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Seer 1 allegedly endorses HH for 2021 General Elections

Andrew Ejimadu the South African Based Nigerian Self styled “prophet” also known as “Seer 1” has thrown his support behind United Party for National Development (UPND) leader Hakainde Hichilema, for next years presidential elections.

In a video recently released from South Africa in which he endorsed Hichilema, “Seer 1” swore that he would ‘drop his mic’ and stop preaching his satanic “gospel” if Mr Hichilema did not win the 2021 elections.

The flamboyant “prophet” further claimed that his “ancestral powers” were greater than powers of Jesus Christ, adding that he would use them to ensure that the ruling Patriotic Front was defeated and Hichilema installed as President of the Republic of Zambia.

In the video which has gone viral, the self styled “seer” openly challenged the power of Christ and threatened to kill Patriotic Front officials using his mystical powers.

A strong advocate of Hichilema, “Seer 1” emphasised that he had no heart and that was ready to kill for the UPND leader.

Andrew Ejimadu, who once run a “Church” called Christ Freedom Ministries in Lusaka, was deported from Zambia in April 2017, for encouraging unorthodox practices among his congregants, amid reports of rape of his “congregants” including underage children.

PACRA to start registrering companies via Mobile Phones


The Patents and Companies Registration Agency says it will this year start registering companies via mobile phones.

PACRA Chief Executive Officer, Anthony Bwembya says the move is aimed at making company registration easier and more accessible to businesses.

Mr Bwembya has told ZNBC News in an interview that the Agency has witnessed an increase in the number of business registrations from 10 thousand in 2018 to 28 thousand in 2019.

He said with this increase it will be more convenient for people willing to register on their mobile phones.

Mr Bwembya also urged company owners to be compliant with the regulations, because the Agency will not relent to deregister non-compliant companies.

He adds that PACRA will next week deregister two hundred recognized companies if they do not come forward.

Zambia’s Inflation rate continues its upward Trend


The annual inflation rate in Zambia has climbed to 12.5 percent for the Month of January 2020 from the previous 11.7 percent in the prior month. This is the highest inflation rate in almost three years, with month on month the consumer prices index rising to 1.8 percent from 1.6 percent in December 2019.

Speaking at a press briefing in Lusaka today, Zambia Statistics Agency Interim Statistician General Mulenga Musepa the 0. 2 percent increase in the monthly inflation rate is mainly attributed to the general price increases of non-food items such as electricity and petroleum products.

He explained that of the 1.8 percent monthly inflation rate, 0.6 percentage accounted for food while the 1.2 percentage accounted for non-food items.

Mr Musepa also disclosed that year on year inflation rate has also increased owing to price increase in both and non-food items between January 2019 and January 2020.

And Zambia recorded a trade surplus of over 400 Million Kwacha in December from over 100 Million Kwacha in November, 2019.

Mr Musepa attributed the trade surplus recorded to the country’s higher exports than imports during the period.

C. Nichole discusses Pan African Think Tank

C. Nichole Founder of Pan African Think Tank

C.Nichole, a businesswoman and Urban Pop singer from the United States. She recently started a non-profit called “Pan African Think Tank“. A “think tank” is a research institute that performs research and advocacy concerning topics such as social policy, political strategy, economics, military, technology, and culture.

Pan African Think Tank is a non-profit with the mission to bridge the gap between Africa and the African Diaspora through Pan African forums that assist with research as a means to collectively advocate. “During my November 2018 trip to Rocinha, the largest favela in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, I learned not all schools taught History and World Geography. At that moment I thought, “You can’t plan for your future and thoroughly understand your present, without knowing and acknowledging your past.” That event gave birth to Pan African Think Tank.”

C.Nichole’s mission is to:

  • Have Africans and North Americans of African descent see themselves as one; no longer allowing the media to portray stereotypes with the intent to widen the division that they instigated.
  • Have more Afro-Latinos connect with the diaspora and be proud of their African ancestry.
  • Stay connected with the Diaspora that resides in or plans to immigrate to Europe.
  • Raise awareness of the Diaspora within Oceania to build a sense of community.

