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Council of Paramount Chiefs is welcome – NGOs


A consortium of Civil Society Organisations has welcomed the proposal by traditional leaders to establish and enshrine a Council of Paramount Chiefs in the Constitution of Zambia.

During a media briefing held at Mika Lodge on Sunday, the Constitution Reform and Education Coaltion (CRECO) Chairperson Hyde Haguta said any proposals to amend Bill 10 are not late and have encouraged the Litunga, Kalonga Gawa Undi, Nkosi yama Nkosi Mpezeni and Mwine Lubemba Chitimukulu Kanyata-Manga II to take steps by engaging MPs who can submit a notice to amend the Bill in line with Order 110 (1) of the Standing Orders of the National Assembly of Zambia.

Mr. Haguta has also called on Cabinet, through the Minister of Justice, to submit a notice of amendments before the Bill is read for the second time in line with the same Order 110(1) to show which amendments Government intends to bring at the Committee of the Whole House stage.

“By taking this route, Government would demonstrate to the public and instil confidence that indeed, Government is ready to take a lead in amending the Bill in accordance with recommendations from the Committee,” said Haguta.

CRECO has since called on Members of Parliament to give Bill 10 a chance to be thoroughly debated during the Second Reading and to allow amendments to be done after the second reading of the Bill.

“The main reason why the Constitution require two-thirds at Third Reading of a Bill to amend the Constitution is to allow Members of Parliament to scrutinise whether the amendments made during the Committee Stage reflects what is generally agreed,” said Haguta who is also MISA Zambia Vice Chairperson.

Meanwhile, CRECO has welcomed the move taken by the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) to consider its proposal to have citizens of Zambia who live in the Diaspora to vote in 2021 elections.

CRECO Spokesperson, Andrew Ntewewe, said the voting by any citizen is a constitutional right which must never be denied of all citizens.

“Equally, we support the implementation of the Constitutional Court decision to have prisoners vote in exercise of constitutional right to vote,” said Ntewewe

CRECO is comprises the Media Institute for Southern Africa – Zambia Chapter (MISA Zambia), Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI), Southern African Center for Constructive Resolution of Disputes (SACCORD), Common Grounds Network (CGN) and Chrisma Democracy University.

Napsa Stars Disconnect Zesco United’s Top 2 Hopes


Napsa Stars beat Zesco United 2-1 at home in on Sunday at Woodlands Stadium in Lusaka to deny the defending FAZ Super Division champions an opportunity to go second on the log.

Victory away at Woodlands would have seen Zesco move from fourth to number two and a point behind leaders Forest Rangers who have 43 points with eleven games left before the 2019/2020 to title is decided.

Aaron Kabwe put Napsa ahead in the 40th minute when he squeezed his shot in on the near right post despite being ably covered by Zesco goalkeeper Ian Otieno.

The goal came after Tapson Kaseba’s 27th minute effort was ruled out for offside during a first half Napsa looked convincing when roaming inside Zesco’s area.

Collins Sikombe added the second in the 52nd minute when he rounded Zesco defender’s Marcel Kalonda and David Owino before firing the ball past Otieno.

John Makwatta scored Zesco’s consolation in the 89th minute when he stomped-in Enock Sabumukama’s cross.

It was Makwatta’s third goal in as many games since the Kenyan international midfielder joined Zesco.

Napsa rise from sixth to fifth after recording their second league win in 2020 on 39 points, tied with Zesco who stay put at number four.

Government calls on Zambians to use social media responsibly


The government has called on Zambians to use social media responsibly following the current reports of gassing and instant mob justice. Transport and Communications Minister Hon Mutotwe Kafwaya says this is the period when citizens should use the Cyberspace wisely so as not to create chaos in the country.

The Minister said this when he addressed bus drivers at Kulima Tower Bus Station in Lusaka on Sunday afternoon.

“We should be mindful of the things we post on social media. Let’s weigh them, will they help in building peace or they will result in creating confusion,” he guided.

Hon Kafwaya also advised drivers to park their buses near their homes.

He said that way, it will help them during this period of gassing as well as instant mob justice.

“The government of His Excellency Edgar Chagwa Lungu is doing everything possible to ensure that all the people behind gassing are brought to book. The ministries of Home Affairs and Defense are equal to the task to ensure that the perpetrators of this negative vice are delt with accordingly,” said Hon Kafwaya.

