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5 people sent to jail with hard labour for illegal possession of wildlife products


Five people have been sentenced to five years imprisonment with hard labour for illegal possession of wildlife products by Subordinate Courts in Chongwe, Kaoma and Nakonde.

In Chongwe, the Subordinate Court sentenced Clement Nyangu aged 20 and David Daka, 22 to five years imprisonment each, with hard labour after they pleaded guilty to unlawful possession of one lion skin.

Officers from the Department of National Parks and Wildlife (DNPW) arrested the two in Kanakantapa area of Chongwe.

In another case, the Kaoma Subordinate Court has convicted and sentenced Enock Musenge, a 37 year old businessman of Chief Mutondo’s area in Kaoma district to five years imprisonment with hard labour for illegal possession of one leopard skin.

Meanwhile, the Nakonde Subordinate Court has sentenced Joseph Simwinga, 47 a peasant farmer and Innocent Mulwanda ,27 a security guard from Mbala district to five years imprisonment each, with hard labour for illegal possession of protected trophy, namely one live Pangolin, contrary to section 130(1) of the Zambia Wildlife Act No. 14 of 2015.

Ministry of Tourism and Arts Spokesperson Sakabilo Kalembwe said the duo was arrested on December 29, 2019 in Kankonde area along Mbala road by officers from the Department of National Parks and Wildlife.

Mr Kalembwe said illegal possession of pangolins, lion and leopard skins is a punishable criminal offence which attracts a mandatory minimum five-year prison sentence for convicted offenders.

Find Means Of Monitoring Ballot Paper Printing Instead Of Complaining-SACCORD


The Southern African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (SACCORD) has advised political parties to be proactive in finding other means of sponsoring their own observers if the Electoral Body, the ECZ, maintains its stance not to sponsor any political party observers during the printing of ballot papers for the 2020 polls.

And SACCORD has commended the ECZ for proactively informing the nation on the status of printing ballot papers in Dubai.

In a statement issued to the media SACCORD Executive Director Boniface Cheembe said it would be prudent for political parties to start strategizing on how to send their observers to be Dubai as opposed to issuing statements and complaining.

Mr Cheembe was however quick to advise ECZ that it should ensure that no political party regardless of status ruling or opposition should use government resources to travel to Dubai for ballot paper inspection if it maintains its stance on the matter.

“A related issue to printing of ballot papers abroad is that of monitoring or observing the ballot paper printing process. The ECZ has maintained that they will not sponsor political parties to travel abroad to monitor or observe this process because the austerity measures make it difficult for them to facilitate such a process. In view of this development, SACCORD would want to advance two recommendations to both the political stakeholders and the ECZ.
To political stakeholders, it would be prudent to take proactive measures of ensuring that some planning or preparations of putting in place measures to support their own observers/monitors for this important process are in place should the ECZ not be convinced by stakeholders to change their position.

“To the ECZ, should this position be maintained it is paramount that it is implemented fairly across the board irrespective of political affiliation in the interest of peace and unity. In other words, the ECZ must ensure that both the ruling Patriotic Front (PF) and opposition political parties do not use government money to send their representatives to monitor/observe the printing of ballot papers but instead all of them use their own resources should they decide to send representatives. This would be the fair and just thing to do should the decision by the ECZ not to support political parties be upheld,” he said.

And Mr Cheembe said the move by ECZ to announce that ballot papers would be printed in Dubai was timely as stakeholders had expected the ballots would be printed locally but that there was little or no information on how far government printers had gone with the preparation.

“Prior to this announcement, the nation had been anticipating that ballot papers would be printed domestically, and it was expected that government printers would inform the nation on the state of preparedness for the huge task ahead, but this update has either been thin or absent. This has left many stakeholders to wonder whether government printers have managed to develop and strengthen their technical and security capacity to print ballot papers for an election so important as the 2021 general elections.

“The ever suspicious and competitive political environment that Zambia has requires a tested and proven credible track record of ballot paper printing that will build stakeholder confidence. Zambia has printed ballot papers in various cities and countries abroad, including Dubai, largely on account of the track record of the companies,” he said.

