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PF Government pushes ahead with WhatsApp and Netflix tax


The PF government has moved a step closer to enacting a law that will tax internet services.

The move could effectively see internet services such as Netflix and WhatsApp attract tax by as early as January 2020.

This is according to the VAT Amendment Bill 2019 which was issued on 20th November 2019.

The Act shall come into operational January 2020.

In administering the tax, companies offering internet services in Zambia but domiciled out of the country will be expected to appoint a tax agent to handle all tax matters in the country.

According to the Bill, “Electronic Commerce” means the buying, selling and advertising or marketing of goods and services using the internet, mobile telecommunication networks and other electronic commerce infrastructure.

In the Bill, “Electronic Service” is defined as a service capable of delivery of data across multiple electronic platforms.

“A taxable supplier shall issue a tax invoice for the supply of goods and services using an electronic fiscal device. A taxable supplier who fails to issue a tax invoice commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a penalty not exceeding 300 penalty units or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years or to both,” the Bill says.

The Bill says the Supplier who does not have a registered office or Permanent address in Zambia shall appoint a tax agent resident in the Republic to act on behalf of the Supplier in tax matters.

“For the purposes of this Section, “Supply of Services” includes the supply of a service that is made by a supplier who is resident in Zambia or carries on a business outside the Republic to a recipient who is resident in Zambia.”

Mukula Cartel report is heartbreaking-HH

HH addressing a news conference at the UPND secretariat on Thursday, April 4th 2019
HH addressing a news conference at the UPND secretariat


Opposition leader Hakainde Hichilema has described as heartbreaking, the latest report which has exposed the Mukula smuggling cartel.

Mr Hichilema said the Mukula smuggling scandal report released by the Washington DC based Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA), implicating President Edgar Lungu, his daughter Tasila, Justice Minister Given Lubinda, and his Lands counterpart Jean Kapata, says everything that people need to know about the sustained push by the government to sell ZAFFICO.

Mr Hichilema said the ZAFFICO sale issue was always about smuggling Mukula and the mineral deposits under ZAFFICO land and that now the scam has been exposed by experts.

“What we have been warning people about in the past, has today been revealed in detail and brought to the fore,” Mr Hichilema said

“What we read in this report is exactly what we already knew about this Mukula smuggling scam, but the testimonies from the government officials, smugglers and their Chinese handlers contained in the circulating video are staggering and heartbreaking accounts of recklessness and criminal impunity by people who have been entrusted to govern our country.”

He added, “Zambians; wake up now and see this regime for what it truly is, a Government of thieves. It’s a syndicate of institutionalized criminals hellbent on stripping national resources to the core. This needs to stop forthwith,” Mr Hichilema said.

A new report by the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) dubbed Mukula Cartel has exposed how associates connected to President Lungu, including his daughter Tasila, onetime resident of the United States of America, are reportedly involved in the plunder of valuable, increasingly scarce, mukula rosewood trees; and hence the destruction of Zambia’s vulnerable forests.

The investigation shows that despite public pledges to end the illegal mukula trade, several politicians are repeatedly named as key actors in an influential timber trafficking network that bypasses existing national bans on mukula harvest and export.

The report raises serious concern about implementation of the recent international protection granted to the threatened mukula tree by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).

Concerned by a rapid decline of rosewood trees commonly called Mukula in central and southern Africa, the 183 CITES-member governments agreed at the 18th Conference of the Parties to include the species on Appendix II in order to regulate its international trade and protect it from extinction.

The binding international measure took effect on November 26th, 2019.

Meanwhile, EIA undercover investigators documented how the state-owned company Zambia Forestry and Forest Industries Corporation Limited (ZAFFICO) is secretly used by well-connected Zambian and Chinese business operatives as a cover to export thousands of freshly cut mukula logs. This illegal trade flourishes in spite of bans on the harvest, transport, and export of mukula.

According to EIA’s findings, senior officials including the Minister of Lands and Natural Resources, Jean Kapata, help traffickers benefit from the ZAFFICO scheme.

