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ZCCM Investment Holdings to open a Gold Mining Company

ZCCM-IH  CEO Mabvuto Chipata
ZCCM-IH CEO Mabvuto Chipata

ZCCM Investment Holdings plans to open a company that will supervise the mining of gold across the country.

ZCCM IH Chief Executive Officer Mabvuto Chipata says the move will ensure the country benefits from gold deposits dotted in over 21 districts, so far identified.

Addressing the media in Lusaka, Mr. Chipata also revealed that ZCCM IH will also partner with another company in gold processing, in which 45-million Kwacha is being injected in the setting up of a processing plant in Rufunsa.

He also revealed that the mining conglomerate has undertaken initial exploration works in Mwinilunga’s Kasenseli area and results of the soil and rock samples will be ready in 15 days.

He said the exploration works will continue at Kasenseli with preparatory works to start mining within the first quarter of next year.

Mr. Chipata also noted that the investments company will be setting up buying points for gold from small-scale miners after their formalization which is underway as part of curbing smuggling.

He said ZCCM IH has also procured an artisanal gold washing plant and a smelting kit worth one million Kwacha meant to improve production as part of building capacity among small scale producers, whom it will buy gold from.

And the same briefing Ministry of Mines Permanent Secretary Barnaby Mulenga said government has put in place security measures at various sites with gold deposits.

These include Mumbwa, Kasenseli, Rufunsa and Luano among others while arrangements for formal operations are being put in place.

Mr. Mulenga said government has declared gold a strategic mineral in order to provide a well-coordinated mechanism of exploiting the resource.

Mr. Mulenga has since appealed to Zambians to take interest in investing in gold mines.

Clergy or Cadre: Life Lessons for His Honorable Archbishop Telesphore Mpundu

Archbishop Telesphore Mpundu (second from left) Minister of National Guidance and Religious Affairs Rev. Godfridah Sumaili (second from right) and Special Assistant for Press and Public Relations Amos Chanda (left) addresses the media after a meeting with President Edgar Chagwa Lungu at State House on Tuesday,July 25,2017 .PICTURE BY SALIM HENRY/STATE HOUSE ©2017
FILE: Archbishop Telesphore Mpundu (second from left) Minister of National Guidance and Religious Affairs Rev. Godfridah Sumaili (second from right) and Special Assistant for Press and Public Relations Amos Chanda (left) addresses the media after a meeting with President Edgar Chagwa Lungu at State House on Tuesday,July 25,2017 .PICTURE BY SALIM HENRY/STATE HOUSE ©2017



By Dr. Joze Manda.

When a compromised media house teams up with a politically charged church or clergy’s men, the results are either a civil war or genocide. Examples are abounding to support this line of thought, Rwanda and Congo hit the note right, very close to home.

The description of our country, the government, and its citizens as *“Government (country) of thieves, by thieves (people) and for thieves (people)* by former Lusaka Archbishop Telesphore Mpundu is the highest order of disrespect and insult (to yourself too) you can shower a country of which you are part of.

What our honorable archbishop should remember is that, in the same way, we chose our political leaders from within ourselves, it is the same way we chose our religious leaders including himself, so we are therefor one and the same people. It was unwise for the honorable archbishop to classify the entire citizenry as thieves.

Its is also of grave concern to us and sad to note that in the past year or so our honorable archbishop has been issuing a dangerous political statement which have the potential to send this country into war.

Inciting the citizens to rise against a democratically elected government is evil, especially by the church and its religious leaders and must be condemned by all well-meaning citizens. It would be a sad situation if the government where to charge our honorable archbishop with treason.

Least we forgot, the Rwanda genocide was started in the same way. In Zambia, we risk this happening if Media houses like News Diggers give their platform or go into prostitution partnership with compromised Clergy’s men, whose only intention is to fuel tension and support regime change.

As citizens we are also interested in knowing if what the honorable archbishop said when he appeared on Prime TV’s Oxygen of Democracy program last Monday represents the position of the church as we quote his words below: –

My Church’s opinion; we have talked about this time and time and time again. This country is plagued with unbridled corruption and this has permeated on all the facets of our life,

The honorable archbishop further claimed that,

“The political atmosphere will become more and more toxic! Very toxic atmosphere; when we have very toxic atmosphere, an explosion can occur! You see, the government has not been forthcoming out there; they have not been sincere. And if people are not sincere, it is difficult to work with them”.

In-fact, these are the kind of politically charged statements we are referring to and they should not be coming from the church or their Clergy’s men, this in actual senses borders on inciting the citizens against their own government. The honorable archbishop would be wise enough to engage government at any level and am sure he would have be accorded the audience he deserves.

The honorable archbishop must understand that Religions is powerfully motivating and belligerent humans fight over it and it has also been a major feature in some historical conflicts and the most recent wave of modern terrorism.

