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LAZ President grilled at the constitution court by opposing Lawyers

Lusaka Lawyer Eddie Mwitwa
Lusaka Lawyer Eddie Mwitwa

The President of the Law Association of Zambia (LAZ) struggled and failed to clearly explain to the Constitutional Court whether by inviting institutions and persons to make submissions, the National Assembly attempted to involve the people in the legislative process.

In a matter in which LAZ has challenged the enactment of the Constitution of Zambia Amendment Bill 10, Solicitor General Abraham Mwansa asked LAZ to read paragraph 8 of their Witness statement in which he stated:

“[8] I note that the Third Respondent in an effort to involve the public in the legislative process in line with the provisions of Article 89(1) of the Constitution wrote to the Petitioner and many other institutions and persons inviting them to submit memoranda on the Constitution of Zambia (Amendment) Bill No. 10 of 2019 (hereinafter referred to as the “Bill”)

When asked whether he agreed the National Assembly made efforts to engage everyone in the legislative process, including LAZ, Mr Mwitwa said the institutions and persons are not the people.

This prompted the Solicitor General to ask him to read the definition of persons in the Constitution and the question was repeated to him whether Parliament made efforts to engage the people including LAZ, to which he said he doesn’t know.

Another lawyer from the Attorney General, Francis Mwale asked the LAZ President to whether there was a standard procedure of amending the Constitution to which Mr Mwitwa responded by referring to the Technical Committee process preceding the 2016 amendments as the standard.

Mr. Mwitwa belaboured to explain processes which included consultative forums and conferences.

The Principal State Advocate Mwale asked him to explain which law provided for that process, Mr Mwitwa said there was none.

Mr Mwitwa also told the Court that when Parliament invited them to make submissions to the Parliamentary Committee scrutinising the Constitution of Zambia Amendment Bill, Parliament did not invite them to a legislative process but a consultative process.

When shown Article 89(1) of the Constitution on the provision for Parliament to engage in a legislative process, Mr Mwitwa maintained that the process to scrutinise the Bill by a Parliamentary Committee is not a legislative process but consultative one.

Itezhi-Tezhi records reduction in Malaria cases


Malaria causing Mosquito
Malaria causing Mosquito

Itezhi-tezhi District in Central Province has recorded a significant reduction in the number of malaria cases this year, as a result of the preventive measures put in place.

Itezhi-tezhi Council Chairman Steven Shaloba said malaria cases have reduced from 159 per 1000 people in 2018, to 64 per 1000 this year, and has described the reduction to consistent good malaria-case management practices, distribution of Insecticide-treated nets and Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS).

ZANIS reports that Mr Shaloba said this when he officiated at the launch of the Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) and SADC Malaria week at Bushinga Rural health Centre in Chief Kaingu’s chiefdom in Itezhi tezhi today.

“Our district has recorded a reduction in malaria cases from 159/1000 to 64/1000 this year” Mr Shaloba said.

He noted that the government remains committed to reducing malaria through consistent IRS, use of treated insecticide nets and surveillance.

“Vector control is an important aspect of reducing incidences of malaria hence our launch of IRS program today” Mr Shaloba said.

He pointed out that 19,400 houses have been targeted to be sprayed during the program, expected to take place in selected areas in the district.

He said that the IRS, community engagement and surveillance system can bring about positive effects towards reducing malaria incidences.

He further appealed to stakeholders such as traditional leaders, to sensitize their subjects on the importance of having their houses sprayed.

Meanwhile Itezhi-Tezhi District Health Director Sylvester Kasonde said the IRS and distribution of treated insecticide nets was being supported by the Break through Action Project Zambia.

He further said adequate sprayers have been trained to carry out the IRS program and urged the District Malaria Task Force to ensure adequate sensitization of the communities on malaria.

Dr Kasonde also distributed insecticide-treated nets to expectant mothers during the launch.

And Itezhi tezhi Fisheries Research Officer Patrick Mwiya cautioned recipients of the nets against turning them into fishing nets, a trend, he said was prevalent in Itezhi tezhi.

He said that it was illegal for anyone to use mosquito nets during fishing ventures, and offenders will be prosecuted.

Religious Affairs policy draft validated

Minister of Guidance and Religious Affairs Hon. Godfridah Sumaili during the 70th Anniversary of the World Council of Churches (WCC).
Minister of Guidance and Religious Affairs Hon. Godfridah Sumaili during the 70th Anniversary of the World Council of Churches (WCC).

