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Maamba Collieries now producing 135 megawatts as Esckom fail to deliver 300 megawatts paid for

Maamba Collieries
Maamba Collieries Coal Powered Power Plant with Capacity to generate 300 Megawatts of Power

Energy Minister Mathew Nkhuwa says Maamba Collieries is now feeding 135 megawatts of power into the national grid.

Mr Nkhuwa said one of the two generators that had broken down at the 300 MW coal-fired power plant has been repaired with the second one expected to be fixed in the first week of January 2020.

He said this has reduced the power deficit from 810 megawatts to 675 megawatts.

Meanwhile Mr Nkhuwa said Zambia has continued to receive electricity from Eskom South Africa.

He said Eskom was unable to give the 300 megawatts of power as agreed due to power deficit in that country and will continue giving power until the money paid to them is exhausted.

Maamba Collieries in October said it needed ZESCO to clear outstanding debts owed to the company so it could maintain efficient operations at its 300 MW coal-fired power plant.

It said due to a continued shortfall in monthly payments of its power bills by ZESCO, the company had not been able to keep up a robust maintenance programme at its modern eco-friendly thermal power plant which has been contributing significantly to the energy balance of the country.

Action taken by AfDB means that Zambia has defaulted-HH

Hakainde Hichilema
UPND President Hakainde Hichilema

United Party for National Development (UPND) leader Hakainde Hichilema has said that the action taken by the African Development Bank (AfDB) to cut any financial disbursements to Zambia for failing to repay contracted loans on time means that the country has defaulted.

Posting on his social media account, the UPND leader said that Zambia had now joined the AfDB blacklist of Zimbabwe, Somalia, and Sudan, which he labeled as fragile states.

UPND Leader revealed that the African Development Bank 1.4 million dollars loan is not the only default as the PF Government has defaulted on some loans in recent months.

Mr Hichilema says a few weeks ago, Zambia defaulted on 6.2 million Euro to an Italian Bank that purchased the Presidential jet.

He said this was despite Finance Minister Bwalya Ng’andu giving assurance in August that Zambia will not default on debt servicing.

“This default will be blamed on UPND and HH, the latter having connived with AfDB”, he said.

Mr Hichilema has however advised the PF that in order not to default on loans, It can slow down on borrowing by reducing deficit for 2020 from 5.5% to 3.4% of GDP.

He said the PF must further consider slowing down on spending, by cutting back on unnecessary or low priority capital projects such new roads, new districts, ministries, commissions and new universities.

He added that PF must improve the quality of public spending, focusing on sponsoring commercially viable public-private partnership projects that will help improve productivity and bring more money into the Treasury through tax contributions.

“A few weeks ago, I shared this graphic on how Zambia is now stressed to service debt, which I share again today. The Eurobonds are due in January (US$112.1m); March (US$40.3m) and April (US$85m). If Ng’andu does not take the measures above, Civil servants must forget about their salaries”, he said.

He regretted that after months of denial about the gravity of Zambia’s debt situation, the PF Government’s self-inflicted fiscal decay has fully manifested, as Zambia fails to pay US$1.4 million interest to the African Development Bank (AfDB).

Mr Hichilema said it is sad that AfDB has thus cut any financial disbursements to Zambia for failing to repay contracted loans on time. Zambia joins the AfDB blacklist of Zimbabwe, Somalia and Sudan (all fragile States).

HH Plans to work with the re-branded Cambridge Analytica to influence 2021 Elections

UPND President Hakainde Hichilema
UPND President Hakainde Hichilema


By Dr. Joze Manda.

To understand HH’s desperation to ascend into power, one has to go backwards and analyze our past elections in regards to what was done by HH and his UPND in their quest to rig the 2016 elections. This on its own explains the dangerous predicament we find ourselves in as a country. We have a major opposition political party whose only focus is to grab political power by any means possible and not help change the status core of our poor citizens.

Apart from selling our country to the imperialist who want to loot our mineral wealth, HH and his UPND are also willing to sale our souls to sponsors who believe in homosexuality and worse still they are prepared to do anything to rig elections including using data manipulation of whatever means.