He added “all the ballot papers for the by-elections that the country has held since 2016 have been printed abroad, largely in Dubai. Therefore, if the government printers does not inform the nation on its readiness to print ballot papers domestically, considering that this has not been done for by-elections, the country may need to settle printing ballot papers for the 2021 elections abroad in a country that the ECZ and stakeholders may settle for, including Dubai,” he said.

Limping Zesco held by Struggling Nakambala, Mighty Unbeaten Under Chembo


Zesco United stayed fifth but improved slightly on Wednesday after drawing at home in Ndola against Nakambala Leopards to halt a two-match losing run in all competition.

The defending FAZ Super Division champions bounced back modestly from their recent losing run to draw 0-0 at Levy Mwanawasa Stadium against relegation battling Nakambala.

Zesco have 35 points, three behind leaders Nkana from 18 and 20 games played respectively.

Wednesday’s draw in essence saw Zesco fail to use home advantage to the fullest that would have seen them creep to number two and one point behind Nkana.

But the draw was as good as a win for third from last Nakamabala who were beaten 3-0 in the first leg meeting last September at home in Mazabuka.

Meanwhile, at Shinde Stadium in Mufulira, bottom placed Mighty Mufulira Wanderers drew 0-0 with old foe Green Buffaloes.

The result saw Mighty remain unbeaten from two games in charge under new coach Tenant Chembo following last Sunday’s 0-0 draw at the same venue against Nkana.

Buffaloes are 8th on 30 points after the draw.

Interestingly, Zesco and Mighty meet next this Sunday at Shinde in a Week 21 fixture.

The match will also pit ex-Zesco coach Chembo against his former boss at the eight-time champions George Lwandamina.

RTSA,ZICTA caution against taking pictures of accident victims


The Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA) and the Zambia Information and Communication Technology Authority (ZICTA), have cautioned motorists and members of the public to refrain from taking pictures and videos of road traffic victims at accidents scenes.

Motorists and members of the public are reminded of their moral obligation to render assistance to road accident victims in order to save the lives of the injured as opposed to taking pictures and videos.

Further, it is unethical to circulate pictures or videos in ‘bad taste’ such as those showing dead bodies and injured persons in road accidents.

The RTSA in collaboration with ZICTA is working out modalities on how to stop the growing trend of producing and circulating accident scene pictures and videos of both the deceased and injured on social media.

The RTSA and ZICTA is, therefore, urging all motorists and members of the public to take responsibility and stop filming accidents victims but instead render assistance to save lives.

The public are advised to report persons taking pictures and videos of the deceased and injured accident victims to the RTSA National Call Centre toll-free line – 983 or the ZICTA Toll-free line 7070 or the Zambia Police on 911 for action.

Jointly issued by:






Katuka warns PF members as two UPND cadres are killed in Mongu


UPND Secretary General Stephen Katuka has warned the ruling PF “not to stretch their luck too far with violence.”

The UPND says it has noted with shock the death of its two campaign officials in Mongu who were attacked by PF cadres armed with guns, teargas canisters and all sorts of weapons.

The two deceased officials have been identified as District Deputy Vice Chairlady Mwendameyi Mukobela and District Trustee Mbanga Mwangala.

UPND Secretary General Stephen Katuka has alleged that the PF went and attacked the UPND campaign centre and later started chasing two of their vehicles with fire arms and teargas canisters.

“Our campaign team was attacked at the campaign centre in the Kaande ward of Mongu Central Constituency”, Mr Katuka said.

He said this happened when armed PF thugs suddenly started chasing them while firing live ammunition and teargas canisters, causing the vehicle which was being driven by the provincial chairman Mr Musangu Njamba to overturn,and one of campaign member Mwendameyi Mukobela died on the spot while the other one Mbanga Mwangala died at the hospital.

Mr Katuka said Provincial Youth Chairperson Mbangu Mbangu and Constituency Vice Youth Chairman Lubinda Imasiku are still in a critical condition.

He said the Western Province UPND Chairman Musangu is also still admitted to the hospital while Mongu Central Member of Parliament Mwilola Imakando got arrested when he went to report the incident to the police and was charged with a trumped up charge of malicious damage .

He said Police are calling for confusion if this is how they will handle the UPND and has urged them to remain professional in the execution of their duties and apply the law equitably.

“Since the PF cadres involved have been identified , we call on police to immediately arrest them. If they are not arrested , we shall help them do the job. We cannot have police officers behaving like PF cadres”, he added.

