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Cameroon beat Shepolopolo in Olympic Qualifier

Shepolopolo lost 3-2 away to Cameroon on Thursday in their 2020 Olympic Games final round, first leg qualifier.

The defeat at Stade Omnisport Ahmadou Ahidjo in Yaoundé means Shepolopolo must win at home on March 10 at Nkoloma Stadium in Lusaka to secure their debut Olympic Games qualification.

Thursday’s loss was also Shepolopolo’s first in the qualifiers.

Grace Chanda scored a brace in a convincing display by Shepolopolo despite two goalkeeping errors by Hazel Nali that handed Cameroon the win.

Chanda put Zambia ahead in the 35th minute but the lead lasted just four minutes when Araja Nchout leveled matters to see the two sides go 1-1 into halftime.

Gabrielle Onguene put Cameroon in the lead for the first time in the match in the 72nd minute.

But Chanda hit back in the 74th minute to restore parity.

The match seemingly was headed for a draw but Cameroon put Shepolopolo on the back foot until Onguene completed her brace in 89th minute- again capitalizing on some poor positioning by Nali.

Meanwhile, winner on Tuesday will qualify to the Tokyo Olympics while the loser will face Chile in a playoff match in that bonus ticket battle to Japan.

2021 General Elections: The Importance of the Eligibility Judgment


By Isaac Mwanza


On 9th August, 2016, this author ignited the debate on whether President Lungu qualifies to contest the 2021 elections. Just like Canadian-based lawyer, this author was a view that President Lungu did not qualify for President until when the Constitutional Court of Zambia passed the landmark Judgment in Dr. Daniel Pule and 3 Others [Selected Judgment No. 60 of 2018]. While the Court did not plainly declare that President Lungu is eligible to contest 2021 elections, the Court addressed key issues that paved way for the President to contest. Let’s discuss these two issues.

1. President Lungu never served a “term” between 2015 and 2016

What appears not to be contentious at this point is the clear declaration by the Constitutional Court that the period commencing 25th January, 2015 to 13th September, 2016 which President Lungu was elected and occupied the office of President was not a term. This is clear from the pronouncement of the Court on page J83 where the Court stated:

“It therefore, follows that in the current case, the term served [by President Lungu] that ran from 25th January, 2015 to 13th September, 2016 and straddled two constitutional regimes, cannot be considered as a full term.”

There is no dispute now around this pronouncement as its clear for all to see.

2. That holding office refers to a term

The debate has now shifted to provisions of Article 106(3) which reads as follows:

“Article 106 (3)
A person who has twice held office as President is not eligible for election as President.”

First this provision is different from the repealed provision of 1996. In the 1996 Constitution, the provision was very clear and left no room for further interpretation. The repealed provision read:

“Article 35. (2) [Now repealed]
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Constitution or any other law no person who has twice been elected as President shall be eligible for re-election to that office.”

No doubt, if the repealed article 35(2) had remained in the Constitution, President Lungu was going to have been out of the race as he has twice been elected into office. But this provision is no longer part of our law. It has been replaced, and for good reasons. Those reasons are beyond the current discussion here.

So the question the question we are dealing with now is about article 106(3) as it exists in the Constitution. What did the Court say about the meaning of the phrase, “twice held office”?

On page J75, the Court said:

“It is imperative to first determine what would be considered as ‘holding office’ under Article 106. In particular, Article 106 (2), which we have already quoted above states that a President shall hold office from the date the President-elect is sworn into office and ending oh the date the next president-elect is sworn into office.”

However, the Court did not stop there but, on page 59, asked a very important question: “For how long can a president hold office?” In effect, the Court was asking whether a person who is sworn into office for 1 day, 1 year and eight months as did President Lungu or 5 years can qualify to be said as holding office.

The firm answer by the Court to settle this question is found on page J82 where the Court stated:

“The sub-articles (clauses) in Article 106 cannot be isolated from each other in interpreting the article. An interpretation of a constitutional provision that isolates the provisions touching on the same subject is faulty. Therefore, to state that Article 106 (3) applies to the term that straddled two constitutional regimes but that Article 106 (6) does not, is to isolate Article 106 (3) from the rest of the provisions in Article 106 which is untenable at law, and is at variance with the tenets of constitutional interpretation, as all the provisions on the tenure of office of the President must be read together. The provision regarding the full term must be applied to defining what is meant by twice held office under Article 106 (3) in interpreting the provisions of that Article.”

