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Zambia confirms first two cases of Coronavirus


President Edgar Lungu has confirmed that Zambia has recorded its first two cases of COVID-19 commonly known as Coronavirus.

In a Facebook Post, President Lungu revealed that the patients are a Zambian couple that traveled to France with their two children for 10 days.

“Our surveillance system was able to detect that they transited through high-risk COVID-19 countries. The couple has been isolated and receiving treatment in Chilanga. I want to salute our gallant men and women carrying out surveillance at all points of entry and our hardworking health personnel. I ask all members of the public not to panic. Report any suspected cases or symptoms to the nearest health facility,” President Lungu said.

Meanwhile, Health Minister Chitalu Chilufya also confirmed during a news conference the presence of Coronavirus in Zambia.

“I regret to inform the nation that Zambia has confirmed its first two cases of COVID19. The patients are a Zambian couple of Lusaka; a 37-year-old woman and a 39-year-old man who returned to Lusaka from a 10-day holiday in France aboard an Emirates flight on 15th March 2020. The patients were screened at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport and placed under home quarantine as they did not display symptoms at the time of arrival,” Dr. Chilufya said.

“On follow-up, the following day, the man reported feeling unwell and health officials collected samples from the couple for laboratory testing to rule out COVID-19. The couple was placed in isolation while investigations were being conducted,” he said.

Dr Chilufya said the laboratory results have revealed COVID-19 infection in both individuals adding that currently the patients are stable and continue receiving appropriate care at a designated health facility.

“I wish to take this opportunity to acknowledge the positive response and cooperation from the Zambian public and incoming travelers in adhering to the key measures that have been put in place by the Government to prevent and control COVID-19.”

And Dr Chilufya has thanked the Barotse Royal Establishment (BRE) for putting off this year’s Kuomboka ceremony.

“The Government appreciates the support from our seasoned cooperating partners who continue to provide technical, financial, logistical and material support to our national preparedness and response efforts to COVID-19. These include but not limited to Africa CDC, World Health Organisation, UNICEF, US Government, British 2 Government, World Bank, Chinese Government, Japanese Government, European Union, and other United Nations Agencies. I now call upon the public to adhere to the measure put in place, particularly the observance of high levels of personal hygiene, environmental cleanliness, and social distancing to prevent transmission of COVID-19.”

He added, “I appeal to the public not to panic as the situation is under control. The public should be weary of false rumors that have been circulating through social media platforms and note that official communication relating to the COVID-19 outbreak shall be issued by the Ministry of Health. I will continue to update the nation regularly as the outbreak evolves including further measures that will be brought into effect. God Bless Zambia.”

UTH cancels patient visiting hours


The University Teaching Hospital (UTH) has with immediate effect cancelled all patient visitations at the institution to prevent possible transmission of Coronavirus(COVID-19).

UTH Clinical Care and Diagnostic Services Director, Alex Mukupa says hospitals are places of highly infectious environments, hence the move is in an effort to combat disease transmission to both patents, visitors and reduce overcrowding in wake of the pandemic.

Dr Mukupa said only one person will be allowed to be on the bed side and will be issued with a card by the hospital security wing.

He said the measures which have been put in place are with immediate effect until further notice.

This was is contained in a statement made available to ZANIS in Lusaka, today by Dr Makupe.

The Ministry of Health has put in place measures in view of the Coronavirus which has become a global pandemic.

Some of the measures include provision hand washing facilities in public places, no handshakes and restriction of public gatherings among others.

Davies Mwila advises people not part of the Provincial elections to stay away

Patriotic Front Secretary General Davies Mwila has advised members who are not forming part of the electoral college during District and Provincial elections to stay away from election venues.

“All non-delegates are advised to stay away from election venues for the District and Province. This is a directive. This is to ensure smooth and credible outcomes from these critical intra-party democratic processes. These elections in the Party provide a build-up to the Party’s general assembly and as such must be conducted in a very free, fair and transparent manner”, Mr. Mwila has said.

The Secretary-General has also emphasized that the Party wants to comply with public health directives by Government in the wake of Coronavirus.

“We are not encouraging unnecessary public gatherings in light of COVID-19. All delegates are therefore directed to maintain the prescribed social distances and avoid any handshakes and hugging”, he said.

