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Mob attack nurse at Luwingu district hospital and damage ambulance


A mob of residents in Luwingu district, Northern Province yesterday axed a male nurse who attempted to rescue an elderly woman under attack from the angry mob that descended on her on suspicion that she was harbouring gassers.

Reports suggest that the mob almost torched down the district hospital on claims that the health facility was a safe haven for suspected gas attackers.

“This morning one of our Nurses in Luwingu District was axed by a mob as he tried to rescue an old woman from a riot…Riots started due to rumors of houses being gassed. Our Hospital was almost burnt saying it is harbouring a gasser” the source narrated.

The affected Nurse is still alive but suffered a punctured lung and is receiving treatment. The attackers damaged the hospital ambulance including the main gate to the hospital.

The PF government must man up,shape up and end gassing terror


By Anthony Bwalya – UPND Member

It has been nearly Two (2) months since acts of terrorism against citizens started on the Copperbelt.

The PF and their surrogates have continued emphasizing the narrative that THEY KNOW who the gassers are and yet, for Two (2) months since the first reports in Chingola, they have done nothing to stop this war against our citizens – apparently by individuals and agents whose identity they have had knowledge of , and have known for Two (2) months.

The President, EDGAR Lungu has gone about the last Two (2) months as though nothing is happening in the country. When people were under attack in Chingola, he spent most of his time politicking in and about Chilubi.

After CHILUBI, he only spent a night in Lusaka and hopped into the air for more PF activities on the Copperbelt. The day he left Lusaka for the Copperbelt, there were riots in Mandevu and Kanyama; and throughout this entire period, the PRESIDENT has failed to address the nation and provide the right kind of assurances to the country. Instead, he had joined the bandwagon of waging outlandish accusations towards the opposition.

And the country is now seeing an increasing number of government sponsored individuals and organizations, being covered by state sponsored media, heightening the war against Zambians by peddling innuendo and lies about who the perpetrators are.

This is indicative of a government that has failed to do its job and now want to deflect attention and apportion blame towards other innocent citizens as though not enough terror and death has been occasioned on innocent people.

The public has NOT been availed with any information pertaining to the identities of these terrorists, the source or name of chemicals they are using. But crucially, there has been ZERO assessment of the security risk by Law Enforcement Agencies to ensure that citizens go about their daily lives intelligently.

This intentional, reckless information vacuum created by the state has exposed citizens to not only death by also injury.

What we know so far, from Press Reports available in the public domain, is that 2 named senior police officers have been questioned on the Copperbelt on allegations of being involved in the now countrywide gassing incidences. A senior member of the ruling Patriotic Front, also named, has been questioned on the Copperbelt.

The kind of organized terrorism we are witnessing against our country by a group with a very clear and deliberate political agenda must not be underplayed.

The terrorists we are dealing with are organized, they have a mass of resources on their disposal, they have the ability to do deploy rapidly which means they have access to aircrafts. The fact that no tangible arrests have been recorded could also mean that those sponsoring these acts of war are enjoying the protection of some very high authority in the land.

The PRESIDENT and his government must sober up and bring the nation together, and decisively end this war against innocent citizens.

This is not a time to cry, but a time to man up and deal with this crisis.

Put an end to cadre violence – Chisanga


Former Law Association of Zambia President George Chisanga has called for an immediate end to cadre violence in Zambia

Mr Chisanga described the high levels of cadre behavior as tragic.

He said those in leadership have a duty to put an end to the rise in cadre violence before the situations moves from bad to worse.

“In 2016 the Council of the Law Association of Zambia of which I was President made a call to the political parties to tame their cadres against violence,” he recounted.

“We demanded that the parties especially PF and UPND disarm their militias (security wings) and instead instill a sense of national duty in the Police Service which was trained to maintain law and order in the Country.”

He added, “l expressed the fear that if political party cadres were not tamed they would become a law unto themselves and clothe themselves with the power to do as they pleased.”

“This in turn would give rise to community vigilanteism as people would seek to protect themselves and their property since they would lose confidence and faith in the police.”

“Today we have reached the stage where cadres can elect to disrupt a legally and properly organized gathering intending to discuss matters of grave national importance.”

“On the other end citizens have given themselves powers of extra judicial killings of people suspected to have committed crimes on the reasoning that the police is too politicized to offer protection to communities,” he said.

Mr Chisanga said this tragic development needs a resolved national effort to address and correct it to enable the country return to normalcy.

“Putting partisan politics at the Centre of this calamity will serve only to make things move from bad to worse although we are currently polarized as a nation because of our cheap politics,” he said.

