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Rating Agency Fitch Affirms Zambia at CCC grade, Government Debt to Continue Rising

Skyline photo of Lusaka, Zambia

Fitch Credit Rating Agency has affirmed Zambia’s credit rating at CCC, which reflects the government’s high external financing requirements, combined with a fall in official foreign exchange reserves; high and rising government debt in the context of an ambitious capital expenditure programme; and constrained access to domestic and external financing.

While acknowledging the narrowing of the country deficit, the report said that he build-up of domestic arrears and the materialisation of other liabilities on the government’s balance sheet have kept government debt on a rising path, point to a further rise in Government debt.

The Report also said that Even if Zambia is able to reverse its fiscal course in 2020, the government will still face substantial external debt obligations over the next several years and that Zambia’s sovereign ratings remain constrained by weak development indicators. GDP per capita remains well below the current ‘B’ category median.


Below is the full rating Detail


Zambia’s ‘CCC’ rating reflects the government’s high external financing requirements, combined with a fall in official foreign exchange reserves; high and rising government debt in the context of an ambitious capital expenditure programme; and constrained access to domestic and external financing.

Zambia’s reported fiscal outturns indicate that the deficit has narrowed on a cash basis in 2019, but the build-up of domestic arrears and the materialisation of other liabilities on the government’s balance sheet have kept government debt on a rising path. Fitch forecasts general government debt (including arrears) to rise to 87.4% of GDP at end-2019, well above the current ‘B’ category median of 57.5% and more than twice the end-2014 level of 32.2%. We expect that debt will continue to rise in 2020 to just below 90% of GDP and the debt-to-revenue ratio will rise to 440%, compared with the 2019 ‘B’ category median of 259%.

The authorities report that revenue has exceeded their budget targets this year, while current expenditure, excluding interest costs, has been below target. Fitch forecasts the cash deficit to narrow to 5.6% of GDP in 2019, from 7.6% in 2018, but notes that the building of arrears will take the deficit to closer to 9% of GDP on a commitment basis. The execution of capital expenditure has already exceeded its 2019 budget target of ZMW20.6 billion (7% of GDP), indicating that the government continues with its ambitious infrastructure spending programme.

The 2020 Budget submitted to parliament in September keeps the cash deficit at 5.5% of GDP. However, the budget increases total expenditure to ZMW106 billion (32.4% of forecast GDP) and forecasts revenue to increase to 22% of GDP, from approximately 20% in 2019. Government revenue averaged 19% of GDP from 2014 to 2018 and an increase to 22% in 2020 is unlikely. The 2020 budget does not include a breakdown of spending by category, but it does note that approximately ZMW30 billion will be financed from external sources; most likely project loans, which implies that the government will continue to execute capital expenditure at levels similar to 2019. The inability to access other sources of external financing means that the government will have to rely heavily on the domestic debt market, where the weighted average interest rate has risen to 24.7% for Treasury bills and 30.8% for bonds.

The authorities continue to engage with the IMF, although Fitch believes that a programme will not be forthcoming until the government demonstrates its willingness and ability to decrease its externally financed capital spending. Cutting external borrowing will be difficult, as Zambia continues to execute projects from an existing pipeline of contracted debt. The authorities have also previously announced their intention of re-profiling existing debt with bilateral lenders, most notable Chinese lenders, but have yet to reach any public agreement.

Even if Zambia is able to reverse its fiscal course in 2020, the government will still face substantial external debt obligations over the next several years. These include Eurobond repayments of USD750 million in September 2022 and USD1 billion in April 2024. In 2020, Fitch estimates that Zambia will have to meet approximately USD1.5 billion in public external debt service, including interest payments.