Investigators also found that the illicit timber networks – described by one trafficker as a “cartel” – are reportedly connected to President Lungu and include his daughter Tasila, Senior Chief Nkula Kafula Musungu II, and Justice Minister Given Lubinda.

According to revelations made to EIA, the high-level corruption takes many forms – including, for example, US$40,000 worth of outfits allegedly “donated” by a powerful Chinese trafficker to the Zambian president for his re-election campaign.

Sources also highlighted how special permits to export mukula logs have been commonly traded in exchange for votes. A trafficker further explained to EIA investigators that he manages his clandestine operations in “joint venture” with the ruling party PF’s central committee.

EIA estimates that over 50 40-foot containers of mukula logs have been illegally exported each month from June 2017 to May 2019; their transit and export allowed as a result of an estimated total of $7.5 million in bribes and informal fees paid annually, as explained by traffickers.

The money lost to the illegal mukula trade could have been spent on public services that benefit the lives of Zambians; instead the loss of these trees threatens the livelihoods of local communities.

Lisa Handy, Director of Forest Campaigns at EIA-US, said: “If not dismantled, the mukula cartel has the power to derail the international protection granted to these rare African trees. This will result in a continued assault against fragile forests and rural communities.”

The mukula cartel’s operations are driven by international demand almost exclusively from China. Handy adds: “China has a unique opportunity to stop rosewood trafficking networks and to protect the world’s threatened forests by prohibiting import of illegal timber.”

EIA recommends that Zambia suspends the trade of mukula using a zero-export quota until illicit trafficking networks are dismantled, and the requisite for trading under CITES – including Non-Detriment Finding (NDF) and Legal Acquisition Finding (LAF) – are met and shared publicly. It is essential that Zambia complies with the new CITES rules regarding the mukula trade, or the tree will simply cease to exist.

President Lungu condemns Opposition for Shooting Celebrating PF Members

President Edgar Lungu
President Edgar Lungu

President Edgar Lungu has condemned the shooting incident reported in Mpulungu, Northern Province in the aftermath of the council by-elections.

The President expressed sadness that one person was injured in the incident.

President Lungu says according to reports one of the opposition members opened fire at the victorious Patriotic Front (PF) members, who were celebrating.

President Lungu has since called on churches to counsel their members emerging from different denominations not to engage in political violence.

He says the love that exists among Christians must also permeate the political landscape.

President Lungu also noted that some politicians have realized the importance of worshipping God as they now flock to different churches in a day.

The Head of State was speaking yesterday before he unveiled the United Church of Zambia (UCZ) Synod headquarters in Lusaka’s Woodlands area.

President Lungu observed that Zambia is on the right trajectory of transformation owing to modern buildings being constructed.

He said the new UCZ Synod headquarters is one of the buildings that have changed the face of Lusaka.

At the same function, UCZ Secretary-General Peggy Kabonde said God could turn around any negative situation in Zambia.

Dr. Kabonde invoked God’s blessings upon President Edgar Lungu as he presides over national affairs.

She also called on Zambians to love one another regardless of political affiliations.

Davies Mwila gives PF Province Minister a 24-hour ultimatum to resign or be fired for losing a Ward Seat to UPND

Davies Mwila PF Secretary General
Davies Mwila PF Secretary General

PF secretary general Davies has given Northern Province Minister Lazarus Chungu a 24-hour ultimatum in which to show cause why he should continue as party’s Provincial Chair after losing a ward by-election in Lupososhi constituency.

In the December 5 by-elections, the opposition United Party for National Development (UPND) snatched the Ilambo ward seat in Lupososhi Constituency, which is a PF stronghold and coincidentally, Chungu is area member of parliament.

But this loss angered the ruling party and its chief executive officer, Mwila who announced at his briefing yesterday morning that the party had asked Chungu to either resign by himself or be fired from his position at the party.