He said government must take leadership on this matter and bring all stakeholders to the table to objectively assess the problem and exchange ideas on what must be done to resolve this problem ahead of the crucial election set for 2021.

“We cannot move forward as a nation in the face of division, crime mistrust, disrespect for each other and such other vices which are a recipe for unbridled anarchy,” he warned.

“We owe a duty to maintain law and order to ourselves and our children whom we chose to bring into this motherland which was handed over to us peacefully by our fathers and mothers.”

UNZA Don calls for the privatization of UNZA


A University of Zambia Lecturer has called for the privatization of the institution.

Dr Sam Phiri, a Lecturer in the School of Mass Communication says what was Zambia’s icon of independence and the source of vanity in 1966, is no more.

Dr Phiri says what remains is a drowsy institute which is in deep peripatetic torpor.

“Blotto in poverty, misery and self-pity. It’s a drab, dozy and blue ‘Centre of in-excellence’. We all know why this is so. Blame games won’t wash,” he lamented.

He charged that this mortally sick Centre of “Service and Excellence” is in its near-death thralls.

“It’s not ‘serving’ our country well. No ‘excellence’ in teaching; not much, not much… research takes place there either. We all know why this is so.”

Dr Phiri charged that the truth is, government cannot fully fund this bovine-like behemoth.

“There is no money for UNZA. Worse, for the baby public ‘universities’ statutorily created since 2011. Let’s be realistic.”

He suggested that the solution is in changing the political policy direction of UNZA.

“UNZA can be privatized. UNZA should be reformed, restructured and remodeled so that its aligned to the 21st Century,” he suggested.

He said every other facile attempt will not work.

“What is needed is not a mollifying exercise. What is needed is the radical transformation of UNZA. As it is, UNZA is a ‘stranger’ to the 21st Century.”

“Trying to tinker with funding models that suited the 1960s is a non-solution. It has merely concretized existing problems. This is not 1966. Zambia is poorer than it was in 1966. In fact, let’s just say it: Zambia is ‘broke’. It can’t afford to fund UNZA. Full Stop.”

“Worse, the many new public mini-universities, planted all over the place, un-thinkingly, un-planned and un-strategically. There is no conceivable academic logic to these new edifying mini-stars.”

“For a start, let’s re-examine the policy of mass education. Let’s re-look at the current policy’s denial of elitism for UNZA. This, in spite of an environment which is awash with mini-stars calling themselves universities. Many of them, hyped high schools but with a glorified legal status.”

He said, “Let UNZA be transmuted back into a Centre of Zambian Excellence in both teaching and research. Of course, excellence is directly linked to exclusivity, exceptionality, selectivity, distinctiveness and uniqueness.”

“After Zambia has taken the new policy stance, then let’s look at the Mulungushi University model. Is there anything we can learn from there?”

“If not, let’s seek for another model that will, at least, de-link and distance UNZA from government.”

“Look at this: Three weeks into the 2020 academic year, barely any lessons are taking place. Students, most of them teens, from the rurals, are milling about the unkempt and over grown campus grounds, and potholed roads. Momentarily, they listlessly peep through closed translucent doors into the decrepit lecture theatres. Wondering what could have been.”

“Today, I walked through the UNZA main campus, bemused and saddened to see that hardly any teaching was taking place. Three weeks into the new academic year, several lecture rooms were closed. The doors are shut.”

Why? No one knows, and yet everyone knows. No need to belabour the point. UNZA management has no sparring partner. No one to talk to. They de-recognised UNZALARU recently. Meanwhile, the institutional haste to the nethermost continues.”

“Should we seriously consider privatization? Of course, though not the Chiluba way,” he stated.

No Student Will Be Evacuated From China, says Chilufya


Government has maintained that it will not evacuate Zambian students studying in China in the awake of the Coronavirus outbreak.

Health Minister CHITALU CHILUFYA says Government is, however, monitoring closely the wellfare of the more than 4 -thousand Zambian students it has in that country.

Dr CHILUFYA says Government is working with the Chinese Disease Centre to ensure that all students are checked on a daily basis.

Dr CHILUFYA was responding to a follow up question to his Ministerial Statement issued in parliament by Mwinilunga Member of Parliament NEWTON SAMAKAYI who wanted to know if Government will evacuate all Zambian students.

He said students are being helped with food, masks and other nececities to cushion their stay during the current lockdown against the disease in China.

Dr CHILUFYA said the Zambian Embassy in China and the Chinese government are working together to look after the students and that as of today, there has not been any cases of coronavirus recorded.

He has also disclosed that there has NOT been any case of coronavirus recorded in Zambia from the time the virus broke out.

Dr CHILUFYA stressed that 16 alert cases have been screened coming from China and have all tested negative.

