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Mpika man kills wife and children after discovering wife is on ARV’s


A man of Mpika has murdered his entire family after discovering that the mother to his children was on life prolonging anti-retroviral drugs.

The man killed his family they were sleeping with the youngest being 18-months baby.

The discovery, is said not to have gone down well with Royd Kampamba, who took to the bottle and returned home around midnight and took an axe, smashing the heads of his sleeping family.

“I discovered that she was taking ARVs and she didn’t tell me, I was very angry and that is how I killed them,” Kampamba said in a confession during police interrogations yesterday.

At the crime scene, police said blood and brain matter was all over, in the room where the four victims are said to have been slain at the weekend.

[Times of Zambia]

Deaf to Reason


Dr. Henry Kanyanta Sosala

Many people who have been reading my articles in The Post newspaper since 2009 and subsequently in the Daily Nation have been advising me to stop submitting my articles to Lusaka Times because of insults from the so-called bloggers. This is I suppose means that a generation has been raised untutored in what was once called, ‘’practical wisdom,’’ which guided previous generations. And here was the preamble to one of my articles:

I have been prompted to write this article on Zambia’s political and economic history because of the following extract which a young ‘’blogger’’ had posted in Watchdog on 12th August 2014:

‘’I was surprised to find out that Zambia my country is topping the list of the poorest countries in Africa, whilst Seychelles is topping the richest countries in Africa with Botswana trailing behind. I cried the whole night and asked myself: where did we go wrong?’’

Anver Versi, the editor of ‘’New African’’ magazine wrote:

‘’One of the favourite conference topics over the past few years has been Africa’s ‘youth bulge. We are told that by 2030, Africa will have the largest youth workforce in the world. If projections go as expected, the question is what can we do with the knowledge of this fact? The optimists see this as a boon i.e., the so-called ‘youth dividend’; while the pessimists point out that a huge population of energetic young people, with frustrated dreams, may lead to social chaos unless they can be gainfully employed. Again, most people seem to accept this premise; so the issue now is, how can we set into motion measures that will ensure that this youthful energy will be harnessed into productive activity i.e., in short will there be enough employment for this demographic?’’

I then went on: I think the first thing we need to note from the above is how Anver Versi has put it: ‘’What can we do with the knowledge of this fact?’’ I repeat, what he is saying is: ‘’what can we do?’’ This simply means that he is inviting we Africans in general to begin to brainstorm on this important issue and I must therefore remind the so-called Lusaka Times bloggers to concentrate on trying to help our youths by exploring the various avenues to tackle this imminent catastrophe instead of their usual habit of concentrating on unreasonably attacking my contributions, i.e, ‘’that was why President Sata de-gazzeted you……..’’ We must not agree on the answers, but we must almost try to agree on the questions. I appreciate being shown another side of an issue and this to me means thinking is a dialogic process.

And here are some of the running commentaries from Lusaka Times’ bloggers:

1 Mr. Chitimukulu, Zambia ids poor because of people like you. Can you explain why went ahead and got land in forest 27? Greed.

RESPONSE: In fact he was the first to respond to my article. Anyway my fellow tribesmen felt that I should not stay in hotels whenever I travel to Lusaka and they acquired me a plot, which is described in the title deed as ‘’a piece of land in extent of 3062 square metres more or less being Stand No. Lusak/LN_52062/8 situated in the Lusaka Province of Zambia.’’ And I only learned of ‘’forest 27’’ from an article in Sunday Times of 22nd September 2019, where it was reported that ‘’Mr. William Harrington was calling on President Lungu to set up a tribunal regarding the de-gazetting of forest 27..’’

I do not know why the blogger picked just on me since there are some people there who have even started building houses. And I cannot just see where ‘’greed’’ comes in since I only have one plot measuring 3062 square metres! But something did catch my attention. Mr. Chitimukulu! Why, since all traditional leaders are addressed as ‘’Royal Highnesses’’? I suppose he just meant to demean my status since I was in May 2019 awarded a honourary doctorate degree by an American University in Philosophy and Letters because of my contributions to literature. However, here is a miserable creature whose simple mind is totally enslaved by inferiority complex and petty jealousy. In fact, jealousy is as strong as death and as poisonous as venom. The trouble with it is that it unleashes more harm to the person harbouring it than the person targeted. Eckhart Tolle wrote: ‘’Whatever you fight, you ignite and strengthen and whatever you resist persists.’’