“Although the opposition scooped the Ilambo in ward-Lupososhi, they did not win it because of their appeal or their efforts, but we lost it because of the complacency of our structures in this area, ” Mr. Mwila said.

“Lupososhi Constituency, in general, is very significant to the Patriotic Front because it is the first-ever constituency to elect a PF member of parliament in 2001. Added to this, it is a constituency that has the current Provincial Minister and interim Provincial PF Chairperson as its Member of Parliament.”

“How does a sitting Provincial Minister and interim Provincial chairman lose in his own house,” Mr Mwila wondered.

“There must be accountability for this glitch in our performance which has been generally exceptional. This is unacceptable and something must be done,” Mwila said.

“Ilambo ward will coming back to PF where it rightfully belongs, because of the PF development agenda under the leadership of President Edgar Chagwa Lungu. But I want to say that as chief executive officer of the party, I have taken the issue to talk to the Provincial Chairman who is also member of parliament and Provincial Minister to make a decision whether he should keep the position of Provincial Minister or not. Failure to decide within 24 hours, a decision will be made by the secretariat. I hope you’ve understood what I mean.”

Asked what the party would do should Chungu refuse to step down, Mwila said the party secretariat would remove him forcefully.

“I did indicate to him to make a decision to step aside and I am waiting for him to make a decision. If he doesn’t, a decision will be made by the secretariat. If he cannot make a decision within 24 hours, on Monday I will be in Luwingu, so I will announce the decision in Luwingu, [which is] better,” he responded.

Mwila, however, commended his party for participating in violence-free by-elections.

“After yesterday’s by-elections, there is a pattern that is now more evident for everyone to see than ever before. There is a clear trend that distinguishes elections in our strongholds from those in opposition areas. Elections conducted in PF Strongholds are peaceful and without violence, while those held in opposition strangleholds are marred with violence and bloodshed. We wish to commend all stakeholders for conducting peaceful elections in the respective areas and we appeal to the opposition to watch and learn the way of peace from us,” Mwila said.

Meanwhile, Mwila called on the UPND to respect the country’s culture and the consensus of Zambian people on homosexuality.

“The UPND must not only learn peaceful ways as we have demonstrated in our strongholds, they must also learn to respect the consensus of Zambian people on homosexuality. The agenda of the UPND and its leader sponsored by foreign agents to legalize the homosexuality in Zambia goes against our cultural and traditional heritage as well as our Christian values. It is a shame that UPND and its leader have stooped so low as to embrace an abomination, just for the sake of foreign sponsorship to enter State House. As for Edgar Lungu and his PF house with the People of Zambia; we reject to legalise the abomination of homosexuality; and we instead choose to serve the Lord and uphold our culture,” said Mwila.

Shortage of mealie meal hit Choma District in Southern Province

Some of the donated bags of mealie meal
mealie meal

A shortage of mealie meal has hit Choma District in Southern Province.

Southern Province Deputy Kennedy Mubanga told ZANIS the provincial administration has written to the Ministry of Agriculture requesting for an urgent release of maize to Choma Milling Company to help mitigate the shortage.

Mr Mubanga has also confirmed that the milling plant has suspended production due to lack of raw materials.

A check by ZANIS revealed that most major outlets had run out of mealie-meal.

All outlets for Choma Milling Company, the major supplier of mealie meal,had run out of the commodity.

Jean Kapata to sue over the Mukula Cartel Report

Minister of Lands and Natural Resources, Hon. Jean Kapata
Minister of Lands and Natural Resources, Hon. Jean Kapata

Minister of Lands and Natural Resources Hon Jean Kapata has expressed disappointment that a Zambian newspaper can go all the way defaming the President and his Ministers to please their local and foreign sponsors.

She said at a press briefing, yesterday, that News Diggers is supposed to be a professional publication whose core virtue must be to seek the truth which is a value for all professional journalists.

Hon Kapata said in reporting fabrications, journalists from News Diggers threw their ethics out of the window to please their sponsors.

