
People are coming out of homes in the name of going to buy food from selected supermarkets.

Where people live hand-to-mouth like our compounds, a lockdown must be the last thing anyone would wish for the majority poor. This would result in the crowds queuing for food supplies, a situation that would have the potential to spread the virus even more aggressively.

Either Mr. Hichilema is a political novice who is given to impulsive decisions or knows the cost and he is trying to make political capital out of it.


It is disturbing that while our nation and the world comes together to fight Covoid 19; Mr. Hichilema’s deviant behaviour may end up worse than the virus.

We call upon all Zambians to ignore his politicking as we all come together to fight Covoid 19.

Chibamba urges caution over Covid-19 total lockdown


Economist Chibamba Kanyama has urged Zambians to prepare for hard times ahead in light of the Covid-19 outbreak.

Mr Kanyama said government should manage the impending lockdown which many people are proposing carefully.

He said pictures coming from South Africa of citizens queuing up at malls confirm his fears of a complete lockdown without social analysis of impacts by social scientists.

“Those queues have potential to exacerbate what we are trying to avoid. Where people live hand-to-mouth, total lock down can be dangerous,” he stated.

“Even without the coronavirus hitting this country at the level it has in the West (and we pray it does not spread), lives of people in this country are beginning to take a toll-order,” Mr Kanyama said.

“Entertainment centers closed, restaurants and hotels nearly closed, tourism in lockdown—-people should be prepared for the really hard times,” he said.

Mr Kanyama said leadership should help people prepare themselves adequately so that they remain positive as they find new ways of survival.

“Without doubt, a lot of people will lose jobs or go many months without salaries. This alone has implications on other things: food, rent and school fees.”

He added, “I am very sure that under these circumstances, a country should learn how to suspend obstructions or non-essentials. Politics, for example, should no longer be prominent in any way during this period because we have one big enemy who should bring us together as a nation.”

He said the coronavirus knows no political party or ethnic group and that is why it invaded the palace in England.

“It’s time for dynamic leadership at all levels, including from the business community. We are in it together and we must come out of it together.”

Zambian Crocodile Farmers Association commends government’s move to suspend export duty


The Zambian Crocodile Farmers Association has commended government’s move to suspend export duty on crocodile skins as part of measures to support the economy amid the global COVID-19 pandemic.

Minister of Finance Bwalya Ng’andu on Friday announced various measures that government is undertaking to cushion business from the economic impact posed by the virus outbreak.

“In order to provide relief to businesses, government will suspend export duty on precious metals and crocodile skins,” Ng’andu told a news conference in Lusaka.

Kalimba Farm Board Chair and Zambia Crocodile Farmers Association Publicity Secretary Bill Thomas welcomed the suspension and noted it came at an opportune time when the industry faced severe challenges and liquidity problems due to the high export duty imposed in the 2019 Budget.

“We are grateful that the honourable minister and the government has listened to industry and seen the wider benefits of easing this burden on the sector,” said Mr Thomas. “This suspension of duty essentially saves the industry from collapse and will go a long way to protecting rural jobs and generating foreign exchange earnings.”
Furthermore it is hoped that in the not too distant future, finished crocodile products will be available for both the domestic, tourism and export markets.”

In January 2020, government introduced a 10 percent levy that required crocodile farmers to pay duty, up front, before they exported their produce. Because of the tax, crocodile skins valued at about US$1.3 million remained in cold storage due to the inability of some farmers to pay the tax; at least two crocodile farms closed and two others were planning to cease operations.

Mr Thomas said that Zambia’s crocodile skins were prized the world over for high-end footwear, handbags and garments, offering employment to at least a thousand people locally. And that, any negative shocks to the industry could lead to job losses, loss of revenue to government and worse, the collapse of the sub-sector.

In 2018, Zambia exported about 31,685 farmed crocodile skins, but in 2019 the exports are estimated to have slumped to 22,000, a third of what was exported in 2015.

The global market for crocodile skins – which are used to manufacture luxury items like high-end footwear, handbags, leather accessories, belts and wallets sold by such companies as Hermes, Gucci, Chanel, Prada and Louis Vuitton – is valued at about US$100 million.

Crocodile meat is also considered a delicacy in some Asian countries, and is rapidly gaining popularity in the local market.

