Sunday, October 6, 2024
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Today’s Message: You Got It


Today’s Scripture

“…his favor lasts a lifetime…”
(Psalm 30:5, NIV)

You’ve Got It

Success in this life isn’t necessarily about how popular, influential or educated someone is. Success is about living a life of excellence in obedience to God’s Word. When we step out to do what God has called us to do, Scripture says that His favor surrounds us like a shield. When we have His favor, we have everything. We have an advantage for success! God’s favor opens the right doors. His favor will bring good breaks. The favor of God will cause you to accomplish what you could not accomplish on your own. It gives you an edge.

Now, if you’re going to see the gracious hand of God at work in your life, you can’t go through the day feeling intimidated, thinking that you’re average, comparing yourself to everyone else. No, you have to live like you have His favor, think like you have favor, talk like you have favor, walk like you have favor, dress like you have favor! Not arrogantly. Not in a way that portrays that you’re better than somebody else, but with a quiet confidence knowing that you have the gracious hand of God on your life! Live like you’ve got it because you do!

A Prayer for Today

“Father, thank You for Your grace, favor and mercy upon my life. I praise You today because You are good. I receive Your truth by faith and rise up to walk in my calling. I know that You are going before me to prepare the way as I walk in Your favor all the days of my life in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

Lungu should cut his term of office, not the salaries of public officers. Here is why.

President Edgar Chagwa Lungu
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu

By Sishuwa Sishuwa

A few days ago, President Edgar Lungu announced a 15 to 20 per cent reduction on his salary and the salaries of both cabinet ministers and the chief executives of parastatal companies. Lungu further directed the Secretary to Cabinet to extend the measure to top-earning non-unionised civil servants, which, in effect, means all workers in management positions. The president claimed that the savings realised from the move will ‘cushion the impact on citizens arising from the increase in fuel prices and electricity tariffs [earlier] announced by the Energy Regulation Board’, although he stopped short of explaining how exactly this would be achieved. Lungu conceded that Zambia’s economy was performing poorly but expressed optimism that it would recover in 2020, owing to a raft of austerity measures that his administration would implement. What do we make of all this?

The first point to note about Lungu’s decision to downgrade the salaries of top-earning public sector workers is that it is illegal and raises serious questions about the president’s understanding of the law. The president has absolutely no powers to unilaterally lower the conditions of service of workers who have clear contracts of employment. Lungu may have thought that as chairman of the Industrial Development Corporation, his powers extend to determining the conditions of service of heads of parastatal companies, for instance. They do not. The respective board of directors of these entities – not the president – employs chief executives of state enterprises and also determines their conditions of service.

Even the board, as the employer, has no powers to adversely and unilaterally vary the conditions of service of employees. The Supreme Court made this point explicitly in the case of Mike Musonda Kabwe versus BP Zambia (see S.C.Z judgement No. 10 of 1997). In that landmark case, the court held that an employer has no powers to adversely alter an employee’s salary without the latter’s consent. To unilaterally slice an employee’s salary, the court stated, amounts to that employee being deemed to be declared redundant or on early retirement from the date the decision is taken. Successive courts have upheld this interpretation of the law when dealing with employment law disputes. Earlier this year, the government moved to enact the Employment Act No. 3 of 2019, which codified the Supreme Court’s ruling. Section 55 of the cited Act expressly prohibits employers from adversely varying an employee’s conditions of service without their consent.

Unless President Lungu provides evidence showing that the affected employees consented to having their salaries sliced, his decision is null and void because it flies against the law and successive rulings of the courts on this subject. If implemented, it has the potential to cost taxpayers heavily. There is a useful precedent on this matter. In 2011, soon after his election, president Michael Sata sacked many lawyers from the Ministry of Justice who protested against his decision to unilaterally abolish their non-practising allowances. The affected lawyers sued the state and, relying on the Kabwe v BP Zambia case, won the matter. They were awarded hefty compensatory damages for breach of contract. Lungu would do well to learn lessons from that case and reverse his ill-advised decision. We taxpayers should not be made to pay for the president’s poor understanding of, or lack of respect for, the law.

The Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Services, Chanda Kasolo, now tells us that Lungu’s pronouncement on pay cuts was a ‘voluntary’ call. Kasolo is harassing the truth. Lungu’s statement was clear and a directive, not a voluntary call for workers to consider cutting down their salaries. Why not simply admit that Lungu’s announced decision is unsupported by the law? Kasolo’s assertion represents a weak effort at damage control and a ploy by the government to get around the contractual impediments by forcing workers to ‘volunteer’. Given the president’s interest in the issue, who amongst the targeted civil servants won’t ‘volunteer’? And how will the public know whether or not the affected civil servants ‘volunteered’?

The second point is that Lungu’s move to cut his salary and the salaries of his ministers is a populist strategy aimed at preventing public sector unions from making huge demands for higher wages amidst a poor preforming economy. An understanding of the wider volatile economic context is crucial here. Zambia’s economy has deteriorated to possibly its lowest ebb since the PF came to power, thanks to a combination of government incompetence, grand corruption, venality, a crippling US$20 billion public debt, adverse climatic conditions and external shocks. In addition, record depreciations in the exchange rates and foreign reserves have created inflationary pressure on the country’s import-driven economy. These negative economic indicators have led to rising costs of living for ordinary Zambians.

The recent massive hikes in the prices of electricity and fuel are likely to exacerbate the situation and encourage trade unions to demand better wages in order to offset this surge in the cost of living. Lungu knows that economic recovery is unlikely to occur anytime soon. By announcing a reduction in his salary, he is effectively hoodwinking union leaders to manage the aspirations of their members in these ‘tough economic times that require sacrifice from all of us’. This is the underlying motivation behind his announcement.

It is even possible that the president’s pronouncement will not be effected – where is the attendant Statutory Instrument (SI) showing the declared pay cut? We may not see the SI, but Lungu and the government won’t care much. Publicising the purported pay cut, notwithstanding the possibility that it may be a façade, provides the government the necessary pretext on which to ask public sector workers to emulate Lungu’s supposedly ‘inspiring example’ by way of accepting either a wage freeze, a drastic reduction in their pay, or a meagre salary increment in the name of ‘sacrifice’. Slashing the wage bills of the state and state enterprises may be a part of fulfilling the condition to access the much-coveted IMF bailout.

The net effect is to reduce to the barest minimum government expenditure in order to meet debt obligations. The greatest losers here would be the civil servants and other public sector workers, who, in real terms and thanks to inflation, have had to watch the diminishing purchasing power of their already miserable pay. Even if the treasury implements Lungu’s illegal decision, there is the question of whether the proceeds from the negligible savings will ever reach the vulnerable or poor Zambians or instead merely provide more revenue for government officials to steal.

If Lungu really cares about improving the pitiful plight of Zambians, he should consider cushioning them from his exceptional and self-perpetuating incompetence by cutting short his five-year term of office and stepping aside for a competent leader within or outside the governing party – though not the profoundly clueless and inept vice-president Inonge Wina, who should go with him. All considered, the real threat to Zambia, one that must be declared a national disaster or emergency is not the hunger crisis, Constitutional (Amendment) Bill No. 10 of 2019, grand corruption in government, massive public debt, deep ethnic divisions, serious democratic backslides, or a collapsing economy. It is having Lungu as president, a sad reality that once prompted opposition National Democratic Congress president Chishimba Kambwili to ask God a poignant question, one that the Lord is yet to address: ‘Mwelesa, kanshi Lungu mwamufumishe kwi?’

Zambia’s complex challenges require a highly competent and sufficiently educated leadership, one with a clear vision and ethical values – courage, compassion and love for fellow human beings, moral force of character, integrity, genuine humility, honesty, a predilection for consultation, consensus-building, communication, co-operation, active listening, and the selfless pursuit of the public good, and not the selfish striving for personal gain. It is hardly possible to look at Lungu’s cabinet today without being struck by the calamity of the absence of this kind of leadership. The burning question is: what are we going to do about our national plight before we sink further into the abyss? How can we move from simply knowing how bad things are to taking action?