The government was able to meet its external obligations in 2019 by drawing on the Bank of Zambia’s (BoZ) foreign currency reserves, which were bolstered by opportunistic FX purchases during a period of falling external receipts. We expect gross international reserves to have fallen to USD1.4 billion in 2019 (1.4 months of current external payments) and to decline further in 2020. In Fitch’s view, the main source of default risk comes from the inability to source additional external financing to meet the 2022 Eurobond repayment. Nonetheless, continued reliance on the FX market to source dollars increases the risk of rapid kwacha devaluation, which would make it increasingly difficult to meet external interest payments.

Fitch forecasts that lower copper prices and mostly flat production will lead a widening of the current account deficit (CAD) in 2020, to 2.5% of GDP and 3.1% in 2021. Copper export receipts fell by 38% yoy through 3Q19, but the CAD was contained by import compression. Lower rainfall has led to a power deficit, as Zambia’s energy mix is dominated by hydropower. We expect that the need for imported electricity will begin increasing the import bill in 4Q19, which will add to Zambia’s external imbalances.

New international investment position (IIP) data show that Zambia has been a net external debtor since 2015. The combination of increasing public external debt and the fall in private external assets has taken Zambia to a net external debtor of 80.2% of GDP in 2019 (peer median 28.8%), from a net creditor of 31.4% in 2014.

Fitch expects GDP growth to accelerate to 2.5% in 2020, from 2% in 2019. The agricultural sector has been contracting since 4Q17 owing to drought, but forecasts of a normal 2019/20 rainy season point towards a recovery. Mining output continues to be negatively impacted by an adversarial relationship between the government and the mining sector. We expect copper output to contract by 7% in 2019, to 800 kMt, from 857 kMt in 2018. A recovery in power generation capacity could prevent a further contraction in mining output, but we do not expect significant production growth in 2020.

Inflation had accelerated to 10.8% yoy as of November 2019, largely owing to food inflation, and will continue to accelerate in 2020. However, the BOZ began hiking the monetary policy rate in May, increasing it by a total of 175bp to 11.5% in 2019. A higher policy rate will also support the exchange rate, which will continue to feel downward pressure from Zambia’s external financing needs.

The asset quality of Zambian banks has improved, despite the building of government arrears, although the improvement comes from a low base. The BOZ reports that non-performing loans fell to 9.8% of total loans in 1H19, from 11% at end-2018. Credit to the private sector returned to positive real growth in 2018 after two years of negative growth and further accelerated in early 2019, but economic headwinds and monetary tightening have slowed credit growth in 2H19.

Zambia’s sovereign ratings remain constrained by weak development indicators. GDP per capita remains well below the current ‘B’ category median. Zambia has historically exhibited political stability, but the country experienced some protests and violence following the close 2016 presidential election. The potential for increased instability will increase as the 2021 general elections approach.

EIA says it is disheartened by President Edgar Lungu’s reaction to their report on Mukula Trees

Mukula Cartel
Mukula Cartel

The Environmental Investigation Agency says it is disheartened by President Edgar Lungu’s reaction to their report which exposed how associates connected to him are reportedly involved in the plunder of mukula rosewood trees.

President Lungu has rubbished the report as fake News and the EIA says such statements calling into question thorough research and evidence drive away attention from the real problem which is the devastation of Zambia’s forests.

Lisa Handy the Senior Policy Adviser at the Environmental Investigation Agency says it is critical that this matter is investigated and addressed immediately.

Ms Handy says Zambia has one of the highest rates of the deforestation in the world and the trafficking of Mukula has a devastating effect on the lives of many Zambians and the forests and robes the country of natural resources benefiting a few connected individuals.

And Ms Handy has denied working with the opposition United Party for National Development in putting together the report as alleged by some stakeholders saying the EIA is a non partisan organisation.

She expressed hope that the issues raised in the report will help reinforce the voice of Zambians interested in saving the mukula specie.

But PF Media Director Sunday Chanda has insisted that the report on Mukula is bogus and politically engineered and based on hearsay, innuendos and with a predetermined political objective.