He has however urged all UPND members across the country to seriously defend themselves whenever they are attacked as police are not ready to protect us.

Mr Katuka said some Police officers have proved to be PF aligned and unhelpful , hence the need for our members across the country to be ready to defend themselves at all times.

But Zambia Police spokesperson Esther Katongo has dispelled Mr Katukas statement that two of the UPND members have been murdered in Kaande area of Mongu in Western Province.

Mrs Katongo said no one has been murdered in the Kaande ward by election and that the names in the statement of those purported to have been murdered died in an accident which happened in Mongu involving a Toyota Prado and a Mercedes Benz which also left seven vendors seriously injured.

She has urged all political parties to always be truthful when giving information to the public because sensational reporting has potential to bring about disorder.

Mrs Katongo said those wishing to get more facts may get information from people in Mandanga area where the accident happened in which the two people who the UPND are reporting to have been murdered were involved.

“Further, there are survivors of the accident who are the vendors who were bashed from off the road by the drivers of the two vehicles involved in the accident”, she added.

Withdraw Bill 10, insists LAZ


The Law Association of Zambia has insisted that government should withdraw Constitution Amendment Bill number 10 of 2019 because it threatens the country’s democracy.

LAZ President President Eddie Mwitwa wondered why government was in a hurry to amend the constitution, insisting that some clauses would have dire effects on Zambia’s democracy.

He insisted that Bill 10, if enacted, would allow government officials to campaign using government resources.

Umulandu Taubola : Tribalism in PF


Every Citizen has a right to report anyone suspected of committing a crime

I have read a number of articles and social media posts on the issue of tribal hate speech by PF cadres namely, Chanda Nyela and Bizwell Mutale. Nothing wrong with writing such articles of condemnation but just writing will not achieve anything if the perpetrators of tribal hate speech know that there are no consequences to their criminal behaviour.

My plea to Zambians is this: DEVELOP A CULTURE OF REPORTING SUCH CRIMINAL ELEMENTS TO THE POLICE. Lay a complaint, provide evidence and have a docket opened. It’s mandatory for the police to open a docket for any genuine complaint presented before them.

I have noted with dismay the culture Zambians have developed of saying that the police will not do anything because its ruling party cadres and officials involved. This is understandable but let us all remember that ruling parties do not rule forever. Let’s have these complaints filed and if the police don’t perform their job the next government will prosecute. Remember the saying that ‘UMULANDU TAUBOLA’, well this is more applicable to criminal cases as there is no limitation of the period in which a criminal suspect can be prosecuted. Nazi holocaust criminals are still being prosecuted once caught even up to this day.



Winning an election by any means is the order of the day: Taking the electorate hostage


The Chilubi By-election

By Nkonkomalimba Kafunda

At a very elementary level, students of government and politics are taught that broadly defined governance is three pronged,it has three basic functions:

1. Political

The political function has to do with a conducive environment in which citizens rights and liberties are protected and respected.Where the state ensures there is protection of private property and an overall prevalence of law and order.Where citizens enjoy their rights and precipitously undertake their responsibilities, civic and otherwise.

The economic sphere involves the state creating an enabling environment for citizens to live decent lives, with gainful employment and general access to avenues of prosperity which in turn lead to a happy, healthy populace as well as a productive and well grounded society.

The social aspect is in respect of taking care of those who can not take care of themselves, the aged, the disabled, widows, orphans and all generally vulnerable groups in society through interventions such as social cash transfer, the provision of quality but affordable social services such as health care and education. Construction of roads, hospitals schools and other social infrastructure is the ambit of government and should be done so countrywide and without discrimination. This infrastructure is built at huge cost but usually with little economic benefit and that is why the private sector does not undertake such projects, while they are essential there simply is no profit.

It falls on government therefore to spread the tax Kwachas equitably so that every Zambian regardless of their location has access to affordable, preferably free, health, education and other social services. It follows therefore that to use the implementation of measures to achieve these lofty, noble but totally achievable goals by a government should never be used as a campaign tool during elections, creating an impression to voters that if they elect an opposition candidate as their representative in the legislature, the benefits of having a government will not accrue to them.

