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The suspect in connection with the gassing of residents with unknown chemicals has been arrested


The neighborhood watch of Mutenda community in the outskirts of Chingola District on the Copperbelt province have apprehended a suspect in connection with the gassing of residents with unknown chemicals.

Addressing the residents during a meeting held at Mutenda combined school, Chingola District Officer Commanding Peter Miselo said the suspect was apprehended by the neighborhood watch around 01 hours.

Mr. Miselo said that the suspect was surrender to Police by the residents and after interrogations, the suspect admitted.

He observed that if the community continues to work with the police in such a manner, the culprits will be brought to book.

Mr. Miselo expressed happiness that the community did not take the law in there hands by beating the suspect adding that the same man will help to identify others behind the crime.

And speaking during the same meeting, Chingola Mayor Titus Tembo who also praised residents advised them not to resort to damaging public property.

Meanwhile, Copperbelt Police Commissioner Charity Katanga has disclosed that crime levels in Chingola district on the Copperbelt Province have reduced.

Ms. Katanga said that the observation was made during yesterday’s and today’s patrols noting that the reduction in the number of cases reported as of today, is clear evidence that levels of crime in the district have reduced, adding that the culprits will soon be brought to book and peace in the district shall be restored.

The Police Commission said this when she gave a briefing to Home Affairs minister Stephen Kampyongo. Mr. Kampyongo who is in the district looking at security matters, was at hand to receive a Toyota hilux that has been donated by Toyota Zambia to Chingola Central Police station.

Religious Affairs Minister Weighs in on Seer 1; Government will do something about the Prophet, she says


National Guidance and Religious Affairs Minister Reverand Godfridah Sumaili has condemned the social media utterances by the Nigerian prophet commonly known as Seer 1 against government leaders.

Reverend Sumaili said that she is saddened that Seer 1 who claims to be a man of God can use vulgar and arrogant language against people.

At a press briefing this afternoon, Reverend Sumaili who declared that no one shall die or be killed by Seer 1 said his utterances are a clear sign of evil and hate for the Zambian clergy and government and questioned what kind of a man threatens to kill people and acknowledging that he does not believe in Jesus Christ.

“The people of Zambia should be alert and not allow the false prophets to abuse them, take advantage of them and steal from them.The only one who has powers over your situation is God” she said.

When asked whether Seer 1’s claims that government officials got things from him were true or not, Reverand Sumaili said she would take such claims with a pinch of salt considering the kind of man he is who openly acknowledged that he does not believe in Jesus Christ.

And on whether governments intend to take any possible action against the South African based Nigerian Prophet, Reverend Sumaili said her ministry will have to work with other line ministries such as Home and Foreign Affairs to ensure that something is done because it takes seriously the contents in the prophet’s video.

“He cannot just stand there and start insulting the servants of God in Zambia, demeaning our government even accusing people of having taken his things, definitely we shall work together and do something” Reverand Sumaili assured.

She also encouraged the clergy in the country to preach the gospel and let their congregation be rooted in the word of God and said the bible does not lie when it urges people to watch and pray.

Drifta Trek collaborates with Chef 187 on “Tiliche”


Drifta Trek released the visual for his recently released song “Tiliche” which features Chef 187.

Directed by Lanzee Cooper, song produced by Silentt Erazer.

Is Barclays Bank Really Changing its name to ABSA Bank?


By Concerned Barclays Employyee

Allow us space in your reputable publication to comment on the purported eminent “CHANGE OF NAME” of Barclays Bank Zambia to Amalgamated Banks of South Africa (ABSA) which is said to come into effect on 10th February 2020. This date is ironically being referred to as “ILLEGAL Day 1” by many Barclays employees.

Firstly, it is so astounding that a Country well-endowed with prominent legal minds and scholars such as John Sangwa, Sakwiba Sikota, Brian Mundubile, Musa Mwenye, Robert Simeza, Tutwa Ngulube etc. can simply turn a blind eye when apparent illegalities are taking place in the Country. Is it that our learned colleagues are not concerned about everyday challenges of average Zambians and only ‘show up’ when it is politics involved?

