Sunday, October 6, 2024
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Cops gun down 7 criminals

Zambia police riot troop on airport road

Police in Lusaka have gunned down seven notorious criminals suspected to be foreign nationals in an exchange of fire in Lusaka’s Makeni Simson area.

And Police have recovered four firearms among them, three pistols and a revolver with rounds of ammunition.

Police Spokesperson, Mwata Katongo says the incident happened last evening after Police received a tip off from members of the public that suspected criminals were about to stage a robbery in the area.

Mrs Katongo says during a search in a motor vehicle which the criminals were using a Toyota Ipsum registration ALX 8160, silver in color, a further recovery of 36 rounds of ammunition of a revolver was made.

She told ZNBC News in Lusaka that two number plates bearing registrations AAJ 4317 and ABM 9712, two masks, four reverts, 22 assorted cell phones were also recovered and assorted foreign currency among them Chinese, Indian, Zimbabwean, Malawian and Singapor currencies.

Mrs Katongo said the men are suspected to have been behind a spate of aggravated robberies in Lusaka targeting foreign nationals.

The bodies are in UTH mortuary awaiting identification and postmortem.

And Mrs Katongo says Police are on high alert to curb any criminal activities during the festive season.

She says Police have intensified patrols on high ways and in communities across the country so as to avert crime and also called on the business community to enhance security at business premises especially car parks so as to protect properties of their clients.

More refugees seek asylum in Zambia

Congo DRC refugees at Kenani camp transit centre in the Nchelenge
File:Congo DRC refugees at Kenani camp transit centre in the Nchelenge

The number of Congolese refugees seeking asylum in Zambia has doubled in the last three months of 2019, despite that country holding an election which ushered in a new government.

Commissioner for Refugees Abdon Mawere has disclosed that the number of asylum seekers entering the country from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in the last three months has continued to rise.

Mr Mawere said the country is now receiving Congolese asylum seekers totalling to 200 per month from the usual average of 100 per month which the country used to receive after the elections in the DRC.

He stated that the number of asylum seekers from the DRC started dwindling at the beginning of 2019 after the elections in that country, which he said is not the case now as the numbers have begun to swell.

He said the commission is concerned with the increasing number, noting that they need to take care of the new arrivals besides those who are already in the settlements.

He added the new arrivals of refugees are being taken to Meheba in North-western Province where over 20,000 refugees from the DRC and other countries are currently hosted.

The Commissioner further noted that the asylum seekers are coming from the North East of the DRC, a region that is still experiencing sporadic fighting between militias.

He said the asylum seekers are arriving through Mpulungu and Nsumbu in the northern region of the country, where they are kept in transit centres before being transported to Meheba in the North-western part of Zambia.

He stated that the current trend of refugee arrival is likely to continue going on in 2020 which calls for the preparation of resources, in order to take care of the basic needs of more arrivals from the DRC.

Zambia is currently hosting over 84,000 refugees, former refugees and persons of concern, most of whom are from the DRC.

UPND should not get Misguided by Wining a Ward in Northern Province-Inonge Wina

Kafwanka Polling station

Vice President Inonge Wina has said that  United Party for National Development (UPND) should not be misguided by its victory of the Ilambo Ward election in Lupososhi in Northern Province into believing it has penetrated the PF stronghold.

Mrs. Wina has described the victory as harvesting a small fish in a big lake.

She says PF has won elections in the so-called opposition strongholds but had not exhibited such excitement as by the UPND.

Mrs. Wina also says non-violent campaigns in Milenge should be a litmus test for political parties and the PF will set the path.

She says violence has been experienced lately in areas where UPND has a strong showing.

And Mrs. Wina has regretted the negativity being peddled around Bill 10.

She implored MPs to understand the Bill and explain in a clear perspective.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Wina says the government will ensure jobs are not lost in the mines and would verify the lifespan of Baluba Mine in Luanshya.

She also says DMMU will continue its program of sending relief to needy areas and implored MPs to get involved in the program.