“I am deeply upset by the contents of a so-called report that has been maliciously circulated by an organization calling itself the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA). I am even more appalled that a Zambian newspaper can go all the way in defaming the President and his ministers without verification. I presume News Diggers is supposed to be a professional publication whose core virtue must be to seek the truth which is a value for all professional journalists, ” she said

“I do not want to believe these journalists do not know their ethics. I believe they threw their ethics out of the window to please their sponsors. This is very sad,” She said.

“We hear, daily, submissions from the media asking for press freedom. I am personally an advocate for press freedom but I do not support press freedom based on hurting innocent Zambians.”

She stated that the government will not be detracted by enemies of the State, local and international, as they pursue its development agenda.

“Government is under siege from its enemies, local and foreign. You are going to see more of this gutter journalism. You are going to see malicious videos like the one you have seen today but all this is fake,” she added.

“Government will not be detracted by enemies of the state, local and international, as we pursue our development agenda. Let me conclude by saying, I am going to sue News Diggers and  the so-called investigative agency.”


Chiyangi Backs Kaseba to End League Drought


Green Eagles striker Tapson Kaseba has received a vote of confidence from coach Aggrey Chiyangi despite his current league drought.

Kaseba has three continental and regional club cup competition goals this season but has surprisingly yet to hit the mark in the league by his high standards after ten games played by the 2019 transitional season runners-up.

“I think what is important for him is to personally say ‘I need to work extra-hard’,” Chiyangi said.

“The goodness is that he making the right decisions but the final part is where he is making mistakes.”

Game number eleven for Kaseba and Eagles is this Saturday when they host Red Arrows in a top-five clash in Choma as the home-side continues to clear their backlog in the midst of the two- week, mid-season break that ends on December 21.

Eagles are fifth on 19 points, five points behind Arrows who are third on 24 points.

However, Arrows have been in stuttering form since Nkana ended their unbeaten start to the 2019/20 FAZ Super Division season four games ago with that 3-0 win in Kitwe on October 30.

Since then, Arrows have collected just four points from as many matches that have both come in their last two games.

Eagles on the other hand have been grinding out results and are unbeaten since September 8 when Zanaco beat them 2-1 in Lusaka and have since then won five and drawn three games.

They head into the rescheduled Week 11 fixture following a 1-0 home win over Green Buffaloes on December 4 that saw them exchange places on the table.
Another home win on December 7 will see Eagles rise to fourth , displacing Nkana on 22 and 21 points respectively.

Meanwhile, leaders Zesco United have 28 points and Napsa Stars are second on 25 points.

-Independence Stadium,Choma
13h00:Nakambala Leopards-Lumwana Radiants
15h00:Green Eagles-Red Arrows

COSAFA U20 Preview: Zambia Turn Focus on Comoros


Zambia U20 national team hope to consolidate their top position on Saturday when they play Comoros in their penultimate Group A game at the 2019 COSAFA U20 Cup Nkoloma Stadium in Lusaka.

The hosts made a flying start to their 2019 COSAFA U20 Cup campaign taking place in Lusaka from December 4 to 14 at Nkoloma and Sunset Stadium.

Oswald Mutapa’s side began their campaign with a 5-0 bashing of Botswana on December 4 at Nkoloma.

But Mutapa said it is not time to start thinking of the semifinals with another Group A contender Malawi also making a flying start last Saturday when they crushed Comoros 4-0 and now looming in a potential semifinal place decider on December 9 at Nkoloma.

“It is always important to start the tournament with a win,” Mutapa said.
“It gives the team confidence ahead of the next game. We are happy we scored a lot of goals, it also gives the strikers confidence that they require.

“But we are not going to jump into talking about the semifinals; our focus is just on the next game.”

Good or bad, Zambia will again have the luxury of watching Malawi face Botswana in the early Group A kickoff.

Meanwhile, Comoros coach Francois Ali insists they will not repeat the mistakes of the Malawi match against Zambia.