Religion has taken on extra significance today because globalization is challenging and changing everything. Religious identity not only survives but can take on heightened significance when national and political alliances break apart, *as happened in the former Yugoslavia in the early 1990s, when Serbs, Croats and Bosniacs were divided along Catholic and Orthodox fault lines.*

In the same line and thought of thinking, the honorable archbishop must understand that his personal political statement may be misunderstood to mean the position of the catholic church in Zambia, a situation that may fuel serious tension from household level into all spheres of our life due to our different religions, which we would bring radical behavior if we carried them onto our political preference.

Lastly, the honorable archbishop must remember that our memory is still fresh about the role the Catholic played during the Rwanda genocide.

Not too long ago, the Catholic church in Rwanda apologised on the church’s role in the 1994 genocide, saying it regretted the actions of those who participated in the massacres.

Below is the apology

“We apologize for all the wrongs the church committed. We apologize on behalf of all Christians for all forms of wrongs we committed. We regret that church members violated [their] oath of allegiance to God’s commandments,”.

The apology was made through a statement by the Conference of Catholic Bishops, which was read out in parishes across the country then.

The statement acknowledged that church members planned, aided and carried out the genocide, in which more than 800,000 ethnic Tutsis and moderate Hutus were killed by Hutu extremists.

In the years since the genocide – which was sparked by a contentious plane crash that killed the president, Juvénal Habyarimana, a Hutu – the local church had resisted efforts by the government and groups of survivors to acknowledge the church’s complicity in mass murder, saying those church officials who committed crimes acted individually.

Many of the victims died at the hands of priests, clergymen and nuns, according to some accounts by survivors, and the Rwandan government said many died in the churches where they sought refuge.

If there is one sober lesson Zambians should be taking out of Africa’s past civil and religious wars, it’s the folly of a nation allowing itself to be dragged into the war in the first place by either their political and religious leaders or otherwise. It will be impossible to repair the damage that will be caused.

Dr. Joze Manda is a Political Analyst based in Lusaka

Reporting of Tasila Lungu to the Anti-Corruption Commision by Panji Kaunda Irks PF’s Lufwekelo

Tasila Lungu spotted at a PF event
Tasila Lungu spotted at a PF event

Patriotic Front (PF) Founding Member Edwin Lifwekelo has said that the Party is extremely shocked by what they described as a staged and malicious reporting to the Anti-Corruption Commission of Nkoloma Ward Councillor and President Edgar Lungu’s Daughter, Ms. Tasila Lungu, by  Lt Col. Panji  Kaunda.

In a statement released to the media, Mr. Lifwekelo said that the party is aware that Lt. Col Kaunda has resolved to fight President Lungu because he feels sidelined.

There are reports that Lt. Col Kaunda, who is the first born son of first republican President, Kenneth Kaunda,  reported the shielding of Edgar Lungu’s daughter, Tasila, over the alleged fencing of gazetted Forest Number 70 by Lands minister Jean Kapata and her permanent secretary Ndashe Yumba to the ACC.

According to the letter dated December 17, 2019, addressed to the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) Director-General and filed with the Commission’s offices in Chipata, the allegations are that approximately 3 790 hectares of Forest P70,  also known as Chimutengo Forest in Sinda District,  was being fenced off by a private farm allegedly owned by Miss Tasila Lungu, and gates had been erected at the entrances of both the private land and the main gate of the forest,

Col Panji stated that efforts to get Lands and Environmental Protection Minister Kapata and her Permanent Secretary Yumba to act on the matter had proved futile, despite meeting and formally complaining to them.

Col Panji said all the possible avenues to get clarification on the matter had been unsuccessful, hence the decision to write to the Commission.

“It is an offence for anyone to enter a forest without authority or permit according to the forestry act, and that anyone found breaking this law is bound to be punished,” Col Panji stated. “The fence did not come up overnight it took months to finish and everyone who has driven past the forest including the local community should have seen it, including the officers from the forestry department.”

Col Panji wondered why the project was allowed to continue to its completion when no authority was given.


Below if PF’s Lufwekelo full response on the matter



Wednesday, 25th December 2019


By Edwin Lifwekelo

From the outset it is important to establish that we would like to hold Lt. Col. Panji Kaunda in high esteem, as we acknowledge his contribution to the Patriotic Front (PF).

Lt. Col Kaunda is former President Dr. Kenneth Kaunda’s first born son, and it’s common sense that he has not lived up to the expected standards of how a responsible son should take care of his father and family. Lt. Col Kaunda knows too well the extent to which President Edgar Lungu has taken care of the old man and the Kaunda family at large. But we are aware that Lt. Col Kaunda has resolved to fight President Lungu because he feels sidelined despite all that he is doing for the Kaunda family.

This is particularly why we are extremely shocked by the staged and malicious “reporting” to the ACC of Nkoloma Ward Councillor Ms. Tasila Lungu by Lt Col. Kaunda.

What we find even more outrageous, is the betrayal not only to the Patriotic Front and the majority of Zambians, but more significantly Panji’s treachery to President Edgar Chagwa Lungu and the first family.

We are at pains to engage him in this manner, also because of the immense respect we hold for his father and Zambia’s founding President Kenneth David Kaunda, who surely does not deserve any stress from an inconsiderate son.

