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Kafue Gorge Lower Hydro Power Project nearing completion will reduce Load Shedding- ZESCO MD

Kafue Lower Gorge Construction Site
Kafue Lower Gorge Construction Site


ZESCO Managing Director Victor Mundende has said that the power utility company is making frantic effort to ensure the Kafue Gorge Lower Power Project is fully commissioned before the end of 2020.

Mr. Mundende said that the power station currently under construction and nearing completion will have a significant impact on load shedding the country is experiencing.

Mr. Mundende said that the first unit will be synchronized in April 2020, with the rest of the units following in a phased approach until end of 2020.

Mr. Mundende explained to journalists in Kafue Gorge Lower that while the country is experiencing load shedding the power utility company is frantically trying to find a lasting solution to the problem, adding that  ZESCO will also continue to pursue alternative energy projects already on the table to insulate the country from economic shocks that come from effects of climate change.

Mr. Mundende said that an agreement, that has already been signed with Electricity De Mozambique (EDM) to construct 1 200 megawatts of the coal-fired thermal power plant, is being pursued closely, adding  that the agreement will also see the construction of a power line and interconnector between Northern Mozambique in Tete Province to Chipata in Eastern Province.

Mr. Mundende further explained that the power utility company has already engaged China Power to construct a 500-megawatt solar power station by the end of 2020.

He said construction works on the 248-megawatt Kalungwishi hydropower and the 100 megawatts wind power projects to be done by Access in Serenje will commence this year.

And Kafue Gorge Lower Power Project Director Wesley Lwiindi said all electro-mechanical components of the power station have been manufactured and are currently being assembled.

Mr. Lwiindi said of the four high-voltage transmission lines, an interconnector between Kafue Gorge Lower and Upper has been completed, while the transmission lines to Lusaka South MFEZ, Lusaka West and standby are being constructed.

Project Presentation to the media
Project Presentation to the media
Kafue Lower Gorge Construction Site
Kafue Lower Gorge Construction Site
Construction workers at the Kafue Gorge
Construction workers at the Kafue Gorge
Construction workers at the Kafue Gorge
Construction workers at the Kafue Gorge
Construction workers at the Kafue Gorge
Construction workers at the Kafue Gorge

Dangote Cement Fires It’s Quality Manager After Failing Zambia Compulsory Standard Tests

Part of the Recalled Dangote Cement
Part of the Recalled Dangote Cement

Dangote Cement has fired it’s Quality Manager after the company’s product failed the Zambia Compulsory Standard Agency tests.

Dangote is one of the major manufacturers of Cement in the country with a countrywide influence on the price of the commodity as it has outlets in all corners of the country despite the plant being based in Ndola on the Copperbelt.

A source from Zambia Compulsory Standard Agency has revealed that in mid December 2019, ZCSA conducted some compressive strength tests for 2 and 7 days respectively but that the results for the two tests were what he called “zero”.

He explained that the results have led to the relieving of Raavi Venkataswamy who was the Deputy Quality Manager off his duties.

“Zambia Compulsory Standard Agency as the institution charged with the responsibility of ensuring the public does not get substandard goods regularly carries out tests to ensure that goods on the market are of the recommended standard and in mid December we did our test on Dangote Cement,” the source said.

“We did two tests and the results on 2 and 7 days of the quality of cement Dangote is producing is not up to standard. The results on the tests we did were zero. Usually the results at 2 days are 16/18mpa and at 7 days 28/32mpa that is for 42.5 type of cement. The manager was fired immediately. We were told to keep this as a secret so that Dangote can normalise the situation but I thought I could help somebody out there who is constructing.”

The source has further revealed that Dangote cement company has started recalling some products suspected to be compromised.

The source stated that two trucks each of 600/bags were returned on Thursday last week because of quality issues.

The source said there is wide spread panic within the company as management fears that the company might lose the good reputation it has built with its clients over the years which will lead to loss of business for the company.

Efforts to get a comment from Dangote failed by press time.

The Lungu PF Crime Syndicate, and 20% Salary Cut; Is Archbishop Mpundu Wrong?

President Edgar Lungu Meets Archbishop of Lusaka Telephone Mpundu at State house in Lusaka on Monday 9th November 2015- Picture By Eddie Mwanaleza./State house.
President Edgar Lungu Meets Archbishop of Lusaka Telephone Mpundu at State house in Lusaka on Monday 9th November 2015- Picture By Eddie Mwanaleza./State house.

