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Dr Chilufya gets praise for prompt punishment against pharmacists creating artificial shortages of drugs

Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya in the company of Muchinga Province Minister Malozo Sichone and Chinsali Lawmaker Kalalwe Mukosa inpecting the works at the newly built Chinsali General Hospital
Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya in the company of Muchinga Province Minister Malozo Sichone and Chinsali Lawmaker Kalalwe Mukosa inpecting the works at the newly built Chinsali General Hospital

An Organization called Medical for Quality Healthcare in Zambia has commended Health Minister Dr Chilufya on his prompt punitive action against some pharmacists for their alleged involvement in creating artificial shortages of drugs and Medical supplies in some health facilities.

Organisation Director General Dr Quince Mwabu said the suspension of the two pharmacists will serve as a strong warning to health workers who are fond of stealing medicines for personal gain.

Dr Mwabu has further commended the Minister for going round to check on availability of essential medicines in clinics and hospitals.

He said his Organisation will continue to monitor availability of drugs in all public health institutions and in the next six weeks, the organization will survey the situation in 30 districts of Zambia.

Dr Mwabu said the availability of essential drugs in clinics and hospitals is important and must be a serious concern to all Zambians.

Health Minister Dr Chitalu Chilufya on Tuesday suspended two health workers in Lusaka among them a Pharmacist from Bauleni Clinic and a Clinical Officer from Lusaka District for issuing prescriptions to patients for medicines available at the health facilities.

An Independent Engineer appointed to asses the Structure at Society Business Park


An Independent Engineer engaged by the National Pension Scheme Authority to assess the failure of the concrete columns that support the Society Business Park has recommended the strengthening of the affected columns.

Following the reported failure of the columns in October 2019, the National Pension Scheme Authority engaged an independent Engineer who has since completed his works.

NAPSA Director General Yollard Kachinda has disclosed in a statement that arising from the recommendation, the design Engineers have commenced sourcing for an appropriate concrete strengthening solution.

Mr Kachinda said works on the affected columns will commenced soon and will take six months to complete.

He said the remedial works will be supervised by an Independent Engineer and will be overseen by relevant stakeholders including National Council for Construction and the Lusaka City Council.

Mr Kachinda said the rest of the building that was not affected by the office block column failure will remain open for normal business.

DEC arrests a Lusaka Lawyer for Forging a Document

Drug Enforcement Commission
Drug Enforcement Commission

The Drug Enforcement Commission has arrested a Lusaka lawyer and a Radiation Therapy Technologist for forgery and uttering a forged document.

Kennedy Mambwe, 39, a lawyer from a known law firm, has been arrested and jointly charged with Joseph Kabwe Mofu a Radiation Therapy Technologist at a known hospital for forgery and uttering a forged document to DEC officers.

Kennedy Mambwe is the lawyer representing Mr Walid El Nahas of Intelligent Mobility Solution recently arrested by the Commission for corrupt practices with public officers.

Particulars of the offence are that Kennedy Mambwe jointly and whilst acting together with Joseph Kabwe Mofu and other persons unknown, on dates unknown but between 19th and 21st December, 2019 forged and uttered a recommendation letter purporting that it was written by a doctor at a named hospital for Mr Walid El Nahas to seek specialized treatment abroad when in fact not.

The suspects are on Police bond and are expected to appear in court soon.

This is contained in a statement issued to the media by DEC Public Relations Officer Theresa Katongo.

Zambia Association of Manufacturers over new ZRA proposal to implement a Digital Tax Stamp Solution


The Zambia Association of Manufacturers has raised concerns with regards to the implementation of the proposed solution Digital Tax Stamp Solution to enhance tax compliance on all excisable products.

The Zambia Revenue Authority has announced its intention to start implementing a Digital Tax Stamp Solution to enhance tax compliance on all excisable products, thereby joining countries such as Uganda and Mozambique in pursuing this option to curb illicit trade and enhance revenue collection.

Whereas the Zambia Association of Manufacturers remains supportive of measures to enhance tax revenue collection and revenue assurance by the ZRA, the Association says it is worth noting that the DTS solution is most effective where smuggling, counterfeit products, tax leakages and under declaration of production or sales volume is rife by registered industry players.