Secondly, equally worrying is the conspicuous deafening silence by the government itself. This is a government which campaigned on the platform of being pro-workers. The very government which has a Lawyer as President. Which government would buy the claim that this bank is just “adopting” the name of another bank based in South Africa?

How can a bank which has existed and been operating in Zambia for over 100 years simply claim that it is suddenly “changing its name” to that of another Bank? This is mockery of the worst kind. Clearly there is more than meets the eye. Definitely there are some legal obligations which this bank is trying to unscrupulously avoid.

At the heart of this scheme is the fact that apparently Barclays’ senior management want to avoid paying the workers the applicable ‘separation packages’. If this is achieved – they are assured of millions of Kwacha in bonuses, as they will have potentially saved the organization millions of kwacha. According to the law, the Barclays workers are supposed to be paid before signing new contracts with ABSA.

But it is CLEAR – what is at play here is the ‘kudyela masuku pamutu’ syndrome that is all too common among leaders of many organisations in this Country. The very syndrome that a Princess Mumbi talked about recently.

It is also quite alarming that this has been happening while Barclays employees have seemingly been docile. This attitude reflects the regrettable ‘sleepy’ nature of many Zambians. Most Zambians are just not militant enough. They notoriously tend to wait for the last time, or expect things to be done for them. Many resign their fate to nature.

In the interest of justice, we are appealing to this government to immediately launch investigations into the apparent secret/ shady transactions that have led to ABSA (South Africa) taking over Barclays bank Zambia PLC. Authorities should also establish how the shares were transferred/ bought and who the new shareholders are. Surely this is not too much to ask.

Government should ensure that if there are illegalities involved, then remedial action should be taken immediately. It is high time government came in to protect the interest of the workers at this bank. It is not clear if the current Labour Minister Mrs Joyce Nonde has the capacity to preserve the workers interests. She does not seem to have the confidence of many a Zambian worker.

And currently, there are reports that the Barclays internal labour UNION and many workers are under severe threats and intimidation by top management. The workers are being forced to sign questionable contracts. But apparently most workers feel powerless and helpless as they are not sure where to take their plight, where to run to.

It is shocking that in this day and age Zambians can easily be deceived into believing that a major bank can simply “change its name” to a different organization – apparently without any legal backing. Surely there set laws and guidelines which govern such undertakings. Companies must never be allowed to operate under a vacuum.

But the fact is that, apparently top management are all too aware that what they attempting to do is illegal as it conflicts with the current law. To ‘manage’ their employees they are using all sorts of tricks to excite the workers so as to ‘put butter on their faces’ as it were. To this end, they have organized a series of events. Next Friday for instance they will hold an ‘outdoor party’ in their car park – to create an impression that the workers are happy!

It is fair to note that the current Barclays CEO, Mizinga Shansonga Melu is a shrewd person when it comes to manipulating people, especially those at the very top. She is a master dribbler. This woman is widely known to merely survive through ‘connections’ with high ranking officials and through manipulating the media.

This explains why Barclays has been moving all their core banking systems and applications from Barclays UK to South Africa – under the cover of darkness. In some cases workers would be requested to start work at 23hrs till the following morning. The staff members involved were threatened and instructed to operate under total secret. All their systems have since been aligned with ABSA.

Now, surely it is high time government moved in to tame Barclays bank and curtail its illegal activities. Of late this bank has been making headlines for all the wrong reasons. Something is simply not right at this embattled bank.

Your readers will be interested to note that this Bank has a tendency to take selfish and rushed illegal steps only to realize when they lose subsequent lawsuits which are often taken by victimized employees. This is just the latest episode! There are virtually countless cases which this has bank has been losing over the years. And the list will inevitably keep increasing. Only time will tell.

Police gun down suspected criminal found with Chemicals in Chingola


Police in Chingola have gunned down a suspected criminal who was found with unknown chemicals believed to have been used in the gassing of residents in the area.

Deputy Inspector General of Police in charge of operations Bonny Kapeso revealed at Chingola Central Police Station on Monday that the suspect was shot in the early hours of the morning around Mwaiseni trading area when he tried to run from police officers who were patrolling the area.

He said unknown chemicals and a cell phone were recovered from the criminal.