By Rev. Kapya Kaoma 

Roman Catholic Archbishop Telesphore Mpundu’s courageous indictment of the Patriot Front as a cartel of thieves, and the push back it received from the PF cadres across the nation fulfils the saying, “truth hurts.” Evidence is everywhere–from the Mukula scandal to Ghost Workers to Fire Engines to Forest 27 to mining in the Lower Zimbezi to acquittals of criminals–the PF is surely a syndicate of organized crimes. As long as PF cadres sit in our rotten courts and head investigative offices, PF criminals will roam our streets with pride. And many poverty stricken pastors and bishops will shout, “in the name of Jesus, more money in our pockets.” But courageous bishops will callout the PF for what it is–a syndicate of organized crimes.

Archbishop Mpundu’s characterization of the PF as a party of thieves follows my October 20, 2019 piece, “The PF Government only prays to steal, destroy and kill.” The Archbishop shared my conclusions–the Lungu cartel is plundering the nation covered in Christian prayers and rituals. Like rats, the PF is not only stealing every Kwacha it lays its hands on, but passing policies that benefits it greedy agenda. The legalization of marijuana is an example. I am still to hear Rev. Sumaili’s moral reasoning on this subject. It benefits her economically, so it is good after all.

Archbishop Mpundu is speaking truth to power. From Livingstone to Mbala to Mansa to Chipata to Solwezi, the masses languishes in perpetual poverty at the time when Lungu’s cartel fly across the world; sleeping in 5 star hotels–accumulating millions in “legalized stealing” a.k.a. allowances.

By reducing his salary by 20%, Lungu wants us to believe he cares for an ordinary Zambian. Does he? As long as he is in Plot One, we pay for everything including toilet paper and toothpicks. With or without his salary, his living expenses is a big zero! So whether he cuts his salary by 100%, it makes no difference. We the taxpayers will support his lavish lifestyle and unproductive trips, while babies die due to power cuts, water pollution, and lack of drugs.

Salaries aside, the PF cartel robs the nation of millions in unwarranted allowances. During his corruption trial, the late President F.T.J. Chiluba noted that his millions of dollars were accumulated through many allowances–no wonder Lungu and his cronies are always flying. If we are seriously considering cuts, why not suspend unlimited travel allowances PF cadres receive when global trotting? It is the cartel’s cleanest way of plundering the nation–and many pastors will shout, “Amen” whenever they share in the plunder!

The PF cadres shameful antics directed on the Archbishop betray logic. You cannot have Rev. Sumaili in Cabinet, and then argue that the Church has no role in politics. Yes, the separation of Church and State is critical, but the Ministry of Religious Affairs was created to dupe the poverty stricken and self-serving pastors into supporting the PF crime syndicate. Pastors who shout Pabwato are heavily rewarded with infamous “brown envelopes” filled with blood money. Remember pastor Nevers Mumba’s claim when he was Vice President to Mwanawasa–his allegiance was first to Mwanawasa and second to God. It pays to shout “Amen” to the Corrupt One–you may end up an ambassador. Just ask pastor Mumba and Mr. Frank Bwalya.

Unlike compromised pastors, Roman Catholic Bishops have consistently refused dancing dununa reverse for “brown envelopes”–something that allows them to speak with moral clarity. But with a cost–outspoken religious leaders are declared enemies of the state as was the case with the late Archbishop Elias Mutale, Bishop Dennis de Jong, Fr. Umberto Davoli, and now Arch. Mpundu. So despite attempts to demean the Archbishop’s prophetic voice, it has a strong history. From colonial rule to multi-party politics, religious leaders have participated in politics. This is true across the world–in Latin America, Europe, Asia, the US. and Africa. In fact, courageous religous leaders are assassinated for speaking on behalf of the voiceless.

The PF cartel fears independent relligious thinkers. As we approach 2021, hundreds of thousands of pastors will worship the Corrupt One. They will loudly shout, “people are well fed,” when in fact, they are starving to death. They will shout “amen, the government provides quality healthcare for all Zambians,” while the poor die from curable illnesses and politicians are airlifted to South Africa and Europe. We live in the animal farm indeed.