“We would have appreciated the EIA to give specific evidence directly linking the accused outside the realm of hearsay from illegal dealers who could easily be name dropping like any ‘tamanga’ does or indeed lower criminals in the food chain be victims of criminal middlemen falsely claiming to be representing higher leadership”, Mr Chanda has said.

He said the EIA person could not provide any evidence such as financial documents to directly link the persons mentioned in their report which confirms that the report is a sham and fake news.

“For avoidance of doubt, we wish to repeat that the EIA report is nonsensical, cheapest and childish propaganda by those paid to trigger regime change in Zambia. The report remains nothing but a total sham”, he added.

Mr Chanda said Zambians can see that the Opposition and their paymasters have jumped to making wild mukula allegations after realizing that their corruption allegations have run dry.

Christian Churches Monitoring Group wants clarification on the issuance of National Registration Cards

Fr. Cleophas Lungu
Fr. Cleophus Lungu

The Christian Churches Monitoring Group has written to the Ministry of Home Affairs requesting information and clarification on the mobile issuance of National Registration Cards and is yet to receive a response.

The CCMG is concerned with reports of mobile issuance of National Registration Cards exercises currently taking place in some parts of Eastern, Northern, Luapula, North-Western and Muchinga Provinces.

It says it has monitored the situation since the first allegations were made and have, through its monitors, confirmed that mobile issuance of NRC cards is underway in these provinces.

In a statement signed by Fr. Cleophas Lungu, the CCMG Steering Committee Chairperson, Father Emmanuel Chikoya of CCZ and Steering Committee member and Fr. Emmanuel Mumba of the JCTR and CCMG Steering Committee Member the Ministry of Home Affairs confirmed that they have been conducting mobile NRC issuance in selected districts of the said provinces, through the district registration offices.

The CCMG believes that the mobile issuance of NRCs is an important part of the electoral process and a critical exercise for enhancing democratic participation.

It said therefore that transparency, consultation and public awareness around the effort to promote high participation nationwide remain critical.

The CCMG said failure for the mobile NRC issuance exercise to provide equal opportunity for all Zambians to obtain an NRC risk undermining their ability and fundamental right to engage in political and electoral processes, including voter registration.

It has demanded that the Ministry release to stakeholders and the general public all the information about mobile issuance of NRCs, including the deployment schedule, Ministry’s plans for the extension of the exercise to all provinces, and the Ministry’s intended stakeholder consultations on the issue.

Further, CCMG has demanded that the Ministry immediately halts the process until such a time when there is a clear roadmap or deployment schedule, adequate publicity, publicly available targeted populations, and engagement with stakeholders.

The CCMG noted that the Ministry of Home Affairs through the Department of National Registration, Passports and Citizenship is currently implementing mobile NRC issuance without the consultation or notification of stakeholders or the public.

This is in direct contravention of the Ministry of Home Affairs’ duty to serve the public, provide and maintain internal security and promote sustainable socio-economic development for the people of Zambia.

National Biosafety Authority Gives Two Firms to import GMO Foods


The National Biosafety Authority has granted L&A Logistics Limited and Gola Stock Feeds and Chemical Manufacturers Limited permits to import products that may contain genetically modified organisms valid for five years

Following a decision made during the Board meeting held on 20th December 2019, the NBA Board resolved to grant permits to L&A logistics and Gola manufacturers after a risk assessment was conducted by the Scientific Advisory Committee on the two companies’ applications to import products made from genetically modified organisms.

L&A logistics will bring in soups, spices, various brands of spreads, salad dressing, various brands of Rusks and dog food while Gola manufacturers limited will bring in maize grit to be used in making snacks.

The two new permits bring the total number of import permits granted by the Authority in 2019 to seven, including permits granted to Gatbro, Southern National Trade Import and Export Limited, Freddy Hirsch, Pick n Pay and Choppies Superstores.

The Authority has also renewed a total of 23 permits to place on the market products which may contain GMOs.