Meanwhile, Northern Province Minister Chungu Bwalya has cautioned members of the public in the Province against engaging themselves in mob killings.

Addressing Luwingu residents following the riots that rocked the district, Mr. Bwalya said it is sad that a life was lost in the area at the hands of mobs.

He said government will not condone such acts stating that Zambia is a Christian nation.

Mr. Bwalya said the country will not welcome such acts as it has the potential to destroy the peace and unity the country has continued to enjoy.

He advised the public with information on people spreading false information on gassing to report them to police for law and order to be maintained.

The Minister has since assured people that government is working around the clock to bring the perpetrators of these violent acts to book.

And Chief Chipalo of the Bemba speaking people of Luwingu District expressed concern over the riotous behavior among Luwingu residents.

The traditional leader noted that destroying government property is retrogressive to national development stating that government spends huge sums of money on such equipment in order to improve service delivery.

He advised the community to work with authorities in maintaining law and order.

Luwingu residents on Wednesday rioted over suspicions of gas attacks which resulted in the death of one person.

Zambia has set conducive environment for implementing SDGs – Minister Chiteme


The Government of Zambia has set a conducive environment for implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and will continue to assess its performance and check for areas needing further refinement.

The Minister of National Development Planning Honourable Alexander Chiteme, MP, has invited media houses to play a critical role in raising public awareness on SDGs voluntary national review by providing a platform for public discussions and allow Government and other stakeholders to be held accountable.

“The SDGs overarching goal is to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity. The core principles of the agenda 2030 include: universality, leaving no-one behind, interconnectedness and indivisibility, inclusiveness and multi-stakeholder partnerships,” Mr. Chiteme said. “To actualise these principles by 2030, United Nations member states need to follow-up and review implementation of the SDGs through the Voluntary National Reviews at the United Nations High-Level Political Forum.”

He said the voluntary national reviews at the High-Level Political Forum are intended to share experiences on progress on the implementation of the SDGs.

“Zambia has volunteered to be peer reviewed during the 2020 high level political forum. The process involves the preparation of a national SDGs implementation report whose findings will be presented at the forum,” The Minister said. “The government has mainstreamed eight-six (86) percent of SDGs targets into the Seventh National Development Plan. This implies that the implementation of SDGs in Zambia is being done concurrently with the implementation of the 7NDP, and consequently, monitoring and reporting on SDGs is being done using the existing structures used to monitor and report on the 7NDP programme implementation.”

The Minister said the structures for monitoring and reporting including overall coordination of SDGs involve district development coordinating committees, provincial development coordinating committees, cluster advisory committees and the national development coordinating committee.

He said the aggregate reports from these committees are presented to His Excellency Mr Edgar Chagwa Lungu, President of the Republic of Zambia, who convenes cluster meetings with representative ministries to account before him on how we as a country are implementing SDGs and the 7NDP.

“To achieve the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals, we are required to work together in a manner that mutually reinforces our efforts. To this effect, the Government working closely with the UN and other key stakeholders (line ministries, private sector and civil societies) developed the national SDGs coordination framework to guide the implementation, monitoring and reporting on SDGs.”

The Minister explained that the development of the framework went through wide consultations from national to sub-national levels, involving all key stakeholders.

“The Ministry of National Development Planning has also developed the national baseline report on SDGs. The report presents a comprehensive assessment of indicators that Zambia is able to report on. The ministry has also conducted an analysis of selected indicators at sub-national level, up to constituency and ward levels,” the Minister said. “The purpose for undertaking this exercise was to highlight the situation at the lowest level of government administration and be able to identify areas in critical need of policy and programme intervention to meeting our SDGs.”

Mr. Chiteme will this week participate in the Sixth session of the Africa Regional Forum on Sustainable Development under the theme: “2020-2030: A Decade to Deliver a Transformed and Prosperous Africa through the 2030 Agenda and Agenda 2063” in Victoria Falls Town in Zimbabwe.

The UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) in collaboration with the African Union Commission, the African Development Bank and the United Nations system convene the Africa Regional Forum, an intergovernmental platform, to share experiences and lessons learned, and build consensus on recommendations in the form of key messages to accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Agenda 2063 of the African Union.

These messages serve as Africa’s collective regional input to the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development convened annually under the auspices of the UN Economic and Social Council.

