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Paramount Chief Chitimukulu expresses concern at reports of women giving birth at home


Paramount Chief Chitimukulu of the Bemba people says he is concerned with reports suggesting that elderly expectant mothers are giving birth at home because they avoid being attended to by young Mid-wives.

The Mwine Lubemba said pregnant women in most rural areas in his chiefdom feel shy to be attended to by young mid-wives adding that it is against the tradition and culture.

Paramount Chief Chitimukulu said this on Thursday when Health Minister Chitalu Chilufya paid a courtesy call on him.

Paramount Chief Chitimukulu has since appealed to the Ministry of Health to consider deploying mature mid-wives in health facilities situated in rural areas.

Meanwhile, Health Minister Chitalu Chilufya has assured the Mwine-Lubemba that his Ministry will ensure that all mid-wives deployed to rural areas are culturally sensitive.

Radio Mano

Something Better


Today’s Scripture

“…Then Jesus said, “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?”
(John 11:40, NIV)

Something Better

In John 11, Mary and Martha sent word to Jesus that their brother, Lazarus, was very sick. They thought He would come right away and heal Lazarus. But days passed, and Lazarus died. When Jesus showed up, Mary and Martha were so upset. They said, “Jesus, if You had been here, our brother would still be alive.” Against all apparent odds, Jesus went to the tomb and raised Lazarus from the dead.

Sometimes God will wait on purpose till the odds look way against you. You’re ready to bury that dream or promise. You don’t see any way it could work out. But God’s ways are not our ways. Mary and Martha prayed for a healing, but God had a resurrection in mind. Maybe God’s not going to answer your prayers the way you thought. Maybe He has something better than you ever dreamed. Trust Him. Odds don’t determine what He can and cannot do.”

A Prayer for Today

“Father, thank You that You are the keeper of my dreams. I trust that You are totally for me when all the odds are stacked against me. I believe that You are working behind the scenes and bringing a resurrection to what I thought was dead. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Human resource is one of Zambia’s greatest assets – HH


Growing up as youths in the 70s and 80s, our founding fathers led by first President Dr. Kenneth David Kaunda, often talked about copper and other minerals being ‘wasting assets’, essentially meaning they could and would run out. President Kaunda and his collegues therefore encouraged citizens to diversify in other areas such as agriculture and tourism whose potential is enduring.

Well, there is an an asset in Zambia that can never run out and whose potential is everlasting, and that is human resource. Zambia is endowed with so much skill and brain, and as a business expert myself whose speciality, among many others, includes designing and selling intellectual property, we can safely state that this is God’s greatest gift to this country. A recent report revealed that Zambia and Nigeria top the African charts in entrepreneurship, what news can be better than this?

Sadly however, most of this resource is unrecognized and unsupported by the PF government who opt to take an easy way out in corruption and theft of public resources. As a matter of fact, some of Zambia’s best brains have migrated abroad building other nations’ economies, because of various frustrations back home. Under the UPND Government this will change and will change real fast. Under a special project, we will systematically recall Zambian skilled labour in the diaspora and offer them incentives, so that they can come home and help restore their nation to its former glory.

Zambia is a country with a profound reservoir of hard work, national pride and deep patriotism and like the phoenix of the Greek mythology, shall rise again, we promise you that.

Zambians are not IDIOTS: A defence of Kelvin Mambwe


By Julius Kapembwa, PhD

I apply a little logic or critical thinking to see if UNZALARU Secretary General, Dr Kelvin Mambwe insulted anyone as has been asserted by the Patriotic Front (PF) through its vociferous deputy secretary general, Mumbi Phiri. The first thing to do in assessing whether Kelvin is guilty of insulting is to be clear what the terms or words mean. ‘Idiot’ and ‘insult’. Let’s see what the words mean.

There are several ways of defining a word, for example, ostensively or lexically. Let’s take the word of the moment, ‘idiot’ (one of Kenneth Kaunda’s favourites). An ostensive definition would be to point at an idiot or give a list of people known to be idiots. A lexical definition is one we get in a dictionary. I know one or two idiots, but I don’t want any trouble. So, a lexical definition it is: An idiot is a ‘stupid person’ and a stupid person is one ‘lacking intelligence or common sense’. Does this sound like an insult to you? Oh, wait! First we need to know what an insult is. The dictionary to the rescue again: To insult is to ‘speak to or treat someone with disrespect’. To avoid a vicious circle of definitions, I will just assume we all know what ‘disrespect’ means. So, did Kelvin speak to someone with disrespect? We will see. But here, first, are our parameters. To have insulted a PF voter, let’s call her Rose, it must be the case that Kelvin called Rose an idiot and that to do so is to treat someone with disrespect. I will start with the first aspect. Unfortunately, we have to wade through some logico-linguistic jargon.