“Last night just after midnight, the officers on patrol came across one person who was spotted carrying a bag, when the officers confronted him, he threw the bag and took to his heels, started running. As per procedure officers fired a warning shot, after he failed to heed to the warning officers had no option but to disable him.They shot him in the legs but died due to excessive bleeding,” Mr Kapeso explained.

He said the body of the suspect has been deposited at Chingola district hospital mortuary awaiting identification.

He wondered why a person would move at night carrying unknown chemicals at a time when crime levels are high in the area.

Mr Kapeso further disclosed that police officers have intensified foot patrols in Chingola which has seen the number of houses affected reduce from 80 to 7.

He said following continued operations in Chingola, police officers have adopted foot patrols instead of motorised patrols because they are able to encounter people from whom they can get information.

“The figures are reducing we had started with 80 five days ago, yesterday we had fifteen, and as at 06 hours today only seven houses were affected,” he disclosed.

He said 30 affected people were attended to by medical officers and have since been discharged.

And Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo says the incident shows how serious the work of the police has become in restoring sanity in the chingola district.

He says police will leave no stone unturned and gunning down one suspect is a warning to would be offenders.

Standoff between Vedanta, Zambia continues over KCM


Vedanta Vedanta Resources Limited says it will this year continue to pursue their rights in respect of the Konkola Copper Mines in which the company holds a 79.4% interest.

The Lusaka High Court in November granted a court order that restricts the sale of the Mimbula mining right by the KCM provincial liquidator.

This order remains valid.

Vedanta on Monday said it appeared that the liquidator was seeking to dispose of further KCM assets, to which Vedanta would seek the required court action in each instance.

ZCCM-IH’s winding-up petition continues to be stayed, pending the hearing of appeals by both Vedanta and ZCCM-IH.

Meanwhile, an arbitration process around KCM is ongoing.

Vedanta contends that ZCCM-IH is in breach of a shareholders agreement since May 21 last year, since ZCCM-IH sought an ex parte order from the Lusaka High Court to appoint a provincial liquidator for KCM to begin wind-up proceedings.

The South African High Court then granted Vedanta an application for an injunction in support of an arbitration agreement – as envisaged in a shareholder’s agreement between the parties – and ordered that the KCM winding up be withdrawn.

Vedanta stated that neither ZCCM-IV nor the provincial liquidator had yet complied with that injunction.

The Zambian government previously said it had appointed a liquidator to run KCM, claiming that KCM had breached the terms of its licence.

Vedanta remains committed to seeking resolution through dialogue and constructive engagement with the Zambian government and ZCCM-IH, it stated.

I don’t know Seer 1-Chitotela


Tourism and Arts Minister Ronald Chitotela has strongly denied any links to controversial Nigerian self proclaimed Prophet Seer 1.

Mr Chitotela along with other PF Ministers and some Members of Parliament has been mentioned by some people on social media as one of the politicians who could have obtained some magical powers from Seer 1 to win the 2016 elections.

But writing on Facebook, Mr Chitotela said he does not know Seer 1 and he has never seen him.

He said Zambians have a lot of work to do than focusing on what Seer 1 is alleging.

“We seriously have a lot of work to do to ourselves as Zambians if we are to realise the most needed development in our country. Just look at this, I am informing fellow Zambians previlaged to be on social media about this important development in regards to our wildlife, what do i see? Comments about the so called Seer One or is it Papa Seer,” he said.

“Come on guys, we have a lot to do to better this country unlike wasting time on some Seer whom I I DO NOT KNOW and have NOT even met myself,” Mr Chitotela said.

“Anyway, those he has given those same powers will be worried, otherwise we have a country to serve and we shall use every bit of it for the progression of this nation,” he said.

“Finally, I am an Adventist and the only power I believe in and do know that it exists is that which is from God and not from some human being.”

Meanwhile, the ruling PF says it does not have time for what it called unnecessary drama from Seer 1.

PF Lusaka Province Secretary Kennedy Kamba has since appealed to God-Loving Zambians to ignore the frustrated and bitter Soul in the name of Seer 1 and the drama he is trying to cause after being expelled and deported from Zambia.