During our last general elections, HH and his UPND engaged the disgraced UK data analytics firm Cambridge Analytica to influence voters ahead of the 2016 general elections.

According to a letter of engagement dated 11 March 2016 from the Chief Executive Officer of Cambridge Analytica Alexander Nix to Hakainde Hichilema *(attached below),* it shows in black and white that the firm worked for HH and his UPND in the 2016 election at a rate of $150,000 per month. The contract covered a short period of 3 months. *(We all know what almost happened then)

The letter promised to “deploy certain third-party persuasion techniques which the company claimed had proven hugely successful in past campaigns in Nigeria. It further claimed that a similar approach is exactly what was needed to deliver victory to the UPND.”

Cambridge Analytica was introduced to Hichilema by his British political advisor, Henry Sands, who previously had worked for former Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan on a controversial election campaign in which he lost power to the current president. Mr. Henry Sands of Sabi Strategy Group is an Associate of the Brenthurst Foundation of which HH is also a member.

Mr. Sands who is also the Managing Director at SABI Strategy Group, a firm that provides comprehensive communication strategies and solutions to international businesses, High-net-worth individual and political organizations, also attended Birmingham University with HH to study for his Finance and Business Strategy masters programme.

Documents uncovered by the Canadian newspaper the Globe and Mail show that Cambridge Analytica had boasted of using unsavoury tactics in that 2007 election in Nigeria, including vote buying and voter suppression, in addition to circulating anti-Islamic videos to stir up voters’ fears.

The Cambridge Analytica Scandal

Cambridge Analytica was also at the center of a controversy over its acquisition and use of personal Facebook data in the 2016 United States presidential election. The firm also come under heavy scrutiny for its role in the Kenyan and Nigeria presidential elections.

The Facebook–Cambridge Analytica data scandal was a major political scandal in early 2018 when it was revealed that Cambridge Analytica had harvested the personal data of millions of peoples’ Facebook profiles without their consent and used it for political advertising purposes.

It was described as a watershed moment in the public understanding of personal data and precipitated a massive fall in Facebook’s stock price and calls for tighter regulation of tech companies’ use of personal data.

The illicit harvesting of personal data by Cambridge Analytica was first reported in December 2015 by Harry Davies, a journalist for The Guardian. He reported that Cambridge Analytica was working for the United States Senator Ted Cruz using data harvested from millions of people’s Facebook accounts without their consent.

Further reports followed in the Swiss Publication Das Magazine by Hannes Grasseger and Mikael Krogerus (December 2016), (later translated and published by Vice), Carole Cadwalladr in The Guardian (starting in February 2017) and Mattathias Schwartz in The Intercept (March 2017).

The scandal finally erupted in March 2018 with the emergence of a whistle-blower, an ex-Cambridge Analytica employee Christopher Wylie who included HH and UPND on clients that where engaged by his former company. He had been an anonymous source for an article in 2017 in The Observer by Cadwalladr, headlined “The Great British Brexit Robbery”.

Fast forward to 2021 – The New plan

Latest classified information has emerged that link HH to the new Cambridge Analytica owner, Ahmad Al-Khatib, the source has confirmed that a new contract has been secured to help the UPND to win the 2021 elections with massive social media campaigns, data manipulation and increased propaganda against the PF government at a monthly fee of USD 225,000 for a period of 1year 3 month from March 2020.

Cambridge Analytica, has re-emerged with an Egyptian as its sole investor and has its concentrated focus on the Middle East and Africa.

*The new company, Auspex International, will keep former Cambridge Analytica director Mark Turnbull at the helm, according to a Financial Times report that says an unnamed African country (Zambia) is already on board as one of the first clients.*

The Cairo-born investor Ahmad Al-Khatib, now based in London, was the former director of Emerdata, a firm established to rescue and rebrand the Cambridge Analytica operation. The company ceased doing business and filed for bankruptcy in the UK on May 2, blaming the “siege of media coverage.” Ahmad *Al-Khatib was in Zambia for the weekend of 22nd to the 24th of November to finalize the contract with HH.*

Al-Khatib, said the new Auspex will use similar data-driven communication strategies to make positive social change, promoting health care and other programs while countering the extremist influence in some nations.