The plan for Pan African Think Tank is to;

Travel throughout Africa and Pan African regions within North America, Europe, South America and Oceania conducting research via forums (a place, meeting, or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged).  Forums will be conducted per:

  • Talk Radio (Terrestrial, Satellite, Internet)
  • Talk Shows (Terrestrial, Satellite, Cable, Internet)
  • Public Access TV
  • Community Meetings/Town Halls
  • Conference Sessions
  • Expo Booths
  • University Seminars
  • Online Discussions
  • Live Streams
forum in Gaborone, Botswana

Asked what she hopes to achieve, Nichole had this to say; “I’m hoping with Pan African Think Tank, we can educate, while helping eliminate prejudice throughout Africa and the African Diaspora; coming together as one. The end goal is to assess, evaluate and solidify the top 10 issues afflicting the Pan African community. Hone in on the top 3 issues plaguing the Pan African community during this lifetime. Implement chapters (a local branch of a society) throughout Pan Africa as a means to establish leadership and tight-knit communities, so they can continue working on the other issues during the next lifetimes.”

Through the many interactions a repeated common issue is rampant corruption that runs through countries, especially within Africa. In terms of government, political instability and the lack of women that hold power within the institution. But the major issue has been the side effects of Imperialism; Africa needing to stop trying to compete with the Western world and become its own entity that puts its people first, by no longer letting the Western world have a say so in Africa’s affairs.

There is seemingly a gap between Africans on the continent and those in the diaspora. They face difference day – to – day issues thus find it difficult to have a common stance various topic.

“I’ve been to 85 countries and I would always recall many conversations I’d have with Africans and the African diaspora it was always comedic to me that they thought they were so different. Yes, some issues were different, but they were actually mostly the same. I believe that oceans, language barriers and different lifestyles make Africans and the African Diaspora feel that they are not one in the same, like they’re so different when they’re actually just distant cousins that haven’t seen each other/met up in a while.  Pan African Think Tank plans to bridge that gap by educating both Africa and the African diaspora during the forums of their common issues so we can come together and combat these issues on a global scale. Treating Africans and the African diaspora as one body of people called Pan Africans; citizens of Pan Africa. In the long run, Pan African Think Tank wants organizations that we partner with, to also partner with other organizations with Pan Africa.” explained Nichole.

For more information visit the links below:

Pan African Think Tank


C. Nichole Founder of Pan African Think Tank

Lusaka Magistrate advises Chishimba Kambwili to find another Lawyer


The Lusaka Magistrate Felix Kaoma has banned Lawyer Keith Mweemba from appearing in his court in a matter were Former Roan Member of Parliament Chishimba Kambwili is accused of defaming the President .

Magistrate Kaoma has also directed that Mr. Mweemba be reported to the Law Association of Zambia for his alleged disrespectful behaviour.

Magistrate Kaoma says walking out of court without permission amounts to contempt of court and that such behaviour should not be allowed.

Magistrate Kaoma has since advised Mr. Kambwili to find another lawyer as Mr. Mweemba will not be allowed to take part in these proceedings.

Earlier the defence made an application for the matter to be adjourned so that Mr. Kambwili can go to the hospital as he is not feeling well.

In its ruling, the court directed that since the participation of the accused person will not be needed the defence can go ahead and cross-examine the witness on the stand before adjourning the matter.

It was at this point that Keith Mweemba asked for permission to leave the court leaving the suspect with no legal representation.

And in response to Mr Kambwili’s concerns, magistrate Kaoma said all the defense needed was to make an application to allow the accused to go to the hospital so that the matter can go on in his absence.

In this matter, Mr. Kambwili is accused of defaming the President with the aim of bringing his name into contempt and ridicule.

In this matter, Mr. Kambwili has been dragged to court for defaming the President by way of a complaint from a citizen.

Meanwhile, Lawyer Jonas Zimba is expected to report a man only identified as Chiinga to Central Police for issuing threats on his life .