“It is football, I know it will be very difficult against the host team but we will change some aspects about our game,” Ali said.

“Against Zambia we will do our best come what may.”

UPND MP says he is receiving death threats for refusing to walk out parliament

UPND Nalikwanda Member of Parliament Geoffrey Lungwangwa
UPND Nalikwanda Member of Parliament Geoffrey Lungwangwa

United Party for National Development (UPND) Nalikwanda Member of Parliament Geoffrey Lungwangwa says he has been receiving threats on his life.

This allegedly follows his decision NOT to walk out of Parliament in protest against the restoration of the Constitution Amendment Bill 10 on the Order Paper on Tuesday.

Out of the 58 UPND members of parliament, only Professor Lungwangwaand his Solwezi West counterpart Teddy Kasonso remained in the house during the walkout protest.

The Constitution Amendment Bill number ten of 2019 was restored to the Order Paper in line with Standing Order number 26 clause one of the National Assembly.

Meanwhile, Professor Lungwangwa emphasised that there is a need for compromise and dialogue among political stakeholders over the Constitution Amendment Process.

He cited that due to comprise and dialogue some proposals such as the formation of Coalition government after an election, have been removed from the Constitution Amendment Bill.

Professor Lungwangwa also reminded Zambians to emulate the compromise that the American people exhibited in the year 1700 to come up with that country’s constitution which has stood the test of time.

Lwandamina: Zesco United Ready for TP Mazembe


Zesco United coach George Lwandamina insists Saturday’s 2019/2020 CAF Champions League Group A clash against TP Mazembe is a meeting of equals despite the visitors pedigree.

The 2019 semifinals and five-time African champions visit Zesco at Levy Mwanawasa Stadium leading Group A on 3 points heading into match-day -two on December 7.

Mazembe beat fellow five-time champions Zamalek of Egypt 3-0 last Saturday at home in DR Congo.

Zesco are second on 1 point following a 1- away draw in Angola on the same date against Premiero de Agosto in Luanda.

“Yes, it is a very big game, not only for Zesco, even for TP Mazembe. I am sure it won’t be an easy game for both teams,” Lwandamina said.

“Angola had its own permutations. We tried what we could but, fortunately or unfortunately, we got a draw.”

This will be the second successive season that Zesco and Mazembe will be meeting in the Copper-Zone derby.

Mazembe eliminated Zesco from last season’s CAF Champions League at the pre-group stage winning 1-0 in Lubumbashi but were held 1-1 in Ndola.

It was the two side’s first continental meeting after numerous club friendly dates.

“Going into this game, we have done our homework. I know TP has gone through a metamorphosis and they have been in existence for some time now,” Lwandamina said.

“I am sure they are coming with some motivation after beating Zamalek 3-0.”
Jackson Muleka, who scored in Mazembe’s home win over Zesco last December, scored a brace against Zamalek.

The legendary Tresor Mputu, who scored in the Ndola draw, netted the other goal the against the Egyptians.

“It will be an interesting game and I am sure we are ready for the challenge,” Lwandamina said.

“Both teams go into this game on an even platform.”

Meanwhile, Zamalek are also home on Saturday night in Cairo where they will be seeking their first points when they host Agosto.

President Edgar Lungu warns Millers hoarding maize and creating an artificial shortage

President Lungu

President Edgar Lungu has advised millers desist from hoarding maize and creating an artificial shortage of the commodity.

President Lungu says the government is aware of such schemes aimed at further increasing the price of mealie meal, which he says will fail because of various measures put in place such as taking stock of available maize.

He says government through the Zambia Statistics Agency is formerly known Central Statistics Office has conducted a survey on food security which Minister of Agriculture Michael Katambo will soon update the nation on.

Commissioning the new 20-million-dollar African Milling Maize plant in Lusaka today, President Lungu said the plant will increase maize processing hence noted the need to address load shedding challenges.

He advised other Milling plants to emulate African Milling which has also diversified into input distribution which makes it easier to mop up maize for production.

