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Failure by PF Government to pay allowances to diplomats is shameful and embarrassing to Zambia

All People’s Congress Leader Nason Msoni says the reported failure by the Zambian government to pay allowances to envoys representing the country abroad makes sad reading.

Mr Msoni says what is even perturbing behaviour is that this same government is busy pushing for the reintroduction of Deputy Ministers another super structure requiring resources through the infamous bill 10 and yet it is plainly failing to meet its subsisting financial obligations to those serving the Country in foreign missions.

He said the failure to pay allowances to diplomats is absolutely shameful and extremely embarrassing to the country.

Mr Msoni said this behaviour absolutely stinks and in a way is putting Zambia’s envoys in an awkward and vulnerable position being in foreign Countries thereby rendering them destitute.

“It speaks for itself that this government has miserably failed to manage and ran state affairs looking at the catalogue of failures”, he added.

Mr Msoni has observed that at no time has any previous Zambian government failed to support and supplement the effort of diplomats.

He has denounced this conduct in the strongest term and demand that the envoys be paid all their outstanding allowances in line with their terms and conditions of service.

Mr Msoni said the payment of allowances should not be viewed as a privilege but it is an entitlement and a necessity for them to meet their social and economic obligations saying Zambia should not have destitute diplomats manning foreign missions abroad.

ERB concerned by the rise in developers proposing to construct filling stations in illegal areas


The Energy Regulation Board has observed with concern the increasing number of developers proposing to construct filling stations in locations that are not compliant with the provisions of the Siting Guidelines for Filling Stations.

ERB Public Relations Manager Kwali Mfuni said despite the said guidelines being available on the ERB website, they are being ignored by the developers.

Mrs Mfuni has reminded all developers to with immediate effect ensure that the proposed site for construction of a filling station is compliant with the siting guidelines prior to acquisition.

She explained that the said guidelines are the basis for the ERB’s recommendations to the Zambia Environmental Management Agency being managers of the Environmental Impact Assessment process.

Mrs Mfuni said that the revision of the above mentioned guidelines in collaboration with stakeholders has reached an advanced stage and that the same will be enforced upon completion.

One of the mandates of the Energy Regulation Board as stipulated in the Energy Regulation Act CAP 436 of the Laws of Zambia is to approve the location of all energy installations.

Police Deputy Spokesperson moved From Lusaka to Mpika after issuing a controversial statement on gassing


The Zambia Police High Command has transferred Deputy Spokesperson Rae Hamoonga days after he issued a statement that was controversially denied by Inspector General Kakoma Kanganja.

Mr Hamoonga has been moved from the Public Relations Department of the Zambia Police Service and reassigned to TAZARA in Mpika.

Zambia Police spokesperson Esther Katongo confirmed that Mr Hamoonga has been reassigned to Tazara which is normal and a routine exercise in the Police.

Mrs Katongo could however not confirm whether Mr Hamoonga’s deployment to TAZARA is due to the statement he issued to the Zambia Daily Mail indicating that the Police had arrested the mastermind behind the gassing of citizens in the country.

Mr Hamoonga is reported by the Zambia Daily to have said that the Police had last week arrested one of the masterminds behind the gassing of citizens which has caused consternation and led to many deaths in the country.

He said arrested along with the alleged financier of the gangs spread across the country are 15 others a statement Police Inspector General of Police refuted saying the mastermind was still at large.

Bill No. 10: Which way Forward


By Guess Nyirenda – Executive Director – OPERATION YOUNG VOTE


Operation Young Vote (OYV) a Youth Non-Governmental Organization which deals with Youth Participation, Governance and the Electoral Process, Human Rights, Leadership and Sustainable Development and other related matters, is proud to have been and continues to be part of local community, district, provincial, national, regional and international endeavors in the last 20 years of its existence.