The harsh reality is that Zambia is experiencing a crisis of monumental propositions, one that we must confront in its entirety. Yes, Lungu must go if Zambia is to live, but we Zambians must also wake up and demand better leadership – or sink with the rubbish we get. Everything rises and falls on leadership. Everything. I am not sure, however, if the challenges we face need a ‘good leader’ with all the qualities I have listed, without simultaneously igniting a mass movement to demand these values as the core qualities for new leadership. There is so much to undo, to destroy, and to create.

My worry, in addition to the meaningless shuffling of occupants of State House, is the perpetuation of the “messianic, prophetic, great leader” syndrome, which in fact is partly to blame for our circumstances. Political agency is stolen from the citizen who is turned into an immature, passive, child-like, fearful and respectful idiot before any “government” or “leader” no matter how rotten these could be. In fact, I dare say that with the current zombie-like, fearful Zambian, no “good leader” can help us; rather, we would destroy such a one: we are rotten through and through. There is simply no alternative to a mass political movement at whose heart must be the cultivation (imbibing, internalising, demanding and defending by popular mass power) of the fundamental values that are so essential to (public) life.

HH Celebrates Zambia’s Economical Challenges

HH smiles at the Gonde Lwiindi ceremony
UPND Leader Hakainde Hichilema

By Dr. Joze Manda.

If there was any doubt in the mind of any Zambian, today that doubt has been cleared as HH has clearly exposed his unpatriotic behavior as well as his selfishness to gain political mileage on the suffering of many Zambians.

Each time Zambians are in pain HH sees it as an opportunity to mock us, his patriotism to this nation leaves much to be desired. Why does he celebrate Zambia’s problems? And what did we do to this man to deserve such kind of bitterness from an opposition leader?

Yes, we have challenges as a country, we all know that, some are local and but the major ones are global and beyond our reach. The US and China trade wars have not spared us either; climate change as well has also significantly contributed to our many challenges.

That said and done, it is the responsibility of every leader, in government and in opposition to do anything in their power to help cushion the challenges our citizens are facing, this must be seen in did and as well as in our spoken word.

It is very unfortunate that HH now thrives at the challenges we are facing as a way to get himself into statehouse. His twits and Facebook posts of today make his leadership of the biggest opposition political party a joke.

Social media today is awash with angry Zambians who have condemned HH for his jubilation at the increase of fuel and the planned increase of electricity in January. HH must examine himself to determine if he wants power to enrich himself or to help the Zambians, but as things stand, it is clear to all of us to see that his intensions are not noble and we must reject his kind of politics. What kind of leader would rejoice when people are suffering because it almost creates an opportunity for him to gain political power power?

HH even has the arrogance to reply in a sarcastic manner to some concerned citizens who questioned his remarks by saying “the good thing is that the same Hakainde Hichilema actually warns and offers solutions which are ignored”, what a lost opportunity for him to have shown leadership.

Today, in the eyes of all Zambians, HH has shown us that he relishes when Zambian go through problems because he knows that problems are a ripe atmosphere in changing governments, what a shameful kind of mentality to have for a leader.

In an unprecedented move, President Lungu has today cut his salary and that of his cabinet by between 15 and 20% and we would like the same HH to acknowledge such a bold move with the same enthusiasm he displays when condemning the government when it faces economical challenges.

Sadly, Today HH has shown us that the current political dispersion exposes the serious weakness in Zambia’s opposition political systems.

HH and his UPND lack credibility in pushing the country forward. UPND has a serious challenge of misguided political leadership to marshal the required effective opposition strength to create a climate for development.

The leadership of UPND suffers from ego, overly rated ambition for power and pride, such that it overcrowds their effective participation on important national matters that affect the citizenry and poor people.

They could be more effective by engaging the government and the ruling party in debating policy frameworks on how to develop the country. Particularly, pushing policies that address the needs of poor people such as improving access to clean water and sanitation, quality healthcare, education, rural and agricultural development, and debate macroeconomic policy frameworks required for growth and development, critically contributing to poverty eradication, employment creation and addressing inequalities.

Zambia is facing serious challenges of the low infrastructure, the low energy capacity of both electricity and oil, poverty, youth unemployment, and weak legal systems. These are issues HH should be lobbying PF government to improve and provide policy frameworks on how to go about address these daunting challenges, instead of twitting jubilation on the increase of fuel prices that are beyond the control powers of the PF government.