As everyone can see from the last sentence in quoted part, the provision regarding the full term must be applied to defining what is meant by twice held office under Article 106 (3).

There is no dispute, at this point, what “the provision regarding the full term” which the Court was referring to are. Anybody who has served for more than 3 years has held office of the President and anybody who has served for less than 3 years has not held office of the President. This is what the Court was saying to be holding office.

To add clarity to the Court said, one can only check its pronouncement on page J78 where the full bench stated:

“Under Article 106 (6) (b) it is now possible for one to occupy the office of President for a period which is less than a full term in addition to two full terms of office. Meaning that a President can be in the office for a total of almost 13 years.”

In the quote above, the Court was even more careful in the selection of words. Instead of saying, it is now possible for one to “hold the office” of President the court preferred to use the word “occupy the office of President.” When you occupy the office of the President after being elected and sworn into office of President, or in case of a Vice President who automatically assume that office, say for less than 1,068 days or 89 months (which is less than 3 months), you would not have held office, despite fact that you were sworn into that office.

In a nutshell, the Court was conclusive in pronouncing itself on the current provisions of the Constitution. (1) the term President Lungu served from 25th January, 2015 to 13th September, 2016 (which was 20 months or 1 year six months) is not a term under this Constitution and (2) a person can only be said to have held office under Article 106(3) if they occupied that office for a minimum of 3 years and maximum of 5 years.

Did the Court pronounce that President Lungu is eligible to stand? No, the Court would not do that unless the President, like any other candidate filed the nomination and someone challenged the nomination. Before one files the nomination, the Court has always taken the matter is premature. So what is the significance of the Eligibility Judgment then?

The importance of the Court having pronounced itself that the term President Lungu served from 25th January, 2015 to 13th September, 2016 is not a term under this Constitution and (2) a person can only be said to have held office under Article 106(3) if they occupied that office for a minimum of 3 years, is that it gives an indication on even to those who will have questions when the President files the nomination.

In 2021, the nomination will be filed under the Constitution as amended in 2016 and not under the 1996 Constitution which had stated that no person who has twice been elected as President shall be eligible for re-election to that office. The current law is that anybody who has occupied the office of President for a minimum of 3 years will have held office once. When they serve for another 3 years, they would have held office twice.


From the above, holding office twice means that one has not only been elected twice or sworn into office of the President twice but that the combined terms for which we occupied office was a minimum of years but one can occupy office for 13 years and still be deemed to have held office twice under the current law, provided the other time was elected and sworn into that office is less than 3 years and thus disqualified from being referred to as holding office. Of course, Hakainde Hichilema, Chishimba Kambwili, Chilufya Tayali and President Lungu who want to contest 2021 elections, none of them can be said to have an outright ticket to contest until they file in their nominations and ECZ accepts the nomination or rejects the same. Once the matter is challenged in Court, the Court can then pronounce itself on it. For President Lungu, he is serving the first term of office which is ending in 2021; the inference of the eligibility judgment also is that the 20 months he occupied office do not qualify for having held office under the current Constitution.

Kabila Retained as Nkana FC President

Evaristo Kabila has bounced back as Nkana Football Club President following the re-constitution of the club executive committee by principal sponsors Mopani Copper Mines.

Kabila has been at the helm of Nkana since 2014 when he took over from John Chiwele.

He was handed a second term in January 2017 when Mopani re-constituted the executive committee.

And Mopani has split the position of vice-president into two with Joseph Silwamba and Patrick Njobvu have been retained in-charge of administration and technical respectively.

Kunda Bowa is the new treasurer replacing Cecil Mutinta whose mandate has not been renewed.

Martin Sichembe and Hensley Bwalya are the new committee members while Kitwe business executive Charles Chikwelete has also retained his position as committee member.

Others committee members are Lillian Musenge, Mulenga Chisunka and lawyer Ticklay Mukosiku, Bupe Lubindo and Davies Mwaba, the technical chairman.