From 2016 to date the NBA has granted 49 permits for import and placing on the market processed food and feed products, four research permits and issued four Non- GM clearance certificates for export.

And the Authority has observed that the compliance levels were generally impressive for distributors, importers and retailers dealing in products that may contain GMOs.

Particularly, the Authority is happy that the laboratories with activities involving gene modification technology were adhering to the Biosafety standards and the provisions of the Biosafety Act.

“Spot and compliance checks as well as public awareness and sensitisation were conducted at entry points in Northern, Muchinga, Southern, Western, Copperbelt and Lusaka. Generally compliance levels are impressive.”

Meanwhile, the National Biosafety Authority says test results for samples of the mealie meal from South Africa transiting Zambia indicates that the maize used to produce the commodity is genetically modified.

Sandra Lombe the NBA Communications Officer said the unlabelled mealie meal samples collected from the bags destined for the Democratic Republic of Congo have tested positive for GMO.

Ms Lombe said the samples were taken recently at Kazungula border from unlabelled bags of mealie meal from South Africa transiting to DRC.

She said the Authority has advised cross border traders to buy products that may contain genetically modified organisms locally as those on the Zambian market have already undergone risk assessment by the Authority.

“We are also calling on transporters transiting the country with products that may contain GMOs or have ingredients of GMOs to obtain transit permits so that they are not inconvenienced. There are conditions which they have to adhere to. Those exporting non GMO products can also get clearance certification from the NBA.”

Man on the run after murdering wife following a domestic dispute

Zambia Police spokesperson Esther Katongo
Zambia Police spokesperson Esther Katongo

Police in Lusaka have launched a manhunt for a Chibolya man who is alleged to have murdered his wife.

Police Spokesperson Esther Katongo has confirmed the development that they received a report of suspected murder which occurred between 21st December, 2019 around 23:00 hours and 22nd December, 2019 around 06:00 hours in Chibolya.

Ms Katongo narrated that Matildah Daka aged 34 of the same area was allegedly murdered by her husband Lameck Jere aged 36.

“Police rushed to the scene where they found the deceased lying lifeless on a mattress facing upwards. The body had a deep cut on the upper lip where she was bleeding profusely and whitish foam running from her mouth,” she disclosed.

“The suspect is alleged to have beaten the victim after a misunderstanding. The suspect is on the ran while the body has been taken to UTH mortuary awaiting postmortem.”

The Police Spokesperson said a docket has been opened and a manhunt launched.

There is a ploy by the West to Fix Countries Against Homosexuality-President Lungu

President Lungu officially opens the 70th Anniversary of the World Council of Churches (WCC) and 31st General Conference of CCZ at Levy Patrick Mwanawasa Stadium.
President Lungu

President Edgar Lungu has said that there is a ploy by western countries to fix countries that are against homosexuality.

President Lungu said that the West has identified 69 countries world-wide which they will fix for being against the practice of homosexuality.

He has disclosed that Zambians should not be surprised when the country is fixed by the west, adding that nothing will change his stance on homosexuality because Zambians are Christians.

President Lungu was speaking when he met northwestern Province Pastors fellowship in Solwezi this afternoon.

He told the pastors that his advisors told him not to talk about it publicly, but that the matter kept on coming up on his mind.

And pastors’ fellowship chairperson Miselo Musonda said the clergy want a God-fearing man in State House.

Reverend Musonda said President Lungu has demonstrated that he is God fearing.

He wondered why some political parties have not spoken publicly to condemn homosexuality.

Convincing Power Dynamos Dismantle Nkana in Kitwe Derby


Power Dynamos on Sunday coasted to a convincing 3-0 Kitwe derby victory at home over Nkana at Arthur Davies Stadium in Kitwe.

The victory ended Nkana ‘s eight match unbeaten run and comes exactly a week after they beat defending champions and leaders Zesco United 1-0 at home across the road in Wusakile.