ZAM Vice President South Chipego Zulu says for this reason, it is imperative to note that it may not be ideal to treat all companies producing excisable products the same in view of variability in tax compliance and the nature of illicit trade in their respective sectors.

Ms Zulu says the Authority should channel resources towards promoting Voluntary Compliance, instituting cheaper effective enforcement controls and targeting specific sectors within the economy, where there is proven evidence that smuggling, counterfeit products, tax leakages and under-declaration of operational volumes exist.

She said viewing the Digital Tax Stamp Solution solely as a tax revenue growth initiative therefore is erroneous, as a poorly designed solution would likely result in increased costs of doing business/production for legitimate manufacturers in excisable sectors.

Ms Zulu said higher costs will in the medium to long-term translate into reduced revenue collection for ZRA as a result of products in these sectors becoming uncompetitive on the market.

She has since recommended that a comprehensive consultative process be undertaken with the affected private sector companies to determine the manner in which the DTS solution will be implemented and ensure that adequate sector specific input is gathered and considered in the design and execution of the same.

Ms Zulu said it is imperative that the ZRA undertake an independent due diligence assessment of the DTS solution in those countries in which it has been implemented such as Mozambique, South Africa, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Ghana who are in the process of implementing similar solutions, albeit amidst high operational and cost challenges to both the Revenue Authorities and Industry.

Further, Ms Zulu has observed that the reported Track and Trace system that forms the crux of the proposed DTS solution does not currently exist anywhere in the rest of Africa and it is therefore imperative that international best practices and more cost-effective alternatives be considered before the ZRA proceeds with the DTS proposal.

“Cheaper and more cost effective methods can be determined jointly with the private sector through dialogue under the recently launched multisectoral Anti-Illicit Trade Committee (AIT Committee) which seeks to draw on the dual strengths of Industry knowhow from the private sector and the enforcement capabilities and capacities of Law Enforcement Agencies such as the Zambia Revenue Authority, Drug Enforcement Commission, and Zambia Police amongst others to curb illicit trade across a broad spectrum of products including excisable products”, she added.

She said given the recent establishment of the AIT Committee in November 2019, the ZRA should leverage the strength that comes with working with all parties in the public and private sectors who are members to address challenges arising from illicit trade and its negative impact on revenue collection.

Ms Zulu says ZAM remains open to further engagements with the ZRA towards the development of a workable solution that meets the shared growth aspirations of the Authority and Industry in developing Zambia into a prosperous middle-income country through enhanced tax compliance anchored in the predictable and sustainable long-term growth and development of Industry.

She has urged the ZRA to continue to promote Voluntary Compliance for those organizations that are fully tax compliant and this will remove the uncertainty in the market and avoid unnecessary operational cost escalation at industry level.

Raphael Nakachinda escapes attack from angry MMD Youths

Raphael Nakacinda on a Radio Show in Eastern Province
FILE: Raphael Nakacinda on a Radio Show in Eastern Province

Nominated Member of Parliament and former National Secretary of the Felix Mutati led MMD Raphael Nakachinda yesterday survived lynching from MMD Youths at Findeco House.

Mr Nakachinda who was a guest on Millennium Radio on a special paid for program said the MMD had no President and that he was the leader of the Party.

This did not go well with the MMD, and other youths who quickly mobilized and followed him to Findeco House

Unknown to Mr Nakachinda, the angry youths were preparing to teach him a lesson and as he was exiting the building after his interview, and walking towards his vehicle, the emotionally charged youths confronted him chanting “waya sana Nakachinda” .

When Mr Nakachinda and some of his security guys noticed the MMD youths, his guards were the first to run as he was almost left alone. As the youths asked him why he had continued selling and insulting the party leadership for cheap political survival, the clearly frightened and shaken nominated Member of Parliament U-turned and run back into Findeco House and hid in one of the toilets.

Some of the Youths was heard saying enough is enough and that the next time they caught up with him, they would lynch him

Raphael Nakachinda was on radio where he has continued disparaging High Court Judge Sharon Newa’s November 5th Court ruling which declared that Dr. Nevers Mumba the legitimate President of the MMD.