The Ministry of National Guidance and Religious Affairs is currently validating its Draft National Guidance and Religious Affairs Policy.

Minister of National Guidance and Religious Affairs, Godfridah Sumaili, has noted that if approved, the draft policy will address the challenges that negatively affect the achievement of the country’s developmental objectives, as enshrined in the Seventh National Development Plan.

The Minister has stated that her Ministry has been operating without a policy to guide the implementation and coordination of its mandate.

Ms Sumaili says there is need to have a policy that articulates the focus of the sector and embraces the various stakeholders that play a critical role in the promotion and application of Christian values and principles.

She was speaking in Lusaka today at the National Validation meeting of the Draft National Guidance and Religious Affairs Policy.

And Permanent Secretary in the Ministry, Howard Sikwela, said it is important that the Ministry comes up with a policy to guide the implementation of its mandate as most people do not have an understanding of what it is about.

Former State House Press Aide Amos Chanda fails to appear for questioning at the Drug Enforcement Commission

Mr Amos Chanda

Former State House Press Aide Amos Chanda has failed to appear for questioning at the Drug Enforcement Commission.

And the Drug Enforcement Commission has confirmed that Mr Chanda had by broadcast time not availed himself for questioning and officers were still waiting for him.

According to the Commission, there has been no official communication from Mr Chanda on the reasons for his failure to appear for questioning.

Mr Chanda was yesterday summoned by the Drug Enforcement Commission to appear for questioning today and was expected to avail himself for questioning at 09 hours.

Unconfirmed reports indicated that the call out was in relation to alleged money laundering charges.

And reports indicate that Mr Chanda has expressed surprise that a call-out by the Drug Enforcement Commission Anti Money Laundering Unit was issued, highly circulated and publicized before he or his lawyers were served of the document.

Sources close to Mr Chanda said till today, no document has been served on him and was still waiting for official communication.

Media reports also indicated that lawyers to Mr. Chanda, Makebi Zulu &Associates had earlier in the day dispatched Mr. Jonas Zimba to liaise with DEC Anti-Money Laundering Unit to discuss suitable dates when Mr. Chanda was available and to appear before the Unit to attend to the details of the alleged investigations.

It is understood that Mr Chanda learnt of the call out from social media and was only able to return to Lusaka last evening when ZNBC broadcast a confirmation of the summon.

Mr Chanda was on a personal mission to Mazabuka.

Christopher Kang’ombe to head prep team to oversee preparations for the first ever Young African Leader summit

Kitwe Mayor and The Local Government Association of Zambia (LGAZ) President Christopher Kang’ombe
Kitwe Mayor and The Local Government Association of Zambia (LGAZ) President Christopher Kang’ombe

Local Government Association of Zambia President Christopher Kang’ombe has been appointed to lead a team to oversee preparations for the first ever Young African Leaders in Local Government General Assembly to be held in Kisumu, Kenya, in 2021.

Mr Kang’ombe who is also Executive Committee Member of the United Cities and Local Government of Africa was appointed to oversee these preparations on the sidelines of the World Summit of Local and Regional Leaders taking place in Durban South Africa over the period 11th to 15th November 2019.

The announcement was made by the UCLGA Secretary General Jean Pierre Mbassi, during a session on building a Network of Young African elected officials.

The event will be held on the sidelines of the Africities summit.

Each of the five regions of Africa are expected to nominate an elected young person to be part of the team being led by Mr Kang’ombe who is Kitwe Mayor to work on the agenda and terms of reference for this high level meeting of young leaders.

The team is also expected to spearhead the mobilization of resources to host the continental event as well as agree on the criteria for delegates to attend the first ever General Assembly.

This is according to a statement issued to the media by Local Government Association of Zambia Executive Director Maurice Mbolela.

Chambeshi Laments Loss to Nigeria


Zambia U23 coach Beston Chambeshi concedes they didnt show character in Tuesdays 3-1 loss to Nigeria in their penultimate Group B match at the 2019 U23 AFCON in Egypt.

Nigeria roared from one-down to equalize in the opening quarter of the first half at Salam Stadium in Cairo on November 12.

“We have accepted the defeat, we did not play well. The boys were not at their best, we played much of the long balls which is not our type of play,” Chambeshi said.