The Vice President says sensitization campaigns will be heightened against the vandalism of Lusaka’s Bombay drainage built at a huge cost.

She says the drainage plays a critical role in the prevention of water-borne diseases like cholera.

Mrs Wina also says reports alleging police officers on the Copperbelt were selling confiscated mealie-meal as false.

Mrs Wina says homosexuality is a contentious issue.

She says Zambians are not ready to accept homosexuality based on Christian values and local culture.

She says currently there is no hope that Zambians would accept homosexuality which matter has been political and went global after the sentencing of a gay couple of Kapiri Mposhi to 15 years in prison.

Mrs. Wina refuted claims that the government has hired private prosecutors in the Kambwili defamation case.

Regarding launching an airline, Mrs. Wina says the government is sorting out technicalities before launching the airline and is very determined.

Meanwhile,  Patriotic Front candidate Chanda Masheke has won the Milenge Council by-election with a landslide.

Mr. Masheke polled 4,409 votes beating his only rival Brave Nsamba of UPND who polled 1,237 votes out of 5,765 total votes cast.

Returning officer Duncan Chipulu declared Mr. Masheke winner of the by-election at 08:28 hrs.

And PF Campaign Manager Chitalu Chilufya thanked the opposition UPND for a peaceful campaign.

Dr. Chilufya said the people of Milenge have shown exemplary conduct that will be emulated in many parts of the country.

He said the people of Milenge have confidence in the PF because the party has been delivering development.

Dr. Chilufya said many other projects will be implemented through the choice of the PF council chairperson.

He said people in the district are yearning for development which will be delivered.

And Mr. Masheke said he will immediately begin to work and that there is NO honeymoon.

He also thanked President Lungu and the people of Milenge for the support during campaigns and during voting.

Problems with Central Bank’s take on Bill 10

Bank of Zambia
Bank of Zambia


By Dr Grieve Chelwa

In July of this year I raised concerns with a proposed amendment to the functions of the Bank of Zambia (BoZ). The proposed amendments are contained in the infamous 2019 Constitution Amendment Bill (aka Bill 10).

Specifically, Bill 10 proposes to delete clause (2) of Article 213 of the current Constitution and replace it with a new clause. Article 213 (2) of the current constitution spells out BoZ’s functions as follows:

“(2) The functions of the Bank of Zambia are to— (a) issue the currency of the Republic; (b) determine monetary policy; and (c) regulate banking and financial services, banks, financial and non-banking institutions, as prescribed.”

Bill 10 proposes that Article 213 (2) be replaced with:

“(2) The function of the Bank of Zambia is to formulate and implement monetary policy.”

The concluding section of my July blog post read as follows:

“So it seems that the Draft Amendment Bill seeks to strip away from the Central Bank the functions of issuing currency and the regulation of the financial sector. These two functions are pretty core to what central banks do across the world. And I can’t see how another entity would logically takeover these functions, particularly the one to do with issuing currency. And the Draft Amendment Bill is silent on where functions (a) and (c) will now sit.

This is a strange amendment and one hopes that Members of Parliament will probe for details and justifications once the Bill is tabled in the National Assembly.”

Yesterday, BoZ issued a belated press statement seeking to explain the reasons for the proposed amendment. Below is an excerpt of the most important parts of their press statement:

“The proposed provisions relating to the Central Bank were motivated by the Bank which is of the view that the Constitution should only contain broad constitutional principles which are operationalised through detailed legislation passed by Parliament. In this regard, the Bank submitted proposals for amendment of the Constitution regarding the Central Bank’s functions to be restricted to the primary function, while additional functions, objectives and powers will continue to be subject of an Act of Parliament as envisaged under Article 215 of the Constitution of Zambia, Act No. 2 of 2016. The Bank has thus submitted to the Government that the primary function of the Bank should be to formulate and implement Monetary Policy. This submission is consistent with best practice on central banking and also complies with the SADC Model Law for Central Banks which stipulates that all Central Banks in the region should move towards adopting a single primary objective.”