He further stated that suverlliance has heightened at points of entry and sensitization messages on Community Radio stations are being done.

This was after Livingstone MP Matthew JERE wanted to know what measures are in place to contain the disease.

Dr CHILUFYA has appealed to MPs to ensure that they sensitise members of public in their constituencies.

Turkey To Set Up Food Processing Plant


Government has partnered with Turkey’s Molino Mechanical Industry and Trade incorporated to develop a multi million Food Complex City -FCC- in Zambia aimed at producing cheaply priced mealie-meal by January next year.

This is under the framework of a Memorandum of Understanding -MoU- for the development of a food processing plant signed between Molino Mechanical Industry and Trade Incorporated and Zambia National Service -ZNS-.

The proposed FCC turnkey project will have the capacity to produce 500 thousand metric tonnes of mealie-meal per day and will be established through a Public Private Partnership arrangement between ZNS and Molino Mechanical Industry and Trade Incorporated.

Molino Mechanical Industry and Trade Incorporated Vice President, SALIM ALABEYI signed the MoU in Turkey’s agricultural and industrial hub of Konya yesterday while Ministry of Defence Permanent Secretary, STARDY MWALE signed for ZNS in LUSAKA.

Speaking shortly after the signing ceremony in Konya, Zambia’s Ambassador to Turkey, JOSEPH CHILENGI said Zambia had not been spared by rising global food prices.

Dr CHILENGI said President EDGAR LUNGU, is concerned about the impact of high mealie-meal prices on Zambians and was determined to address it as a matter of urgency.

He is happy that Molino had promised to deliver the component for mealie- meal production by the end of the year.

And Mr ALAYEYI said his company had conducted a market survey on maize products in Zambia and is in the process of analysing the information.

He said the plant will be developed to meet local market requirements for mealie-meal and other maize products as well as exports.

The proposed food processing plant will be producing mealie-meal as a primary product and integrated products such as baby foods, cornflakes and stock feed.

This is according to a statement released to ZNBC News by First Secretary for Press and Public Relations in Ankara Turkey, JEREMY MUNTHALI.

Kamanga Given 24 Hour Ultimatum To Answer To Theft Allegations


LUSAKA Lawyer LEWIS MOSHO has given FAZ President ANDREW KAMANGA, a 24 hours ultimatum to respond to allegations of theft or his firm will proceed to privately prosecute him.

The allegations involve 38 thousand United States Dollars and 24 thousand 5 hundred and 52 Kwacha respectively.

According to a letter dated February 19, 2020, MOSHO informed KAMANGA that his firm NATHAN and LEWIS Advocates is acting on instruction of a client ELIJAH CHILESHE.

CHILESHE informed the Lawyers that after KAMANGA’s election as FAZ President in 2016, he allegedly lied to FAZ by making it pay over 24 thousand Kwacha to Savoy hotel which he and his associates incurred.

He said the bill was not supposed to be paid by the Asssociation but KAMANGA himself and his associates.

CHILESHE also alleged that KAMANGA, on MAY 6, 2017, directed that MONEY be paid from FAZ account in the sum of 38 thousand US Dollars to ENFIN Solution Limited, a company which he has an interest in, without following established procedures and without any supporting documentation.

The letter, which is also copied to GILBERT PHIRI of PNP Advocates, further informed KAMANGA that they have strict instructions to privately prosecute him in an event that he maintains his innocense and decide to remain silent within 24 hours of receipt of the letter.

But when contacted by ZNBC, Football Association of Zambia President, ANDREW KAMANGA told ZNBC News that his lawyers have already responded to the allegations.

Former Local Government Permanent Secretary Timothy Hakuyu dies after Mob attack


Former Local government Permanent Secretary Timothy Hakuyu has died. Mr Hakuyu died in the early hours today, Thursday 20th February 2020 after a mob intercepted him, searched his car and found him with offensive weapons.

According to sources the former PS was stopped by the mob who insisted on searching his vehicle.

It is alleged that during the search, Mr. Hakuyu who was in the company of two others was found with Axes, Syringes, and masks, which infuriated the mob to attack.

Mr Hakuyu served as Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Local government and Housing and Ministry of Labour and Social Security in the President Rupiah Banda Administration.

In 2016, Mr Hakuyu contested as Siavonga Member of Parliament on the United Party for National Development (UPND).

Early this week Zambia Police said that an emerging tendency where members of the public are blocking public roads and searching motor vehicles on suspicion that they are carrying chemical substances being used in suspected chemical spraying cases currently being experienced in some parts of the country was a source of concern.

Zambia Police spokesperson Esther Katongo said that this was a pure act of criminality where some criminals would want to take advantage of the prevailing situation to attack unsuspecting members of the public and steal from them.

