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KCM says Acid Plant environmental incident contained.

Konkola Copper Mine(KCM)
Konkola Copper Mine(KCM)

Konkola Copper Mines Plc (KCM) announces that an incident occurred at the Nchanga 500 tonnes per day (TPD) Sulphur Burning Plant where some gas emission affected the plant area and surrounding community resulting in some members of the community being hospitalized for precautionary observation.

Last evening at around 18:30hrs, the 500 TPD Sulphur Burning Plant experienced an electrical power supply surge which tripped and disturbed the Plant. During the early hours of this morning, 15 November 2019, while in the process of stabilizing the plant some gases escaped into the atmosphere and the surrounding areas including the New East Mill Crusher Plant where 53 employees experienced irritation and inhalation difficulties. They were taken to the hospital for mandatory observation before being pronounced medically fit and discharged.

Related to this incident, this morning at around 07:30hrs the Company received a report that Nchanga Trust Secondary School was not conducive for the pupils to sit for Grade 12 examinations and Nchanga Trust Secondary School Management referred 232 pupils to the Hospital for observation. KCM working with various Government Departments in the District immediately formed a joint team to assess the suitability of the school to continue being an Examination Centre for the scheduled Grade 12 Examination. The team has since determined the school to be safe for normal occupation.

The Nchanga South Hospital Medical staff certified the 37 grade 12 pupils fit to write the examinations and all the pupils returned to school where they sat for the examinations.

KCM has launched investigations into the matter to prevent a recurrence of this regrettable incident. The investigations are being done jointly with Mine Safety Department, Zambia Environmental Management Agency (ZEMA) and others.

The 500 TPD Sulphur Burning Plant is not located within the Smelter facilities and the incident does not have any impact on the scheduled start up of the Smelter.

KCM Management would like to extend sincere gratitude to the civic authorities, Nchanga Trust School Management, the parents as well as the members of the community for the support extended during this incident.

IBA shuts down Religious Lutanda Radio for airing a program deemed to promote tribalism and hate speech


The Independent Broadcasting Authority has with immediate effect suspended the broadcasting license for Lutanda Radio Station in Northern Province for 30 days after the station aired a story with the potential to promote hate speech.

IBA Director General Josephine Mapoma says the aired story had potential to put the peace and security of the nation at risk.

Ms Mapoma says the decision to suspend the license was arrived at today during the emergency IBA Board meeting.

Briefing the media this afternoon, Ms Mapoma says IBA found Radio Lutanda to have breached the airing of a programme deemed to promote tribalism and hate speech, failure to moderate a programme and failure to follow guidelines provided for a Religious Broadcasting Stations.

On 12th November, 2019 the Authority followed a breaking story that alleged that Lutanda radio in Kasama was promoting tribalism on air.

This prompted the Authority to investigate the matter further and obtained soundbites of the programme.

“After conducting its investigations and analysing the recordings, the Authority found the following breaches: I. Airing a program deemed to promote tribalism and hate speech. The guests together with the presenter of the program were mentioning individual names (Hakainde Hichilema) and a particular ethnic group (Tongas) by passing derogatory, demeaning and tribal remarks likely to result into disorder and disrupt the peace of the public,” Ms. Mapoma said.

“This was in breach of Section 33 of the Principal IBA Act of 2002 which stipulates that …… ‘’every licensed broadcasting service, shall develop a code of professional standards which shall have respect for human dignity and rights and freedoms, and contribution to the tolerance of different opinions and belief.”

Ms. Mapoma said, “In addition, the station was deemed to have breached the provision of the IBA Act which discourages programming that can threaten the public safety, security, peace, welfare or good order.”

“The Authority also found that the Station had violated Regulation No. 3.2.1 of the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) which states: material likely to encourage or incite the commission of crime or to lead to disorder must not be included in broadcasting services.”

“Furthermore, the Station could not adhere to its own developed code of Practice/Ethical guidelines which state that ‘’every person is created in the image of God and as such, has value in his/her own right. In addition, the station discourages hate speech and encourages the promotion of the One Zambia One Nation motto. It also has a guideline on callers which prohibits any caller from using hate speech or bad language’’.