1.4 Mulopwe, you are right on two things. 1. Our current situation is influenced by our past. And if you look at Africa, one of the great evils was having chiefs. They exploited their people and sold them as slaves to the white slavers. So you must be ashamed to be a chief. 2. The current political parties are not the solution. Yes I agree. But PF need to go. Of all the regimes we have had in Zambia this has been the laziest, most incompetent and most corrupt. I am quite sure even a frog would do better. I will vote for ANYTHING that is not PF. But you are wrong to blame capitalism. Why? Because your analysis of capitalism is based on propaganda that dominated the days of the cold war and not on facts.

RESPONSE: 1. Instead of trying to find the answer to what the youngster had posed, the blogger went on to discuss about dead history of slave trade. And the blogger in ignorance wrote about slavery and in fact he himself is not aware that his mental slavery to which the ‘’Bantu’’ education system which teachers ‘’what to think,’’ and not ‘’how to think,’’ has confined him is even worse than physical slavery he was talking about. And you can read for yourselves about what the now freed-slaves boast about themselves: Booker T. Washington (1856-1915), the first national spokesman for the Black Americans wrote in his book Up From Slavery: ‘’….notwithstanding the cruelty and moral wrong of slavery, the millions of Negroes inhabiting this country, who themselves or whose ancestors went through the school of American slavery, are in a stronger and more hopeful conditions, materially, intellectually, morally and religiously, than is true of an equal number of Black people in any other portion of the globe.’’

The blogger went on,’’ So you must be ashamed to be a chief.’’ The shortfall is that to him, ‘’there is a beginning and an end, but no middle.’’ Such a hiatus is common, since it arises mainly from individuals whose enthusiasm runs faster than common-sense. Any human society of whatever level requires organization and speaking of “organization,” I refer to the pattern of observable regularities of behaviour by reference to which people are seen to order their social relationships among themselves. And this was how traditional leadership was birthed. Traditional authority refers to power that are associated with and emanate from the institution of chieftaincy. Traditional leadership is inherently political. This is born out of history, custom and practice, because before the present mode of governments in Africa, traditional kingship was the sole government.

A tribe is a political, social and economic unit. It’s like a social class in Europe in which people find their polyglot neighbours in times of distress and helpers in times of need. A tribe offered sanctuary in the old days of tribal wars. Anthropologists, notably Messrs. R. Nontagene and G. Balandier have written about these societies: “Tribes were communities so stable, apparently stagnant, mixed up, superimposed upon another by history…” (The Sociology of Black Africa p.25).
It must also be borne in mind that any tribe is not an inert and static think as most people think, but it is an organism which changes with time and devoted works of anthropologists, sociologists and historians bear witness to this fact and only megalomaniacs would dismiss any tribal political system as primitive and chaotic. And so it is not only political nationalism (which was adapted in Zambia after World War II), which has the monopoly of intellectual development, but traditional as well and I must make it abundantly clear that to underestimate political enlightenment of one is to make a dangerous and grave mistake. In fact with longer history chieftaincy retains a powerful genius loci.

I believe it is the blogger himself who should be ashamed for belonging to a visionless generation as Professor Ferdinand Akuffo wrote: ‘’… 1964, Dr. Kaunda and other heroes fought hard for Zambia to be independent. They had visions and it’s unfortunate that a more subtle form of colonialism is taking place. Foreigners are slowly taking control of Zambia by taking what gives Zambians power. Most of the companies, shops etc., are being run by them. All this is being done while Zambians sit down and follow blindly.’’ (The Post 24th September 2007)

I looked at the commentaries from those who have dubbed themselves as ‘’bloggers’’ in Lusaka Times of 19th July 2014 from which I picked up the following:

  1.  Honourable Guy Scott —— I qualify to act as President, parentage clause misunderstood by many people. There were 76 comments.
  2. Name universities or hospitals after President Chilufya Sata by Mrs Mary Nkhoma Chibesa a PF member of Chingola. There were 30 comments.
  3. PF under under pressure by UPND Deputy Secretary-General, Mr. Kuchunga Simusamba. There were 33 comments.
  4. Honourable Guy Scott —- expected to arrive in Scotland to witness the official kick-off of the 2014 Commonwealth games. There were 21 comments.
  5. Ministry of Education begins piloting the use of e-learning facilities in five primary schools in Lusaka. The Parliamentary committee on education conducted a tour of some of the schools that use the facilities. There was only one (1) comment.
  6. The low academic performance in Luapula Province attributed to poor reading culture. There were 6 comments.
  7. President Sata visits his son Kazimu in a South African hospital. There were 30 comments.
  8. From the Watchdog: Ghana and Zambia irresponsible governments wasted benefits of Jubilee 2000, after which they were cleared of foreign debts worth about US$ 14 billion.