Mrs Katongo said between Manyinga and Mufumbwe of North Western Province, a mob blocked the road using logs and stones and stopped motor vehicles among them, a Power Tools Bus and demanded that they conduct a search on the bus.

She explained that upon searching the bus they found a first aid kit which contained pain killers, bandages, methylated spirit, gloves and a small axe as per road traffic regulations but the mob became suspicious after seeing an axe.

Mrs Katongo said a similar situation was experienced in Kafue between 18 00 hours and 20 00 hours and also around 06 00 hours where a mob blocked the road between Kafue Gorge turn off and Shamikobo area stopping and searching motor vehicles and caused damage to five motor vehicles.

She said Police arrested eight people for riotous behaviour who are currently detained in police custody and has warned all those who have adopted this tendency or those contemplating the same that police will not take this criminality lightly.

Mrs Katongo has urged members of the public to desist from this criminal act and avoid involving themselves in duties which are not within their mandate.

And in Northern Province in Nseluka area, Mrs Katongo said there was a report of mob justice in which members of the public have killed an unidentified male person who they later dressed in a combat police uniform which was found in the victim’s motor vehicle.

She said this was after members of the public suspected the deceased who was in the area in the company of his colleague to be behind chemical spraying in the area.

Mrs Katongo explained that upon interrogations, the friend to the victim ran away and the mob searched the victim’s motor vehicle and found a pair of police combat uniform which they dressed him after killing him and later set the victim’s motor vehicle on fire.

She said investigations have been instituted to establish the source of the police combat uniform.

In another development, 27 people were arrested in the early hours of today by a joint operation team in Mtendere Compound for conduct likely to cause the breach of peace.

Mrs Katongo said 22 various offensive weapons were recovered from them and after screening, those linked to the offensive weapons are likely to be charged with possession of offensive weapons.

She said all those who would want to conduct patrols in their communities should do so in liaison with police in their respective areas.

Mrs Katongo said all those that will be found moving round communities on the pretext of conducting patrols without police blessings will be dealt with accordingly.

Meanwhile, in Chongwe, Police received a report of riotous behavior which was sparked after word went round that police had detained some suspects behind chemical spraying in the area.

She said the people went to the police station in the area demanding the release of the said suspects with a view of killing them and later went to the streets where they staged riots.

Sky News is spreading “absurd” news over dry Vic Falls -Peter Jones


Prominent Livingstone based tourism promoter Peter Jones has accused British Broadcaster Sky News of spreading false news about the state of the Victoria Falls.

At the height of a hot summer period in November, Sky News ran a series of reports about how climate change was affecting the Victoria Falls, one of the seven wonders of the world.

The broadcaster had dispatched its senior International Correspondent Alex Crawford to Zambia and Zimbabwe to report on how the Victoria Falls had become as a result of climate change.

The report alluded to the fact that the severe dryness of the Falls could scare away potential tourists.

But as the rainy season kicked in around early January, the Falls picked up its flow and is now almost reaching its peak levels.

And Mr Jones who is the immediate past Board Chairman of the Zambia Tourism Agency contacted Sky News requesting that the broadcaster does a follow up story on the wet Victoria Falls in order to give a balanced and updated account of the Falls.

“Sadly Skynews have decided not to take up my offer to bring Alex Crawford and her crew back to stay with us to balance up the negatives issues created by Alex Crawford’s various reports concerning the claims that the Victoria Falls might actually dry up altogether, that “we are going to lose this sight entirely”.

Mr Jones added, “The Falls were reduced to a trickle because it does this each year. Take this as fact from all of us who live in the area.”

“So we will have to go it without their assistance as the joint communities of Livingstone and Victoria Falls under one banner “The Victoria Falls (Zambia and Zimbabwe)” to continue to explain that all is well and perfectly normal on the mighty Zambezi River,” he said.

“I saw Sarah-Jane Mee on her show on Skynews tackling the CEO of Huawei on 28 Jan when she explained that she would put on her “journalist’s skeptical hat on” to question what he had said. One wonders why Alex Crawford didn’t do the same thing when she set about asking a few questions over the claims that the Victoria Falls might completely dry up, which would mean the Zambezi River would have to as well!”

Mr Jones said Zambians should take it upon themselves to correct the wrong impression created by Sky News.

“So, please everyone let’s get out there and totally refute the absurd notion that this is going happen. Let’s push on the terrible deforestation occurring upstream of the Falls in particular for this is a huge concern which will affect things. However, the rains are here, the river is rising, the Zambezi is higher than it was this time last year, and all this is happening as it does each year as per normal,” he said.