It was also a signal of intent from new Power coach Perry Mutapa who won on both his home and Derby debut after three games in charge.

Power’s first two goals both came from unfancied sources who justified their places with sublime strikes.

Luka Chamanga blasted in a stunning curler from outside the box to beat Nkana goalkeeper Allan Chibwe in the 42nd minute to send Power 1-0 into the interval.

Dave Daka then scored his debut derby goal in the 52nd minutes with an ice cold tap-in.

Both goals were engineered young winger Kondwani Chimboni.

Chimboni’s fellow Young Power graduate Fred Mulambia capped the rout in the 65th minute when he span round two defenders to fire in the final goal and hand Power their first derby league win at home since 2016.

Nkana stay put at number five on 24 points while Power rise from eighth to seven on 20 points to extend their running run to four straight matches and are now unbeaten in their last five games.

President Lungu Saddened by the Death of a Solwezi Woman

President Edgar Lungu
President Edgar Lungu

State House has said that President Edgar Edgar  Lungu is deeply saddened by the death of a Solwezi woman in a tragic accident involving a Police Service vehicle on Saturday.

According to a statement released to the media by his Press Aide, Mr. Isaac Chipampe, the President said that  he had learned of the accident with extreme sadness.

“Death of any kind is regrettable. But death arising from an accident and involving a young person is deeply saddening,” said the President.

President Lungu said he is grieving with the bereaved family.

“At this moment my thoughts are with the bereaved family,” the President said.

And President Lungu wished the other victim of the accident quick recovery.

Zambia Police arrest Pilato again, detain Laura Miti and Mwewa for negotiating for his release

Pilato addressing Livingstone youths shortly before he was arrested
Pilato addressing Livingstone youths shortly before he was arrested

Police in Livingstone on Saturday arrested Human rights defender and artist Pilato and charged him with unlawful assembly.

And Human rights activists Lauta Miti and Bornwell Mwewa have also been detained by Police after they travelled to Livingstone to negotiate Pilato’s release.

Pilato was addressing scores of youths at a Church in Livingstone’s Libuyu township at a meeting dubbed Youth Insaka.

Police stormed the meeting and picked him up and later charged with unlawful assembly.

In a Facebook post shortly before he was arrested, Pilato said police had allowed the group to continue with the Youth Insaka but that someone called the police officers to tell them that he was performing.

The Youth Insaka is part of the Be Heard Zambia, an initiative sponsored by ActionAid Zambia.

“I have been picked up again by the police but this time they came with cadres. The officers have been instructed to charge me with unlawful assembly. They are now taking me to the Livingstone central Police,” Pilato wrote.

In his message during the meeting, Pilato said leaders must be transparent in the way they manage public resources and must be accountable to the people who collectively own these resources.

And fellow activists Laura Miti and Bornwell Mwewa travelled to help with the release of Pilato and arrived in the night.

They were also immediately arrested and detained and all spent the night in the Police Cells.

Pilato addressing Livingstone youths shortly before he was arrested
Pilato addressing Livingstone youths shortly before he was arrested

Red Arrows Continue To Stall in Top Four Race


Red Arrows early season momentum has continued to lose stream and now face the strong prospect of dropping outside the top four for the first time this season as their continental suffer a dent.

After flirting in the top two in the opening two months of the season, the 2004 FAZ Super Division champions form has continued to plummet since Nkana beat them 3-0 away in Kitwe on October 30 in a game that ended also their unbeaten start to the 2019/20 season.

On Saturday ,Arrows lost 2-1 at home to Buildcon at Nkoloma Stadium in Lusaka to suffer their four defeat in their last six matches.

In that period, Arrows have collected just four points with a 1-0 home win over Nkwazi on November 23 the only highlight of that period.

Arrows drop from third to fourth on 25 points after the loss and might fall to fifth on Sunday should Nkana, who currently occupy that position on 24 points, beat or draw against Power Dynamos away in the Kitwe derby today.