” Unlike other political parties allergic to intra-party democracy, ours is a commitment to grow the Party’s democratic space by having legitimate office bearers. We have heard of some Opposition parties trying hard to imitate what we do and promising to go for their party’s convention. We have wondered how a political party could hold a national convention without conducting primary elections. We also wonder how they can constitute an electoral college without having primary elections for their lower structures”, he said.

Patriotic Front holds elections for Lusaka District today, 18th March 2020. Provincial elections for Lusaka will be held on 20th March 2020 at Mulungushi International Conference Centre to be graced by Party and Republican President Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu.

This is according to a statement issued by PF Media Director Sunday Chanda.

Government move to financially Punish Prime TV is illegal and immoral, says the Media Liaison Committee


The Media Liaison Committee says it has received with shock the statement from Minister of Information and Broadcast Services, Dora Siliya that the Zambian Government has instructed its entire machinery not to do business with a Zambian private media institution, Prime Television and that those that already had contracts with the institution must terminate these contracts.

Committee Chairperson Enock Ngoma says this action by the Government is not only illegal but also immoral.

Mr Ngoma says the move is illegal as it goes against the spirit of fair competition, consumer protection, and public procurement regulations.

“Why should the Government disadvantage a local business by instructing other customers not to buy or deal with a private company? This is immoral since Prime TV is a local Zambian company that offers a public service to Zambians as an employer mainly in the in the media industry and a tax payer to the treasury through the various taxes collected by the Zambia Revenue Authority”, he said.

Mr Ngoma has reminded the Zambian Government, in case they are not aware, that the Government business and finance that they want to deny Prime TV are derived from the very taxes collected from Zambians who include Prime TV and its staff, and users of Prime TV media services.

“Prime TV as a Zambian company duly registered and in compliance with PACRA under Companies Act and IBA under the Independence Broadcasting Authority Act, is a tax payer and employer of many Zambian citizens. Prime TV is also a provider of vital information, news, education and entertainment through its various media platforms to millions of Zambians who too are voters, tax payers, tax that is enjoyed by the same government that is trying to deny business to this media institution”, Mr Ngoma added.

He said Prime TV as a Zambia company is not expected to be denied business opportunities by the very Zambian Government that daily collects taxes from it.

Mr Ngoma said the Committee is aware that this is not the first time that the Zambian Government is using its financial muscle from tax payers’ money to kill a private Zambian media by denying the business access to its services.

“In the past, the MMD Government stifled the growth of local media by secretly instructing government wings and departments not to advertise or grant interviews to the private media. This was done to The Post, The Monitor, Radio Phoenix, and Breeze FM among others and Honourable Siliya was again in Government. It is therefore not surprising that she has picked up from where she left at the time to bring confusion to the media”, he added.

Mr Ngoma says it is also depressing to realise that the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Services has got seasoned media practitioners who should have advised against the decision to sideline Prime TV.

He said Ms Siliya herself is a seasoned broadcaster while the Permanent Secretary Mr Amos Malupenga is a renowned journalist and former Managing Editor at the country’s largest independent newspaper that time, The Post. Naturally, one would not expect such hostility from these two media personalities.

“Studies have shown that African governments are in the habit of using government resources to disadvantage private media and private companies that are providing services to the opposition parties, CSOs or citizens deemed critical of the government”, he added.

Mr Ngoma has further reminded the PF Government that there is a difference between taxpayer’s money and PF money saying the party and its cadres are free to tell their own private companies and businesses not to advertise in Prime TV if they deem it not to be to their benefit.

He said the PF cannot use tax payers’ money collected through the government machinery and government departments to harm the business interests of Prime TV or disadvantage it from fair competition as a private company.

Mr Ngoma has appealed to the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Commerce and Trade and the Ministry of Justice, among others, that understand good governance and business environments to advise their colleagues on the illegality of this action and how it kills local businesses in Zambia who are the very sources of job creation and taxes that our heavily indebted government dearly needs.

“This government action also contributes to Zambia being downgraded into junk status among investors and those seeking to set up businesses as it sends a negative message that a group of individuals abuse tax payers’ money to kill local businesses. It is also hypocritical that the same government can claim to support local entrepreneurs when in fact not”, he said.

Mr Ngoma said to operate a media company in Zambia has become a thankless and non-profitable job as the government is always going all out to overtax the news print and broadcast equipment.

He has since called on government to rescind its decision on Prime TV and stop blackmailing independent media with taxpayer’s money.