This evening I was watching the ZNBC main news and the Chilubi campaigns featured prominently albeit partisanly so. PF speakers at a rally were telling the people to vote for Mulenga Fube, their candidate, so that ongoing projects could continue as an opposition lawmaker will not have the capacity to mobilise the required resources to bring these projects to their desired conclusion.

In a nutshell the PF are telling the people of Chilubi that government will abrogate its responsibilities towards them if they vote for the opposition.How effete can this ruling party get? On top of abysmally failing to provide an environment for citizens to thrive economically and pursue dreams of happiness successfully, this government now wants segregated development.

This reminds me of defenders of Apartheid who said the system was separate but equal. No wonder there is such disparity in development in the majority of UPND strongholds. How callous will this regime sink?

Finally, while we understand the oppositions cry of electoral malpractices ranging from vote buying to violence perpetuated by the PF, boycotting elections will only rob the people of Chilubi and by extension the Zambian people their right to vote for a candidate of their individual preference, especially now that we need the numbers in parliament to keep bills like the nauseating bill 10 at bay. To UPND Chairman for Elections Gary Nkombo and NDC Spokesperson Saboi Imboela, and through them to like minded Zambians, boycotting of elections only works where the ruling party has a moral compass. It is abundantly clear that this is not the case here. Wining an election by any means is the order of the day, Legitimacy is not in their lexicon.

Zambians must unite against Tribalism and reject those propagating tribal divisions


By Anthony Bwalya – UPND Member

We were always raised believing, that if you work hard hard, are honest enough, kind enough and God fearing enough, you could and can be anything under the sun; irrespective of your family name or tribe.

However, the Patriotic Front (PF) are intent on overturning the narrative by making the nation believe that for a child to hold certain positions in our society, they must possess the right kind of name and hail from the right kind of tribe and province.

Today, children from Tonga households are being told, and in no uncertain terms, that they will never be fit to assume the highest office in the land by mere reason that they are Tonga.

This toxic sentiment is being actively generated, promoted and being spread by the PF through its high ranking officials – from the Presidency, and now by subordinates of the presidency; identified individually as Chanda Nyela and Bizwell Mutale.

It is patently clear, that the incessant and systematic attacks and tribal discrimination against the Tonga is aimed at perpetuating the PF’s stay in power by driving dangerous tribal fear into the hearts of Zambians.

This continuous and reckless propaganda by the PF against the Tonga people is meant to benefit PRESIDENT Edgar Lungu. It is being done in his name.

The UPND cannot stop tribalism in its deathly tracks. It must be Zambians themselves who must rise and defend the sanctity of our national unity by sending a strong and unequivocal message to President Lungu and the PF, that we shall not stand by and watch them destroy our peace and unity for purposes of fleeting political lattitude.

There is nothing holy about the tribal hatred and division being peddled by the PF.

There is nothing Christian about the PF’s tribal agenda.

The tribal divisions we are being subjected to can only be the works of the devil and his unholy agents of destruction, whose sworn alliance with forces of darkness is aimed at destabilizing our nation for individuals’ personal interests.

A Tonga child can be a PRESIDENT just as much as Bemba or Kaonde child can, and all must equally be encouraged to aspire towards being the very best they can possibly become in service of God and country.

If President Edgar Lungu is indeed a President for all Zambians, he must do Two (2) things:

(1) Discipline both Chanda Nyela and Bizwell Mutale for propagating and promoting tribal hatred contrary to our Christian national values of oneness and…

(2) Apologize to the Tonga people of Southern province for the unprovoked, targeted, ethnic verbal attacks they have continued to endure at the hands of PF operatives in the name of discrediting the candidature of Mr. Hakainde Hichilema, while promoting that of President Lungu himself.

We cannot and must not sit and watch while the PF sets up in flames the country we all love.

Nancy Pelosi rips up copy of Trump’s State of the Union speech following divisive address


As President Donald Trump finished his State of the Union Address on Tuesday night, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi was seen ripping up a copy of the President’s speech.

Asked immediately after Trump’s speech why she tore up the transcript, Pelosi told reporters: “Because it was the courteous thing to do,” adding that it was “the courteous thing to do considering the alternative.” It isn’t clear what she meant by an “alternative.”