Youth NGO Challenges MPs to clean up Bill 10


The Common Ground Network (CGN) has opposed calls from other NGOs to withdraw the Constitution of Zambia (Amendment) Bill No 10 of 2019 but has called on Members of Parliament to proactively amend the Bill as proposed by the Parliamentary Select Committee.

During a media briefing at Woodlands Ash Lodge on Saturday, CGN Coordinator David Mvula observed that continuing debate on Constitution of Zambia (Amendment) Bill No 10 is healthier for citizens in a democratic society and presents an opportunity for to satisfy constitutional requirements in Article 43(2)(a) which mandates citizens to acquire basic understanding of the Constitution and promote its ideals and objectives.

Mr. Mvula said Bill 10 comprises of clauses which are good for Zambia but also provisions such as Deputy Ministers and Coalition Government which have been rejected by all political parties who include the Patriotic Front and United Party for National Development.

“The Bills has clauses which are both good and bad but the duty to realign or removal bad clauses from a Constitution is the responsibility of Members of Parliament. Our Members of Parliament, cannot therefore, shy away from performing this duty to clean up this Bill after it has passed the Second Reading,” said Mvula.

The CGN has noted the recommendations of Parliament Select Committee to reject these provisions which have been rejected by a cross section of our society and said such recommendations should be deemed as having narrowed or diminished the differences among those opposed Bill 10 and those who proposed the clauses.

“What remains then is for Parliament to use its internal procedures to clean up the Bill by ensuring that it reflects the consensus which has now been arrived at through the Recommendations from the Parliamentary Select Committee. As youths, therefore, we believe the politicking associated with Bill 10 must be redirected to discussions on how best to bring changes to Bill 10,” he said.

Mr Mvula cautioned Members of Parliament against shooting down the Mixed Member Proportional Representation system whose aim is to give voice to persons who are disabled, women and the youth a chance to be represented in the National Assembly of Zambia through affirmative action.

“There is totally no justification for withdrawing the Bill when procedure in parliament allows the cleaning of the Bill by removing clauses which have been opposed but promoting clauses such as the MMPR system which women and the youth and the disabled have been fighting for.”

He appealed to MPs is to listen to their conscience and participate in debating and refining Bill 10 and said the CGN is convinced that a few good MPs will listen to themselves, and their conscience and will not be coerced to stay away from debating such an important matter.

Door to Door collection of blood would have directly put innocent Health Workers in Great Danger-MQHZ


The Medical for Quality Healthcare in Zambia (MQHZ) has praised the Ministry of Health for suspending the Zambia Population-based HIV Impact Assessment (ZAMPHIA) Project after widespread public outcry.

In a statement released to the media by the organization’s Director-General Dr. Quince Mwabu, MQHZ said that continuing with the door to door collection of blood from people in various communities would have directly put innocent health workers in great danger of being attacked, owing to the volatile security situation in Zambia.

Dr. Mwabu said that while the ZAMPHIA project has good health objectives, the organization strongly felt that the timing was suicidal and could not clearly sit well with the mood in the country.

“The current widespread gassing of citizens and suspicions of ritual killings cannot allow a project of drawing blood from citizens coming from tensed up compounds,” read the statement

MQHZ has since advised the Ministry of Health to seriously sensitize the public on the ZAMPHIA program in order for our people to fully appreciate the benefits of the
undertaking, adding that lack of sensitization would still render the activity futile even in the future.

The Zambia Population-based HIV Impact Assessment (ZAMPHIA) is a nationwide survey being implemented by the University of Maryland Baltimore in collaboration with the Ministry of Health with support from The President’s Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) through CDC.

ZAMPHIA Survey is a nationally representative household-based survey that provides Home-Based HIV Counselling and Testing (HBHCT) with immediate return of results.

The survey was to collect data on access to and uptake of prevention and treatment services for HIV and the number of recent HIV infections (incidence) and provide HIV testing and check viral load suppression for HIV-positive participants.

Interview household respondents, which includes questions on behavioral factors associated with HIV, all information will be recorded on tablets by trained survey staff and treated as confidential.

Zamtel launches non-expiring data bundles


Zamtel has today announced the launch of non – expiry mobile data bundles in line with the directive by the Zambia Information and Communications Technology Authority (ZICTA).

The bundles that come in six different packages have been added to existing mobile data bundles to offer more customer choice and cut the loss of unused data bundles.

Zamtel has given customers the option to purchase bundles that will not expire but has also retained option for them to buy data bundles that will expire.

