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Bowman Lusambo promises to destroy more illegal structures in Lusaka

Lusaka Province Minister  Bowman Lusambo
Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo

Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo has said that the Lusaka Provincial administration will not hesitate to demolish any structure built illegally in the province.

Speaking when he featured on Hot FM’s Hot Seat Programme Thursday morning, Mr Lusambo said this year, the people should expect to see a lot of arrests for individuals involved in illegal land allocation.

“I can assure you that the people involved in the Munali illegal land allocation will be arrested. I can’t demolish an illegal structure without dealing with the person who sold that land to the developer,” he said.

He said for as long as he remained Lusaka Province Minister he will not tolerate lawlessness in the management of land.

Mr Lusambo, who is also Kabushi Member of Parliament, said he will soon be moving in to demolish all illegal structures in Lusaka.

“I was just about to demolish a structure that is next to Football House, that structure has encroached, the one that is next to the Seventh Day Adventist Church (SDA). And I was telling the council (Lusaka City Council) that this building should be demolished,” said Hon Lusambo.

He added that for him, it is not about how much has been spent on constructing any structure but that if it was built illegally, it would be demolished.

Shepolopolo U17 Face South Africa in 2020 FIFA World Cup Qualifier


Shepolopolo Under-17 will face South Africa in the second round of the 2020 FIFA U17 Women’s World Cup qualifiers following a walk-over win against Namibia.

Namibia has withdrawn from this month’s first round qualifying tie due to logistical reasons.

“We regret to inform you that Namibia FA withdrew from the African qualifiers of FIFA U-17 WWC 2020. Consequently, the mission of the officials of the said matches is cancelled and Zambia is qualified to the next round of the tournament,” reads the correspondence from CAF.

Shepolopolo were due to play Namibia away this weekend and at home during the weekend of January 24-26.

Zambia will now host South Africa on February 29 and will be away on March 14.

It will be the two teams second meeting in less than seven months after South Africa beat Shepolopolo 2-1 on September 27 in the semifinals of the inaugural 2019 COSAFA U17 Cup in Mauritius.

Zambia finished third while South Africa was runners-up.

Winner will advance to the final round in May to face second round victor of the Botswana vs. Zimbabwe/Djibouti vs. Morocco first round match-ups to decide who qualifies to the tournament India will host from November 2-21.

Malupenga bans state media from covering Zambia’s Ambassadors

Permanent Secretary of Information and Broadcasting Services, Amos Malupenga
Permanent Secretary of Information and Broadcasting Services, Amos Malupenga

Newly appointed Permanent Secretary of Information and Broadcasting Services, Amos Malupenga has banned the public media from carrying any media statements issued by Zambian Embassies abroad.

In a letter written to media heads of; ZNBC, TIMES OF ZAMBIA, DAILY Mail and ZANIS, dated 7th January 2020 and signed by new Permanent Secretary of Information and Broadcasting Services Amos Malupenga, stated that the public media should not use or publish or circulate such media statements from Zambian embassies and High Commission.

He said exception has been given to media statements that will have express approval from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Malupenga has also banned the appearance of ambassadors on public media programs in special interviews and feature profiles without prior approval from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Malupenga stated that the directive was with immediate effect.

The letter was copied to Minister of Information, to the Secretary to Cabinet and to the Permanent Secretary at Foreign Affairs.

Trump’s Religious Freedom Commissioner Supports Recalling of US Ambassador Daniel Foote from Zambia

Tony Perkins, one of Donald Trump’s Religious Freedom commissioners
Tony Perkins, one of Donald Trump’s Religious Freedom commissioners

Tony Perkins, one of Donald Trump’s Religious Freedom Commissioners, has said that the recalling of US ambassador to Zambia, Daniel Foote, for criticizing Zambia for sentencing two men to jail for 15 years for having gay sex was, is the right move when he has broken trust with his hosts and can no longer effectively serve as US representative overseas.

Writing in a blog post, Mr. Perkins said that this would also serve as an indicator of how the US Government will act elsewhere, adding that America respects everyone, but it won’t promote values that are inconsistent with what US President Donald Trump stands for.

Mr. Perkins wondered what exact mandate was Daniel Foote operating under when he insulted Zambia’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) policies and judicial system by calling the jailing of two men “horrifying,” and Zambians beliefs on LGBT “oppressive.”