BoZ’s press statement revealed that they are the originators of the proposed amendment.

Further, the proposed amendment, according to BoZ, has two objectives: 1. Maintain broad principles in the Constitution but have specifics spelled out in subsidiary legislation and 2. Bring the Bank’s “primary function” in line with “best practice” and in line with SADC Model Law for Central Banks.

I find the Central Bank’s motivations to be highly problematic and also confusing. First, the issuance of currency is no ordinary function such that its specifics can be left out of the Constitution. Relegating specifics about currency issuance to subsidiary legislation leaves it wide open to manipulation.

The requirements to amend subsidiary legislation are much less demanding than those required to alter sections of the Constitution. Suppose the specifics about currency issuance were only spelled out in subsidiary legislation such as the BoZ Act, nothing would stop a government with sinister aspirations from proposing an easily achievable amendment to remove this function from BoZ and give it to some other less competent entity. And these kind of things are very much possible given the current political context in the country. (It is also telling that the current proposed amendment is silent on where this function will now sit — BoZ is expectant in their statement that this function will sit with them but we all need to remember that BoZ does not make laws. That function is the preserve of the Legislature).

Second, BoZ argues in their press statement that they are proposing the amendments to meet “best practice” and SADC objectives. This is the bit that is confusing. The Constitution is a document meant for the people of Zambia and should only contain the aspirations of the people of Zambia and no one else. Any “best practice” or regional norms should be reflected in our Constitution to the extent that they are in line with our aspirations and our own unique set of circumstances. The latter point is important because the current political climate teaches us every day that we need to make our Constitution ever more specific in its contents rather than make it vague with dilutions. This may not be the case with other countries in SADC who might have better political contexts where such vagueness may not pose existential threats. In any case, the same of objective of satisfying “best practice” and SADC norms can still be met by spelling those out in subsidiary legislation and leaving the Constitutional provisions intact.

In a nutshell, I don’t find BoZ’s justifications convincing and I am still of the opinion that this proposed amendment should be withdrawn and Article 213(2) should remain as is.

Many countries have come asunder due to the careless handling of the printing press.

The Mukula Cartel: President Lungu, His Daughter and Two Cabinet Ministers Named in the New EIA Report

The Mukula Cartel
The Mukula Cartel

A new report by the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA), Mukula Cartel, has exposed how associates connected to Zambian President Edgar Lungu, including his daughter Tasila Lungu are reportedly involved in the plunder of valuable, increasingly scarce, Mukula rosewood trees; and hence the destruction of Zambia’s vulnerable forests.

The investigation showed that despite public pledges to end the illegal Mukula trade, several politicians are repeatedly named as key actors in an influential timber trafficking network that bypasses existing national bans on Mukula harvest and export.

The report raises serious concern about the implementation of the recent international protection granted to the threatened Mukula tree by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). Concerned by a rapid decline of rosewood trees commonly called “Mukula” (Pterocarpus tinctorius) in central and southern Africa, the 183 CITES-member governments agreed at the 18th Conference of the Parties to include the species on Appendix II in order to regulate its international trade and protect it from extinction. The binding international measure took effect on November 26th, 2019.

Meanwhile, EIA undercover investigators documented how the state-owned company Zambia Forestry and Forest Industries Corporation Limited (ZAFFICO) is secretly used by well-connected Zambian and Chinese business operatives as a cover to export thousands of freshly cut Mukula logs. This illegal trade flourishes in spite of bans on the harvest, transport, and export of Mukula.

According to EIA’s findings, senior officials including the Minister of Lands and Natural Resources, Jean Kapata, help traffickers benefit from the ZAFFICO scheme. Investigators also found that the illicit timber networks – described by one trafficker as a “cartel” – are reportedly connected to President Edgar Lungu and include his daughter Tasila Lungu, Senior Chief Nkula Kafula Musungu II, and Justice Minister Given Lubinda.