Zambia’s Problems Cannot by Fixed by Firing Kaizer Zulu

Special Assistant to the President for Political Affairs Kaizer Zulu
Former Special Assistant to the President for Political Affairs Kaizer Zulu Diamond TV’s COSTA Programme

By: Anthony Bwalya – UPND Member

As the over 17 million Zambians wake up this morning, around 10.5 million of these are poised to make it through this day on just one meal; and these are the lucky ones because another close to 500,000 are not even guaranteed a single meal today.

Today alone, $2,411.27 is expected to be stolen under the PF regime; as has been the case since the PF took the mantle of power in 2011. This is how we know that an aggregate of over $10 billion has been stolen under the watch of the PF, principally by PF political actors and their business associates.

Today alone, families must find a way of bridging the K110 per day increase in the basic food basket since 2011; in an environment where real wages have been regressing at a rate of 3.2% per annum while real inflation on every basic food item has been surging by an average 14% – 16% per annum.

The removal of Kaizer Zulu will not recover the close to $2 billion worth of Mukula revenue estimated to have been stolen by the #MukulaCartel since 2012, nor will it recover the close to $30 million stolen in the Firetenders scam. And in case you have not noticed, ZAFFICO IPO prospectus information have revealed that ZAFFICO managed to buy Fire Trucks for a whole $900,000 less, for around $100,000 PF government sanctioned the purchase of one Fire truck at $1 million each.

As we speak, a number of cooperating partners have suspended millions of dollars per annum worth of life-saving support to areas of health, education and social protection because of grand theft and corruption by PF government officials and their subordinate actors.

Today, the PF have allowed ordinary Zambians to pay a heavy premium at the pump for fuel so that PF government officials and their friends can get paid. These are the people controlling major components of the fuel procurement and distribution cycle.

The $7 billion economic SABOTAGE under the PF thanks to a loadshedding which should have been avoided cannot and will not be fixed by the removal of Mr. Kaizer Zulu. The people who have made millions of money in kickbacks in respect of the award of never ending hydroelectric power contracts are in government and are PF officials.

Now, I can understand why people celebrated the removal of Kaizer from his position. Mr. Zulu had become the ultimate symbol of thuggery and impunity at the very highest level of government. But the sobering truth is that KZ was only ever the face of state capture. The real state capture has not gone anywhere.

And while President Edgar Lungu may wish to portray the facade that he has turned the corner and prepared to crack the whip for the right and correct reasons, he still has Jean Kapata serving; an individual whose name has for several years now been associated with several millions of dollars unaccounted for in Mukula revenues. The President still has Stardy Mwale who received K1.6 million to build a Maternity Annex at Kabushi clinic in 2014 and do date, the facility has not been completed not has it been handed over.

The President is still principal supervisor of a political party that has been receiving dirty money in kickbacks for influencing the award of public contracts.

The truth is, Kaizer Zulu has not been removed for the collective good and benefit of Zambians.

Kaizer Zulu has been removed for political expediency, a move aimed at sanitizing the name of a ruling cartel gone rogue.

The problems highlighted above cannot be resolved without a substantive change of government.

Corruption and criminality under the PF is an institutional thing which cannot be gotten rid of by the removal of only any one single individual.

So, thank you Your Excellency for pawning one of your lieutenants. Zambians will not take the bait.