Mr. Perkins accused the previous Obama administration of being more concerned with “cultural imperialism” than “diplomacy”, but that President Trump was slowly working his way through the bureaucrats dedicated to keeping the last administration’s legacy alive, adding that it was not easy to dismantle an army of international lobbyists for radical sexuality, abortion, and other extreme social policies and that President Trump’s White House is determined to keep trying.

Mr. Perkins further wrote that Barack Obama’s efforts to radicalize other nations were so offensive that citizens of other nations openly celebrated when Donald Trump was elected. Like dozens of other countries on the receiving end of the president’s extreme social agenda, people in the Caribbean were under enormous pressure from what he called the bullies at the US State Department to abandon ship on their traditional Christian beliefs.

Mr. Perkins went on to write that sometimes that harassment came in the form of financial blackmail — threatening foreign aid if the leaders didn’t comply. Other times, it came in the form of publicly degrading locals’ beliefs about the family. But no matter how it arrived, the result was always the same: outrage that the United States — of all countries — should be browbeating the world into submission on issues that are still fiercely controversial in most of the world.

Mr. Perkins gave an example that, in 2017, shortly after he took office, Donald Trump received a letter from hundreds of pastors and church leaders in the Caribbean urging him to chart a new course for U.S. relations — one that doesn’t include an obvious disrespect for other nations’ values.

It’s time, the Evangelical Association of the Caribbean wrote to President Trump, for the White House to stop using the US’s State Department to impose their LGBT agenda on other countries.

“‘Gay rights,'” they wrote, “are pre-empting human rights, such as freedom of religion, freedom of expression, and freedom of conscience. We implore you urgently to review this matter, to revoke relevant executive orders and policies, and to thus to restore to ‘The City upon a Hill’ the bright beam that once shone from it.”

Italy contributes US$ 610,000 to help drought hit Zambia

UN World Food Program
UN World Food Program

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has welcomed a €500,000 (US$ 610,000) contribution from the Italian Government to provide food to people affected by the drought in Zambia.

Drought and prolonged dry spells have left 2.3 million people severely food insecure and in need of humanitarian food assistance.

“In the context of the current crisis, the Italian emergency contribution confirmed in December 2019 is crucial to WFP. The funds will enable WFP to procure around 340 MT of pulses to cover the food needs of about 99,000 people for an entire month, helping WFP ensure that the people residing in the areas most affected by the drought can receive the immediate assistance they need,” said Jennifer Bitonde, WFP Country Representative in Zambia.

“At the same time, WFP will continue to work to strengthening communities’ resilience to future climatic shocks under its five-year Country Strategic Plan (2019-2024),” she added.

As part of the 2019 Humanitarian Response Plan, WFP is currently supporting the Government’s response by providing logistics support by delivering Government-supplied maize meal, as well as by procuring and delivering pulses to ensure a nutrition-sensitive food basket.

WFP is also working closely with partners to monitor food distributions and guarantee that resources reach those most in need.

About 1.1 million people are expected to receive WFP’s support, while the remaining 1.2 million will be assisted by the Government and other partners, with whom WFP is working and closely coordinating.

Meanwhile, the United States through its US Agency for International Development has also made a contribution of USD 3.39 million to the United Nations World Food Programme.

The objective of this contribution is to meet the immediate food requirements of drought-affected people in Zambia.

The support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) comes at a moment of increasing needs, after drought and prolonged dry spells have left 2.3 million people severely food insecure and in need of assistance.

Through this funding, World Food Programme (WFP) will deliver 2,380 MT of pulses to complement the Government’s maize for three months, giving 255,000 drought-affected people across the country the food and nutritional assistance they need.

“WFP requires USD 36 million to effectively support the Government in responding to the crisis. USAID’s contribution represents approximately 10 percent of the total needs and will allow WFP to ensure that drought-affected people will not go to bed hungry during this year’s lean season,” WFP’s Country Representative in Zambia, Jennifer Bitonde opined.

Chingola Residents Riot Over Ritual Killings


Residents of Chingola have rioted, destroying shops and houses belonging to people suspected to be behind the recent spate of suspected ritual killings.