And these two countries are heavily borrowing again. There were only 2 comments.

In fact, most of the comments were totally unintelligible. I have always cherished to submit my articles to Lusaka Times because the editors stood with me during my most trying times, but I am now becoming discouraging due to unnecessary personal attacks.

The Post observed in the editorial: ‘’Our society has very few thinkers…..when our future generations ask themselves who the greatest thinkers were at this stage of our history, what will they find? We are afraid they may come up with none. If they should see an amorphous mass of mediocrity…….’’ (ibid. 29th June 2005).

PF says it has information tha UPND aligned PSV drivers want to cripple public transport in Lusaka today


The Patriotic Front in Lusaka Province says it has information backed by evidence that some drivers who are politically inclined to the opposition UPND are trying to incite and coerce other PSV drivers to park their buses today in an attempt to disrupt people’s daily business.

PF Lusaka Province Secretary Kennedy Kamba says written notices have been circulated by some leaders of disgruntled bus drivers, ordering other drivers to park their buses by whatever means this morning under the pretext of alleged interference of the PF in the running of bus stations and markets in the country.

Mr Kamba said maneuvers of the UPND leadership to bring confusion in the operations of the public service vehicles and the transport sector, in general, is ridiculous, insensitive and a criminal act of economic sabotage.

He said this is just about inciting people to rise against the government of the day and has nothing to do with trying to tackle any challenges.

“Country men and women, u will recall very well that the issue of interference in bus stations and markets was dealt with by the PF Government, including the Secretary-General of the ruling Party Honourable Davies Mwila who came out strongly encouraging the police to bring to book individuals who were claiming that they were collecting money from buses on behalf of the Party”, he said.

Mr Kamba said as a party that respects laws of the country, the PF went further to encourage local authorities to ensure that they take charge of Buses and Markets in the country and this was done.

“Our commitment as a party in supporting the adherence to the law in the running of markets and bus stations in this country is undoubted”, he added.

Mr Kamba said the PF is therefore perplexed that the UPND with a few disgruntled bus drivers in Lusaka want to engage in serious economic sabotage by encouraging drivers to stay away from work so that people get stranded.

He said Bus drivers have a right to belong to any political party of their choice and they are free to do that as a constitutional right but what is wrong is to use their political affiliation to try and embarrass government in the eyes of the citizenry.

Mr Kamba said the PF will not allow or entertain such kind of lawlessness, an attempt to try and sabotage the economy and bring confusion.

He said drivers that don’t want to work today have every right to stay home but should not intimidate those who want to work.

“We have a government in place that deserves respect. Zambia is a democracy and we will not tolerate schemes and machinations from the opposition UPND to cause turmoil in Lusaka and later claim that the country is becoming ungovernable under the PF”, he added.

Mr Kamba has warned the leadership of the UPND to stop issuing threats on innocent and ordinary Zambians who work in bus stations and markets saying these places are for all Zambians and there is no PF supporter or member collecting money from there.

He reiterated that the Bus Stations and markets are being managed by the local authorities in accordance with the law.

There is no curfew in Chingola, arising from the security challenges-Home Affairs Ministry


The Ministry of Home Affairs has refuted media reports indicating that Minister Stephen Kampyongo has declared a curfew in Chingola, arising from the security challenges being experienced.

Ministry spokesperson Nephas Chifuta said the Minister did not declare a curfew as reported as reported in some sections of the media.

Mr Chifuta has clarified that the Minister indicated that security institutions will consider enforcing the Council by laws that restrict the movement of people and not a declaration of a curfew.

He said these by laws include among others closing of bars at 22 00 Hours.

Mr Chifuta said a curfew according to Zambian laws can only be declared by the Head of State and the Minister is alive to this.

It was reported in some sections of the media yesterday that Mr Kampyongo indicated that night movements in Chingola had been restricted to improve policing of the district.

And Mr Kampyongo warned any media making inciting remarks on Chingola volatile situation that it will face the full wrath of the law and it will be prosecuted.