Crocodile farming is a niche business that in Africa is dominated by Zimbabwe, Zambia and South Africa.

Zesco United in Kamusoko Boost


Zesco United spirits have been raised in the midst of the FAZ league lockdown due to the Coronavirus with news that midfielder Thabani Kamusoko is able to do light training.

Kamusoko sustained a leg injury in training four months ago on the eve of the December 7 CAF Champions League Group A home game against TP Mazembe that Zesco lost 2-1.

“He is now able to train without his crutches for the last three weeks,” Zesco media officer Desmond Katongo told LT Sports.

“He can walk now without any problem with just that occasional slight pain.

“He had been going to the gym working on the exercise bike but since the Covid19 outbreak has now been restricted to individual training at home.

“So had it not been for the Covid19, we would have probably been saying he is restricted to doing light training with the rest of the team.”

The Zimbabwean midfielder became an instant hit at Zesco this season after joining them from Tanzanian giants Young Africans.

Zambia has recorded 6 new cases of Covid-19 in connection with the Parkistan travel matrix


The total number of COVID-19 cases in Zambia has increased to 35 after the country recorded six more cases in the last 24 hours.

Health Minister Dr Chitalu Chilufya addressing Journalists in Lusaka today said 51 more tests were carried out in the last 24 hours with six people testing positive.

Dr Chilufya said the six cases involve the people that travelled to Pakistan and those that had direct contact with them.

He said four of the cases are directly linked, a couple directly linked to the cohort that travelled to Pakistan, one domestic worker and a congregant who came into contact with the cohort who came into contact with those that travelled Pakistan.

Dr Chilufya said the number of cases that are as a result of local transmission stands at nine cumulatively while all confirmed cases remain stable and in isolation.

The Minister said all the patients will only be discharged once they test negative and asymptomatic to the pandemic.

Dr Chilufya added that the case that was described yesterday as severely ill is now stable and condition remains the same.

He said the patient continues to be monitored by the specialist staff at the Levy Mwanawasa Isolation centre.

And Health Minister Dr Chitalu Chilufya has warned that businesses disobeying the Presidential directive to close down in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak will not only be shut down but will have their licenses revoked.

Dr Chilufya is saddened that some Businesses among them Bars, casinos and restaurants have continued to operate going against the directive.

He said those that are opening their premises for businesses are not only abrogating Statutory Instruments 21 and 22 but are also risking the lives of the people they are attending to.

Dr Chilufya has emphasized on the need for people to observe the pronounced Public Health measures such as sanitizing, washing hands with soaps, social distancing and staying home in order to prevent the spread of the pandemic.

The Minister has also emphasized the need for those that arrived in the country from 15th March 2020 using Kenya Airways, South African Airways, Emirates and Turkish Airline and have not been reached by health care providers to remain in self quarantine.

Dr Chilufya further emphasized on the need to avoid non essential travel to limit the chance of contact with COVID-19.

He said President Edgar Lungu has directed Cabinet Office to quickly identify non essential workers to allow them to work from home.

And Dr Chilufya said his Ministry is working with truckers, the Ministry of Home Affairs and Commerce, Trade and Industry to ensure that that trade continues.

He said there are also ongoing bilateral engagements to ensure essential trade continues so that the supply of essential commodities such as petroleum products is not disrupted.

President Lungu conducts an inspection of the flood situation in 20 villages of Luapula and Northern provinces.


President Edgar Lungu has conducted an inspection of the flood situation in more than 20 villages of Luapula and Northern provinces.

The Head of State could, however, could not address the affected families because the helicopters could not land and in view of the restrictions on public gathering following the outbreak of the Coronavirus.

President Lungu, however, told ZNBC News that the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) will provide mealie meal and other essentials to the affected families.

The President said he conducted the inspection in order to appreciate the challenge faced by the people.

President Lungu also said he avoided coming with officials as well as addressing people because of the restrictions due to the coronavirus.

However, President Lungu took advantage of the few individuals that he came across to educate them on the dangers of the Covid-19.

He urged people in rural areas not to take chances but avoid crowded places and ensure that they wash their hands with soap, regularly.

And the Head of State said the government will provide relief food to the affected families, while working on a long-term solution.

President Lungu said his government cares for the poor and that they will be helped during this difficulty time.