To win in 2021 elections, the Corrupt One will frequently dine with pastors and reward them with stolen money. We recently saw this in Choma when President Lungu and GBM donated K450,000 to United Church of Zambia Bishop Sinkala’s church building project–of course after the bishop characterized the cartel as the shield against moral decay. “Behind every corrupt politician, there is a respectable bishop or Imum,” so Fela Kuti bemoaned in Coffin for the Head of State. But so are prophetic voices–an element evidenced in the Archbishop’s position.

In Raised Hopes, Shattered Dreams (2015), l argue for educating the Christian masses on governance. “Theologians,” l write, “must not shy away from identifying sin as the root of social and economic problems. Neither should the Church ignore the cry of the poor; rather, it must amplify this cry with divine stipulations for justice. The Church’s theology of justice only develops when God’s people listen to the cry of the pitiable of the Earth and seek to transform unjust structures that dehumanize our fellow human beings.”

I continue, “the state will try to entice or bribe the Church…but, the prophetic Church ought to be the sacred voice and eyes of the oppressed. —To disregard this vocation is to cease to be part of the mission of the triune God.” In other words,

“God has no hands but our hands,” and how we act is significant to realizing God’s reign on Earth. By pro-actively defending the underprivileged and working to transform the evil conditions of the disempowered, the Church is participating in the Creator’s holistic mission. As the body of the Word made flesh, the Church seeks God’s will in all politics of life. By acknowledging its faith in the crucified God, the Church brings God’s politics into human politics. So until the Church promotes God’s politics of justice and love, politicians will exploit democracy to accumulate wealth at our expense.”

There is no doubt that the PF cartel is exploiting democracy to enrich itself. I salute Archbishop Mpundu’s courage to speak the truth to power! Say a prayer for the Archbishop.

The Newly Built Chinsali General Hospital in Pictures

The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya in the company of Muchinga Province Minister Malozo Sichone and Chinsali Lawmaker Kalalwe Mukosa inpecting the works at the newly built Chinsali General Hospital
Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya in the company of Muchinga Province Minister Malozo Sichone and Chinsali Lawmaker Kalalwe Mukosa inpecting the works at the newly built Chinsali General Hospital
Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya in the company of Muchinga Province Minister Malozo Sichone and Chinsali Lawmaker Kalalwe Mukosa inpecting the works at the newly built Chinsali General Hospital
Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya in the company of Muchinga Province Minister Malozo Sichone and Chinsali Lawmaker Kalalwe Mukosa inpecting the works at the newly built Chinsali General Hospital
Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya in the company of Muchinga Province Minister Malozo Sichone and Chinsali Lawmaker Kalalwe Mukosa inpecting the works at the newly built Chinsali General Hospital
Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya in the company of Muchinga Province Minister Malozo Sichone and Chinsali Lawmaker Kalalwe Mukosa inpecting the works at the newly built Chinsali General Hospital
Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya in the company of Muchinga Province Minister Malozo Sichone and Chinsali Lawmaker Kalalwe Mukosa inpecting the works at the newly built Chinsali General Hospital
Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya in the company of Muchinga Province Minister Malozo Sichone and Chinsali Lawmaker Kalalwe Mukosa inpecting the works at the newly built Chinsali General Hospital
Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya in the company of Muchinga Province Minister Malozo Sichone and Chinsali Lawmaker Kalalwe Mukosa inpecting the works at the newly built Chinsali General Hospital
Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya in the company of Muchinga Province Minister Malozo Sichone and Chinsali Lawmaker Kalalwe Mukosa inpecting the works at the newly built Chinsali General Hospital
Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya in the company of Muchinga Province Minister Malozo Sichone and Chinsali Lawmaker Kalalwe Mukosa inpecting the works at the newly built Chinsali General Hospital
Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya in the company of Muchinga Province Minister Malozo Sichone and Chinsali Lawmaker Kalalwe Mukosa inpecting the works at the newly built Chinsali General Hospital

First Quantum weighs $1 billion Zambian copper mine expansion – document

First Quantum Minerals and the Zambian government: looking to the future of copper mining.
First Quantum Minerals and the Zambian government: looking to the future of copper mining.

TORONTO/LONDON (Reuters) – Canadian miner First Quantum Minerals Ltd is weighing an investment of around $1 billion to lift output at Africa’s biggest copper mine in Zambia, a company document seen by Reuters showed, despite a feud with state miner ZCCM-IH over project funding.

The investment would add a decade of life and head off production declines at the Kansanshi copper mine, increasing annual production to 300,000 tonnes over time from an expected 235,000 tonnes last year, according to a company presentation given to Zambian government officials.