Panji Kaunda knows how it is to be betrayed. He knows fully well the witchhunt that saw his father being falsely accused and detained on trumped up charges on that fateful Christmas day of 1997.

And now twenty two years later, Panji wants to use the Christmas season to launch an un-substantiated witch-hunt on a member of the first family. This is supposed to be the season of “Peace on Earth and Goodwill to all men”; but Panji has no good will for His Excellency President Edgar Chagwa Lungu and Patriotic Front. What he has is ill-will and Judas mischief.

The malice, ill-will and ridiculous persecution of Ms Lungu is a manifestation of Panji Kaunda’s sour grapes against a man who has gone out of his way to take care of his old man.

Nothing under the sun is hidden. We already know that Panji Kaunda is in an unholy alliance with Hakainde Hichilema on one hand to mobilise for UPND in Eastern Province while at the same time working with former Roan Member of Parliament Chishimba Kambwili and using a named Lusaka-based self-acclaimed “media guru”. We have all details of their meetings and schemes. He has been planted to fight PF from within and when time is “ripe”, he will jump ship to join UPND.

We challenge Lt Col. (Rtd) Panji Kaunda to do the honourable thing and leave the Party as opposed to masquerading as PF, when he and a few other sour grapes are bitter against President Lungu.

Given the integrity of his father’s legacy, and the goodwill and integrity of President Edgar Lungu and the First Family, Panji should be the last person to play dirty.

Edwin Lifwekelo
Founding Patriotic Secretary General & Former UPND Deputy Spokesperson

Illegal Mining Robbing the Country of the Much Needed Revenue- CTPD

Mining at Black Mountain

Fuelled by the rapid increase of global prices of mineral commodities, illegal mining has
recently come into light as a major environmental and social concern.

For instance, the use of mercury and other toxins in Gold mining continues to pose serious
dangers to human health. Illegal mining in the next years to come will be seen as one of the biggest global challenges that will lead to environmental degradation of ecologically
sensitive land.

Illegal mining is carried out without state permission and it is because of this reason that
unscrupulous firms operating in mineral-rich areas do not pay taxes. This robs the country
of the much-desired revenue thus undermining economic growth. Not only does illegal
mining lead to loss of revenue, but also leads to the loss of employment opportunities,
capital expenditure, exports and foreign exchange earnings.

To limit revenue losses, the government can take a strategic step in establishing a revenue task force aimed at maximizing the collection of revenue in mining areas. Spurred by widespread poverty and lack of alternative earning opportunities, illegal mining is a common phenomenon on the African continent.

For instance, a rapid increase in illegal mining activities in Zambia can also be attributed to
the fact that mining is seen as a source of livelihood for many citizens who cannot be
employed by the formal sector. Poor regulation of the artisanal and small scale mining
sector can also be seen as a reason that continues to birth illegal mining activities

Formalization of this sector will at least help limit the spread of illegal mining. Being
cognizant of the fact that illegal mining cannot be completely eliminated, the Centre for
Trade Policy and Development (CTPD) wishes to urge the government to undertake some of
the following strategic steps to limit its expansion.

  1. Undertake social control by creating alternative employment opportunities
  2. Strengthen regional bureaus with the needed expertise so as to elevate their supervisory role
  3. Provide platforms making it easy for miners to form cooperatives.
  4. Formalize, monitor and regulate the artisanal and small scale mining sector
  5. Establish a task force to crack down illegal mining activities
  6. Dialogue with mining companies to establish satellite-based surveillance systems to
    monitor illegal mining within their mining license areas.

Issued by
Webby Banda
CTPD Researcher (Extractives)

The $250,000 Cannabis License Cultivation Fee is Fake News-President Lungu

A Canabis Cultivation indoor Farm
A Canabis Cultivation indoor Farm

President Edgar Lungu has said that the $250,000 cannabis license fee which has been widely reported on social media and other media is fake news aimed at misleading the public.

In a  statement posted on his official Facebook page on Christmas Eve, President Lungu said that the aforementioned $250,000  license fee,  which has been widely reported on social and other media,  is only fake news,  which is aimed at misleading  the general public.

The President further said that his detractors are deliberately distorting facts and fabricating falsehoods in an effort to thwart future health and economic benefits which shall accrue to Zambia from the new policy decision on Cannabis cultivation, following  Government’s recent decision to legalize the medical use of cannabis, based on scientific evidence from the World Health Organisation (WHO) and others.

The President said that through official channels, the  Government will  soon communicate the applicable license fees and other additional regulations concerning the medical use of cannabis and urged the nation to totally disregard any news which does not come from official Government channels because, those are only speculations and fake news by the cynics with the aim of misleading, creating confusion, misinforming and creating a distasteful caricature of his  Government

The President appealed to Zambians to do their part to stamp out fabrications and fake news from the Zambian society by ignoring it.