Mr Ngoma said Prime TV is equally a tax payer that should not be segregated. If they have any regard for media freedom, let them cancel this despotic decision and has emphasised on on the need to always engage in dialogue before taking drastic measures.

AgriTech Expo Zambia 2020 postponed


The AgriTech Expo Zambia 2020 which was scheduled to take place from 2-4 April 2020 at the GART Research Center in Chisamba has been postponed to a later date.

Deputy Managing Director of DLG International and Project Lead of AgriTech Expo Zambia, Lars Huf says the event has been postponed in view of the Coronavirus which has become a global pandemic.

Dr Huf stated that the safety and wellbeing of all the stakeholders is of paramount importance hence the postponement of the event.

He said they have been monitoring the situation closely stating that when they received an official communication from the Ministry of Health to postpone the event, the organizers took the necessary steps.

Dr Huf noted that the Coronavirus outbreak is now a global pandemic according to the World Health Organization (WHO) which has alerted all countries to take urgent precautionary actions.

“By rescheduling the exhibition we are confident that we can deliver AgriTech Expo Zambia to our international standard and maximize business opportunities to all parties,” he said.

He added that the new dates for the exhibition will be announced soon.

AgriTech Expo Zambia is the business-to-business buying platform for agricultural professionals, from small-scale farmers to commercial enterprises, to engage and conduct business with some of the world’s leading suppliers to the agricultural industry.

The goal of the expo is establishing a marketplace for regional and international industry professionals, young Agripreneurs and farmers of all scales, to come together in one location to conduct exclusive agribusiness transactions while being educated on the latest global industry trends to advance into the next generation of food production.

AgriTech Expo presents the gateway to industry innovations with the leading outdoor exhibition in the region for the Agri-community.

While DLG Agriculture offers international expertise in setting up trade fairs and providing project management and consultancy services.

Commonwealth Lawyers Association raises concerns over Sangwa’s suspension


Commonwealth Lawyers Association has expressed concern over the suspension of Lawyer John Sangwa from appearing before any Zambian Court.

In a statement, the Association says it is concerned that Mr Sangwa has been prevented from practicing in all courts of law by the direction of the Judicial authorities before a complaint that they have filed against him has been considered by his professional body, the Law Association of Zambia.

It said the judiciary, which should uphold a right of due process, has not permitted due process in this case to run its course.

“In view of the concerns expressed, the CLA encourages all concerned to uphold due process and the Rule of Law in all circumstances,” it said.

It said the Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers adopted by the Eighth United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, Havana, Cuba, 27 August to 7 September 1990 states that governments shall ensure that lawyers are able to perform all of their professional functions without intimidation, hindrance, harassment or improper interference; and shall not suffer, or be threatened with, prosecution or administrative, economic or other sanctions for any action taken in accordance with recognized professional duties, standards and ethics.”

It further stresses that the Basic Principles states that “No court or administrative authority before whom the right to counsel is recognized shall refuse to recognize the right of a lawyer to appear before it for his or her client unless that lawyer has been disqualified in accordance with national law and practice and in conformity with these principles.”

Catholic Church announces the indefinite closure of all Major Seminaries due to the coronavirus


The Catholic Church has announced the indefinite closure of all Major Seminaries due to the coronavirus.

Those closed are Emmaus Spirituality Centre, St. Augustine’s Major Seminary and St. Dominic’s Major Seminary.

Bishop Justine Mulenga, the Director of Serminaries in a memo circulated to the affected seminaries emphasised on the need to heed to this directive and make all necessary arrangements for the departure of all students.

Bishop Mulenga said the completion of the second semester will resume as soon as the outbreak is contained.

He acknowledged that is a very sad development but expressed hope that this outbreak will be contained in the nearest time possible.

The Zambian government yesterday the Zambian government announced the closure of all schools, colleges and universities in view of the outbreak of the Coronavirus disease although the country has not recorded any case.

Minister of Heath Chitalu Chilufya told Journalists at a briefing in Lusaka today, that Zambia has not recorded any case of Coronavirus, but will put measures to prevent the disease.

Dr Chilufya stated that government has heightened its preparedness and surveillance against the pandemic by instituting screening at all entry border points and by suspending all public gatherings.

The Minister who was franked by the Minister of Higher education and General Education stated that all schools, colleges and universities will be closed effect from Friday, March 20, 2020.