“We’re not a data company, we’re not a political consultancy, we’re not a research company and we’re not necessarily just a communications company,” he said. “We’re a combination of all four.” In short, they help opposition leaders rig elections in their countries, which is a treasonable offense worldwide.

HH and his UPND must know that they are being watched very closely by security data experts.

Dr. Joze Manda is a Political Analyst based in Lusaka

President Lungu urges Zambians to celebrate Christmas in peace

President Edgar Lungu before addressing the Nation on New Year's Eve.
President Edgar Lungu


President Edgar Lungu has implored people in the country to celebrate Christmas responsibly and avoid engaging in practices that will endanger their lives.

And President Lungu has called on the clergy of every faith to be agents of unity rather than instigators of hatred in the church and political arena.

In his Christmas message to the Nation, President Lungu said citizens from different political beliefs run to the church for counsel because they believe leaders of the church are above partisan politics.

He expressed concern that senior members of the clergy are open to the whims of party politics hence the need to pray for church leaders to lead the way in uniting people in the country.

Meanwhile, President Lungu has also expressed concern that the country records increased road traffic accidents during Christmas period hence urged motorists to respect other motorists and pedestrians, and abide by the given traffic rules.

ZANIS reports that President Lungu said this in his Christmas message to the nation today.

Dr Lungu noted that it is during Christmas time that people indulge in activities which cause a breach of the peace in society, adding that the act is not only demeaning to their own lives, but also to society.

The Head of State cited excessive drinking, drinking while driving and scuffles as some of the bad vices that people should desist from.

He explained that as people celebrate Christmas there is need to remember its original meaning and subject themselves to the government of prince of peace who is Jesus Christ by honouring the day through worshiping and thanksgiving regardless of difficult situations.

President Lungu added that people need to show love to their families and avoid domestic violence especially after intoxication.

Quoting from Isaiah 9 verse 6, Dr Lungu noted that the message of Christmas is a message of love and salvation and self-introspection, to take self-examination to see whether people’s conduct during the year reflect Christian values which represent the love of God and his son Jesus Christ

Zambia Confirms that AfDB has imposed sanctions on the country for failure to settle bank loans


The Zambian government has confirmed that the African Development Bank l has imposed sanctions on the country for failure to service loans, but assured that the nation not to panic as the payments are being processed and will be finalized as soon as possible.

In a statement released to the media, the Ministry of Finance said that it has started processing payment of $ 1.4 Million United States dollars in loan repayment to the African Development Bank.

The Ministry said that the delays in settlement of the bill was due to the sudden depreciation of the kwacha which increased the volume of the Kwacha needed to settle the amount.

The Ministry has further stressed that it must be understood that the government budget is always in kwacha.

The Statement further said that any sudden and significant adjustment in the exchange rate, the ministry of Finance may experience challenges in meeting obligations payable in foreign currency and that this was normal and may occur from time to time.

The government has since assured the nation and all stakeholders that the situation is under control and is not as portrayed on social media.

Government has also acknowledged that the African Development Bank did write to its Ministry of Finance yesterday to inform them that as of yesterday, that the bank had NOT received full payment in respect of the bank group bills.

On 15th December 2019, the African Development Bank in accordance with its policy on loan arrears recovery informed the government that it imposed sanctions on Zambia.

The bank stated that it counted on the government’s prompt action for the timely settlement of the amounts due to enabling the lifting of sanctions.

The Government has since informed the nation that information circulating on social media to the effect that African Development Bank has put ZAMBIA under sanctions for failure to repay loans should NOT cause any panic.


Below is the statement


Appointment of Chris Zimba shows President Lungu does not habour ill Feelings against any Zambian

President Lungu with his Special Assistant for Politics Chris Zimba
President Lungu with his Special Assistant for Politics Chris Zimba

The appointment of Political Advisor Chris Zimba by President Edgar Lungu,  despite his many negative social media postings about the Head of State, shows that the President does not habour ill feelings against any Zambian, who has the quality and good credentials to save the country.