Securities and Exchange Commission approves ZAFFICO listing



President Edgar Chagwa Lungu with Minister of Lands and Natural Resources Ms Christable Ngimbu during the launching the ZAFFICO Shiwang’andu Forest plantation on Tuesday,December 15,2015 in Muchinga Province. PICTURE BY EDDIE MWANALEZA/STATE HOUSE ©2015

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has approved the registration of Zambia Forestry and Forest Industries Corporation (ZAFFICO) shares.

The Initial Public Offer (IPO), opened on 11th December 2019 will involve offering ordinary shares in ZAFFICO to Zambian individuals and institutions.

The IPO is scheduled close on 21 January 2020.

Similarly, following the close of the IPO and subject to meeting the minimum listing requirements, the Lusaka Securities Exchange Plc (LuSE or Exchange) has approved the listing of those ordinary shares on the Exchange.

The IPO and subsequent listing of ZAFFICO on the LuSE will accord Zambian individuals and institutions an opportunity to participate in the potential growth and strategic direction of the company which is involved in the establishment, management and sale of exotic wood species.

Announcing the development, Mrs. Anne Doma Gray-Kunda, the ZAFFICO Board Chairperson said through the offer of shares to the public in the company, ZAFFICO has taken the first and important step toward increasing public ownership of the company while at the same time raising capital to provide the company support for its forest plantation expansion programme.

“It gives me great pleasure to confirm that the IPO and official listing of ZAFFICO shares on the exchange was approved by the SEC and LuSE, respectively. The IPO opened on 11 December 2019 and will close on 21 January 2020. This is also a positive step toward further building the equity capital market in Zambia. The offer of shares is restricted to Zambian individuals and institutions only,” she said.

“We appreciate the support we continue to receive from the Government of the Republic of Zambia, regulators, and our stakeholders. I would like to particularly thank the staff and management of ZAFFICO who have worked tirelessly to make this day possible. We are delighted to extend this opportunity to members of the public to own shares in this Zambian-owned institution,” she added.

USA Business Executive Donates to Samuel Matete Academy


The Samuel Matete Athletics Academy of Kitwe has received a donation of sports kit from US based business executive David Long.

The donation of kit comprising of shirts, shorts and sports shoes was facilitated by former runner Reuben Silwimba, who is based in the US.

Silwimba on Tuesday handed over the kit to Samuel Matete, the academy owner and coach, during a ceremony at Kitwe Playing Fields.

“I have a friend David Long in USA who has been very helpful to us. I asked him to support the kids at the Samuel Matete Academy so he bought pairs of shoes and the uniform which have delivered here,” Silwimba said.

“I appreciate the works Big Sam (Matete) is doing for the kids here. This is just the beginning more will come,” he said.

Matete, the 1996 Olympics Silver-medallist, is cheered by the donation to the academy that host slightly over 20 teenagers.

“This is a wonderful Christmas present. We are very excited and the kids are happy and looking forward to competing in the 2020 season,” Matete said.

“Our very own Reuben Silwimba has done a good by remembering where he is coming from. He has brought all this equipment for our academy,” he added.

And some young athletes interviewed expressed their excitement.

“We are just happy because we have never received things like this. Some of us have been running barefooted,” said 17-year-old Ruth Mutale – who finished seventh in the 2019 National Championships.

Matete established the academy three years ago.

Teacher from Zambia on shortlist for ‘World’s Most Dedicated Teacher’




Cambridge University Press has released the Dedicated Teacher Awards shortlist for 2020, featuring Tiffany Cavanagh from Trident College Solwezi, Zambia. The full shortlist is made up of 50 teachers from across the world, who have been celebrated for the vital role they play in the lives of their students.

Between 1 October and 29 November 2019, over 6,000 nominations from 97 different countries poured into the Press, each detailing an inspiring story about a current primary or secondary teacher and the hard work they do every day. These entries were analysed using competition criteria to select the 50 strong shortlist, including whether teachers prepared students for their futures beyond school and ‘made the ordinary, extraordinary.’

From this shortlist, a panel of expert judges will now choose six top finalists. The public will have the opportunity to vote for their favourite story when the finalists are announced via Cambridge University Press Education social media channels on 20 January 2020. The Press will announce the overall winner on 3 February 2020.

The finalists will feature on a thank you page at the front of every new Cambridge University Press Education textbook from May 2020 and win a host of prizes, including class sets of books or digital resources.

They will also get an invitation to the Cambridge Panel, an online community of teachers and researchers that help to shape the Press’s education publishing.

‘Teachers say and do life-changing things every day – often without realising it,’ explained Michael McGarvey, Director, Education, Cambridge University Press. ‘This could be something as simple as a kind word at a difficult time, or explaining a concept in a way that suddenly makes everything click into place for the student. For that, we’d like to join with people around the world to say thank you together.’

Last year, the 2019 Dedicated Teacher Awards saw maths and accounting teacher Ahmed Saya from Cordoba School for A-Level in Karachi, announced the winner from just under 4,000 nominations from 75 countries around the world.