Meanwhile, Defence Minister Davies Chama was also quoted saying that the anger among the residents was understood because the security wings have taken long to nip out the bad.

Speaking in Chingola after he together with Defence Minister Davies Chama and the two Chingola Parliamentarian Matthew Nkhuwa and Chali Chilombo for Chingola and Nchanga Constituencies respectively visited homes where the hacking took place, Mr Kampyongo said the desperate situation calls for desperate measures.

Defence Minister Davies Chama and Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo flanked by Police Inspector General Kakoma Kanganja arriving in Chingola on Sunday
Defence Minister Davies Chama and Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo flanked by Police Inspector General Kakoma Kanganja arriving in Chingola on Sunday

Yesterday, President Edgar Lungu revealed that he has dispatched senior security government officials to Chingola following a spate of suspected ritual killings in mining town.

The officials are led by two Ministers are Davies Chama and Stephen Kampyongo responsible for Defence and Home Affairs respectively.

In a Facebook post, President Lungu said he has been concerned with the insecurity which has gripped the mining town and have since directed that law and order be restored.

“I want to assure Chingola residents that all suspected ritual killers will be caught and brought to book,” President Lungu said.

“I have also directed for heightened security measures in Chingola and I am asking all residents to cooperate with law enforcement agencies.”

He added, “Lastly, let me advise all residents not to take the law into your own hands by burning and killing people suspected to be connected to the crimes. Work with the Police and ensure you give them all the necessary information concerning suspected ritual killers.”

“May God keep our cities, towns and villages safe from any such acts.”

The usually quiet Chingola town has seen a number of ritual killings over the last few months.

Defence Minister Davies Chama and Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo flanked by Police Inspector General Kakoma Kanganja arriving in Chingola on Sunday
Defence Minister Davies Chama and Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo flanked by Police Inspector General Kakoma Kanganja arriving in Chingola on Sunday

Kalaba’s Democratic Party denies endorsing UPND Candidate in Chilubi parliamentary by elections

The Democratic Party has denied endorsing UPND candidate Stanslous Chele for the February 13th Chilubi parliamentary by elections as indicated by Garry Nkombo, the UPND Chairperson for elections.

DP Spokesperson Judith Kabemba said the party has not at any particular moment either through its President Harry Kalaba, secretariat or any other party hierarchy instructed its members in Chilubi to work with the UPND in the forth coming by election.

Ms Kabemba said the DP is not in any political Alliance with any political party and does not believe in by elections.

She reiterated that the DP does not believe in by-elections because they do not add value to the country but a drain to the national treasury and a source of violence and divisions in the country.

Ms Kabemba said the focus of the DP still remains that of concentrating on growing the party and not spending time on by elections.

She has since appealed to the nation to regard the statement that the party has endorsed the UPND candidate as a mare misrepresentation of information and must be taken as propaganda.

UPND Chairperson for elections was quoted saying that the DP had endorsed their candidate Stanslous Chele for the upcoming by election in Chilubi.

Mr Nkombo commended the DP for their decision saying it was the right decision that would help liberate the people from the poverty inflicted on them by the PF.

Clause for the Provision of the creation of a coalition government should be removed from Bill No.10-Sean Tembo


The Patriots for Economic Progress has urged Zambians to demand the removal of a provision in the Constitution Amendment Bill number 10 which provides for the creation of a coalition government.

PeP President Sean Tembo has warned that this provision if enacted into law will cause a Constitutional crisis in 2021 and undermine national security and must therefore be removed without hesitation.

Mr. Tembo said his party can live with the other ridiculous provisions of Bill 10 like the introduction of Deputy Ministers, but the provision on coalition government is totally poisonous and must be removed at once.

He said this provision was only put there in order to provide for a back door route for the PF to come back to power once they lose the general elections next year, which they shall definitely lose.

Mr. Tembo urged the people of Zambia not to allow their votes to be legally stolen through Bill 10.

“We cannot allow such molestation of the most sacred law of the land just so as to suit the wanton narrow partisan interests of a select few members of the Patriotic Front party. Zambia is bigger than any individual or political party”, he said.

Meanwhile, Mr. Tembo said his party opposes Bill 10 because of both the Procedure that was used to derive it as well as the content which both do not serve the interest of the Zambian people.

“On the issue of procedure, we decry the basis for identifying the list of delegates to the so-called National Dialogue Forum. Who came up with that list of delegates and what criteria were used? Suffice to mention that the list of NDF delegates was not representative of the various political and governance interest groups in this country and was clearly rigged in favour of the ruling PF and its myriad of vuvuzela NGOs and political parties”, said Mr Tembo.