Dr. Joze Manda is a Political Analyst based in Lusaka

PF Energy Price Spike Plunges 1.5 Million More into Poverty ..

President Edgar Lungu'
Patriotic Front (PF), Muchinga Provincial Executive Committee has congratulated and welcomed President Edgar Lungu’s newly appointed Adviser for Political Affairs, Mr Chris Zumani Zimba saying he is the right man for the job.

By: Anthony Bwalya – UPND Member

It is important for us to mention, that in respect of both fuel and electricity pricing, the United Party for National Development (UPND) has consistently provided sound alternatives aimed at giving consumers extended relief through the recall or suspension of controllable cost components in respect of the pump price of fuel, and a complete reform of the fuel supply chain to eliminate unnecessary costs. The UPND has also provided insights directed at improving functional and management efficiencies at ZESCO to remove pricing inefficiencies which cost both ZESCO and consumers money.

Under proposals by the UPND, the pump price of fuel should and can cost at least 25% or K4 LESS than under the current PF regime, and we have demonstrated which cost components can be recalled or adjusted downwards:

1.Suspending excise duty
2.Suspending strategic reserve fund fee
3. Halving Value Added Tax (VAT)
4. Cancel dealer margin

The aforementioned fuel pump price components are firmly under the control of government, but instead of the PF leveraging this position to stabilize the pump price, they are exploiting these controllable margins to benefit government officials, party officials, the party and their business associates.

But the Patriotic Front regime has continued their reckless attack on the poor majority Zambians by pursuing destructive public policies which impoverish the most poor while increasing the advantage of the wealthy minority, particularly the political ruling elites.

With the current loadshedding estimated to cost a minimum $7bn, it is poor households who are poised to be sacrificed at the altar of satanic political practices of the PF, through loss of incomes, jobs and with 1 in every 3 small businesses set to buckled down as the pressure of loadshedding mounts – with energy related business costs up by at least 35% per month.

Thus, for the PF to sabotage what is left of already thinned out household incomes, jobs and small businesses by sanctioning a 10% and 200% hike in the price of fuel and electricity respectively, they have just magically condemned an estimated 1.5 million more Zambians from poorer households into abject poverty. In a few months, once the real effects of PF’s failed economics kick in, we shall have at least 12.1 million Zambians living on less than $1.25 ( around K17.47) per day. And these will be the lucky ones because close to 800,000 will not be guaranteed not even a single meal in a free and independent Zambia as food inflation is expected to rise to above 12% while incomes shrink and disappear.

And in the midst of all this misery, President Edgar Lungu proceeded to insulting the collective conscience of Zambians by offering Zambians a paltry K4,471.86 per month from his TAX FREE salary, while he and his friends maintain all their other TAX FREE allowances as granted themselves under an inequitable Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices (Emoluments) Act, Cap 262. These ludicrous tax exemptions on allowances are given unto themselves under Section 3(1) and (2).

The reason the President’s offer of a “paycut” makes a mockery of all of us is because those other lower ranking civil servants the President wants to withdraw 10% – 15% of their salaries actually have to pay tax on all their emoluments, including allowances.

This is what leadership incompetence looks like and this is what a regime increasingly out of touch with reality looks like, and this is certainly what a regime that has run out of progressive development ideas looks like.

It is time for citizens to deliver the change they deserve.

Zanaco Seek First Group B Win Despite Unbeaten 2019/20 CAF Run


Unbeaten in the CAF Confederation Cup this season, Zanaco return to continental action this Sunday away in Benin against ESAE in Porto Novo.

But Zanaco head into match day three seeking their first Group B win after two rounds played in the league phase.

It is the first time that Zanaco have dropped points in this season’s CAF Confederation Cup after winning home and away in the two knockout stages.

Mumamba Numba’s side is currently third in Group B on 2 points and are two points behind DC Motema Pembe of DR Congo and RSB Berkane of Morocco who are also in action this Sunday in North Africa.

ESAE are last on zero points following a 3-0 away loss to Berkane and a 2-0 home defeat to DCMP.