HH wants Correctional facilities and Police Cells decongested in the wake of COVID-19


UPND Leader Hakainde Hichilema has written to the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Chief Justice, the Director of Public Prosecution, the Human Rights Commission and the Legal Aid Board proposing measures to be taken to decongest Correctional facilities and Police Cells in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak in Zambia.

Mr Hichilema says congested Correctional Facilities and Police Cells are a drain for Communicable diseases even without the present COVID-19 threat the country is faced with.

He said aside from the direct risk to the lives of thousands of inmates held in correctional facilities and police cells the COVID-19 virus presents due to overcrowding, there is a secondary risk to others who interact with them.

Mr Hichilema has proposed the formation of an adhoc national case record review working group, the consequent categorization in the shortest time frame not exceeding 48 hours after the formation of the working group and the need for an analysis to be undertaken by the working group to secure release of inmates based on circumstances.

In a letter dated 24th March 2020 obtained by Hot FM News, Mr Hichilema expressed hope that with joint concerted efforts, the foregoing measures can be given due consideration and acted upon as a matter of urgency without compromising the security of the state in any way.

Below is HH’s full letter

Your Ladyship, Sirs and Madams,


1. I greet you all as partners in the furtherance of national interest.

2. I am writing to you all in your distinguished capacities as heads of arms of Government and key institutions that govern the well being of inmates in our various correctional facilities and police cells across the Country.

3. The purpose of my writing is to offer our proposals as to how to save the lives of our citizens in view of the threat posed by the Covid 19 pandemic and in view of our heavily congested correctional facilities and police cells which are a cesspool for communicable diseases, even without the present Covid 19 threat the country is faced with.

4. Aside from the direct risk to the lives of the thousands at inmates held in the above mentioned facilities that the Covid 19 virus presents due to over crowding, there is a secondary risk to others who interact with them, including but not limited to prison authorities, judiciary staff, members of the legal fraternity and numerous others that I need not itemise here, who in turn interact with their families and the general public at large.

Our facilities thus have the potential to become deadly breeding grounds for the spread of this infection.

5. The need to decongest our correctional facilities cannot therefore be over emphasised and this letter is aimed at providing possible ways of achieving that from our perspective as drawn from discussions we have had with various stakeholders.

6. We thus propose the following:

(a) The formation, as a matter of urgency, of an ad hoc National Case
Record Review Working Group (“the Working Group”) comprising
volunteer legal practitioners, law students, paralegals, police officers,
prisons officers and legal service organisations such as Justice Forum Zambia Limited, Caritas Zambia Limited and others under the supervision of the National Prosecutions Authority and the Legal Aid Board to review all case records, dockets and goal delivery returns so as to ascertain the status of all inmates held in our facilities and the stage of prosecution of all pending matters beginning with the most congested facilities.

In doing this, the Working Group shall also have
regard to the risk level of each facility given its geographic location.

(b) The consequent categorisation in the shortest possible time frame (not exceeding 48 hours after the formation of the Working Group) of
inmates into the following categories at a minimum:

(i) Inmates in police cells for prolonged periods without arraignment before Court;

(ii) Remandees whose trials are yet to commence;

(iii) Remandees whose trials are yet to be concluded;

(iv) Remandees awaiting Judgement;

(v) Prohibited Immigrants;

(vi) Convicts amenable for early release;

(vii) Inmates amenable for transfer to open air facilities; and

(viii) Juvenile, elderly and terminally ill inmates.


(c) It is further proposed that following categorisation, further analysis be undertaken by the Working Group to secure release of inmates based on the circumstances of each case as follows:

(i) In cases where inmates are facing minor charges or have scant evidence against them, but are held in police cells, that these be released on police bond or unconditionally as a matter of urgency and as the case maybe.