According to revelations made to EIA, the high-level corruption takes many forms – including, for example, US$40,000 worth of outfits allegedly “donated” by a powerful Chinese trafficker to the Zambian president for his re-election campaign. Sources also highlighted how special permits to export Mukula logs have been commonly traded in exchange for votes. A trafficker further explained to EIA investigators that he manages his clandestine operations in “joint venture” with the ruling party (the Patriotic Front)’s central committee.

EIA estimates that over 50 40-foot containers of Mukula logs have been illegally exported each month from June 2017 to May 2019; their transit and export allowed as a result of an estimated total of $7.5 million in bribes and informal fees paid annually, as explained by traffickers. The money lost to the illegal Mukula trade could have been spent on public services that benefit the lives of Zambians; instead the loss of these trees threatens the livelihoods of local communities.

Lisa Handy, Director of Forest Campaigns at EIA-US, said: “If not dismantled, the mukula cartel has the power to derail the international protection granted to these rare African trees. This will result in a continued assault against fragile forests and rural communities.”

The Mukula cartel’s operations are driven by international demand almost exclusively from China. Handy adds: “China has a unique opportunity to stop rosewood trafficking networks and to protect the world’s threatened forests by prohibiting import of illegal timber.”

EIA recommends that Zambia suspends the trade of Mukula using a zero-export quota until illicit trafficking networks are dismantled, and the requisite for trading under CITES – including Non-Detriment Finding (NDF) and Legal Acquisition Finding (LAF) – are met and shared publicly. It is essential that Zambia complies with the new CITES rules regarding the Mukula trade, or the tree will simply cease to exist.

The Full Report can be found on this Link

or can be downloaded here:  The Mukula Cartel

HH also has land in Controversial Forest, Jean Kapata tells Parliament

Jean kapata, MP, Minister of Lands and Natural Resources
Jean kapata, MP, Minister of Lands and Natural Resources

Lands and Natural Resources Minister Jean Kapata has told parliament that the United Party for National Development(UPND) leader Hakainde Hichilema also has a piece of land in Forest 26 which was also excised from Forest 27 .

Ms. Kapata was responding the nominated Member of Parliament, Rapheal Nakachinda in Parliament who wanted to know those that have been allocated in Forest 27

This was after delivering a ministerial statement on a point of order that was raised by Mazabuka Member of Parliament Gary Nkombo on the status of forest number 27 in Parliament.

Ms. Kapata said government Degazzetted Lusaka East local forest number 27 to allow the Lusaka district to meet the growing development needs.

President Lungu signed SI No 62 of 2017 degazetting of the Forest number 27.

Critics of the Forest 27 wondered why  President signed what they termed a destructive SI, knowing very well that forest reserve 27 is the only forest remaining in Lusaka and a recharge area for Chalimbana and Chongwe rivers.

Critics further argue that all the Zambian Presidents, from Kenneth Kaunda, FTJ Chiluba, Levy Mwanawasa, Rupiah Banda, to Sata, resisted and protected this forest from land scavengers and wondered why President Lungu had seen it fit to Degazatte the forest and have it shared as plots, disregarding the danger and risks involved in what they described as a  careless decision

According to reports, the Water Resources Management Authority (WARMA) wrote a letter to Lusaka Province Planning Authority and expressed serious concerns regarding this development since Forest Number 27 is a groundwater recharge area and also feeds the river systems in the Chalimbana sub-catchment:

“Degazetting this forest for residential plots will threaten water resource availability as this may result in some water sources drying up. As such, WARMA is considering declaring Forest 27 as a Water Resource Protection Area as provided in section 29(1) and 93(1) of the WRM Act. We write to your office seeking confirmation if indeed Forest Number 27 is Degazatted and if there are plans from your Planning Authority to develop this area as depicted in the attached map from Murray Anderson”.

