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Banda happy with Lusaka decongestion project


Minister of Local Government Charles Banda has expressed satisfaction with the works on the Lusaka City Decongestion Project.

Dr Banda who toured the 920 meters stretch of the Kafue road Flyover Bridge said once complete, the flyover bridge will further beautify the City of Lusaka.

He said the works being implemented by AFCONS, the contractor engaged to carry out the project, are commendable and will be commissioned in the first two weeks of April.

ZANIS reports that Dr. Banda said this when he conducted an on the spot check of the Kafue Road flyover bridge in Lusaka today.

The Minister of Local Government underscored that AFCONS is doing high quality work that is expected to help decongest traffic in Lusaka.

He disclosed that the flyover bridge will be commissioned in June, while the other one at Munali roundabout will be commissioned in September this year respectively.

Dr. Banda who later inspected the construction of the ministry’s new office block in Lusaka’s Longacres, said works have reached 80 percent complete.

He said the USD 11 million project will be completed by December and his Ministry intends to relocate to the new building in January 2021.

And AFCONS, the contractor expressed optimism that the Lusaka Decongestion Project will completed nine months before the schedule.

AFCONS Project Manager Subrata Bandyopadhyay said there has not been any accidents recorded so far and everything is panning out well.

Government is implementing the USD 389 million Lusaka Decongestion Project (LDP) aimed at decongesting the city, by building and expanding roads, fly-over bridges and overpasses, to be done by AFCONS International, an Indian construction company.

The main features of the project include among many others, a new outer ring road from Kafue road near Makeni area to new Mumbwa road.

It will further stretch to Lusaka West and join the Great North Road on Chikumbi Road in Kabwe.

BOZ encourages cashless transactions


The Bank of Zambia (BOZ) has revised the transfer and balance limits on electronic banking in a bid to facilitate for cashless transactions in the wake of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

In a statement made available to ZANIS by BOZ Communication’s Division, the Central Bank has removed transactions and balance limits on agents and corporate wallets to pave way for cashless transactions.

The Bank has also implemented an upward adjustment on drawing limits from the initial ten thousand to twenty thousand kwacha, for individuals with the new maximum balance fetching at hundred thousand kwacha.

Small scale farmers and enterprises’ limit has also been revised upwards from two hundred and fifty thousand to one million small scale farmers with the maximum limit set at one million kwacha.

The BOZ Communication’s Division has also instructed electronic money issuers to slash charges for person to person e-money transactions valued up to one hundred and fifty kwacha.

The central Bank has further indicated that this instruction will stand until 30th April, 2020.

Additionally, the Central Bank has reduced the Zambia inter-bank payment and settlement system (ZIPSS) processing fee.

The bank has started that this decision is meant to increase the use of the Real Time Gross Settlement system.

And BOZ has stated that current Anti-money Laundering and Countering Terrorism Financing (AML/CFT) measures will remain unchanged.

The bank has thus urged all mobile money operators and the public, to exercise maximum hygiene as provided for by the Ministry of Health adding that the fight to register zero new infections of the COVID-19 pandemic calls for concerted efforts by all.

BOZ is currently implementing cashless transaction measures as its part of the central bank’s contribution in reducing the further spread of the coronavirus that has posed a global threat in the last two months, with Zambia having recorded two cases.

HH calls on Zambians to unite and help combat the deadly coronavirus disease


UPND Leader Hakainde Hichilema has called on Zambians regardless of political and religious affiliation, race or tribe to unite and help combat the deadly coronavirus disease.

“In both bad and good times, we still remain Zambians and Zambians first. We were Zambians before we became politicians, we are Zambians now and we will be Zambians tomorrow and always”, says the UPND Leader.

Mr Hichilema says in times of adversities such as in this period of great anxiety and uncertainty regarding the coronavirus, when citizens see their leaders set aside their political, religious or other artificial differences and sit down together in a war room to plot against such a perilous pestilence of mass destruction, people will take the warning very seriously and girdle for battle.

“We are at war fellow citizens and the world is ahead of us, we cannot afford to remain behind”, he added.

Mr Hichilema said even as the country prays over this disease, each and every Zambian must take self-care actions in observing strict hygiene and following instructions of health care officials, for faith without action is dead.