MMD Youths call on Zambia Police to arrest Geoffrey Mulenga for impersonation and trying to get money by false pretense

MMD National Youth Treasurer Geoffrey Mulenga
Mr Geoffrey Mulenga


Youths of the Opposition Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD have called upon Zambia Police to Arrest Geoffrey Mulenga for impersonation and trying to get money by false pretense.

in a statement released to the media by Gregory Mofu, the MMD National Youth Secretary, the youths said that Geoffrey Mulenga is not and has never been the National Youth Chairperson of MMD as evidenced by the records at the Register of Societies. What Mr.

The Youths said that what Mr. Mulenga did, by alleging that he is the Party Youth Chairperson, is impersonation and him being a law student knows that that is a criminal offense.

Early this week Mr. Mulenga called on youths in the country to gear themselves for a convention which he predicted that it will be held in May 2020. According to Mr Mulenga, the MMD structures across the country had refused to accept the Court ruling which installed Nevers Mumba as party president saying the leadership of the party is not won through the Court and that Nevers Mumba mandated ended in 2016.

Mulenga who accompanied faction National Secretary Raphael Nakacinda on a fact-finding and sensitization tour in Eastern Province said the structures want an early convention and that youths should prepare themselves.

He said after a thorough analysis and interaction with structures it’s quite clear that the convention is a matter that is exciting members and that structures want the convention to be held in May as that is the best time to hold a convention that will determine the future of the party in view of 2021.

“Based on the evidence collected we are fully convinced that this convention will be held in May. And owing to the general elections to be held next year 2021, any sane political party worth it’s sort requires atleast a year to reorganize itself in terms of resource and logistics in order to face a national election. So it’s indeed folly for anyone to hold a convention in 2021. Or months later than May due to weather and economic activities coupled with the hightened political mood and tempreture associated with the fourth quarter of the year.

“We are happy to have heard other major political parties declare their intention to hold thier conventions and general conferences this year. As mothers of democracy we will go first and lead the way by May and then we shall wait for our colleagues to hold theirs too. We presume we are all targeting the same venue with our alliance partners PF which is the Rock of Authority at Mulungushi University so we shall go first,” he said.

He encouraged youths in the party not to lose hope as all logistical arrangments where being put in place for the convention.

“This is self explanatory, we want to challenge anyone to ask any senior party member the VJs the Kavindeles, the Akshambatwas, they will tell you that we are not far from the truth in terms of the facts and dates for the mammoth convention ahead of 2021.

“For those in doubt, we want to encourage them that this convention will go ahead with or without the so called big names being discussed. With or without Nevers, Mutati, Nakacinda we shall all sacrifice and go to vote. Except that all are invited. We can’t fail to organise a convention we have done it before as members.

He further announced that the youths will soon open a national account for the said convention.

“And finally I want to inform the nation that, we as card carrying youths in the party shall soon open an account with a reputable and accessible bank for our members and well-wishers to make donations,” he said.

However, MMD released the statement below


For Immediate Press Release

We as the Youths of the Opposition Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) are dismayed by a statement from a Mr. Geoffrey Mulenga who alleged that he was the MMD Youth Chairperson, in it he alleged that the Youths of the party will organize a Convention and called for well wishers to fund them.

In the first place, Geoffrey Mulenga is not and has never been the National Youth Chairperson of our Party. The Register of Societies can attest to this fact. What Mr. Mulenga did by alleging that he is the Party Youth Chairperson is impersonation and him being a law student knows that that is a criminal offense.

Secondly, the party membership around the Country especially the Youths have welcomed the November 5 Landmark Judgement and stand in solidarity with Party President Dr Nevers Sekwila Mumba.

The Party Constitution in Article 14 (2) mandates the National Executive Committee (NEC) of the Party as the only organ mandated to call for a convention. Deriving powers from this article, the NEC of our Party announced the holding of a Convention in 2020 and mandated the party pa accross the Nation to take stock and start mobilizing the party on the 6th of November, 2019.

The audit of our membership and strictures is going on well and all our members are busy mobilizing the party. The Party President Dr. Nevers Mumba kicked off the Countrywide tour of the MMD Structures two weeks ago with his stop being Southern Province.