Critics further advised that if President Lungu had nothing to benefit from forest 27 and was misled by his minister of Lands, he should quickly rescind his decision to Degazatte forest 27 as it was not late, adding  that all the developments done so far in the  forest reserve be stopped and the process of getting that land back into a forest be started, and that all those who own plots in this forest must pay for the cost of restoring that land back into a forest reserve.




Aim high, President Lungu urges CAF participants



President Lungu receiving a ZANACO Jersey Replica
President Lungu receiving a ZANACO Jersey Replica

President Edgar Lungu says Zambian football clubs that represent the country in continental football should aim at winning their respective leagues as opposed to being mere participants in the leagues.

President Lungu said football clubs that play continental football should always remember that they represent the country and not their individual clubs.

The Head of State noted that as representatives of the national flag abroad, Zambian clubs should play for victories.

Speaking when he received a replica jersey from Zanaco Football club officials at State House this afternoon, the President noted that sports and football, in particular, is a unifying factor that brings all Zambians of various political affiliations together.

President Lungu is the national soccer team patron said Zambians support all clubs that represent the country at the continental level.

The President urged Zanaco to aim at beating RS Berkane Football Club of Morocco in the Group B CAF Confederation Cup match which will be played at the National Heroes Stadium this Sunday.

And Zanaco FC Board Chairperson Hanstings Mtine invited the Head of State to watch the team when they on the Moroccan on home on Sunday.

Mtine said the presence of the head of state at the stadium will motivate the boys to work hard and collect maximum points which he said is crucial for the team.

Mtine and his delegation presented the three sets of the team’s jerseys to President Lungu who expressed hope to be in attendance depending on his schedule on that day.

Zanaco is tied on the 3rd position with one point at par with DC Motema Pembe of the Democratic Republic of Congo whom they played to a 1 all draw last week in Kinshasa.

The US Ambassador Foote is safe-Joseph Malanji

Zambia’s Ambassador Designate to the Republic of Azerbaijan, Joseph Chilengi said Mr Malanji will represent His Excellency Dr Edgar Chagwa Lungu, President of the Republic of Zambia at the summit scheduled for October 25 to October 26, 2019.
Zambia’s Ambassador Designate to the Republic of Azerbaijan, Joseph Chilengi said Mr Malanji will represent His Excellency Dr Edgar Chagwa Lungu, President of the Republic of Zambia at the summit scheduled for October 25 to October 26, 2019.


The government has dispelled rumours of threats on United States of America (USA) Ambassador to Zambia Daniel Foote’s life following the recent comments he made over the jailing of a homosexual couple to 15 years in imprisonment.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Joseph Malanji says the security of Ambassador Foote is guaranteed and will remain protected by the state.

Presenting a ministerial statement to Parliament today and monitored by ZANIS, Mr Malanji explained that Zambia and the USA continue to enjoy good relations.

He added that with regards to the matter concerning Ambassador Foote’s comments, Zambia will use diplomatic channels to address the issue.

He emphasized that the issue regarding the USA envoy cannot by discussed in parliament, adding that it is a diplomatic issue and Ambassador Foote will continue to enjoy his diplomatic immunity.

The Foreign Affairs Minister further stated that matters relating to the courts of law fall under the Judiciary, which is independent of the legislature.

And First Deputy Speaker Catherine Namugala allowed only one follow up question from Mazabuka Central Member of Parliament Garry Nkombo who was also the mover of the point of order.

Ms. Namugala guided that Zambia is a signatory to many diplomatic conversations therefore she was not in any position to allow the matter concerning Ambassador Foote to be discussed in the house.

Davaos collaborates with Cleo Ice Queen on “Pon me”

Female duo, Davaos released the visual for their collaborative song with Cleo Ice Queen, titled “Pon Me“.

PR Girl Media To Host Third Annual Penthouse Party

The news of the 2019 edition of the Penthouse Party hit us all with curiosity and excitement especially when PR Girl Media announced that the event, dubbed as the best end of year party in Lusaka was to be hosted under the theme “Jungle”. Introduced in 2017, the Penthouse Party is a premium clubbing event that blends nightlife with fashion and has since become a popular “Ke-December” event that the city anxiously waits for throughout the year. The Penthouse Party is certainly a popular choice for party goers, fashion and music enthusiasts with a liking for premium social events.

