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Zambia’s Redemption is Near: Seer 1 and Ritual Killings


By Dr. Nevers Mumba, President, MMD 


I would like to anchor my message on the Scripture. “All things work together for good to those who love God and are the called according to his purpose.” (Rom 8:28)

Zambia by declaration, loves God and has been CALLED according to God’s purpose.” The politics of Zambia has degenerated into a destructive movement of violence, corruption and an area totally taken over by powers of the underworld.

The words, “All things..” refer to events that happen everyday. Both good and bad. Seer 1’s words constitute part of “things” which finally will work out for the good of our country. My assignment is to put the nation at rest and assure the nation that these current events are a prelude to Zambia’s emancipation from the grip of evil powers which have in the past paralyzed our efforts to prosper as a nation. God is changing the ground rules for the 2021 elections. Witchcraft will no longer be used as a means to take power. God is exposing it now because he has heard the prayers of God’s people. God is healing the land. “If my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray…….. I shall heal their land.” (2 Chron 7:14)

On 18th October 2019, I was honored to have been asked to lead the nation in a prayer to rededicate our country back to God. I led the nation in acknowledging our sins and repented for departing from the vows we made when we declared Zambia as a Christian nation in 1991. I further asked the Lord to expose the evil forces which have held Zambia captive over the years. Today, I believe the Lord has started to answer our prayers.

Seer1 is therefore not the issue. God can use any one and anything including Baalam’s donkey to fulfill his will. To target our anger at Seer 1 is a lack of understanding. God is answering our prayers to clean up our land. The ritual killings must stop. The shedding of innocent blood for political purposes must end. God is at work and I am here to restate that Zambia shall be saved. The issue as to whether Seer 1 is a false prophet or not is for God to handle. In the book of Acts, Gamaliel said, … let us not pre occupy ourselves with figuring out whether these men are of God or not….” (Acts 5:39) What is born of God shall stand and what is not of God shall fall. What is important is the issue at hand, the redemption of our land.


The Lord has finally set the ground for the Salvation and redemption of our land. The events that have filled public debate the past two weeks are a positive development in the life of our country. The redemption process has began. The purpose of this debate is to cleanse Zambia. A new Zambia is being birthed.


Over the past number of years, innocent blood has been shed as a means to gain political power. The land has been defiled by the spilling of innocent blood. As a result, the avenging spirits (furies) have been raised in the land seeking revenge. The blood cries from the ground for justice. Human sacrifices have been with us through out history. People seeking for power or victory in war have offered sacrifices to various gods. Spilt human blood is never silenced until it is appeased.

In Genesis, we read that the blood of Abel continues to cry out for justice. Spilt blood is a game changer. God the father himself in order to reconcile the world to himself had to sacrifice his own begotten son. His blood confirms the transaction for my salvation. The Bible says, “… without the shedding of blood, there is no remission for sin.”(Heb 9:22)


Power is obtained and sustained by the Spirit world. To non believing politicians they seek this power from sorcerers, seers, soothsayers and medians. These in turn demand for blood in order to seal the transactions for power. An exchange of blood for power.


Seers are a real phenomenal. Some seers are of God and others are not. A Seer is a person who tells people of their future. The Bible talks of many seers. Prophets are also called seers. Samuel was called a Seer. The witch at Endo is also called a Seer because he predicts the death of King Saul. Although he was a witch, his word was fulfilled because God has not yet dispossessed the devil of his power. He has allowed evil to exist along side of good. Darkness and light both exist. So is Seer 1 a legitimate prophet? Unfortunately, this is not the question we must concern ourselves with but rather what is God doing in Zambia? He has started to cleanse the land. Whether Seer 1 is illegitimate or legitimate is not for us, but the purpose of his rising at this particular moment. To expose the workings of the underworld in the politics of this Christian Nation. (God wants to align our confession with the actual reality. Zambia must become truly a Christian nation whose governance is not driven by demonic forces)

To confirm the power of the BLOOD and that of a witch or a SEER from the under world, I wish to cite two scriptural references:

In the book of 2 Kings, when the King of Molech, a heathen King went to war against IsraeI, he began to lose, but after he sacrificed his first born son on the wall, the battle turned against Israel. The blood of his first born son reversed the fortunes of war. This is the power of the blood even if it’s not administered by a believer.

