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Do not panic over COVID19-President Lungu


President Edgar Lungu has taken to social media to urge Zambians not to pain over the outbreak of the fast-spreading Coronavirus also known as COVID19.

In a long post on Facebook, President Lungu said citizens should not panic as health experts are working vigorously hard day and night.

“Let me reassure the nation once more, not to panic because as our health experts are working vigorously hard day and night to effectively address the situation. In this regard, I wish to commend our health workers who have demonstrated a great sense of responsibility, professionalism, selflessness and determination by being on the battle-front in fighting COVID-19, in order to protect every Zambian life,” President Lungu stated.

He said he called for an urgent Cabinet Meeting on Monday to discuss various cross-cutting policy matters aimed at improving Zambia’s socio-economic environment while strengthening multisectoral efforts to contain the spread of COVID-19.

“The key outcome of this Cabinet Meeting was the approval of the COVID-19 Contingency Plan, which also includes a Budget to effectively fight the coronavirus pandemic in Zambia,” he said.

“Let me, therefore, take this opportunity to call upon all stakeholders including Cooperating Partners, the Private Sector and Society at large; to support this innovative Plan by ensuring its effective implementation so that Zambia can succeed in protecting human life everywhere. Indeed, we all have an important role to play.”

President Lungu addressing Cabinet
President Lungu addressing Cabinet

He said the COVID-19 Contingency Plan does not mark the end of my Government’s initiatives and measures.

“Hence, I have directed the Council of Ministers Chaired by Her Honour the Vice President Mrs Inonge Wina to continue proposing sound initiatives, strategies and measures to protect the much-treasured life of every Zambian.”

“In addition, fellow countrymen and women, I am urging you all to act in the best interests of your families, neighbours and nation by, among other things, strictly adhering to the guidelines outlined by the Ministry of Health (MoH) vis-à-vis containing the spread of COVID-19. Some of these measures include; practicing maximum hygiene and avoiding gatherings in public places such as markets, bus stations, churches, bars, theatre movies, casinos and other social places.”

“In conclusion, I have also noted with concern how some businesses have suddenly exorbitantly hiked prices of goods such as surgical masks and hand-sanitizers for no justifiable reason, other than the outbreak of the devastating coronavirus worldwide. I am, therefore, appealing to such businesses to stop profiteering on the back of fear of the calamitous coronavirus.”

President Lungu said Government is closely monitoring the situation and has tightened controls at all entry points.

“Our surveillance system is fully operational. The nation will be constantly informed of every single step taken by my Government in responding to the pandemic.”

Jack Ma Foundation donates Coronavirus Testing Kit to Zambia


Zambia is today expected to receive the COVID-19 testing kits, masks and medical-use protective suits from the Jack Ma Foundation.

Zambia’s Ambassador to Ethiopia and Permanent Representative to the African Union, His Excellency Emmanuel Mwamba has disclosed that Zambia has been allocated 20,000 corona virus testing kits, 100,000 masks and 1,000 medical-use protective suits and shields.

He said the first batch of the corona virus support consignment for African Union member states including Zambia, arrived in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on Sunday 22nd March 2020 for eventual dispatch.

He said the allocated lot for Zambia has since been dispatched to Zambia through Ethiopian Airlines.

The consignment received for Africa on Sunday, 22nd March 2020, included 1.1 million testing kits, 6 million masks and 60,000 protective suits.

Mr. Mwamba thanked the Alibaba group and the Ethiopian Prime Minister His Excellency Dr. Abiy Ahmed for the donation and coordination of this consignment for Africa.

Mr. Mwamba said the dispatch process of the consignment allocated to Zambia was completed.

The Zambian consignment is scheduled to arrive in Lusaka at 12:00hrs local time in Lusaka on 24th March, 2020 aboard Ethiopian Airlines ET 3873

And Mr. Mwamba has urged Zambian travellers to be acquainted with the guidelines the Ethiopian Government has put in place for people wishing to visit Ethiopia or transiting through the country in the wake of the ravaging COVID-19 pandemic.

Mr. Mwamba said with effect from Monday 23rd March 2020, all passengers coming to Ethiopia will be placed under mandatory quarantine, at approved and designated hotels, for a period of 14 days at their own expense, except for travellers in transit.