He said the procedure for the NDF and consequently for Bill 10 was rigged and cannot therefore be accepted as a genuine and sincere basis for amending the Republic Constitution, the most sacred law of the land.

And on the content of Bill 10, Mr Tembo said his Party’s single biggest objection is the provision which introduces the establishment of a coalition government which defeats all logic because Zambia is not a Parliamentary democracy where a coalition government can be formed.

President Lungu Mourns Chief Nyamphande


President Edgar Lungu, has said that he is saddened   by the death of Chief Namphande IV of the Nsenga people of Petauke.

The President said that Chief Nyamphande IV, who died last Friday, 17th January, 2020, was a kind man who will be missed, especially, by the people of Petauke District. 

“He was a good man, always willing to help, we shall miss him greatly,” the President said.

President Lungu said the Chief will also be remembered as Mr. Phestus Mwanza, an accomplished professional accountant, who once served as Regional Director of Finance in Tazara at Mpika.

The President added that the death of the Chief was shocking because he died suddenly. 

“At the moment, my thoughts are with the royal family and the people of Petauke District,” the President said.

Zanaco demolish Zesco United


Zesco United’s awful phase continued on Sunday following a crippling 3-0 away defeat in Lusaka to perennial rivals Zanaco.

The result saw the defending FAZ Super Division champions post their fourth successive competitive defeat that left them particularly stranded fourth in the league and five points behind leaders Green Eagles on 31 points at the mid-way point of the 2019 /20 season.

Chitiya Mususu put Zanaco ahead in the 3rd minute, before Rodgers Kola struck a brace in the 9th and 20th minutes.

Zanaco crawl another notch for a second successive league game from 14th to 13th on 19 points from fifteen matches with three games in hand after two domestic victories on the trot.

Chris Kaunda is now also undefeated with a 100 percent start as Zanaco coach after three competitive matches.

NDC will continue Fielding its own Candidates, it is not in any Electoral Pact-Kambwili

THE National Democratic Congress (NDC) says it will continue fielding its own candidates for elections because there is no electoral pact with the United Party for National Development (UPND) or any opposition alliance members.

NDC leader Chishimba Kambwili said in an interview NDC as an independent political party would continue fielding its own candidates for elections because it was not in electoral pact with other opposition parties including the UPND. He said the alliance had not reached an agreement on the electoral pact.

“We have not reached an agreement on the electoral pact to discuss electoral matters. What we have is an alliance and the two are totally different,” Mr Kambwili said.

He said alliance members were free to field their own candidates in elections.

Mr Kambwili however said his party was enjoying a cordial relationship with the UPND.

“I have spoken to (Stephen) Katuka who is very close to me and can never say such a thing and I have spoken to HH.  He has denied issuing any statement against me,” Mr Kambwili said.

Mr Kambwili said NDC and UPND were enjoying a good relationship because they were in an alliance.

PF has impoverished Zambians while enriching themselves through corruption

The United Party for National Development (UPND) president Hakainde Hichilema has said that the ruling Patriotic Front(PF) have impoverished Zambians while enriching themselves through corruption.

In a post on his facebook page, the UPND leader said that since 2011, the ruling party never paid attention to the needs of Chiluba Constituency and that the late MP had been always lamenting about the challenges her people were going through in Chilubi Constituency, such as lack of jobs, medical facilities such as ambulance, relief food for the hungry citizens, and now elections in site, the are now bribing voters, as they have always done.

“We have once again seen our colleagues in the PF doing what they are best known for during every election, bribing voters. The PF regime has been in power since 2011, and the late Chilubi Constituency MP Hon. Rosaria Fundanga (MHSRIP) has held the seat since 2016. She was always lamenting about the challenges her people were going through in Chilubi Constituency, such as lack of jobs, medical facilities such as ambulance, relief food for the hungry citizens, but nobody paid attention,” he said in a statement.

“On our part as UPND, we spent most of 2019 demanding for relief food for our hungry citizens, job opportunities, and other long term measures to address poverty in the country, but PF never listened. When we declared hunger as a national disaster and told those holding power to do the same so that we can attract local, regional and international support, this was not only ignored, but we were also threatened with arrest.”