“II. Failure to the moderate a programme
The Authority found that the moderator appeared to be perpetuating the discussion based on tribe instead of curtailing the debate. III. Failure to follow guidelines provided for a Religious Broadcasting Station. The Station aired a political program which is not in line with the License category which is a violation of the provision of the IBA Act. The IBA ACT has stipulated the type of content expected to be broadcast by a Religious Radio Station.”

She said the suspension has been done under Section 29 (1) (J) of the IBA Amendment Act of 2010 which prescribes that the ‘’Board may cancel a broadcasting licence if the cancelation is necessary in the interest of peace and security, welfare or good order’’.

“In addition, it has also been done under Section 29 (1) (k) of the IBA Amendment Act of 2010 which provides that, ‘The Board may suspend a broadcasting licence if it considers it appropriate in the circumstances of the case to do so.”

She said Lutanda Radio may appeal against the decision of the IBA Board to the Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services within 30 days pursuant to section 31(1) of the IBA Amendment Act of 2010 which provides that ‘’a person who is aggrieved with the decision of the Board under this part may appeal to the Minister within 30 days’’.

“During the suspension, the Station is expected to engage qualified and professional staff, conduct in -house training on basic journalism ethics, programme moderation skills, script writing and ethical broadcasting.”

“The Authority wishes to appeal to all broadcast stations to be careful in the way they handle programmes. Broadcast stations must operate in accordance with the existing broadcasting regulations and guidelines. Further, the Authority also wishes to appeal to members of the public and guests of stations to be mindful of their speech on air, as not doing so may have serious consequences for broadcast stations.”

Chris Katongo slams Chipolopolo After Algeria Loss


Ex-Zambia captain Christopher Katongo says the game against Algeria was too big for some Chipolopolo players.

African champions Algeria humbled Zambia 5-0 away in their opening 2021 AFCON Group H qualifier in Blida on Thursday night.

‘Everybody is not happy over what happened. It is football but I have always said there should be a transition of players. Don’t leave out the senior players. I am always saying leave the senior players to guide the other players,’ Katongo said in a video posted on his Facebook page on Friday.

‘That game was so big for some other players. We have very good players but are not yet ready to tackle those huge games. So we need senior players to be there. I am going to repeat again, we need very good transition of taking out players, transition from one player to the other,’ the 2012 Africa Cup winning captain said.

Zambia missed out on qualifying for the last two AFCONS.

‘There should be a good transition. From 2012, 2013 there has never been a good transition when it comes to players. Whichever coach come, takes out senior players and start rebuilding. So Zambia is rebuilding and rebuilding,’ Katongo said.

Zambia’s second Group H qualifier is against Zimbabwe on November 19 in Lusaka.

Movie Review : Doctor Sleep


Years following the events of “The Shining,” a now-adult Dan Torrance must protect a young girl with similar powers from a cult known as The True Knot, who feed off the shine of innocents in their quest for immortality.


  • Good performance by the whole cast ,especially 13 year old Kyliegh Curran ( Abra Stone) who was exceptional.
  • There is great on-screen chemistry between Kyliegh Curran (Abra Stone) and Ewan McGregor (Dan Torrance).
  • Interesting easy to follow storyline.
  • Great character development.


  • The pace of the movie was slow at times.
  • Some references to “The Shinning” may be lost to viewers who have not watched the 1980’s horror film.


Rose the Hat: -“Live long. Eat well,”


Abra Stone: “You’re magic. Like me”

Dan Torrance: “I don’t know about magic. I, I always called it ‘the shining.'”



Doctor Sleep is a sequel to the 1980 classic horror movie ‘The Shining‘. It takes place decades after the events of the first movie. The good part is that even if you haven’t watch ‘The Shining’ (..which i recommend you do) you will still be able to follow ‘Doctor Sleep’.

Doctor Sleep is movie of three acts; the first is rather slow as the characters are introduced and the relationships among them form. The second is when the story really gets going and the exciting plot is reviled, the third and final act is the big glorious pay off.

The real star of this movie was 13 year old actress Kyliegh Curran who played the role of Abra Stone. She handled the dramatic and emotional scenes perfectly. Another standout performance was Rebecca Ferguson as she portrayed the captivating, villainous character Rose the Hat.