According to a statement released to the media by the ruling Patriotic Front (PF) PF Lusaka Province Chairman Paul Moonga, advised the party members to desist from attacking Presidential appointees and senior party officials in the media saying doing so is tantamount to attacking the Head of State, and further advised party members to deeply reflect on social, spiritual and political happenings in the country during this festive period and as 2019 comes to an end.

Mr. Moonga said that the party expects Mr. Zimba to link its structures with State House in order to bring harmony to the ruling party, adding that the appointment of Mr. Zimba marks the beginning of a new era that should see the office of the Presidential Political Advisor working closely with the office of the Secretary-General of the Party.

Mr. Moonga called on Mr Zimba to work closely with the party structures and give the Head of State a true reflection of happenings in the ruling party.

Meanwhile,  Luapula Province PF Chairperson Nickson Chilangwa has advised people opposed to Mr Zimba’s appointment to respect President Lungu’s decision.

Welcoming the appointment on behalf of the ruling party in Luapula Province, Mr. Chilangwa urged those finding it difficult to accept Mr. Zimba because of his past disagreements with the PF to give him support.

Mr. Chilanwga who is also Luapula Province Minister said people must respect President Lungu’s decision to work with everybody even if they disagree with him.

He noted that this is not the first time the Head of State has appointed people who criticise his government adding that the Head of State has in the past given Cabinet portfolios to members of the opposition.

Mr. Chilangwa said the decision by President Lungu to embrace those who strongly oppose him like Mr. Zimba shows that he is not a vindictive but forgiving leader.

Zanaco Depart For CAF Date in Benin


Zanaco left for Benin on Tuesday ahead of Sunday’s 2019/20 CAF Confederation Cup Group B away date against ESAE.

The 18-member team left Lusaka on Tuesday afternoon for Cotonou via Addis Ababa.

“We are going there to try and get an outright win and I think from what we have seen in training, the team is very much ready and looking forward to the game,” Zanaco coach Mumamba Numba said.

Unlike their poor form on the domestic front, Zanaco are unbeaten in continental action this season although they have yet to collect a win in Group B.

Zanaco are third in Group B with 2 points, two points behind second placed DC Motema Pembe of DR Congo and RSB Berkane from Morocco against whom they drew 1-1 away and at home respectively.

ESAE are bottom of Group B following a 3-0 away loss at RSB and 2-0 home defeat at the hands of DCMP.

GOALKEEPERS: Toaster Nsabata, Mangani Banda

DEFENDERS: Lawrence Chungu, Tiberius Lombard, Kebson Kamanga, Kevin Owusu, Jimmy Nakena, Ziyo Tembo

MIDFIELDERS: Lassa Kiala, Tafadzwa Rusike, Ernest Mbewe, Guily Manziba, Charles Zulu,
Kelvin Kapumbu

STRIKERS: Roger Kola, Chitiya Mususu, Moussa Souleymanou, Emmanuel Okutu

Green Eagles Fail to Jump to third Position


Green Eagles have failed to jump to third place on the 2019/2020 FAZ Super Division table following an away loss at Lusaka Dynamos on Christmas Eve at National Heroes Stadium in Lusaka.

Dynamos beat the 2019 transitional season runners-up 1-0 in a rescheduled Week 10 fixture hand the visitors their second league defeat of the campaign.

Baba Basile struck in the 25th minute when he turned in an Emmanuel Habasimbi assist to record his fifth league goal of the season.

The result ended Eagles eleven-match unbeaten run since losing their first game on September 8 in a 2-0 away loss, also in Lusaka, at Zanaco.

Eagles stay put at number six on 24 points, one behind third placed Forest Rangers and are seven points adrift of Napsa Stars and leaders Zesco United who are tied on 31 points.

Dynamos are up one notch from 12th to eleventh after halting a three -match winless run on 16 points from fourteen games played.

BUNDESLIGA DISPATCH: Leipzig Grab Winter Crown


Upstarts RB Leipzig have upset the old order are the customary winter champions for the first time in their meteoric rise following their Bundesliga debut in the 2016/17 season.