In the book of 1 Samuel, when King Saul was afraid of losing power, he sought for a word from a witch at Endor. A witch was able to bring back Samuel from the dead, who prophesied that Saul was going to lose power and shall die. This happened as prophesied. The difficult question is, how can a real prophet Samuel be brought back to life by a witch? In my view, the issue was not about the witch but the termination of Saul’s leadership and the coming in of David as King. A regime change.


My appeal to church leaders and the church is to keep our focus on what God is intending to do and not on the circumstances that are prevailing. This singular event should be a message of rebuke to the Church. Our role should always be to speak on behalf of God and the poor. When you do this, you shall be persecuted by the powers that be and honored by the under-trodden. Could it be that Seer 1 has touched a national nerve that the Church should have been bold enough to touch?


The real question we all must answer honestly is: Why has the nation so overwhelmingly responded to Seer1 ?

The answer to this question is the counsel I offer to my nation.

I believe Zambians have questions which both the PF and to a larger extent the Church are not answering.

The self proclaimed Seer revealed that some leaders in PF government are his clients. He is however now upset that the power he gave to them is being used against the people and he wants his fetishes back. This is what brought the explosion of excitement in the nation.

Zambians are angry at the prospect of being governed by powers of darkness and are waiting to confirm if there is any truth in this.

To PF: Restrain yourselves from attacking the so called Seer. You are the government. If truly there are some PF ministers implicated, let them deal with it at a personal level. Unless the Seer was contracted by the PF party as a whole. The Seer is inconsequential at this stage. It is his allegations that must be dealt with. Unfortunately, any covenant entered into with a spiritualist has consequences. The people involved must clear themselves.

To ZAMBIANS: God has allowed this in order to clean and change our politics forever. When God starts to answer prayers of God’s people we don’t choose for him who he uses to bring the answer. He uses donkeys, witches, prophets and ordinary people. The Lord wants to expose those who use blood and human sacrifice to attain political power. Those politicians who are not affected by this have nothing to worry about. Their prayer should be, Lord let your will be done.


My position does not in any way authenticate the young man called Seer 1. Having served God for 44 years has taught me that the Lord can use anyone and anything to do his WILL. His will is for Zambian politics to be cleaned and clear of demonic influence. This confirms my life long dream of Zambia Shall be Saved. I hope Zambians see this. It is not politics but the redemption of a nation.

“Nobody eats GDP” says African Development Bank President as he calls for inclusive growth


ABIDJAN, Ivory Coast, — Africa’s economies are growing strongly, but growth alone cannot meet the needs of the continent’s poorest citizens, because “nobody eats GDP,” the African Development Bank’s ( President, Akinwumi Adesina, said as he unveiled the Bank’s flagship economic report on Thursday.

The 2020 African Economic Outlook (AEO) showed that the continent’s economies are growing well, higher than the global average. The report projected a steady rise in growth in Africa from 3.4% in 2019 to 3.9% in 2020 and 4.1% in 2021.

According to the report, these figures do not tell the whole story. Across the continent, the poor are not seeing enough of the benefits of robust growth. Relatively few African countries posted significant declines in extreme poverty and inequality, which remain higher than in other regions of the world.

Inclusive growth occurred in only 18 of 48 African countries with data, the report revealed.

According to Adesina “Growth must be visible. Growth must be equitable. Growth must be felt in the lives of people.”

The theme of the 2020 Africa Economic Outlook report, Developing Africa’s workforce for the future, calls for swift action to address human capital development in African countries, where inclusive growth has been held back by a mismatch between young workers’ skills and the needs of employers.

The Bank’s flagship report states that increased investments in education is key as well as progressive universalism in education spending—setting high priorities for the poor and disadvantaged and focusing on basic education first where social returns are highest. Its recommendations include improving access to education in remote areas, incentives such as free uniforms and text books, banning child labour and improving teaching standards.

To better match skills with job opportunities, the report recommends that governments need to develop a demand-driven education system in tune with rapidly emerging jobs in the private sector, including software engineers, marketing specialists and data analysts, the report says.

“Africa is blessed with resources, but its future lies in its people…education is the great equaliser. Only by developing our workforce will we make a dent in poverty, close the income gap between rich and poor, and adopt new technologies to create jobs in knowledge-intensive sectors,” said Hanan Morsy, Director of the Macroeconomic Policy, Forecasting and Research Department at the Bank.

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of African Development Bank Group (AfDB).

Zesco Utd In a Tight Corner to Win Back Faith


Zesco United begin to focus on retaining the FAZ Super Division this Wednesday when they host relegation battling Nakamabala Leopards at Levy Mwanawasa Stadium in Ndola.