Mr. Mwamba further said the Ethiopian Government has informed member states that the new requirements have been put in place in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Ethiopia has so far recorded 9 COVID Cases and Ethiopian Airlines has suspended flights to over 30 destinations.

Huajian Group of China Donates Medical Supplies to Zambia’s Covid19 Fight


The Consulate General of the Republic of Zambia has received medical supplies worth US$38,000 from Huajian Group of China as a donation to help in the fight against Covid19.

The medical supplies are expected to be delivered in Lusaka by Saturday, 4th April, 2020. The consignment includes medical masks, protective gear, thermometer guns and gloves.

During the handover ceremony on Saturday 21st March, 2020, Huajian Group Board Chairperson Mr. Zhang Huarong pledged to support Zambia in fighting Covid19 through the provision of medical supplies to healthcare workers on the front lines of the pandemic.

Mr. Zhang, who is also African – Chinese People’s Friendship Association vice president, assured Zambia of continued support in the fight against Covid-19.

He noted that Zambia and China are all-weather friends and the efforts of the two countries will ensure the war against Coronavirus is won in the near future.

Mr. Zhang said the Huajian Group through its corporate social responsibility will help the Zambian Government to focus on prevention measures to ensure Covid19 has a minimal impact on the economy and people’s lives.

He added that his company is committed to actualizing its investment in Zambia and is considering establishing an industrial park for manufacturing shoes.

Mr. Zhang said the company’s investment in Zambia will contribute to employment creation for the youth in line with the aspirations of the Chinese and Zambian Governments.

Consul General at the Consulate of the Republic of Zambia in Guangzhou His Excellency Mr. Daniel Chisenga Receiving  the Donations
Consul General at the Consulate of the Republic of Zambia in Guangzhou His Excellency Mr. Daniel Chisenga Receiving the Donations

And receiving the donated goods on behalf of the Zambian Government, Consul General at the Consulate of the Republic of Zambia in Guangzhou His Excellency Mr. Daniel Chisenga thanked the Huajian Group for its generosity.

Mr. Chisenga said the donated medical supplies will go a long way in helping the Zambian healthcare workers in the fight against Covid19.

The Consul General thanked the company on behalf of the Zambian people and looked forward to further cooperation in investment and people-to-people exchange.

Huajian Group is one of the largest producers of women’s shoes in China. The company has made substantial investment in Ethiopia and is in the process of opening a shoe factory in Zambia’s Chibombo District.

In April, 2018 Mr. Zhang undertook a business trip to Zambia and held several meetings with various Government departments in a bid to start the Group’s investment programme in Zambia.

Consul General at the Consulate of the Republic of Zambia in Guangzhou His Excellency Mr. Daniel Chisenga Receiving  the Donations
Consul General at the Consulate of the Republic of Zambia in Guangzhou His Excellency Mr. Daniel Chisenga Receiving the Donations

Vincent Mwale distributes hand sanitizer and soap in his constituency


Chipangali Member of Parliament (MP), Vincent Mwale has launched the distribution exercise of hand sanitizer and soap in his constituency as a way of mitigating the spread of the coronavirus.

Mr Mwale said he will ensure that all markets and shops in Chipangali constituency have hand sanitizer and soap, to ensure that no one contracts the deadly disease.

He launched the distribution exercise at the local market where he donated assorted items for cleaning.

And Mr Mwale said all health posts in his constituency will be stocked with soap and hand sanitizers, to ensure that members of the public maintain clean hands.

The law maker noted that COVID-19 is a deadly disease, adding that he wants to ensure that people of Chipangali adhere to government instructions.

Mr Mwale also pledged to contribute K20, 000 towards the construction of an ablution block at the market.

He urged people in his constituency to ensure that they observe hygiene standards in order to help prevent the virus.

Mr Mwale has further pledged to contribute K50, 000 towards the construction of Nyauzi health post in his constituency.

He commended the community for moulding over 200,000 bricks for the construction works of the health post.

Meanwhile, Mr Mwale has donated 70 iron sheets to Nyauzi Primary school, whose roof was blown off by heavy rains last Friday.

And Nyauzi Primary School Head Teacher, Dorothy Njobvu thanked Mr Mwale for the donation.

Ms Njobvu stated that both teachers and the community are happy with the quick response from their lawmaker.

On Friday heavy rains left a trail of destruction at Nyauzi Primary school after two classroom blocks had their roofs blown off.