He stressed that the public will be notified when the schools will be opened in line with the evolvement of the outbreak.

He added that government has directed all its missions abroad to review visa applications to would-be travelers in high risk countries.

Dr Chilufya has also advised Zambians planning to travel to countries with high numbers of the disease to consider rescheduling their plans.

He said the country has also involved airlines to ensure all passengers on flights to Zambia are screened, while buses from neighbouring countries will dock at the dry port which has been set up along Kafue road.

Meanwhile, Minister of General Education David Mabumba has praised President Edgar Lungu for allowing schools to close so that all pupils and students could return home to avoid crowded places that could necessitate the spread of coronavirus.

Mr Mabumba said the decision to close schools is a difficult one, but has to be made to protect children from the deadly disease.

And Higher Education Minister Brian Mushimba disclosed that government will release the grants for higher learning institutions for the month of March before the universities close this Friday.

Dr Mushimba regretted that the grant which would have been released between 6 and 10 march delayed, but assured that it will be released before the universities close this Friday as a result of the Coronavirus threat.

He has disclosed that grants for colleges and other TEVET institutions were released last week and have been received and assured that any outstanding balance will also be settled

Lack of mention of GMOs in the recently approved Food and Nutrition Bill is a source of concern for Zambia


Lack of mention of Genetically Modified Organisms in the recently approved Food and Nutrition Bill is a source of concern for Zambia, as the country continues to witness the influx foods containing GMOs, says the Civil Society Scaling up Nutrition Alliance.

Mathews Mhuru, the Organisation Country Coordinator says it is regrettable that the Bill makes no mention of GMOs whose health risks remain unknown to the majority Zambian citizens.

Mr Mhuru was speaking yesterday when he and CSO-SUN partners Hivos Southern Africa made a submission to the Parliamentary Committee on Health, Community Development and Social Services on the National Food and Nutrition Bill passed by Cabinet on 17th February 2020.

He recommended that the Bill should create another function to be added to the National Food and Nutrition Commission to promote equitable nutrition access and service for vulnerable groups such as children living with disability and those without family care.

Mr Mhuru told the Committee that children living with disability and those without family care should be included in the Bill as vulnerable groups because they face challenges in accessing foods that are responsive to their nutritional needs.

And Hivos Southern Africa Manager for Sustainable Diets William Chilufya reiterated the need to place the National Food and Nutrition Commission to the Vice President’s office which will give the Commission more strength, authority and coordinating powers.

Mr Chilufya further recommended that the Executive Director of the National Food and Nutrition Commission should have a background in nutrition because of the multi-sector nature and complexity of the nutrition issues they are required to deal with at the Commission.

Mr Chilufya told the Committee chaired by Lukulu East UPND MP Dr Christopher Kalila that nutrition has not received adequate attention under the Ministry of Health as evidenced by the lack of a substantive Director at the Commission in the last three years an indication of lack of prioritisation of nutrition issues in the country.

He said nutrition is a multi sectoral problem that needs to be addressed with a multi sector approach and that moving the NFNC to the vice president’s office would be a progressive move.

A Note: Chapter One Foundation explains MP’s Walk Out


What was the significance of the MPs walking out of the Bill 10 parliamentary debate?

Yesterday, Minister of Justice Given Lubinda made a ministerial statement to the effect that Cabinet had rejected the most contentious clauses in Bill 10 in a bid to get more support for Bill 10.

Why do we feel that Cabinet’s proposed amendments are not sufficient?

By Honourable Lubinda’s own admission Bill 10 was presented to the National Assembly without any amendments, in other words nothing was changed in the Bill. Once the Bill is presented in its original form, the National Assembly is under no obligation to accept any proposed amendments to the Bill, whether the amendments are proposed by Cabinet or the Parliamentary Select Committee. That means that there is a danger that the whole of Bill 10 can be passed into law without any amendments.

Even assuming that all of Cabinet’s proposed changes were adopted, there are several of the provisions that Cabinet has accepted that are a real danger to the rule of law and democracy in Zambia. We urge you to read the joint CSO statement that we issued yesterday that explains this in full.

What is the purpose of the walk out?

To pass Bill 10 at the Second Reading 2/3rds of the total number of MPs in the National Assembly need to vote for it. The walk out of the MPS has meant the PF haven’t met the 2/3rd threshold because more than one-third of the MPs walked out. The walk out has also exposed those who support the Bill as they remained in the Parliamentary Chamber.