Doctor Sleep is less of a horror and more of a fantasy/drama. It thankfully trades in cheap scare tactics and gore (though is plenty of ‘redrum’ to go around) for great character development and storytelling ,It does have some pretty intense/shocking moments involving Rose the Hat’s gypsy/vampire-like cult as they go in search of the ‘shine’.


3 out of 5


By Kapa Kaumba

Transparency International Zambia Welcomes the arrest of Amos Chanda

Amos Chanda

Transparency International Zambia has welcomed the arrest of the former assistant to the president for press and public relations Amos Chanda by the Drug Enforcement Commission yesterday.

TIZ Executive Director Wesley Chibamba said this is a commendable job by Law enforcement Agencies.

Mr Chibamba said the arrest of a former high ranking official communicates the right message to all those who are in positions of authority that no one is above the law and everyone has to account for their deeds or misdeeds during their tenure of office.

He has encouraged the Drug Enforcement Commission to remain professional, do their job diligently and ensure that they get to the bottom of this case.

Mr Chibamba has condemned any political intimidation that will disrupt the professional handling of this case like the solidarity marched witnessed yesterday.

Over 140 people, among them miners and school pupils hospitalized after KCM accident discharge of Sulphur Dioxide

Konkola Copper Mine(KCM)
Konkola Copper Mine(KCM)

Over 140 people among them miners and grade 9 and 12 pupils in Chingola have been hospitalized after inhaling Sulphur Dioxide discharged from the Sulphur Burner component of the Acid Plant at Konkola Copper Mines.

This follows an accident that resulted in the abnormal discharge of Sulphur dioxide at the Konkola Copper Mine’s Acid Plant in Chingola.

This is according to preliminary information availed to the Zambia Environmental Management Agency by KCM.

ZEMA Corporate Affairs Manager Irene Chipili said as an immediate action, the Acid Plant has been shutdown to facilitate investigations into the circumstances regarding the discharge.

Mrs Chipili said further regulatory action will be undertaken in line with provisions of the Environmental Management Act No. 12 of 2011.

And reports from Chingola indicate that some pupils have been discharged after being treated at the Hospital.

And parents of the affected grade 9 pupils have requested that examinations for their affected children be rescheduled.

Political elements influencing Chiefs in Western Province to revolt against the Litunga-Wina

FROM RIGHT TO LEFT:President Edgar Chagwa Lungu,Vice-President Inonge Wina and Minister of Agriculture Michael Katambo during the Regional Cluster meeting on Economic Development and Job Creation at State House in Lusaka on Wednesday, October 16, 2019. PICTURE BY SALIM
FROM RIGHT TO LEFT:President Edgar Chagwa Lungu,Vice-President Inonge Wina and Minister of Agriculture Michael Katambo during the Regional Cluster meeting on Economic Development and Job Creation at State House in Lusaka on Wednesday, October 16, 2019. PICTURE BY SALIM

Vice President Inonge Wina says some political elements are influencing some Chiefs in Western Province to revolt against the Litunga and the government.

Responding to Mitete UPND Member of Parliament Misheck Mutelo, who questioned whether government recognised Chiefs Chiengele, Mwene Mutondo and Kahare who recently visited state house, Mrs Wina said the Chiefs came to state House to seek protection from threats on their lives due to succession disputes.

Mrs Wina said the Litunga has powers to preside over the installation and not to choose traditional leaders and President Lungu did not promise to install them as chiefs.

She said such questions are based on machinations to create divisions between the government and the Barotse Royal Establishment.

Mrs Wina said some of the observations by the UPND are not well intended as President Edgar Lungu has no power to install Chiefs.

She reiterated that the three chiefs were at State House to seek protection and was not asking to be recognised by the President.

Mrs Wina said government will continue playing its role of protecting Zambians regardless of their affiliation in society.

She said the disputes over succession is not government’s business and will leave it to the families of the affected people to choose while the Litunga will endorse the appointed people.