(ii) In cases where trials are yet to commence owing to challenges
with putting forward evidence, remandees may be discharged
upon withdrawal of the cases against them pursuant to Section
88 of the Criminal Procedure Code, Chapter 88 of the Laws of Zambia (“the CPC”);

(iii) Where trials have stalled for any other reason and the cases are not of a serious nature in the opinion of the DDP`s Office, Nolle
Prosequi may be entered or cases discharged as appropriate pursuant to the provisions of Sections 81, 82 and 88 above mentioned of the CPC;

(iv) In deserving cases where there are bailable offences, bail may be
granted on lenient term or where there are unfulfilled bail conditions these may be reviewed;

(v) All Judges and magistrates presiding over both criminal and civil matters be directed to temporarily halt all civil proceedings until
further notice save in very exceptional circumstances so as to
give priority to criminal proceedings;

(vi) All Judges and Magistrates with pending final Judgements or
with pending Rulings on no case to answer be directed to
expedite delivery of such Judgements and Rulings;

(vii) All Judges and Magistrates be encouraged to give non-custodial
sentences in accordance with law in deserving cases;

(viii) All convicts amenable for early release be released expeditiously;

(ix) All inmates amenable for transfer to open air facilities be so
transferred; and

(x) Juvenile, elderly and terminally ill inmates be given special consideration for speedy trial, early release or transfer given their fragility and susceptibility to the Covid 19 disease.


It is our hope that with our joint and concerted effort, the foregoing
measures can be given due consideration and acted upon as a matter of urgency without compromising the security of the state in any way.

An additional and overriding requirement in the implementation of the proposed measures outlined above would be to ensure continuous screening of all inmates for Covid 19 both prior to and upon release.

It is our sincere belief that working together with all stake holders including the Civil Society Organisations named above and all other concerned CSO`s
copied here, we can achieve a proactive rather than reactive response to the
Covid 19 threat as outlined above so as to save countless Zambian lives.

I remain yours in service,


Effects of COVID-19 Disease on the Zambian Mining Industry


By Webby Banda CTPD-Senior Researcher (Extractives)

The Centre for Trade Policy and Development (CTPD) has observed that Mineral commodity prices have plummeted in recent days due to a growing global social panic over the coronavirus disease.

In the case of copper, prices have plummeted from US$ 6,165 in January 2020 to US$ 4,776/tonne on Thursday 26th March 2020. This rapid decrease has put a lot of financial stress on the Zambian mining industry and the economy at large.

A slump in copper prices has an immediate short term effect of reduced generated tax revenue and export earnings. This is likely to affect tax collection because tax instruments like mineral royalty are price-based. These impacts will thereafter affect the exchange rate and translate into higher inflation because Zambia is an import-dependent country. This will further induce macroeconomic instability and negatively affect the growth prospect of Zambia in the short term.

Further in cushioning the impact of plummeted Mineral commodity prices, mining companies are likely to undertake cost savings measures such as cutting down of labour and suspending non-essential projects as a way of responding to the drop in mineral commodity prices. This will be done in an effort to minimize cash outflow.

It must be mentioned that a cut down in labour will have ripple effects to other industries linked to mining. This is so because many businesses surrounding mining investments depend on the consumer spending of income emanating from mining companies.

Persistence spread of the coronavirus will negatively affect production and this will further exacerbate the collection of mineral royalty.

Nevertheless, CTPD wishes to commend Government on the fiscal relief package that has been given to the mining industry communicated through a press briefing by the Minister of Finance. These measures include suspension of import duty on concentrates and export duty on precious metals.

However, recognizing the fact that the mining industry is Zambia’s largest foreign exchange earner, the government needs to widen the incentives by temporarily suspending import duty and VAT on important capital assets that drive production in the mining industry.

The government should also increase capital allowances to 100 percent. These fiscal measures should be applied to help sustain production levels of mining houses amid the COVID-19 crisis.

Other fiscal measures the government can undertake to ameliorate the transmission effect of plummeted mineral commodity prices on the economy include:

  1. Adjusting the money supply;
  2. Taking corrective measures such as the promotion of non-traditional exports; and
  3. Diversification within and outside the mining sector instead of being over-reliant on

To prevent the further spread of the virus, Government needs to establish monitoring mechanisms through the Mines Safety Department (MSD) to ensure that mining companies are following the laid down health and safety protocols issued by the Ministry of Health.

The People of Serenje have rejected Bill 10 – MMD Official Tells Off Nakachinda

Opposition New Hope Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) in Serenje district have said that the people in the district have rejected the Bill 10.

The Position of the MMD is that the Bill 10 should be deferred because it is not a priority as there are urgent National issues such as the COVID 19, High Price of Mealie Meal and the devaluation of the Kwacha against major currencies.