“Those that have watched the video clip with eyes of wisdom could tell why the expulsion of that man was necesary. People’s souls should never be lost in following the ‘Papa’ at the expense of true salvation,” Mr Kamba said.

“Misleading teachings in the name of religion can be very dangerous to society if not handled well. Zambians know who a true man of God is and the language used. Whatever Seer 1 was saying was not for God. It’s sheer drama deliberately made to try and embarrass the PF government on baseless and unfounded allegations.”

He added, “One can clearly tell that those are maneuvers of the opposition and Seer 1 is trying to win some favours from them so that he returns to Zambia some day.”

“We will not allow such selfish individuals to divert attention from real issues. President Edgar Chagwa Lungu, his cabinet Ministers and all of us in the PF are preoccupied with matters of governance and finding solutions to challenges that Zambians face on a daily basis and we are getting there with the help of the Almighty God. We don’t need Seer 1’s approval because this country and Its people are protected by the blood of Jesus,” he said.

“Seer1 is just a conman who doesn’t even know what he is talking about. He has no moral right to talk about governance issues in Zambia because he is a thief who blatantly stole from Zambians and was ejected from this country because whatever he does is not for God but himself. Zambia doesn’t need magicians, Zambia is a Christian Nation that follow Jesus Christ as our ultimate saviour.”

Seer 1 insists he helped PF win 2016 elections, admits he uses “supernatural powers”

Controversial Nigerian Self anointed Prophet Andrew Ejimadu famously known as Seer 1 has insisted that he helped the PF retain power in the 2016 general elections.

He was deported in 2017 after authorities deemed his antics as a danger to society although he insists that he was not departed but that he reached a compromise with the Zambian government to leave the country on his own terms.

In an interview with Diamond TV Monday evening hours after a video appeared of his Sunday Church service in which he revealed that 20 PF Ministers and some MPs obtained magical powers from his to win election, Seer 1 insists that his revelations are solid

Seer 1 who is now based in Polokwane, South Africa revealed shocking details of how he was able to assist the PF members to win the election.

Seer 1 claimed that a number of PF politicians, and musicians have used his powers to obtain success.

He further stated that he knows the “original” winner of the 2016 elections.

The charismatic Seer 1 further vowed to never preach again if the PF wins the 2021 elections.

He says there is now way the PF would win the 2021 elections.

Seer 1 explained that he has been made to issue the threats in reaction to the way the Zambian government is allegedly mistreating some clergymen and women.

He says the arrest of Chingola based Bishop Kazhila for speaking out against the killings in Chingola shows that the PF government does not respect the Church.

He says if the 20 affected PF officials do not come to South Africa to meet him this week and return the “things” he gave them to enable them win the elections, he will go ahead and reveal their names on Sunday during a live Church broadcast.

He insisted that those that will not obey him instruction will die.

When queried further, Seer 1 claimed that he is able to kill people using supernatural powers.

He admitted that he caused a lot of deaths in Zambia among people that failed to follow his instructions but refused to reveal the names of those he killed saying he respects their families.

SACCORD says Citizens taking the law into their own hands as witnessed in Chingola should be a source of concern


The Southern African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes says the reported incidences of riot behaviour, where citizens in Chingola have taken the law in their own hands-on account of reports of suspected ritual killings or pure acts of criminality on the part of some citizens is a source of concern.

Organisation Executive Director Boniface Chembe says other reports suggesting the gasing with unknown chemicals of citizens leading to death has equally been of concern to SACCORD as this may suggest that there is a general sense of fear among members of the community about happenings that are not clear to them or the law enforcement agencies that have the duty of protecting them.

Mr Chembe says the deployment of senior members of the Zambia Police Service and Zambia Army by President Edgar Lungu was important as it shows the gravity of the matter and the seriousness and concern that the Government attaches to the plight of the people of Chingola and other parts of the Copperbelt.

He said in addition, the recent deployment of the Minister of Home Affairs by the President to Chingola to bring back law and order as well as security is a welcome move that shows how concerned and caring the Government is for the people of Chingola and other parts of the Copperbelt.

Mr Chembe said SACCORD has been in touch with its members and coordinators in Chingola so that on a daily basis they understand the situation at hand and precisely what is prevailing in the locality as the organization has been concerned with the state of peace and security for the affected local communities.