This introduction means that Zamtel data customers can now load and use mobile data bundles that do not expire before they are depleted.

Announcing the development, Zamtel Head of Corporate Affairs and Government Relations Reuben Kamanga said the launch of the non-expiry mobile data bundles is in line with Zamtel’s customer centric approach.

Mr Kamanga said there would be six categories of non-expiry bundles from a 100MB bundle costing K10 to a 20GB bundle at K1300.

He said the move is also in response to the changing needs of its ever increasing customer base with varying data usage patterns.

“We are happy to announce this development and we believe this offers our customers the freedom to choose the different data packages. As Zamtel, the customer is at the core of everything we do and the customer had requested for non-expiry bundles and we have responded like we always do,” Mr Kamanga said.

Mr Kamanga said the introduction of non-expiry bundles will also contribute to enhanced digital inclusion in Zambia.

Today’s Message: Out of Season


Today’s Scripture

“…Water will gush forth in the wilderness and streams in the desert…”

(Isaiah 35:6, NIV)

Out of Season

There are times when things aren’t going your way, business is down, the medical report isn’t good. It’s not your season. The good news is that God specializes in doing things out of season. He doesn’t wait for the perfect circumstances to line up, for you to have the training, for the right people to believe in you. He does things unexpectedly. He’ll make water pour out in your dry places and cause you to blossom out of season. What happened? God blessed you out of season.

Do you feel out of season as though you’re stuck in some area? Stay encouraged. God has you in the palms of His hands. Get ready for an “out of season” blessing, for an “it’s beyond my imagination” healing, for an “it doesn’t make sense” promotion. God is about to do something unusual, something that’s bigger than you’ve dreamed, where you’re going to say, “Wow, God! I didn’t see that coming!”

A Prayer for Today

“Father, thank You that You are not limited by seasons or the right conditions to be in place in order for You to do what You want. Thank You that You’re always working behind the scenes on my behalf. I believe that You will bless me out of season. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Singer Afunika’s wife charged with sedition publication


Elizabeth Mubanga, wife of Zambia’s singing sensation Frank Chirwa — popularly known as Afunika, has been arrested and charged with seditious publication with intent to cause fear and alarm.

Police say she is behind the audio that went viral on social media claiming that Mulonga Water and Sewerage Company in Copperbelt, is contaminated with chemicals.

Police Inspector General, Kakoma Kanganja discloses that Chirwa, who called on people not to drink water from this utility, was released on police bond and will be appearing in court.

Elsewhere, Kanganja also reveals that Jimmy Bwembya, 23 was arrested for circulating a video showing a murder that happened in another country while claiming it happened in Chingola.

He reveals that investigations pointed to Bwembya who was later picked from Solwezi.

Meanwhile, Kanganja adds that further investigations reveal Bwembya was also behind one of the recent deaths recorded in Chingola and was on the run when four other suspects were cornered.

He has since been charged with murder, attempted murder and rape.

Champions Zesco United Eye Second Place


Second place beckons for defending FAZ Super Division champions Zesco United’s recovery test this Sunday when they visit fellow top- five strugglers Napsa Stars at Woodlands Stadium in Lusaka.

After Saturdays games, fourth placed Zesco are four points behind leaders Forest Rangers who drew 0-0 against Kabwe Warriors 24 hours earlier away in Kabwe.

Furthermore, second placed Green Eagles are on 41 points after a 2-1 away defeat at Power Dynamos on Saturday while third positioned Nkana have 40 points following a 0-0 draw in Solwezi against promoted Kansanshi Dynamos on the same day.

The defending FAZ Super Division champions head to Lusaka unbeaten in their last three league games in which period they have collected a win that has been sandwiched by draws.

Prior to that, Zesco endured a torrid start to 2020 in which they lost four and won one match.

And so victory for Zesco, will see the eight-time champions crawl one point behind Forest on 42 points from 41 and 42 games played respectively.

But Napsa have not fared any better since the start of 2020 with four defeats and just one win as early season dreams of securing continental qualification for the first time since 1993 begin to look bleak.

Moreover, Napsa lost 3-2 away to Zesco in the first leg and the pressure is firmly on coach Mohamed Fathi who has a draw and defeat against the eight-time champions since his appointment in June,2018.

Leaders Forest Rangers Feel the Heat, Power Squash Green Eagles


Forest Rangers on Saturday learnt how hard it is to be number one on the FAZ Super Division table.