A Call to Decisive Action: Zambia has opted for half measure responses to the deadly corona virus pandemic


By Dr. Nevers Mumba President

I wish to start by thanking the government and the health workers in particular for the determined efforts being made to fight COVID-19. Every Zambian who washes his or her hands, every Zambian who respects the required social distancing and predominantly stays home should also be saluted. The war before us must be fought by all Zambians and must be fought with unflinching resolve.

While we commend the government for the efforts so far, I wish to state that we have fallen far below the required action. Zambia has opted for half measure responses to the deadly coronavirus pandemic. For some reason, we seem to believe that this virus can be managed by half measures.

We urge the government to immediately take decisive action by completely dissolving all social gatherings and direct that all Zambians stay home for at least a period of two weeks while we observe the trends of this lethal virus. The current half measure interventions shall cost us a massive loss of life if the virus gets into Zambia. We MUST stop it.

We must close the borders including airports. We must suspend passenger public transportation. We must ensure that the lockdown is effected in good time. It is better to inconvenience ourselves today than to die as fools tomorrow. God has given us a lead window in which we can prepare for the coming storm. We must NOT wait for the storm to arrive. Leadership is about preparing for the future with a view of saving lives.

During this lead window, DMMU must be the busiest department in the nation as they prepare survival food packs, water and essential medicines. This maybe a costly exercise but it is cheaper than waiting for the arrival of the disaster. Zambia can not afford to host the coronavirus. We do not have the resources to fight it. Lives shall be lost immeasurably. If we need help from the World Health Organization, we must ask for it now and not when the virus strikes. We are preparing for a real war. We need to make real preparations. All those who need to be quarantined MUST be quarantined without exception. The Western World is leading by example. Prime Minister Trudeau and his wife in Canada are under quarantine. Angela Merkel of Germany is under quarantine. Our own neighbor President of Botswana, is under quarantine. This is how seriously the international community is handling this plague.

We may wish to find out why the more powerful nations of the world have resorted to draconian methods to fight this scourge. This is what is expected of them. That’s why they were elected into office. To protect their citizens at any cost. They are willing to spend money they don’t have, to fight this invisible enemy. We must do the same. Zambians expect nothing less from our leaders. This early warning is meant to remind the government that if they lose this opportunity and we begin to die as fools, the Zambian people may not take it kindly. WE MUST ACT NOW.

While we trust in God’s ability to protect us from this looming pandemic, we are expected to do our part.

We urge the government to declare a LOCKDOWN that will give us time to assess the trend of this plague.

We shall all stand with the government during this time, to ensure that we keep our nation safe.

MMD Lusaka summons Sichilima, Mulenga and Ndoyi for indiscipline

By James Banda

The opposition New Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) in Lusaka Province have summoned Former Home Affairs Deputy Minister Gaston Sichilima, Geoffrey Mulenga and Prince Ndoyi to appear before its Disciplinary Committee.

MMD Lusaka Province Chairman Mr. Chate said he had written to them following the directives of the Provincial Executive Committee.

“After receiving complaints from the MMD in Lusaka district over the conduct of Gaston Sichilima, Geoffrey Mulenga and Prince Ndoyi, the Lusaka MMD Provincial Executive Committee that met over the weekend and directed me to write to the three charging them with a number of offences”, Mr. Chate said.

Mr. Chate further said that Former Home Affairs Deputy Minister was among others charged with impersonating, insubordination and conduct likely to bring the name of the party into disgrace.

“As the party in the province, we were shocked that someone who once served as Deputy Minister of Home Affairs like Mr. Gaston Sichilima has been impersonating himself as the Chairman for Elections when his not. We have charged him among others with impersonation, insubordination and conduct likely to bring the name of the party into disgrace”, Mr. Chate said.

Mr. Chate further said that Geoffrey Mulenga had been impersonating himself National Youth Secretary, when infact not. And Prince Ndoyi had been charged with insubordination.

Mr. Chate said that the three had been given 10 days to respond to those charges and appear before the Disciplinary Committee, failure to which he will recommend to the National Executive Committee for there expulsion.

COVID-19 Economic turbulence hits Zambia: What does this mean for Zambia and for International Cooperation?

Fr. Charlie Chilufya, S.J.

