Sunday, October 6, 2024
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Dreadlocked citizens being denied NRC’s by the Zambian Government


By Maiko Zulu

It has come to our attention that the Ministry of Home Affairs through the various National Registration offices is denying Zambian citizens with dreadlocks their rights of obtaining their National Registration Cards (NRC’s).

A number of people with dreadlocked hair are being turned away in what is a blatant and unwarranted violation of citizens rights. Denying someone their NRC automatically disqualifies them from voting and obtaining other documentation like passports and driver’s licences. In short, having dreadlocks in this country means you are stateless.

In view of this colonial and anti-African development, we call on the Minister of Home Affairs to look into the matter and give guidance and also state under which Act dreadlocks are banned in Zambia. We cannot be denying people their rights just because their hair is different. The world has moved on from such kind of mentalities and identifying someone doesn’t have to be limited to bald heads.

[Facebook post]

UNZA Management Condemns UNZALARU for their conduct over delayed Salaries

UNZA Vice Chancellor Luke Mumba flanked by Deputy Vice Chancellor Enala Mwase (l) and UNZA Registrar Wamundila Sitali speaking during media brief at UNZA
FILE:UNZA Vice Chancellor Luke Mumba flanked by Deputy Vice Chancellor Enala Mwase (l) and UNZA Registrar Wamundila Sitali speaking during media brief at UNZA

The University of Zambia (UNZA) management has condemned the Zambia Lecturers and Researchers’ Union (UNZALARU) for their conduct and bad language following a delay in the payment of their salaries.

UNZA Management has expressed displeasure and disappointment with UNZALARU’s actions and condemns in the strongest terms, the stance and strong language attributed to the Union and its agents as published by various media houses.

UNZA Registrar Sitali Wamundila has stated that the position taken by UNZALARU does not in any way represent the position of Management and the University community.

“In as much as UNZA promotes academic freedom and freedom of expression amongst its staff members, it encourages and upholds civility as a mechanism through which conflicts are resolved,” Mr. Mwandila said.

He has reiterated that UNZA is a non-partisan public institution that upholds and embraces a culture of dialogue in resolving issues.

Mr. Wamundila has since advised and reminded all members of staff at the institution that UNZA is a community of intellectuals, hence the need to observe the highest levels of decorum when resolving conflict.

Meanwhile, Mr. Wamundila has assured all key stakeholders that UNZA attaches great importance to the promotion of a peaceful and conflict-free learning environment in the execution of its key mandate of teaching, research and community service.

Bwale Calm Despite Disappointing Last 12 Months


Ex-Zambia Under 20 coach Charles Bwale has remained calm despite his second dismissal in less than twelve months.

Bwale on Tuesday left National Division One side Chambishi after sixteen (16) games in charge.

Buffaloes sacked him last March after he won just one out of his opening six games of the 2019 FAZ Super Division transitional season.

‘My separation from Chambishi football club is on mutual consent as we agreed that by the end of the first half the team should be in the top four. Unfortunately during my reign we have won five games, we have lost two and we have drawn eight and I think that is where the bone contention has arisen,’ Bwale said.

He is now looking forward to another coaching opportunity.

‘You know coaching is like this. You know when one door is closed the other one is closed. I just have to say thank you to the Chambishi populace, the executive for the opportunity accorded to me to be coach for Chambishi Football Club,’ he said.

‘I think my stay at Chambishi; I had support from the executive, the players and the supporters in general. My stay was so cordial.’

Chambishi have appointed Dennis Njapau has interim coach.