The ten-year-old club, that has spent big thanks to the deep pockets of Austrian beverage behemoth Red Bull, has gone the four week Bundesliga Winter break enjoying a marginal lead after seventeen rounds of games played.

The Winter Champion is not only symbolic title but a litmus test of potential winner of the Bundesliga crown.

In charge of this success has been rising star and 32-year-old Julian Nagelsmann who was ironically poached this season after a successful stint at his childhood club Hoffenheim where the Saxony club copied the blueprint White Knight model.

Leipzig, who are threatening to become the first club from the old East Germany region to win the Bundesliga since reunification 30 years ago, top the log on 37 points.

They enjoy a two point lead over early season pacesetters Borussia Monchengladbach who have wobbled over the last fortnight and could only manage a 0-0 at 12th placed Hertha Berlin who have been improving since Jürgen Klinsmann’s appointment in late November.

Meanwhile, defending champions Bayern Munich head into the break in third place on 33 points.

Bayern will resume their title defence with a one of two red-hot fixtures of round 18 with a Klinsmann reunion on January 19.

But 48 hours earlier, Gladbach make the short trip to Gelsenkirchen where Schalke awaits in a top five Rhine derby.

Meanwhile, here is how the African stars fared at their respective Bundesliga sides in round 17 heading into winter break.

-Midfielder Abdel Sabiri scored his second Bundesliga goal of the season on Sunday in Paderborn’s 2-1 home win over Eintracht Frankfurt and played the full 90minutes.
-Defender Achraf Hakimi played the full 90 minutes for Dortmund in Friday’s 2-1 away defeat at Hoffenheim.
The Moroccan was instrumental in Dortmund’s consolation goal with an assist for Mario Gotze’s 17th minute effort.
-Midfielder Adman Azhil was an unused substitute in Bayer Leverkusen’s 1-0 away win over Mainz on Saturday.
-Midfielder Amine Harit played the full 90 minutes for Schalke in Saturday’s 2-2 home draw against Freiburg.

Striker Ihlas Bebou played the full 90 minutes for Hoffenheim but was not on target in Friday’s victory over Dortmund.

-Midfielder Diadie Samassekou started for Hoffenheim but was substituted in the 46th minute.
-Midfielder Amadou Haidara went into the break on a high with winter champions RB Leipzig in Saturdays 3-1 demotion 10th placed Augsburg in a match he played the full 90 minutes.
-Defender Almany Toure was an unused substitute by Eintracht Frankfurt in Sunday’s 2-1 away loss against Paderborn.

Defender Marcel Tisserand played the full 90 minutes for Wolfsburg in Saturday’s 2-0 away defeat at Bayern Munich.

Midfielder Pierre Kunde also played the full 90 minutes for Mainz in their 1-0 home loss to ten-man Bayer Leverkusen on Saturday.

-Midfielder Ellyes Skhiri played the full 90 minutes for relegation battling FC Koln in Saturday’s 1-0 home win over fellow strugglers Werder Bremen but was not on target.
-Midfielder Mohamed Drager was an unused substitute in Paderborn’s2-0 home win over Eintracht Frankfurt on Sunday.

Defender Simon Falette played the full 90 minutes on Sunday for Eintracht Frankfurt in their 2-1 away loss at Paderborn.

Hertha Berlin stayed unbeaten for a fourth straight match from five games in charge under Jürgen Klinsmann with two draws and as many wins.
Veteran Cote d’Ivoire striker Salomon Kalou was an unused substitute in Hertha’s0-0 home draw against second placed Mochengladbach.

Gladbach defender Rami Bensebaini played the full 90 minutes for the second placed side in the scoreless draw at Hertha.

-Midfielder Nana Ampomah started for Fortuna Düsseldorf in Sunday’s 2-1 home win against Union Berlin before he was substituted in the 67th minute.
Compatriot Kevin Ofori was an unused substitute.
-Defender Christopher Antwi-Adjej played the full 90 minutes for Paderborn in Sunday’s 2-1home win over Eintracht Frankfurt.