Mr. Zimba told ZNBC News that Chiinga and many others were allegedly in the company of Mr. Kambwili when they issued the threats.

And, Mr. Zimba has said he will write a complaints letter to Lusaka Magistrate Felix Kaoma regarding the conduct of Mr. Kambwili outside the court room.

It is alleged that Mr. Kambwili confronted the prosecution outside the court and c

Resolve Eastern Province Wrangles Before they Cost You, SACCORD Cautions PF


The Southern African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes SACCORD has warned the ruling PF in Eastern Province that their party risks being consumed by violence if the reported scourge is left unchecked.

In a statement issued to the media Wednesday, SACCORD Executive Director Boniface Cheembe said his organization regrets and condemns the reported political violence involving the PF Eastern Province Information and Publicity Secretary and other members of the party which has seemed to have continued unabated.

Mr. Cheembe observed that the party risks losing members due to the continued violence as no member would be willing to contribute meaningfully to a party where violence was the order of the day.

“The PF in Eastern Province have been confronted with several challenges of political violence which has involved both physical violence and violent communication for some time. If this culture is left unchecked in the province it will consume the ruling party as it will likely lead to polarization of the party without any unity and stability. This would be the case with any other political party in the country if acts of political violence can be the order of the day without any restraint,” he said.

He called of the PF leadership in the province to address the violence that it has been confronted with and ensure that divergent views are respected.

“The ruling party especially at national level have shown that they have the pedigree to utilize laid down procedure for addressing grievances of party members peacefully without having to resort to political violence. The political violence that appears to confront the provincial leadership in Eastern Province needs to be addressed as there is need to ensure that there is respect to tolerance to divergent views within the party.

“We take note and welcome the position by the Provincial party Chairperson that he does not condone violence, and this is how it should be. We appeal to the Eastern Province Provincial leadership to seriously reflect on the need to embrace non-violent and peaceful means of addressing individuals with divergent views and thereby guarantee that tolerance prevails,” he said.

He added that the approach which has seemingly been taken by some individuals in leadership positions in the province will only breed disunity in the party.

“The approach of beating individuals wherever disagreements emerge will only lead to the party breeding disunity in the province and thereby undermining the importance of democratic governance that requires tolerance to divergent views as a prerequisite for peace.

“We further appeal to the ruling PF national leadership through the Office of the Secretary General and the President to build the capacity of the Eastern province leadership on using peaceful party laid down procedure to resolve any differences that may emerge in the province. Violence only breeds violence and if this is allowed as the method to resolve differences the political violence will only erode the confidence of stakeholders and the citizens in the province,” he said.

Lusaka PF members want former State House permanent secretary expelled from the party


The Patriotic Front leadership in Lusaka Province has presented a petition to the party Central Committee calling for the expulsion of former State House permanent secretary Emmanuel Chilubanama from the party.

Presenting the petition, PF Lusaka Province Chairman Paul Moonga said Mr. Chilubanama should NOT be allowed to continue to be a member of the rulling party for allegedly disrespecting President Edgar Lungu.

Mr. MOONGA said the disciplinary committee called Mr. Chilubanama to exculpate himself over his statement that was aired on a named private Television station but he decided not to be truthful to the committee.

He said the party will wait to hear from the Central committee but Mr. CHILUBANAMA remains suspended from the party in Lusaka Province.

Speaking when he received the letter, PF Secretary General Davis Mwila said he will ensure that the petition is tabled before the Central Committee as soon as possible.

Mr. Mwila said the party’s Central Committee will NOT allow such indiscipline among its members to prevail.

The PF Secretary General also urged those with Presidential ambitions to challenge the President with respect and not insults.

All Grade 9s who fail Exams will have to repeat as Internal Candidates


General Education Minister DAVID MABUMBA says all grade 9 candidates who fail exams will now have to repeat grade 9 and sit for examinations as internal candidates.

Mr. Mabumba explains that the external grade 9 exams which have in recent years been held every August will no longer be there.