Eddie Black ‘Just Got Saved’

Eddie Black released his debut album entitled ‘Just Got Saved’. He stated that he came up with the title the day he got born again, September 16th 2016. “…So, it means I just got born again. I was hoping to do the album immediately but I couldn’t, I had to grow first. I’m not anywhere near ‘there’ yet but I believe I’ve salvaged enough knowledge to be able to share with someone in search of this same truth I’ve found”

Black has been in the music industry for a number of years, he started out as a circular hip-hop artist. Born Nathaniel Edward Bangira Nchemba , he began his rap career in 2011 .Over the years he has produced hits such as “Bangumweko” , “Mujulu” ,“Where are you”  “Soundtrack” . In 2016 he gave his life to Christ. Eddie Black announced his switch to gospel music in a freestyle he release entitled “Saved” . In the freestyle he stated  “ let it be known today that I will serve the living God ,with my life, with my resources , with my skills “ . Speaking about his growth through the years he had this to say, “The greatest thing that happened to me was being born again. To know Him, my maker. And though I’ve found Him, to seek Him still, for He is infinite in His being, that’s all the growth I need, To know Him.”

Eddie Black described the theme of the album as being about a young, baby Christian who just got born again. “…Pretty much everything I’m saying is from the perspective of someone that just got recruited to the greatest battalion, in the largest militant group in the Universe. Believe me it’s an army and I’m still a recruit, well that’s the theme. I’m past recruit lol”

Talking about the album, Eddie Black stated that he didn’t write down any lyrics and just went with the inspiration that came with the beat. “…I’ve always wanted to work that way even before I got saved I wished there was a way of jumping in the booth and just spit. And now I have help. “What Help?” you may ask. JESUS”

Peezy Cables, a long time collaborator was the sole producer on this album that was recorded in a 10 day period. ”… I have so much love for Peezey Cables. When the time came to do this, I had a release date in mind, and with the newly rendered invisible help, we managed to record a song a day. We planned on having at least one song per day until all ten tracks were complete.”

‘Just Got Saved’ is available for purchase on Zambia music store Mvesesani.



New sexual enhancer hits the Copperbelt

Libido boosters on display at the Trade Fair

A sexual enhancer called ‘Bedroom Sweet’ used by women to prolong the sexual drive in men has hit the market on the Copperbelt.

But the labour movement is concerned that the enhancer might affect men’s productivity at workplaces.

It is believed to prolong the sexual drive of men up to not less than six hours once the woman takes it.

Zambia Daily Mail

Jimmy Ndhlovu Targets More Goals for Warriors


Kabwe Warriors striker Jimmy Ndhlovu is itching to score more goals in the FAZ Super Division.

Ndhlovu scored his seventh league on Sunday when Warriors edged his former club Red Arrows 1-0 away at Nkoloma Stadium in Lusaka.

The ex-Nkana and Power Dynamos striker says he will be pleased to score at least 10 goals this season.

“As a striker I always want to score. I feel I have the responsibly to make the team win, so I always want to work extra hard so that I score in every game,” Ndhlovu said.

“I have scored seven but it’s not easy in the Zambian Super Division. I will just continue working hard goals will come. I don’t have a limit to how many goals I can score. As long as I hit double figures then I am OK,” he said.

Ndhlovu is three goals behind leading scorer Jesse Were of Zesco United.

Chief Madzimawe, Nzamane refuse to endorse Raphael Nakachinda and his activities in Eastern Province

Senior Chief Nzamane of the Ngoni  meeting   Raphael Nakacinda and his entourage
Senior Chief Nzamane of the Ngoni meeting Raphael Nakacinda and his entourage

It has emerged some Traditional Leaders in Eastern Province refused to endorse Raphael Nakachinda who is fighting for Movement for Multi-Party Democracy which he says has been taken over by illegitimate leaders in the Nevers Mumba executive.

The Nominated Member of Parliament was on a tour of Eastern Province where he addressed members of the MMD drawn from various districts and demanded that the Party should go for a Convention to elect new office bearers because the Nevers Mumba leadership’s tenure expired.

However, some Traditional Leaders among them Chief Madzimawe and Chief Nzamane refused to endorse Mr Nakachinda and his activities but advised that the former ruling party put the house in Order.

The Traditional Leaders acknowledged that the challenges facing the MMD were as a result of the unnecessary wrangles caused by leaders.