Patriotic Front (PF) Nominated Member of Parliament Mr. Raphael Nakachinda recently said that the 3 MMD Members of Parliament namely Hon. Maxwell Kabanda of Serenje Central, Hon. Howard Kunda of Muchinga and Hon. Peter Phiri of Mkaika would vote for the Bill when Parliament resumes because the people in their respective Constituencies supported the Bill 10.

However, MMD Serenje District Chairperson Mr. Kennedy Kango said that that Nakachinda should become a spokesperson for his fellow PF MPs.

“We, the New Hope MMD in Serenje District, are shocked with the statement that came from PF Nominated Member of Parliament Mr. Raphael Nakachinda that the 3 MMD MPs who include Hon. Maxwell Kabanda and Hon. Howard Kunda will vote for the Bill 10 because the people of Serenje have accepted It. Firstly, Mr. Nakachinda should know that Hon. Kabanda and Hon. Howard Kunda dont belong to his party the PF which is representing and supporting the bill. Both MPs belong to the MMD and the position of the MMD is that the Bill is unnecessary as there are other pressing National issues. Secondly, when did Mr. Nakachinda become the Spokesperson for the MMD MPs or for the MMD? Because we have not received any communication from the Party that our Spokesperson Dr. Cephas Mukuka has been changed. Mr. Nakachinda being a PF Nominated Member of Parliament should speak on behalf of his Party the PF and not us”, Mr. Kango said.

Mr. Kango further said that the people of Serenje District have rejected the Bill 10.

“On the 8th of March, 2020, the Serenje Pastors Fellowship organized a meeting over the Bill 10 at the Youth Recreation Hall. In attendance where Hon. Kabanda, the Serenje District Commissioner and a cross section of Serenje residents including ourselves. At the end of the meeting, the general position was that the People of Serenje had rejected the Bill 10. So we challenge Hon. Kabanda to tell Nakachinda and the Nation that the People who sent me to Parliament to represent them have rejected the Bill 10”, Mr. Kango said.

Mr. Kango further said that they support the MMD Youths who have vowed to petition the National Executive Committee (NEC) to expel it’s Members of Parliament should they vote for the bill 10.

Zambia adds one more case to its COVID-19 numbers, only one patient is severely ill


Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya has announced that Zambia has only recorded one COVID-19 case in the last 24:hrs bringing the total number of positive cases to 29.

“In the last 24 hrs Zambia has recorded one new case of COVID-19. We carried out 50 tests in the last 24 hours and only one was positive this brings the number of positive cases to 29 .” He said during a press briefing on Sunday

Dr. Chilufya said the new case is from a Lusaka based Male adult who travelled to Pakistan.

“And the new case is a Lusaka based male adult with a history of travel to Pakistan and returned aboard Emirates flight EK713 on 18th March 2020.” He said .

He added that the patient has since been transferred to an isolation center and all his contacts are being tested in line with standard protocols .

Meanwhile, the Minister has stated that the previous 28 patients are in two facilities, one in Lusaka and one in Ndola’s Masaiti area.

He says one among the 28 is severely ill but stable while the rest have remained very stable. He added that the one who is severely ill has an underlining chronic respiratory disorder and is now being supported with oxygen.

“This Patient is now being supported by oxygen but I emphasize that this is a patient who has been in the care of health workers at a private facility suffering from a chronic disease. This patient is receiving special treatment at one of our facilities.” Dr. Chilufya emphasized.

He said the patient has history of contacts from Pakistan and South Africa.

Globally 30,894 people have died because of COVID -19.

Dr. Chitalu Chilufya said his Ministry will continue being alert and will pick positive cases and isolate them for management. He has further called on all Zambians to enhance social distancing among.

He said all Zambians must adhere to the measures which were stipulated by President. Edgar Lungu in his National Address on 25th March 2020 if the pandemic is to be fought.

Meanwhile Chief Government Spokesperson Hon. Dora. Siliya has thanked the Church in the country for taking a bold step in the fight against the pandemic.

This was after the Three Church Mother Bodies declared March 28th 2020 as a day of prayer and fasting against COVID-19.