“We are one people and this is time for Zambia and Zambians first”, He added.

SAA suspends all international flights


South African Airways has announced that it is immediately suspending all international operations until 31 May 2020 in light of a government travel ban aimed at stopping transmission of the novel coronavirus.

According to a statement, the airline says the ban has resulted in a “substantial decline” in demand for air travel.

SAA says it will only be servicing domestic and regional routes.

SAA operates in three markets that form part of countries listed in the travel ban as high-risk areas, namely the United States (Washington DC and New York, JFK), the United Kingdom (London, Heathrow) and Germany (Frankfurt and Munich).

It also operates flights to Australia (Perth) and Brazil (São Paulo) which have not been declared high-risk, all of which are now cancelled.

“In support of efforts by government to deal with this pandemic, and in the best interests of our crew, passengers and the public, we have decided to suspend all international and regional flights until 31 May 2020. It is all our responsibility, not just government, to curb further transmission of the virus.

“In addition, the increasing risks to our crew of contracting the virus including the possibility of being trapped in foreign destinations as a consequence of increasing travel bans cannot be ignored,” said SAA Acting CEO, Zuks Ramasia.

“We also recognise the fluidity in the conditions we operate in and the need to responds to these changes with speed, to this end we commit to keep all our stakeholders abreast of any changes on an ongoing basis.”

Barotse Royal Establishment wants Government to tighten porous borders in the Province to fight the coronavirus.


The Barotse Royal Establishment (BRE) has urged the government to tighten porous borders in Western Province in the wake of the coronavirus.

BRE Prime Minister Ngambela Manyando Mukela says borders such as Shangombo and Lukulu have been witnessing the entry of people in the county at will.

He appealed to the authorities overseeing the borders to conduct regular checkups to ensure no one enters illegally in the reality of the Covid-19.

The Prime Minister said BRE will not relent in educating the community on the dangers of the coronavirus.

Mr Mukela urged the media with its influence to inform people about the dangers and precautions using the simple and clear language for easier comprehension.

The Ngambela has also urged people to adhere to safety measures against the deadly fast-spreading coronavirus which has claimed thousands of lives globally, which has also penetrated Zambia.

Yesterday, the BRE announced the cancellation of the 2020 Kuomboka traditional ceremony which attracts huge crowds of people from across the globe as a safety measure against the covid-19

Meanwhile, Minister of Chiefs and Traditional Affairs Lawrence Sichalwe has commended the BRE for canceling the 2020 Kuomboka traditional ceremony.

At a press briefing today, Mr. Sichalwe urged traditional leaders to sensitize their subjects, stating that when traditional leaders speak people obey.

Zambia has confirmed two cases of coronavirus from a couple that flew to France for a Holiday.

Bowman Lusambo welcomes move by Government to financially Punish Prime TV


Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo has applauded the action taken by Minister of Information and Broadcasting Dora Siliya to disengage from Prime TV and cease all cooperation with the station.

Mr Lusambo has since urged Ms Siliya to go a step further and remove Prime TV from both the Dstv and Go TV platforms.

The Kabushi Lawmaker has further appealed to Zamtel to terminate the fibre link carrying Prime TV’s signal adding that similar actions by all parastatals dealing with Prime TV should be carried out forthwith.

Mr Lusambo said most people he knows are never fond of anyone who is proud, overconfident or overbearing.

He said it is better to be humble than to have a superiority complex because pride not only brings ones downfall but also makes them look foolish as Mr Shawa proved in that meeting.

“The meeting with media owners was organized by the Zambian Government to rally support from them towards the sensitization of Zambians about COVID19. Any caring government would do that in times of crisis like we have today. COVID-19 is affecting all of us. Nearly 220,000 people have now been confirmed with the coronavirus globally, of which at least 84,000 have recovered from COVID-19, while more than 8,800 have died, according to data from Johns Hopkins University in the US”, said Mr Lusambo.

He said it is therefore inhuman, unpatriotic and unthinking for Mr Shawa to demand upfront payment before Government could use his platform to reach the people with COVID19 messages.