Alex Munasha, Boniface Siame and Brian Musonda have left the club following the expiry of their contracts as committee members.

“Nkana FC is a brand so; use this brand positively to make money. You need to keep setting the pace don’t aspire for top four, always aspire to be top,” Mopani Corporate manager Chuma Kabaghe told the new executive.

Wife’s warning after husband dies from energy drink habit


For John Reynolds, grabbing an energy drink on his way to work seemed a good way to help him stay alert for his night shift.

But his wife Cassondra, from California, in the US, says it was a habit that would end up killing him, The Sun reports.

The 41-year-old, who didn’t drink or smoke, died in February 2011 after suffering a cardiac arrest.

Cassondra, 49, has released a heartbreaking photograph of the last time John saw his children to highlight the risks of high-caffeine energy drinks.

The dad-of-three worked nights as a mechanic and would usually consume an energy drink on his way there.

One morning, Cassondra woke to hear her husband gasping for breath and had to perform CPR while desperately waiting for emergency services.

She later found out that he had suffered a cardiac arrest and was immediately transported to hospital where he was put on life support and into a medically induced coma.

Sadly, just weeks later, John was pronounced brain dead, and Cassondra was left with the heart-wrenching decision to turn his life support off.

The couple, who had been together for 10 years, had three boys together who were five, six and eight at the time.

“John was healthy, he worked out every day, he had had a full physical examination the month prior, and all his results came back fine,” Cassondra said.

“When he went to the hospital, the doctor told me that his sugar levels were sky high and was asking me all sorts of questions about his lifestyle, whether he took drugs and if he had any health issues.

“He was put in a medically induced coma and a therapeutic state of hypothermia to try and prevent any further damage to his brain caused by a lack of oxygen.

“Eventually, the doctor asked me if he drank energy drinks, which I replied yes, but only once a day.”

The doctor explained to Cassondra that it only took one energy drink to throw off the heart’s rhythm and cause a heart arrhythmia.

“When he was pronounced brain dead, I let my children come and visit him to say their goodbyes. I asked the nurse to remove as many wires as possible so that they wouldn’t be scared,” the heartbroken wife recounted.

“He was a really good dad and the best husband, watching him take his last breath was the most painful thing I have ever experienced. I felt like my heart was physically breaking.

“He was the love of my life and my soulmate.

“You can’t move on when your heart belongs to someone else.


Cassondra wants people to know how dangerous these drinks are.

“I need people to speak out about losing their loved ones because it happens all the time, you just don’t hear about it,” she said.

“The doctor told me that drinking energy drinks is like playing Russian roulette with your life, and that really stuck with me”.


On February 5, 2011, Cassondra woke up to her husband suffering a cardiac arrest in bed and gasping for air.

She got him on the floor to perform CPR, which the emergency services guided her through on the phone.

As this was happening, her three children walked in, asking “What’s wrong with Daddy?”

Cassondra immediately sent them to their rooms and waited for an ambulance, which arrived within three minutes of her making the call.

“I just couldn’t believe that it was happening. I was in a state of panic and shock because I had no idea what was happening to my husband,” Cassondra said.

“I saw him turn from blue to grey and I was just praying that nothing would happen to him.”

Once the paramedics arrived, John was whisked straight to hospital, and as Cassondra was escorted to his bed, she was relieved to find out that he was still breathing.

The doctor began asking Cassondra questions about John’s lifestyle and any pre-existing health conditions he had, to which she told them that he was healthy, worked out every day and had never had any problems with his health.

At first they thought John may have had a diabetic episode because of his high sugar levels to which Cassondra told them that he wasn’t diabetic.

He was sent to the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit and was placed in a medically induced coma.

The head cardiologist came out and told Cassondra it wasn’t normal for a healthy 41-year-old who doesn’t drink or smoke and has what appears to be a strong heart to suffer a cardiac arrest.

“We need to find what caused this,” he told her.


He began asking Cassondra a series of questions about the kind of foods John ate and what medication he was on when eventually he asked her if he drank energy drinks.