Hichilema said with a by-election in Chilubi Constituency and some wards around the country, those were the places the PF now thinks need urgent relief food, ambulances and other unplanned development projects.

“What message are we sending to the rest of the country where citizens are equally suffering now? Are we not openly implying that our citizens should be praying some misfortune happens to their elected representatives, MPs, mayors, council chairpersons and councillors, so that they can have temporal relief in their livelihoods through handouts?” he asked.

“And this is where we fundamentally differ with our colleagues in the PF. They focus on short term goals while we focus on long term sustainable development for our people. Technically, the PF have impoverished our people while enriching themselves through corruption. Now they take the stolen money and want to pretend they care more by giving short term handouts purely for votes.”

Hichilema said the UPND was comforted that citizens were seeing through PF schemes going by the recent election outcomes where PF pumped lots of money and other gifts, citizens got the items, but voted for the UPND.

UPND Carders’ Behaviour during the Bill 10 Discussion Forum Condemned


A consortium of civil society organizations have condemned the unruly conduct of UPND carders during a news diggers organized Bill 10 discussion forum Friday last week.

Speaking during a press briefing Sunday morning,Young African Leaders initiative YALI president Andrew Ntewewe who represented the CSOs said the UPND’s conduct threatens the participation of those who hold divergent views in such future activities meant to deepen the country’s democracy.

He noted that the UPND have constantly raised issues of trusting the PF in regards to constitutional issues and questioned who should be trusted between unruly carders at a forum or a well organized and divergent forum such as the NDF.

Mr Ntewewe has since advised news diggers and those sponsoring the forum to put mechanisms to ensure that such fora are not ulitilised as campaign platforms for expression of intolerant behaviour for those with opposing viewpoints.

And Mr Ntewewe has bemoaned the falsehood peddled by lawyer John Sangwa, Linda Kasonde and UPND Members of parliament to discredit bill 10 during the same forum accusing the PF governments as being the ones that generated the content .

He recalled that when UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema lost the 2016 election petitioned the constitutional court, the same unrully UPND carders who today are saying the constitution is ok went ballistic against court judges accusing them of corruption for ruling that the petition could not be heard as the 14 days had elapsed.

“This is the same John Sangwa who abandoned Mr Hichilema and argued that 14 days was not sufficient for the petition to be heard but today has changed and wants the public to believe that he never saw anything wrong with the constitution. Is this not legal hypocrisy from a man with a stature of state counsel?” Mr Ntewewe questioned.

Mr Ntewewe has challenged stakeholders to begin to ask serious questions on when government recieved submissions and how various provisions found themselves in the bill.

“The ones who have let this country down on constitutional making are those are speaking the loudest today against bill 10 because they had an opportunity to make submissions yet the chose not to, they had an opportunity to scrutinize the proposals but shun the process” he said.

Mr ntewewe together with the other CSOs namely common ground network, Zambia institute of governance and civil liberties advocacy platform have since said there is no need to withdraw bill 10 saying it will be expensive to abandon a process further adding that once a bill is withdrawn it can not be brought back in parliament during the same session.

Meanwhile news diggers have distanced themselves from the upnd’s conduct during the forum and advised members wishing to attend such platforms to desist from engaging in partisan politics meant to disrupt the participation of divergent views.

Mr Ntewewe has since challenged members of parliament to sober up and find a common ground to bring amendments to the existing parliamentary procedure.

Freedom Sikazwe says State House is proud of achievements recorded by Zambia High Commission in India


PRESIDENTIAL Affairs Minister Freedom Sikazwe says State House is proud of achievements recorded by Zambia High Commission in India.

“The last two years saw the President of India Shri Ram Nath Kovind conduct a State Visit to Zambia in April 2018, the first time an Indian President visited Zambia in 30 years,” Mr. Sikazwe said.

He said the Mission made efforts in ensuring a reciprocal State Visit to India by President Edgar Lungu in August 2019, the first time a Zambian President visited India in 16 years.

Mr. Sikazwe was speaking when Zambia’s High Commissioner to India Judith Kapijimpanga hosted a dinner in his honour at the Zambian Residence in New Delhi.

“The Mission was instrumental in facilitating the actualization of the Decongestion of Lusaka Roads Project,” Mr. Sikazwe said.

And Zambia’s High Commissioner to India Judith Kapijimpanga said trade between Zambia and India increased in 2019 because of President Edgar Lungu’s State Visit to India in August last year where he addressed a Business Forum.