Inonge Wina expresses ignorance over failure by the Zambian Government to procure a VIP Passenger Jet

Sukhoi SuperJet

Vice President Inonge Wina has expressed ignorance over the alleged failure by the Zambian Government to procure a VIP Passanger Jet from Russia due to lack of Funds to pay for the aircraft.

Mrs Wina says she is not aware of any failed deal for the procurement of a VIP Passanger Jet from Russia due to lack of Funds to pay for the aircraft.

The Vice President also expressed Ignorant of the alleged millions of dollars the Zambian government has paid as advance payment for the aircraft.

Mrs Wina was responding to Zambezi East Member of Parliament Brian Kambita during the Vice President’s question time who wanted to know when government will get a refund for the failed deal in order to channel it to road infrastructure in his constituency.

According to media reports, Zambia will no longer be receiving a Sukhoi Superjet 100 VIP passenger jet from Russia as it lacks the funds to pay for the aircraft said Russia’s Industry and Trade Minister Denis Manturov.

“In Africa, for example, we signed a contract for the supply of a VIP version of the SSJ 100 [SuperJet] to Zambia. But in Zambia, besides the advance payment, there were no funds to finance this aircraft, so the contract has been frozen,” Manturov said.

In July 2017 it was reported that Zambia had ordered five SuperJets from Russia.

Subsequent media reports stated that Sukhoi would only supply a single VIP-configured SuperJet for President Edgar Lungu, after earlier reports suggested four SuperJets would be acquired for the relaunch of Zambia Airways.