Mr Lusambo said in this crisis, he has seen people like Chinese Billionaire Jack Ma stepping up for Africa, a continent he does not even live in. He is donating masks, test kits and protective suits to all countries in Africa to help the continent in its fight against the coronavirus.

He said through his Foundation, Ma’s foundation will donate at total of 1.1 million testing kits, six million masks, and 60,000 protective suits and face shields while Zambia has a Mr Shawa refusing to donate air time. How greedy and boastful can one be?!

Mr Lusambo said Mr Shawa will do well to remember that before Prime TV, there were other bigger, more influential and more prominent media houses who thought they were higher and mightier and today they form part of Zambia’s history and the business premises they occupied along Bwinjimfumu Road are housing rats and cobwebs.

He said the lessons are plentiful and Mr Shawa will do well to learn from such.

Meanwhile, Mr Lusambo has welcomed the move by the Media Owners Association of Zambia, MISA Zambia, BBC Media Action and the IBA for their joint action to produce Public Service Announcements on COVID19 which will be aired for FREE on all their partner stations dotted across the nation.

He said this is a very patriotic move and the likes of Mr Shawa should take a leaf.

Mr Lusambo has urged the IBA to rein in on Prime TV to ensure that the station starts operating within the legal and ethical parameters.

“I have been a victim of unprofessional reporting by Prime TV on several occasions. During the recent of mealie meal outlets, Prime TV failed to air the original story but went and solicited for a negative reaction from Hakainde Hichilema over our operation after which they aired the story, an obvious attempt to discredit our actions as government”, he complained.

Government should Rescind Decision to Punish Prime TV


The Non-governmental Gender Organisations Coordinating Council has appealed to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting to consider rescinding its decision against Prime Television.

NGOCC Executive Directeor Engwase Mwale says the measures announced by the Ministry to sever relations with the media house may not be progressive in taking Zambias democratic dispensation forward.

Mrs Mwale said the media, Prime Television inclusive, play an important role of informing and educating the public especially in popularising and nurturing the country’s development agenda.

She said it is without doubt that most Zambians, especially women who may not have active networking opportunities, depend on the media for news and other pertinent information.

Mrs Mwale said said it would therefore be depriving them of information if government decided to proceed with the announced measures against Prime TV.

She said NGOCC is aware that Government remains an important partner to the media when it comes to information dissemination that is critical to people’s participation in the governance of the country hence even just one media house being struck off government collaboration may create a void.

Mrs Mwale said said this is especially so for their type of viewership which is comprised of women and men who benefit from dissemination of government policy and programmes.

She has also observed that media pluralism and diversity remain an important ingredient of democracy.

“Citizens should have unfettered access to diverse information for them to make informed decisions about their lives therefore, in the interest of public good, the women’s movement wishes to appeal to the government and Prime Television management to dialogue and find a solution to the impasse”, she added.

RATSA mourns Maamba accident victims


The Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA), has conveyed heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims of the road traffic accident that happened along the Maamba road in the early hours of Wednesday, March 18, 2020.

Seven people died on the spot and 13 others sustained serious injuries following a fatal road accident that happened around 06:00 hours.

The road accident happened after the driver of a Man Diesel truck Registration No. ALL 9420, failed to keep to his lane resulting in a head on collision with an oncoming Mitsubishi Canter registration no. BAG 4215.

Preliminary accident investigations conducted by RTSA have revealed that the driver of the truck, Owen Hamwene, aged 26 was driving at an excessive speed through a stretch of a curvy road.

And RTSA Chief Executive Officer Gladwell Banda said the agency is concerned with the negligent behavior of the truck driver and has observed that lives would not have been lost if he had exercised maximum patience and considered other road users.

Mr Banda noted that it is saddening that some motorists have continued disregarding the rules on the roads, violating the driver’s duty of reasonable care and have repeatedly demonstrated to be a danger to the public.

Meanwhile, the Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA) has scaled up law enforcement, with a close target on public service transport, following the closing of schools across the country.

The agency has since reiterated its call to school authorities, parents and guardians to ensure that their children use registered public transport and avoid using trucks and vans as they travel back to their respective destinations for the school holidays.