Nakachinda told to Stop Masquerading as MMD National Secretary

Hon. Rapheal Nakachinda chairing a sitting of the parliamentary select committee on the Constitutional Amendment Bill.
Hon. Rapheal Nakachinda chairing a sitting of the parliamentary select committee on the Constitutional Amendment Bill.

The Opposition New Hope Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) in North Western province have warned PF Nominated Member of Parliament Raphael Nakachinda to stop impersonating as MMD National Secretary.

Mr. Raphael Nakachinda last week held a presser where he impersonated himself as the MMD National Secretary and trashed the High Court ruling that recognized Dr. Nevers Mumba as Party President.

The members through their Provincial Chairperson Mr. Geoffrey Chikote said that they were not moved by Nakachinda’s statement.

“As members of the New Hope MMD in North Western Province, we are not moved by the Press briefing by Embattled Patriotic Front (PF) Nominated Member of Parliament Raphael Nakachinda. Mr. Nakachinda is not a Member of our Party and Judge Newa’s judgment of November 5 clearly pointed out that Nakachinda was not an MMD bonafide member. Furthermore, he is not qualified to speak on behalf of the general membership especially party members from North Western Province”, Mr. Chikote said.

Mr. Chikote called upon Nakachinda to respect the judiciary as he is part of the Legislature.

“We were further disappointed with Mr. Nakachinda for attacking the Judgement of Hon. Judge Sharon Newa that recognized Dr. Mumba as Party President. Mr. Nakachinda should bear in mind that his attacks on Judge Newa was a direct assault on the integrity of the Judiciary. As a Member of Parliament, Nakachinda should know that an assault on the Judiciary is also an assault on the Executive and the Legislature which he is part of”, Mr. Chikote said.

Mr. Chikote further warned Nakachinda to stop attacking Dr. Mumba.

“We pledge our total loyalty to our Party President, Dr. Nevers Sekwila Mumba and his Executive. We shall give Dr. Mumba a thunderous welcome when he travels to the our province”, Mr. Chikote said.

“As the MMD in North Western, we would like to warn Nakachinda that we will not sit by and watch him insult our Party President. We call upon the Police to arrest Mr. Nakachinda for his continued misconduct”, Mr. Chikote said.

We Will Not Rest in Our Quest To Develop Sinazongwe-Ng’andu

The Old Thatched School that Pupils have been using
The Old Thatched School that Pupils have been using

Sinazongwe Town Council has continued to spread it’s development across the district as council management tries to ensure that development is distributed equally in the area.

The latest project has seen the construction of a 1 by 2 classroom block at Siankuku using the 2017 Constituency Development Funds which has since been completed and will be ready for usage as schools open next year.

The local authority has already completed six of the seven 2017 Constituency Development funded projects which included the Radio station in Sinazongwe, a 1 by 3 classroom block in N’agombe ward in Sinazongwe at Mwalede Primary School, procurement of Radio equipment for Kanzize Radio station in Maamba, Mweemba chiefdom, a 1 by 2 classroom block at Makuti Primary School in Muchekwa ward, Mweemba chiefdom, a 1 by 2 classroom block at Namafulo Primary school in Mweemba ward Mweemba chiefdom and a staff house with a VIP latrine at Siansalama community school in Mabinga ward in Mweemba chiefdom.

The school project was requested by the community and approved by the Constituency Development Committee following the numerous concerns from the stakeholders that pupils were learning in grass thatched classrooms which was not a conducive environment.

The Council through the same committee responded promptly due to the high value it attaches to education.

Speaking when he led a delegation which toured the Siankuku school project Sinazongwe Town Council Secretary Everty Ng’andu said the local authority was proud to work on projects that added value to the communities in the district.

He explained that the school project was the first of its kind in Siankuku community and that the school project was an investment in the future as the children will now learn in a conducive environment which will not only motivate the pupils but the teachers as well.

The New School built using Constituency Development Funds for use in 2020 school year
The New School built using Constituency Development Funds for use in 2020 school year

The community of the said village had their children learn from grass thatched classrooms where when it rained, the children were unable to learn because of no protection on the same structures.

“Children are the future of any community, therefore, the only way to ensure that the future of the community is brighter is by investing in their education and as a council we are proud to be associated with such projects. As it is commonly said “education is the best equalizer between the children of the rich and the poor’’

He added “domestic animals such as pigs, goats and cows never spared the children’s learning as they also walked around the learning place freely,” he said.

And Mr. Ng’andu encouraged the beneficiaries of the school to guard the infrastructure jealously as it had been built at a great cost.

He further thanked all stakeholders who worked tirelessly with the local authority to ensure that the project was complete.

He said the community around the school should ensure that the school stands the test of time so that as many children as possible can attend the educational facility in the area.

And Cathrine Mweemba and other members of the same village appreciated the Council for the good job it has done for the community and that it will motivate pupils to attend classes.

The Legalization of Marijuana for Medicinal and Commercial Use is the Right Way to Go

Antonio Mwanza, PF Deputy Media Director.
Antonio Mwanza, PF Deputy Media Director.