Pictures this week

First Lady Esther Lungu and FAZ president Andrew Kamanga celebrates when Zambia National Senior Women team scored against Kenya during the 2020 Tokyo women Olympic qualifying match at Nkoloma Stadium on Monday, November 11,2019 -PICTURES BY THOMAS NSAMA
First Lady Esther Lungu celebrates after the match against Kenya. Zambia beat Kenya 1-0 during the 2020 Tokyo women Olympic qualifying match at Nkoloma Stadium on Monday, November 11,2019 -PICTURES BY THOMAS NSAMA
First Lady Esther Lungu presents gifts to Zambia National Senior Women team after the match against Kenya. Zambia beat Kenya 1-0 during the 2020 Tokyo women Olympic qualifying match at Nkoloma Stadium on Monday, November 11,2019 -PICTURES BY THOMAS NSAMA
First Lady Esther Lungu celebrates with Women soccer players in the dressing room after the match against Kenya. Zambia beat Kenya 1-0 during the 2020 Tokyo women Olympic qualifying match at Nkoloma Stadium on Monday, November 11,2019 -PICTURES BY THOMAS NSAMA
First Lady Esther Lungu celebrates with Women soccer players in the dressing room after the match against Kenya. Zambia beat Kenya 1-0 during the 2020 Tokyo women Olympic qualifying match at Nkoloma Stadium on Monday, November 11,2019 -PICTURES BY THOMAS NSAMA
Chieftainess Nkomeshya Mukamambo II greetings the gathering.
Chieftaines Nkomeshya Mukamambo II greetings the gathering.
Scores of Induna’s clearing a way to chieftainess Nkomeshya Mukamambo II during the “2019 Chakwela Makumbi”traditional ceremony of Soli people in Chongwe.
Chieftaines Nkomeshya Mukamambo II being blessed by catholic priest father Gabriel Mwanamwalya prior to the ceremony proceedings.
Scores of Induna’s clearing a way to chieftainess Nkomeshya Mukamambo II during the “2019 Chakwela Makumbi”traditional ceremony of Soli people in Chongwe.
Chieftaines Nkomeshya Mukamambo II with her children having a light moment.
Chieftaines Nkomeshya Mukamambo II conferring with Chinese ambassador to Zambi Li Jie.
Chifwebe pupils Ruth and Grace displaying their dancing skills during he “2019 Chakwela Makumbi”traditional ceremony of Soli people in Chongwe
Chieftaines Nkomeshya Mukamambo II conferring with Chinese ambassador to Zambi Li Jie.
Scores of Chongwe residents and surrounding following the proceedings of he “2019 Chakwela Makumbi”traditional ceremony of Soli people in Chongwe
Scores of Chongwe residents and surrounding following the proceedings of he “2019 Chakwela Makumbi”traditional ceremony of Soli people in Chongwe
Scores of Chongwe residents and surrounding following the proceedings of he “2019 Chakwela Makumbi”traditional ceremony of Soli people in Chongwe
Journalists Tandiwe Moyo and Francis Lungu paying courtesy to Chieftaines Nkomeshya Mukamambo II.
Chieftainess Nkomeshya Mukamambo II some members of her family following the proceedings of the “2019 Chakwela Makumbi”traditional ceremony of Soli people in Chongwe.
Former Chongwe member of parliaments Sylvia Masebo addressing some members of Zambia police who were to maintain order during the “2019 Chakwela Makumbi”traditional ceremony of Soli people in Chongwe
Chieftaines Nkomeshya Mukamambo II with her guest of honour Paramount Chief Mpezeni symbolically clearing the bush by burning dead herbs and proceed to plant seeds thereafter as a traditional way to launch 2019 farming season during the “2019 Chakwela Makumbi”of Soli people at Mukamambo II palace in Chongwe area.
Chieftaines Nkomeshya Mukamambo II with her guest of honour Paramount Chief Mpezeni symbolically clearing the bush by burning dead herbs and proceed to plant seeds thereafter as a traditional way to launch 2019 farming season during the “2019 Chakwela Makumbi”of Soli people at Mukamambo II palace in Chongwe area.
Chieftaines Nkomeshya Mukamambo II with her guest of honour Paramount Chief Mpezeni symbolically clearing the bush by burning dead herbs and proceed to plant seeds thereafter as a traditional way to launch 2019 farming season during the “2019 Chakwela Makumbi”of Soli people at Mukamambo II palace in Chongwe area.
Chieftaines Nkomeshya Mukamambo II with her guest of honour Paramount Chief Mpezeni symbolically clearing the bush by burning dead herbs and proceed to plant seeds thereafter as a traditional way to launch 2019 farming season during the “2019 Chakwela Makumbi”of Soli people at Mukamambo II palace in Chongwe area.
Chieftaines Nkomeshya Mukamambo II with her guest of honour Paramount Chief Mpezeni symbolically clearing the bush by burning dead herbs and proceed to plant seeds thereafter as a traditional way to launch 2019 farming season during the “2019 Chakwela Makumbi”of Soli people at Mukamambo II palace in Chongwe area.
Chieftaines Nkomeshya Mukamambo II “praying” for rains while looking on is her nun sister Mari Nkomeshya during the traditional way to launch 2019 farming season during the Soli people”2019 Chakwela Makumbi” traditional ceremony o at Mukamambo II palace in Chongwe area.
Chieftaines Nkomeshya Mukamambo II “praying” for rains as a traditional way to launch 2019 farming season during the “2019 Chakwela Makumbi”of Soli people at Mukamambo II palace in Chongwe area.
Chieftaines Nkomeshya Mukamambo II “praying” for rains as a traditional way to launch 2019 farming season during the “2019 Chakwela Makumbi”of Soli people at Mukamambo II palace in Chongwe area.
Paramount chief Mpezeni spokesperson M’kwinda Sakala delivering a speech on behalf of the Paramount chief.
Some refugees and of former refugees of Rwanda origins and special guests of chieftainess Nkomeshya Mukamambo II performing their traditional dances clad in their tradition attires during the “2019 Chakwela Makumbi”traditional ceremony of Soli people in Chongwe.
Princes Mavis Nkomeshya joining chieftainess Nkomeshya Mukamambo II special guests refugees and of former refugees of Rwanda origins who performed their traditional dances clad in their tradition attires during the “2019 Chakwela Makumbi”traditional ceremony of Soli people in Chongwe.
Some refugees and of former refugees of Rwanda origins and special guests of chieftainess Nkomeshya Mukamambo II performing their traditional dances clad in their tradition attires during the “2019 Chakwela Makumbi”traditional ceremony of Soli people in Chongwe.