The agency has also reaffirmed its commitment to road safety for pupils and other commuters and will accelerate interventions to reduce the risk of vulnerable road users such as children being involved in road accidents.

This was contained in a statement released to ZANIS in Lusaka today by RATSA Head of Public Relations Fredrick Mubanga.

DEC nabs farmers for cannabis cultivation


The Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) in North-Western Province has arrested a small-scale farmer for unlawful cultivation of fresh cannabis plants weighing over two tonnes, contrary to Chapter 96 of the laws of Zambia.

Albert Kasopa, 52, a small-scale farmer of Kapijimpanga village in Solwezi District in North-western Province, was found with fresh cannabis plants weighing 2.2 tonnes.

And the Commission has also arrested Micheal Mwansa, 59, a small-scale farmer of Moffat village in Mansa District, Luapula Province for unlawful cultivation of fresh cannabis plants weighing 320 kilograms.

The suspects are in police custody and will appear in court soon.

Meanwhile, the Commission on the Copperbelt Province has arrested two individuals for trafficking in 107 kilograms of fresh Cathine commonly known as Khat-Miraa.

The duo who have been jointly charged, are identified as Able Mukosha, 26, of Mokambo border area in Mufulira and Fadumo Acli, a female Somalian national aged 50 of House number 2122 Ndeke Township in Ndola.

The Commission has since seized K11, 000 and USD 400 Cash found with Ms Acli, believed to have been obtained from proceeds of crime.

The duo who appeared in court on March 17, 2020 have been remanded and the matter has been adjourned to March 25, 2020 for the plea.

This is contained in a statement released to ZANIS in Lusaka by Drug Enforcement Commission Deputy Public Relations Officer Mwenge Mulenga.

CSOs condemn UPND attacks on disabled persons


A consortium of Civil Society Organisations have condemned the United Party for National Development (UPND) for attacking persons living with a disability on Wednesday.

Speaking during a press briefing at Mika Lodge today, MISA-Zambia Vice-Chairperson who is also CRECO Chairperson, Hyde Haguta said the suggestions being made by UPND leaders and members that Mr. Hichilema’s house is not a public park for the disabled is not only an insult to citizens who live with disabilities but inhuman.

“We want to be clear that Mr. Hichilema is not an ordinary citizen but the biggest opposition leader in Zambia. If persons who are vulnerable can be turned away from the house of an opposition leader, we wonder what will happen if, by any chance, that leader took over the reins of power. We totally condemn the barbaric act by Mr. Hichilema’s security personnel but also call on Mr. Hichilema to unreservedly apologize to the disability community.”

Mr. Haguta also expressed shock that UPND Members of Parliament troop from one hotel to another to debate Bill with people who can’t make decisions but could walk away from debating Bill 10 with fellow decision and lawmakers in Parliament.

“We want to remind our parliamentarians that their primary role is to make and amend laws in parliament, by fully engaging and participating in the debates on the floor of the National Assembly, including voting for progressive legislative that responds to the dynamic needs of the citizens,” said Haguta.

The civil society organizations have also commended the Government for measures meant to prevent the coronavirus pandemic by providing guidance and directives to close all institutions of learning and issuance of the necessary statutory instruments that will enable all relevant government wings to effectively work and implement protocols to combat the coronavirus.

“The first step in combating coronavirus is stopping the spread of it. People who might be exposed must immediately seek medical help, self-quarantine measures can equally protect close family members as well as the general public,” said Haguta.

The eight organizations include the Media Institute for Southern African – Zambian Chapter (MISA- Zambia) Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) and Southern Centre for Constructive Resolutions of Disputes (SACCORD). Others are Zambia National Students Union (ZANASU), Zambian Institute of Governance and Civil Liberties Advocacy Platform (ZIGCLAP), National Youth Anti-Corruption Movement (NYACM) Common Ground Grounds Network (CGN) and Constitutional Reform and Education Coalition (CRECO)

Zanaco FC Solider On Despite Conornavirus Swirl


Zanaco have returned to training in Lusaka after a scheduled week-long break in the midst of the Coronavirus outbreak.

The seven-time FAZ Super Division champions returned to training in midweek only to receive news of the suspension of the league campaign due to the pandemic.