But securing board approval, which would be needed over the coming year, is likely to be complicated by disputes between miners and the Zambian government over taxes and assets, according to analysts and miners with knowledge of the country.

Western miners are on edge as Zambia and neighboring countries seek to increase their share of revenue from natural resources.

Zambia hiked copper royalty taxes by 1.5 percentage points last year and introduced a new 10% rate when global prices exceed $7,500 per tonne, consultancy Verisk Maplecroft said.

Mines Permanent Secretary Barnaby Mulenga last month said copper miners would also have to account for the gold they produce to boost state revenue.

“We do not anticipate any fresh investments to extend the life of copper mines while this, and increased taxation, hangs over miners,” Verisk Maplecroft senior analyst Indigo Ellis told Reuters on Friday.

A source close to First Quantum said the plans will be presented to the company’s board this year but the project is unlikely to win approval without significant changes to Zambia’s tax regime.

Shares of First Quantum extended losses after the Reuters story and were down 6.3% at C$12.44 on Friday afternoon in Toronto.

First Quantum contemplated expanding Kansanshi in 2011 at a cost of $1.5 billion, but that project was shelved.

Without investment, output would drop sharply from 2022 to about 130,000 tonnes by the middle of this decade, the presentation shows.

Canadian-listed First Quantum is studying expansion amid a dispute with Zambian state miner ZCCM-IH over profits from the mine that have been set aside for the project.

ZCCM-IH owns 20% of Kansanshi Mining PLC, with First Quantum holding the balance.

First Quantum last month began arbitration proceedings against ZCCM-IH following a criminal complaint made by the state miner to Zambian police over a transfer by Kansanshi Mining to a First Quantum subsidiary.

At issue is a transfer of $520 million, a separate document seen by Reuters showed.

Two sources said the money had been set aside in a high-interest account to help fund expansion at Kansanshi.

First Quantum was not available for immediate comment on Friday.

ZCCM-IH did not immediately respond to a Reuters query.

Sources declined to be identified as the information was not public.

Local Company AquaGIS to invest K 33 million in Avocado, Mango and Pawpaw tree planting project

Part of  the grafting of more than 20, 000 Avocado trees at a nursery in Zozwe area
Part of the grafting of more than 20, 000 Avocado trees at a nursery in Zozwe area

A local company, AguaGIS Consult Limited (AquaGIS), is targeting to invest over K33 million in an Avocado, Mango and Pawpaw tree planting project in Vubwi District of Eastern Province.

AquaGIS Managing Director Eng. Lytone Kanowa said the trees will be planted under Avocado and other Fruits Project (AFP).

Eng. Kanowa said that the project will be run as an out grower scheme. “The AFP will run as an outgrower schemer and currently we have engaged 199 farmers,” he said.

“In the first phase of this project, 120,400 Avocados, 20,000 Mangoes and 13,600 pawpaw trees will be planted on 395 hectares of land,” Said Kanowa.

He also said that, “the total investment cost of the project in the first six years, starting in 2019 will be K33,627,520.”

AFP plans to sell fresh fruits and also add value through processing to increase demand and profitability.

Mr. Kanowa said that Zambia remains a net importer of tropical fruits despite the climate being conducive for the country to grow own fruits and export fruit products.

“The project will exploit the market opportunities available in the fruits supply chain to achieve it’s goals and promote small scale farmers productive participation in the production of the fruit while afforesting the deforested areas.” He said.

Eng. Kanowa said that the project had received overwhelming government support in the District and he was optimistic that it will succeed so that it could be replicated to other districts across the country.

“Am glad to inform you that AFP has received full government support in Vubwi District, the District Commissioner Ms. Eneless Banda and her District Administrative Officer Mr. Musterd Phiri have been so supportive. Mr. Phiri recently flagged off the grafting of more than 20, 000 Avocado trees at our nursery in Zozwe area, that shows you their commitment to this project.” he said.

Zambia 2019 copper output drop due to new mining taxes-Chamber of Mines

Chamber of Mines Zambia President Goodwell Mateyo
Chamber of Mines Zambia President Goodwell Mateyo

Zambia’s copper sector, which dominates the country’s export economy, saw production drop in 2019 due to new mining taxes, which were also the primary cause of the drying up of investment, Zambia Chamber of Mines President Goodwell Mateyo told S&P Global Platts.