The residents ran amok, looting some shops in several areas and later turned on to houses of businessmen, where they also looted household goods.

Police in full riot gear, with the help of soldiers from the Zambia Army, moved in to quell the protest in about five compounds.

In the fracas, residents also stoned the ZNBC News Crew which was covering the riot, damaging one of the rear windows for the Land Cruiser vehicle belonging to the Corporation.

The rioters also partially blocked the main highway forcing motorists to be stuck in the central business district as they avoided being stoned in Chiwempala.

Copperbelt Police Deputy Commissioner Wamunyima Wamunyima has confirmed the protest to ZNBC News.

Mr. Wamunyima said that Police called for reinforcements from neighbouring Districts and from the Zambia Police School of Public Order Maintenance in Kitwe, popularly known as Kamfinsa.

Local Government Minister raises concern about the delayed upgrade to Chisokone market

Kitwe's Chisokone Market
Kitwe’s Chisokone Market

Local Government Minister Charles Banda is concerned with the delayed implementation of the Chisokone market upgrade.

Dr Banda says Chisokone market is one of the biggest trading facilities in the country and accommodates over 20 000 traders hence the need to make it more conducive.

Speaking when he paid a courtesy call on Kitwe District Commissioner Binwell Mpundu, Dr Banda said apart from Chisokone market, government also plans on expanding most markets in the country.

He further said his ministry will also ensure that the market management board is installed before the end of January so that markets have proper management.

And, Kitwe District Commissioner Binwell Mpundu said the infrastructure at Chisokone market is a sorry sight and that there is need to improve it.

Mr Mpundu, however, said that can only be done if the traders also change their mind set to allow the expansion of the market.

58-year-old Lusaka man appears in the Magistrate Court for Treason Charges



A 58-year-old man of Lusaka has appeared in the Lusaka Magistrate Court for Treason.

In this matter it is alleged that Mwangala Ngalande engaged in acts that were aimed at overthrowing the Government of President EDGAR LUNGU.

Ngalande of plot number 7 Ben Bella Road in Roma Township is charged with one count of treason accompanied by three Overt Acts.

And according to Overt Act number one, it is alleged that Ngalande conspired with Simon Njobvu to procure military equipment namely AK47 assault rifle, pistols and rocket propelled grenades.

It is alleged that the purpose of this equipment was for the assassination of President Edgar Lungu and other senior Government officials namely, Service Chiefs , Defence Minister Davies Chama, Chief Justice, Irene Mambilima, Speaker of the National Assembly Dr Patrick Matibini.

In Overt Act number two, Ngalande is accused of having conspired with Mr. Njovu to source for international funding and actually obtained 1 point 6 million United States Dollars to utilize in the over throwing of the Government of the Republic of Zambia.

It is also alleged that the suspect jointly and whilst acting together with other persons unknown did recruit 10 people for military training.

It is alleged that a militia was to be made for the purpose of overthrowing the Government of the Republic of Zambia.

When the matter came up for explanation of the charge before Chief Resident Magistrate, Lameck Mwale, Ngalande told the court that he understood the charge.

The suspect could not take plea because the offence he is facing is tried by the High Court.

But before Magistrate Mwale adjourned the case, Ngalande’ S defence lawyer, Martha Mushipe applied for a preliminary inquiry.

In his ruling Magistrate Mwale granted the application before ordering the State to allow lawyers have access to the suspect.

There is no shortage of drugs, it’s just propaganda-Health Minister


Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya in the company of Muchinga Province Minister Malozo Sichone and Chinsali Lawmaker Kalalwe Mukosa inpecting the works at the newly built Chinsali General Hospital
Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya

Minister of Health Chitalu Chilufya has embarked on a countrywide random tour to check on service delivery and also check on the availability of medicine in hospitals and clinics.

Dr. Chilufya was speaking at Nchanga North Clinic in Chingola.

He has emphasized that the health sector is a sensitive sector that should not be used for political games.

Dr. Chilufya has urged the media to verify with the Ministry of Health about the alleged shortage of medicines to avoid tension amongst Zambians.

He said the assumption that there no medicines in Zambia is pure propaganda as the Government has enough.

On Tuesday, two Pharmacist in Lusaka has been suspended by the Ministry of Health for issuing prescriptions to patients under the pretext that they are no drugs at the hospitals at which they operate.