Economic and financial turbulences worsened by the COVID-19 crisis are fast appearing for Zambia as prices soar and as the Kwacha goes into a fast-downward spiral and free fall. If not resolved by both Zambia and the international community they are projected to characterise Zambia and other low- and middle-income countries especially commodity-dependent economies. These turbulences will frustrate its growth prospects in the years 2020-24 projected by Zambia’s Finance Minister Dr. Bwalya Ng’andu in his budget speech. A potential consequence of the pandemic that is now being recognised is in fact potentially more important: increased financial fragility, implying the potential for a debt crisis and even a broader financial collapse. With measures being taken by the government, COVID-19 will be contained and we are sure policies are being implemented to ease the situation. Supply chains may be restored and people will return to work with the hopes of recovering at least some of their lost incomes. But in countries like Zambia real economic recovery could be derailed by unresolved financial and debt crises. Therefore, care must be taken to forestall this possibility.

Not a New Problem

Zambia’s current financial fragility far predates the COVID-19 crisis and is not the first one. Since 2013 Zambia has massively accumulated debt mainly meant to finance critical infrastructure development. External Debt in Zambia increased from 921.20 USD Million in 2016 to over 9,000. USD Million in 2017.

We can surmise that it has long been clear that even a minor event could have had far-reaching destabilizing effects. In the last five years, in an attempt to keep the Kwacha stable, the Bank of Zambia has been using loose monetary policies that have only disguised the fragility of the Kwacha and mounting debt levels. As COVID-19 shock is now showing us, nothing can be hidden forever. 2019 already warned of impending problems: an over-arching US$20 billion debt burden, pitted differences with the mining sector over tax policy inconsistencies, among others, Zambia was already facing dwindling export capacity resulting in lower than envisaged foreign exchange reserves.

In its 2019 report on Zambia, the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), a wing of a British business within the Economist Group providing forecasting and advisory services through research and analysis, saw a torrid macroeconomic environment for Zambia for the period under review. The EIU already foresaw an over-leveraged government struggling to meet its debt obligations. The EIU bemoaned government’s interference with critical sectors like mining over unabated tax differences, in turn, driving away foreign investment and hurting output. For sure that kept exports well below potential levels and ultimately affected Zambia’s reserves position, which by the end of 2019 had fallen to an all-time low US$1.4 billion.

In its recent March 2020 analysis, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development shows how in the wake of COVID-19 sustained debts could pose a larger problem for the both the advanced and emerging economies. Currently, Zambia’s total debt (private, public, domestic, and external) has risen to equal 70 percent of its GDP – the highest it has ever been. Particularly concerning is the outstanding US$3 billion Euro bond loan, with the first bullet payment of US$750 million due in 2022. How is Zambia going to finance the repayment of these arrears with drastically dwindled demand for its main export to China, copper, whose price tumbled this week to less than $ 5,000 per tonne, the lowest since 2016. An IMF facility could be Zambia’s saviour but the IMF has not been very pleased with Zambia’s approach to borrowing. Without an IMF programme, it’s uncertain how Zambia will repay US$3 billion in outstanding Eurobond debt by the close of the due period 2027. In the coming few years Zambia will be less robust in the face of further outflows and of need to keep the local currency stable currently on a free-falling trail in the face of diminished China demand for the red metal, Zambia’s primary source of foreign exchange.

The COIVID-19 Shock

Even in the best of times, these financial conditions could be worrisome. But now we are in the midst of a severe shock, the COVID-19. Zambia is deeply integrated financially and economically with China and thus highly vulnerable. As noted already, Zambia has experienced dramatic decreases in copper exports to China, disruptions to the sourcing of raw materials and intermediate goods, infrastructure projects, and basic supplies of finished goods and services. These disruptions are already having severe negative business and employment effects across the Zambian economy. They are affecting individual households and may mean no food and other basic supplies for families. And now the financial concerns over the Zambia’s already high debt levels are exacerbating these adverse outcomes.

What Should Zambia do?