-Striker Anthony Ujah came on in the 67th minute for Union Berlin but was not on target in the 2-1 away loss against Dusseldorf.
-Defender Jamilu Collins played the full 90 minutes for Paderborn in Sundays’ 2-1 home win over Eintracht Frankfurt.


TSG Hoffenheim 2-1 Borussia Dortmund
Adamyan 79′ Kramaric 87/Gotze 17


FC Köln 1-0 Werder Bremen
Cordoba 39

Mainz 0-1 Bayer Leverkusen
Alario 90

FC Bayern München 2-0 Wolfsburg
Zirkzee 85, Gnabry 89

Schalke 2-2 Freiburg
Serdar 26, Kutucu 80 / Petersen 54pen, Grifo 67pen

RB Leipzig 3-1 Augsburg
Laimer 68, Schick 79, Poulsen 89 / Niederlechner 8

Hertha BSC 0-0 Borussia Mönchengladbach

Fortuna Düsseldorf 2-1 FC Union Berlin
Hennings 38, Thommy 90 / Parensen 48

SC Paderborn 2-1 Eintracht Frankfurt
Scorers: Sabiri 9, Schonlau 41 / Dost 72

Chabula Advised Not To Rush on Foreign Move


Zambia and Nkwazi striker Emmanuel Chabula has been advised against rushing into making a move abroad.

Chabula’s former coach at Kitwe United Stephen “Barnes” Mwansa said the player should stay at Nkwazi for the remainder of the current season.

The striker has been linked with move to a named South African club.

‘As a parent and coach to Emmanuel, my advice is that let him play more for Nkwazi. My advice to the young boy is that it s too early for him to make a move. Let him stick around and finish the season at Nkwazi,’ Mwansa said.

Chabula has enjoyed good form this year that seen him win the COSAFA Cup with Chipolopolo.

He is currently Chipolopolo’s top scorer in 2019 with six goals.

The former Chingalika forward also scored crucial goals that propelled Zambia to the 2020 CHAN qualification.

‘Maybe he can try to go out next season. Let him gain more experience, you when go out there sometimes it is tough,’ Mwansa said.

‘Look at the players who recently went out like Lazarus Kambole and Austin Muwowo they are good players but have found it tough abroad,’ Mwansa said.

Chabula joined Nkwazi in 2018 after a lengthy stint at Kitwe United.

India Donated Medical Drugs to Zambia as part of the $2 million pledge



Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya
Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya

The Government of the Republic of India has donated essential medicines to the Ministry of Health.

The donation is part of the total pledge of US$2, 000,000 worth of medicines following the State visit to Zambia by Indian President Ram Kovind in April 2018.

And receiving the donation, Minister of Health Chitalu Chilufya, noted that the medicines are part of the comprehensive package of health commodities enlisted in Zambia’s essential medicine list.

The Minister added that the donation will go a long way to manage key public health problems such as non-communicable diseases, various infections and other conditions.

Dr Chilufya said the donation has come at a right time when Zambia is in need of key essential medicines.

He stated that the donation further demonstrates a call for strong partnerships between Zambia and India, in promoting Zambia’s agenda of attaining Universal Health coverage.

Meanwhile, India’s Ambassador to Zambia, Ngulkham Gangte, stated that his country remains committed to supporting Zambia in promoting health service delivery.

Mr Gangte noted that the health sector is crucial and fundamental to the socio-economic development of the country.

Among the medicines donated include fluconazole, Nifedipine, Amoxicillin, Enalapril and Dental Lignocaine injection.

PF continues to exclude North Western Province from development projects


North Western Province has continued to be excluded from the development occurring in other parts of Zambia ,most notably PF strongholds.This was brought to light by Kabompo Mp Ambrose Lufuma.

Honorable Lufuma sought clarity on whether North Western province is a part of Zambia and whether the One Zambia One Nation slogan is still valid. Honorable Lufuma said whilst members of parliament from Luapula, Northern,Eastern provinces etc can stand on the floor of parliament and cite the massive development taking place in their provinces by PF ,this can not be said of North Western Province. Other provinces boast of new district hospitals,schools and roads and yet not one health post,school or feeder road has been built in North Western province by the PF government.