We rely on the MPs that walked out to maintain their position so that Bill 10 is not passed into law.

Sangwa should still appear before the courts-Sinkamba


Green Party leader says he believes that lawyer John Sangwa’s banishment by the judiciary that at the moment is either speculation or a plan by the judiciary.

Mr Sinkamba has since advised Mr. Sangwa to appear before any of the courts and then if he is chased away by the attendant court, then that will be proof enough that he has been banished.

“If that happens, that will be an impeachable offence for judge who chases away Mr. Sangwa, and the person who authored the letter directing all courts not to attend to him,” Mr Sinkamba said.

He said an act of chasing away Sangwa will be in breach Article 122(1) of the Constitution of Zambia Amendment 2016 which provides that “in the exercise of the judicial authority, the Judiciary shall be subject only to this Constitution and the law and not be subject to the control or direction of a person or an authority.”

“A judge or magistrate who allows himself or herself to be under the direction of any other person, demonstrates incompetence and can be removed from the bench for such conduct.”

Parliament adjourns Bill 10 debate to Wednesday after PF fails to garner support after UPND MPs walked out


Parliament on Tuesday adjourned voting to Wednesday when the Bill 10 motion was presented after the PF failed to garner enough votes to warrant a vote on the Bill which came up for second reading.

When Justice Minister Given Lubinda rose on the floor of the House to introduce the Bill for second reading, 53 UPND Members of parliament started to walk out of the House accompanied by three Independent MPs prompting Speaker Patrick Matibini to call for order.

Three UPND members namely Geofrey Lungwangwa of Nalikwanda, Teddy Kasonso of Solwezi West and Mulowa Mukumbuta of Senanga Central remained in the House despite attempts by Kabompo MP Ambrose Lufuma and Mwembeshi Independent MP Machila Jamba to force them off their seats.

After realising that they would not get the required two thirds majority, Vice president Inonge Wina opted not to suspend standing orders to allow the house sit until the completion of business for the day as has always been the practice.

At exactly 19:55 Hours, Speaker Matibini adjourned the House to Wednesday for continued debate as the PF continues in search of the two votes they need to pass the vote.

The UPND and Independent MPs have however vowed to ensure that the Bill is defeated in its current state as the PF vows to spend the night fishing.

UPND’s conduct will be judged by the Zambian people-Lubinda

Opposition United Party for National Development (UPND) Members of Parliament (MPs) have again walked out of the house protesting the restoration of the Constitution Amendment bill number 10 of 2019, also known as bill 10.

This happened in parliament today, shortly after Minister of Justice Given Lubinda presented the bill for consideration.

ZANIS reports that Leader of the opposition in parliament Jack Mwiimbu led the UPND legislators as they stormed out of parliament.

But three of its members namely Teddy Kasonso of Solwezi West, his Nalikwanda counterpart Geoffrey Lungwangwa and Senanga’s Mulowa Mukubuta, as well as National Democratic Congress (NDC) Roan Member of parliament, Joseph Chishala, defied the protest and opted to remain in the house.

However, the Minister continued his presentation in the absence of the opposition parliamentarians.

Mr Lubinda lamented that the behaviour and integrity of the UPND MPs, shall be judged by the Zambian people.

Meanwhile, Mr Lubinda, who is PF Kabwata parliamentarian, has said Cabinet rejected the proposal of the introduction of deputy ministers.

Mr Lubinda has consistently said it was government’s intention to see to it that all the lacunas in the amended constitution of 2016 are tabled in Parliament.

He also announced the retention on the payroll for retired civil servants among other articles that were amended.

UPND Nalikwanda MP Geoffrey Lungwangwa who contributed to the debate, said strengthening institutions in the country is vital because Zambia is going through a young constitutional democracy.

In his submission to the debate, Professor Lungwangwa said Zambia needs a president wholly accepted in the nation through a 50 + 1 percent vote.

By press time, the parliamentarians largely from the executive were still debating Bill 10 amendment.

The Zambian National Assembly is composed of 89 PF MPs, UPND (58) MMD (4), 14 independent law makers and 1 from FDD bringing the total number to 166 members.

The constitutional amendment Bill 10, requires to garner a minimum two thirds majority to enable it pass.