The Chamber of Mines said year-to-date copper production figures supported its long-standing prediction of a drop in copper output for 2019 of up to 100,000 mt, to around 750,000 mt from 857,847 mt in 2018, despite a generally favorable market outlook.

Last month Zambia’s mines and minerals permanent secretary Barnaby Mulenga said smelter shutdowns at copper mines in Zambia coupled with low power supply had forced the mining ministry to downgrade copper output by 100,000 mt in 2019.

The Chamber said the downward trend in 2019 is expected to continue in future years unless there are significant changes to the tax regime.

Last September, the government implemented a 1.5 percentage-point increase in minerals royalty taxes, with current tax rates ranging from 4-6% in relation to the copper price, with a 10% ceiling when copper prices go above $7,500/mt, while additionally, copper concentrate imports incurred a 5% levy. Zambia is Africa’s second-largest copper producer.

“There have been lots of breakdowns and interruptions, which is exactly what happens when there is little or nothing to reinvest in operations,” Mateyo said. “To avoid job losses, sustaining capital expenditure has dried up, with mine development deferred, and it’s this which ultimately leads to a drop in production levels.”

The CoM President said lower production meant lower mine revenues, “and therefore royalties to the government; with costs remaining relatively fixed, the result is lower profit margins and therefore reduced corporation tax collections.”

Mateyo said this was unsustainable and would inevitably result in further cost-cutting measures and the eventual closure of high-cost operations, while the Zambian copper mining industry continued to mature with grades decreasing or becoming harder to reach underground.


Mateyo said global consensus is that demand for copper will remain strong over the coming decade, with an additional 7 million mt of copper required by 2030.

The Chamber of Mines said preparing the Zambian industry to take full advantage of future demand requires long-term strategic planning to capture investment.

Last month, the CoM said mining companies had over the past year withheld over $650 million of investment.

“But the current direction of mining tax policy is focused only on government’s short-term fiscal needs, and is deterring further investment,” the Chamber of Mines said in a statement. “Zambia has a record of mistiming mining booms, and thereby squandering its mining endowment.”

Mateyo said an urgent rethink of mining tax policy was required to place the industry on a growth footing for the future, while “not reducing the export duty makes it difficult for capital to enter the country.”

“The long-term future should be bright for Zambia and its mining investors,” Mateyo said. “But it will count for nothing if we cannot service the demand, because our mines are — again — in a dilapidated state.”


The Chamber of Mines said production and revenue forecasts, along with international experience, showed governments received significantly greater revenue in the long-run from increasing investment and production than from overtaxing existing investment and production.

“There is consensus on future demand, the country has a good, mixed investor base, and there are at least two major investment projects that could materialize — if the sense of balance between risk and reward, government and investor, is re-established,” Mateyo said.

Mateyo added: “A first step in this direction would be to review these proposed amendments from the perspective of our mutual long-term interest in a growing mining industry.”

The mines and minerals ministry was not immediately available for comment.

Recalling of US Ambassador to Zambia Daniel Foote is Strange-NORAD Boss

Ambassador Daniel Foote in the VIP Lobby at KKIA awaiting departure last Thursday
Ambassador Daniel Foote in the VIP Lobby at KKIA awaiting departure last Thursday

Director General of the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) Jon Lomøy says he finds the recalling of US Ambassador to Zambia Daniel Foote as strange.

Ambassador Foote left Zambia on Thursday after he was declared Persona Non Grata by the Zambian government.

In a tweet, Mr Lomøy who also served as Norway’s Ambassador to Zambia around the 90s said it is strange that Ambassador Foote could be recalled over his comments on same sex relationships in Zambia.

Mr. Lomøy served as Ambassador of Norway to Zambia from 1996 to 2000 and returned to Norad from 2001 to 2004 as Director of the Southern Africa Department.

Mr Lomøy himself faced expulsion from Zambia when then-President Frederick Chiluba declared that the envoy’s support for gay rights was against Zambia’s Christian values.

It was at a time when some local civil society groupings attempted to register an organization called Lesbians, Gays, Bisexual and Transgender Persons Association (LEGATRA) which was to advocate for gay rights in Zambia.

“Strange to read about the American Ambassador to Zambia – 22 years after I was almost expelled from the same country because Norway supported the human rights of gay people,” Mr Lomøy wrote.

“Thanks to good Zambian friends who convinced Chiluba to not send me home,” he recounted.