Following a successful year of hosting trendy events such as Champagne Picnic, Lusaka July and Beerville Oktoberfest, PR Girl Media is closing off 2019 with the Penthouse Party on the 7th of December in Lusaka at Goldman House (Arcades). “The Penthouse Party is a stylish event that receives the attendance of top local celebrities and influencers. The city has shown incredible interest in the event over the last years and the event has proven to be a favorite on Lusaka’s social calendar.” stated Monde and Chishimba Nyambe, Managing Partners of PR Girl Media.

This year, the event is sponsored by Budweiser, Jagermeister, Power FM and Diamond TV. In attendance at the event will be DJ V jeezy, Shadaya, Chef 187, King Illest, Mutale Mwanza, Macky 2, Grace Rumsey and many more.

Further details of the event can be found online via PR Girl Media social media platforms.

Child Fund to invest US$30 million in Zambia

Child Fund Country Director Simba Chingaidze
Child Fund Country Director Simba Chingaidze said his organisation intends to spend the money on various projects, over a period of three years, in order to reach out to over 800,000 vulnerable children.

Child Fund Zambia is earmarked to invest over US$30 million, to promote the well-being of vulnerable children in the country.

ZANIS reports that Child Fund Country Director Simba Chingaidze said his organisation intends to spend the money on various projects, over a period of three years, in order to reach out to over 800,000 vulnerable children.

Mr Chingaidze said the organisation will seek to engage and strengthen partnerships with government and cooperating partners, in order to improve the socioeconomic conditions of vulnerable children across the country.

Mr Chingaidze said this during the Launch of Child Fund Zambia’s three year strategic plan for 2019 to 2021 last night.

And Government has praised Child Fund Zambia for the cardinal role it plays in improving the welfare of deprived, excluded and vulnerable children in the country.

Officiating at the launch of the Child Fund Zambia Strategic Plan, Minister of Community Development and Social Welfare Services Kampamba Chewe said Child Fund Zambia has been a strategic partner in providing for the needs of vulnerable communities in the country.

Mrs Chewe commended Child Fund Zambia for renewing its commitment to expand its services and improve the lives of vulnerable children and their communities through the development of a new strategic plan.

She revealed that government has prioritised the well-being of vulnerable children, by putting up policy and legislative measures that promote and secure the interests of all children.

Mrs Chewe further explained that the National Social Protection Policy seeks to protect children’s rights as well as provide social assistance to incapacitated households, to ensure children have access to basic needs.

The Minister disclosed that about 14, 294 vulnerable children have received educational support from a new project called Service Efficiency and Effectiveness for Vulnerable Children and Adolescents (SEEVCA), being implemented in 15 districts in Lusaka and Copperbelt Provinces.

Mrs Chewe said over 20,000 vulnerable children have been captured under the programme and are being assisted with basic needs and empowerment in order to reduce vulnerability and increase resilience.

The Minister also assured that government will continue to strengthen grant support to children’s homes, the public welfare assistance scheme, and increased access to adoption and foster care services.

Mrs Chewe acknowledged that though tremendous gains have been made in promoting and protecting the interests of vulnerable children, more still needs to be done.

Meanwhile, the Minister appealed to cooperating partners to assist government and Child Fund Zambia, address the plight of vulnerable children in the country.

Child Fund Zambia has been operating in the country since 1983 providing community empowerment, nutrition and education support, and Livelihood enhancement programmes.

Government orders demolition of structures built on Munali school

Tourism and Arts Minister, Charles Banda
Local Government and Housing Minister Charles Banda

Government has ordered for the demolition of all structures built on land belonging to Munali Secondary School in Lusaka.

Local Government Minister Charles Banda says this follows conclusion of investigations which has revealed that the structures were illegally built on land belonging to the school.