Allow me to paraphrase what Kelvin said: If any person votes for the PF in the future, she is either a (hopeful) beneficiary from the PF or she is an idiot. This statement is a conditional, an ‘if …, then …’ or hypothetical statement. But there is a little devil in the detail. As we know, a conditional is binary, containing an antecedent and a consequent. The consequent is a little complicated because it contains a disjunction, a statement containing two parts connected by ‘or’. A conditional statement is always true unless the antecedent is true and the consequent is false. A disjunction is only false when the statements on either side of the ‘or’ is false; otherwise it is true. With these basics in place, one can proceed to use propositional calculus to determine whether a statement that is insulting follows from what Kelvin said.

When your cries fall on deaf ears every year, every month, you must shout louder. Kelvin represents the largest collection of intellectuals or academics in the country who have been reduced to begging for their salaries, gratuities, and pensions.

Those familiar with sentential logic can go on and apply the method to the following argument containing three statement: (1) If Rose votes for the PF, Rose is either a beneficiary from the PF or Rose is an idiot. (2) Rose votes for the PF. (3) Therefore, Rose is an idiot. If the first two statements (premises) are true but the third one (conclusion) is false, then the argument is invalid. An invalid argument is one in which the conclusion does not follow with strict necessity from the premises. It does not follow from Kelvin’s statement that he called Rose an idiot. The only time the argument is valid is when we change the third statement by replacing it with Kelvin’s original disjunctive consequent viz. ‘Rose benefits from the PF or Rose is an idiot’. Then the argument is valid and is called modus ponens or affirming the consequent. Since Kelvin did not say ‘Rose is an idiot’ but instead he said, ‘Rose is a PF beneficiary or Rose is an idiot’, it follows that he did not insult Rose. If someone tells me that ‘You are a philosopher or you are a monkey’, I wouldn’t feel offended. It’s different from someone calling me a monkey and certainly different from someone telling me ‘You are a rat or a pig’.

I have been assuming that to call someone an idiot is an insult, that it is disrespectful. But I am now about to tell you why it’s not necessarily an insult. Daniel Munkombwe said he was in politics to eat. The Lusaka Province Minister, Bowman Lusambo, has said he is in politics to enrich himself unlike Kaunda’s ministers. President Edgar Lungu has said uubomba mwibala, alya mwibala. When Antonio Mwanza, the PF media deputy-director, was in FDD, he would not have voted for the PF. But in the blinking of an eye, things have changed so much. He is now mwibala. Would it not have been disloyalty or idiocy for him to vote for the PF before he started eating from their palm? Nga taulekuta mu chipani, kufumamo!

When the PF, FDD, NDC, UPND are campaigning, what do they tell their supporters and those they are recruiting? They say to them that you will eat with us or we will benefit you. When I voted for the PF in 2011, they were promising to be pro-poor, fewer taxes, and more money in the pockets. I got enticed with very many other Zambians and together, we ushered Dora Siliya’s MMD out of government. But, some people, after seeing they are not benefiting from the PF as promised, have started fleeing to other parties or to apathy. This is called rational choice and democracy permits it. So, Kelvin was saying only the very obvious which PF acknowledge even as they campaign. They tell people about the benefits they have created for the voters and on that premise, they say, ‘Please, re-elect us if you want more’. President Lungu has openly cried about some of his Ministers not doing enough telling voters what benefits the PF has created. That is also Kelvin’s reasoning.

Now imagine someone telling Davies Mwila that ‘I have not benefitted from the PF, or the PF have denied me such and such which are my due entitlements, but I will still vote for the PF.’ The PF SG would be perplexed initially before concluding that he is listening to an idiot or a liar. He would say, ‘This person is lacking intelligence or common sense’ which is the definition of an idiot. They say respect is earned and if a normal adult evidently lacks common sense, he hasn’t earned his respect. You can only lose what you have. And so, a person voting for a candidate who has not benefited her, given her hope, or has denied her something duly deserved is indeed an idiot and is not disrespected when referred to as such. So, tell me now, where is Mambwe’s insult even if he called someone an idiot (which I have argued above he did not do)?