In the same Tweet, Mr Lomøy denied advocating for gay fights in Zambia.

“We actually did not advocate anything, just supported a Zambian NGO that wanted to advocate. I still remember how president Kaunda was one of the few nuanced voices,” he said.

“The Zambian gay community has suffered silently, living as virtual outcasts in their own country. This cannot go on forever,” LEGATRA Programmes Manager Gershom Musonda said at the time.

Alfred Zulu, the then President of the human rights group Zambia Independent Monitoring Team, estimates there were more than 500 000 homosexuals in the country at the time.
President Chiluba repeatedly lashed out at the group, describing homosexuality as immoral and ungodly.”

Church leaders in Zambia condemned the Norwegian Embassy in Lusaka in late 1998 when it was revealed that the ambassador to Zambia had made a donation of $1,000 to fund a campaign enabling homomosexuals to fight for their rights.

Then Minister of Home Affairs Peter Machungwa instructed police to arrest anyone who attempts to register an association for homosexuals.

Then Registrar of Societies Herbert Nyendwa refused to register LEGATRA under any circumstances.

According to Zambian law, homosexuality is a criminal offence carrying a sentence of 14 years’ imprisonment.

Director General of the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation Jon Lomøy
Director General of the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation Jon Lomøy

Mukuka Mulenga to Miss Power’s Trip to GBFC


Ex-Chipolopolo midfielder Mukuka Mulenga will not make his Power Dynamos debut this Saturday away at Green Buffaloes.

Mukuka signed with his former club on Thursday on a long-term deal after years in limbo following his earlier move to defending South African champions Mamelodi Sundowns from Power in 2013 that was hit but injuries.

But two other new Power signings have made the trip to Lusaka.

Striker’s Biston Banda , who joins from Buildcon, and Kennedy Musonda formerly of Green Eagles, are in the 18 -member team for the lunchtime kickoff against Buffaloes a Week 16 doubleheader at Nkoloma Stadium.

Power’s Kitwe town-mates Nkana are also at Nkoloma this weekend where they will play second placed Napsa Stars in the late kickoff.

Seventh placed Power are unbeaten in their last six league games and head to Buffaloes on the back of five straight wins and are tied on 23 points with their opponents who are below them at number six.

Nkana are fourth on 27 points, four behind Napsa who are tied on 31 points with leaders and defending champions Zesco United.

Nkwazi 2-Kabwe Youth Soccer Academy 0
Green Eagles-Buildcon
Mufulira Wanderers-Lumwana Radiants
Zesco United-Forest Rangers
Kansanshi Dynamos-Nakambala Leopards
13h00: Green Buffaloes-Power Dynamos
15h00: Napsa Stars-Nkana
13h00: Lusaka Dynamos-Zanaco
15h00: Red Arrows-Kabwe Warriors

Zesco United Capture Rusike


Defending FAZ Super Division champions Zesco United on Friday added another high-profile import to their war chest with the confirmation that Zimbabwean midfielder Tafadzwa Rusike has joined them from Zanaco.

Rusike joins Zesco on a free transfer after a successful two seasons in Lusaka at seven-time league winners Zanaco.

“It is with great excitement that we announce the signing of Tafadzwa Rusike on a two-year contract. Rusike is a quality player whom we expect to add great value to ZESCO United Football Club,” Zesco CEO Richard Mulenga said.

Rusike is the second big arrival in Ndola at the defending FAZ Super Division champions barely 24 hours after DR Congo-born striker Chris Mugalu also joined the eight-time champions from Lusaka Dynamos on a two-year deal.

Chilumba Calm Ahead of Ndola Derby Debut Against Zesco


Forest Rangers coach Tennant Chilumba insists he is calm ahead of his debut Ndola derby against leaders and defending FAZ Super Division champions Zesco United.

Fifth placed Forest visit the eight-time champions in a Week 16 fixture on January 4 at Levy Mwanawasa Stadium in Ndola.

“To me it is just a normal game but local derbies are what they always are. But for the technical bench, we just have to plan and hopefully we can carry the day,” Chilumba said.

This is will Chilumba’s third game in charge after collecting win and draw since leaving Kabwe Warriors who did not renew his contract in November.

Forest head into the derby five points behind Zesco on 26 and 31 points from fifteen and twelve matches played respectively.