OYV is gratified to note how it has participated in critical National undertakings including the many constitution review processes and the comprehensive Electoral reviews such as the Electoral Reform Technical Committee (ERTC) from 2003 to 2005 that culminated in the 2006 Electoral Act. As OYV we pride in having had been among the experts that conducted these electoral reforms and made many progressive recommendations some of which were not used due to time and other limiting factors. OYV further prides of having been a vehicle for advocacy and lobbying for better and progressive legal frameworks for the citizens and country as a whole.

The Constitution Amendment Bill No. 10 a document currently on the table of Parliament awaiting second reading is no exception to our interrogation and critiquing.

The matter regarding Bill No. 10 has received attention (whether negative or positive) by many stakeholders if not most of them. Much as the debates for and against the Bill either in its entirety or specific individual or a collection of articles have not been robust especially on the part of engaging ordinary citizens, the question of how much robustness and who determines such arises. To abate such challenges, allay fears and demystify the lack of citizens ‘full’ participation, matters of representative democracy weigh in.

As a country, we must also appreciate that the window of engagement through the Parliamentary Select Committee which was presided over by Nominated Member of Parliament Hon. Raphael Nakachinda was an opportunity for all stakeholders including citizens to make reactions and submissions on the Bill. It is clear that the Committee endeavored to accommodate as many views from a variety of stakeholders that made submissions and this is evidenced by its comprehensive, objective and well-balanced report delivered.

OYV’s Conviction On Bil 10 Going Forward

As already noted, the report by the Parliamentary Select Committee on Bill No. 10 has demystified the fears that Zambians had on the National Dialogue Forum (which had its own flaws) and Bill No. 10 regarding whether or not Government had hidden motives. It is clear from the comprehensive, objective and well-balanced report on the Constitution Amendment Bill No. 10, by the Select Committee that most views by stakeholders were accounted for and taken on board.

The report is indicative of how strong and reliable some institutions are to Zambia’s democracy, where citizens and stakeholders including politicians and political parties tried to bring to the fore the will of the people through the Committee.

We are of the view that the Constitution Amendment Bill No. 10, the Report by Select Committee on Bill No. 10 and the remaining but yet to be undertaken processes in Parliament presents a window for the nation to move to another level in terms of not only building but also bettering our constitution.

Today almost every stakeholder is commending the Report by the Select Committee as being objective – Why – The simple answer is because the process was allowed and we saw how different MPs from different political parties deliberated and scrutinized the Bill. This is as it should be. This is democracy.

The progressive Report on Bill No. 10 clearly highlights the concerns of the Civil Society, Political Parties, other stakeholders and all Zambians. We can only urge all MPs to use these as guidance as they debate.

If the Select Committee can do such a job commended by almost all stakeholders, it remains our conviction that the entire house would do even a much great job for the sake of the people they represent individually as MPs for specific constituencies but more so for the larger good of Zambia and posterity. We, therefore, must allow the wheels of Bill No. 10 to roll in Parliament. Let the process go for second reading.

We would like to call on all MPs (from the ruling and opposition political parties, including the independent) to take this as an opportunity to showcase their representativeness of their respective constituencies and constituents by being efficacy in their engagement and debate on Bill No. 10, of course, taking into account and guided by the report of the Select Committee and the many demands by citizens whose voices may seem silent in the meantime.

Remember Zambians are watching and keenly so. We need to move to the next level. Remember also that accountability is to the Zambians and not to self or political parties of affiliation. The Zambians are the final judges. They are judging. They know who has what motives and intentions. They will give their final verdict.

We must emphasize and encourage all to exercise the principle and doctrine of give and take if Zambia is to have a constitution that is consistent with the values and aspirations of its people. World over, where constitutions or rules governing the people are progressive, the principle of give and take is given center stage.

This, therefore, means that the withdrawal of the Bill may not be the best option for Zambia and Zambians. Instead going ahead with the second reading of the Bill and commence debates guided by the comprehensive, objective and well balanced Select Committee Report on the Bill and also by the many demands on the aspirations of the citizens (of course with the doctrine of ‘give and take’ taking center stage) would be the remedy to the current Constitutional Making impasse we are currently in.