Mr. Mabumba says most pupils who fail their exams and sent back home are demoralized hence dropping out of school.

And Mr Mabumba further disclosed that next month the Examination Council of Zambia ECZ will embark on consultation meetings with stakeholders to make few changes on how exams should be marked.

He added that the changes will also improve efficiency in the education sector.

He also said the improvement in allowances for examination makers will also be discussed.

And Ibenga girls secondary school head girl Beene Musulwe praised government for the reduction of school fees.

She also thanked Mr MABUMBA for dealing with examination malpractices..

Government to establish the Forensic Human DNA Laboratory-Dora Siliya


The government says it is in the process of establishing the Forensic Human DNA Laboratory and a Forensic Pathology laboratory.

Chief Government Spokesperson Dora Siliya says it is in this vein that the government has approved the publication and introduction of the National Forensic Bill of 2019.

Ms. Siliya says the enactment of the bill will strengthen criminal investigations and regulate the practice of forensic science and pathology.

In a statement to ZNBC News, Ms Siliya said the Bill will also provide a legal framework for the use in physical evidence and forensic services in criminal proceedings.

And Cabinet has also approved the appointment of the Board of the National Prosecution Authority.

Ms. Siliya said the appointment of the members will enhance corporate governance and improved operations of the authority.

She further announced that Cabinet has approved the 13 members of the Public Investment Board.

Ms Siliya said the members will make sure that the programs been developed by government are in line with the National strategic objects and priorities.

She said the board is expected to assess the viability of capital projects to be implemented by government.

Meanwhile, Government has approved the signing and ratification of the Cape town Convention and protocol.

This is in line with governments program of introducing an airline.

Ms Siliya said the signing of the convention will facilitate processes of obtaining property security over aviation assets in a cross border context.

She said the protocols also are intended to reduce risks for creditors of aviation assets .

Ms Siliya has further announced that cabinet has approved the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding with the United States of America.

She said the MOU will help enhance the Ministry of Tourism’s capacity to effectively manage wildlife and combat illegal wild life trafficking.

Ms Siliya said the USA government is likely to commit over thirty five million united states dollars towards building capacity for wildlife management programs.

And Ms. Siliya has added that government has approved the signing of the Charter establishing the Southern African Development Community Regional Seed center.

She said this decision will allow the country not to lose an opportunity to host the seed regional centre .

Ms. Siliya said the SADC Members have agreed to develop and implement the regional harmonized seed regulatory frame work.

Zambian Father and Daughter develop App to help solve youth unemployment


By Kalima Nkonde

In a unique, intergenerational and gender business partnership, a 60 year old father and his 30 year old daughter have come up with a digital solution to youth unemployment. The Zambian father and his daughter, have developed a youth employment creation app which is currently on google play store with potential to be a game changer in the fight against Youth unemployment especially in sub Saharan Africa.

Lusaka based, retired Chartered Accountant, Mwansa Prospery Chalwe and his Johannesburg based, IT professional daughter, Musonda Chalwe, through their firm, Prosper Knowledge Solutions, have developed a Youth Employment Creation App (YECA).

“We carried out extensive research on the youth unemployment problem by reading different countries youth unemployment interventions, reports by ILO,UN, World bank, Africa Development bank, University research papers and found out that the only solution to solving massive youth unemployment in Africa was through the promotion of youth entrepreneurship and self-employment,” Chalwe explained the process behind their solution.

“We were particularly inspired by the report from the Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) which found out that two out five or 40% of youth want to go into business and but they lack the information and knowledge on how to go about it. We then decided that since most modern youth spend a substantial time on cell phones, developing an App to disseminate information and knowledge to youth on how to go into business has potential to reach and inspire millions of young people to determine their own destiny,” He added.
The App is particularly targeted at unemployed youth, school leavers, college and university graduates, informal sector entrepreneurs but it can also be useful to retirees and those retrenched or any business start-up candidate.