“I told him that yes he does, but only once a day before he goes to work because he has to work night shifts,” she said.

“They began to put the pieces together, but I still couldn’t believe that one energy drink could cause this much pain.”

After four days of being in the hospital, Cassondra was told that her husband had an anoxic brain injury caused by a lack of oxygen to the brain and had a long road of recovery ahead of him.

“During those two weeks, I didn’t allow the boys to visit because I didn’t want them seeing their dad in that state,” Cassondra said.

“He was linked up to so many wires, and I just didn’t want them to have that image in their head”.

John’s brain continued to seize and 14 days after he was first admitted into the hospital, he was pronounced brain dead.

On February 19, Cassondra turned off her husband’s life support and her three boys had to say their final goodbye to their father.

“I told them three days prior he was going to be going to heaven and not able to come back home to us,” Cassondra said.

“They knew they were going to say goodbye, but they were too young to really process and understand it all.

“Telling them that their dad had passed away was the second hardest thing I’ve ever had to do; the first being turning off his life support.

“I sat there squeezing his hand and kissing him for 31 minutes as I watched all signs of life slowly leave this beautiful man’s body. This man who was my everything.

“My husband was supposed to be an organ donor, and I thought at least his death would mean something.

“I found out a few weeks later the nurse never contacted the proper people to harvest his organs when he expired.

“He had the most beautiful blue eyes and I just wanted to be able to see them again, but that chance was taken from me”.


Nine years after the death of her husband, Cassondra has launched the Awareness Project that aims to raise awareness about the dangers of energy drinks and pre-workout supplements.

“If you suspect that your loved one has had an adverse reaction to these drinks, report it to your governing food agency,” she said.

“These drinks are not tested enough, and there is no age limit in the US for who can buy these drinks.

“It’s important people understand the dangers do not lay solely with the high caffeine and sugar content.

“It’s the synergistic effect when these substances are combined with the additional stimulants contained in energy drinks that appears to be causing so many cardiac issues.

“I have heard so many horror stories from parents whose children have died as a result of these drinks yet less than 1 per cent of energy drink-related adverse effect and deaths are reported.

“I don’t want anyone to go through what me and my children have had to go through these past nine years. It doesn’t get any easier, you just learnt how to cope with it.”

The group that Cassondra started, Energy Drink and Pre-Workout Awareness, has 11,000 members on Facebook.

“He was my only family, he was my everything and he was my soulmate, and now he’s gone,” Cassondra said.

This article originally appeared on The Sun

Source: News.com.au

Billy Mwanza Backs Micho’s CHAN Programme

Former Chipolopolo defender Billy Mwanza has supported the format Zambia coach Milutin ‘Micho’ Sredojevic is using to select players ahead of next month’s African Nations Championship (CHAN) being hosted by Cameroon.

Micho has assessed over 70 players during his training camps in Lusaka and Ndola.

The Serbian last week held a two-day camp in Ndola at Levy Mwanawasa Stadium for 63 Copperbelt and Kabwe based players drawn from the Super and National First Division before shifting to Lusaka.

In interview on the Copperbelt, Mwanza, a youth coach at Nkana, said conducting trials will help Micho to select players on merit.

“It is good that the coach is giving a chance to everyone to prove themselves. This is a step in the right direction,” said the 2008 Africa Cup star.

“I can go with the idea of trials. You know the coach has to know everyone,” Mwanza said.

Micho is looking at players from both Super Division and Division One.

“You know sometimes we ignore players from the lower division but I like the new coach is considering players from the lower division. This is good for the national team and for Zambian football,” Mwanza said.

Micho is about to wrap-up a three-day camp in Lusaka with 42 call-ups from where he will select a provisional 30 member CHAN team.

“Early preparations are key. There is now time to waste,” Mwanza added.

RUGBY:Champions Arrows kickoff season against Mufulira

Defending champions Red Arrows will face Mufulira Hunters at home in Lusaka when the 2020 National Rugby League starts on March 14.

Arrows last year edged Mufulira Leopards in the main trophy final to win the league.

This was the Air Men’s seventh consecutive National League title.

According to the fixture released by the Zambia Rugby League, last season’s runners up Mufulira Leopards will start the campaign with a home match against Nkwazi.