The defending FAZ Super Division champions have made a terrible start to 2020 losing six out of their opening eight competitive games in the new year.

Zesco host Nakambala on the back of two succesisve defeats after losing 3-1 away to TP Mazembe in their last Group A match in the CAF Champions League on February 1 to exit the competition winless on 3 points from their alloted six games.

Earlier in domestic action,Zesco warmed up for Mazembe with a 2-1 away league loss at mid-table team Kabwe Warriors on January 29.

With no nore continental obligations to use as an excuse,the pressure is now on Zesco to show their calibre especially on Wednesday a against third from bottom Nakambala.

Zesco beat Nakambala 3-0 away in the first leg on September 2 in Mazabuka.

Ironically, striker Jesse Were scored a hat-trick in that Week 2 match on his way to topping the log on 11 goals.

However, Were has been a barometer of Zesco’s form and netted his 11th goal in last Wednesdays loss at Warriors to end an astonishing three- month drought in all competition dating back to November 2.

And so both Were and Zesco are in the dock to redeem themselves against a team they comprehensively beat in Mazabuka on Zambian top-flights most difficult and controversial pitch.

But a return to winning ways will see Zesco settle for second place that will see them sneak one point behind Nkana who lead on 38 points.

Victory will see Zesco displace Green Eagles from number two on goal difference where the latter currently sits on 37 points from 18 and 20 games played respectively at the end of the day on Wednesday.

Napsa Stars Hand Mayuka A Lifeline


2012 AFCON winner Emmanuel Mayuka has been handed a lifeline by Napsa Stars.

The ex-Southampton and Young Boys striker has joined Napsa on a permanent deal after training with the Lusaka side for over the last fortnight.

Mayuka joins Napsa following a brief stint at Green Buffaloes last year after over decade overseas that took him to Israel, Switzerland, England and France.

The striker said he is looking forward to working under his childhood coach Mohamed Fathi who trained him during the Egyptian’s first Zambia Super Division job at Kabwe Warriors in 2007.

“I am excited and happy to be here, I am grateful to the board, the management, the coach and the players for the support that they have showed me and I am just looking forward to start working with the team and the rest of the guys,” Mayuka said.

“We are actually doing well, so I hope I can add more value to the team and stability so that we try and push forward as much as we can and also try to win the league mostly. Let’s see how it goes.”

Mayuka finds Napsa in third place on 36 points, two behind leaders Nkana and a point adrift of second placed Green Eagles with fourteen games left to play.

“I will take it step-by -step, game by game and I will do my best to try and help the team,” the 2012 AFCON gold medal winner said.

Meanwhile, coach Fathi said he has faith Mayuka will deliver in Napsa’s final push for a top four finish.

Why are Zambians giving Seer 1 so much attention?


Dear Editor,

Have you noticed that no matter how many times prophets make outlandish false prophecies, they never lack followers, and they don’t stop claiming God spoke directly to them?

Why do we need to be warned not to follow false prophets in the first place? Isn’t it obvious? That’s why Christians have to grow.

These words are true and they can be trusted! But in these last days false prophets must come so that prophesy is fulfilled. For some few days now, I have been meaning to take a cool and reflective look at Seer 1. How in the world can one young man like him from outside Zambia’s boarders say one thing on Facebook and make massive headlines? The Zambians have made him a headline. That’s exactly what he wants. But that’s a shame to us!

My argument is that he should not be made a factor in Zambia. We shouldn’t even be reacting and later on throwing stones at him. He’s just a man working for a god. Of course he’s dangerous, but not so dangerous. Remember; he’s not called Seer 1 for nothing. But his fancy title is just a millstone of pride. He has such a blasphemous spirit from the ground up. He speaks damnable heresies to exploit those who don’t know the bible (2 Peter 2:1-3). Love of money is what it is. We know Seer 1 by his fruits. Therefore, those wandering after prophets, make sure you have the Holy Spirit and trust Jesus to be your own guide so you are not deceived by prophets like seer 1.

By H. Chola

K3 billion allocated for security wings housing


About K3 billion has been allocated for the construction of the housing units for security wings countrywide, in the 2020 national budget.

And Ministry of Finance Budget Analyst, Chishimba Musonda says government is committed to uplifting the the welfare of security personnel, through the construction of decent housing units.