There are no factions in the MMD as they died on the 5th of November, 2019. Mr. Raphael Nakachinda is neither a National Secretary or a Faction one, He remains an expelled member of the Party. The MMD only has one National Secretary, who is Hon. Elizabeth Chitika. We urge the public especially the media to ignore Nakachinda as his impersonation is also contempt of Court.

Mr. Mulenga Is a paid stooge of Mr. Nakachinda and has been working with him since 2016 when he emerged as his supporter at the illegal convention that was nullified by the court.

The efforts by Nakachinda and his stooges have no impact on the MMD. They are dancing out of tune, long after the curtains are drawn. In 2016, they decieved themselves and held an illegal Convention. A number of them like Hon. Felix Mutati have awakened to the lies of Nakachinda and have chosen other decent paths after their lies were exposed by the High Court ruling.

The Youth Wing as alleged by Mr. Mulenga can never organize the MMD Convention because it is only the National Executive Committee (NEC), of the party that has authority to do that. At an adequate time, the NEC will announce the date of the Convention and it will not be in May as Mulenga as alleged.

Furthermore the Constitution only mandates the National Treasurer to organize funds for the Convention and no one else not even the Youths of the Party. There 2016 Convention was declared illegal because among others the MMD National Treasurer didn’t organize the resources for it or spend a ngwee on it.

We call upon the police to arrest Mr. Geoffrey Mulenga for impersonation and for trying to receive money by false pretence.

Issued by
Gregory Mofu
National Youth Secretary

Barclays Bank Zambia PLC to change to Absa Bank Zambia PLC in February

Barclays Bank CEO Mzinga Melu
Barclays Bank CEO Mzinga Melu

Barclays Bank Zambia PLC today announced that it will officially change its name to Absa Bank Zambia PLC on Monday, 10 February 2020. The Bank will legally trade as “Absa Bank Zambia PLC” in Zambia from this date while continuing its transition from the Barclays brand in a carefully managed process.

“We have served Zambia for over 100 years, and can trace our company’s roots as far back as 1918, demonstrating the length and strength of our commitment to the country,” said Mizinga Melu, Managing Director of Barclays Bank Zambia PLC. We are about to embark on a new and exciting chapter in the company’s history, as we embrace our new Absa identity.

Barclays Bank Zambia PLC’s change is part of one of the largest, most ambitious corporate rebranding projects in the continent’s history and part of a broader, multi-country rebrand program by parent company, Absa Group Limited.

After over 3 years of preparation, the Bank has announced the official name change date with much pride. Even though some branches have already started to look like Absa, with a warm, vibrant red colour palette across branches, ATMs and other assets, the Bank will continue to operate and trade as Barclays Bank Zambia PLC until its name officially changes. The Bank has also been firing up the anticipation with a dynamic marketing and advertising campaign that shows.

“With our name change date now confirmed, we stand on the precipice of a new era, one that is full of possibilities and that will allow us to embrace our ambition as an independent African bank, with global scalability, but still very cognizant of our role in society, under a new name: Absa Bank Zambia PLC. The Absa brand represents a uniquely diverse African banking group whose purpose is to bring possibility to life,” said Mizinga Melu.

Our parent company Absa Group Limited is one of the largest banking groups in Africa, with a balance sheet of more than USD 91 billion (as at 30 June 2019), operations across 12 African countries, and representative offices in London and soon to open one in New York. The Group has approximately 40,000 employees, more than 1,000 branches, and nearly 10,000 ATMs.

For customers, all cards, accounts and banking processes will remain active and functional as they have always done before. Barclays Bank Zambia PLC will not ask any customer for additional information during this period, and all bank records and account details will remain the same before and after the transition. During this transition period, we request customers not to disclose important personal information as a way of protecting against fraud and phishing attempts.

The date of the Bank’s name change will be a massive milestone in a carefully planned process for both Barclays Bank Zambia PLC and Absa Group Limited. The entire organisation is passionately proud to be part of this broad, multi-country rebrand program, scheduled to be completed by June-2020.

PF North warns unruly members, the party will not entertain squabbles and insubordination


The Patriotic Front in Northern Province has warned that it will not tolerate acts of indiscipline among members at various levels.