A cool finish from Paston Daka put Zambia ahead in the 12th minute barely hours after landing from his base in Austria to join the cause at the 2019 U23 AFCON Egypt is hosting from November 8-22.

But Nigeria leveled four minutes later when Orji Okonkwo turned in the ball from an Ibrahim Sunusi corner.

Zambia goalkeeper Mangani Banda then could only watch as Kelechi Nwakali put Nigeria ahead in with a seemingly tame free kick in the 65th minutes .

Mangani was the villain yet again when Taiwo Awoniyi punished him for an ambitious surge outside his box giving him no time to recover.

“We conceded from set-pieces, we did a lot of work on set pieces, I know Nigerians are tall.It was a good game, it was tough because both teams needed points from this game. At the end of the day,” Chambeshi said.

“We did not play our type of football, there was no attacking football.

” We tried our level best in the first 15 minutes we tried our best to break the Nigeria defence. We are not happy because we wanted this result very much. ”

Zambia are bottom of Group B on 1 point from two matches , two points behind Cote d’Ivoire whom they face in their final pool game on November 15.

South Africa, who beat Cote d’Ivoire 1-0 in the early kickoff on Tuesday, face Nigeria, who have 3 points, in their final Group B match in a simultaneous kick off on the same date.

“The table is still open, if saw the game we played against South Africa and today, we will come back in the last game, I know the boys are hungry. It will be a good game against Ivory Coast, Chambeshi concluded.

The top two sides in the eight team, two group tournament advance to the semifinals to ultimately decide Africa’s top three representatives at the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games.

Ghana and Cameroon are battling in Group A to join hosts Egypt in the semifinals while Mali are out after two defeats.

Power generation at main power stations sitting at a deficit of 872 Megawatts


Kariba Dam
Kariba Dam
Power generation at main power stations namely Kariba, Kafue George and Ithezi thezi has significantly reduced with the current power deficit sitting at 872 Megawatts.

Zesco Public Relations Manager Hazel Zulu says this has led to prolonged load shedding resulting in customers experiencing longer load shedding periods of more than 15 hours per day.

Mrs Zulu said Zesco has continued to control and monitor the balance between the demand and supply of electricity and will adjust accordingly as conditions dictate.

She said is against this background that most areas countrywide are now experiencing longer hours of load shedding.

Mrs Zulu has however appealed to customers to employ energy efficient and conservation initiatives such as switching off lights if not needed and switching off electrical appliances when not in use as well as considering use of alternative sources of energy where possible to help equitably share the available electricity.

In a statement, Mrs Zulu has regretted the inconvenience this has caused to customers.

Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo gets support for his plan to demolish illegal structures


The National Union of Public and Private Educators of Zambia has supported plans by the Lusaka Province administration to demolish structures built on land belonging to Munali Secondary School.

NUPPEZ General Secretary Nelson Mwale said in an interview that it is unfortunate that some people have started encroaching on land belonging to the Ministry of Education reserved for school expansion and other infrastructure.

Mr Mwale said the action by Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo is commendable and should be extended to all schools whose land has been encroached by developers.

He also appealed to government to utilize reverse school land to construct new classroom blocks or build Teachers houses.

Mr Mwale said the union is engaging government on the need to construct houses for teachers as is currently the case with Defense and Security wings but wondered where the houses will be built with the land encroached.

“We are dismayed that the public can keep on encroaching the land belonging to Munali Secondary school with impunity. This is disappointing”, he said.

Mr Mwale has urged Law Enforcement Agencies to ensure that those found wanting are brought to book and land repossessed to ensure that it benefits the schools.

Lusaka Fast Track Court convicts 1,782 drivers for violating traffic rules


The Lusaka Fast Track Court for traffic offences has convicted 1,782 drivers for violating traffic rules and regulations during the month of October 2019.

As means of imposing stiffer punishment to road users disregarding traffic rules and regulations with impunity, which in most cases result into loss of live through road traffic accidents, the Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA), has enhanced its traffic law enforcement to ensure that most traffic offences are prosecuted through the courts.

For the month of October – with spiralling rate of accidents across the country, the RTSA secured 1, 782 convictions in the Lusaka Fast Track Court for Traffic offences involving various traffic relates offences such as the use of un-roadworthy vehicles, unlicensed drivers, dangerous driving and contravening Statutory Instrument No.76 regulation which restrict the movement of Public Service Vehicles (PSV) at night.