But Zanaco captain Ziyo Tembo said they will not underrate their hosts despite their poor group stage run and who qualified from the pre-group stage in November 4-3 on post-match penalties following a 1-0 home loss and 1-1 aggregate result against Generation Foot of Senegal.

“The best thing now is we just have to start winning games and we will have a better chance of qualifying to the quarterfinals,” Ziyo said.

“But I think each and every game is a difficult game, we can’t take anything away from them, I think they are a good side to come this far to be in the group stage.

“What is important is to show the right attitude and fighting spirit so that we can come back with the right result.”

Meanwhile, Zanaco have one injury absentee in defender Belchance Makiese who has been replaced by Kebson Kamanga.

The match will also mark the return of midfielder Kelvin Kapumbu from suspension who missed the 1-1 home draw against RSB on December 8 following his 65th minute send-off in the 1-1 away draw against DCMP on December 1 in Kinshasa.

Power Dynamos Keep Winning Under Mutapa


Power Dynamos continued their winning ways on Saturday following a 1-0 home win over second placed Napsa Stars at Arthur Davies Stadium in Kitwe.

The victory saw Power stay unbeaten for a sixth successive league game after collecting their fifth straight league victory.

Fredrick Mulambia’s 23rd minute goal settled the contest to see him net his fifth goal of the season.

The result also handed Napsa their first league loss in nine matches since leaders and defending champions Zesco United beat them3-2 away in Ndola on October 10.

Napsa stay second tied on 31 points with Zesco who were on CAF Champions League duty on the same date at home against Zamalek.

Power stay seventh despite the victory but rise to23 points to hand new coach Perry Mutapa four out of four league wins in charge of the six-time champions.

Meanwhile, Green Eagles moved from sixth to third on 27 points following a resounding 6-1 away win over second from bottom Kabwe Youth Soccer Academy.

Power Dynamos 1-Napsa Stars 0
Lumwana Radiants 0-Green Buffaloes 1
Nakambala Leopards 1-Mufulira Wanderers 0
Kabwe Youth Soccer Academy 1-Green Eagles 6
Kabwe Warriors4-Lusaka Dynamos 2
-Levy Mwanawasa Stadium, Ndola
15h00:Forest Rangers-Red Arrows
-Nkana Stadium,Kitwe
-Levy Mwanawasa Stadium, Ndola
Buildcon-Zesco United
Zanaco-Kansanshi Dynamos

IDC restructures Times Newspaper, appoints Daily Mail boss to run it

IDC Group Chief Executive Officer Mr Mateyo Kaluba
IDC Group Chief Executive Officer Mr Mateyo Kaluba

The Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) has dissolved the Times Printpak Board of Directors and made changes at management level as it commences fundamental restructuring of the company.

The IDC has directed the Zambia Daily Mail Limited Board of Directors to oversee the affairs of both Companies and appointed Mr Nebat Mbewe, Managing Director at the Zambia Daily Mail Limited, to oversee the day to day affairs of Times Printpak Limited, in an acting capacity, in addition to his responsibilities at Zambia Daily Mail.

Consequently, other functions like Finance, Legal, Human Resource, Production and Marketing in both companies will be overseen by a single management team.

The Editorial team of Times Printpak Zambia Limited will continue to oversee the publication of the Times of Zambia so as to maintain the editorial independence of both the Times of Zambia and the Daily Mail Newspapers.

The IDC Group CEO Mr Mateyo Kaluba said the IDC has been concerned with the continued deteriorating financial situation at Times Printpak Zambia Limited, the publisher of Times of Zambia Newspaper, which has rendered the company unable to meet its key obligations as they fall due.

This has resulted in growing outstanding statutory liabilities and workers at Times Printpak Limited, not receiving regular monthly salaries, in some cases up to 11 months in arrears.

During the first 9 months of 2019 Times Printpak recorded an operating loss of K41.7m and had a return on assets (ROA) of -49%.

Mr Kaluba said, the restructuring will be done in phases with the medium-term objective of creating a consolidated Media and Newspaper publishing company under the IDC Group.

The first phase involved recapitalising the business to ensure it has the resources to undertake emergency reforms, making changes at Board and management level as well as liquidating all unpaid salary arrears owed to the workers.

He said the model of consolidating media and newspaper assets is not unique to the IDC.