The first question really should be “what should Zambia not do?” Since Zambia’s debt started to rise, there have been fears that despite the surmounting problems, Zambia remains bent to further borrowing over the medium-term for a series of debt-financed infrastructure projects. But in the wake of the economic impacts of COVID-19 Zambia may face even more serious balance of payments (BoP) problems. In that case Zambia will need the IMF. If Zambia follows the path of more borrowing, it may prevent lenders, including the IMF’s envisaged bailout failing to materialise. As the EIU warned last year, without the IMF package, Zambia will be at risk of failure to clear the outstanding US$3 billion Euro bond loan, with the first payment of US$750 million due in 2022.
As it did in its bid to qualify for the HIPC debt relief initiative, Zambia must commit to policy changes, and demonstrate “sound economic behaviour.”

  1. Zambia should seek multilateral support of interest-free loans and grants at subsidised rates; The World Bank has approved a $14 billion package of fast-track financing to assist companies and countries through grants and low-interest loans from IDA for low income countries and loans from IBRD for middle-income countries
  2. Zambia should stick to its borrowing plans, as outlined in the medium-term expenditure framework.
  3. Zambia should reembark on reform and sound policies, if need be through the IMF- and World Bank–supported programs

Zambia Needs the Support of the International Community

The current crisis, both from the health and economic perspectives, has shown us that the world is now interconnected in ways that we never imagined before. These problems that Zambia is facing cannot be contained by policies adopted in any one country. Zambia is not alone in its current financial and economic quagmire. Commodity dependent economies like Angola, Nigeria, Congo DR, Ghana and others are already facing similar difficulties. Even industrialised South Africa is in similar difficulties on account of its tight economic bonds with China.
More than ever, the global community needs cooperation guided by good global leadership to address the immediate effects of the coronavirus pandemic and its economic fallout. Countries, starting with SADC urgently need to collectively tackle the debt crisis that will soon unfold. The deepening and acceleration of globalization that we have seen during the last five decades of increasing interconnected have opened up the world to massive cross-border flows of goods, services, money, ideas, data and people.

As others have suggested, it is time to start thinking about coordinated debt resolution and restructuring. Countries need forward-thinking that will establish coordinated debt-resolution strategies that are essential in today’s interconnected world. Our interconnectedness in the current globalized world means we are fragile together as the COVID-19 crisis has shown us. If we are collectively to survive not just the normal depredations of global markets, but also the existential threats posed by pandemics and climate change, there is no alternative.

Enhanced International Cooperation

This is a time for enhanced international cooperation. Countries should not wait before the worst happens. They can start by taking a cue from the HIPC Initiative. The HIPC Initiative was launched in 1996 by the IMF and World Bank on behalf of all member countries, with the aim of ensuring that no poor country faces a debt burden it could not manage. Since then, the international financial community, including multilateral organizations and governments, have worked together to lower to sustainable levels the external debt burdens of the most heavily indebted poor countries. Through the coordination of the IMF and the World Bank, the Initiative allowed the external creditors to provide faster, deeper, and broader debt relief and strengthened the links between debt relief, poverty reduction, and social policies.

Countries can also learn from how the London debt agreement of 1953 between Germany and 20 external helped Germany, at the time a major debtor. Through the agreement external creditors wrote off 46% of the country’s pre-war debt and 52% of its post-war debt, while the remaining debt was converted into long-term low-interest loans with a five-year grace period before repayment. Most significantly, Germany had to repay its debt only if it ran a trade surplus, and all repayments were limited to 3% of annual export earnings. This encouraged Germany’s creditors to be vested in its export success, creating the conditions for the subsequent boom. Zambia and other countries in similar difficulties need this kind of help.

Prime Television Proprietor Gerald Shawa apologises to Government and Zambians


Prime Television Proprietor Gerald Shawa has apologized to the government and Zambians over his refusal to air messages on COVID 19.

In a meeting Organised by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting chaired by Permanent Secretary Amos Malupenga to engaged media owners and News Heads, Mr Shawa said his station would not air any messages on COVID 19 without government paying anything.

However, at a media briefing yesterday, Mr. Shawa said he regrets his outbursts.

Mr.Shawa admitted that he was emotional during the engagement with government when he refused to help the government to publicize messages on the dreaded COVID-19.

He said Prime TV cannot operate without Government who is a key stakeholder in the media industry and asked for forgiveness for his auctions.

Recently, Government announced it had ceased to cooperate with Prime Television Station with immediate effect until further notice.

The move followed the decision made by the Television Station proprietor Gerald Shawa on Friday, March 13th, 2020, that his station shall not help the government to sensitize members of the general public about the coronavirus.