Elsewhere on day-one, former champions Diggers will visit Kabwe to tackle Green Eagles and Lusaka will travel to Kitwe to battle KPF.

Meanwhile, the first competitive rugby tournament in 2020 is the Nchanga 10s being hosted in Chingola this Saturday.

Government enters nolle prosequi in the Treason trial of Mwangala Ngalande

The State has entered a nolle prosequi in a matter where a Lusaka business Executive, Mwangala Ngalande was charged with attempting to overthrow the administration of President Edgar Lungu.

LUSAKA Chief Resident Magistrate, Lameck Mwale discharged Mr Ngalande after the nolle prosequi was entered by the Director of Public prosecutions.

In this matter Mr Ngalande is alleged to have between August 1, 2019 and December 1 2019 at Lusaka jointly and whilst acting together with Samson Njovu, prepared or endeavored to overthrow by unlawful means, the Government of the Republic of Zambia.

And according to Overt Act 1, Ngalande on the same dates allegedly conspired with Njovu to procure military equipment namely assault rife, pistols and rocker propelled grenades.

This was for the purpose of assassinating President LUNGU and other senior Government officials namely, service chiefs, minister of defence , Davies Chama, Chief Justice, Irene Mambilima, Speaker of the National Assembly and Dr Patrick Matibini.

In overt two, it is alleged that on the same date Ngalande conspired with Mr Njobvu to source for international funding and actually obtained 1 point 6 Million United states Dollars to be utilized in the over throwing of the Government of the Republic of Zambia.

And when the matter came up today before Magistrate MWALE, the State said the matter was coming up for continued hearing of preliminary inquiry but the prosecution was in receipt of instructions from the DPP to discontinue the matter through a nolle prosequi.

Mr MWALE granted the State’s application.

Earlier, the defence lawyers had asked the court to constitute preliminary inquiry to establish whether or not there was sufficient evidence to warrant the accused person to be committed to the High Court to under go trial for treason.

Kalusha Bwalya appeals to Court of Arbitration for Sports to allow him stand for FAZ Presidency

Football Icon KALUSHA BWALYA has appealed to the Court of Arbitration for Sports CAS against the FAZ decision to STOP him from contesting the FAZ Presidency.

And KALUSHA wants FAZ to rescind its decision to STOP from taking part in the election.

In a letter addressed to the CAS Secretary General by Spain based Sports Lawyer PAOLO TORCHETT representing KALUSHA BWALYA, he has indicated that the decision by the FAZ Electoral Committee be reviewed and declare him eligible for the election.

TORCHETT has proposed that the matter must be treated with urgency so that the CAS can issue an award before the Presidential elections set for March 28, 2020.

He further requested CAS to suspend the holding of the upcoming presidential elections pending the result of the case before Court of Arbitration for Sports -CAS-.

TORCHETT said failure by FAZ to suspend the election his client BWALYA, will pursue all legal avenues before the CAS to seek for interim relief.

Last week, FAZ Electoral Committee declared that there are THREE Candidates for the FAZ Presidency.

Transport Minister directs that all buses be fitted with GPS after Kapiri Accident

Transport and Communications Minister Hon Mutotwe Kafwaya said the Government has said he is concerned with the conduct of the driver of who caused the road traffic accident along the Kabwe – Kapiri Mposhi Road in Central Province and is of the view that the driver acted negligently, violated the driver’s duty of reasonable care and demonstrated to be a danger to the public.

Reacting to the accident, Hon Kafwaya, who conveyed heartfelt condolences to the families of the people that died in the road traffic accident, has since directed RTSA to ensure that all bus operators implement the Road Safety fleet Management Policy of 2017.

Hon Kafwaya said such behaviour worries Government in its quest to consider lifting Statutory Instrument (SI) No.76 which restricts the movement of buses at night to avoid loss of lives.

“I am, therefore, directing RTSA to ensure that all bus operators implement the Road Safety fleet Management Policy of 2017 which is underpinned by the following five (5) factors namely: (i) Driver Management; (ii) Vehicle Management; (iii) Journey Management (including installation of the Global Positioning System – GPS); (iv) Health and Safety at the Workplace; and (v) Organisational Management,” he said.