The model has proved successful around the world in optimising value of media companies by creating synergies, eliminating duplications, reorienting resources to growing the business and delivering profits.

“We will continue to work with Government, the Board, Management and Unions to drive the critical reforms necessary for the survival of the Times of Zambia newspaper. The public will continue to receive and enjoy reading their daily editions of the Times of Zambia and Sunday Times Newspapers with better efficiency and higher quality news”.

Mr Kaluba thanked the union leaders and the workers of Times Printpak for their commitment, cooperation and patience as IDC was working out a business strategy for the company.

He further urged the workers to continue to work hard to ensure the business starts growing and assured creditors and other stakeholders of Times Printpak that there will be no disruptions to the operations at the Company.

This is according to a statement issued by IDC Public Relations Manager Namakau Mukelabai.

Salary Cut for Top Civil Servants is not Mandatory-Kasolo

Information and Broadcasting Permanent Secretary Chanda Kasolo speaking at the official opening of the Media Self Regulation Insaka
Information and Broadcasting Permanent Secretary Chanda Kasolo speaking at the official opening of the Media Self Regulation Insaka

The government has said that the decision by President Edgar Lungu to reduce his salary is final while that of top civil servants is voluntary.

Information and Broadcasting Services Permanent Secretary Chanda Kasolo has said that the President Lungu decided to cut his salary by 20%  and requested top civil servants and Heads of Parastatal willing to reduce their perks to do so voluntarily.

Mr. Kasolo said that the initiative is voluntary because civil servants are employed on contracts that cannot be altered.

The Permanent Secretary told ZNBC News that Secretary to the Cabinet, Dr. Simon Miti will soon issue a circular which will stipulate modalities of how the scheme will work.

Mr. Kasolo said that the modalities will be published widely so that those wishing to join the scheme can understand how the money will be utilized, adding that  President Lungu meant well and wants to support people in the society.

Mr. Kasolo also called on Zambians to stop speculating over the decision by the President to request other top civil servants and any Zambian that is willing to participate in the scheme because he means well.

Zesco United Rally to Draw With Zamalek


Zesco United salvaged a 1-1 home draw against Zamalek at Levy Mwanawasa Stadium in Ndola to keep their CAF Champions League quarterfinal hopes from Group A alive.

The draw came a fortnight after losing 2-1at the same venue at the hands of Group A leaders T P Mazembe.

Mostafa Aballa broke the deadlock in the 71st minute after a tense see-saw battle on a rain-drenched surface at Levy Stadium.

Respite for Zesco came ten minutes later when Quadri Kola equalized from a Mwila Phiri cross.

Zesco have 2 points from three games, two points behind second placed Zamalek.
Mazembe lead on 7 points after drawing 1-1 with Premiero de Agosto on Friday night in Angola.

Agosto have 2 points.

Rainford Kalaba put Mazembe ahead in in the 8th minutes but Malubula equalized for Agosto four minutes later.
Zesco visit Zamalek on January 11 in Cairo while Mazembe will confirm their quarterfinal qualification on the same date with a home win over Agosto in Lubumbashi.

MMD Regrets the Recall of US Ambassador to Zambia Daniel Foote

MMD Party president Nevers Mumba
MMD Party president Nevers Mumba

THE Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) says it deeply regrets the developments which have led to the recall of US Ambassador to Zambia Daniel Foote.

MMD Party president Nevers Mumba said the US was an extremely important and strategic partner.

“We had stated in our earlier release at the time of the confrontation that the temporal fallout between the United States and Zambia should be resolved through a bilateral round table and should not be accelerated by public statements from either side,” he said.

“The United States is an extremely important and strategic partner. Our relationship spans over a period of 55 years. Under the leadership of the MMD, we had several disagreements with the US but we always used the diplomatic channels which are imbedded within the Vienna Convention on diplomatic relations.”

He said this temporal setback was unnecessary and should have been avoided.

“As MMD, we believe that expelling the Ambassador (while it is our right) could have been avoided if dialogue had preceded the action by [Ministry of] Foreign Affairs,” said Mumba.

“MMD therefore reiterates her call for a quick bilateral dialogue to resolve this temporal setback. The Zambian people have always treasured the cordial relations that have existed between our two countries. We remain confident that this breach shall soon be fixed.”