“The team is just OK, we just have to continue pushing the boys and I am happy with the way the boys are performing but they are few things we need to work on,” Chilumba added.

Meanwhile, Forest has enjoyed good fortunate away at Zesco without they share Levy Stadium-and vice-versa for the latter as visitors.

Forest are unbeaten away in successive derbies and trace their last loss on the road to September, 2016 who they lost 1-0.

Marketers encouraged to consider health scheme



Zambia National Marketeers Credit Association (ZANAMACA) has encouraged marketeers to consider signing up for the National health insurance scheme.

ZANAMACA Finance Director Jack Shamutete said in order to engage more marketeers on the programme, the association will soon embark on a sensitization programme to educate marketeers on the importance of health insurance.

Mr Shamutete bemoaned that some marketeers do not have access to proper health care services, adding that the health scheme will help change their health challenges.

He noted that registering of marketeers under national health insurance will enable them have access to improved health services.

Meanwhile, the ZANAMACA Finance Director says measures will be put in place to ensure that marketeers contribute to base tax and also remit social security contributions to the National Pensions Scheme Authority (NAPSA).

Mr Shamutete revealed that the programme will be affordable and convenient for marketeers, noting that once covered, the traders will be required to pay an amount of K1 per day only.

He added that this programme will also give people in the informal sector a voice through the organization, towards access to social amenities like sanitation and trading areas.

President Lungu warns Permanent Secretaries to desist from working in isolation

President Lungu at State House during the swearing in ceremony
President Lungu at State House during the swearing in ceremony

President Edgar Lungu has warned Permanent Secretaries to desist from working in isolation but instead collaborate with their respective Cabinet Ministers in order to enhance service delivery.

ZANIS reports that President Lungu said he has observed a growing trend among Permanent Secretaries who are working in isolation and ignoring Cabinet Ministers in their discharge of government programmes.

The President reminded that Permanent Secretaries are not at par with Cabinet Ministers, despite both being appointed and sworn by the Head of State, and should therefore be in constant consultation with their superiors at decision making.

President Lungu said this when he swore in Ministry of Information Planning Director Sastone Silomba as Permanent Secretary for Ministry of Gender and three members of the Judicial Complaints Commission.

President Lungu swore in William Nyirenda as Chairperson of the Judicial Complaints Commission alongside Commissioners Irene Kunda and Andrew Mumba.

The Head of State reminded Mr Silomba and all Permanent Secretaries that their role is to implement policies generated by Cabinet Ministers and perform controlling functions in respective ministries.

President Lungu warned that he will not entertain permanent secretaries ignoring their ministers in the discharge of their duties and directed Secretary to Cabinet Simon Miti to ensure that no Permanent Secretary resist transfer, as they are not indispensable to any ministry.

“I am aware that there is a growing trend by some permanent secretaries to work in isolation, to the exclusion of their ministers. This practice is negatively affecting the performance of most ministries”, said a dismayed President Lungu.

He further directed all Permanent Secretaries not to travel out of office without approval from their Ministers.

Meanwhile, the President observed that more still needs to be done in enhancing gender equality in the country and has since directed new Ministry of Gender Permanent Secretary to ensure that Zambia attains the 50 -50 gender parity by 2030 as stipulated by the SDAC Protocol.

“It is disheartening that 25 Years after the Beijing Gender Equality Conference, we still have gender inequalities across sectors”, said President Lungu.

And President Lungu has urged the Judicial Complaints Commission to ensure that it works round the clock to ensure that complaints of misconduct against judicial officials are addressed urgently and fairly.

The President further urged the Commissioners to use their vast legal knowledge and experience to carry out independent inquiries in order to handle complaints of misconduct received by the commission against judges and judicial officers.

And speaking after being sworn in, Mr Silomba said achieving the 50-50 gender parity is attainable and pledged to ensure that Zambia attains the SADC 50-50 gender protocol.

Mr Silomba said he will ensure that the National Gender Policy is operational and implemented.

Chairperson of the Commission Mr Nyirenda pledged that the commissioners will undertake wide consultations in order to reduce complaints against judicial officials.

Vice President Inonge Wina, Chief Justice Irene Mambilima, her deputy Justice Michael Musonda, Minister of Gender Elizabeth Phiri, Secretary to Cabinet Simon Miti, State House Aides and senior government officials attended the swearing in ceremony.

No need for Individual Ministers to be bragging Volunteering for a Pay Cut.