A week after they became surprise leaders with a significant 1-0 away win over 3rd placed Nkana, Forest were held 0-0 at home by their coach’s ex club Kabwe Warriors in Ndola.

Warriors decided not to extend Tennant Chilumba’s contract in November and moved to Forest.

But Forest stay top on 43 points, two ahead of second placed Green Eagles.

Eagles were not that fortunate following a 2-1 away loss at Power Dynamos.

Power out – passed Eagles and took a 44th minute goal through Lameck Kafwaya.

Eagles equaliezed in the 76th minute Ronald Chibwe who tapped in a short corner after chasing the game.

But Larry Bwalya cheeky goal in stoppage time handed Power their first league win over Eagles since 2017.

Meanwhile, Nkana stay third on 40 points after a 0-0 away draw at promoted Kansanshi Dynamos who are coached by their former boss Beston Chambeshi.

Kansanshi Dynamos 0 – Nkana 0
Kabwe Warriors 0 – Forest Rangers 0
Mufulira Wanderers 0 – Lusaka Dynamos 2
Nakambala Leopards 1 – KYSA 1
Power Dynamos 2- Green Eagles 1
Green Buffaloes 1 – Red Arrows 2
Zanaco 2 – Buildcon 0
Lumwana Radiants 1 – Nkwazi 1
Napsa Stars – Zesco United

I’ll be on the Ballot Papers for FAZ Elections on 28th March, 2020-Kalusha Bwalya


Former Football Association of Zambia President and Zambia’s football icon Kalusha Bwalya has vowed to be on the ballot papers for FAZ Elections on 28th March 2020. Reacting to the decision to uphold his exclusion by the integrity committee, Mr. Bwalya accused the community of being prejudiced against him, adding that the decision of the Appeals Committee is not final.

Below is Kalusha Bwalya’s full statement


I received the decision of the FAZ Appeals Electoral Committee in the early hours of Saturday morning 22 nd February, 2020. The decision has not surprised me. It was actually expected because the bodies that have been entrusted with conducting integrity checks, conducting elections and hearing appeals were set up in very questionable circumstances and are all lacking in jurisdiction to carry out their functions.

Quite troubling, I have just recently come to learn that the Chairman of the FAZ Electoral Appeals Committee one Mando Mwitumwa did not declare interest of his serious conflict. I have come to learn that the law firm where he is a partner actually represented the Football Association of Zambia in the case – Richard Kazala Laski v Football Association of Zambia under Cause Number 2018/HK/ARB/002 before Mr. Justice T. I. Katanekwa. It is an elementary tenet of fairness that an individual with conflicted interest cannot preside over a matter in which he has interest. In fact, even just the appearance of conflict must cause such an individual, if he has any shred of integrity, to recuse himself.

I am strongly confident that I will be on the ballot papers for FAZ Elections on 28th March, 2020. The decision of the Appeals Committee is not final. The FAZ Constitution has allowed for further appellate processes beyond the Electoral Appeals Committee. The temporary setback should not be taken to heart. We shall help restore the glory of Zambian football and we shall also unite the football family.

Zambia Police Chief Updates the Nation on Security following a spate of Mob Justice incidences



Members of the press, welcome to Police Service Headquarters for this update on the security situation in the country. We have called for this briefing so that through you the media, we can update the nation on this matter of grave concern both to the government as well as members of the general public.

We could have given this extensive briefing much earlier but for fear of jeopardizing investigations, we only released information cautiously at regular intervals. Now that we have made a lot of progress in investigations and effecting arrests, we are able to interact with the public through you the media.

In so doing, let me start by providing the background to this matter. The current insecurity being experienced in the country emanated from criminal attacks in Chingola district of the Copperbelt Province in which three families were victims.

As was indicated in the Ministerial Statement presented by the Home Affairs Minister in parliament, Police on 29th August 2019, a family of six in Chikola area of Chingola district was attacked by unknown criminals armed with machetes in which four children aged between 4 and 12 years sustained serious injuries while their mother was allegedly raped and murdered. The attackers used windows to gain entry and to exit and were targeting mainly the unfinished houses.

The second attack occurred between the 15th of December, 2019 at 21:00 hours and 16th December, 2019 at 06:00 hours in Chikola loop in Chingola in which male Chanda Chama aged 9 years was attacked by criminals using a suspected metal bar and he sustained a painful left shoulder.