In a statement issued to media in Lusaka, Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services, Dora Siliya, had said the development meant that government and any of its agents shall not conduct any media transactions with the television station.

Ms Siliya, who is also Chief Government Spokesperson, added that there shall be no appearance of public officers and officials on the television station’s programmes whether paid for or otherwise, and categorically stated that journalists from Prime Television shall not be invited to cover any government-related business.

There is still no comment from Government on whether the stance taken by the Information Minister will be reversed after Mr. Shawa apologised

Nkana Resigned to Losing ‘Sate-Sate’


Nkana says they are ready to allow star striker Ronald ‘Sate Sate’ Kampamba leave the club.

Kampamba last week announced that he won’t renew his contract with Nkana when it expires next year.

‘I have always loved and supported Nkana. I appreciate the supporters, they are always encouraging me but generally I don’t feel appreciated by the club,’ Kampamba told ZNBC in Kitwe.

Kampamba has in the past complained over Nkana’s alleged failure to meet some contractual obligations.

‘I am not extending my contract because I and my family are not happy with what is happening. I want to make another step. I want a new challenge and probably move to a different club abroad,’ Kampamba said.

Sate Sate has not seen match game time in recent months.

He has scored two league goals in the 2019/20 Super Division campaign.

Nkana Chief Executive Officer Charles Chakatazya said Kampamba is free to leave the club.

‘The contract is due up to June 2021 so it is too early for him to announce that (he won’t renew his contract). But if he has offers we will not block him from leaving,’ Chakatazya said.

‘Players come and go. There have been many players at Nkana. We cannot block a player from leaving just because he is a figure. We had Evans Kangwa who was a figure but he is now playing outside. If it is career progression we can’t block him,’ he added.

Kampamba returned to Nkana in June 2016 after spells at Wadi Degla in Egypt and Belgian side Lierse SK.

Prior to leaving Nkana, Kampamba had won the Super Division Golden Boot accolade twice and the league title in 2013.

Sate Sate established his career at Nkana in 2010 after joining them from Kitwe Academy where he was groomed by Fred Siame ‘Coach Schemer’.

UPND MPs urged to go back to Parliament and debate bill 10

Former Vice President, ENOCK KAVINDELA has urged the United Party for National Party (UPND) Members of Parliament to go back into parliament and debate the constitution amendment bill number 10 of 2019 objectively.

Mr. KAVINDELA says it is only through Parliament that the lawmakers can critically state what it is that they object and accept in the Constitution Amendment Bill number 10 of 2019 than shunning from it completely.

Speaking to ZNBC News in an interview, Mr. KAVINDELA said in a democratic dispensation its provided for those representatives of the people debate the bill.

He said the Zambian people are waiting for their lawmakers to explain and represent them in parliament as a way of participating in the formation of a National document.

Meanwhile, Former Livestock Minister GREYFORD MONDE said it is wrong for political party leaders to dictate and stop lawmakers from participating in the formation of a serious national document.

Mr. MONDE said lawmakers should NOT be controlled by invisible hands outside parliament which make them fear to express themselves and participate freely in national matters.

And Former MKUSHI lawmaker, INGRID MPHANDE said it is the mandate of policy makers to participate and debate issues that arise in the House without walking away.

Ms MPHANDE has urged Members of Parliament to reflect and make decisions that will contribute to national development.

Cabinet Approves Contingency plan to fight the Coronavirus pandemic


Cabinet has approved a Contingency plan, including its budget, in order to fight the coronavirus pandemic.

Chief Government Spokesperson Dora Siliya has said that President Edgar Lungu has also directed that the Council of Ministers to sit and propose other measures that will help protect the lives of the Zambian people against the coronavirus.

Ms Siliya said that the contingency plan is an urgent instrument for action by all stakeholders if the country is to contain the spread of this deadly Covid-19, adding that Cabinet is seriously concerned with the matter and feels it is necessary for Zambia to have the capacity to combat the spread of the virus.

Ms Siliya said that by instituting a multisectoral, coordinated and responsive action by government, cooperating partners, the private sector and society at large in order to protect the lives of Zambians in all the cities, towns and the rural areas.

Ms Siliya, who is also Information and Broadcasting services Minister, said the decisions were made today when President Edgar Lungu called for the Sixth Cabinet Meeting to discuss policy matters aimed at improving the socio-economic environment of the counry.