By Antonio Mwanza

On 16th December, 2019 the Government announced that cabinet had in principle legalized the cultivation, processing and sell of marijuana for medicinal and commercial purposes only. This announcement set social media ablaze with comments, memes and of course some misinformation.

From the onset it is important to clarify that Government has not outlawed the existing laws governing the cultivation, sell or use of marijuana. In short the cultivation, consumption and sell of marijuana remain prohibited under the current laws.

There has also been misinformation that a colossal fee of $250, 000 has been set as licence fee for those who would want to venture into the cannabis business. The truth is that no such amount has been suggested. What Government has done is to set up a Ministerial Committee of experts from the Ministries of Health, Home Affairs, Agriculture, Finance and others to come up with an operational framework of how the cultivation, processing and sell of marijuana shall be done in a controlled manner in line with our existing statutes.

Marijuana has proven to be a money spinner that can turn economies around in the shortest of times. According to available data, the legal trade of cannabis or marijuana can fetch as high as 32 dollars per gram which is nearly 32 million dollars per tonne. The 2018 Cannabis Price Index compiled on shows that the price of Cannabis in Tokyo is the highest in the World at 32 point 66 dollar per gram.

In the United States the Marijuana Industry totaled more than $8 billion in sales in 2017, with sales estimated to reach $11 billion this year and $23 billion by 2022.

There were more than 9,000 active licenses for cannabis businesses in the U.S. in 2017, with the industry employing more  than 120,000 people.

As more states move to legalize cannabis, these numbers will only continue to rise, potentially  providing a new stream of revenue and jobs to local economies.

The Government’s decision to legalise the cultivation, processing and sell of marijuana for medicinal and economic purposes will greatly boost Zambia’s economy by increasing revenue, creating jobs and broadening the tax base. There will be a boost to agriculture, starting with the businesses and individuals who will be growing and harvesting the weed to those who will be processing and packaging the refined weed products. Additionally, those in the marketing and transport sector will largely benefit from the marijuana business.

The proceeds from marijuana business will massively contribute to the development and growth of other sectors of the economy such as Education, Health, Infrastructure and so on.

In terms of medical benefits, science has proven that marijuana can be used to treat a number of illnesses and symptoms ranging from depression, stress, post-trastress disorder symptoms among many others.

Studies on cancer cells suggest that cannabinoids may either slow down the growth of or kill some types of cancer. Research has shown that cannabis can cure Leprosy and many other medical conditions.

The bold step taken by the Government to allow the cultivation, processing and sell of marijuana for medicinal and commercial purposes only will go a long way in rising government revenue, creating jobs and uplifting the lives of many people. The onus is now on the experts in The Ministerial Technical Committee to put up correct measures to ensure that the cannabis business benefits Zambians.

The author is Cde Antonio Mwanza , PF Deputy Media Director

North-Western Province can feed SADC region – Senior Chief Chikanta

SENIOR Chief Chikanta of the Tonga people in Southern Province and his spouse help each other in making green charcoal during the workshop at Kansanshi Foundation in Solwezi. - Picture by JOHN MUBAMBE/SUMA SYSTEMS.
SENIOR Chief Chikanta of the Tonga people in Southern Province and his spouse help each other in making green charcoal during the workshop at Kansanshi Foundation in Solwezi. – Picture by JOHN MUBAMBE/SUMA SYSTEMS.

SENIOR Chief Chikanta of Kalomo District in Southern Province says with the conservation farming technique adopted by Kansanshi Mining Plc, North-Western Province can adequately feed the entire southern African region.

Speaking when he attended a one-day workshop in conservation farming at Kansanshi Foundation Training Institute in Solwezi recently, Senior Chief Chikanta praised Kansanshi Mining Plc for introducing a farming method meant to ensure food security and to eradicate poverty in Zambia.

He noted that Kansanshi Mine management had realised the great need to diversify the country and region to a profitable farming system to accomplish the goal of agriculture being the driver of economic transformation from copper dependence in Africa.

Senior Chief Chikanta said conservation agriculture spearheaded by Kansanshi Mine in Solwezi had helped the province acquire tremendous potential to produce vast amounts of food to feed the entire southern African region.

“I wish other mines in Zambia could emulate Kansanshi in realising that mining alone can’t benefit the whole nation the way agriculture could do and that is why it has through its robust corporate social responsibility, improved the welfare of indigenous people linked to its community projects,” said Senior Chief Chikanta.

Kansanshi Mine has opted to use mining developments to spur agricultural development by investing in conservation farming rather than competing with agriculture for land.
Senior Chief Chikanta said Northwestern Province had favourable climatic conditions that could make it possible for the province to adequately feed the entire southern African region.
The Tonga traditional leader and his entourage are in Northwestern Province on a tour to formalise the relocation of farmers from Southern to North-Western Province with the consent of the Government and traditional leaders from both provinces.
“This visit is also meant to facilitate the exchange visits for an acquisition of knowledge to promote the integrated agriculture and lifestyles between the farming communities of Southern and North-Western provinces,” he added.
Senior Chief Chikanta took advantage of the warm welcome of his team to North-Western Province to invite chiefs and other stakeholders from the new Copperbelt Province to visit his province to have a complete picture of Southern Province in terms of animal husbandry and tourism.
Kansanshi Mining Plc has so far trained 36,000 conservation farmers since the inception of the programme in 2010, with over 7,000 farmers being supported by the company in terms of inputs and other logistics.