However, in my little court of reason, I find Kelvin guilty only of using strong language. However, the circumstances warrant such strong language. When your cries fall on deaf ears every year, every month, you must shout louder. Kelvin represents the largest collection of intellectuals or academics in the country who have been reduced to begging for their salaries, gratuities, and pensions. Even when UNZA has produced many eminent people in PF including the Minister of Higher Education himself and some former lecturers, there is a perplexing cancerous anti-intellectualism that is very alien to Michael Sata’s PF. UNZA was very PF during the 2011 campaigns and the PF must not blame the victim for crying out when she has been stepped on for so long.

A word of advice to the PF. You do not like to be insulted so much so that you react sharply even to an imaginary insult. What about treating others the way you would like to be treated? Did you see the video of the elderly woman wailing over her unpaid dues for many years? Have you seen how many people working for government have become destitute with shylocks waiting to bleed them dry because of the PF failing to honour their contractual obligations while they themselves wallow in wealth and luxury? That to me and my dictionary is what an insult and disrespect is. Instead of fighting or deregistering UNZALARU, the PF must take a positive lesson from Kelvin’s statement. Increase the number of beneficiaries from the PF government in the remaining 20 months; give people their money based on principles of justice and not wako ni wako. Do not rely on idiot votes. Zambians have shown, when they made RB weep in 2011, that they are not idiots. Don’t shoot the messenger.

Dr Julius Kapembwa is a lecturer in philosophy at the University of Zambia

End-game looms for Zesco United’s Champions League run


George Lwandamina admits the end of the road is very near for Zesco United with two games left in their CAF Champions League Group A campaign.

Zesco fell 2-0 away to five-time champions Zamalek in Egypt on December 10 to stay winless for a fourth straight group stage match.

The result also saw Zesco set its worst record run in the league round from five appearances in all continental competition by going four games without a win since becoming the first Zambian club to qualify to the group stage in 2009.

“Chances are very slim after losing the game which is an obvious case and I don’t need to elaborate,” Lwandamina said.

“If we had come out with a good result, I would have said chances are overwhelming but we still have to play our last two games.”

Zesco are rock of Group A with 2 points, tied with their penultimate game guests on January 25 in Ndola, Premiero de Agosto of Angola, who are third.

And on Saturday Agosto lost 2-1 in DR Congo to leaders TP Mazembe in Lubumbashi who have qualified to the quarterfinals with two games in hand on 10 points.

Zamalek are second with 7 points.

It will all be over for Zesco and Agosto with just a game spare on January 25 should Zamalek draw or beat fellow five-time African champions Mazembe in the late night kickoff that day in Cairo.

Kaunda Targets First Group C Win on his Zanaco Debut


Chris Kaunda has declared that he plans to start his reign this Sunday with Zanaco’s first Group C win in the 2019/2020 CAF Confederation Cup.

Kaunda jumps straight onto the big stage in what will also be his debut continental game following his appointment on January 9 as Mumamba Numba’s replacement who was fired on January 6 after a poor start to the season.

Zanaco head into match-day-four unbeaten in Group C but winless on 3 points from as many games played.

There is even added pressure on Zanaco following Zambia’s perennial group stage campaigners Zesco United’s dashed hopes of qualifying to the CAF Champions League quarterfinals after Friday’s 2-0 away Group A loss to Zamalek in Egypt that left them bottom of Group A on 2 points from four matches with two games left to play.

“Looking at this game, it has a lot of significance for our club Zanaco and country. The country’s name is at stake and we are representing the country and people are looking for a win in whichever way on Sunday,” Kaunda said.

“There is no pressure going into this game and I have told the players to forget about what has been happening and let us just focus on this game.

“It is a decider, and they is no other way but we just have to win it.”

Guests ESAE are bottom on 1 point that they gained off Zanaco in the last meeting on December 29 at home in Porto Novo.

A home win will end ESAE’s race and potentially see Zanaco move into second place with two games left.

It is critical that Zanaco win on Sunday because they another home game coming up on January 26 against DC Motema Pembe of DR Congo before heading to Morocco to face Group C leaders and 2018/19 runners-up RSB Berkane on February 2.

DCMP are second on 4 points while Berkane lead on 7 points heading into Sunday’s simultaneous kickoff in Kinshasa.

Berkane crushed DCMP 3-0 in Morocco on December 29.