Government Responds to former Minister of Mines, Dr. Mpande on Gold Mining Plans

Mines Minister Richard Musukwa with President Lungu at a Potential Gold Mining Site in North Western Province
Mines Minister Richard Musukwa with President Lungu at a Potential Gold Mining Site in North Western Province

Following an article titled, “Mpande Rejects Gold Plan,” published by the Daily Nation Newspaper on Thursday, 2nd January, 2020, the Ministry of Mines and Minerals Development would like to address the following concerns raised by the former Minister of Mines, Dr. Mpande;


– Government Response:

Contrary to the assertion, the Government has moved decisively to empower its Citizens over the matter of gold. In fact, Dr. Mpande spoke without getting the details of what Cabinet directed. Cabinet specifically on the matter of Citizen empowerment directed that small scale and artisanal miners be organized and formalized by:

i. Legalizing the gold panning activities by granting gold panning certificates in line with the law;

ii. Providing gold panning equipment to the gold panning communities and cooperatives. In that respect gold panning equipment has already been procured through the Ministry of Commerce that has partnered with the Ministry of Mines to realise this goal of empowering the citizens to have higher recoveries of gold in their gold panning exercises;

iii. ZCCM-IH Plc is establishing offices in the areas where there are gold panning activities. This move is to make it easier for the citizens involved in gold panning to have a ready market for their gold within reach of their mining activities;

iv. Government is only giving Artisanal licences to Citizens because by law, this is a tool to empower Citizens, therefore the move is further evidence that Government means well for its citizens;

v. What Dr. Mpande was citing as trading hubs is what exactly Cabinet directed should be done and has been done by ZCCM-IH Plc establishing trading hubs in the gold panning areas;

vi. Cabinet further directed that Higher institutions of learning be incorporated to provide Research and Development to the gold mining to improve gold recovery methods and also discourage the use of mercury so that we preserve both human lives and the environment. In other words Cabinet wants Artisanal mining to be supported with some extension services so that gold recovery by the citizens involved in gold mining can be increased substantially;

vii. Another directive of the Cabinet was the need to support the artisanal or small scale miners with Borehole water in mining areas where there are no ready water bodies but artisanal/small scale miners are operating or can operate from;

viii. The above measures were all directed by Cabinet to empower Zambian Citizens involved in gold mining and to also encourage others to join in mining gold lawfully.


Government Response:

i. Government means well in allowing the Bank of Zambia (BOZ) to have the exclusive right to buy the gold because it helps build the strategic international reserves using gold Bullion.

ii. Further it is not the first time that Bank of Zambia has been able to buy Gold from the Mines. Before the privatization, ZCCM used to process gold and sell to BOZ, which was a positive move, so we are surprised that Dr. Mpande can frown on an idea that helps the Zambian economy.

iii. BOZ will buy the gold in Kwacha which further strengthens the Kwacha against the United States Dollar.

iv. BOZ will be free to exercise the right of refusal if they are not able to buy the gold. In other words, the government has not effected a ban but rather prioritized BOZ so that the nation can benefit because a vibrant economy affects every aspect of the Zambian lives.

v. The International best practice is that a number of nations around the world are systematically building their Strategic Gold Reserves and therefore the Zambian Government is simply doing what prudent governments do. Examples abound of Countries that are seriously building their Gold Strategic Reserves including China, Turkey, Russia, and Botswana. In those countries, gold is treated in a certain way. It is not surprising that Cabinet Directed that Gold be declared a strategic mineral because of its impact on the economy and lives of the people.


– Government Response:

We are aware as the government that there are different types of gold deposits. Alluvial gold (Or gold washed down by water) is easy to mine depending on the location, where as there is Elluvial gold (Gold embedded in rocks) usually found in rock structure and other formations is more expensive and requires more financial investment;

For the Alluvial gold, the government has proactively put the programme of Artisanal Miners in place to especially empower its citizens as outlined above. In addition, equipment in the form of panning tables and gold detection equipment has already been sourced by Government to support the Artisanal miners because there is an appreciation that it’s easy to mine the alluvial gold. So Dr. Mpande is attacking from a position of not knowing what Governmnet is doing: if he took time to read what out policy documents say, he will become our Ambassador because Governmnet has done and is doing beyond what he indicated when he was asked about this. The purchase of the gold and organization of artisanal miners commences in ernest on 1st Febraury 2020, so what is currently happening is the establishment of the systems by ZCCM-IH Plc.