PF Provincial Chairperson Chungu Bwalya says the leadership in the province will not entertain squabbles and insubordination at the expense of growing the party and delivering development to Zambians.

Mr Bwalya, who is also Northern Province Minister and Lupososhi Area Member of Parliament, sounded the warning when he addressed party officials at the PF provincial office in Kasama yesterday.

He said the PF wants to focus on progressive matters that will propel it to greater heights and ensure public confidence ahead of next year’s polls.

Mr Bwalya also called for teamwork from all party members in view of the February 13 Chilubi parliamentary by-elections.

He noted that the party has a huge task to retain the Chilubi seat hence the need for unity and hard-work.

At the same meeting, Mr Bwalya introduced members of the party’s provincial mobilization committee.

President Lungu breaks Holiday to attend to Eastern Province Flood Victims

President Lungu Visiting Flood Victims in Eastern Province
President Lungu Visiting Flood Victims in Eastern Province

President Edgar Lungu yesterday took some time off his four-day holiday to enhance relief support to flood victims in Eastern Province and toured some sites which have been flooded, and assured flood victims of quick response to their plight.

During his tour President Lungu went to Lumezi District where he advised flood victims to relocate to higher land away from river banks to avoid such calamities next year.

Later the Head of State paid a courtesy call on Chief Mukanya and Chief Jumbe of Mambwe district with the view of Government and Traditional Leaders working together to find lasting solutions towards natural calamities.

“So, as we provide relief, I think that we should put our heads together. My permanent secretaries are here so we can work together to find a lasting solution” President Lungu stated.

The President was accompanied by the Minister in the Office of the Vice President Hon.Olipa Phiri, Eastern Province Minister Hon.Makebi Zulu, Permanent Secretaries in the Ministries of Defence Mr. Stardy Mwale, the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) National Coordinator Mr. Chanda Kabwe, Infrastructure, Eng. Charles Mushota, and Local Government, Bishop Dr. Eddie Chomba.

Meanwhile President Lungu told flood victims at Mpata Primary school that he was in the Province to ensure that relief support was reaching the targeted beneficiaries.

“I simply came here to share solidarity with you after the tragedy you went through in December when there were flash floods in this district and ensure that the goods which were sent have reached you and also to encourage my team that you are not alone we are together,” said President Lungu.

He further encouraged the gathering at the school to heed to the advice that the technocrats give them to overcome challenges that come with natural calamities.

Meanwhile Minister in the Office of the Hon. Olipa Phiri said the President’s visit in the Province was an encouragement in efforts that are being made in mitigating natural disasters.

And Eastern Province Minister Hon. Makebi Zulu thanked the President for visiting his province and the relief food and material support to the flood victims.

The DMMU National Coordinator Mr. Chanda Kabwe said the total number of households affected in the Mambwe District was 300, while 60 were from the Chibande ward of Lumezi district.

He announced that President Lungu has distributed assorted items ranging from tents, food, blankets dignity kits mosquito nets and chlorine to all the affected households.

The flooded Villages in Eastern Province
The flooded Villages in Eastern Province

The flooded Villages in Eastern Province
The flooded Villages in Eastern Province
Nsefu Chiefdom of Mambwe District in Eastern Province has been cut off from the rest of the District following heavy floods that broke the banks of Msandile River.

Nsefu Chiefdom of Mambwe District in Eastern Province has been cut off from the rest of the District following heavy floods that broke the banks of Msandile River.

Politics of Lies: Climate Change Vs Energy Challenges

Hakainde Hichilema
Hakainde Hichilema

By Wamunyima Wamunyima.

For HH, to accept that the energy challenges we are facing as a country are as a result of the climate change, to him it would mean losing grounds for gaining political mileage and that is why he has religiously and deceitfully claimed that our energy challenges are due to poor leadership and mismanagement. Does he mean to tell us that the PF government has mismanaged the climate and now we have an energy problem? What a way to do politics.

For those that may not know, Climate change is a change in the statistical properties of the climate system that persists for several decades or longer—usually at least 30 years. These statistical properties include averages, variability and extremes. Climate change may be due to natural processes, such as changes in the Sun’s radiation, volcanoes or internal variability in the climate system, or due to human influences such as changes in the composition of the atmosphere or land use.