Green Eagles beat Nkana to Number One


Green Eagles on Saturday beat Nkana to the mid-way point lead of the 2019/2020 FAZ Super Division campaign on goal difference following respective wins on Saturday.

At Levy Mwanawasa Stadium in Ndola, Eagles beat hosts Forest Rangers 1-0 thanks to a 62nd minute goal by Spencer Sautu.

Eagles have 33 point from seventeen games, tied with second placed Nkana who have a match in hand.

Fred Tshimenga’s 84th minute goal clinched the 3 points for Nkana against second from bottom KYSA at Nkana Stadium in Kitwe.

Nkana, though, will go three points clear on Wednesday if they beat Zanaco whom they visit in their rescheduled Week 8 fixture in Lusaka.

Napsa slip from second to third on 32 points following a 2-2 home draw against Green Buffaloes in their Lusaka derby at Woodlands Stadium.

Gideon Sichone gave Buffaloes a 17th minute lead but Simon Nkhata equalized in the 44th minute.

Buffaloes restored their advantage in the 53rd minute through Stephen Kabamba before Luka Banda made sure they shared the points with a 68th minute equalizer.

Buffaloes are eighth on 25 points after the draw.

Zesco United, who were on CAF Champions League duty in Egypt on Friday, drop to fourth on 32 points.

Nkana 1-Kabwe Youth Soccer Academy 0
Napsa Stars 2-Green Buffaloes 2
Lumwana Radiants 0-Kansanshi Dynamos 1
Nakambala Leopards 0-Lusaka Dynamos 2
Forest Rangers 0-Green Eagles 1
Buildcon 1-Nkwazi 1
Power Dynamos-Mufulira Wanderers
Kabwe Warriors-Zesco United
Zanaco-Red Arrows

Maamba Collieries power generation back to 100% capacity

Maamba collieries thermal power plant engineers captured busy working in the 300 mega watts power plant.
Maamba collieries thermal power plant engineers captured busy working in the 300 mega watts power plant.

The 300 MW coal-fired power plant of Maamba Collieries Limited has resumed full capacity operations and is supplying the full contracted power to ZESCO.

The country’s largest independent power producer is now supplying almost 25 percent of the nation’s power, based on the estimated 1,080 MW of power currently being distributed in Zambia.

“We are happy to inform that both 150 MW power units at Maamba Collieries are now running at their full capacity thanks to sustained efforts by the management with the equipment suppliers, despite being hampered by lack of funds”, said Chief Executive Officer Rear Admiral Venkat Shankar.

While referring to the recent shutdowns reported in the media, he added that the modern, eco-friendly coal-fired power plant – the only one of its kind in Zambia – is complex, and due to the nature of its operations, needs periodic robust maintenance and specialised technical support, which comes at high costs and cannot be ignored if production is to be assured. He added that MCL has been facing challenges on this account due to shortfall of funds.

In this context, the CEO said the recent tariff revision augurs well for the energy industry in Zambia as it should allow ZESCO to make timely payments to its power suppliers like Maamba Collieries, which would ensure proactive maintenance of the power plant and improve availability of power.

The present shortage of rainfall in the country has reduced the power generation capacity from ZESCO hydro plants drastically, and energy producers like Maamba Collieries, which are not dependent on rainfall, play a key role in the managing energy deficit using resources available in Zambia without recourse to imports.

Meanwhile, Maamba Collieries will be working with ZESCO to ensure schedules for mandatory major overhauls are adjusted as far as possible to accommodate ZESCO’s requirement of power and to minimise disruption of the nation’s energy supply, the company added.

Rear Admiral Shankar said: “While the last few months have been very challenging for Maamba Collieries due to shortfall in funds, we will strive to provide uninterrupted power to ZESCO, which will reduce the effects of the current electricity deficit. MCL supplying full output capacity, barring scheduled maintenance breaks, can be a reality in the coming months with ZESCO meeting its payment obligations to MCL in full on the back of additional revenue from the tariff revision and the continued support of Government.”.

Finance Minister Dr Bwalya Ng’andu and Energy Minister Matthew Nkhuwa inspected the Maamba Collieries plant on November 2, 2019, to obtain a better understanding of the operations of the thermal power plant and the challenges faced.

Zamalek down winless Zesco


Zesco United’s winless Group A run in the 2019/20 CAF Champions League continued on Friday night after losing away at Zamalek away in Egypt.