Kalusha Bwalya’s Lawyers say that his appeal is still being considered


Football Icon Kalusha Bwalya’s Lawyers say the appeal to FIFA’s Court of Arbitration for Sports (CAS) has NOT yet been heard and determined.

Bwalya’s Lawyers say it is clear that the FIFA’s CAS has not ruled that Kalusha is NOT eligible to contest the FAZ Elections for the position of President.

The Lawyers say this is contrary to local media reports that Bwalya has lost the appeal at FIFA’s CAS which are totally untrue, false and are only intended to mislead the public.

Bwalya’s Lawyers say this is also to undermine the FIFA’s CAS appeal proceedings currently on-going.

This is according to a statement released to media by lawyers Lewis Nathan Advocates and PNP Advocates.

The Lawyers also stressed that it is important to note that CAS Regulations dictate that its procedures are confidential and Bwalya’s and his team have respected the process.

On Friday, The Court of Arbitration of Sport stated that the Football Association of Zambia (FAZ) Elections can proceed as scheduled on March 28th 2020.

The Court was ruling on provisional measures as requested by Kalusha Bwalya to halt the FAZ Elections until the matter was concluded.

Zambia’s COVID-19 Fight in Pictures

Social Distancing being observed at Mulungushi International Conference Center where the Minister of Finance Hon. Dr. Bwalya Ng’andu MP, was addressing members of the press on Developments in the Global and Domestic Economy.
Social Distancing being observed at Mulungushi International Conference Center where the Minister of Finance Hon. Dr. Bwalya Ng’andu MP, was addressing members of the press on Developments in the Global and Domestic Economy.
Social Distancing being observed at Mulungushi International Conference Center where the Minister of Finance Hon. Dr. Bwalya Ng’andu MP, was addressing members of the press on Developments in the Global and Domestic Economy.
Social Distancing being observed at Mulungushi International Conference Center where the Minister of Finance Hon. Dr. Bwalya Ng’andu MP, was addressing members of the press on Developments in the Global and Domestic Economy.
Social Distancing being observed at Mulungushi International Conference Center where the Minister of Finance Hon. Dr. Bwalya Ng’andu MP, was addressing members of the press on Developments in the Global and Domestic Economy.
Social Distancing being observed at Mulungushi International Conference Center where the Minister of Finance Hon. Dr. Bwalya Ng’andu MP, was addressing members of the press on Developments in the Global and Domestic Economy.
Social Distancing out of the Window: Copperbelt Minister addressing Journalist after checking on COVID-19 Compliance Guidelines
Social Distancing out of the Window: Copperbelt Minister addressing Journalist after checking on COVID-19 Compliance Guidelines
Copperbelt Minister Hon. Japhen Mwakalombe joined and led a team that went round the City of Ndola checking on the compliance levels from bar owners, church leaders and residents themselves.
Copperbelt Minister Hon. Japhen Mwakalombe joined and led a team that went round the City of Ndola checking on the compliance levels from bar owners, church leaders and residents themselves.
Copperbelt Minister Hon. Japhen Mwakalombe joined and led a team that went round the City of Ndola checking on the compliance levels from bar owners, church leaders and residents themselves.
Copperbelt Minister Hon. Japhen Mwakalombe joined and led a team that went round the City of Ndola checking on the compliance levels from bar owners, church leaders and residents themselves.
Copperbelt Minister Hon. Japhen Mwakalombe joined and led a team that went round the City of Ndola checking on the compliance levels from bar owners, church leaders and residents themselves.
Copperbelt Minister Hon. Japhen Mwakalombe joined and led a team that went round the City of Ndola checking on the compliance levels from bar owners, church leaders and residents themselves.
Police arrest people violating President Edgar Chagwa Lungu's directive to the Nation to have all bars closed amongst other directives in order to curb the outbreak of the Corona Virus in Zambia.
Police arrest people violating President Edgar Chagwa Lungu’s directive to the Nation to have all bars closed amongst other directives in order to curb the outbreak of the Corona Virus in Zambia.
Copperbelt Minister Hon. Japhen Mwakalombe joined and led a team that went round the City of Ndola checking on the compliance levels from bar owners, church leaders and residents themselves.
Copperbelt Minister Hon. Japhen Mwakalombe joined and led a team that went round the City of Ndola checking on the compliance levels from bar owners, church leaders and residents themselves.
Police arrest people violating President Edgar Chagwa Lungu's directive to the Nation to have all bars closed amongst other directives in order to curb the outbreak of the Corona Virus in Zambia.
Police arrest people violating President Edgar Chagwa Lungu’s directive to the Nation to have all bars closed amongst other directives in order to curb the outbreak of the Corona Virus in Zambia.
Copperbelt Minister Hon. Japhen Mwakalombe joined and led a team that went round the City of Ndola checking on the compliance levels from bar owners, church leaders and residents themselves.
Copperbelt Minister Hon. Japhen Mwakalombe joined and led a team that went round the City of Ndola checking on the compliance levels from bar owners, church leaders and residents themselves.
Copperbelt Minister doing a a follow-up on President Edgar Chagwa Lungu’s directive to the Nation to have all bars closed amongst other directives in order to curb the outbreak of the Corona Virus in Zambia.
A spot check on Restoration Pentecostal Apostolic Church led by the famous Yakobo Yakobo found hundreds of congregants gathered in defiance of the rules and regulations.
A spot check on Restoration Pentecostal Apostolic Church led by the famous Yakobo Yakobo found hundreds of congregants gathered in defiance of the rules and regulations.