As for elluvial gold however, higher investment is required much higher than the US$1million talked about by Dr. mpande hence the involvement of ZCCM-IH Plc in areas like Mwinilunga because more sophisticated methods including processing plants are required to recover the gold. Similar to the the proactive Governmnet stance taken on the small scale/Alluvial gold, the processes for the establishment of the large scale mine in Mwinilunga is underway also set for opening this year 2020.

In other words Government’s approach to both the Alluvial and elluvial gold in terms of how to invest has been done because Cabinet was alive to both realities.


– Government Response:

Contrary to the assertion by Dr. Mpande,

a. The Government Policy and strategy on Gold is not different from the Tanzanians. As a matter of fact the strategy is modelled on the Tanzanian/Ghanaian model with modification because of appreciating that there is a Zambian context to mining which the Government strategy has addressed;

b. The policy prioritises Citizens as being a critical part of the strategy to exploit gold: As indicated above Government has never talked about chasing away its citizens involved in gold mining but instead, the government has provided a ready market for the Artisanal miners, in addition to legalizing their operations (Grant of gold panning certificates).

In conclusion, it is clear that Government means well and through the strategy on gold, its an opportunity to empower Zambian Citizens both at a small scale\Artisanal level and also large scale.

Our people must be excited about gold programmes because, through them, the government is creating jobs and empowering Zambians.

Hon. Richard Musukwa, MP,
Minister of Mines and Minerals Development

Ailing Zanaco Succumbs to Kabwe Warriors


Zanaco’s woes continued on Wednesday after they sustained their second straight league loss.

The seven-time champions succumbed to a 1-0 away defeat at Kabwe Warriors in a rescheduled FAZ Super Division Week 7 fixture played at Godfrey ‘Ucar’ Chitalu Stadium in Kabwe.

Wednesday’s result came just 48 hours after coach Mumamba Numba was fired a day following Zanaco’s 3-1 away loss to town mates Lusaka Dynamos.

Warriors striker Akakulubelwa Mwachiyaba converted a 65th minute penalty to see Zanaco stay winless for a seventh successive league match since they beat Forest Rangers 1-0 on October 20.

Zanaco stay put at the top of the bottom four relegation zone at number 15 on 13 points from as many matches played with three games in hand.

The result also reconfirms Zanaco will for the first time-ever not participate in the ABSA Cup after failing way short in the race to make the top-six cut at the half-way point for the competition.

Zanaco have competed in every ABSA Cup (formerly Barclays Cup) since its inauguration in 2007 that they won once in 2017 under Numba.

Meanwhile, Warriors displaced Red Arrows from sixth position after the home win on 27 and 26 points respectively and are now four points behind leaders Zesco United after sixteen games played.

Social Media Reports About Drowning Misleading, says Lusaka City Council


Lusaka City Council (LCC) has noted with concern that some sections of society believe the opening to drainage in front of Lumumba Bus Station where rescue operation was conducted is what caused the alleged drowning of the unidentified man.

LCC Public Relations Manager George Sichimba said the misinformation has created anxiety in some sections of society thereby blaming Council for the alleged drowning.

He said LCC wishes to clarify that the alleged drowning incidence is reported to have happened some 100 metres away towards Mumbwa/Lumumba Road junction where the drainage is open by design.

“The drainage at the frontage of Lumumba Bus Station was covered to create easy access in and out of the station by both buses and commuters, ” he said.

“During the search for the body, the rescue team created an opening into the cover of the drainage for search operation purposes”.

He said the opening access was needed for the team to access the covered part of the drainage and also to allow the horse pipe for the fire engine to pump out water from the drainage at that section.

“It is unfortunate that some onlookers captured that very opening and posted on social media purporting that it is the opening that “swallowed” the person alleged to have drowned, “he added.

Mr. Sichimba said that Some social media reports went further to accuse LCC of having neglected the opening for a long time when in fact it was created that same morning of the search operation.