The third occurrence happened between 29th December, 2019 and 30th December, 2019 at 08:00 hours in Chikola loop in Chingola in which Levison Chongwe’s family sustained a deep cut on the forehead and Ruth Kambole , 22 his wife, also sustained a deep cut on her forehead and was strangled to death and raped.

Emanating from these incidents, one suspect was apprehended by the public who confessed that he was involved in the killings together with others whose names he mentioned. However, after investigations, the names mentioned were not connected to the occurrences. Further, a witch doctor was also named by concerned members of the public but investigations revealed that he was not connected to the offence.

The mode of operation (modus operandi) in all these criminal attacks was similar in that attackers targeted unfinished houses and never stole anything after attacking. Further the point of entry and exit from houses were windows. Riots started after a struggle to burry a body of one of the victims who was brutally killed and 29 rioters were apprehended.

Afterwards, on Wednesday, 8th January, 2020 between 08:00 hours and 19:00 hours, Chingola district experienced a series of riots in Chiwempala , Mwaiseni, Lulamba and Chikola townships. Consequently, the police apprehended a total of 158 suspects, among them, 102 males and 21 females for riotous behavior. These attacks where criminals could enter households and attack all members of the households brought insecurity and fear in members of the public and this sparked riots. 158 suspects were charged with riotous behavior in Chingola.

One other incidence which sparked riots was a scenario where police officers from Luanshya went to Chiwempala in Chingola to apprehend a suspect in a case of vandalism involving ZAMTEL cables. This suspect was later identified as a worker for the prominent businessmen in the area. Members of the public immediately linked the businessman to the deaths that were experienced in the area and set his house and other properties on fire and subsequently looted some shops in the area.

During this period, videos and audios, which were inciting in nature, flooded social media thereby raising fear and panic among members of the public. For instance, there were videos depicting events such as instant mob justice and murder which happened in other countries but were purported to be incidents of ritual murders happening in Zambia when in fact not.

Then the trend of chemical spraying emerged and spread to other towns of the Copperbelt where some incidences of public disorder were recorded and some public infrastructure, predominantly police infrastructure, among them Mabungo and Malaika Police posts in Luanshya, Luangwa in Kitwe and Mutenda police posts in Chingola were destroyed.

The crime trend then shifted from attacks on households where occupants were being hacked to Malicious Administering of Poisonous chemical substances with intent to cause harm, being referred to by the public as gassing or chemical spraying. This began from Chiwempala in Chingola district.

The incidences of chemical spraying later spread to North-Western Province where first reports were recorded in Munyama area and Lumwana East. This sparked riots in Kisasa area of Kalumbila District where a Power Tools Bus and a Nissan Hard Body had windows smashed and occupants attacked by a mob. As a result of this disturbance, 35 people were apprehended for riotous behaviour.

Due to this public disorder, Kakaindu Police Post in Kalumbila District and Kazomba Police Post were gutted by mobs. However, police managed to quell all the incidences of public disorder and have continued with investigations in the reports of alleged chemical spraying and malicious damage to public and private property.

The same type of crime wave was experienced in Lusaka in early February, 2020 with reports received from Lusaka Middle West. However, most of the initial reports were unverified as there were no visible effects on victims or chemical traces on the scenes. Nonetheless, on 13th February, 2020, suspected cases of chemical spraying were recorded in Chawama, Kanyama, John Howard, Chaisa and Matero townships where effects were evident on the victims. In reaction to these reports, members of the public took the law in their own hands and began attacking any person they suspected not to be a member of their community. In some instances, mobs went to police stations where they assumed suspects in chemical spraying were detained and demanded for their release so that they could be lynched. As a result of this, four police infrastructure were damaged namely Chipwalu, Kanyama West, Mumbwa Road Police posts and Kanyama Police Station still under construction.

Members of the public also blocked and damaged any motor vehicle spotted in their localities at night and assaulted the occupants. In most of such incidences, victims were rescued by officers on patrol while in some instances victims ran to safety.

Subsequently, incidences of chemical spraying were experienced in other parts of the country such as Eastern, Northern, Central and Southern provinces while Luapula, Muchinga and Western provinces had some reports which are still unverified.