And President Lungu further advised Milling plants to put in place measures of buying maize from farmers and stop relying on the Food Reserve Agency -FRA- whose core business is buying maize for strategic reserves.

He also noted that the expansion in milling plants in the country is a clear indication of growth in diversification.

And, African Milling says the commissioning of the milling expansion plant is a wave of hope to Zambians amidst increased mealie meal prices.

Meanwhile, Agriculture Minister Michael Katambo called on farmers to position themselves and benefit from increased demand of maize owing to increased demand.

Mr. Katambo, however, noted that low productivity levels have affected farmers.

And, Lusaka Province Minister, Bowman Lusambo said his office is impressed with the increase in food processing plants opening up in the province.

He expressed optimism of mealie meal prices further reducing owing to an increase in the number of milling plants opening up coupled with an anticipated maize bumper harvest.

Government has prioritized the enhancement of education-Tasila Lungu

Tasila Lungu spotted at a PF event
Tasila Lungu spotted at a PF event

Nkoloma Ward One Councillor, Tasila Lungu says the Government has prioritized the enhancement of education, especially in rural areas in order to create equality among Zambians.

Speaking when she officiated at the Francis Chipasha Award at Kansenje basic school in Kafue, Ms. Lungu said education is the only tool that provides equality to all Zambians.

Ms. Lungu said this is because the government has reduced school fees from primary, secondary and tertiary schools across the country.

She said President Edgar Lungu is from a humble background and believes in uplifting the living standards of ordinary Zambians.

Ms. Lungu said the government will never leave the poor people behind because the late Michael Sata formed the government on pro-poor policies.

She, however, thanked the people of Kafue for supporting the government as it endeavors to take development in all parts of the country.

And Sponsor, Francis Chipasha said with the good policies of the government, the school will continue producing good results.

He, however, called on other former pupils to come back and support the school activities.

Mr. Chipasha however, pledged a 15,000 Kwacha towards the procurement of a new bus for the school.

PF Rubbishes The Mukula Cartel EIA Report and links its authorship to HH

PF Media Director Sunday Chanda
PF Media Director Sunday Chanda

The ruling Patriotic Front (PF) has rubbished the 20-page report published by the US-based Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA-US) linking President Edgar Lungu, his daughter, and Cabinet Ministers to the plunder and the trafficking in Mukula tree.


In a statement released to the media, PF Media Director Sunday Chanda described the report as a desperate attempt by foreign-based entities for regime change in Zambia, and replace the current Government with what he described as surrogate parties who would promote gay rights and sale State assets and the Country’s mineral wealth should they usurp power.

Mr Chanda further said that PF found it interesting is that the document has been released just weeks or so after the opposition leader, Hakainde Hichilema returned from the United States where some unknown persons promised him funding if he took overpower.

” This is no coincidence given the desperation by Mr. Hichilema and the UPND to usurp power “by fire, by thunder.” The UPND needs to wait a little longer, 2036 is not far off,  ” Mr Chanda said.


Below is the full PF Statement on the Mukula Cartel report




The Patriotic Front has read through the 20-document by a US-based NGO called the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA-US) in which the organization struggled to link the First Family of President Lungu and Cabinet Ministers to the trafficking in Mukula tree.

The PF would like to forewarn members of the public that in desperate attempts by foreign-based entities for regime change in Zambia, the months ahead will be characterised by worthless pieces of reports and drama authored to dent the image of the leadership of the Patriotic Front in favour of their surrogate parties who would promote gay rights and sale State assets and the Country’s mineral wealth should they usurp power.

The Party is not shocked by attempts of this foreign-based entity to link the key figures into their so-called report as not doing so would have made that report unreadable and worthless to any sane person or institution, including their funders. The report contains no details except some semblance of an interview by unknown persons talking about known persons in Zambia. The report does not contain any substantive linkages, traceable institutions or individuals who are participating in the so-called matrix.