Government wants to see more Zambians taking up Management Positions in the Mines-Kampyongo


Minister of Home Affairs Hon Stephen Kampyongo has said that the government wants to see more Zambians taking up Management positions in the mines. Mr. Kampyongo said that government introduced the Zambianization program with the aim of increasing the number of locals in management positions.

Mr. Kampyongo said this when he visited First Quantum Kansanshi Mining Plc in Solwezi yesterday to inquire about the number of expatriates it has employed and locals incorporated in Management positions as stipulated by the Zambianization policy.

Mr. Kampyongo said government through the Department of Immigration which is under his Ministry is looking at ways of creating a win-win situation for both government and mining investors by ensuring that there is skills transfer between expatriates issued with work permits and the locals.

He said Zambians must benefit proportionately from such a huge investment rather than allowing investors and their staff to enter the country, extract the mineral resources without passing on the benefits to the community.

He said it is the desire of the Patriotic Front (PF) government to see Zambians in decent employment stating that there is need to ensure that knowledge transfer to locals is achieved in order to build capacity.

The Minister indicated that the government wants to see that real investments, job opportunities and benefits trickle down to locals.

“In as much as we want to see you scale up production, its important that we see a trickle-down of benefits to our people because there is need for our people to participate in this important venture,” he said.

He observed the need for the mine and government to work together to ensure that locals are capacited not only in terms of human resources but other mining-related activities in order for the country to excel.

He called for sincere and open dialogue among all stakeholders in order to lessen misunderstandings that could have existed in the past

After the tour of the mine, the Home Affairs Minister gave his impressions on the operations and said it is impressive that the government’s Zambianization policy to see more graduates churned out from local universities to run major operations is being actualized.

Mr. Kampyongo was accompanied by Ministry of Home Affairs Permanent Secretary Dr Leah Mutale, Ministry of Labour Permanent Secretary Chanda Kazhiya and Director General of the Department of Immigration Danny Lungu.

President Lungu not Attending the AU Summit, Zambia to be represented by Minister of Foreign Affairs


Minister of Foreign Affairs Joseph Malanji is expected In Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on Wednesday 5th February, 2020 to represent Zambia’s President Edgar Lungu, at the 33rd Ordinary Session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the African Union (AU).

According to a statement released to the media by The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr Malanji will be accompanied by Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry Christopher Yaluma, Minister of Justice Hon. Given Lubinda and other senior Government officials.

The AU Assembly of Heads of State and Government, expected to run from 9th to 10th February, 2020, will be convened under the theme “Silencing the Guns: Creating Conducive Conditions for Africa’s Development”. It will be preceded by the 36th Ordinary Session of the Executive Council from 6th to 7th February, 2020.

Mr Malanji is expected to deliver a progress report to the Assembly on Ending Child Marriage on behalf of President Lungu, the President and Leader of Ending Child Marriage in Africa. The Minister will also deliver statements to the Assembly on the Implementation of the Master Road Map to Silence the Guns in Africa by the Year 2020 and the implementation of the Agenda 2063.

During the Summit, Mr. Malanji is expected to participate in the general debate on the Institutional Reform of the AU, the African Continental Free Trade Area (ACFTA), peace and security on the continent and the Reform of the United Nations Security Council.

The Minister is also expected to hold several bilateral meetings with other African Foreign Ministers and other foreign high-level dignitaries expected to travel to Addis Ababa during the period of the Assembly.

The AU is a continental body consisting of 55 member states. It was officially launched in 2002 in Durban, South Africa as a successor institution to the Organisation of African Unity (OAU), which existed from 1963 to 1999. The organisation is guided by its vision of “An Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Africa, driven by its own citizens and representing a dynamic force in the global arena.” The Assembly of Heads of State and Government is the AU’s supreme policy and decision making organ which comprises all member states.

Chinese ambassador says Coronavirus is under control, pledges full support for Zambian students in China


Chinese ambassador to Zambia Mr. Li Jie has said that all efforts are being made to prevent, control and contain the outbreak of Coronavirus which has so far claimed 361 lives across the globe.

Some of the preventive measures that have been put in place are to have Chinese nationals in Zambia who traveled for holidays in China to quarantine themselves for two weeks amidst continued screening when they arrive back in Zambia, Mr. Jie told journalists at a press briefing this afternoon.