People killed in instant mob justice were on mere suspicion especially in instances where a person involved may not be known in a particular community. In some instances, mental patients were victims of the instant mob justice. In Lusaka, most of the incidences of mob justice were sparked by illegal community security groupings on streets armed with an assortment of offensive weapons. The initiative by members of the public to equip themselves with whistles was with the aim of alerting other community members when attacked by criminals which was a good initiative which worked well in Chingola, however, in Lusaka the initiative was abused and led to innocent people being attacked by the public.

Another trend emerged where members of the community began blocking some public roads and searching motor vehicles for suspected chemicals which resulted in some motor vehicles being damaged. This conduct also instilled fear in the travelling public.

One of this kind was the incident experienced in an area between Kafue Gorge Turn Off and Shamikobo village in which nine people were apprehended for riotous behaviour and two were charged for being in possession of offensive weapons.

Another incidence was recorded in Chief Milambo of Milenge District in which civilian officers from ZNS were victims of such attacks after they encountered a mob that had blocked the road armed with all sorts of weapons such as spears and axes. The mob further burnt a motor vehicle, property of Zambia National Service.

In addition to these ugly scenarios of mob justice, on 19th February 2020, police took a victim of mob justice to Mazabuka Hospital for medical attention after suffering injuries, a mob reorganized themselves the following day and descended on the suspect who they pulled out of the Hospital and further beat him up and later set the body ablaze.

A similar incidence happened in Samfya where a mob damaged Mwewa community police post after police detained a suspect who was handed over to police by some community members for loitering around 21 30 hours. The mob injured police officers who were manning the post and managed to drug a suspect from the detention facility and burnt him.

This was just a sample of some of the encounters that police have had with mobs and it is disturbing to note that people can even go to an extent of going to a health facility where people with different ailments are being attended to, to drug a patient from Hospital and later kill merely on suspicion.

After analyzing the scenarios involving mob justice and the mode of operation, we went further in our investigations to establish what could have been motivating the mobs to behave in that particular way. During investigations, it was established that there were groups of people formed and spread in various parts of the country and that these groups were spearheading mob justice in communities.

An operation was conducted on 20th February, 2020 and apprehended five master minders in this particular issue of mob justice believed to have been influencing people in communities to kill and burn suspects. Among the suspects, three were picked from Kasisi area in Chongwe while two were picked in Lusaka’s Kanyama Compound and have been charged with Murder contrary to section 200 of the Penal Code. They are detained in custody and will appear in court soon. I am warning all those that have not been arrested yet that their days are numbered and soon they will be behind bars.

As a result of mob justice emanating from false alarm, a total number of 43 people have died across the country while 23 were injured.

Statistics further indicate that 511 reports connected to chemical spraying of poisonous substances on households have so far been received with 1,687 victims. 11 police infrastructure have been damaged countrywide as a result of public disorder. Some of our motor vehicles have as well been damaged. Also damaged is the Serenje administration block for the local authority and a Council guest house. Some private properties such as motor vehicles and guest Houses have not been spared.

16 suspects have been arrested in connection with the reports of chemical spraying of which some have begun appearing in courts of law. Some of these 16 suspects were behind criminal activities experienced in Chingola District on the Copperbelt as well as North Western Province. This points to some interconnection in criminals behind this spate of crime.

An investigation team comprising various stakeholders has been constituted to conduct investigations and great progress has been recorded. A conclusive outcome of the investigations will be availed to the public when investigations are concluded.

With these developments, we are confident that instances of mob justice we have witnessed lately will now be under control.

I wish to inform the public that the security situation in some parts of the Country where there was public disorder such as Lusaka, Copperbelt and North Western Provinces has improved in that the number of reports involving members of the public taking the law in to their own hands have reduced. Also reduced are reports of chemical spraying in households. However, officers from Defence and Security Wings are alert and still monitoring the situation.

Suffice to mention that there are still security concerns in other parts of the country such as Luapula, Southern and Western Provinces where incidences of public disorder are still being recorded. I therefore call upon members of the public to desist from these acts of mob justice because anyone found wanting will be dealt with in accordance with the law.

Allow me to reiterate our warning to all those who are in the habit of abusing social media for hate speech and to alarm and cause fear in the country. We have warned before that days for such characters are numbered. In this regard, I wish to report that police in Chingola have arrested Mubanga Elizabeth Chirwa, a wife of a musician and charged her for the offence of seditious publication with intent to cause fear and alarm. The suspect was traced to be behind the audio that went viral in the social media claiming that Mulonga Water and Sewerage Company on the Copperbelt was contaminated with chemicals and called on people not to consume water from this utility. She was released on police bond and will be appearing in court.