Zamalek beat Zesco 1-0 in Cairo to severely dent George Lwandamina’s side quarterfinal hopes.

Achraf Bencharki put Zamalek ahead in the 4th to see the five-time champions’ take a 1-0 halftime lead.

Mostafa Mohamed returned to haunt Zesco for a second straight match with the final goal in the 89th.

Mohamed scored the opener in the first leg on December 28 in Ndola in the 72nd minute before Qadri Kola equalized for Zesco ten minutes later.

With two games left to save their souls in Group A, Zesco stay on 2 points from four games,slumping from third to last in Group A.

Zamalek stay second on goal difference tied on 7 points tied with leaders TP Mazembe’s who host Premiero de Agosto of Angola this Saturday in Lubumbashi.

Agosto, who visit Zesco on January 25 in the latter’s final home match and penultimate Group A fixture, have 2 points heading into their weekend trip to DR Congo.

The Clergy Consultative Forum concerned at the falsehood being spread around bill Number 10


The Clergy Consultative Forum has expressed concern over some sections of society allegedly spreading falsehood regarding Constitution Amendment Bill number 10.

Team Leader of the Forum, Elvin Nasilele, says many people who are opposed to the Bill 10 are merely being deceptive, as they were part of the National Dialogue Forum (NDF) that produced the document that contains Bill 10.

Pastor Nasilele, says he wonders why political party representatives, who appended their signatures to the Siavonga Resolutions that were tabled at the NDF, are distancing themselves from Bill 10.

He called on the Church to speak out and correct the falsehoods because it has the duty to ensure that the will of the Zambian people is upheld.

And a member of the Clergy Consultative Forum, Antoinette Phiri, said the Church needs to ensure that the declaration of Zambia as a Christian Nation does NOT just reflect in the preamble but needs to sit in the articles.

Doctor Phiri said the clergy must start engaging Members of Parliament on issues such as Bill 10.

And Bishop Raphael Silwamba, another member of the Forum, has assured Zambians that the contentious clauses that were part of Bill 10, have been addressed in the Parliamentary Select Committee Report.

Bishop Silwamba said contentious clauses that sought to re-introduce positions of deputy ministers and others such as the removal of retirees from the payroll before they are fully paid their benefits and the coalition government, have been removed from what will be tabled in Parliament.

The three were speaking in Livingstone at a sensitisation meeting, with the clergy, on Bill 10, the Parliamentary Select Committee Report on Bill 10 and the constitution making process.

During the question and answer session, some clergymen expressed fear that parliament may ignore the report of the select committee and table the contentious Bill 10.

UNZA to get Two new Lecture Theatres with a Seating Capacity of 500

Exams at UNZA
Exams at UNZA

The Ministry of Higher Education has handed over the site for the construction of two lecture theatres at a cost of 14.4 million Kwacha at the University of Zambia.

The Lecture theaters, with 500 seating capacity each, will be built for the school of Engineering by WAH Kong Enterprises Limited and is expected to be completed within 10 months.

Ministry of Higher Education Department of Planning and Information Assistant Director Kondwani Mutelekesha says the project is part of the 33.8 million dollars concessional loan from the African Development Bank.

Ms. Mutelekesha said that part of the money has been used to rehabilitate lecture theatres in the school of Engineering and advanced training of lecturers.

Ms. Mutelekesha said that the development is part of the support to science and technology training projects meant to increase training access for science-related programs.

Ms. Mutelekesha said that equipment has also been procured under the project and construction of infrastructure at other institutions of higher learning across the country for science-related programs.

Meanwhile, the University of Zambia School of Engineering Dean Micheal Mulenga said the lecture theatres, once constructed, will increase enrollment to about three thousand students.

Dr. Mulenga thanked the government for support.

He further said the intervention will help increase income generation because the school will be able to offer more courses.

HH calls for Drastic Reforms at DBZ and CEEC, after report show Zambia is in Top League in terms of Entrepreneurial Appetite

UPND President Hakainde Hichilema
UPND President Hakainde Hichilema

United Party for National Development (UPND) leader Hakainde Hichilema has called for drastic reforms at the Development Bank of Zambia (DBZ) and the Citizens Economic Empowerment Commission (CEEC), and the pension funds that have money sitting idle.