President Lungu demonstrating the new way to greet to Presidential Affairs Minister Hon Feedom Chomba Sikazwe
President Lungu demonstrating the new way to greet to Presidential Affairs Minister Hon Feedom Chomba Sikazwe
Luanshya Mayor Nathan Chanda led a sizable team, which included some ward councillors council directors and members of the municipality fire and rescue team who sprayed disinfectants and other chemicals aimed at killing germs starting from Zaone Market, Buseko, Mpatamato , Roan , Kalala Market in Mikonfwa , the team members took turns in spraying and cleaning the environment while the traders who have been sensitised about significance of the 48 hours Markets Spraying and Cleaning exercise stayed away.
Luanshya Mayor Nathan Chanda led a sizable team, which included some ward councillors council directors and members of the municipality fire and rescue team who sprayed disinfectants and other chemicals aimed at killing germs starting from Zaone Market, Buseko, Mpatamato , Roan , Kalala Market in Mikonfwa , the team members took turns in spraying and cleaning the environment while the traders who have been sensitised about significance of the 48 hours Markets Spraying and Cleaning exercise stayed away.
Luanshya Mayor Nathan Chanda led a sizable team, which included some ward councillors council directors and members of the municipality fire and rescue team who sprayed disinfectants and other chemicals aimed at killing germs starting from Zaone Market, Buseko, Mpatamato , Roan , Kalala Market in Mikonfwa , the team members took turns in spraying and cleaning the environment while the traders who have been sensitised about significance of the 48 hours Markets Spraying and Cleaning exercise stayed away.
Luanshya Mayor Nathan Chanda led a sizable team, which included some ward councillors council directors and members of the municipality fire and rescue team who sprayed disinfectants and other chemicals aimed at killing germs starting from Zaone Market, Buseko, Mpatamato , Roan , Kalala Market in Mikonfwa , the team members took turns in spraying and cleaning the environment while the traders who have been sensitised about significance of the 48 hours Markets Spraying and Cleaning exercise stayed away.
Luanshya Mayor Nathan Chanda led a sizable team, which included some ward councillors council directors and members of the municipality fire and rescue team who sprayed disinfectants and other chemicals aimed at killing germs starting from Zaone Market, Buseko, Mpatamato , Roan , Kalala Market in Mikonfwa , the team members took turns in spraying and cleaning the environment while the traders who have been sensitised about significance of the 48 hours Markets Spraying and Cleaning exercise stayed away.
Luanshya Mayor Nathan Chanda led a sizable team, which included some ward councillors council directors and members of the municipality fire and rescue team who sprayed disinfectants and other chemicals aimed at killing germs starting from Zaone Market, Buseko, Mpatamato , Roan , Kalala Market in Mikonfwa , the team members took turns in spraying and cleaning the environment while the traders who have been sensitised about significance of the 48 hours Markets Spraying and Cleaning exercise stayed away.
Luanshya Mayor Nathan Chanda led a sizable team, which included some ward councillors council directors and members of the municipality fire and rescue team who sprayed disinfectants and other chemicals aimed at killing germs starting from Zaone Market, Buseko, Mpatamato , Roan , Kalala Market in Mikonfwa , the team members took turns in spraying and cleaning the environment while the traders who have been sensitised about significance of the 48 hours Markets Spraying and Cleaning exercise stayed away.
Luanshya Mayor Nathan Chanda led a sizable team, which included some ward councillors council directors and members of the municipality fire and rescue team who sprayed disinfectants and other chemicals aimed at killing germs starting from Zaone Market, Buseko, Mpatamato , Roan , Kalala Market in Mikonfwa , the team members took turns in spraying and cleaning the environment while the traders who have been sensitised about significance of the 48 hours Markets Spraying and Cleaning exercise stayed away.
Luanshya Mayor Nathan Chanda led a sizable team, which included some ward councillors council directors and members of the municipality fire and rescue team who sprayed disinfectants and other chemicals aimed at killing germs starting from Zaone Market, Buseko, Mpatamato , Roan , Kalala Market in Mikonfwa , the team members took turns in spraying and cleaning the environment while the traders who have been sensitised about significance of the 48 hours Markets Spraying and Cleaning exercise stayed away.
Luanshya Mayor Nathan Chanda led a sizable team, which included some ward councillors council directors and members of the municipality fire and rescue team who sprayed disinfectants and other chemicals aimed at killing germs starting from Zaone Market, Buseko, Mpatamato , Roan , Kalala Market in Mikonfwa , the team members took turns in spraying and cleaning the environment while the traders who have been sensitised about significance of the 48 hours Markets Spraying and Cleaning exercise stayed away.
Kabwe Mayor His Worship Prince Chileshe and his team have declared alright war on the Coronavirus (COVID 19). The City Father has assembled a team of operatives to ensure that all residents adhere to the President’s directives.
Kabwe Mayor His Worship Prince Chileshe and his team have declared alright war on the Coronavirus (COVID 19). The City Father has assembled a team of operatives to ensure that all residents adhere to the President's directives.
Kabwe Mayor His Worship Prince Chileshe and his team have declared alright war on the Coronavirus (COVID 19). The City Father has assembled a team of operatives to ensure that all residents adhere to the President’s directives.