“In practical terms, among the features of the app, it provides guidance on steps of how to start a formal business, it has an interactive self-evaluation feature of whether you can be a successful entrepreneur, it also provides over 1,000 business ideas to those who cannot come up with their own ideas, it has in app links on where to get finance and business management skills, it provides basic practical guidelines in how to manage a small business. The YECA app is a one stop shop for current and potential youth entrepreneurs,” Chalwe said.

The developers believe that given the treasure trove of knowledge that they gained through the one year extensive research, they know unemployment interventions that do not work and those can work. They are inviting governments in sub Saharan Africa and international organizations to work with them to design individual countries youth unemployment programmes which could make use of YECA as the anchor tool to complement the other interventions and programmes.

“ It is recognized by reputable organisations like the African Development Bank that solutions to solving youth unemployment lie in the collaboration between government and the private sector. I would, therefore, appeal to the Zambian government to seriously consider partnering with us. We have practical solutions to solving youth unemployment and the YECA app is just one of the tools that can be used in tandem with other interventions,” Chalwe, the Co- founder of Prosper Knowledge Solutions urged government. “ We have a full knowledge of all the reasons why youth unemployment programmes fail around the world and we know how they can be avoided.”

The YECA developers believe that through the use of mobile phone technology and casting the knowledge and information net wider, it would be possible for countries to unearth the hidden and latent entrepreneur talent and unleash youth innovation. The app can be down loaded from Google play store or through the company website  

No case of Corona virus in Zambia-Health Minister


Health Minister Dr Chitalu Chilufya says contrary to reports circulating on some media platforms, quoting South Africa’s Health Minister, Zambia has not recorded any case of the 2019 novel Coronavirus.

Dr Chilufya said through the disease intelligence wing, the Zambia National Public Health Institute (ZNPHI), Government has heightened surveillance, including at points of entry, and continue to monitor the situation as it evolves in affected countries.

“Government is working with the partners to enhance the country’s preparedness to handle any case should it arise,” Dr Chilufya said.

Yesterday, the South African government revealed that a case suspected to be that of the deadly Corona virus has been detected in Zambia.

Giving a status update on the outbreak, South Africa’s Health Minister Zweli Mkhize stated that Zambia is currently dealing with a suspected case of Corona virus.

Dr Mkhize said South Africa was closely monitoring all cases and assured that no case has been reported in that country.

He said the screaming has been intensified at all ports of entry.

Dr Mkhize reassured the nation that South Africa is prepared for the possibility of the coronavirus reaching the country.

The Health Minister cautioned against fake news during this period, saying the Ministry will give regular updates.

He outlined the precautionary measures being taken by the government to detect any contact with the virus.

Special measures have been introduced in OR Tambo International Airport where travellers on direct aircraft from China are required to complete a questionnaire for possible contact tracing.

Zesco United Lose Fourth League Game in 2020


Zesco United suffered another league setback on Wednesday after losing 2-1 away at Kabwe Warriors in a Week 19 fixture at Godfrey ‘Ucar’ Chitalu Stadium.

That result saw the defending FAZ Super Division champions suffer their fourth league defeat from five matches played since the start of 2020.

The first half ended scoreless and the deadlock was broken in the 49th minute through Jimmy Ndhlovu who netted his eighth goal of the campaign.

Zesco striker Jesse Were equalized in the 81st minute to end his goal draught dating back to November 2 when he scored a brace in a 2-0 away win over Red Arrows in Lusaka.

Were now stands alone at the top of the log on 11 goals leaving Baba Basile of Lusaka Dynamos and James Chamanga of Red Arrows on 10 goals.

Meanwhile, Warriors spoilt that statistical celebration when Heritier Nkonko scored the winner in stoppage time.

Warriors rise from 8th to 6th on 31 points after 19 games played.

Zesco stay put at number on 34 points from 17 matches with two games in hand after failing to reclaim top spot from leaders Nkana who lead with 37 points but have an inferior goal aggregate than the former.