He said it is clear from their coordinators reports which have been triangulated with other reports from the media and like-minded partners that have undertaken fact-finding missions that what is happening still requires further understanding although the law enforcement agencies have made great headway and sooner rather than later the nation will be informed.

“However, what is also clear is that there is still need to enhance and strengthen the level of information dissemination to citizens of Chingola and other parts of the Copperbelt on what is happening and the progress being made to arrest the situation so that law and order, peace, tranquillity and stability is fully restored”, he said.

Mr Chembe has since appealed to the citizens in Chingola and other parts of the Copperbelt to as much as possible avoid taking the law into their own hands as this jeopardizes the value and principle of law and order in the country.

He has further appealed to the Zambia Police Service and law enforcement agencies to increase the number of officers sent on the ground to ensure the restoration of peace and law and order, this should appease the citizens to ensure that any suspicious acts or individuals are immediately reported to those who are charged with the responsibility of restoring normalcy in the affected areas.

Food Handouts will not resolve the problems of Poverty, Jobs will


By Faston Mwale

The emerging trend by government officials to engage in donations of basic groceries to impoverished citizens in lieu of executing actual poverty reduction programs is worrying. Handouts by individuals cannot fix systemic poverty, nay. Since 1991 when Zambians were subjected to the neo-liberal global capitalist economy, poverty has been rising, hunger has been on the upswing, education has drastically gone down while healthcare has become nothing more than a nightmare.

Jobs too have significantly dwindled leaving the majority without any means of subsistence. The food crisis in Zambia is not a fairy-tale but a legitimate story. But perhaps what is more worrying is the fact that the food crisis in Zambia has become a perpetual cycle and a permanent condition of peoples’ precarious lives.

Recently, we have seen members of parliament from the ruling party donating an assortment of basic groceries such as bags of mealie-meal, bottles of cooking oil, etc to citizens in their respective constituencies. This casual approach to poverty only goes to show how disconnected government has become from the daily struggles of the people. If senior government officials are claiming that government has performed well, why then are the majority citizens across the country who are not facing a natural catastrophe such as war are being supported with simple basic groceries?

It is undignified, to say the least, for heads of households and children to be lining up for bags of mealie-meal and groceries. What has become of the “more money in your pockets” slogan? An empty slogan designed to delude the masses and deluded they have become. Attempts to fight poverty with handouts is not only futile but is also demeaning to recipients. It is said; “a pair of free shoes can change a person’s life no more than one free fish can. Sooner or later, you run out of fish or your shoes develop holes and will need to be replaced.” By creating a dependence on these donations, one actually helps to perpetuate the very problem one is trying to solve. Where is the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper? If urban households are surviving on private charity from individuals, then we wonder what the situation is in the rural-households.
The poverty that we are enduring today is not a consequence of a natural phenomenon.

It is structural poverty whose major cause is nothing else than government corruption compounded by external debt and an unrestrained looting of public resources meant to lift people out of poverty, especially by those entrusted with the stewardship of the nation’s wealth. But as long as government keeps on ignoring the root causes of poverty, no matter how well intentioned the charity might be, it will only serve to perpetuate the cycle of poverty as handouts deal with symptoms of poverty only.

How have we ended up with a situation where a single person can afford to feed the entire community while the larger majority of citizens have been consigned to the most inferior forms of subsistence? Given a gini-coefficient index of 0.69, Zambia is one of the highly unequal societies in the world. To break the cycle of poverty, you must strike at the root of the problem: unemployment. Government should devise feasible job creation strategies and this task entails the collective wisdom and knowledge of all political and economic players across political party lines.

The Author is the Socialist Party’s Copperbelt Provincial Spokesperson

We are not distributing mealie meal as a way of bribing voters in Chilubi-Disaster Management Team


The Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit have refuted reports alleging that the Unit is distributing mealie meal as a way of bribing voters in Chilubi.

DMMU Senior Communications Officer Racheal Chama has clarified that Chilubi is one of the 58 districts highlighted in the 2019 Vulnerability and Needs Assessment to be in need of relief, and has been on the relief pipeline since June, the program which will go on until March this year.