Honorable Lufuma said PF is violating the constitution of the Republic of Zambia which clearly says resources must be allocated equitably because North Western province is not getting it’s fair share.He said the people of North Western province are tax payers and deserve equitable distribution of resources.

Honorable Lufuma said money allocated to provinces does not only come from Provincial budgets but also from the Investment budget from the Ministry of Finance.The Investment budget is what PF uses to deny development to provinces deemed to be UPND strongholds.

“We have to live as brother and sister, as one Zambia one Nation but it has to be demonstrated otherwise we feel as orphans.PF is under obligation has to ensure that North Western province gets it’s fair share,”he said.

List of promised development projects seen in other parts of the country except North Western province

1.Rural connectivity program:This is a program sponsored by the World Bank to rehabilitate feeder roads in rural areas.Only 6 provinces have been done and North Western Province is not included in this.Earlier this year Government said it would work on 2,000 kilometres of feeder roads covering all chiefdoms in Northern Province.

North Western province has seen ZERO kilometers of feeder road construction. Hon.Lufuma lamented that North Western province has a lot of resources and if the feeder roads system is not improved in the province how can marketing be improved.

2.Roads: Link Zambia 8000 project was launched by the late President Michael Sata on September 20th 2012. The people of North Western province pleaded to the government for a new Chingola/Solwezi road for many years however  due to the mines in North Western Province contributing over US$80million the road was built.

3.Health posts: 8 years ago the PF government embarked on building 650 health posts across the country.In North Western province none have been completed.However whenever there is an election the Minister of health promises a mini hospital which never materializes.

4.Education: The late President Sata announced that each province in Zambia would have a University.Whilst Muchinga province has 2 universities ,North Western province has ZERO.The University of Mathematics and Science that was promised for Kabompa in 2011 has still not materialised. Hon Lufuma said even the promised Lewanika University in Western Province has not materialised.

The Kabompo member of parliament said by not sending teachers or building tertiary institutions in North Western Province, “education genocide” is being committed by deliberately excluding North Western province from governance of the country.

5. Bridges: Every time theres an election, PF promises the people of North Western province a bridge. From the former PF Vice president ,Guy Scott who promised a bridge to be built across the Zambezi river in Zambezi district to connect Zambezi to Zambia in 3months ,to the current Vice President Inonge Wina who also promised a bridge. Minister after minister promise bridges but nothing is done.

Honorable Lufuma said when it comes to North western province it takes an eternity to have a project done but when it’s a PF stronghold projects are done expeditiously.

Eddie Black releases new single “Akuna Butata”

Eddie Black released his latest single “Akuna Butata“. The song was produced by Peezy Cables .



Laura Miti and Mwewa granted bail,Pilato finally released

Laura Miti forces a smile as she greets sympathizers after leaving the court premises
Laura Miti forces a smile as she greets sympathizers after leaving the court premises


The Livingstone Magistrate Court on Monday has granted bail to Alliance for Community Action Executive Director Laura Miti 54, of PHI Lusaka and her Deputy Borwell Mwewa 45, of PHI Lusaka of K 2,000 each in their own recognizance and two working sureties from reputable institutions.

And Fumba Chama popularly known as Pilato has been released from police detention.

Pilato arrested over the weekend on allegations of unlawful assembly.

This is in a matter in which Miti and Mwewa are charged with one count each of assult on police officer contrary to section 250 (b) Chapter 87 of the laws of Zambia.

Statements of the offence are that on the 22 day of December 2019 at the Livingstone Central Police, the duo did assault two police officers who were on duty.

When they appeared before Magistrate Michael Mulalelo in a fully parked courtroom on Monday afternoon for the explanation of the charge, the duo told the Court that they understood the charge but denied the offence.

After taking plea, the defence lawyers Linda Kasonde of LCK Chambers and Brian Gombwa of MAK Partners applied for bail pending appeal which was granted.

In applying for bail pending trial, Lawyer Gomba asked the court to grant the accused persons bail each in accordance with the provisions of section 123 (1) of the Criminal Procedure Code of Chapter 88 of the laws of Zambia.