In conclusion, OYV would like to appeal to Government (the Executive, the Judiciary and the Legislature) made up of stakeholders from both the ruling and opposition political parties in terms of Parliament, to allow the wheels of Bill No. 10 to regain motion and go for the second reading which must be supported going forward. The rest of the stakeholders including all citizens must follow keenly, see those that do not mean well and make the judgment, especially during the 2021 elections.

OYV would like to see progress on this matter. Our appeal is that both the ruling and the opposition political parties must realize Zambia is bigger than them and must endeavor propagating this matter putting themselves in the shoes of ordinary Zambian. All our Parliamentarians must remember that they will not always be in those privileged positions. They should for once think of themselves being ordinary citizens – where they came from and think of what kind of law is best for ordinary citizens.


With the foregoing OYV, therefore, recommends the following:

  1. That the wheels of Constitution Amendment Bill No. 10 be set in motion and supported by our representatives at second reading;
  2. That all MPs regardless of their political affiliation endeavor to be guided by the outcome of the comprehensive, objective and well-balanced Report of the Select Committee on Bill No. 10 presided over by nominated MP Hon Raphael Nakachinda during engagement;
  3. That the principle and doctrine of giving and take especially by our political elite be promoted and nurtured on this matter if Zambia is to have a constitution that is consistent with the values and aspirations of its people.
  4. That Dialogue be promoted among political competitors, stakeholders, and citizens on the matter so as to ensure that no one is left behind
  5. That all stakeholders and citizens must follow and participate keenly in this matter and take their respective MPs to task for any omission or failure to deliver on the Constitution;
  6. That no one person or group or groups of persons should be allowed to coerce or intimidate another into supporting or not supporting their point of view on the matter. Each citizen must be allowed to hold their opinion and run with it. Debate must be promoted and the principle and doctrine of give and take must take centre stage;
  7. That getting into the second half of 2020, the country must be talking of conducting robust awareness on matters relating to the Electoral Process and Elections knowing that we have put behind us the matter regarding the constitution.


It will get better – Dr.Nevers Mumba


MMD President Dr. Nevers Mumba has bemoaned the dark cloud of negativity and hopelessness that continues to engulf Zambia. He noted the negative headlines and captions on social media platforms from Facebook to Twitter and WhatsApp.

“Everyday, on every turn, we read all the bad news in the papers.We are constantly exposed to, and bombarded with, more and more negative news with no sign of positivity. As a people, we are slowly degenerating into a people that only respond to, and that are hooked on negativity” he said.

Dr. Mumba said part of the mandate of the #NEW #HOPE movement is to seek out positive stories from people who are desire to see a better Zambia.

“We know that within our society, there are a lot of examples of the positive stories that can encourage us in our collective effort,”he said.

That single mother who is raising her child through school. That young man who,with little financial support scores high Mark’s in his final exams against all odds. That mother who sacrifices everything just for her children to have something to eat every day. That young lady who is making it in life without compromising herself

Dr.Mumba has challenged the Church,politicians ,schools and the press to share stories about how they are making a positive impact in their own lives and in society

If we want to see our country change for the better, we need to start reminding ourselves that it will get better, it can get better, and in a small way, it is slowly getting better.

“Remember the positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible and achieves the impossible,”he said.


When Lungu Cries UPND, HH Sings PF: the Hard Truth of Gassing and Summary Executions


Politically motivated murders. Ritual murders. Then gassing and summary executions–we burn police posts and suspects alive. Meanwhile, the PF suspects the UPND, while UPND believes it is the PF. Come 2021, more and more blood on our streets, while politicians double their wealth!

The biblical book of Judges speaks today as it did then: “In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.” We lack both religious and political leadership. We have self-serving politicians driven by lawless cadres. Our politics is blood-soaked; it remains a capital crime to self-identify as PF in UPND strongholds just it is to belong to UPND in PF strongholds. As for religious leaders, we see injustice as justice as long as politicians give blood-money to enhance our coffers.