Pictures of the Commissioning of a Newly Built Police Post in Kitwe’s Nkana Constituency



The newly built and  furnished 'Esther Lungu Police Post' in Kitwe's Nkana East,
The newly built and furnished ‘Esther Lungu Police Post’ in Kitwe’s Nkana East,
First lady being Welcomed
First lady being Welcomed
First Lady Esther Lungu with Kitwe's Nkana East, the area member of Parliament for Kwacha Constituency Hon Joseph Malanji at the handover of a newly build Police Station
First Lady Esther Lungu with Kitwe’s Nkana East, the area member of Parliament for Kwacha Constituency Hon Joseph Malanji at the handover of a newly build Police Station
First Lady Esther Lungu with Kitwe's Nkana East, the area member of Parliament for Kwacha Constituency Hon Joseph Malanji at the handover of a newly build Police Station
First Lady Esther Lungu with Kitwe’s Nkana East, the area member of Parliament for Kwacha Constituency Hon Joseph Malanji at the handover of a newly build Police Station
The handing over of another $36,000 brand new Nissan Hard body 4×4 Motor Vehicle to the modern Esther Lungu Police Post.
The handing over of another $36,000 brand new Nissan Hard body 4×4 Motor Vehicle to the modern Esther Lungu Police Post.
First Lady Esther Lungu Test Driving  the  $36,000 brand new Nissan Hard body 4×4 Motor Vehicle donated to  the modern Esther Lungu Police Post.
First Lady Esther Lungu Test Driving the $36,000 brand new Nissan Hard body 4×4 Motor Vehicle donated to the modern Esther Lungu Police Post.
First Lady Esther Lungu Test Driving  the  $36,000 brand new Nissan Hard body 4×4 Motor Vehicle donated to  the modern Esther Lungu Police Post.
First Lady Esther Lungu Test Driving the $36,000 brand new Nissan Hard body 4×4 Motor Vehicle donated to the modern Esther Lungu Police Post.
First Lady Esther Lungu Test Driving  the  $36,000 brand new Nissan Hard body 4×4 Motor Vehicle donated to  the modern Esther Lungu Police Post.
First Lady Esther Lungu Test Driving the $36,000 brand new Nissan Hard body 4×4 Motor Vehicle donated to the modern Esther Lungu Police Post.
First Lady Esther Lungu Test Driving  the  $36,000 brand new Nissan Hard body 4×4 Motor Vehicle donated to  the modern Esther Lungu Police Post.
First Lady Esther Lungu Test Driving the $36,000 brand new Nissan Hard body 4×4 Motor Vehicle donated to the modern Esther Lungu Police Post.
First Lady Esther Lungu Test Driving  the  $36,000 brand new Nissan Hard body 4×4 Motor Vehicle donated to  the modern Esther Lungu Police Post.
First Lady Esther Lungu Test Driving the $36,000 brand new Nissan Hard body 4×4 Motor Vehicle donated to the modern Esther Lungu Police Post.
First Lady Esther Lungu Test Driving  the  $36,000 brand new Nissan Hard body 4×4 Motor Vehicle donated to  the modern Esther Lungu Police Post.
First Lady Esther Lungu Test Driving the $36,000 brand new Nissan Hard body 4×4 Motor Vehicle donated to the modern Esther Lungu Police Post.
PF cadres at the handover Ceremony
PF cadres at the handover Ceremony
PF cadres at the handover Ceremony
PF cadres at the handover Ceremony

Today’s Message: Your Secret Petitions


Today’s Scripture

“Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He will give you the desires and secret petitions of your heart…”

(Psalm 37:4, AMPC)

Your Secret Petitions

God knows the secret petitions of your heart. He knows every hidden dream He’s placed within you. He knows the things that you haven’t told anyone about. Maybe you thought they would never come to pass, or maybe you buried them because they didn’t happen on your timetable. Maybe, in the natural, you have every reason to give up on those dreams. Be encouraged today—God is still working behind the scenes! He still has a plan to bring those dreams to pass. Do what today’s verse says and delight yourself in Him. The word “delight” actually means “to make yourself soft and pliable.” It paints the picture of God as the Potter and you as the clay. Allow God to mold and shape your character today. Allow Him to direct your plans and ideas. Keep an attitude of faith and expectancy, and as you submit your ways to the Lord and follow His leading, He will fulfill those secret petitions of your heart!