But Zanaco coach Chris Kaunda said the team was taking all precautions as advised by the Ministry of Health.

“We gave the team a break from last week to today (Thursday). They needed to relax because they had played a lot of games but we gave them instructions on visiting the gym,” Kaunda said.

“We didn’t lose much in terms of fitness after what I saw on the first day and they are well.

“It (the outbreak) has not affected us but what we have done is taking precautions.

“We have brought the medicines around the ground and the players are washing their hands on and off the pitch and we are following the rules as well as the guidelines from the government.”

Zanaco were due to return to competitive action during the weekend of April 4 with a Midlands derby league home date against Kabwe Warriors but FAZ has postponed all matches due to the outbreak.

Cholera more deadly than Covid-19: Too early to close schools!!


By Kabanda Mwansa

It is common knowledge that every government has to formulate and implement practical measures to protect its citizens against the Corona Virus that is spreading so rapidly across the globe. It is the responsibility of every government to devise concrete actions that will give hope and confidence to its citizenry. However, the pre-mature closing of public schools with only three weeks before they go into the recess is not one of the solutions that the Zambian government should have opted for. If anything, especially in remote areas, school children make effective agents of information dissemination to people that have limited access to current affairs, as they act as both mediators and interpreters of diverse public information. Consequently, the closure of public schools in Zambia will only disadvantage pupils from poor families, as parents from the well to do families will always find a way, mostly by engaging part-time teachers to teach their children behind closed doors.

The decision-makers did not make the right ruling of consulting various stakeholders in this fight against the Corona Virus, but were apparently pressured to emulate what other countries are doing. Seemingly, the Zambian decision-makers have been alarmed by the happenings in Europe that have been broadcasted globally by their influential media houses. By the time Zambia made a drastic decision to close public schools, the country never even had any case to refer to as the basis for the decision. If anything, African countries like Zambia should be in the forefront to educate European countries on how to deal with virus outbreaks, and not the other way round.

Zambia has in years battled with the Cholera epidemic, while also shielding itself from the Ebola Virus agitating in the neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo. These two viruses are more deadly, and much more complicated to contain than the Corona Virus, thus Zambian experts have amassed great experience in how to deal with such viruses. Therefore, instead of copy-pasting how Europe is dealing with the Corona epidemic, Zambia should have been the one exporting knowledge on how to deal with such epidemics using the Cholera and Ebola experiences. The countries’ Epidemiologists should be at the forefront of using local experience in the country to scale it at the global level to help other needy countries experiencing such calamities for the first time in centuries. For example, the Chinese doctors that have battled the Corona virus in Wuhan, China have now shifted camp to Italy because they have gained enough experience from their situation.

One of the reasons most European countries closed public schools or rather shifted the learning spaces from schools to home was that, schools in most countries in Europe were just re-opening after a one-week winter break when the Corona Virus struck. As per European tradition during this school winter break, there is overwhelming cross border holidays by families, thus there was always going to be a big chance of pupils\families importing the Corona Virus from across the borders when schools re-opened.

Against this background, most European governments decided that school was going to be done online using different media platforms. Needless to mention here that most European schools have online learning spaces already established, thus, it was quite easy to make a decision that schools be physically closed, but remain open remotely through online interaction between pupils and teachers. This is also true for countries that have done the same in Africa, such as Egypt, Rwanda, and South Africa. These countries’ local technology is quite advanced such that even if public schools have been ordered to close, learning will somehow still take place through technological platforms deliberately installed by the respective governments.

Unfortunately, for Zambia, decisions were made without any consideration for the poor children who will now be languishing in the congested homes without any deliberate alternative on the part of the government. In some of the under-served communities in Zambia, the children are better off being at school because the situation at home is much worse than being at school. For example, in some under-served communities, it is quite difficult to get clean water to wash hands multiple times as recommended by the WHO, households can be more crowded and in some cases, up to 12 people will share a small house.

Thus, self-quarantine and social isolation as it is being propagated by Western methods is not practically possible in these under-served communities, and other high-density areas of the big cities. The pupils in these areas are more at risk of catching and spreading the Coronavirus if they stayed home than if they remained in school. This gives a greater opportunity for public institutions like boarding schools in the country to work as isolation centres where pupils are shielded from the rest of the community with strict rules of guiding the in and out human traffic.