Yet no sane person can celebrate the recent shameful events–they speak volumes of our moral decay. Our politicians live on human blood–power means forcing others to agree with you or face the wrath of cadres in repulsive attires. The police and courts enhance injustice–they are only answerable to the justice of the Corruptor in Chief. If you oppose them, they will kill you. If lucky, they will break your bones.

We have the Minister of religious affairs. She has never spoken against torture of suspects, which is a crime under international law. Under Rev. Sumaili’s ethical guidance, torture is a sacred police code. Whereas “innocent until proven guilty” is the frame of justice, in our Christian nation, “you are guilty until proven innocent,”–to borrow President Sata’s words on Kaunda’s arrest under Chiluba.

That police officers publicly brutalize and kill citizens is the reason for the assaults and killings of suspected gassing individuals. People see the police as corrupt and in bed with gassers and rightly so. We have no confidence in the Ministry of Home Affairs and the entire police force. Communities are thus employing citizen arrests with verdicts of summary executions; kill them before you are the next. If the police won’t act, then we will. And as Proverbs 22:8 says, “Whoever sows injustice will reap calamity!” Zambia, we are here.

The First Lady’s breakdown on the victims of gassing was called crocodile tears–I don’t think so. No mother can see the sufferings of victims of gassing, as well as the lifeless burnt bodies of suspects on our streets without shedding tears! We have lost the sacred norms of ubuntu. If burning rats or dogs alive is anathema and inhumane, how can we watch fellow human beings burn to death on our streets? O ubuntu, where art thou?

My discussion of policing with my brother and his neighbor comes to mind. He was robbed by armed robbers and they cut his hand and went away with everything. When I visited him, ZNBC aired the arrest of suspected maize thieves. They were physically tortured and forced to roll in stagnant waters on camera without clothes with guns pointed at them. I protested against such brutality, but my brother saw it as promoting “bad human rights.” When the neighbor entered, he asked her to comment on the treatment of suspects. “They are even lucky. If l caught them,” she said, “I would put burning tyres around their necks.” To my surprise, both are very committed Christians. They did not, however, see the injustice of summary executions.

But this culture did not come from nowhere–we tamed it. We saw it under the UNIP administration, then MMD cried foul. When they got power, police brutality increased. The PF promised to end it. Did they? Well the truth is, brutality has worsened. As a self-declared government in waiting, the opposition UPND has promised to end it. But telling by the violent gassing protests in its strongholds, we can only hope.

We are reaping the fruits of political brutality. Gassing knows no tribe or political party. The PF and UPND cadres are both perpetrators and victims of the same violence they tamed. But this crisis speaks to what is to come; we will turn against our neighbors and the police will be powerless unless we wake up–we are not immune to genocide–it always begin with dehumanizing the suspects. We are not far from it.

President Lungu distanced his party from gassing–no government can destroy its people to get at a political opponent. Under his watch, however, innocent people are beaten, students shot at and cadres killed, while PF criminals roam the streets with heads high. We cannot justify mob-justice, but it is a direct result of the cadre-driven policing promoted by the PF regime.

But Lungu is not alone. HH has called on his cadres to protect themselves. Today they see themselves as the police with the power to stage roadblocks and search every car to weed their communities of suspected gassers. As 2021 approaches, all it takes is calling your political opponent a gasser and the mob will its job. The time bomb of brutality is slowly exploding before our own eyes. The trending slogan of “if you kill HH you have to kill all UPND members” is pregnant with violence. No one wishes evil of another person, but the Rwanda genocide was ignited by the death of the President. What happens if Lungu dies in an accident, will PF cadres start a war against UPND or vice versa?

The ethical question is not who is behind it, but what led to this, and what can be done for people to regain their trust of the police and their leaders. We should not depend on arrested individuals to tell the whole story–after all most of the testimonies will come out of torture–that is the way it is.

We must accept that our toxic politics is behind this development and relearn the values of ubuntu. But we must also face the hard truth–we are a violent nation covered in fake Christian identity. Truth is an intrinsic and inherent good. It has power to inform and reform human values. Until we grow to see every person as a sacred image of God, and agree to disagree in love and patriotism, our future is covered in more blood! The FBI, Scotland Yard and prayers won’t stop the violence–we must choose the way of peace.