“Indian companies constitute a huge proportion of Zambia’s Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) estimated to be over Five Billion US Dollars while several companies started actualising investment in Zambia among them Mansa Sugar, Anant Overseas, Vagmi Cottons, O.M. Smelters, BSBK, Prasad Seeds, Mylan, KIMS and Apollo,” the High Commissioner said.

Mrs. Kapijimpanga said the Indians were also enchanted by President Lungu’s speech during the Confederation of Indian Industry- CII – India- Southern Africa Regional Conclave in Lusaka, Zambia, in October 2019.

“At least 512 Indians travelled to Zambia for business purposes against 321 that travelled in the year 2018,” she said.

Mrs. Kapijimpanga said trade volume between Zambia and India stood at over One Billion US Dollars as of December 2019 with more interest rising in manganese mining.

This was contained in a statement released by First Secretary Press and Tourism at the Zambian Mission in India, Bangwe Naviley.

ZASA acquires over 150 hectares of land in Zambia for its members living in South Africa


The Association of Zambians in South Africa (ZASA) has acquired over one hundred and fifty hectares of land in Zambia for its members living in South Africa.

Association President Ferdinard Simanya says about one million rands has so far been paid towards the purchase of the land located in Livingstone

He mentioned that one hundred and three (103) members have fully paid for different sizes of land which included agricultural, commercial and residential plots.

He said that the initiative was to help Zambians in South Africa.

And Zambia’s High Commissioner to South Africa who is also patron of the Association Major Gen Jackson Miti says the land empowerment program would enable Zambians in the diaspora have access to land for investment in various sectors of the Zambian economy.

He says Zambians in South Africa should make use of the land empowerment program to secure their future once they returned to Zambia.

The High Commissioner described the program as progressive and timely.

He said Zambians in South Africa should take advantage of the diaspora policy which was put in place to easily facilitate for their investment plans in Zambia in order for them to actively participate in the country’s development agenda.

Some government clinics using exercise book pages to wrap medicines


Some clinics on the Copperbelt are using cuttings from exercise books to package medicine for patients.

Chambishi Government Clinic and Kitwe’s Mindolo One Clinic are some of the facilities lacking the traditional plastics used in packing medicine.

Whilst applauding the initiative taken by the clinics trying to function with minimal government support , a medical official appealed to the clinics to rather make envelopes from those papers.He firmly stated that all medicines should be labelled, with instructions written on the package.

Some members of the public bluntly stated that the PF Government is to blame and wondered how they are managing to fund by elections with huge sums of money but failing to buy simple packaging for medicines.

“These are signs of a broke economy..we are headed for disaster if nothing is done”,they reiterated.

Others wondered where the money being contributed to the National Health Scheme is going.

“I go to the clinic and I’m given medicine on a a piece of paper and yet every month I pay for national health insurance. Where is our money going? Those saying learn to appreciate. Appreciate what? Appreciate that we are contributing money for better health services and yet we keep on receiving very poor services and you say learn to appreciate!”

Medicines from Mindolo clinic
medicines from Mindolo clinic

Source: Radio Chengelo

The current number of constituencies cannot be changed without first amending the Constitution-ECZ

THE Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) has said that the current number of constituencies cannot be changed without first amending the Constitution.

ECZ acting public relations manager Sylvia Bwalya said proposals to carry out a delimitation exercise can only be effected through amendment of the Constitution.

“In the event that the outcome of the delimitation exercise is to recommend an increase in the number of constituencies, from the current 156, this would require an amendment of Article 68(2) via the Constitutional Amendment Bill

Ms. Bwalya’s sentiments were echoed by ECZ Chief Electoral Officer Patrick Nshindano who said that the current number of constituencies cannot be changed without amending the constitution because the existing constitution provides the number Constituencies the country should have which is 156, that this was the reason the Commission cannot conduct the delimitation exercise without changes to the Constitution.

He said at the moment ECZ can only recommend an increase in the number of constituencies.

And Government has clarified that the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) cannot carry out the delimitation exercise without harmonizing the current constitution.

Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo said that because the current constitution does not provide clauses for the creation of new constituencies.

Mr Kampyongo was reacting to remarks made by UPND-Monze Central Member of Parliament Jack Mwimbu at a public discussion forum where he stated that the ECZ can carry out the delimitation exercise without amending the current constitution.

The Home Affairs Minister has also encouraged Zambians to read public documents to avoid being misled.