As at now, it is common knowledge that Zambia does not have any domestically transmitted Corona Virus case, meaning that schools especially boarding schools should have been kept intact without exposing them to people that have traveled. Sending these pupils home will only expose them to the virus now that it is being imported into the country through people that have travelled to affected regions.

It is a fact that this virus originated from Asia, then to Europe and other parts of the world, meaning that what Zambia needed was to first impose a strict policy measure to cramp down on the travelling between Zambia and these affected regions. But alas! the people that should have been in the forefront to do this at the time when Zambia needed it most were busy on a campaign trail in Chilubi. Zambia needed to act decisively then when the virus was detected in China by imposing travel restrictions on the citizens and foreigners arriving from these countries.

Now, the policy makers want to show concern that they are on top of the game by closing schools, because that is the easiest of the measures to undertake. If the policy makers had consulted widely from the various stakeholders locally, then it should have been the independent private schools, the colleges and the universities that should have closed first before the public schools are affected. The independent private schools should have closed first because that is where the vulnerability of contracting the Corona Virus is higher because the parents in these schools have a greater probability of travelling to and from the affected regions. A child at Mabumbu Primary School located on the edge of the Bulozi Plain in Limulunga, should not be denied the chance to go to school because some parent at Lake Road Primary School in Lusaka had travelled to Paris, thus bringing the virus along.

Apart from the probability of parents travelling to the epicentres of the virus, pupils in these independent private schools have alternative learning spaces such as media that they can still utilize as opposed to pupils in public schools. After all, the decision makers have their children in these independent private schools, and seemingly care less if learning in public schools is effective or not. Using media as an alternative learning space is also true for the public and private colleges and universities. In these institutions, the teacher\student interaction can still take place using internet alternatives as opposed to the public schools.

Pupils in public schools have been given very limited information on the way forward, and how to navigate the Corona Virus period. For example, the authorities are not emphasising to the pupils that they are sending home, the importance of staying fit and positive. Pupils that have been told to stay home must be encouraged instead, to exercise a lot so that they cultivate higher levels of physical fitness and a positive mind-set. This is because it is scientifically reported that the virus is mostly killing people whose immune system is already weakened by lack of physical fitness, and the presence of other ailments.

Therefore, some physical exercises as opposed to sitting inactive in isolation could make a huge difference. Pupils should equally be encouraged to walk\jog from point A to point B when it concerns reasonable distances as opposed to using congested buses or trains. Thus, it is not just a question of sending pupils home, it is important to also give them such vital information as to stay fit, with a positive mentality, as opposed to fear and stress.

Generally, apart from the measures that have now been implemented as regards to travellers coming into the country from abroad. There is also need for the authorities to devise measures to check all travellers travelling between Lusaka and the rest of the country, and the Copperbelt and the rest of the country, or\and restricting travel internally.

This is because Lusaka and the Copperbelt have a higher probability of people contracting the virus because of the density of the populations in these areas, and having more people travelling abroad. For the rest of the country, the travel history remains low and containment is the most appropriate strategy, as efforts to engage with local community leaders as stakeholders before a full-blown crisis occurs in Zambia is key. As the only cases that have been reported so far in the country came from people who travelled back from abroad, then unity of purpose to prevent the virus from engulfing our already limping socio-economic landscape is the only option. However, it is too early to close public schools without a wide consultation from various stakeholders.

The author is a Zambian social commentator and a PhD research fellow at the Centre for Child and Youth Competence Development at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences.

FAZ Suspends League Over Coronavirus


The Football Association of Zambia (FAZ) has suspended all football matches under it’s umbrella due to the Coronavirus.

Zambia has two confirmed cases of the pandemic.

“Please take this as official notification that due to the prevailing situation vis a vis the COVID-19 virus we have regrettable task of informing you that all League football under the auspices of FAZ at all levels as well as of all affiliated leagues and associations is suspended until further notice,” FAZ League Manager Brian Mulenga said.

Forest Rangers are leading the Super Division with 46 points from 24 matches played.