She said while government is implementing the Contingency Plan, Cabinet has appealed to all the citizens to maintain maximum hygiene and avoid gatherings in public places such as markets, bus stations, churches and bars, as a way of supporting Government inerventions.

Ms Siliya has also called on Zambians to avoid panic as experts are working day and night while monitoring the situation.

She said Government will continue to provide the updates as the situation unfolds, so that everyone is aware of what is happening on the ground with regard to the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to the World Health Organisation -WHO- records, there are already over 275,000 confirmed cases of coronavirus worldwide, affecting more than 168 countries with 11,399 deaths recorded since the outbreak, with recoveries among the infected, so far s
anding at about 88,256 worldwide.

In Southern Africa, the closest countries to Zambia affected by COVID-19 include South Africa, Congo DR, Tanzania, Rwanda and Namibia.

Zambia has so far recorded the first three confirmed cases of the COVID-19.

Meanwhile, Ms. Siliya said Cabinet has also approved in principle, the introduction of a Bill in Parliament to provide for a legal framework to strengthen transparency and accountability in the management of mineral resources in Zambia.

She said among other things, the Bill will provide for the mandatory disclosure of taxes and other payments including mining costs which extractive companies pay to the Government and what the Government receives as revenue from extractive companies.

And Ms. Siliya said the cabinet has also approved the National Transport Master Plan 2020 –2038 and the National Technical Education Vocational and Entrepreneurship Training -TEVET- Policy.

During the meeting, Cabinet also approved the appointment of Non-Executive Board Members of the Veterinary Council of Zambia in order to effectively regulate the veterinary and veterinary paraprofessionals in the country.

Works to replace the washed away culvert on the Mansa-Samfya road starts


Works to replace the washed away culvert on the Mansa-Samfya road on Chimana stream, a few meters from Samfya Boma, have started.

Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure Development Charles Mushota says this follows the release of K5 Million to finance rehabilitation works on the washed away culvert that has led to Samfya Boma being completely cut off from the rest of the country.

Mr Mushota said the rehabilitation works are being conducted by BSBK Limited, the contractor working on the Musaila-Kasaba road in Luapula Province

He revealed this in Samfya district today after conducting a detailed technical assessment of the washed away culvert and said the works are expected to be completed in about 5 days.

Mr Mushota says after the wash away happened, President Edgar Lungu directed him to rush to Samfya district to access the extent of the damage and see what immediate interventions are to be taken.

“Immediately after the culvert was washed away, cutting off Samfya district from the rest of the country, His Excellency President Edgar Lungu directed me to come and access the situation. I am here with a team of engineers from the Road Development Agency (RDA). We have carried out a detailed assessment and the interventions are that we need to fill up the washed away part with stones and put some pipes. We are happy that the contractor, BSBK Limited who is in the Province, has agreed to do the emergency works”, Mr Mushota said.

He said the contractor has started working today which will include filing the washed away part with stones and replacing the pipes for easy flowing of water.

And BSBK limited Project Manager Siraj Basu said he will engage about between 50 to 60 works on the project.

He said after filling the washed away culvert he will also work on the 70-km diversion although his main task is to open up the road to the motorists.

On Saturday, a culvert was washed away at Chimana stream following heavy rains the country is experiencing.

This is according to a statement issued to the media by Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure Development spokesperson Jeff Banda.

26-year-old man kills mother


Police in Solwezi District of have arrested a 26-year-old man of saviye area for allegedly killing his mother aged 47, after a quarrel.

North-western Province Commissioner of Police, Hudson Namachila who confirmed the development in a statement to ZANIS in Solwezi yesterday said the incident happened on March 22, 2020, around 14:00 hours.

Mr Namachila identified the deceased as Bridget Sandu of the same area.

The Commissioner stated that the suspect, Alex Sahandu allegedly murdered his mother after a quarrel in which she was advising him on his bad drinking habits.

He said upon visiting the scene, police found the body lying in a pool of fresh blood, facing downwards.

Mr Namachila further stated that the body of the deceased had two deep cuts on the right side of the head adding that a machete is alleged to have been used to inflict the injuries.

He said the body of the deceased has been deposited in the Solwezi General Hospital mortuary awaiting postmortem, while the suspect has been arrested and a docket of murder has been opened.