Chieftainess Nkomeshya Mukamambo II some members of her family following the proceedings of the “2019 Chakwela Makumbi”traditional ceremony of Soli people in Chongwe.
Paramount chief Mpezeni of Ngoni people joining his Impi subjects in dancing during the “2019 Chakwela Makumbi”traditional ceremony of Soli people in Chongwe.
Paramount chief Mpezeni of Ngoni people joining his Impi subjects in dancing during the “2019 Chakwela Makumbi”traditional ceremony of Soli people in Chongwe.
Chawama based and “weight less and boneless” defying the gravity laws during he “2019 Chakwela Makumbi”traditional ceremony of Soli people in Chongwe
Princess Mavis Nkomeshya (in a blue dress) joining the dancing groups with Kafue and Chongwe district commissioners Joseph Kamana (in a yellowish shirt) and Robster Mwanza (in a blueish shirt) respectively during the “2019 Chakwela Makumbi”traditional ceremony of Soli people in Chongwe.

(Chakwela Makumbi pictures courtesy Jean Serge Mandela)

Zambia Police deploy officers to patrol all highway routes following threats

Police spokesperson Esther Katongo
Mrs. Katongo says the deceased’s body has been deposited to the University Teaching Hospital mortuary awaiting postmortem.

Police have deployed officers to patrol all highway routes across the country following reports that the striking truck drivers intend to harm fellow truckers who would continue operating on Zambian roads.

Zambia Police Spokesperson Esther Katongo said officers have already cleared all trucks which were parked along the road on highways hence there is free flow of traffic on all routes.

She assured the traveling public of their safety and urged all those who may still feel insecure to approach officers at any nearest Police Station for escort.

Mrs Katongo has warned in a statement that the drivers involved in organizing the strike that Police shall not take lightly any conduct that has potential to bring about break down in law and order.

Audio recordings were yesterday trending on social media stating that all trucks whether local or foreign should not be on Zambian Roads today and further threatening that all those found on the roads should have themselves to blame if anything happened to them as truck drivers were planning to go on strike.

Mrs Katongo said Police find such recordings highly unreasonable with potential to incite violence.

She said an inquiry has been instituted to find the author or authors of the said audios and punitive action will be taken against them.

Mrs Katongo said the police have been put on full alert to deal with any eventuality that may arise.

Bishop Evans Chinyemba welcomes HH’s commitment to dialogue with President Lungu

HH greets First Lady Esther Lungu at late Munkombwe’s burial in Choma
HH greets First Lady Esther Lungu at late Munkombwe’s burial in Choma

Diocese of Mongu Bishop Evans Chinyemba has welcomed the commitment by UPND Leader Hakainde Hichilema to dialogue with President Edgar Lungu.

Bishop Chinyemba has however encouraged Mr Hichilema to first meet up with President Lungu and agree on what issues require them to dialogue.

The clergyman said dialogue is a two way thing and the two leaders will however need to find a mediate the dialogue.

The UPND Leader requested that President Edgar Lungu avails himself for dialogue with him at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross in Lusaka next week.

Mr Hichilema tweeted that: “we must do everything in our power to ensure we put an end to political violence and other ills affecting our nation.

“I hereby request @EdgarCLungu to come to the table and dialogue for the benefit of our country. I propose next week at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross. #Zambia,” he said.

In a consequent tweet, Hichilema reiterated that Zambians wanted dialogue and that: “we must make it happen!”

“I am not concerned about swallowing my pride in pushing for amicable dialogue with @EdgarCLungu,” Hichilema said.

“It is our hope that he responds so that we can chart a new course that fosters peace and democracy.”

But the Patriotic Front Secretary General Davies Mwila says if the UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema was serious about dialogue, he should have written to the PF Secretariat.

Mr Mwila stated that the PF has always been willing to dialogue but that Mr. Hichilema has always found excuses with conditions.

He indicated that Mr. Hichilema can NOT summon the Head of State who is also President of the ruling Patriotic Front for a meeting through the media.

Government to setting up fish cages and panes on Lake Kariba and Lusiwashi-Nkandu Luo


Minister of Fisheries and Livestock Hon Prof. Nkandu Luo MP yesterday graced the Cattle & Small Stock Management Information Day organized by the Herd Book Society of Zambia.
Minister of Fisheries and Livestock Hon Prof. Nkandu Luo MP

The government says it remains committed to setting up fish cages and panes on Lake Kariba and Lusiwashi as part of its aquaculture project.