Mr Musonda was speaking during a meeting with Heads of Government Departments in Mongu today.

He has pointed out that Western province is among regions that will benefit from the 3 billion kwacha budgetary allocation.

Meanwhile, Western Province Local Government Officer, Nixon Nkwapu is happy with government’s plan to build housing units for security personnel in the region.

Mr Nkwapu has however appealed to government to quickly work on stalled infrastructure in newly created districts.

Evacuating Zambian students will be against expert advice – Mushimba


Higher education minister Dr Brian Mushimba says it will be against professional protocol and experts guidance to evacuate Zambian students in China in the wake of the Coronavirus outbreak.

He noted that the isolation and quarantine protocols advised by the experts in the prevention of the epidemic is important to adhere to especially in those areas that have been severely impacted by the epidemic.

Speaking when he received a donation of 20,000 face masks worth $10,000 from a Chinese firm to assist Zambian students in China, Dr Mushimba said the donation is timely and appreciated in the fight against the epidemic and will go to the intended beneficiaries.

He disclosed that all Zambian students in China living in the epicenter of the virus have been isolated and quarantined in an effort to minimize and eliminate transmission of the virus and assured that government is supporting the judgement of the experts for the safety and benefit of the students.

Dr Mushimba said government is in constant communication with the Chinese authorities in order to effectively support the Zambian students in that country during this period and further urged other students who are on self sponsorship to get in touch with the embassy in order for them to be assisted.

He assured that students are better off in China were the medication is being developed than flying for over sixteen hours just to be subjected to further isolation in Zambia where there is no medicine for the Coronavirus and further expose other citizens.

“ People have spoken about evacuating our students but I think that is premature and ill-timed because of the isolation and quarantine that is happening , even if there is chance of evacuation they would still not go back to their homes but will be quarantined further according to safety protocols” he said.

He assured that students are better off in China were the medication is being developed than flying for over sixteen hours just to be subjected to further isolation in Zambia where there is no medicine for the Coronavirus and further expose other citizens.

Dr Mushimba therefore said any discussions of evacuation are premature as government is listening to experts and going by what they are saying while keeping a tab on the students and providing any facilitation through the embassy in Beijing.

Stating the case why we must look after the elderly and vulnerable


Often we hear of the politicians, the privileged being flown to South Africa or India for treatment for review and for all sorts of treatment. Where do our old and vulnerable people go? Are the people flown out more human than those left behind? Does it always work when we are flown to South Africa? Most come back in a casket at colossal sums of Tax Payers money.

What greed! For how long are we going to continue with this barbaric uncaring behaviour? We need services close to ourselves and not taking chances with life.To illustrate this I have thought of looking at the plight of the elderly as they are the most vulnerable.

Old age is scary; brings along a lot of physiological and psychological changes to ones life. When I was young people told me things that would happen to me at puberty,I heard about mid-life crisis but had to get to mid-life to know what it is.

We do not have to get old to understand what old age is because most of us may never grow old but may be tasked to look after the elderly. You could be classified as elderly from 65 on wards though for some could be much early.

What happens in old age?

I will be as elementary as possible and I will avoid medical jargon and terminologies. From the head as one grows older the hair greys, suffice to say that even young people may have grey hair as a result of Genetic predisposition, but this is common amongst elderly people.

It is not un common to experience loss of Hair in old age,the hair cells reduce in number. Not un common in the elderly to have problems like dandruff and rashes. For this the elderly need special anti fungal creams and shampoos to treat and maintain the Hair lustre.

The Brain shrinks in old age and as the brain shrinks thought processing wanes. We lose brain cells as we grow older the brain density becomes lower. We are not as quicker and sharper as we used to be when we grow older. Our memory wanes. We begin to have memory lapses, forgetfulness.

Ever wonder in the village an elderly person forgets the route to his village and found him or herself in another village,people anonymously agreed that the Old person was a witch, why was he or she found in the wrong place wondering.

This commonly happens at night when the elderly go out of the house to relieve themselves they wonder off their hamlet into the other people’s homes and villages and are suspected of being witches; she was flying and dropped off in another village.

A lot of elderly people have lost their lives by lynching mobs because of this mystery of old age when just a little sensitisation for the community is all that is needed. If near a road side, they have ended up being struck by a Car and killed. We have read these stories in the papers and nobody has disputed them.Thus the power of ignorance.

Suffice to say that the western world are more inclined to a young leader due to some of these reasons highlighted. Thought processing. Do not deny the argument of experienced and tested leadership.