Kansanshi Mining Plc Corporate Social Responsibility manager Bruce Lewis disclosed that in the 2018/2019 farming season, 7,151 farmers received input support, of which 6,179 received maize inputs, 370 soya, 334 ground nuts, 118 sorghum and 150 vegetable inputs.

Mr Lewis explained that farmers who receive input support are also supported by weekly visits by field officers to guide them and that they achieve close to perfect crop yields.
“This demonstrates our push to diversify away from maize and other crops.

For the 2019 harvest our supported farmers harvested 5,250,000 Kg of maize,” he said.
At Kansanshi Foundation Training Institute, Senior Chief Chikanta and his entourage learnt conservation farming, green charcoal making, vegetable growing, poultry farming and village banking administration. – Courtesy of SUMA SYSTEMS.

2019 has been a disappointing, depressing and difficult year for our citizens-VJ

Vernon Mwaanga
Vernon Mwaanga

Statement by Dr Vernon J Mwaanga-GOEZ

We are just about to bid farewell to 2019 and welcome the new year of 2020 in rather gloomy circumstances . The year 2019 has been very disappointing and frustrating in many respects nationally and globally , because there have been so many retrogressive things which have negatively impacted lives of our overburdened citizens. These include the following:

The negative GDP economic growth,

The high food prices which show no signs of retreating anytime soon,

The inability to come up with Constitutional Amendments– and not bill 10-which genuinely represent the free will of the people of Zambia, due to lack of a genuinely transparent consultative process with stakeholders,

The inability of the government to declare hunger an emergency due to drought caused by poor rainfall, not just in Zambia, but in the SADC region as a whole. Countries which have declared hunger emergencies are receiving international support to mitigate hunger.

Excessive Load-shedding, which has caused serious havoc to small, medium and large enterprises in the whole country,

Total absence of any meaningful dialogue among our political leaders, to seriously discuss issues like falling standards of education in our country, the economy, political violence involving sponsored unruly party cadres, particularly during general elections and by-elections, which prevents citizens from exercising their democratic right to freely vote for representatives of their choice because consequently it lowers voter turnout,

Shrinking space for opposition political parties and civil society organisations to freely carry out their legitimate activities, like holding card renewals, public meetings, demonstrations, all of which are Constitutionally permitted.

Misinterpretations of the Public Order Act as amended in 1996, after the Supreme Court of Zambia, ruled some of its provisions archaic and inconsistent with specific provisions of the Constitution of Zambia and the Bill of Rights, which give citizens the freedom to make political choices as well as to assemble. Parliament removed the need for permits to be applied for from the Zambia Police Service and stipulated that the police should merely be “notified”. The new law outlines specific and unambiguous procedures to be followed by both those notifying the police and the police themselves. I have heard senior officers, times without number, use the word permit in 2019. Where are Zambia police getting the word “permit” from because the Supreme Court of Zambia removed it from the Public Order Act in 1996.

Rising levels of political intolerance, particularly between and among political parties, which in turn pollutes the political environment in our country.

Breakdown of the rule of law and disregard of court judgments, as can be seen by the stubborn refusal of government Ministers, who overstayed in office after Parliament was dissolved in 2016.

The Constitution of Zambia clearly states that Ministers shall be appointed from among Members of Parliament. It there goes without saying that when Parliament is dissolved, there can’t be Ministers. This has been the case for many years. The fact that no sanctions have been taken against them for failing to obey a decision of the Constitutional Court, whose judgment is not supposed to be appealed, only goes to show that we have two sets of laws in our country-one law for leaders and another for ordinary citizens, contrary to the Constitution, which clearly stipulates that no one is above the law.

Women in Zambia and the world over are not winning the battle for equal pay for equal work and equal empowerment. The international report issued only a few days ago on the status of women, does not offer women and their male supporters of gender equality, any comfort whatsoever. The report reveals that it will take another 100 years before women can be treated as equal to men in National Parliaments, Cabinets, Courts law, Newsrooms, classrooms, professional organisations, boardrooms, executive positions, equal pay with men. It is a disgrace to society, that women are still being discriminated against in this day and age and not receiving the respect and equal empowerment and recognition they richly deserve. Women are not asking to be given favours or to be empowered more than men. They just want to be treated like men at the workplace and in terms of opportunities no more, no less. Surely, is that not the right thing to do?