I believe in prayers but unlike Hon. Minister Rev. Sumaili, and Pastor Nevers Mumba, prayer is not the only answer. The people who are involved in these life-ending acts are Christians. Besides, pastor Mumba’s MMD is as violent as Rev. Sumaili’s government and HH’s UPND. Is it not time to have the hard national discourse on what constitutes ethical policing and human rights?

I pray we will take this Ash Wednesday and the sacred season of Lent to reflect on our role in creating this demonic environment.

“Remember you are dust, and to dust you shall return!”

May God help us heal.

Rev. Kapya Kaoma

We need an expedient ,impartial investigation into current acts of terrorism on our soil


By Anthony Bwalya – UPND Member

For close to 2 months now, the people of Zambia have come under attack by unknown forces, reigning terror, fear and death on innocent citizens.

Throughout this unprecedented period of nationwide torment and anguish, the public have been deprived of the much needed political leadership needed to hold the nation together, and ensure that Law Enforcement Agencies are fully equipped and prepared to restore the balance of peace and order in our country.

Instead, the incumbent government, led by President Edgar Lungu has championed a crusade of innuendo, accusations, blame and divisiveness against the opposition fraternity; and visibly engaging in a toxic warfare of dangerous propaganda aimed at arousing public hatred and anger towards a fanthom enemy in the opposition.

Our government and Law Enforcement Agencies have failed to decode basic information around the possible identity of the perpetrators, their weapons of war, as well as failing to provide reason as to the possible motivations of the assailants.

Further, the Zambian people have not been availed with information concerning the assessed security risk associated with the incidences of organized terror and criminality we are experiencing.

This information vacuum has been exploited, and will continue to the exploited by criminals, thereby increasing the risk around the unnecessary loss of life by our people.

Against this background, it is crucial, that while a thorough, robust and impartial investigation is needed into this matter; it is vitally important that we do not jeopardize the course of justice by ensuring that the police tasked to execute this mandate have the requisite skills and tools at their disposal to unravel the truth behind these crimes of war against our country.

And while our state police have and continues to enjoy the constitutional mandate to conduct criminal investigations, it is important that we make every help available to them to ensure that a credible investigation is delivered.

Countrymen and women must remember, that 2 high ranking police officers and one high ranking member of the ruling Patriotic Front (PF) have been questioned on allegations of involvement into gassing incidences, coupled by the failure by the police to bring back law and order nearly two months after the first incident was reported.

Additionally, we have lost lives from the use of live ammunition by the police over the course of this turbulent period.

We are also worried about the poisonous, overreaching arm of political interference into the operations of the place, especially when and where high ranking government officials have publicly indicated that they know the identity of those terrorising the country.

Therefore, it is only necessary that the police receive the right kind of technical support from competent investigative agencies. After all, we all want justice for our country; and thus we should all agree that we need the highest standard of an investigation into this matter to ensure that a repeat never occurs.

It will also be a monumental opportunity for our state police to tap into the skills of their highly trained and experienced colleagues, be it from the Scotland Yard or the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

After all, Zambia continues to enjoy such productive relationships with the United Kingdom and United States of America, and this could be another opportunity for us to collaborate and strengthen our friendship and partnerships.

K9,000 fine for killer driver of 12 people unfair –ZRST


The Zambia Road Safety Trust (ZRST), the nation’s leading NGO for Road Safety, says it’s unfair to the families and the victims to fine K9,000 for the driver who ended the lives of 12 innocent people through his dangerous driving.

Elias Sikwenda who leaped into Buseko Market last year and killed 12 people due to excessive speed was fined K9,000 or in default six months simple imprisonment by the Lusaka High Court judge Ruth Chibbabuka. He admitted the charge of 12 counts of causing death by dangerous driving when he plunged into a bar at Buseko Market, killing 12 people who were watching football.