Mental Disease and Alzheimer’s may set in due to old age and this may cause confusional states. From shouting, memory loss, aggressive behaviour, self harm wondering, hallucinating, paranoid behaviour etc. This is largely a topic on its own and needing an article on its own.

The elderly may Lose sight as they grow older.Cataracts formation that need to be operated upon.Refraction and needing lenses to see. Other degenerative conditions of the elderly may be present needing very specialised care. This always takes me to my days at Kitwe eye clinic with Dr Jonathan Munkombwe the ophthalmologist. We did a number of cataracts extractions.Its a great service for the elderly. A bulk of opticians and ophthalmologists work with the elderly to keep them seeing.

Impaired hearing is common among the elderly.The elderly oftenly have got to be tested for hearing and hearing aids are prescribed for them. Loss of hearing can be the most frustrating thing in old age.

We all want to hear clearly and perceive things. Specialised Audiology department and Hearing aid department is so essential for the elderly.I have had my elderly parents who have had problems with hearing and needed audiological examination had to travel to access it. Lusaka or Kitwe,these facilities need to be accessible wherever they are old people.Most end up frustrated and chose to live with it.

What happens to your mouth when you grow older? You may lose all your natural teeth. A Dentist is not only for feeling cavities.They provide a huge service for the elderly in fashioning dentures for them. Dentures will definitely help the elderly person to bite and chew food.These facilities have got to be accessible to the elderly people. If they cannot chew food they will have a phobia for food:choking etc.they lose weight they get malnourished.

This takes us to the next problem in the elderly -swallowing.As we grow older swallowing may pose a problem.The muscles of the throat that propel food downwards may slacken. Specialised assessments may need to be undertaken for swallowing to prevent choking and to encourage eating. This is a very important unit of care for the elderly. Some end up on blended diets,puréed diets or soft diets depending on risk assessments.We need these services were ever our old people are in Zambia.

Dieticians play a very important role in the care of the elderly as they also prescribe diets for the elderly. The elderly are prone to lose weight for various reasons and some already explained. Their senses are oftenly in reversal, may lose sense of smell,taste etc. It is an important role that the dietician plays to prevent malnutrition in the elderly.

They may recommend food supplements,artificial feeding etc remember in the elderly they suffer shrinking of organs as well and one of them is the stomach may not hold the same volume of food.It is not un common to get stomach cancer in the elderly.Gastric irritability is common anti acid medication need to be availed to the elderly.

The skin being one of the largest part of the body in old age suffers lack of elasticity and shrinks.Wrinkles as well.In some various dermatological conditions become a problem needing prescribed maintenance medications and creams.Specialist Dermatologists need to be available.Because the skin is so fragile and weak it breaks easily and if laid in bed for a long time or sat in chairs forms sores due to pressure.

Specialised mattresses, beds,wheelchairs.cushions and forms are prescribed for this.Equipment therefore forms another bulk of the care for the elderly,whether in a Hospital or at home.

They may have difficulties to walk due to age or stroke,may need physiotherapist to attend to them use aids like Zimmer frames,wheelchairs.They may need hoists and other mobility Equipments to mobilise them.This is the reality about ageing.

Skeletal problems arthritis, aches and pains become the norm in old age needing constant medication pain killers etc.

In old age your bowel motion may not be as regular as a young person this could be due to immobility,being in a wheelchair or in a chair for sustained periods.It is so common that the elderly need laxatives and apperients to help them to open bowels.They need to take them regularly or they become constipated and fear to eat lose weight subsequently.Constipation can cause other surgical complications.


I was having a chat with one of my Zambian GP friends in the United Kingdom about Physiological changes that happen to the aged and how they are managed in the developed world and we were looking at the delivery gap in the third world in general. May be it is truly time to set up partnerships and meet these Gaps, government good will is required.

In saying this I echo the words of wisdom from those requesting the Diaspora to help create jobs back home. May be such partnerships are key. Deliberate policy is required. I am saying this to pre empty your condemnation of me being an arm chair critic from the confines of Europe, I love Zambia, my blood flows Zambian and will ever be, that is why I plead the best for every Zambian.

A huge amount of money in the developed world is channeled towards alleviating this problem. Medicine and professional care to ensure safety and standards of care are met. It has created the bulk of jobs in the west as it is essential, would do the same in Zambia if explored. Aspects of medicine and care for the Elderly and Mentally ill are specialised.