Other preventive measures he mentioned were intensified screening at all points of entry to prevent and reduce possible transmission of the Coronavirus.

As he also announced that Visa applications to China have decreased, the ambassador further advised Zambians planning to travel to China to adjust their travel plans in the wake of the epidemic.

“Please let me emphasize that for Zambian and other foreign nationals in China, the Chinese government will fulfill its international obligations, settle their reasonable concerns in a timely manner and ensure their safety with a reasonable attitude.

He assured that China has the full confidence, capability, and resources to win the battle against the virus with concerted efforts, scientific containment, and targeted policies under its strong leadership.

In regards to Chinese nationals living in Zambia, Mr. Jie said continued efforts are being made to remind the local Chinese nationals, communities, institutions, and enterprises to pay close attention to the development of the epidemic and carefully monitor their health conditions and take all necessary precautionary measures.

“The embassy has established an effective mechanism of communication with the Zambian authorities including health foreign affairs and immigration. We understand and support proper and necessary measures taken by government concerning the epidemic” he said.

Ambassador Jie assured that China is ready to work with Zambia as well as the international community to safeguard regional and global public health security.

As of today, a total of 17,335 people have been infected with Coronavirus, of which 152 are foreign nationals with 361 recorded deaths.

President assures the chiefs of unwavering Government support to ensure their chiefdoms are developed


The President has assured the chiefs of unwavering Government support to ensure their chiefdoms are developed.

Speaking at State House this morning when he met traditional leaders from Lusaka Province at State House, the President assured the Chiefs that Government will ensure food supplies reached people affected by drought and floods.

“I acknowledge the difficulties some of our people are going through due to the effects of climate change but Government will support all Zambians that are affected,” said the President.

The President also promised that the Government will complete some unfinished projects in Chiefdoms.

The President heard from individual chiefs and stated that some Members of Parliament have neglected their chiefs because they do not want to work with the Government.

1Chief Chipepo thanked the President for the opportunity and told him to visit any part of the country without exception because he is President of Zambia.

The chiefs were Bunda Bunda of Rufunsa, Mphuka and Mburuma of Luangwa, Chief Chiawa of Kafue, Chief Sikoongo of Chirundu, Chief Mpanshya, and Chief Shikabeta of Rufunsa and Chief Chipepo of Chirundu.

The President, accompanied by his Ministers comprising Hon. Lawrence Sichalwe (Chiefs and Traditional Affairs), Hon. Alexander Chiteme (National Development Planning), Hon. Michael Katambo (Agriculture ), Hon. Charles Banda (Local Government ), and Hon. Bowman Lusambo (Lusaka Province ) and Secretary to the Cabinet Dr. Simon Miti discussed various issues affecting chiefdoms in Lusaka Province.


Zanaco Brace for CAF Confed Cup Quarterfinal Draws


It will be either West or North Africa for Zanaco in the 2019/2020 CAF Confederation Cup quarterfinals when the final knockout round draws are made on Wednesday evening in Cairo, Egypt.

Zanaco are the only side still standing from the COSAFA zone in this year’s competition heading into the last 8 draw.

Five teams alone are all from North Africa that include Zanaco’s Group C opponents and 2018/2020 runners-up RSB Berkane of Morocco.

There is also a very familiar name from Moroccan in the last eight draws in the form of Hassania Agadir who eliminated Green Eagles from the pre-group stage in November.

Ambitious Egyptian club Pyramids, their compatriots El Masry, and Libyan side Al Nasr, complete the North African roll heading into Wednesday’s nights draws.

Two-time CAF Champions League winners Enyimba of Nigeria and 1978 CAF Cup Winners’ Cup champions Horoya from Guinea, who were eliminated by Zesco from the 2015 CAF Champions League first round, complete the list.

But one thing is certain, there will be a brand new winner of the CAF Confederation Cup this season with none of the previous twelve winners in this year’s competition including 2018/2019 champions Zamalek who are instead in the quarterfinal draws of this terms’ CAF Champions League tomorrow after qualifying for the top tier competition.

“We have to wait to see who we are going to play and focus on them. We will treat each game differently because football is dynamic. We will plan for the next move when we know our next opponents are in the draws,” Zanaco coach Chris Kaunda said.