*Now, with his demonic possession to usurp power from PF, HH has in the recent past produced and propagated fake news with the sole intent of misleading the general public. His character portrays a person that is NOT a trustworthy political leader.*

A trustworthy political leader is a self actualized leader. Self actualization is the highest form of human growth, someone who is self actualized is a fully functioning human being.

As Zambians, we should scrutinize our leaders and compare them to the characteristics below as they are unwaveringly related to a good leader. It is worth to pay attention to these and take them into consideration when we’re making a choice as to whom we chose as a leader. Can HH even satisfy one of the following? Be the judge.

A good leader:

1. Is fair and objective. A good political leader does not take what is similar to his views as facts and base his decisions on that. He uses reliable and unfiltered information to make judgments and to come up with resolutions. In other words, he stands above his own believes to observe events objectively while the general public fails to do so. In addition, he does not suffer from a self serving bias.

2. Is not seeking fame and attention: A good leader should be able to move above and beyond any egoistic and primitive need for power, attention, or establishing his personal agendas and works with the intention of good-for-all and for the country.

3. Is not into hiding the truth for the sake of looking good. A good leader says it as it is even if it feels uncomfortable for many to hear it. He is not a people pleaser in a sense that he would say anything to please others even if that means manipulating or misguiding the public. It takes a lot of courage to do this and a good leader has that courage.

4. Encourages people to be accountable for their actions. A good leader helps people understand that they are accountable for their society and its outcome and teaches them to make compromises and responsible choices. He does not support a sense of self-serving entitlement that has gone too far and is counter-productive for the society as a whole.

5. Does not pay attention to being politically correct but ethically so. A good leader understands that in order for the whole society to be a functional and healthy one, some adjustments need to be made and people need to learn to give some in order to gain some.

6. Does not make idealistic promises but realistic ones. A good leader makes a sustainable promise and is a man of his words.

7. Is honest even if it does not get approval. People know where they are standing with an authentic leader. He does not hide bad news just because it is uncomfortable to the public’s ear.

8. Thinks globally and acts locally. He realizes that in order for us to live in prosperity as a blessed country, reasonable steps need to be taken to make sure others achieve the same goals. He is aware that with power comes responsibility.

9. Takes personal responsibility. A good leader is secure enough with himself to take personal responsibility when one is needed. In other words, a good political leader has an internal locus of control while he is aware of the effects of the external forces.

10. Does not make himself look good by assaulting others.  A leader that can be trusted does not take others down for himself to go up. He is more of a collaborator than a competitor. He tries to build bridges rather than destroy them. He is a natural mediator rather than one that creates conflict, tension, and separation.

That said and done, it is easy for us to conclude that HH does not even equal one of the 10 points noted above because he is blinded by his obsession for power, what a tragedy.

Zesco hoping to make a statement at Zamalek


Zesco United on Friday night hope to stay relevant in the top two race in Group A of the CAF Champions League when they face hosts Zamalek in Cairo.

George Lwandamina’s side is winless in Group A and are third with just 2 points after three games played and sit two points behind second placed Zamalek who held them to a 1-1 home draw in Ndola on December 28.

Defeat on Friday will see Zesco in a uphill battle to rake -in six points in their last two games against bottom placed Premiero Agosto, 2 points, and leaders TP Mazembe ,who have 7 points, on January 25 at home and February 1 away respectively.

But Zesco captain Jacob Banda is optimistic they can leave Cairo with the insurance of a draw.

Zesco have collected two away draws in previous visits to Egypt and have not lost there since the 2010 edition when Al Ahly beat them 1-0 at the pre-group stage to eliminate them by the same aggregate result.

“We are coming to Egypt to face Zamalek with a lot of confidence because we know we have been in the CAF Champions League before and we know the type of football they play,” Banda said.

“Every player has faced a North African team so we are not intimidated by this Zamalek team.

“Our fans must just have confidence in us because anything can happen in football. We can get a draw or a win. ”

FAZ unveils roadmap to elective 2020 FAZ AGM


FAZ has announced that the provincial administrators’ workshops will be held next week prior to the adoption of provincial constitutions and selection of delegates for the February 1, 2020 Extraordinary General Meeting.