Two weeks I lost a wonderful Grand Mother on my wife’s side, she was 84 in Kwacha Kitwe.She had piercing pain in the chest complained about it for a short while and suddenly died.This to me is a typical case of Heart Attack that lead to death.How many of these deaths do we experience in Zambia?what do we attribute them to? A Kalumba? Witchcraft?

You can replicate these stories of our senior citizens dying of cardiac arrests in our arms and homes.A robust Ambulance and paramedic system is critical to attend to these emergencies in our homes-a 999 or 911 facility.Suffice to say that this does not affect the elderly alone but even our young people;our policy makers as well,former and current Presidents;what has been done about it? Are we awaiting another incident?

With a specialised unit for management of strokes most of the stroke patients do recover very well.We need these services in our country.A robust ambulance service again goes with a good road network.In the west United Kingdom it’s often within 5 minutes response time.These are achievable services,we did achieve this during ZCCM time,we had a robust Ambulance system.

Strokes and cardiac arrests due to burst blood vessels,weak blood valves and clots which are common in the elderly due to ageing.It is therefore not un usual for the elderly to be on Aspirin permanently and warfarin type of drugs to prevent blood clots.Lots of them do take medication for Hypertension.Anti cholesterol medication -Statins-are routine in the elderly.Blood tests need to be done for INRs with these medication consistently(In medical terms INR stands for International Normalized Ratio. It measures how long it takes for the blood to clot) .A good laboratory investment in all districts cannot be overstated.Its a must and need to be equiped.

Rehabilitation is therefore a necessity. Rehabillitation units assist the elderly to recover most of the lost functions due to strokes.They need to be equipped and must be in every District.

In Zambia we do not like to take medicine.In the West it is a way of life and in my view that is the difference between a short and sustained life.Our compliance to medication is poor hence rendering our lives short.We do not like to see a Doctor and often we see one when it is critical.Our preventative medicine needs enhancement.It is common to see someone by the age of 70 taking not less than 20 tablets a day,my Dad who is 78 takes only one tablet,is he so health that he does not need the extra tablets.

The Elderly suffer from urinary tract problems as well.The Kidneys and bladder shrink and it is not un usual that they develop an enlarged prostate or at worse cancer of the Prostate.These need to be screened and checked not only at UTH but everywhere where the elderly are.They may be prescribed permanent medication in the form of hormones to help control the size of the prostate gland or be operated upon.The enlarged prostate impedes on urine flow,not un common as well to find elderly with in dwelling catheters or supra pubic catheter which need trained staff to insert and care for.When I work out here in the West I wonder every day whether they are no elderly people that need these services in Zambia.

The immune system of the elderly weakens and are susceptible to various infections needing quick treatment and referral.

I care for a lot of elderly people on thyroxine hormone replacement tablets,tests are frequently done for thyroid functioning test.As much as we have an enlarged thyroid problem in Zambia known as the Goitre, I still think we also have a problem of hypothyroidism.
Care at home is what we must focus on as we are able to look after our own in our homes since we are not highly industrialised.We need specialised institutions for RESPITE care where those caring for the elderly and the vulnerable can take them so that they can also have a break for a short while.

I can go on and on.But the major point is as we are fit and well we should think about the time when we shall be un fit,old and vulnerable.Its not the money we have put in the Bank or invested when we are well that will look after us but the systems we have put in place.Alot of people have a misconception that our investments will look after us when we grow infirm,not always.We need to develop workable systems to do that.If you have a cardiac arrest you need an ambulance with trained staff and equipped.You need to be transferred to a unit to be managed etc flights to Johannesburg for treatment must not be a solution those are quick fix solutions to a problem for the rich and the privileged in the corridors of power.What about the masses.What about those in Shangombo,Chadiza,Chama and Mununga?

A workable effective social services is another thing our elderly people need.If we spend money on the elderly to feed them and allow them a decent life we will be living up to the tag of a true Christian nation.The Government needs to pour money in meeting the health needs and care of the elderly.Facilitating care of the elderly needs to extend to their homes and villages.Some one maybe saying where does the money come from?From the money we waste in corruption activities and other forms of greed.If we as a nation genuinely lobby for funds for care of the elderly it will be granted because the West is grappling with this problem right now.It’s a genuine cause to lobby money for.