ZRST Communications Advisor Miles Mwale Said:

“On average, five people die on our roads each day. We believe that sentences for those who endanger injure or kill should be much tougher, serving as a better warning to those who flagrantly flout the law. The government needs to quickly change the law for dangerous drivers to be fair to the victims.

“Serious injuries in road accidents must be taken seriously, with appropriate charges in place for causing them. For every death on the road there are more than ten times as many people seriously injured.

“More resources for the traffic police are also needed to take out dangerous drivers off our roads before the kill. /End

More arrested in connection with mob violence and gassing


Police have arrested 14 suspects in Kabwe and Kaoma Districts for murder following mob killings of victims who were suspected to be behind chemical spraying.

Police Spokesperson Esther Katongo says eight suspects have been arrested in Kaoma District of Western Province in connection with the murder of 54-year-old Clifford Nosiku who was killed by a mob on Friday after being suspected of being behind gassing incidents.

She says the suspects include Sitwala Namate nephew of the deceased who at the time the mob descended on the victim with sticks and stone, without knowing that it was his uncle involved.

Other suspects have been identified as Kazhila Mutondo Clearance, Kaingu Sikasiye, Mushiba Mushoke, John Mukamba, Felix Mwinga, Moris Mubiana Mukelebai, and Paul Misheki Katongo.

And Mrs. Katongo says police have arrested six suspects in Kabwe of Central Province in a murder as a result of mob killings which happened at Katondo Primary school in which the victim was suspected to be behind chemical spraying.

She says investigations in all cases have continued.

Meanwhile, police In Ndola on the Copperbelt Province have arrested eight females for Proposing Violence which occurred on Friday around 11:00 hours in Masala Township in which two Health Counsellors for USAID Discover Health were on duty following their client who had stopped taking HIV drugs.

Mrs. Katongo says the two were accused by a group of people supported by their client of being behind chemical spraying in the area were harassed and some shouted that they would be killed.

She says Police were informed and rushed to the scene and found the two Health Councillors at Masala clinic surrounded by a mob of women after which they were rescued and apprehended the culprits.

And Mrs. Katongo says Defence Officers on Patrol in Ndola have arrested two male persons in Chipulukusu area along Minsundu road who were found with suspected chemical substances.

She says the suspects who claimed that the chemical was left by a passenger sometime back have been detained in police custody and investigations have continued.

N’cwala will go ahead-Mpezeni


Paramount Chief Mpezeni of the Ngoni speaking people in Eastern Province has condemned Green Party Leader Peter Sinkamba for suggesting the postponement of the N’cwala traditional Ceremony in view of the gassing incidents in the country.

Last week, 33 people were gassed in Chipata District by unknown people with chemicals.

Paramount Chief Mpezeni has however insisted that the traditional ceremony will proceed as scheduled on the 29th February, this year.

Chief Mpezeni says Mr. Sinkamba should stick to politics and desist from meddling in traditional affairs.

The Paramount Chief says adequate security measures have been put in place to ensure that the ceremony takes place without any interruption.

Electoral Commission of Zambia targets to Register 9 million Voters


The Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) has said that it is targeting to register 9 million voters ahead of the 2021 general elections.

Speaking on ZNBC’s Sunday Interview, ECZ Chief Electoral Officer, Patrick Nshindano said that a new voter’ register will be used in the forthcoming general elections, adding that the Commission will start the countrywide registration of eligible voters in May this year.

Mr Nshindano further explained that from the estimated 18 million population, ECZ is targeting to register 9 million eligible voters and that ECZ has put in place a robust countrywide sensitization campaign program.

Mr Nshindano explained that ECZ will use three systems during the voter registration exercise which include mobile, online and stationary registration.

He said the Commission decided to come up with a new voter register following recommendations made during the post 2016 general elections review.

Mr Nshindano pointed out that the 2016 voter registration was contentious as stakeholders and political parties raised a number of concerns.

He said among the concerns raised was that the 2016 voter register contained names of foreigners.

Meanwhile, he clarified that the old voter’s cards should not be discarded as they remain valid until next year.