Fisheries and livestock minister Professor Nkandu Luo explained that this is aimed to enhance productivity in the fishing industry.

Professor Luo says the government has consequently secured funds for the project and disclosed that the cages had already been delivered and assembled by the contractor.

She said the cages were already at the sites but wondered why they had not been completed and floated onto the lake for the project to start running so that cooperatives could start benefiting.

The minister said her fact-finding mission was compelled by concerns raised by the representative of Sinazongwe Chiefdom, Thom Chiyumbabenzu and Chief Chipepo of Gwembe District that the project had delayed to implemented for so long.

She was speaking when she visited Sinazongwe District yesterday on a fact-finding mission over delayed implementation of the 5.9 million United States Dollars project.

She has since pledged to ensure that her the matter is followed up until implemented for the benefit of community members under various cooperatives.

Professor Luo said her ministry was an economic ministry that contributed towards the economic development of the Country.

She said if only the cages had been put up and we’re in use, disposable income and wealth could have been created for the people surrounding Lake Kariba and Lusiwashi.

“Government is doing everything possible to create an enabling environment for its citizens to create wealth and improve their livelihoods through projects of this nature.” She said.

She also challenged her officers in her ministry to remain committed and passionate to the cause and ensure that services are delivered diligently for the benefit of the people.

In 2017, the African Development Bank (AfDB) approved a loan for the Zambian government to implement the Zambia Aquaculture Enterprise Development Project (ZAEDP) to present the aquaculture subsector as a viable and inclusive business opportunity for small- to medium-sized farmers and enhance production and productivity for improved livelihoods along the aquaculture value chain

Zambian commits to enhance rural industrialisation and end all forms of discrimination against women and girls

Minister of National Development Planning, Honourable Alexander Chiteme
Minister of National Development Planning, Honourable Alexander Chiteme

The Government of Zambia has announced its commitment to promote people-centered development in all sectors by integrating population dynamics into development planning at the national and sub-national levels as enshrined in Vision 2030.

Delivering Zambia’s commitments at the Nairobi Summit on International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD25), on behalf of His Excellency Mr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu, President of the Republic of Zambia, the Minister of National Development Planning Honourable Alexander Chiteme assured the international community of Zambia’s unwavering commitment to implement matters that promote sustainable development including population.

He said the Zambian Government would enhance rural industrialisation and development.

“We thus commit to invest in primary health care, particularly health promotion, and robust and sustainable healthcare financing mechanisms. We also commit to position family planning not just a health issue but as a key development agenda for Zambia to harness the demographic dividend,” Hon. Chiteme said. “Zambia commit to eliminate all forms of discrimination and strengthen humanitarian preparedness and response. We further commit to strengthen equitable access to resources to reach the most vulnerable populations.”

Hon, Chiteme, who is leading the Zambian delegation, announced that Zambia was committed to end all forms of discrimination against women and girls by domesticating international and regional instruments such as the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women and Girls and the SADC Protocol on Gender and Development.

He announced that the Zambian Government was strongly committed to end child marriage by taking all necessary measures to accelerate implementation of the national strategy and other policy and legislative frameworks to end child marriage by 2030.

“We commit to eradicate harmful traditional practices, such as sexual cleansing and some negative aspects of rites of passage that violate the rights of women, girls and children,” Hon. Chiteme said. “We also commit to promoting meaningful participation of adolescents and young people in national development by including them in development planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. we commit to promote generation and use of data to achieve sustainable development and make climate change a core part of economic development.”

The Minister conveyed Zambia’s gratitude to Governments of the Republic of Kenya, Denmark and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) for co-convening the Nairobi summit on ICPD25 to mobilize the political will and financial commitments needed to finally and fully implement the ICPD Programme of Action.

The Nairobi Summit marks 25 years since I79 countries including Zambia adopted the landmark 1994 ICPD Programme of Action in Cairo, Egypt. The Cairo Summit recognized the relationships between population, development and individual well-being, stressing the need for universal access to sexual reproductive health as a key target of the sustainable development goals. The 2019 Nairobi Summit will map out a new 10-year vision, with fresh commitments on sustainable development.