Other offences were, expired certificate of fitness, expired driving licence, expired road tax, use of hand held mobile phone while driving, use of unregistered motor vehicle and plying for hire ( pirating).

In a statement, RTSA Public Relations Manager Mukela Mangolwa said from the offences recorded and convictions secured, dangerous driving and use of mobile phones while driving remains a major challenge on the Zambian roads.

Mr Mangolwa said the RTSA is on high alert to bring to book all road users violating the law with impunity through its sustainable traffic law enforcement patrols countrywide in order to ensure total compliance among motorists and safeguard the safety for all road users.

He said the RTSA is seeking the cooperation of all road users and the public in general in eliminating risky behaviour that results in road injuries, fatalities and loss of property.

Transport Minister Condemns the beating of Sydney Mbewe by PF cadres


Transport and Communications Minister Mutotwe Kafwaya has condemned the beating of Sydney Mbewe, the National Secretary for the Bus and Taxi Drivers Association by PF cadres at Lumumba Bus Station yesterday.

Mr Kafwaya says it is disgusting that Mr Mbewe could be met with such violent reactions from cadres for attempting to bring sanity in the running of bus stations.

He said attempts by Mr Mbewe yesterday to register bus drivers engaged in Chilimba to formalize their payments with Banks and mobile money services has blessings from government and should be respected by everyone.

Mr Kafwaya has noted the need to end violence in Zambia as it is detrimental to the development of the nation.

He said violence has no place in a civilized society and will not be condoned in the ruling party.

Mr Mbewe was yesterday beaten by Patriotic front cadres at Lumumba Bus station where had gone to register members who are willing to digitize the Chilimba to avoid abuse of the resources by cadres.

He lamented that cadres where collecting the money from bus drivers by force claiming they are being sent by the ruling party.

Mr Mbewe narrated that in his attempt to engage bus drivers, he was met with violent reactions from about 15 cadres who beat him with planks until he fainted.

Meanwhile, Lusaka Province PF Youth Chairperson Daniel Kalembe has advised Mr Mbewe who claims to know some of the attackers to submit the names to the Party for appropriate action to be taken.

Mr Kalembe has warned of appropriate action against erring members saying violence will not be condoned by the party.

He said no Zambian regardless of political affiliation deserves to be beaten like that.

Hand Over MMD Vehicles or Risk Being Prosecuted-Mukuka


The Opposition MMD has requested Members in holding on to the party vehicles to surrender them.

MMD spokesperson Dr. Cephas Mukuka said the exercise will go on for 5 days from yesterday and failure to surrender the vehicles shall be reported as stolen to the police.

Dr. Mukuka said those in Lusaka must bring the vehicles to the Party Secretariat in Kabulonga while those outside Lusaka should hand them over to our Provincial Chairpersons.

He said this important exercise closes on the 17th of November 2019, at 18 hours.

Dr. Mukuka said the vehicles Toyota Hilux belongs to the party and should not be in the custody of individuals.

He regretted that the vehicles which should be used for party activities have again been shared leaving the party without any vehicles for its activities.

Investment through Public Procurement attainable-Kpundeh

Finance Minister Bwalya Ng’andu and the Zambian delegation in Washington DC during a meeting with the World Bank Group Vice President for the African Region, Dr Hafez Ghanem

World Bank Group Country Manager, Sahr Kpundeh, says public procurement is a vital component for a country, which links public needs with the private sector.

ZANIS reports that Mr Kpundeh adds that public procurement, is a powerful driver for development, adding that it provides goods and services to meet the country’s needs.

He noted that public procurement further strengthens social development and the local economy and can also boost investment in the country.

He stated that making up between 10 and 12 percent of the country’s GDP, transparent and accountable public procurement systems have the power to catalyse private sector development by opening up business opportunities, as well as improving the business and investment environment.

The World Bank Group Country Manager, said this in Lusaka today during a consultative workshop with the private sector, on enhancing the capacity of local contractors in procurement, with focus on the energy sector projects.

He observed that procurement is a vital part of any project, be it infrastructure, capacity building, privatization or energy sector reforms, irrespective of the source of financing.

And Mr. Kpundeh noted that since the World Bank is a development institution and not a commercial bank, it has a moral and legal responsibility to ensure that resources provided by the institution are used in accordance with the objectives of the loan or credit agreement.