The Constitution Amendment Bill 2019, also known as Bill no.10, has become an emotive issue with some sections of society advocating for its withdrawal.

Former Cabinet Minister Kalombo Mwansa to be put to rest on Thursday, March 19th, 2020


The government has announced that the late former Cabinet Minister under the Movement for Multi-party Democracy (MMD) government Kalombo Mwansa will be put to rest on Thursday, March 19th, 2020.

The late Prof Mwansa 65, died on Sunday, March 2020.

Prof Mwansa served as a Cabinet Minister under the leadership of former Presidents Levey Mwanawasa and Rupiah Banda as Minister of home affairs, mines and Mineral development, foreign affairs and defense between 2002 and 20211.

The official funeral program will commence with a requiem church service at the cathedral of the holy cross at 10:00 hours and thereafter, proceed for burial at farm number 3208, leopards hill road, Mikango, in Chongwe.

President Edgar Lungu has also declared Thursday, March 19th, 2020, a day of National mourning in honor of the numerous contributions he made to the country as an academician, expert in criminal law, public administrator and politician.

During the period of national mourning from 06:00 to 18:00 hours, all flags will fly at half-mast while, entertainment programs on both radio and television should be canceled or postponed.

This is contained in a statement issued to ZANIS in Lusaka today, by Secretary to the Cabinet Simon Miti.

CAF Postpones 2020 CHAN


CAF has postponed the 2020 CHAN tournament due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

African footballs governing body decision was made on March 17 after the CAF medical committee completed its inspection tour of tournament host Cameroon who were scheduled to stage the CHAN from April 4-25.

Zambia have qualified for the tournament but with the development has put on hold all pre-CHAN plans including participating in a three-nation friendly in Uganda this week.

Chipolopolo are in Group D where they have been drawn against Tanzania, Namibia and Guinea.

CHAN is a second tier AFCON exclusively for home-based national team players.
Below is the full statement from CAF:

A delegation made up of members of the CAF Medical Committee carried out an inspection visit to Cameroon for an update of the preventive measures being taken, as part of the preparations for the Total African Nations Championship (CHAN), in light of the evolving nature of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) across the world.

They also had discussions with the World Health Organization (WHO) representative in Cameroon during their mission which lasted 14-15 March 2020.

Their observations include;

– Preventive measures have been taken to control entry into the country and health facilities are ready to deal with the current situation

– The Cameroonian authorities have given all the guarantees for appropriate measures to ensure the smooth running of the competition

However, despite the relatively low rate of the spread of COVID-19 on the continent at the moment compared to other parts of the world, it is difficult to predict its evolution in the coming days.

The restrictive and precautionary measures taken by various Governments to prevent the spread of the virus has made it increasingly difficult for people to move from one place to another.

Given all these challenges, and in order to avoid risking the health of players, officials, partners and fans, CAF in consultation with the relevant Cameroonian authorities (Local Organising Committee) has decided by mutual agreement, to postpone the CHAN initially planned for 4-25 April 2020 to a later date.

CAF would like to thank the Cameroonian authorities for their commitment and urge them to continue preparing for this competition which will take place as soon as conditions permit.

ZNUT lauds schools closure amid coronavirus terror


Northwestern province Zambia National Union of Teachers (ZNUT) has welcomed the announcement made by government to close all schools in the country to reduce the spread of the coronavirus.

ZNUT provincial coordinator, James Musolokoto said the coronavirus is a worldwide problem and Zambians need to continue putting up measures to reduce the chances of contracting and spreading the disease.

Mr. Musolokoto told ZANIS in a telephone interview in Solwezi today that government initiative to close schools is a good move as it will reduce the chances of children contracting the highly infectious disease.

He, however, appealed to the school management and teachers to take advantage of the time left with the pupils to sensitize them about the disease and how they can prevent it even when they are at home.

Mr Musolokoto urged all schools both private and public to adhere to the announcement as it is for the good of the nation at large.

Meanwhile, Mr Musolokoto appealed to pupils especially those in examination classes not to abandon their books but take advantage of the time to adequately prepare for the end of year examinations.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the rapidly spreading coronavirus outbreak a pandemic, acknowledging what has seemed clear for some time the virus will likely spread to all countries on the globe.

Europe has become the new epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic as cases in China slow and the deadly coronavirus runs through Italy and nearby countries, WHO officials have said.