He indicated that the old cards can be used in an event of a by-election stating that the new voter register will only be effective in 2021.

Mob Killings Triggered by Regime Change Agenda Setters and Civil Unrest-Thirsty State Enemies-Sunday Chanda


The Ruling Patriotic Front (PF) party has alleged that the acts of mob injustice and gassing that the country has witnessed in the recent past are being orchestrated by an enemy of the state.

Speaking during the weekly Patriotic Front Interactive Forum in Lusaka on Monday, Party media director Sunday Chanda said the enemy of the state had a very clear agenda to instill fear and trigger anger in the masses for them to lose confidence in a democratically elected government.

“In the recent past clearly what we are observing is that the enemy of the state is at work , clearly the enemy of the state is at work , clearly the enemy of the state has a very clear agenda and that is number one; to instill fear in the masses of our people , secondly that agenda is to trigger anger in the masses of the people so that they can lose confidence in a democratically elected government ,“ Mr. Chanda said .

He added that the enemy of the state has been pushing for a regime change agenda, adding that the recent events cannot be withdrawn from the notion that there is an aggressive agenda to trigger regime change and instill fear in the masses.

“Thirdly we know that the enemy of the state has been pushing and continues to push for a regime change agenda and the events in the recent weeks cannot be far from the notion that we hold that there is an aggressive agender to trigger regime change number one: by inducing fear in the masses of our people. Number 2 by getting the masses of our people to rise against the government,” he added.

Mr. Chanda said that a number of very innocent have been sacrificed by people who have an agenda to cause civil unrest in the country.

“We pray that God will rest their souls, we know that a number of them are very innocent but they have been sacrificed by people who have an agenda to cause civil unrest in this country” he reaffirmed.

Mr. Chanda has since called on security agencies to arrest those involved irrespective of their standing in society.

“We pray that justice will be done and that those who have died as a result of this criminality will have rest and that their blood can continue to and people of Zambia are looking up to the security agencies to bring the perpetrators to book irrespective of who is involved and to ensure that our people go to sleep at night with peaceful minds,” the media director indicated.

Kuomboka likely to kick off this year


The Barotse Royal Establishment (BRE) in Western Province has said the water levels in the Barotse plains are so far favouring the hosting of the 2020 Kuomboka traditional ceremony of the Lozi people.

Induna Katema told ZANIS in an interview that in terms of flood levels, it is promising that the Kuomboka will take place this year.

He said the date will however be announced once the flood plains reach the peak of water levels and traditional rite are in place.

The BRE Representative further hinted that the date will probably be around mid-March or April.

Induna Katema added that the BRE has initiated the Sunday meetings, in order to strategise on fundraising ventures and other requirements.

Western Province last hosted the Kuomboka ceremony in 2018 and last year the BRE cancelled the 2019 Kuomboka traditional ceremony due to low water levels in the Barotse flood plains.

Creation of a buffer zone at Zambia-Tanzania complete


Creation of a buffer zone on the Zambian side of the Zambia-Tanzania border, in Nakonde District in Muchinga Province, has been successfully completed.

Muchinga Province Minister Malozo Sichone who inspected the cleared buffer zone at Chiyanga yesterday, described the exercise as a big success, following the 60 day grace period, given by government.

Mr Sichone who was flanked by Provincial Permanent Secretary Joyce Nsamba and the Provincial Joint Operation Committee (PJOC ) commended the office of the District Commissioner and the District Council for spearheading the exercise.

Mr Sichone also commended the affected settlers for cooperating with the authority towards ensuring that the exercise was successfully implemented.

The Provincial Minister noted that the three structures that had remained standing, where razed following a court demolition order.

The Zambian and Tanzanian governments commenced the joint exercise of creating a 50 metre buffer zone, on each side of the border, in November 2019.

This follows a 2015 Joint Permanent Commission meeting that recommended that a 50 metre buffer zone be created on each side of the Zambia-Tanzania border and areas affected include Maloni, Chiyanga, black market, and Nyondo.

The move is aimed promoting and improving security and revenue collection, for the two respective governments.