Kanganja directs the immediate release of prisoners charged with misdemeanors in fight against Corona virus


Inspector-General of Police, Kakoma Kanganja has directed that, where possible, all prisoners charged with misdemeanors and contravention offences should be released on police bond without undue delay.

Announcing the constitution of a committee to help fight coronavirus, to be spearheaded by the Director of Zambia Police Medical Directorate to provide support for a coordinated response to the coronavirus pandemic, the Police Chief said that the development is part of the Zambia Police contribution to the global response to the Coronavirus outbreak and is part of the Zambia Police contribution to the global response to the Coronavirus outbreak.

The Police Chief has stated that all Provincial Police Commissioners are expected to ensure that all police stations under their jurisdiction put in place precautionary measures which include restricting numbers of people visiting those in police detention.

He added that all Officers-in-Charge of Stations should see to it that detention facilities are not overcrowded with suspects.

He has since appealed to members of the public and various groupings to adhere to the provisions of the piece of legislation, following the enactment of the Statutory Instrument No. 22 restricting public mass gatherings to prevent infections.

And the Zambia Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) has commended the government for taking timely measures aimed at containing the COVID-19 pandemic to safeguard the lives of workers and the general public.
ZCTU has further extended solidarity and sympathy to the workers around the country who are facing health risks because of the COVID-19 outbreak which has recorded a large number of cases and deaths around the world.

ZCTU Secretary General, Cosmas Mukuka, observes that as government, workers and communities respond to the outbreak of COVID-19, the Union will together with its affiliates and workers endavours to play their role in promoting information, responsible public health practices and provision of community support to the most vulnerable in communities.

In a statement released to ZANIS in Lusaka yesterday, Mr Chewe proposed among others that all workers, whatever their formality, contract or status should be guaranteed that they will perform their duties in a safe working environment.

He indicated that public health measures and health care services for prevention and treatment of COVID-19 should be available for all workers and their families, regardless of their residential status.

The ZCTU has further called on the government to encourage the formation of a network within the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) member countries to monitor the spread and development of measures aimed at combating COVID-19.

Meanwhile, Stakeholders and traditional leaders in Manyinga district convened a meeting today to discuss the coronavirus and other diseases affecting their communities.

In addressing traditional leaders, Manyinga stakeholders chairperson, Patrick Kamboyi said the fight against corona virus should not be left to government officials alone but all community members should be involved.

Mr Kamboyi said the disease prevention and national development need concerted efforts by all stakeholders including traditional leaders.

Speaking at the same event, district public health officer, Ben Mukumbi implored all village traditional leaders to encourage their subjects in keeping themselves healthy and protected from diseases such as the coronavirus.

Mr Mukumbi said avoiding handshakes, in the meantime, is not a violation of traditional norms, but one of the recommended measures in preventing the spread of coronavirus.

He further implored traditional leaders to sensitive their subjects on utilizing handwashing facilities and also to seek early medical attention, whenever any member of their community falls sick.

And Headman, Samufunda of Samufunda village in senior chief Sikufele’s chiefdom has commended government and stakeholders for educating traditional leaders on health matters on time, especially with the coronavirus.

The traditional leader has since implored stakeholders to continue engaging traditional leaders on health issues and national matters so that local people are enlightened and remain heathy.

Lusaka Water advises customers to use electronic payment in the wake of Corona virus pandemic


The Lusaka Water Supply and Sanitation Company has encouraged its customers and the general public to use electronic payment (e-payment) platforms to pay for their water bills in a bid to complement government efforts of mitigating the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19).

The Company has further advised customers to minimize walking into customer service centers dotted around the City.

Nshamba Muzungu, the Company Public Relations Officer said customers are instead advised to call the customer service centers for any queries or complaints and utilize e-payment.

Mr Muzungu said the company recognizes that basic water and sanitation services are important to overall health.

He said Zambians must, therefore, ensure that they follow the advice of health experts and keep their family members healthy with sanitation behaviors, like washing hands, which is key to stopping the spread of the virus.

He assured customers that the company will take all measures possible to protect the public and its staff members from any exposure to the virus that would arise from interaction with our services.