Dr Banda says the Ministry of Lands has since been tasked to investigate how the title deeds were issued.

Dr Banda told journalists that the land in question belongs to the Ministry of General Education and wondered how it was given out.

And, Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo said the illegalities in Lusaka must end and warned that the demolition order is with immediate effect.

Mr Lusambo warned that the exercise will be extended to another schools whose land have been encroached on.

And Munali Member of Parliament Nkandu Luo welcomed the move.

Proffessor Luo said warned that government will not allow school properties to be encroached on.

Lungu made Honourary member of Architect Institute


President Edgar Lungu has been awarded honourary membership of the Zambia Institute of Architects in recognition of his efforts to develop infrastructure in the country.

Institute President Sydney Ngoma says President Lungu has contributed to improving the country’s landscape through various infrastructure development projects taking place countrywide.

The award was presented to Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure Development, Permanent Secretary, Charles Mushota at a dinner held at Avani Hotel in Livingstone last night.

And, Mr. Mushota in receiving the award on behalf of President Lungu, thanked the Zambia Institute of Architects for recognising the Head of State.

Meanwhile, Mr. Mushota has encouraged architects to insist that all buildings being contracted are designed by architects recognised by the Institute.

He also urged architects to document and share information on designs so that the public can better understand and appreciate them.

Green Party commends Police for mature handling of picketing by retirees at Justice Ministry

Zambia Police Service Inspector General Kakoma Kanganja
Zambia Police Service Inspector General Kakoma Kanganja

Green Party President Peter Sinkamba has commended the Police Command for the mature handling of sustained picketing by retirees at the Justice Ministry headquarters in Lusaka. Mr. Sinkamba has appealed to the Inspector General Kakoma Kanganja to keep up with that spirit exhibited at Justice Ministry because the sovereign authority of Zambia is vested in the people themselves.

“You see, Article 5 of the Constitution of Zambia Amendment 2016 provides that the sovereign authority of Republic of Zambia vests in the people of Zambia themselves, which may be exercised directly or through elected or appointed representatives or institutions. If the people feel let down by elected, nominated or appointed officials, let the people have space and moment to freely express their disgust. If it means to express their disgust at offices of appointed, nominated or elected officials, so be it. The Police should not interfere at all, unless the expression is violent,” Mr. Sinkamba said.

“Looking at the case of retirees who have been picketing at Justice Ministry Headquarters for some time now, I think that the Inspector General of Police Mr. Kakoma Kanganja, and his Command, must be applauded for non-interference. The retirees have been accorded space and moment to air their grievances without Police interference. That is the maturity we want to see from the Police all the time when members of the public chose to picket to express their grievances

“We hope that the maturity exhibited by the Police in that instance will be sustained. That is the Zambia we want to see; a peaceful country where the right to assembly and expression is guaranteed. The barbarism we have seen in bye-elections and other incidents where party cadres and members of the public are involved in running battles with the Police over the rights to assembly and expression should be brought to an end. Let us all draw lessons from the Justice Ministry picketing,” Mr. Sinkamba said.





Here are some mid-week briefs from our European-based stars.

Striker Fashion Sakala started for KV  Oostende in Wednesday’s Belgium Cup  quarterfinal, last leg home defeat to Club Brugge.
Fashion was not on target and later substituted in the 78th minute.

Oostende  lost  the match 2-1 on post-match penalties  after a 1-1 draw on  the  day following a 2-2 aggregate result.

Defender Stopilla  Sunzu played the full 90 minutes for struggling French Ligue  1 side Metz on Wednesday who lost 1-0  to seventh placed Rennes.
Metz are currently third from bottom following  their promotion this season.

And on Monday in Russia, Arsenal Tula  pulled-off a  stunning 1-0  away win over thirteen-time champions and 2017/2018 runners-up CSKA  Moscow.

Striker Evans Kangwa was  the  only   Zambian interest  but  was an unused substitute  in that win by seventh placed  club  over CSKA who are  fourth.