Alex Crawford of Sky News reporting from Victoria Falls, Livingstone
Alex Crawford of Sky News reporting from Victoria Falls, Livingstone

Micho Dissects 2020 CHAN Draw


Chipolopolo coach Multin “Micho” Sredojevic has described their 2019/2020 CHAN Group D draw as very competitive.

Cameroon are hosting the 2020 CHAN from April 4-25.

Zambia has been drawn against neighbours Namibia and Tanzania including 2016 tournaments fourth place finishers Guinea.

“We got a very competitive group with the teams of Guinea, Namibia and Tanzania, all of these we have met at CHAN in the past,” Micho said.

“All these matches will be great thrillers and it will help us grow and improve and we will perform to represent Zambia in the best possible way.”

All three opponents are not new to Chipolopolo at the CHAN finals but will be hoping to end their winless tournament records against the Group D trio.

Tanzania held Zambia to a 1-1 group stage draw at the inaugural CHAN held in 2009 in Cote d’Ivoire.

Guinea then eliminated Chipolopolo in 2016 in Rwanda at the quarterfinal stage on post-match penalties following a 0-0 result.

Namibia and Chipolopolo will meet for a second successive CHAN after drawing 1-1 in the group stage at the 2018 tournament in Morocco.

Chipolopolo will kickoff its Group D campaign on April 7 against Tanzania.

HH wants Scotland Yard and FBI to come and probe gassing cases


UPND leader Hakainde has called on Government to seek the assistance of Scotland Yard and the FBI in the UK and the US respectively, to assist in investigating the crimes of gassing in the country.

Mr Hichilema says Zambia is faced with events that may plunge it into serious chaos if not handled properly and if government has nothing to fear, it should engage the said investigative agencies.

He says this is a challenge which no responsible government anywhere in the world can refuse when their own citizens are living in fear and being murdered every day.

Mr Hichilema says the UPND has absolutely nothing to fear and believes that the truth needs to be revealed so that Zambians know the perpetrators of gassing incidents, through the judicial system.

“Let’s seek help from international investigative wings if we are failing to deal with perpetrators of terror attacks,” Mr Hichilema said.

“Zambia is faced with events that may plunge the country into serious chaos if not handled properly. Over the last three months, the country has seen over 20 individuals killed either by mobs or by the police, as the nation is gripped with criminal acts of chemical gassing right across the Republic,” he said.

“These events involve criminal gangs or individuals spraying chemicals in the homes of citizens, that several media reports have indicated have an effect similar to clinical chemicals used in theatres during surgical procedures.”

Mr Hichilema said three months into these events, the police claimed to have arrested over 30 people with non of them produced before the courts of law, and so far there is no explanation to the citizens as to what is causing these events.

“Despite deploying the Armed Forces and other security agencies, the incidents seem to be on the upswing than on the decline. This has left citizens wondering and feeling helpless, and subsequently resorting to the illegallities of mob justice resulting in the unfortunate loss of innocent lives,” he said.

“And in this whole process unfortunately children are falling victims too. For example in Kabwe, a small boy was sent to buy insecticide by his parents and a mob noticed the can he was carrying and concluded he was one of the killers and descended on him and brutally killed him.”

He added, “In Lusaka a citizen working for the Intercontinental Hotel Gym was rushing from his home to catch his early morning company bus, and met his fate when a vigilante mob waylaid and severely beat him despite police presence nearby.”

“In many parts of Lusaka mobs have taken the law into their own hands because they seem to have lost faith in Law Enforcement to protect them. Many innocent citizens have been killed and the country is in a state of uncertainty and fear.”

He lamented, “What is profoundly alarming is that several actors within the Patriotic Government are determined to link these events to the UPND and have been issuing statement that can incite retribution to innocent citizens, with potential to degenerate into genocide.”

He stated that people are also seeing parallels to past events that were State sponsored by previous Governments, that were used to drive fear into the community, then used to arrest and assassinate political opponents.

“This similarity cannot be a mere coincidence, but a well calculated and coordinated effort to accuse the opposition as being responsible for these heinous criminal acts.”

“Worthy noting and of great concern is that despite night curfews all around the country and the deployment of thousands of troops from the Police and the Zambia Army, these incidents seem to be taking a sharp rise. Media reports and information has been circulating for months that the State has been planning such events to specifically bring fear and accuse the opposition as the perpetrators.”

He said these events are way too complicated for the opposition to pull off in a police state like Zambia, where not even a discussion on proposed legislative changes like Bill 10 can be allowed, without the PF arresting or beating innocent citizens that are expressing their democratic rights.

“The PF government has for years used sponsored mobs to beat up political opponents into submission.”