“It is equally of great concern that bus operators are not doing much to monitor the behaviour of drivers by implementing the Road Safety Fleet Management Policy that requires the installation of the Global Positioning System (GPS) and driver training in Road Safety Rules and Regulations.”

He further stated that government will not condone losing lives in such a manner due to bus operators and drivers negligence.

“Further, RTSA is directed to ensure that all long-distance buses are fitted with GPS with immediate effect. RTSA should enforce the Road Safety Fleet Management Policy and the GPS without fail,” said the Transport Minister.

Three people died in a fatal road accident which happened around 15:45 hours yesterday, when the driver of a Scorpion Bus registration number AIC132, Francis Namakube, careered off the road and overturned after wrongly overtaking a number of vehicles and avoiding a head-on collision with an oncoming vehicle.

Preliminary accident investigations conducted by the Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA), have revealed that the driver of the bus was over-speeding as evidenced by the fact that he wrongly overtook several vehicles and careered off the road and overturned.

Kasama clergyman counsels against mistreating their stepchildren


United Church of Zambia (UCZ) Northern Presbytery Bishop, Maybin Mulenga has urged parents to desist from mistreating their stepchildren.

ZANIS reports that Bishop Mulenga says it is sad to note that some parents are abusing their stepchildren to the extent of leaving them with serious body injuries.

He has expressed fear that if children are brought up from a hostile environment, they tend to be violent in future.

Bishop Mulenga said every parent should view any child in their custody as their own.

He stated that parents need to treat children with care and love regardless of their relationship with them.

Bishop Mulenga noted that the nurturing and bringing-up of responsible children depends on the environment in which they were brought up from.

He was however quick to counsel children to be obedient to their parents as the bible states.

Kasama Police extolled for professionalism


Government has commended the Zambia Police Service in Northern Province for exhibiting professionalism in the way they handled the situation during the spate of suspected gassing activities in the region.

Northern Province Deputy Permanent Secretary, Davison Mulenga said police handled the situation professionally even when there was panic among the residents.

Capt. Mulenga explained that the professional conduct of police has also contributed to the restoration of peace and order in the province.

He however noted with sadness that some people lost their lives when people decided to take the law into their hands.

He has since advised the public to desist from engaging in acts of violence.

ZANIS reports that Capt. Mulenga said this when he officiated during the Police Day celebrations at Buseko grounds in Kasama district.

And Northern Province Police Commissioner, Richard Mweene has reaffirmed Police’s commitment towards maintaining peace and order in the province.

Mr Mweene further called on the public not to shun away from police officers but to freely engage them when they have issues.

He has also urged the men and women in uniform to exhibit high levels of professionalism as they conduct their duties.

This year’s Police Day was being commemorated under the theme: Police and the community working together in enhancing operational performance for quality service delivery.

Stephen Kampyongo warns PF Members, Police will apply the law fairly on all individuals regardless of the political parties

The government has sent a clear warning to members of the public who think belonging to a political party is insulation enough against the law when a crime is committed.

Minister in charge of Home Affairs Hon. Stephen Kampyongo says the government will not segregate but apply the law fairly on all individuals regardless of the political parties they belong to in an event that they engage in criminal activities such as murder or gassing.

Speaking to the Media after officiating at the Zambia Police Day Celebrations at National Heroes Stadium in Lusaka on Wednesday, under the theme, “2020 The Year To Enhance Operational Performance In Order To Provide Quality Service To The Public,” Hon. Kampyongo said police will not look at whether a suspect belongs to the opposition or ruling party when applying the law.

“We have made it categorically clear in our stance to bring law and order that those involved in any criminal activities will be persuaded as criminals first, secondly, the fact that someone belongs to the ruling party or any opposition political party you are not insulated because no one is above the law,” he stated.

Hon. Kampyongo strongly warned that no one involved in any criminal activities will go Scott-free as the police will apply the law to its full length regardless of political affiliation.

“If someone is a murder or gassing suspect we are not looking at any political affiliation but the activities committed because it is one thing to belong to a political party and another thing to be a law-abiding citizen,” he said.