Mr Nakacinda, however, said that he will continue fighting for justice to be done in the MMD to save the country’s democratic history which has a huge tag to the Party that got power from the one-party state under Dr. Kenneth Kaunda.

While in the province, Mr Nakachinda also apologized to the party membership for supporting Nevers Mumba’s Presidency in 2012.

Mr Nakachinda says he had the impression back in 2012 that Dr Mumba was a good leader to replace Rupiah Banda capable of taking the former ruling party to greater heights.

He said when he addressed his supporters in Chipata Eastern Province that Dr Mumba who in November last year was declared President of the MMD by the High Court is not capable of leading the party.

PF Government has Failed to Deliver on the Legislative Requirement to Remit Funds to Local Councils

Tourism and Arts Minister, Charles Banda
Local Government and Housing Minister Charles Banda

By: Anthony Bwalya – UPND Member

In the fiscal year ended December 2019, the PF led government, through the Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) collected net tax revenues of K52.9 billion. According to the legislative requirements laid out in section 45(A)(1) and (2) of the Local Government Act, at least 5% of this money i.e. K2.645 billion should have gone towards the Local Government Equalization Fund (LGEF) to support the service delivery of our city, municipality and district councils; as well as meeting personnel and other capital expenses of our councils.

This means that in 2019, as a bare minimum, each one of our 103 councils (I beg to be corrected on the total number) were by law entitled to K25.7 million per annum, or K2.1 million per month in LGEF remittances by the Ministry of Finance through the Ministry for Local Government.

But throughout the entirety of the year 2019, the PF government failed to consistently deliver on the legislative requirement to remit LGEF to councils, with 68 of the most vulnerable district councils left practically dysfunctional. And while we await confirmation of the purported disbursement in respect of LGEF to 116 councils as recently reported in some sections of state run media, there is still no clarity around how much money has infact been disbursed by the PF regime and for what period.

What is without question, however, is that workers across most of our councils have not been receiving their salaries for several months and that delivery of critical community services by councils has been a real mountain to climb.

The reason we are worried and passionate about this issue is because it just does not disrupt the ordinary lives of ordinary people, it also disrupts community development efforts at constituency and ward levels where and when councils have a responsibility to deliver services e.g. garbage collection, environmental monitoring and management, as well as causing delays in the decentralization of council operations such as delivery of licensing services, issuance of various permits etc. Please note that the decentralized of council services can be a real drive towards creating employment for our citizens at the most basic level.

This is why once we get elected as Member of Parliament for #Kabushi, our drive will be to achieve the decentralization of some city council services towards Constituency centers for purposes of simplifying and expediting the manner our people deliver and receive services at the most basic level. But for this happen, government must dutifully abide by the law and deliver on the promise of both LGEF and CDF to our Constituency ( and others).

We will, therefore, continue to advocate that communities elect and install political leadership leadership that is visionary, disciplined, focussed and of sound judgement to ensure that we give ourselves a decent chance of moving our communities to the next level in the development cycle.

Grades 8 and 10 not required to verify Statements with the Examinations Council of Zambia before Enrolment


The Examinations Council of Zambia has clarified that candidates progressing to Grades 8 and 10 are not required to verify Statements of Results with the ECZ before enrolment.

ECZ Public Relations Specialist Ronald Tembo says it is not true that verification of the statements of results is mandatory for all grades including those progressing to grades 8 and 10.

Mr Tembo said that the mandatory verification of Electronic Statements of Results once printed by respective candidates only applies to those individuals seeking for placement at a College or University and those seeking for employment.

He said would-be employers are also advised to verify results for any job applicant in their organisation.

“However, the schools that wish to verify the authenticity of the results from such candidates can do so from the ECZ e-Statement platform at no cost using the Candidate’s Examination Number”, he added.

Mr Tembo announced that the Electronic Statements of Results for the 2019 Grades 7 and 9 Internal Examinations will be available to the public on or before 14th January 2020.