Opposition APC President Nason Msoni
Opposition APC President Nason Msoni

All Peoples Congress Leader Nason Msoni says there is no need for individual ministers to be bragging and coming out in the open and volunteering for a pay cut.

Mr Msoni says if indeed it is a presidential directive whether flawed or illegal as was earlier stated,then there should absolutely be no need for a points-scoring sideshow by individual ministers going public about volunteering for a pay cut.

He said this embarrassing exercise, in essence, amounts to the hypocrisy of the highest order adding that what is more disappointing is that these same Ministers volunteering for a pay cut have in fact defied a legitimate court order with impunity to pay back monies earned illegally whilst in office during the dissolution of Parliament.

“If the catchword is volunteering for a pay cut then the firing of Mr Chanda Kasolo should then be deemed to have been done in bad faith under the circumstances.Our unsolicited counsel to those parading themselves and coming forward to give instructions publicly for a pay cut is that they should first meet their outstanding legal obligations through the settling and paying back the monies they received illegally after the dissolution of Parliament in 2016”, he added.

Mr. Msoni said Zambians are in no mood for cheap publicity stunts or points scoring exercises as the social and economic circumstances are absolutely tough for the overwhelming majority of Zambians and they’re in no mood for such shortchanged adhoc populist politics that are merely designed to earn publicity.

He said the suffering is real and painful for the majority of Zambians and expect to see predictable revenue going into the treasury than this bizarre circus playing out.

Mr Msoni said he expects President Edgar Lungu to demonstrate leadership on the judgment handed down by the courts to his former and current serving Ministers to be respected.

“To refuse to honour and respect a court order clearly amount to encouraging lawlessness and in essence is a fundamental breach of his oath of office he took and swore to protect and defend the constitution of the republic of Zambia”, he added.

Government and other Stakeholders need to Upscale Efforts to Provide Rural Financial Services

Executive Director Bernadette Zulu
Executive Director Bernadette Zulu

The Policy Monitoring and Research Center has recommended that the government and other stakeholders need to upscale efforts to provide rural financial services by focusing on support towards good product design, development, and delivery that meet the needs of the large rural market segment.

The PMRC has also noted the need to upscale rural finance saying the government needs to deal with the prohibitively high costs of offering conventional, branch-based services in remote rural areas by promoting creative thinking and innovation in both financial products and delivery of those products.

Executive Director Bernadette Zulu said the capacity buildings needs to be done among banks and other financial service providers on how to use non-traditional forms of security/collateral with reference to the Movable Property Security Interest Act.

Mrs. Zulu said the Central Bank needs to urgently develop Agency Banking regulations to guide and accelerate agency banking in under-served rural areas and consequently increase the agency banking share of transaction volume by financial agents.

She said the Development Bank of Zambia needs to play an active role as
an apex financial institution in providing finances to microfinance institutions for onward lending to rural areas as espoused in the Rural Finance Policy and Strategy and Rural Finance Expansion Programme (RUFEP) program design.

Mrs. Zulu added that the government and Zambia Agriculture Commodity Exchange needs to put in measures that guarantee smallholder farmers’ active participation in the agriculture commodity exchange as opposed to a scenario where majority of farmers having access to agriculture commodity exchange are well-established farmers.

She added that the pensions and Insurance Authority will also need to upscale its efforts in ensuring that the necessary micro-insurance guidelines principles are promptly put in place to promote growth of insurance uptake in rural areas adding that legislation needs to be amended to accommodate licensing of micro-insurers and the need to open up the distribution space.

“Following the enactment of Movable Property Security Interest(MPSI) Act in 2016, Patents and Companies Registration Agency and other stakeholders need to increase sensitization in rural communities on the available options through MPSI Act regarding use of a movables sets as collateral to access finance. Zambia Statistics Agency needs to include “financial inclusion variables” in its routine national surveys to be able to measure financial inclusion statistics as opposed to the country relying on private sector sanctioned surveys to measure financial inclusion”, she said.

She said all the complaints specifically relating to inconsistencies with the Weather Insurance Index payouts where some farmers receive payouts while others do not but residing in the same geographical area affected by the drought also need to be dealt with and Enhanced confidence in Weather Insurance Index to enhance uptake of other in micro-insurance products for the farmers.

Mrs. Zulu some of the key activities during the Financial Literacy Week need to run for the rest of the year and priority should be given to rural areas with lower levels of financial inclusion.