Ms Chama said the relief distribution is an ongoing program which should not in any way be disrupted by any event such as by-elections.

She said the Unit will therefore continue distributing relief to areas in need and will not be disrupted by any such event.

“The public may further wish to know that a few days ago, 56 households in Chilubi were displaced due to flash floods and therefore it is the duty of government through DMMU to respond and offer relief support to the affected communities”, she added.

Ms Chama said the DMMU has in the past few days also responded to affected communities in Mambwe, Lumezi, Mpulungu, Kazungula and Lusaka.

She added that the Unit in collaboration with the Ministry of Infrastructure is also working on the bridges which were destroyed due to flash floods in Gwembe and Monze districts, where there are no by-elections.

Ms Chama said it is therefore untrue to allege that the Unit is distributing mealie meal as a way of bribing voters.

She said the DMMU also wishes to urge stakeholders not to politicise humanitarian programs being undertaken by the Unit and always engage the Office to avoid misleading the public.

Police Officers will only return to Mutenda Community in Chingola once the vandalised Police Post is Restored-Kapeso


Zambia Police Deputy Inspector General Bonny Kapeso says Police Officers will only return to Mutenda Community in Chingola once the vandalised Police post in the Community is worked on.

Mutenda Police Post was vandalised by the residents following reports of attacks on the residents by criminals but Mr Kapeso advised the residents to go to Chingola to seek Police help if they have any problem.

Mr Kapeso said the vandalizing of the facility showed that the people of Mutenda Community do not appreciate the Police for the role they play in maintaining law and order.

He said the people showed lack of appreciation and Police will not bother to provide security in the absence of a Police post.

And speaking when he and Chingola Central Member of Parliament Matthew Nkhuwa toured the Community, Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo also emphasised that Police Officers will only be redeployed to the area once the Police Post is rehabilitated.

Mr Kampyongo urged the Community to work closely with the Police in maintaining law and order failure to which no Police Officer will be deployed in the area.

And Chingola Central area Member of Parliament Matthew Nkhuwa has promised to rebuild the vandalised Mutenda Commumity Police Post but warned the residents not to vandalise the facility again.

Mr Nkhuwa has also urged the residents to collaborate with the Police to allow them carry their duties peacefully.

He said government will not spend money rebuilding facilities instead of providing the service to the people that do not have.

Mr Nkhuwa warned that there will be increased crime levels in the community following the vandalizing of the Police Post.

The vandalised Zambia Police Post in Chingola
The vandalised Zambia Police Post in Chingola
Home Affairs Minister Visiting the Vandalised Police Post
Home Affairs Minister Visiting the Vandalised Police Post
The vandalised Zambia Police Post in Chingola
The vandalised Zambia Police Post in Chingola

Despite value of Education, Zambia’s investment in the education sector has remained low over the years-Hamusunga


The Zambia National Education Coalition says it is concerning that despite the overwhelming evidence on the vital role that education plays in accelerating economic growth, reducing inequality and eradicating poverty, Zambia’s investment in the education sector has remained low over the years.

As Zambia commemorates the International Day of Education that falls today the 24th of January 2020, ZANEC Executive Director George Hamusunga says it is common knowledge that funding to the education sector in Zambia has been on the decline since 2015.

Mr. Hamusunga says although the government is oblivious of the per capita cost of providing quality education in schools, there is no dispute whatsoever that the current education budget is inadequate to enable the delivery of quality education.

He said the share of the education budget has reduced from 20.2% in 2015 to the current 12.4% representing a 39% decrease.

Mr. Hamusunga said evidence from their research has shown that this low funding has resulted in most of the primary schools running without funds to procure essential education inputs.

“Worse still, the annual recruitment of teachers could not be undertaken in 2019 due to a limited education budget. Even the little funding that our parents were contributing to our schools has also been reduced by the government at a time when the Ministry of General Education is constrained with funds to support our schools”, he added.

Mr Hamusunga said this low investment in education and skills development sector has manifested itself in the poor quality of education at all levels.