First Quantum re-routing Zambia copper exports after SA imposes border restrictions


First Quantum Minerals was exporting copper from its Zambian mines through alternate routes after restrictions were imposed by South Africa.

Commenting in an update regarding its handling of operations in response to the COVID-19 threat, the Toronto-listed firm also said copper production from Zambia had been “better than expected” for the year to date.

“Year-to-date operations in Zambia have been slightly better than expected with good grades and recoveries within the mixed and sulphide ores at Kansanshi and improved mining volumes and ore grades at Sentinel,” the company said in an update.

“Following the announcement of heightened restrictions in South Africa, including controls on ports and transit routes, the company is managing the export of its Zambian production through alternate routes,” it added.

South Africa started a 21-day lockdown at midnight on March 26, and the country’s government declared a national state of disaster on March 15 in response to the outbreak of COVID-19 in the country.

It subsequently closed some ports and points of entry.

South Africa has 72 ports of entry in the country which are land, sea and air ports.

Of the 53 land ports, 35 were shut down.

Two of the eight seaports were closed for passengers and crew changes.

In view of preparations for “… an extended period of health protocols and travel restrictions, and commodity prices that could remain depressed into 2021”, the company had imposed cost cuts that would extend to senior executive salaries.

“As part of its immediate cost reduction efforts the company has implemented a temporary salary reduction of 20% for certain senior staff including the CEO,” it said.

Said Philip Pascall, CEO of the company: “These times are unprecedented, they require adaptability and flexibility which are part of the culture we’ve built at First Quantum”.

First Quantum said it was well capitalised. It had $523m in net unrestricted cash as of December 31 a revolving credit facility of about $700m which was undrawn giving it some $1.2bn in pro-forma cash and available credit.

It had also hedged the copper price by selling forward 343,025 tonnes of copper sales to January 2021 using both unmargined copper forward sales and unmargined zero cost collar sales contracts.

It had also sold forward some of its nickel production.

“The commitment to deleveraging the balance sheet remains and a plan is in place to deleverage and manage debt in the current commodity price environment,” it said.