Government Programs Cannot Stop Because of a By-Election


By Antonio Mwanza

It is important to differentiate between the government and the ruling party or indeed political parties.

A Government is an institution for ALL the citizens irrespective of their political affiliation.

Government by definition is a people’s institution that sets and administers public policy and exercises executive, political and sovereign power through customs, institutions, and laws within a state.

Government and political parties are two distinctive entities. A Government is answerable to ALL the citizens while a political party is only answerable to its members.

To put it simply, what we have is a Government of the Republic of Zambia and not a Government of individual political parties hence the Government cannot stop its Constitutional and National duties of providing service, security, and relief to its own people just because there is ka by-election in a particular district.

The government cannot stop developmental projects or halt the distribution of relief food to the starving citizens nor can the Government stop providing ambulances and medicines to the sick just because there is ka by-election.

Government programs are national programs intended for all the people; Government programs are not partisan programs; they cannot be reduced nor tied to politics.

The people of Chilubi cannot eat politics. The people of Chilubi want and deserve food, water, shelter, roads, bridges, schools, and social amenities and it is the duty and responsibility of Government to provide these things to them and that is exactly why Government has continued with its programs of providing relief and general services to the people of Chilubi.

The distribution of mealie meal in Chilubi District, for instance, started long before the area Member of Parliament had even passed on and it shall continue long after the by-election has gone.

Chilubi is among the 58 districts, countrywide that are receiving relief food from the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit, under the office of the Vice President. This exercise started months ago and it shall continue for as long as the threat of hunger to the affected districts remain.

The provision of relief food and other services to Chilubi cannot be halted just because some well-fed politicians from Kabulonga or New Kasama are competing for votes in the District.

Government cannot neglect the great people of Chilubi, who are facing the threat of starvation as a result of the severe drought they experienced last farming season just because some well-fed and well-off politicians, driving posh VXs or GXs from Lusaka or the Copperbelt are playing Political Sojo in the area. No.

Government has the solemn duty, a legal and moral obligation to take care of its people whether there is an election or not. After all the people of Chilubi cannot starve and die just to satisfy the political ambitions of some fat people from Lusaka and Copperbelt. Ayo Ni MANYENGWE.

Let the politicians continue to campaign as they have always been doing and let Government continue with its work of providing relief and other services for the good people of Chilubi

The author is Cde Antonio M. Mwanza, PF Deputy Media Director

Five people die while 12 others sustains injuries in an accident


Five people have died while 12 others sustained injuries in an accident that occurred today at about 15 45 hours at the junction of Mungule road and Great North Road.

Zambia Police spokesperson Esther Katongo said involved was a Scania truck registration number AJD 9957 driven from West to east from Mungule direction being driven by an unknown driver who is on the run.

Mrs. Katongo said when the truck reached the junction, the driver failed to stop the vehicle and later swerved to the left and hit into two vehicles, a Nissan Hardbody and a Mazda and subsequently hit people who were at a market place.

She said five people died on the spot while 12 others who sustained injuries have been rushed to Chingwere first level Hospital and UTH respectively.

Mrs. Katongo said Police are looking for the driver who escaped after the accident.

South African government says that a Suspected case of Corona Virus has been detected in Zambia


The South African government has revealed that a case suspected to be that of the deadly Corona virus has been detected in Zambia.

Giving a status update on the outbreak, South Africa’s Health Minister Zweli Mkhize stated that Zambia is currently dealing with a suspected case of Corona virus.

Zambia’s Health Ministry was not immediately available for a comment.

Dr Mkhize said South Africa is closely monitoring all cases and assured that no case has been reported in that country.

He said the screaming has been intensified at all ports of entry.

Dr Mkhize reassured the nation that South Africa is prepared for the possibility of the coronavirus reaching the country.

The Health Minister cautioned against fake news during this period, saying the Ministry will give regular updates.

He outlined the precautionary measures being taken by the government to detect any contact with the virus.

Special measures have been introduced in OR Tambo International Airport where travellers on direct aircraft from China are required to complete a questionnaire for possible contact tracing.