LCC, is, therefore, appealing to members of the public to dismiss the social media reports with the contempt they deserve.

Ministry of Finance Approves a K 200 million UNZA Loan Application to Pay off Retirees

Minister of Higher Education, Hon. Dr. Brian Mushimba at UNZA
Minister of Higher Education, Hon. Dr. Brian Mushimba at UNZA

The Ministry of Finance has approved an application for UNZA through the Ministry of Higher Education to acquire a two hundred million kwacha loan to pay off retirees from 2011 to date, who are still on the payroll.

Higher Education Minister Brian Mushimba said that although some retirees have been paid, the loan will ensure those remaining are cleared, adding that the UNZA Management has been asked to go on the market to source for the funding.

Dr. Mushimba said that the government is committed to ensuring that the plight of all retirees is looked into as they are citizens, who have served the country.

Dr. Mushimba was speaking during a press briefing shortly before he addressed retirees from UNZA in a closed-door meeting at his office in Lusaka.

And Dr. Mushimba revealed that UNZALARU Secretary-General Kelvin Mambwe apologized to him for the disparaging remarks towards Zambians following their delayed December salaries.

He, however, said the private apology will NOT be accepted because the insulting statement was made in public through various media.

Dr. Mushimba said the comments are very disappointing and painful because he has constantly engaged the Union on a regular basis.

Bus fare increase is too much, RTSA and bus operators exploiting the Zambians

The Peoples Alliance for Change President Andyford Banda
The Peoples Alliance for Change President Andyford Banda


The People’s Alliance for Change has accused Bus Owners and Government of exploiting Zambians through the hike in Bus fares announced by the Road Transport and Safety Agency yesterday.

Party President Andyford Banda says the increase in Bus fares on Long distance routes by 13%, K2 on Inter mine Copperbelt routes, K1 on Copperbelt local routes, K2 on Lusaka local routes and K2 on Lusaka Peri–Urban routes is too much and is imposing additional burden on common man who is already struggling to put food on the table.

Mr Banda said with the Petrol prices having increased by K1.64 and diesel by K1.36 in December last year, PAC expected that Bus fares would at least increase by K0.50 or K1on local routes and between 5% and 10% on long distance routes and not K2 and 13% announced by RTSA.

He said it is difficult to comprehend how the K2 and 13% was arrived at in a meeting where government was also present to represent the Zambian people.

Mr Banda said the Ministry of Transport and Communications failed to represent the Zambian people and are to blame for the unreasonable increase in bus fares announced yesterday.

He said the hike in bus fares is too much and will increase further the cost of living as people will now be required to spend more on transport.

“We also expect an increase in the cost of food as women who order their merchandise from Soweto will also increase the prices of their merchandize.
Prices of goods and services especially imported products are also likely to go up due to the increase in fuel prices”, he said.

Mr Banda has urged Zambians to brace themselves for harder times in 2020 as the economy is showing no signs of recovery under the Patriotic Front Government.

PF demands UNZALARU’s Dr Mambwe Retracts his Statement and Apologise

Antonio Mwanza speaking during his defection
Antonio Mwanza 

The Patriotic Front has demanded that University of Zambia Lecturers and Researchers Union General Secretary Kelvin Mambwe retracts the statement he issued where he said that people who would vote for the PF if an election is called today are idiots.

PF Deputy Media Director Antonio Mwanza says the PF finds the statement by Dr Mambwe offensive and insulting to the intelligence of the people of Zambia.

Mr Mwanza said every Zambian has a Democratic right to belong to a political party of their choice and it is not for Dr Mambwe to determine who should belong to PF.

He said the University of Zambia is not the only Public University in the country and the chaos coming from there over the one month delayed salary will not be condoned.

Mr Mwanza has also questioned where the University Management is taking the money they are receiving from Eastpark Mall and other properties they have.

Meanwhile, The University of Zambia management has condemned the Zambia Lecturers and Researchers’ Union for their conduct and bad language following a delay in the payment of their salaries.

UNZA Management has expressed displeasure and disappointment with UNZALARU’s actions and condemns in the strongest terms, the stance and strong language attributed to the Union and its agents as published by various media houses.

UNZA Registrar Sitali Wamundila has stated that the position taken by UNZALARU does not in any way represent the position of Management and the University community.