FAZ General Secretary Adrian Kashala said the conferences will start on Monday next week with North Western Province before heading to the Copperbelt the following day.

The delegation will be in Western Province on Wednesday, before tackling Southern, Eastern, Luapula, Northern, Muchinga, Central and Lusaka provinces respectively.

‘The conferences will appraise administrators on structures of administration and update on provincial cup,’ read a media statement released on Thursday by FAZ acting spokesperson Sydney Mungala.

The association will hold an Extraordinary Conference on February 1, 2020 in preparation for much anticipated 2020 elective Annual General Meeting set for March.

The full roadmap is as follows:
12th January 2020- North Western
13th January 2020- Copperbelt
15th January 2020-Western
17th January 2020- Eastern
21st January 2020-Luapula
23rd January 2020-Northern
25th January 2020-Muchinga
26th January 2020-Central
27th January 2020-Lusaka

Chris Kaunda is new Zanaco coach


Zanaco have appointed ex-Nkwazi boss Chris Kaunda as their new head coach.

Kaunda takes over from Mumamba Numba who was fired on January 6 after a nine-game losing run in all competition.

That run of results in the league left Zanaco in the bottom four relegation zone where they currently occupy the top part at number 15 on 13 points from thirteen matches with three games in hand.

Zanaco CEO Marlon Kananda said Kaunda will be assisted by former Red Arrows assistant coach and Chipolopolo midfielder Joel Bwalya and that their mandate is up to the end of the 2019/2020 season.

“Kaunda’s first task will be the game against ESAE of Benin in the CAF Confederation Cup this Sunday January 12 at National Heroes Stadium in Lusaka,” Kananda said.

Kaunda returns to football two months after Nkwazi fired him on November 1 after winning one of his opening nine games in charge of the Lusaka side in which he collected just 7points.

And Sunday’s match will see Kaunda make his continental debut as coach but he will be hoping to tap from his successful spell as Zambia U17 coach in 2014 when he qualified the team to the countries maiden U17 AFCON appearance in 2015.

Zanaco are third in Group B of their CAF Confederation Cup campaign and unbeaten with 3 points from three games.

ESAE are bottom on 1 point after drawing 0-0 with Zanaco on December 29 at home in Benin.

2018/2019 tournament runners-up RSB Berkane of Morocco lead Group B on 7 points while DR Congo club DC Motema Pembe are second with 4 points.

Kanganja warns rioting residents in Chingola

INSPECTOR General of Police, Kakoma Kanganja
INSPECTOR General of Police, Kakoma Kanganja

Inspector General of Police Kakoma Kanganja has warned people trying to take advantage of the volatile situation in CHINGOLA to instigate violence.

Mr. Kanganja says Police have information that some people are trying to take advantage of the situation in the mining town.

The Inspector-General of Police says the Command has mobilized more officers to provide security and enhance investigations.

Mr KANGANJA says it is unfortunate that some members of the public can break the law under the pretext of expressing their displeasure.

He further calls upon CHINGOLA residents to remain calm and join hands with the Police in the mission to track and bring to perpetrators crime to book.

Yesterday, protests broke out in Chingola on the Copperbelt in which the property of innocent members of the public was destroyed and stolen.

The residents were protesting over the alleged hackings and killings that have been happening in mining the town.

Army worms attack 7 400 hectares of maize fields in Kafue

FILE: Army worms

About 7400 hectares of maize fields have been affected by fall army worms in Kafue district, in Lusaka Province.

This was revealed during an inspection of maize fields in the District by the Kafue District Commissioner Joseph Kamana.

Mr Kamana however says the Ministry of Agriculture has already dispatched pesticides to control the army worms in the district.

He has since appealed to farmers to follow instructions, with regards to how spraying of the fields should be conducted.

The DC added requested the farmers to work closely with the Agriculture Extension Officer in the district, in order to ensure that they use the correct measurement of chemical, on the crops.

And Kafue District Agriculture Coordinator Bvunzayi Rutsito has revealed that government has provided about 500 liters of pesticides to control the army worms.

Mr Rutsito noted that his office has already started distributing the chemical to affected farmers in the district.