“In our pursuit for excellence, the ECZ will endeavor to be consultative as it continues to implement various ICT innovations to enhance operational efficiency and also to meet the expectations of the general public”, said Mr Tembo.

UN Food Program welcomes $2 million contribution from Sweden to fight Hunger in Zambia

UN World Food Program
UN World Food Program

The United Nations World Food Programme has welcomed a contribution of $2 million from the Government of Sweden to help meet the food and nutrition needs of people affected by the drought in Zambia.

The funds will enable WFP to procure and deliver 1,435 Metric Tonnes of pulses to almost 400,000 vulnerable people to cover their food and nutrition needs for one month.

The new contribution, confirmed in November 2019, comes following the drought in the last farming season that contributed to significant crop failure, leaving 24 percent of the population (2.3 million people) severely food insecure.

WFP is supporting the Government to respond to the needs by delivering Government-supplied maize meal, as well as procuring and delivering pulses to ensure a nutrition-sensitive food basket. WFP will work closely with partners to monitor food distributions to ensure that resources are channelled to those most in need.

About 1.1 million people are expected to receive WFP’s support, while the needs of the remaining 1.2 million will be assisted by the Government and other partners.

‘’The generous support from the Government of Sweden enables the most drought-affected people to add protein to their diet, through the addition of pulses in the emergency food basket,’’ said Jennifer Bitonde, WFP Country Representative in Zambia.

The Government of Sweden is one of the largest donors to WFP’s development programmes in Zambia.

In 2018, Sweden confirmed a 4-year (2018-2022) US$5.7 million contribution towards promoting the production and consumption of nutritious food.

“Together, we have helped communities to access nutritious food, while building the resilience of smallholder farmers to future climate-related shocks,’’ said Ms. Bitonde.

There is no evidence Linking President Lungu to Mukula logs Scandal, ZRA Chief

Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) Commissioner General Kingsley Chanda flanked by Commissioner Domestic Taxis Moses Shuko (l) and Commissioner Customs Sydney Chibbabbuka speaking to journalists during the press conference

The Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) has exonerated President Edgar Lungu from allegations that he is involved in the smuggling of MUKULA logs.

ZRA Commissioner General Kingsley Chanda said that ZRA has no evidence to link President Lungu or his daughter Tasila to the allegations of smuggling of Mukula logs.

Mr Chanda was responding to a question from a journalist during a briefing in Lusaka today on ZRA’s performance last year.

He, however, confirmed that the Zambian government has been exporting the Mukula logs confiscated from some suspected smugglers.

Mr. Chanda said despite the ban on the export of Mukula logs, the government decided to export the impounded logs to earn the country revenue, adding that it was government’s view that the impounded logs would have been wasted had they not been exported.

Meanwhile, the Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) has announced that it surpassed its revenue target of K51.8 billion for the fiscal year 1st January 2019 to 31st December 2019 by K1.1 billion.

Speaking during the end of year review for 2019 in Lusaka, ZRA Commissioner General Kingsley Chanda said during the year, the Authority collected K63.8 billion in gross revenue while the refunds stood at K10.9 billion resulting in a net collection of K52.9 billion.

He said the net collection of K52.9 billion translates to 17.6% of the projected GDP estimate for 2019 compared to the targeted 17.3%.

The ZRA boss stated that this outstanding performance is despite the unfavourable economic environment especially during the second half of the year.

“This outturn is attributable to higher than programmed revenue collections under indirect and trade taxes which posted surpluses of K264.8 million and K906.3 million, respectively. However, we had significant poor yields in mineral royalty and excise taxes largely due to prolonged shutdowns at major smelting facilities leading to lower production for the former and the delayed implementation of the telecommunications transaction monitoring system and the digital tax stamps for the latter. Further, the draught that resulted in serious load shedding negatively affected industrial production and consequently tax revenue collections,” he added.

“The growth in revenue for the year to date period compared to the same period in 2018 stands at 9.3% compared to the targeted growth rate of 7.0% revenue projected for the same period. Please note that this performance relates to revenues collected by ZRA only and does not include the performance of non-tax revenues collected by other government agencies.”