Washington has asked ambassador Foote to return since the host cannot guarantee his safety and diplomatic protocol.

Izrael and Nalu release new hit song “Patali“.


Izrael and Nalu team up for their brand new song and video titled “Patali“.

The video was shot Qbick The Visual Papi while the song was produced by Kekero and Izrael.


DEC Arrests a Small Scale Village Farmer for Illegal Cultivation of Marijuana

Marijuana plant
Marijuana plant

The Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) in Western Province has arrested a 55-year-old man of Mulobezi District for unlawful cultivation of cannabis plants.

OSCAR KAYAMBILA, a small-scale farmer of Ntangeza village in Mulobezi has been arrested for unlawful cultivation of cannabis plants intercropped with maize.

Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) Public Relations Officer THERESA KATONGO confirmed to ZNBC News in LUSAKA yesterday.

Ms KATONGO has caution the public that despite the approval of the cultivation of marijuana for medicinal and economic purposes in Zambia, the DEC still has a mandate of arresting persons cultivating cannabis outside the legal provisions.


Electricity has not been increased by 200%, the Entire Average Increase is by 113%, says ERB

ERB Executive Director Langiwe Lungu
ERB Executive Director Langiwe Lungu

The Energy Regulation Board (ERB) has refuted reports that electricity tariffs have been increased by 200%

ERB Executive Director Langiwe Lungu has said that the average of the entire adjustment is 113%.

Ms. Lungu said that the increment is for all categories of customers which are residential, commercial, social and maximum demand.

She says the increment has been effected after intense and extensive consultations with stakeholders.

Ms. Lungu said that the board held public hearings, consulted with the government whose policy is to move towards cost-reflective tariffs.

She further explained that the adjustment is also meant to ensure that ZESCO remains commercially viable because it buys power from Independent Power Producers such as Maamba collieries and Coppeberlt Energy Corporation at a higher price and sells at a less price.

Ms. Lungu was speaking at a media briefing in Lusaka yesterday.

Meanwhile, ERB Director Economic and Regulation Alfred Mwila said under the new tariffs for residential use the line tariff has been reduced to one hundred units.

And, Mr. Mwila said the increment in fuel prices is to ensure that there is no shortfall in meeting obligations to the suppliers because the price is determined based on how much the cargo was purchased at.

He said the appreciation of the kwacha was at the end of the circle in the procurement process.


Reports that passport fees have been increased are fake-Kampyongo

Home Affairs Minister Hon. Stephen Kampyongo
Home Affairs Minister Hon. Stephen Kampyongo

The government has described as fake reports that passport fees have been increased.

Acting Information Minister Stephen Kampyongo says the information circulating on social media is fake and those circulating the information it on social media must stop alarming the public.

And Mr Kampyongo has directed relevant security institutions to trace the purveyors of the false information on the passport fees.

Mr Kampyongo, who is also Home Affairs Minister, says the news is fake from people bent at causing unwarranted public anxiety.

He explained that passport fees are statutory fees, which are not just announced but backed by a Statutory Instrument.

Mr Kampyongo said in a statement that the passport fees have remained the same.


The number of Companies moving into Luapula Province continue to rise

Luapula Province Minister Nickson Chilangwa
Luapula Province Minister Nickson Chilangwa

The number of firms signing up for investment in Luapula Province following the Luapula Expo has continued to rise.

According to Luapula Province Minister Nickson Chilangwa 10 new companies have arrived in the Province in the last 12 months, bring the total to 110.

Mr. Chilangwa said this during his end of year press briefing at Mansa Lodge Friday morning.

The event was attended by Luapula Province Permanent Secretary Dr Felix Phiri, Luapula Deputy Permanent Secretary Royd Chakaba, Heads of Government Departments and parastatals and journalists from various media institutions.

The Minister named the companies as Workers Compansation Fund Control Board, Consolidated Farming Limited, Sable Group of Companies, Evolve Group of Companies and Aquakena Bottling Company.

Others are Pearl Beverages, Agri Horti Fruits Limited, Chihasha Industries, White Orchid Limited and Global Human Benefit Zambia.