He says UPND believes that these gassing incidents are State sponsored and specifically intended to eliminate political opponents.

“We therefore call on the Zambian Government, for the purposes of transparency and for the citizens and the world to know the truth, to seek the assistance of Scotland Yard and the FBI in the UK and the US respectively, to come and assist with dealing with this state of affairs which the government appear to be failing to handle.”

“As UPND we have absolutely nothing to fear and believe that the truth needs to come out so that the Zambian people know who the perpetrators are, through our Judicial system.”

He said, “We call on our collegues in government if they really have nothing to hide, to rise to the occasion and agree that independent Law Enforcement like the FBI and Scotland yard be invited to investigate these crimes against our people. This is a challenge which no responsible government anywhere in the world can refuse when their own citizens live in fear and being murdered everyday.”

Human Rights Commission concerned with reports of mob burning a patient at Mazabuka hospital


The Human Rights Commission has expressed grave concern at the continuing reports of gassing activities and the killing of people suspected of being behind the alleged ritual killings and gassing incidents.

HRC Chairperson Mudford Mwandenga noted that since reports of suspected ritual killings and gassing activities emerged, there has been a wide range of human rights violations and abuses which have adversely impacted on the right to life, the right to privacy, the right to property, freedom from torture and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment and freedom of movement, among others.

Mr. Mwandenga further stated that the Commission is deeply saddened by reports of barbaric acts by some members of the public who dragged a patient out of a hospital bed at Mazabuka General Hospital and later set him ablaze on suspicion that he was linked to gassing activities.

He said there have been similar incidences reported in other parts of the country where innocent lives have been lost at the hands of members of the public who resort to beating, stoning and burning people alleged to be behind the ritual killings and gassing activities.

“The fundamental right to life is protected under Article 12 of the Constitution of Zambia, Chapter 1 of the Laws of Zambia and no one may be arbitrarily deprived of his or her right to life,” Mr. Mwandenga explained.

He added that the right to life may be curtailed only under very strict and specific grounds permitted by the law which include the execution of a death sentence.

Mr. Mwandenga said unconfirmed reports indicate that a number of lives have been lost at the hands of law enforcement officers as well as angry members of the public meting out instant mob justice against persons suspected of carrying out ritual killings and gassing activities.

He said the Commission is particularly concerned at the continuing arbitrary loss of lives akin to extra-judicial killings involving State Agents, such as the alleged shooting by police officers of a pupil at Chazanga Primary School and the alleged shooting of a member of a neighborhood watch by officers of the Zambia Army in Mufulira district on the Copperbelt province.

“The Commission is equally disturbed by some unverified reports of unlawful killing of persons perceived to be involved in ritual killings and gassing incidents that have been reported in some parts of the country,” Mr. Mwandenga said.

The HRC Chairperson added that the continuing arbitrary loss of life, whether at the hands of law enforcement officers or members of the public, constitutes a gross violation of the right to life.

He further stated that the Commission is concerned at the continuing unlawful acts by members of the public who have resorted to blocking roads and harassing innocent members of the public as a way of expressing their anger and frustration at the alleged failure by the law enforcement officers to effectively deal with the prevailing insecurity in the country.

Riotous mob in Chikankata district.Pictures courtesy of Mweemba Finny.

“The Commission strongly condemns the unlawful acts of blocking roads by angry mobs, such as what happened recently on Mufumbwe-Chavuma and the Mazabuka-Lusaka Roads, where motorists were being stopped and searched on suspicious of carrying materials allegedly used in gassing activities,” He said.

Mr. Mwandenga charged that such lawlessness and criminality are totally unacceptable and must not be allowed to continue.

Meanwhile, Mr Mwandenga said that while the Commission encourages the communities to be on high alert and work closely with the police in bringing to an end the prevailing insecurity and distressing situation in the country, it does not condone individuals taking the law into their own hands and abusing human rights.
He said those carrying out unlawful acts and abusing human rights on the pretext of taking measures to respond to the atrocious acts of gassing households or suspected ritual killings should know that they would be held criminally responsible if and when they are arrested.

Mr Mwandenga has however commended the joint efforts of the Police and other State agencies and security wings aimed at putting to an end the gassing activities adding that the law enforcement agencies will move quickly to restore order and the rule of law in the country by taking all necessary measures to ensure that life and property are protected while people are allowed to freely exercise their rights and fundamental freedoms.

And the Commission Chairperson has also called upon the police to conduct prompt and thorough investigations into the reported cases of arbitrary loss of life and property in order to ensure that perpetrators, be it law enforcement officers or members of the public, are identified, arrested and subjected to the due process of the law.