Mr. Chanda further stated that during the year, ZRA paid out K10.5 billion in VAT refunds while a further K400 million was refunded towards direct taxes and duty drawback.

He indicated that the bulk of the vat refunds 78%, was paid to the mining sector.

“You may recall that in 2018 ZRA refunded K9.4 billion. The current refunds, therefore, representing 16.1% growth. Going forward, the government through ZRA will allocate more resources to dismantle outstanding vat refunds and minimize accumulation of refunds,” he further added.

“ZRA will ensure that current refunds in 2020 are honoured while a plan will be agreed with the ministry of finance on dealing with refund arrears without distorting the input/output performance of vat in 2020. Paying refund arrears using current collections distorts the actual performance of the tax. For example, of the k10.5 billion refunded in 2019 only k2.8 billion related to transactions in 2019. The balance was 2013-2018 refund claims.”

ZESCO to get less water for Electricity Generation from Zambezi River Authority in 2020

Zesco Managing Director Victor Mundende

The Zambezi River Authority has allocated 11 billion cubic meters of water to ZESCO for power generation for this year compared to 17 billion cubic meters in 2019.

ZESCO Managing Director Victor Mundende says the water allocation is subject to review depending with the availability of water that will flow into Zambezi River.

Addressing the media on a familiarisation tour of the Kariba North Bank Power station in Siavonga, Mr. Mundende is optimistic that the allocated water to the utility company will be used to generate power.

And Mr. Mundende said the poor rainfall pattern has seen a reduction of water levels in Kariba from about 13 meters to a meter for power generation.

He said the two new turbines which were installed by Sino hydro have managed to generate electricity regardless of the reduced water levels in the Kariba dam.

Mr. Mundende said only one out of the Four old turbines at Kariba dam is operating using the low water levels.

He said the water utility company’s goal is to ensure it invests in other sources of energy to mitigate the power crisis resulting from low water levels at Kariba.

Ministry of Labour threaten to revoke UNZALARU registration for saying only Idiots can vote for PF

UNZALARU General Secretary, Dr. Kelvin Mambwe
UNZALARU General Secretary, Dr. Kelvin Mambwe

The Ministry of Labour has requested the University of Zambia Lecturers and Researchers Union (UNZALARU) to show cause as to why their Certificate of registration must not be canceled for violating the Industrial and Labour Relations Act.

This follows unpalatable language by UNZALARU General Secretary, Kelvin Mambwe on Zambian citizens for voting for the ruling Patriotic Front (PF).

Labour Permanent Secretary Chanda Kaziya says it is disappointing that Dr. Mambwe’s statement is Not in line with section 3 of the industrial and Labour relations Act Chapter 269 and was outside the objectives of the Union, adding that the statement is insulting and politically inclined and that the comments have potential to cause anarchy in the country.

Mr. Kaziya says Dr. Mambwe’s sentiments are uncalled for and do not denote the principals of industrial relations and workers’ representation.

He told ZNBC News in an interview that the Ministry of Labour will not hesitate to invoke the law in canceling certificates of registration for Trade Unions that are not abiding by the labor laws.

Mr. Kaziya has since warned all trade unions that are contemplating to engage in activities outside their realm of trade unionism.

During a protest over delayed December Salaries, Dr. Mambwe said that if an election was to be called today, either those that are enjoying with government or idiots would vote for the PF

“As long as the University of Zambia is not properly funded, this institution will be ungovernable. And it will be a bad reflection on the government of these guys calling themselves leaders when they can’t lead at all. And if an election was to be called today, there are two categories of people that would vote for them; either those that are enjoying with them or idiots,” Dr. Mambwe said.

“It’s as simple as that. No normal person would support this nonsense. It’s not only UNZA which is struggling today we have council workers, but there is also ZNBC, there are National Museum workers who have not been paid for eight months and they want us to be the next category of people who are not being paid. We are not going to allow that. And we have told them.”