Deforestation is expanding deserts at an alarming rate as scientists produce impirical evidence that our climate is heating up considerably. Carbon emissions from wild fires, charcoal, factories, mines, motor vehicles and even aeroplanes are affecting the air we breathe causing all kinds of chest infections and allergies,

Racism has come to the fore once again. Black and other people of colour are bearing the blunt of racial discrimination in sport and in just ordinary life. Black and people of colour are being discriminated against and sold as slaves for pittance yet again in 2019. Ancient people like William Wilberforce and William Pitt, Abraham Lincoln, who were among the pioneers who ended worldwide slavery, must now be turning in their graves.

The number keeps growing of journalists being harassed, arrested, tortured or killed for reporting the truth and investigating corrupt politicians and leaders-and they are many.

conflicts in the world are not diminishing as can be seen in DRC, Somalia, Mali, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon etc.

Many of our citizens are afraid even to voice their genuine grievances for fear of retribution,

Many employees of government-supported institutions live public universities go without pay for a few months,

Freedom fighters have been totally forgotten. Many of the few remaining freedom fighters, die as forgotten destitutes. Many suggestions have been presented to government as to how to assist those who made our independence possible through the enormous personal sacrifices they made. All of these have fallen on deaf ears. Our neighbours who went through similar experiences, have found imaginative ways of looking after their freedom fighters.

What is wrong with our world and what is particularly wrong with us Zambians? Why have we become so inhuman and intolerant towards one another? Where has the spirit of love, respect and reconciliation retreated to? Where has the motto of “one Zambia, one nation” gone to? Why don’t we learn from the Kenyan spirit of genuine political reconciliation, accommodation and brotherhood? I know that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. I have spent nearly six decades of my life in public service and i know that political arrogance does not pay, because power is never permanent. Those currently in power, should treat their opponents as they would want to be treated when they are out of power. They should never forget the lessons of history that what goes round, comes round. History has a cruel way of repeating itself. I hope that as we prepare for the new year of 2020, our political leaders will in all honesty, embrace each other and treat each other as brothers and sisters and stop treating each other as enemies.

Hate speeches and hate politics should become a thing of the past in 2020. All those who write and make hate speeches must be arrested and severely punished. They degrade our society and dehumanise us as a people. During the days of MMD, President Chiluba declared that our country was a Christian nation tolerant of other religions and this subsequently found itself in the Constitution of Zambia. There is nothing Christian about the way our political leaders and their supporters treat each other. Hatred and violence have become the order of the day. The current crop of leaders have rendered this declaration meaningless. This will require political leadership and maturity, which iam afraid have been totally absent. President Lungu as head of state has special responsibilities to take the lead as the person in power for now at least, as used be the case under the leadership of Presidents Kenneth Kaunda, Frederick Chiluba, Levy Mwanawasa and Rupiah Banda. Zambians want to see their leaders talk to each, eat, drink tea together and treat each other with genuine respect. They want to see their leaders come up with solutions to their many problems and pave the way for a better future for all Zambians and not just a selected few. Zambia is for all Zambians and not just a few.

History will judge and should judge our current leaders harshly if they don’t put our country first and not themselves and their narrow selfserving interests. In 2020 and beyond, i will speak and write less and less about national and international affairs, to allow for a generational change of younger political analysts and commentators.

MISA Zambia welcomes the appointment of Chris Zumani Zimba

MISA Zambia Chairperson Hellen Mwale speaks to Journalists after she toured the closed Post Newspapers
MISA Zambia Chairperson Hellen Mwale speaks to Journalists after she toured the closed Post Newspapers

MISA Zambia welcomes the appointment of Chris Zumani Zimba as Special Assistant to the President for Political Affairs.

MISA Zambia Chairperson Hellen Mwale observes that Zimba brings a wealth of experience in Political Science, Research from both the government and the NGO sector.

Mwale said the new Special Assistant to the President for Political Affairs has experience in Foreign Policy analysis adding that her organization believes that the appointment together with his expertise will go a long way in developing and enhancing good policy analysis and ultimately good governance.

Mwale has since commended President Lungu for the appointment saying it is timely and wealth commending.

Chris Zimba replaces Kaizer Zulu as Special Assistant to the President for Political Affairs.

It’s the International Narcotics Control Board that will regulate the export of marijuana by Zambia-Kampyongo

Home Affairs Minister Hon. Stephen Kampyongo
Home Affairs Minister Hon. Stephen Kampyongo

Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo has clarified that the International Narcotics Control Board will regulate the export of marijuana by Zambia once the cultivation of the drug starts for medicinal purposes.

Mr Kampyongo says the market will be provided by the Board and will approve the quantities that can be exported at a particular time by Zambia as is the case with other countries.

He said Zambia will not be able to export without being given a quarter by the Board and will not be allowed to export raw marijuana.

And Mr Kampyongo has assured the nation that regulations will be put in place in line with the existing laws to prevent the abuse and non medicinal use of marijuana by citizens.

He said the Narcotic and Psychiatric Substances Act is in force and the Drug Enforcement Commission will continue to enforce the law.

Mr Kampyongo explained that the International Narcotics Control Board will first need to approve the measures put in place by Zambia without which the production cannot start.

He said the Ministry of Health will soon update the nation on the measures and who should be allowed to produce marijuana in the country.