A Prayer for Today

“Father, You said the path of the righteous gets brighter and brighter. You said no good thing will You withhold because I walk uprightly before You. You said because I delight myself in You, You will give me the secret petitions of my heart. Thank You for being in control of my life and for the good things You have in store for my future in Jesus’ name. Amen. “

Zamtel switches on 615 new towers

Zamtel Head of Corporate Affairs and Government Relations Reuben Kamanga speaking during the end of the year media engagement in Lusaka
Zamtel Head of Corporate Affairs and Government Relations Reuben Kamanga speaking during the end of the year media engagement in Lusaka

Zamtel has announced that it has so far connected a total of 615 new communication towers dotted across the country.

The towers are part of the 1009 new towers planned to be constructed under Phase II of the GRZ Communication Tower Project.

In total, 746 new towers have been erected.

This was disclosed on Thursday evening by Zamtel Head of Corporate Affairs and Government Relations Reuben Kamanga during an end of year media engagement in Lusaka.

Mr Kamanga said 2019 was a busy year for the state owned telecommunications firm as it rolled out a number of products and other innovations.

“2019 was a very busy year for us at Zamtel. We achieved so much as an organization. We continued increasing our footprint by rolling out our network to some of the country’s remotest areas. Through the GRZ Phase II Communication Tower Project, Zamtel has taken communication services to areas which historically have been without any phone signal,” Mr Kamanga said

He added, “As Zamtel, we are determined to deliver the entire 1009 new communication towers in 2020 in line with the project timelines. Let me take this opportunity to thank the Government of the Republic of Zambia through the Ministry of Transport and Communication for the unwavering support in the execution of this project. Special recognition goes to our technology partner Huawei who are working hard to ensure that together, we deliver this very important project for Zambia,” he said.

Mr. Kamanga pointed out that this year, Zamtel continued on its exciting path of innovation and developed and launched new products and innovations in its pursuit towards the promotion of a digital lifestyle.

“Our ZamPay Application which is a contactless payment platform we launched in December of last year has been well received on the market. The number of ZamPay merchants has continued increasing thereby increasing usability and customer convenience. To demonstrate that cashless payments is the way to go, we added new exciting features to the ZamPay App in 2019,” he started.

“You can now download and use ZamPay across all the mobile phone networks. The Number Neutral feature is enhancing the adoption of ZamPay as a preferred payment platform in Zambia,” Mr Kamanga said.

“We are ready to enter 2020 and beyond as Zambia’s best and most trusted network. We plan to roll out new digital business models to make sure value creation is shared and the benefits of the digital economy truly benefits many more lives across this beautiful nation,” he said.

He added, “As a customer centric organization, we have responded to customer complaints over the depletion of bundles. Our Velocity LTE service which offers unlimited and uncapped internet is the perfect answer to the question of bundle depletion. We launched Velocity in late October and we are proud that our customers who have signed up on Velocity are happy with the experience.”

Mr Kamanga said Zamtel also has a number of groundbreaking innovations around e-health and e-learning.

Government Suspends Mining Operations at Kasenseli Gold Mine, Zambia Army to move in



Minister of Mines Mines Minister Richard Musukwa has announced that Cabinet has resolved that all operations at Kasenseli gold mine be suspended.

Speaking on a conducted tour of the mining, comprising, Presidedent Edgar Lungu, Energy Minister Matthew Nkhuwa, North Western Province Minister Nathaniel Mubukwanu and other government and party officials, Mr  Musukwa said that, following government’s declaration of gold as a strategic reserve, the Zambia Army and Zambia National Service (ZNS) will be deployed to provide security at the mine.

Mr Musukwa further  said that foreigners have also invaded Mwinilunga and buying the precious mineral from people who are illegally mining in the area.

The Minister said no mining licences have been given out for people to mine at Kasenseli and has warned all those mining illegally that the long arm of the law will catch up with them.

The Mines Minister further  said that ZCCM-IH working together with the local people will oversee operations of the mine.