Given Lubinda implore Africa Peer Review Mechanism Committee carry out study on Lower Zambezi

Justice Minister Given Lubinda attending the National Dialogue Forum
Justice Minister Given Lubinda attending the National Dialogue Forum

Government has implored the Africa Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) Committee to visit the lower Zambezi National Park and carry out a thorough study on what is obtaining there and make recommendations to government.

Speaking when the he met the APRM Committee yesterday, Minister of Justice Given Lubinda said this is very important, as the issue of the Lower Zambezi has brought two economic sectors of the country into conflict and there is need for it to be scrutinized.

He said mining and tourism are of great importance in the country and therefore the APRM should make their submissions towards the conflict surrounding operations in the Lower Zambezi National Park.

Mr Lubinda assured the delegation that government will look at recommendations as well as look forward to the generation of the report from the Committee by December 15th, 2019.

The Minister also said it is important that the Africa peer review mechanism that is being worked on succeeds, noting that African countries have for a long time allowed others to assess its performance in various sectors.

“There is need to look at it critically to see how it will contribute to improving the lives of the people in the country”, he said.

He added that of all the various Africa peer reviews, the current one is extremely well focused and pointed.

Mr Lubinda, said that Zambia being the second country to participate in the peer review, the country presents itself not only to be reviewed, but also to add to the building process of the structure.

He highlighted that the process itself is being developed and that there is no template that has been proven or used elsewhere, hence the need to revise and perfect it.

The Africa Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) is a mutually agreed instrument voluntarily acceded to by the Member States of the African Union, as a self- monitoring mechanism.

The mandate of the APRM is to encourage conformity with regards to political, economic and corporate governance values, codes and standards among African countries and the objectives in socio economic development as well as ensure monitoring and evaluation of AU agenda 2063 and SDGs 2030.

Let us work to strengthen our bilateral relations-King Willem-Alexander tells Ambassador Munalula Nkandu


King of the Netherlands, His Majesty Willem- Alexander Claus George Ferdinand has called for increased collaboration and strengthening of bilateral relations between the Netherlands and Zambia.

King Willem-Alexander said Zambia and Netherlands have over the years enjoyed cordial relations which have culminated into various business activities at various levels.

The King further said that his government was keen to continue collaborating with the Zambian government on its priority sectors as well as areas of mutual benefit.

He said this during a closed-door meeting at the Noordeinde Palace in The Hague, shortly after receiving letters of Credence from Zambia’s Ambassador to Belgium and Plenipotentiary to the Netherlands, Prof. Esther Munalula Nkandu.

And Prof. Munalula Nkandu has appealed to King Willem-Alexander and the Netherlands government to consider extending cooperation with Zambia in the Energy, Agricultural and Educational sectors.

The Ambassador explained to the King that Zambia needed cooperating partners in Solar and renewable energy in order to cushion the power deficit that the country is currently facing.

She says that the dependence on hydro power supply was no longer sustainable because of the harsh effects of climate change.

She also implored the king on the need for the two governments to continue collaborating in the education and agricultural sectors.

“We had a wonderful conversation with the King on Zambia’s relations with the Netherlands, specifically on Agriculture, Energy and education. We have a few Dutch organisations present in Zambia, and the encouragement is that as they continue to expand they will engage more Zambians. This will be beneficial to both countries. In relation to Agriculture, our focus is on skills development and value addition with regards to agricultural produce in our quest to penetrate the Dutch market.”

“I also explained to His Majesty about the Seventh National Development Plan which government is using as blueprint towards attaining various goals for the country, and also our Missions strategic plan whose goals and objectives have been derived from the 7th NDP. We also spoke about Tourism, and I later extended an invitation to the King to visit Zambia. It was interesting to note that the King’s grandfather was a close friend to our First President, Dr. Kenneth Kaunda”, The Ambassador explains.

The Ambassador says that she remains optimistic of a good relationship between the two governments as they work together towards achieving goals and objectives of mutual benefit.

This is according to a statement issued by First Secretary – Press and Public Relations
Embassy of the Republic of Zambia Phyllis Chilekwa.