Mr Mwandenga urged the police to ensure that persons who have been detained in connection with the gassing incidents are dealt with in accordance with Article 18 of the Constitution which, among other things, guarantees the presumption of innocence and fair trial within a reasonable time.

WWF launches Emergency Recovery Plan that could halt catastrophic collapse in world’s freshwater biodiversity


With biodiversity vanishing from rivers, lakes and wetlands at alarming speed, a new scientific paper by WWF International outlines an Emergency
Recovery Plan to reverse the rapid decline in the world’s freshwater species and habitats – and safeguard our life support systems.
Published today in BioScience, the Emergency Recovery Plan calls for the world to take urgent steps to tackle the threats that have led to an 83% collapse in freshwater species populations and the loss of 30% of freshwater ecosystems since 1970 – ecosystems that provide us with water, food, livelihoods, and protection from floods, droughts and storms.

Developed by a global team of scientists from WWF, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Conservation International, Cardiff University and other eminent organizations and academic institutions, this is the first comprehensive plan to protect and restore freshwater habitats, which host more species per square kilometre than land or oceans – and are losing this extraordinary biodiversity two or three times faster.

The six-point plan prioritizes solutions that are rooted in cutting edge science and have already proven successful in certain locations: letting rivers flow more naturally, reducing pollution, protecting critical wetland habitats, ending overfishing and unsustainable sand mining in rivers and lakes, controlling invasive species, and safeguarding and restoring river connectivity through better planning of dams and other infrastructure.

“Nowhere is the biodiversity crisis more acute than in the world’s rivers, lakes and wetlands – with over a quarter of freshwater species now heading for extinction. The Emergency Recovery Plan can halt this decades-long decline and restore life to our dying freshwater
ecosystems, which underpin all of our societies and economies,” said Dave Tickner, WWF- UK Chief Freshwater Advisor and lead author on the paper.

Covering approximately 1% of the Earth’s surface, rivers, lakes and freshwater wetlands are home to 10% of all species and more described fish species than in all the world’s oceans.But they are rapidly disappearing with populations of freshwater megafauna – such as river
dolphins, sturgeon, beavers, crocodiles and giant turtles – crashing by 88% in the past half century.

“The causes of the global collapse in freshwater biodiversity are no secret, yet the world has consistently failed to act, turning a blind eye to the worsening crisis even though healthy freshwater ecosystems are central to our survival. The Emergency Recovery Plan provides
an ambitious roadmap to safeguarding freshwater biodiversity – and all the benefits it provides to people across the world,” said co-author, Professor Steven Cooke of Carleton University in Canada.

The Emergency Recovery Plan highlights a variety of measures that together will transform the management and health of rivers, lakes and wetlands, such as treating more than 20% of sewage before it is flushed into nature, avoiding dams on the world’s remaining free
flowing rivers, and expanding and strengthening protected areas in partnership with local communities.

“All the solutions in the Emergency Recovery Plan have been tried and tested somewhere in the world: they are realistic, pragmatic and they work. We are calling on governments,investors, companies and communities to prioritize freshwater biodiversity – often neglected by the conservation and water management worlds. Now is the time to implement these solutions, before it is too late,” said James Dalton, Director of IUCN’s
Global Water Programme.

“We have the last opportunity to create a world with rivers and lakes that once again teem with wildlife, and with wetlands that are healthy enough to sustain our communities and cities, but only if we stop treating them like sewers and wastelands,” said Tickner. “This decade will be critical for freshwater biodiversity: countries must seize the chance to keep our life support systems running by ensuring freshwater conservation and restoration are central to a New Deal for Nature and People.”

Critically, with governments meeting in November to agree on a new global deal to conserve and restore biodiversity at a landmark conference of the Convention on Biological Diversity- CBD, the authors recommend some new targets, including on restoring water flows, controlling illegal and unregulated sand mining in rivers, and improving management of freshwater fisheries that feed hundreds of millions of people. Therefore, WWF in Zambia calls for higher ambitions and setting of higher national targets for enhancing freshwater biodiversity protection through its national CBD strategies and supportive policies, as well as calls for a crystal clear position during the COP 15 meeting scheduled to take place in China
as which the global framework will be adopted. This extremely important as Zambia’s biodiversity faces a number of challenges and threats.

Freshwater biodiversity in particular faces threats from water pollution, damming of rivers, bad fishing practices, threats of invasive species, uncoordinated planning and land use, and unsustainable agricultural practices. Given this there is need for the Government in Zambia to strengthen the implementation of the convention on Biodiversity targets.

WWF Zambia makes a further call on the Zambian Government to embrace key recommendations in the Emergency Recovery Plan for freshwater biodiversity which offers quick solutions to addressing current freshwater biodiversity threats and challenges above.