ZCCM did well to send its people for training and attachments to the developed world.Government can attach people to institutions to the developed world to train and learn what needs to be done.I still think ZCCM approach was the best if it was emulated for the rest of the country today Zambia would have been miles a head.Most of the Diaspora Highly Skilled Zambian Nurses and Doctors and other specialised Professionals are willing to provide expertise and knowledge even for free to ensure the critical aspects of our economy are attended to.Identification of these people is easy and group them into adhoc advisory committees.Some are willing to come back home for half or a quarter of what they earn wherever they are as long as seriousness is implored,systems are put in place,equipment is purchased,staff are trained etc

We need to make it better for all.Elderly care is not only about washing and cleaning them up.It is about all these highly specialised aspects and coordinating the services.You require skill,knowledge and tact to discharge these services.I can go on and on.There is much more that affects the elderly and there care.I merely stating a case for care cause one day I will be an old man needing all these.

By J.Sakala
From the Archives

Coronavirus: China accuses US of causing panic and ‘spreading fear’


The Chinese government has accused the US of causing “panic” in its response to the deadly coronavirus outbreak.

It follows the US decision to declare a public health emergency and deny entry to foreign nationals who had visited China in the past two weeks.

There are more than 17,000 confirmed cases of the virus in China. Some 361 people have died there.

Outside China, there are more than 150 confirmed cases of the virus – and one death, in the Philippines.

The virus causes severe acute respiratory infection and symptoms seem to start with a fever, followed by a dry cough.

On Monday, a study by a Chinese virologist said a pneumonia outbreak associated with the coronavirus had likely started in bats.

The outbreak took its toll on Chinese shares when markets reopened on Monday following the Lunar New Year holiday. The Shanghai Composite index closed nearly 8% lower, its biggest daily drop for more than four years.

On 23 January, the US ordered the departure of all non-emergency US personnel and their family members from the city of Wuhan in Hubei province, where the virus originated.

Less than a week later, the US allowed for the voluntary departure of non-emergency personnel and relatives of US government employees from China.

On 30 January, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a global health emergency over the new virus. Following this, the US ordered the departure of all US personnel family members under the age of 21 in China.Any US citizen who has been in Hubei province will be subject to 14 days’ quarantine upon returning to the US.

Kenya’s former President Daniel arap Moi has died at the age of 95.


He was seen by his critics as an authoritarian ruler who held on to power for 24 years, but his allies credited him for maintaining stability in the East African state.

Moi stepped down in 2002 after being constitutionally barred from running for a further term.

He was the country’s second president taking over after the death of Jomo Kenyatta in 1978.

In office, he was feared and admired in equal measure, and was accused of human rights abuses. Moi introduced multi-party politics in 1991, but subsequent elections were marred by rigging.

He was a more populist politician than Kenya’s first President Jomo Kenyatta and his legacy was tarnished by economic stagnation and accusations of corruption.

Moi, born on 2 September 1924 into a farming family, was a close ally of Kenyatta in the run-up to Kenyan independence in 1963.

He served as home affairs minister from 1964 and in 1967 he became the country’s vice-president.

Until the introduction of multi-party politics, Moi was unopposed as president, at elections in 1983 and 1988.

He was elected for a further two terms in 1992 and 1997 in polls that were widely regarded as rigged.

His critics see his rule as the lost years, a time when Kenya was bedevilled by corruption, ethnic conflicts and human rights abuses.

They say he stymied economic progress by personalising the state, using government resources to award loyalists and withholding them to punish those who did not toe the line.

FRA recovers 41 stolen bags of white maize


The Food Reserve Agency (FRA) working collaboration with the Zambia Police service has recovered 41 bags of white maize that were stolen in Pemba District of Southern Province.

FRA Public Relations Coordinator John Chipandwe said the forty-one bags were stolen by Vernon Hampondo of Lusaka’s Kanyama Compound who has been found guilty and has since been sentenced to 3 years imprisonment with hard labour by the Monze subordinate courts.

Mr. Chipandwe explained that Mr. Hampondo attempted to bribe the guards that were stationed at the shed who rejected his offer after which he decided to break into the Pemba shed and stole the 41 bags of white maize valued at K4, 551.00

“The Agency wishes to inform the public that it has prepositioned both members of staff and the public on a 24 hour basis to report such malpractices and mechanisms have been put in place of how such people will be easily caught without much effort,” Mr Chipandwe added.

Mr Chipandwe has since warned members of the public to desist from stealing maize or any property from its strategic reserves.