Further he informed the Court the the offences the duo committed were bailable and that the case in particular does not attract a death penalt.

Ms Kasonde also complained to Court the treatment that Ms Miti who is Asthmatic was subjected to by the police during her detention.

She asked the Court to excuse the duo on the date they are scheduled to appear for plea because they are Lusaka residents.

Magistrate Mulalelo granted the bail application and the matter has been adjourned to January 6, 2019 for a mention and January 13, 2020 for commencement of trial.

Bornwell Mwewa leaves the court premises after he was granted bail
Bornwell Mwewa leaves the court premises after he was granted bail

Earlier in the day, the lawyers representing the accused Linda Kasonde and Brian Gombwa of MAK Partners had a tough time to push the state to have their clients appear before Court.

From morning up to about 16:30 Hours, the people who had turned up to offer solidarity to the two accused persons were still at Court while others were seen at the Livingstone Central Police where they duo was detained.

They were only brought to Court slightly after 16:50 Hours.

Pilato was also later released on police bond.

And Ms Miti has denied allegations by Police that she along with Mr Mwewa assaulted police officers at the police station.

Writing on her Facebook page moments after she was released, Ms Miti said the thought of assaulting the officers never even crossed their minds.

“Our forcible hosts decided they didn’t want us at their Christmas table after all. Thank you all for your support,” she wrote jokingly.

“Still a little off colour but expecting a good night’s sleep to mend that. Spare a thought for those who must stay in our police cells long, even if they be guilty of a crime,” Ms Miti said.

“And no we did not attack any police officer nor would we think of doing such a thing. And yes the work continues.”

And Pilato vowed that he will not be intimidated.

“I will never be intimidated, bullied or negotiated away from my attachment to this beautiful country. It is my strong belief that the wealth of this country must benefit not only a few people at the top but every citizen of this country including those at the very bottom of society,” he wrote on his Facebook page moments after his release.

Heavy police presence at Livingstone High Court
Heavy police presence at Livingstone High Court
Laura Miti walks to freedom after she was granted bail
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Zambian Bishops concerned about hunger crisis in the country

Zambian Catholic Bishops
Zambian Catholic Bishops

Bishop George Cosmas Lungu, of Chipata Diocese, who is also President of the Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops, recently raised the alarm regarding the food situation.

This is according to information carried by the Nairobi-based AMECEA News, a regional online news sharing service owned by the region’s Bishops under the auspices of the Association of Member Episcopal Conferences in Eastern Africa.

Lowest rains since 1981

Bishop Lungu’s call comes right on the heels of another appeal made by the Bishop of Mongu Diocese who is also Caritas Zambia Bishop Director, Evans Chinyemba, OMI.

Addressing journalists during the November 2019, ‘ZCCB Media Day’ in Lusaka, at the Catholic Secretariat, Bishop Chinyemba warned of the severe risk of food insecurity in the country due to a critical drought that has hit the Southern African country.

The areas most affected, explains AMECEA News, are Zambia’s Southern and Western Provinces.

The two provinces, in 2019, received the lowest seasonal rainfall since 1981.

2.3 million Zambians facing a severe shortage of food

According to information from the Catholic Bishops’ Conference and the secretariat of the Zambia Red Cross, the number of hungry families in Zambia has risen from 1.9 million registered in March 2019 to a current 2.3 million.

Church leaders, NGOs as well as diplomats, have asked the Zambian Government to declare a national disaster.

To the contrary, the Zambian Government insists that the hunger situation is under control and manageable.

Church calls on Government to declare an emergency

Declaring an emergency would unlock international humanitarian assistance.

“Together with some ambassadors, NGOs and civil society we have tried to convince the Government to declare a national emergency by letting the world know that we need help, but unfortunately this has not happened,” explains Bishop Lungu.

“Facts are facts: People are foraging for fruit in the forests because they have no food … you cannot hide that fact. It would have been more prudent to say openly that the situation is much more serious than we thought,” adds the prelate, expressing hope that aid will come soon for the sake of the people