Sinjela walks to freedom after 327 days in prison


Rainbow Newspaper Editor Derrick Sinjela has been released from prison after 327 days in detention.

Sinjela was sentenced to 18 months in prison for contempt of court last December.

To celebrate his 63rd birthday, President Edgar Lungu pardoned Sinjela and three other convicts yesterday.

Sinjela’s family who had been waiting around Chimbokaila Correctional Facility in Lusaka since Tuesday morning only saw him walk free around 17:30 Hours.

Sinjela appeared from behind the massive green prison gate clad a red MISA t-shirt spotting a thick black and grey beard.

Upon release, Sinjela was quickly whisked away in a waiting vehicle to avoid the waiting cameras at the instigation prison officials who did not want photos to be taken.

Sinjela’s wife was on hand to welcome her husband back to freedom.

Former Mines Minister Maxwell Mwale was released from the same facility on Tuesday also on Presidential pardon.

KCM U-turns on ban on workers from doing politics

Konkola Copper Mine(KCM)
Konkola Copper Mine(KCM)

Konkola Copper Mines has backtracked on its directive to workers not to engage in political activities and the ban on the use of cell phones in selected mine areas.

According to a staff memo issued late on Monday, KCM Vice President for Human Capital Management Beatrice Mutamba said the order to ban workers from participating in political activities has been withdrawn.

“Management wishes to advise all employees that the above policy (KCM-P104-Employee Participation in Political Activities, as well as the restriction of cell phone use in selected operational areas, have been withdrawn with immediate effect,” the memo read.

“Management shall advise employees accordingly in due course.”

The decision to withdraw the policy follows National Democratic Congress President Chishimba Kambwili threats to take legal action against KCM liquidator Milingo Lungu for threatening KCM employees in active politics with dismissal.

Dr. Kambwili has urged Mr. Lungu not to use KCM to fight political battles for his paymasters adding that civil servants are not allowed to take part in politics.

The NDC leader wondered why Mr. Lungu who is only the liquidator for KCM could now start trading on political lines.

Dr. Kambwili added that KCM currently has about 20 PF serving councilors as employees and hoped that they too would be asked to either resign their jobs or councillorship.

He has urged the KCM liquidator to be careful as NDC was watching him.

UNZA is a fossil, an eyesore-Sishuwa


University of Zambia Lecturer Sishuwa Sishuwa has described the state of infrastructure at UNZA as an eyesore.

Mr Sishuwa said both the Great East Road and Ridgeway campus have suffered many years of neglect.

In a series of Tweets, Mr Sishuwa said UNZA today looks like a fossil.

“Each time l enter University of Zambia, l can’t help noticing the contempt with which our present rulers regard what should be an institution that takes pride of place in our hearts. UNZA today looks like a fossil or bombing survivor: forlorn, abandoned, dilapidated, an eyesore.”

He added, “Like Zambia today, our main university is a dream in ruins. UNZA has a rich history. I hope that, one day, we will get a national leadership that will complete building this site of making critical knowledge, rebuild and restore it onto its right place and status in the country.”

“We have a long way to go to get to a better future, but we must go there! Most importantly, the provision of mass and quality education has to be a central feature of our imagined better future. We have work to do, lots of work, if we are to change who we are today.”

Mr Sishuwa charged that Zambians are not serious.

“How can we embark on building new universities when we can’t maintain existing ones? We expend an astonishing amount of effort and energy on trivial issues, ignoring major and pressing questions of national importance: education, health, housing and transport.”

He said, “The whole place is a mess. Many buildings that form the University of Zambia, both at Great East Road and Ridgeway campuses, look to be on the verge of collapse while some are engulfed by raw sewage from the institution’s long broken and effectively dysfunctional toilet system.”

“We all must do what we can to, in the end, rebel against the pitiful state of our sub-human existence.”

Dr Sishuwa said UNZA does not qualify to be called a university.

“It’s discretionary to continue calling the institution a university and miraculous that there is anything left to see at all. How sad to see what our main public university, which at one time was one of the leading higher education institutions in the region, has been reduced to.”

He also charged that the East Park in which UNZA entered into a long term lease agreement with private developers to construct a shopping mall on university land is a scam.

“The EastPark project is, simply put, a scam, one that demonstrates the frightening mediocrity of our leadership, both at university and national levels, and a unique kind of poverty: the poverty of vision.”