Dr Mambwe wondered why President Edgar Lungu’s salary cut had not resolved the problem of payment delays at UNZA.

“Government is a culprit. We have a government of the Patriotic Front (PF) which is not doing its role. We thought by cutting his salary, we were going to get our salaries early because, in an ideal situation, the reasons why the President decided to cut his salary and that of his colleagues was to ensure that there are sufficient funds. So we should be able to see those funds come to the University of Zambia on time,” he said.

He said the government had shifted its attention to Bill 10, “a self-preservation document and a scam to many Zambians”.

“They are focusing on Bill 10 because the interest is themselves. It’s about self-preservation. They are not concerned with your welfare. And that is the reason why they come up with some salary increment and behind the back, they get one per cent through the so-called National Insurance. It’s a useless and actually a scam. And it’s unfortunate that you employees are not actually rising up to this nonsense. Come together so that we rise against this incompetent national leadership, incompetence of leadership at different levels of the nation,” Dr Mambwe said.

“My appeal to the membership is that this solidarity that we are showing should continue. We are calling upon our members to be united so that we get what is owed to us. It’s not just about the salaries, it is about gratuities, pensions. We are eight years behind. And the guys (you know the guys that I am talking about) will soon be getting their mid-term gratuities in full without any problems on top of those Surfs which they are driving. Right now a bag of mealie-meal is costing [about] K200 and our members cannot afford to buy one especially that they have not been paid. And your fuel is costing close to US $2 [per liter], increased electricity tariffs, we are in trouble,” said Dr Mambwe.

Zambia Compulsory Standards Agency says Unsafe Dangote Cement was not sold on the Market

Dongote cement

The Zambia Compulsory Standards Agency (ZCSA) has dispelled social media reports alleging that the Agency allowed Dangote cement to be sold on the market after allegedly failing to meet the required standardized tests.

ZCSA Communications Officer, Caroline Kalombe said that the Agency conducts inspections at Dangote Industries Zambia Ltd bi-annually, but that it did not conduct any inspections in December 2019 or collect any samples for testing as purported on social media.

Ms. Kalombe disclosed to ZNBC News in a statement that from the last inspection and tests that were conducted on site in August 2019, the Agency did not find evidence of substandard cement produced at the plant.

She further added that samples were then collected and sent to a laboratory in South Africa in the same month for full testing as per procedure and the results were within the required standard.

Ms. Kalombe said the Agency is mandated to ensure public health and safety and therefore, would not put the lives of Zambians at risk by allowing an unsafe product on the market.

Fathi confident Napsa Stars will rebound


Napsa Stars coach Mohammed Fathi says every top five team this season has gone through the same slump they are going through after losing back-to-back league games.

Napsa last Saturday lost 1-0 at home in Lusaka to fourth placed Nkana to suffer back-to-back defeats a week after losing by the same margin at Power Dynamos in Kitwe.

But Napsa still stay second tied on 31 points with leaders Zesco United who are also going through the motions after sustaining two league defeats in their last three league fixtures.

However, Green Eagles who started the season with a draw and loss are now third and a point behind Napsa .
Nkana too are on 30 after picking up steam in their last nine games following a four-match dry spell that ended in mid-October.

“I think a lack of concentration in the last five minutes cost us the game. But every team in this league, especially the ones in the top four, they have also passed through this period. Nkana started the league from naught and picked up, Zesco also has the same issue, Napsa also has the same, even Green Eagles also went through the same period,”Fathi said.

“Usually the period doesn’t take long and we should start returning to our winning ways in the next game.”

Kelvin Mubanga’s 85th minute goal also ended Napsa’s unbeaten home run this season.

“We are still in the top four but we have already qualified to the ABSA Cup, so it is a loss but not bad on the log,”Fathi said.

Next for Napsa is an interesting home Lusaka derby clash against stealthily improving Green Buffaloes who are ninth on 24 points.