WWF Zambia calls the government to urgent action particularly around the Zambezi river basin which is a major source of freshwater water not only in Zambia but in eight other riparian states. This basin faces great challenges arising from competing demands for water usage ranging from energy generation, abstraction for crop irrigation purposes as well as domestic and industrial uses. Zambia recently discovered uranium deposits in the Northwestern part of the country in the upper Zambezi river basin and mining is currently under way. Recognizing that uranium is a highly radioactive material and Zambia being a member of the international Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), It is incumbent upon the Zambian Government to ensure there is maximum protection at all times. The greatest threat is contamination of the river Zambezi which is home to about 65 million people amongst the 8 countries that share this resource.

Issued By: Nachilala Nkombo
Country Director- WWF ZAMBIA

Any Political Agenda Becomes Evil if it Gets above The Lives of The People


An article appeared on Lusaka Times online news in which President Edgar Lungu says those accusing government of being behind the gassing of its citizens are patients who deserve time in a mental asylum. Though the article makes a lot of sense, it leaves me skeptical
Previously another article had appeared on the same platform in which UPND Secretary General Stephen Katuka claim senior PF member Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba was quoted by the Daily Nation about knowledge of the people behind gassing. If it is true, the Head of State is not being direct. People like Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba are the ones who deserve time in a mental asylum?

Life is divine. I believe our first lady Esther Lungu will agree with me. I saw her cry and I cried with her.

Life cannot be bought or replaced. When you loose one you act. You don’t wait to loose another one before you act. How many more lives must Zambia loose for GBM to pick up a phone and report people he know are behind gassing Zambians?

Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba agenda is clear; to destroy UPND. He must know that it becomes an evil agenda if it gets above lives of Zambians.

People involved in gassing are a public enemy. If the fight against these criminals can’t unite the country, we are on the wrong side of the reality. Unless politics is taken out of this issue, the fight will continue to be received with skepticism.

Politicians, please stop it.

By Venus N Msyani
Concerned citizen in the diaspora.

Some free advice for the UPND


By Trevor Simumba

Most of Zambia’s opposition are reactive rather than proactive, focusing on threat rather than offering a positive program that people really want. UPND suffers from this reactive attitude even more. They respond to every little thing even from people that they should not even be listening to let alone responding to the extent of even going to court. Working together to be proactive — and not reactive — is the key for the UPND. Stop always reacting to everything empty tins pronounce. Focus on the result. Do not allow emotions drive your strategy or thinking. When it comes time to work on policy and reforms, the UPND will undoubtedly find that a hatred of the PF administration will only bridge gaps so far.
You need more than just emotions to win an election.

A unifying party message and platform must come from within the UPND, underlined by action that doesn’t begin at election season but begins now. Empower your local foot soldiers who know better what the issues are at local level. Revive the national leadership through elections, and a national convention and get rid of some of the old men and women in the NMC that have gone beyond their sell by date. Bring in more youth and women to support HH. It cannot be just HH and a handful of UPND leaders speaking. Empower new voices within the Party. With such proactive strategies even more people would support the UPND especially if the party organized more direct-action campaigns at the local level led with a national vision. The very process of envisioning calls us to a bigger picture than we might otherwise have.

Let the UPND focus on clearly showing what the problems are and what solutions they have in simple words. No need for long winded essays just lay it out simply. For instance: ‘We will fix what PF has broken. We will ensure public debt is reduced by renegotiating our debt and establishing a working debt management system.

We will ensure that all infrastructure projects are audited and where corruption is found culprits fully prosecuted within the laws of Zambia. We will empower the Police and all other security wings to do their jobs without political influence. Public servants will be appointed on merit, etc. etc.’.

More importantly, stop referring to HH as a Tonga President. He is a Zambian period and his tribe has nothing to do with his capacity to lead Zambia. HH’s qualities as a leader are many. Talk about his integrity, hard work, discipline, family man, business acumen and his leadership skills. These are what make him a good choice for many Zambians. Just my thoughts borne out from observation and experience advising political campaigns. Many Zambians including many leaders within the PF know that Hakainde Hichilema is the best candidate amongst this whole crop of politicians to become the 7th President of the Republic of Zambia.

The problem is many do not have the courage of their convictions and so continue to wallow in mediocrity so long as they are eating well and their children are fine. As for the rest of the country that is struggling they do not care and would rather plant seeds of division to maintain the so called “sweet of power” at the expense of the whole nation.

This is why the UPND and all other opposition parties cannot afford the luxury of complacency. We need Unity of Purpose get rid of your egos and do what is right for the nation of Zambia.