He said that some people who claim to be members of the PF are in correctional facilities and have been tried in the courts of law and have been found guilty of breaching the law which is an indication that there is no selective justice.

And the Minister has asked the Inspector General of Police Mr. Kakoma Kanganja to ensure that individuals spreading falsehoods and hate speech on social media are pursued and made to account for their activities.

He said cyberbullying, hate speech and falsehoods are vices that cannot be allowed to take root in society.

“Wherever they are hiding smoke them out, be it Koswe or whatever they call themselves and make sure they account for their hate speech and falsehoods,” he ordered.

He said he and the police have a responsibility to protect members of the public regardless of their status and emphasized that he will not allow destabilizing the peace in the quest to protect citizens.

High Commission in Malaysia says NO Politically Exposed Persons involved in Illegal Zambian Wood confiscated


The Zambian High Commission in Malaysia has refuted claims in some sections of social media alleging that the Zambian wood worth over RM9Mil (about USD 2.15 million) confiscated by the Malaysian government belongs to politically exposed persons.

According to a statement issued by Zambian High Commission in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, the article published by the Star (a Malaysian daily newspaper) did not provide any details regarding the identity of the exporter(s) but only indicated that the consignment was from Zambia and destined for Viet Nam.

The Mission has since advised the media to avoid speculating and publishing unsubstantiated information from unofficial sources.

The High Commission of Zambia in Malaysia said the matter will be followed up by the relevant Zambian authorities with their Malaysian counterparts in accordance with the provisions of the Convention on International Trade in endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora as it relates to specimens deemed to have been exported in violation of the Convention.

The Star (a Malaysian daily newspaper) yestrday, March 4, 2020 carried an article titled “Illegal Zambian Wood worth over RM9Mil Confiscated.’’

The article stated that the consignment of Guibourtia wood bound for VietNam and worth over RM 9 million (about USD 2.15 million) was seized by the Malaysian Customs authorities when they conducted an inspection of the shipping container at Tanjung Pelepas port.

The article further quotes the Johor Customs Director, Datuk Mohammad Hamidan Maryani as stating that “no arrests were made and that the case would be treated as a seizure.’’

Shepolopolo Commence Final Push for Olympic Qualification

Shepolopolo’s final push for their 2020 Tokyo Olympics Women’s Football tournament qualification commences this Thursday when they face Cameroon.

Bruce Mwape’s unbeaten side face the 2019 FIFA World Cup last 16 side in a first leg away leg match in Yaoundé.

This is the furthest Shepolopolo have ever reach in Olympics qualification as they chase their debut appearance at the quadrennial event Japan is hosting this Summer.

Shepolopolo head into the final qualifying round unbeaten in their five games.

Zambia also conceded just two goals in that run in a 2-2 away draw in the penultimate stage against Kenya.

They now face a Cameroon side they are quite familiar with whom they beat 1-0 in the group stage of the 2018 COSAFA Women’s Cup in South Africa and later lost by the same margin in the semifinals of the same competition.

The final leg is scheduled for March 10 in Lusaka with only the winner over both legs qualifying to the Olympics.

The loser will meet Chile in a CAF zone versus CONMEBOL zone playoff for the second qualifying spot.

Zesco United Fire Blanks in Lumwana

Zesco United stay put at number four on the FAZ Super Division log following a scoreless away draw at 12th placed Lumwana Radiants on Wednesday.

The result sees the defending league champions poor run continue in which they have now collected four draws, two wins and five defeats since the start of 2020.

But Zesco, who beat Lumwana 3-2 in the first leg at home in Ndola last September, could have left with the 3 points.

However, midfielder Tafadzwa Rusike failed to convert an 84th minute penalty after he directed the ball onto the post.

This is after John Mwakwatta was fouled by Simon Zimba.

Zesco have 41 points following their second successive draw after they were held 1-1 at home last Sunday by Power Dynamos.

They are five points behind leaders Forest Rangers while Green Eagles and Nkana have 44 and 42 points respectively inside the top three.

Zesco return to action this Sunday when they host 11th positioned Green Buffaloes at Levy Mwanawasa Stadium in Ndola.