“The 2018 PISA results released by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development underscore the scope and magnitude of the contemporary learning crisis in Zambia. According to OECD, only 5% of 15-year-old pupils achieve the minimum level of proficiency in reading in Zambia compared to 2% in mathematics”, he said

Mr Hamusunga said the report attributes these low learning achievements, among other factors, to inadequate funding which is below the internationally recommended standard of 20% of the national budget.

He stressed that unless the government doubles its investment to the education sector immediately, the achievement of the national aspirations contained in the 7th National Development Plan and the vision 2030 of becoming a middle-income country will forever remain a pipe dream.

Mr. Hamusunga has urged the Ministry of General Education and the Ministry of Finance to realize that there is no successful formula to economic and social growth without factoring in the education component.

He added that there is no proven single sector that contributes more to development – not even the roads.

This day was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in December 2018 to honour education and its positive impact to human beings and fostering sustainable development of the UN member countries.

The 2020 celebrations are designed to position education and learning as humanity’s greatest renewable resource and re-affirm the role of education as a fundamental human right and enabler of the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development.

This year’s theme which is “Learning for people, planet, prosperity and peace”.

Copperbelt Province urgently needs diversification to agriculture-HH


UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema says following the placing of Chambeshi Metals on Care and Maintenance, Copperbelt Province urgently needs diversification to agriculture.

Mr Hichilema says the programme of diversifying from mining to agriculture does not need to be postponed anymore.

Mr Hichilema said under the UPND Government, the 229 miners would have been incorporated in the supply agreement with the DRC for various agriculture products or the global arrangements to supply soya beans.

He said each one would have received land for business, example if they needed land for farming, the UPND Government would have given each a minimum of 5 hectares and complete startup capital.

“At a production rate of say 4000 kg per hectare will give 20,000kg, that will translate to K110, 000 per annum, compare with their annual salary as miners of K65, 000. When we say diversity, we mean this”, he said.

About 229 workers will be laid off at Chambishi Metals on the Copperbelt by the end of this month following the placing of the mining company under care and maintenance.

Mineworkers Union of Zambia President Joseph Chewe said the workers will however be paid K45, 000 ex Gracia plus K6, 000 repatriation.

He said only 28 workers will remain at the mining company that has failed to source for stock feed to sustain its operations as they have been relying on feed stock from the Democratic Republic of Congo for its cobalt production.

Nakachinda is not supposed to direct MMD Members of Parliament to support the Bill 10


The MMD is shocked with Nominated Member of Parliament Raphael Nakachinda’s sentiments where he has directed their Members of Parliament to support the Bill 10.

Dr Cephas Mukuka the MMD spokesperson says Mr Nakachinda is not and has never been the National Secretary of the MMD.

He said Judge Sharon Newa’s landmark judgement of November 5 cleared that grey area and went a step further by affirming that Mr Nakachinda remains an expelled member of the MMD.

Dr Mukuka said Mr Nakachinda’s directives to MMD Members of Parliament is not only demeaning to the MPs but also insulting because he has no right to advise or direct Members of Parliament.

He said the MMD has a long standing history and culture on how it relates with its Members of Parliament doing so with high respect, etiquette and decorum.

Dr Mukuka said this issue is so important that it is prescribed fully in the party Constitution and provided for under the provision of a body known as the Parliamentary Liason Committee because the party believe that people who are elected on the MMD ticket are honourable and deserve to be respected.

“The New Hope MMD is alive to the difficulty that our Members of Parliament have faced post the Court issues that had saddled the party since 2016, and we have chosen to handle matters with respect. We have chosen the path of mature engagement as opposed to pushing and pulling”, he added.

“Nakachinda obviously knows very little as a person in the way of respect and honour. He is a wayward individual who has had a poor upbringing, he lacks basic education and he also lacks minimum morality. We are not surprised that in his little wisdom, ordering elected Members including the Deputy Speaker publicly is a show of how high he has climbed in society”, Dr Mukuka said.

He said the National Secretary of the party Elizabeth Chitika is fully engaged on behalf of the National Executive Committee in ensuring that the party is mobilised and made ready to participate in the 2021 elections.

Dr Mukuka has since called on the MMD General membership, the Public and the Media community to ignore Raphael Nakachinda with his continuous failed PR stunts.