Taunting a report that showed that Zambia and Nigeria are the two leading African countries in terms of entrepreneurial appetite, Mr. Hichilema said that many entrepreneurs lack in Zambia lack a package for their businesses to grow and offered a practical advise on how the PF Government can implement the ideas he is suggesting.

Below is his full post

It does not come as a surprise that Zambia and Nigeria are the two leading African countries in terms of entrepreneurial appetite.

We know that Zambians are very enterprising. What many entrepreneurs lack, is a package for their businesses to grow. It is a known fact that over 50% of formal employment in the world is created by SMEs. These are major contributors to GDP and taxes that run most economies. In Zambia over 88% of all formal jobs are in SMEs, they also contribute 70% to GDP. Making this a huge sector and engine of the economy.

Our plan for this sector is very simple. Firstly, the major problem with SMEs is access to financing. This is the reason if the current Government is serious about unlocking the sector, they should reform DBZ and CEEC into venture capital institutions (I will explain this further below). Secondly, the Government must not just sign MOUs with foreign Governments like the much talked about Israel and India MOUs, but should actually sign contracts for the supply of goods and services. This is called market linkage which an SME cannot do on its own. The third dimension is what we call contract discrimination, here is an example, a road contract has various components, technical and material supplies. We have been told that 20% contract value of any project must be given to the local contractors. I disagree and suggest an alternative; what if we exclude certain elements like the supply of cement, the supply of stones, the supply of steel for instance during road construction to be exclusive for Zambians, that would have more impact than an arbitrary figure.

Let me talk about financing again. I am suggesting to PF to carry out drastic reforms at DBZ and CEEC and the pension funds that have money sitting idle sometimes. DBZ and CEEC must take the form of venture capitalists, where they finance Zambian start-ups and SMEs and they own shares in those companies and appoint management to those companies. This way they will ensure that they are part of the day-to-day decision-making process. While ZDA can be transformed into a proper Business Development Service outfit that could be the institution that looks for business opportunities for start-ups and SMEs to give them the necessary boost.

Lets talk fellow countrymen, these are ideas anyone can pick, irrespective of who is in Government.

Kapiri council clears historic garbage


Kapiri Mposhi Town Council has cleared over 600 tonnes of historic garbage from four major markets in the district.

The garbage which has been piling up for over three years now has been cleared to provide a healthy and convenient trading environment in the targeted trading sites.

The council has collected garbage from Tambalale, Ndeke, Riverside and Kawama markets.

Council Public Relations Officer, Chris Mulaliki confirmed the development to ZANIS today, stating that the garbage has been cleared to avert the outbreak of diseases such as cholera.

Mr Mulaliki said the council could not collect the garbage on a timely basis due to lack of transport.

“As you know we don’t have specific transport to collect this garbage but this time around we hired a front end loader and other equipment to help in the clearance of this garbage,” Mr Mulaliki said.

Mr Mulaliki said the council has since initiated a program of routinely collecting litter from markets and other public places in the district to prevent accumulation garbage in the long run.

He has warned traders to desist from indiscriminate disposal of waste in the district.

Meanwhile, marketeers have commended the council for finally removing the historic garbage from trading sites.

Tambalale market Vice Chairlady, Rose Mambwe said the garbage had compromised the trading environment due to the bad odor emissions from the accumulated litter.

“We hope the council will continue collecting garbage from markets to avoid accumulation which expose us to diseases such as cholera especially in the rain season”, Ms Mambwe said.

Zanaco purge continues as Mpunga leaves


Another Zanaco stalwart has been shown the door at Sunset Stadium today following confirmation of goalkeeper coach Kalunga Mpunga’s departure.

Mpunga leaves Zanaco barely five days after his former team mate and coaching colleague Mumamba Numba was fired as head coach on Monday.

“Zanaco FC part company with goalkeeping coach Kalumba Mpumba.
General Manager, Marlon Kananda confirmed the development to Zanaco FC Media this morning,” Zanaco stated on Friday.

Mpunga, like Numba, joined the seven-time Zambian champions from Konkola Blades in 1998.

Zanaco have replaced Mpunga with former Nkana goalkeeper Kennedy Kalele.

Kalale is the third technical appointment over the last 48 hours at Sunset following Thursdays announcement of Chris Kaunda as Numba’s replacement.

Ex Red Arrows assistant coach and former Zambia international Joel Bwalya also joined Zanaco as Kaunda’s deputy.

The trio’s first assignment is this Sundays CAF Confederation Cup Group B home clash against ESAE in Lusaka.