CAF Fines FAZ For Crowd Trouble At Heroes


FAZ has been fined by CAF for unruly behavior by fans during last November’s 2021 AFCON Group H qualifier against Zimbabwe.

Fans threw missiles onto the pitch at National Heroes Stadium in Lusaka on November 19, 2019 following Chipolopolo’s 2-1 home loss to Zimbabwe.

CAF has fined Football House US$7,500 for that incident.

“We hope that fans will take note of the international bodies like Cosafa, CAF and FIFA that monitor whatever happens in our game. We risk even being banned from playing our home matches away from home,” FAZ General Secretary Adrian Kashala said.

“It is our prayer that fans will rally behind the team at all times to ensure that they deliver to the utmost of their ability.”

Chipolopolo are currently bottom of Group H on zero points following successive defeats to Zimbabwe and Algeria in their opening two qualifying matches.

Botswana are third in Group H with 1 point while second placed Zimbabwe and leaders Algeria have 4 and 6 points respectively after two rounds played.

Meanwhile, Chipolopolo’s Group H doubleheader against Botswana that was scheduled for March 26 in Lusaka and March 29 in Gaborone has been postponed due tothe Coronavirus pandemic.

Hakainde Hichilema’s 14 Points on how Zambia has to deal with COVID-19



According to the World Health Organisation’s (WHO), confirmed cases of COVID 19 are spreading rapidly across Africa. Therefore WHO advises African nations to immediately employ proactive mechanisms to stop it.

In our case here, the Ministry of Health has confirmed 03 cases, so COVID 19 is no longer a tale from distant lands, it is in our very own midst.

However, due to limited testing capacity in the country, undetected cases are a high possibility. From experience elsewhere, the acceleration of COVID 19 is steep if preventative interventions are delayed.

Guidance from the WHO is that African countries should prepare for a worst-case scenario. Once we provide for the worst, then we can nip the problem in the bud by assuming an aggressive approach in the process.

COVID 19 Basic Facts

The reproductive number (average number) in which an infected person will infect others is about 2.5. With this calculation, from 1 index case, probable infections after 10 days would be 1600 people.

We are cognizant of measures announced by the Ministry of Health to prevent COVID 19. But they fall short of the scale of the problem at hand because of the following;

Our Healthcare delivery has no capacity to contain full-scale COVID 19 due to:

– Limited diagnostic capabilities ( only at UTH)
– UTH has only 18 ventilators
– Not enough medical staff
– Not enough Personal Protective Equipment
– Limited treatment options

Due to above glaring inadequacies, Western Embassies are evacuating non-essential staff from Zambia. What needs to be done (in addition to measures announced by the Ministry of Health)

  1. Complete lockdown of Zambia for at least 2 weeks to halt the infection rate.
  2. Enhance testing for COVID and extend testing services to all provinces.
  3. Mobilise retired medical staff to be on alert for a possible call to help and also enlist help from Doctors in the private sector.
  4. Procure enough medical equipment and protective clothing for medical personnel on the frontline.
  5. Restrict unnecessary movement from homes.
  6. Encourage all workers (private and public) to work from home.
  7.  Encourage banks to deal in electronic transactions than cash.
  8. Restrict Intercity (domestic) travel unless absolutely necessary.
  9. Limit all gatherings to not more than 5 people.
  10. Restaurants and cafes to operate ‘take away’ (fast foods) only.
  11. Remove all import duty and other taxes on medical equipment and Personal Protective Equipment.
  12. Reconvene Parliament to sit virtually and approve supplemental funding for COVID 19
  13. Withdraw Bill 10 and channel resources to the fight against COVID 19
  14. Parliament must exercise strict oversight on the funds approved for Coronavirus, and no corruption and theft of the resources should be entertained or tolerated.

On a personal level

  • Please wash your hands frequently with soap.
  • No hand shakes or hugs.
  • Cover mouth or nose when coughing or sneezing.
  • Self-quarantine if you have flu symptoms.
  • Do not panic but be extra vigilant.

Prevention of COVID 19 is our collective responsibility. Please take care of yourselves and your loved ones and strictly adhere to hygienic rules provided for by Health authorities, because this disease is very lethal and spares no one. In all this, we should not forget to seek guidance from the All Mighty God. Remember we are our brothers and sisters’, keepers.