He further stated that the agency is working closely with the Zambia Police Service adding that reliable informers have been stationed at all the storages facilities countrywide.

“Members of the public are requested to help secure the national strategic food reserves by reporting anyone selling maize in FRA branded bags to the nearest police station” Mr Chimpandwe added.

Office of the Vice President engages ZAF to evacuate displaced Lumezi households


The Office of the Vice President, through the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU), has engaged the Zambia Air Force to evacuate households that were displaced as a result of flash floods in Lumezi district of Eastern province.

A total of 116 households have been left homeless following heavy rains being experienced in the area.

DMMU National Coordinator, Chanda Kabwe says government is saddened by the number of households affected by the flash floods in most parts of the country.

A number of districts have suffered loss resulting from the floods, including Mambwe, Lumezi, Mpulungu, Kasama/Chilubula, Chilubi, Mushindano, Gwembe, Monze, Mitete, Chama, Lusaka and Samfya districts.

Mr. Kabwe says his Office is engaging the Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure Development, Ministry of Local Government, Ministry of Water Development and the Engineering Institute of Zambia, to come up with long term measures of preventing the floods.

He added that DMMU, working with the Zambia Meteorological Department, will continue issuing weather forecast alerts to ensure communities at risk are better prepared.

He has further assured that DMMU will continue responding to the affected communities to ensure no lives are lost.

Mr. Kabwe has also cautioned members of the public to avoid settling in flood prone areas and blocking drainages to prevent the effects of floods. The public is further urged to report any such cases to DMMU by calling the toll free number, 909.

HH refutes ever commenting on Seer 1


UPND President Hakainde Hichilema has refuted the Column article by Wilfred Sameta entitled HH’s recent intimate tweet to Seer 1, and the sorcerer returning the compliment.

Mr.Hichilema castigated Lusakatimes for being duped into falsehoods. He said ” for the record, at no time have I commented on Seer 1. Please disregard this falsehood. We have more serious issues to attend to.Eyes on the ball.

Mr Wilfred Sameta accused Mr. Hichilema of sending am intimate tweet to Seer 1 and the sorcerer returning the compliment with a public endorsement of Bo HH’s 2021 election bid. Mr.Sameta said this speaks volumes of a growing symbiotic bromance between the two.

Mr. Sameta alleged that Mr.Hichilema tweeted

“We are counting down with you my brother, Andrew Ejimadu, get your power back, we see what they remain with”

However,Mr.Hichilema denies such a thing ever occurred.

HH congratulates the people of Malawi


Fellow citizens,

Join me in congratulating the people of Malawi for upholding the values and ideals of the institutions of governance, democracy and the rule of law, in the landmark decision by the Malawian courts that led to the nullification of the 2019 Presidential elections. When Executive priveleges were abused to dictate the outcome of an election in collusion with the Electoral Commission of Malawi, the people of Malawi stood their ground and refused to be compromised by fraud, bribery and intimidation.

The Malawian Judiciary has shown the world that in Africa, there are still men and women that can stand tall against the subservience of corruption and theft, even at the risk of putting their lives on the line, by ensuring that government and private actors are accountable under the law. The Malawian Judiciary has proved that laws can be applied evenly in protection of fundamental rights and tenenets of democracy, against the repugnant and manipulative rules of carrots and sticks and illegal private gain, patronage and cronyism by government officials.

Malawi has become Africa’s team leader in raising the bar and setting the standards of what is right and moral in the defence of the will of the people, as opposed to the will of a clique of selfish individuals who will stop at nothing in perpetuating illegallities, at the expense of good governance. Zambians applaud the people of Malawi.

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Zindaba Soko sues RTSA for breach of contract


Ex-RTSA Chief Executive Officer Zindaba Soko has sued his former emloyer in the Lusaka High Court demanding damages for mental stress and breach of contract.

Soko is also claiming payment of monthly salaries from the day of termination until full gratuity is paid to him.

He also wants an offer of the personal to order vehicle as prescribed by the agency’s conditions of service and any other reliefs that the court might deem fit.

According to a statement of claim filed in the Lusaka High Court principal registry, Soko stated that he was employed by the defendant as chief executive officer on a three year contract effective January 4, 2013.

“After the expiration of the contract, the plaintiff continued to work for the defendant on the same terms as the expired contract. On March 4, 2016, the plaintiff signed a new contract with the defendant in the same capacity on the same terms as the previous contracts saved for remuneration, ” the claim read in part.