The report is clearly a figment of some people’s imagination, as it is without any critical data, no any grain of truth is baseless and a mere tool for propaganda!

We have no doubt that the so-called “investigation” was the works of authors who sat in a Boardroom overseas to draft the report that would attract the equally bored minds within and outside Zambia.

What is interesting too is that the document has been released just weeks or so after the opposition leader, Hakainde Hichilema returned from the United States where some unknown persons promised him funding if he took overpower. This is no a coincidence given the desperation by Mr. Hichilema and the UPND to usurp power “by fire, by thunder.” The UPND needs to wait a little longer, 2036 is not far off.

As we remind the EIA-US that this report is not worthy of any action from the PF administration, we ask our President and Ministers to focus on delivering development to the Zambian people than responding to “boardroom reports” which are engineered to attract their attention. It is not worthy to respond any further to this document, as without having mentioned the key names of Zambian leaders, it would not have been any worthy than a newspaper does after its use.

Issued by

Sunday Chanda
Media Director
Patriotic Front
Party Headquarters

Cops gun down 7 criminals

Zambia police riot troop on airport road

Police in Lusaka have gunned down seven notorious criminals suspected to be foreign nationals in an exchange of fire in Lusaka’s Makeni Simson area.

And Police have recovered four firearms among them, three pistols and a revolver with rounds of ammunition.

Police Spokesperson, Mwata Katongo says the incident happened last evening after Police received a tip off from members of the public that suspected criminals were about to stage a robbery in the area.

Mrs Katongo says during a search in a motor vehicle which the criminals were using a Toyota Ipsum registration ALX 8160, silver in color, a further recovery of 36 rounds of ammunition of a revolver was made.

She told ZNBC News in Lusaka that two number plates bearing registrations AAJ 4317 and ABM 9712, two masks, four reverts, 22 assorted cell phones were also recovered and assorted foreign currency among them Chinese, Indian, Zimbabwean, Malawian and Singapor currencies.

Mrs Katongo said the men are suspected to have been behind a spate of aggravated robberies in Lusaka targeting foreign nationals.

The bodies are in UTH mortuary awaiting identification and postmortem.

And Mrs Katongo says Police are on high alert to curb any criminal activities during the festive season.

She says Police have intensified patrols on high ways and in communities across the country so as to avert crime and also called on the business community to enhance security at business premises especially car parks so as to protect properties of their clients.

More refugees seek asylum in Zambia

Congo DRC refugees at Kenani camp transit centre in the Nchelenge
File:Congo DRC refugees at Kenani camp transit centre in the Nchelenge

The number of Congolese refugees seeking asylum in Zambia has doubled in the last three months of 2019, despite that country holding an election which ushered in a new government.

Commissioner for Refugees Abdon Mawere has disclosed that the number of asylum seekers entering the country from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in the last three months has continued to rise.

Mr Mawere said the country is now receiving Congolese asylum seekers totalling to 200 per month from the usual average of 100 per month which the country used to receive after the elections in the DRC.

He stated that the number of asylum seekers from the DRC started dwindling at the beginning of 2019 after the elections in that country, which he said is not the case now as the numbers have begun to swell.

He said the commission is concerned with the increasing number, noting that they need to take care of the new arrivals besides those who are already in the settlements.

He added the new arrivals of refugees are being taken to Meheba in North-western Province where over 20,000 refugees from the DRC and other countries are currently hosted.

The Commissioner further noted that the asylum seekers are coming from the North East of the DRC, a region that is still experiencing sporadic fighting between militias.

He said the asylum seekers are arriving through Mpulungu and Nsumbu in the northern region of the country, where they are kept in transit centres before being transported to Meheba in the North-western part of Zambia.

He stated that the current trend of refugee arrival is likely to continue going on in 2020 which calls for the preparation of resources, in order to take care of the basic needs of more arrivals from the DRC.

Zambia is currently hosting over 84,000 refugees, former refugees and persons of concern, most of whom are from the DRC.