Another suspect identified as Jimmy Bwembya, aged 23, was apprehended by the police in connection with the circulation of the video depicting a murder that happened in another country deceiving people that it happened in Chingola. Investigations pointed to this suspect who was later picked from Solwezi. And further investigations revealed that he was also behind one of the deaths recorded in Chingola and was on the run when the four other suspects were cornered. He has since been charged with murder, attempted murder and rape.

I want to conclude by assuring the country not to panic because the situation is under control. All the security wings are together working day and night to protect our communities. Further, let me seize this opportunity to thank all the patriotic Zambians who have been cooperating with us by giving us various leads which have led to these arrests so far. This should send a strong warning to those who still would want to engage themselves in criminal activities that there is no hiding place for them.

And for those abusing social media for hate speech, to insult and malign innocent people and indeed to cause fear and alarm in the nation, I can only promise that we are coming for you. The arrest of Mubanga Elizabeth Chirwa and Jimmy Bwembya is a clear demonstration that there is no hiding place in the cyberspace. We are on top of things.

I thank you.

Government suspends the Zambia Population based HIV Impact Assessment Survey


The Ministry of Health has suspended the Zambia Population-based HIV Impact Assessment survey(ZAMPHIA) until after the community is fully sensitized about the program after many people on the ground wrongly linked the program to ritual killings.

According to Minister of Health Chitalu Chilufya, there will be a minimum of one month that the Ministry of Health will take to sensitize the public about the program

ZAMPHIA study, which Zambia is conducting, alongside other nations like Botswana, Malawi, Eswatini, is meant to get an idea of where Zambia stands with the HIV program.

The program has been linked to two major issues ravaging communities in Zambia, gassing and ritual killings. There are suspicions surrounding the drawing of blood for testing as most people believe the drawn blood is used in ritual killings.

Meanwhile, the ruling party in North-Western Province has accused the opposition of planting false information in the minds of the public about the ZAMPHIA study.

North Western Province Patriotic Front Chairperson, Mr Jackson Kungo said that that is rather unfortunate that Zambians are being made to shan progressive programs such ZAMPHIA because of suspicions being planted into their heads by an opposition which wants to drive the narrative of a failed government.

Mr. Kungo said that, in the past, health workers would go into schools and workplaces to ask people to donate blood to replenish the blood bank at the University Teaching Hospital, and that there was never any suspicion around such an exercise which used to be considered a noble cause.

Mr. Kungo bemoaned what he termed as the levels of desperation by the opposition who he said wanted to get into power by hook or crook to the extent of running a narrative that the ZAMPHIA study is connected to ritual killings and urged all well-meaning Zambians to frown upon misinformation if the nation is to come out of the predicament it is currently faced with.

“Fake news should not be entertained. I hope Zambians can be alert and vigilant to spot what is true and what is not from what they read on social media. Lets guard our nation jealousy from propaganda and falsehoods perpetrated by opposition political players who want to form the government even if it means seeing the nation on fire,” Mr. Kungo said.

UPND Leader Hakainde Hichilema has NOT been arrested-Cornelius Mweetwa


United Party for National Development- UPND-has dispelled stories circulating on social media that the UPND Leader Hakainde Hichilema has been arrested.

UPND Deputy Spokesperson Cornelius Mweetwa says stories circulating on social media are fake as the UPND leader is safe and there is no police presence at his residence.

Mr. Mweetwa says the party is not aware of any of the allegations circulating on social media and has advised those behind it to desist from doing so stating that is unnecessary and uncalled for.

He said this during a media briefing held in Lusaka at the party’s secretariat.

The Deputy Spokesperson further said no one from the UPND should issue any statement without getting clearance from the party Spokesperson, expect Mr. Hichilema.

He said anyone who speaks for the party should also ensure that there statements are accompanied by vocal or video to support the statement being issued .

Mr. Mweetwa noted that there have been many fake statements issued and attributed to the party .

And, Mr. Mweetwa has condemned the current impasse of gassing and criminal activities happening in the country.

Mr. Mweetwa said it is important for all Zambians to realise that there is only one Zambia that needs to be protected and safe guarded from such acts.

He has further called on the security agencies in the country to be proactive and ensure that such criminal activities are stopped .