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Today’s Message: God’s Book of Remembrance


Today’s Scripture

“Then those who feared the Lord talked with each other, and the Lord listened and heard. A scroll of remembrance was written in his presence concerning those who feared the Lord and honored his name…”(Malachi 3:16, NIV)

God’s Book of Remembrance

Do you ever keep special cards or emails from loved ones? People do this because those words of love and encouragement are important. In the same way, your words and thoughts of love are important to God, too. Did you know He has a Book of Remembrance? In this book, every time we talk about Him or thank Him for His goodness, He has the angels write it down. When you just think about God, the angels record it. In fact, this moment right now, the angels are writing it down in the Book of Remembrance.

This book is not up on a dusty storeroom shelf in heaven somewhere. The Scripture says, “It stays constantly before God, wide open, as a reminder of those who are thinking of Him.” God loves you so much and values your love, too. All throughout the day, be determined to keep God in your thoughts. Meditate on His promises and thank Him for His goodness. When we keep our minds focused on Him, we won’t be distracted by the cares of this world. When you let your love for Him show, it pleases His heart and draws you closer to Him each and every day.

A Prayer for Today

“Father, today I turn my heart and mind toward You, thanking You for Your goodness and faithfulness in my life. I bless You today because You are worthy. I hold Your truth close to my heart so that I can always be pleasing to You in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

Investors in the UK need to know about Zambia’s gold

Mines meeting addressing UK investors
Mines meeting addressing UK investors

Minister of Mines and Mineral Development Hon. Richard Musukwa has said that Government is confident that gold mining in Mwinilunga and other potential sites across the country will make a huge contribution to the country’s economy.

And United Kingdom based company Jubilee Metals Group Plc, has said there is real potential for the mining sector in Zambia especially gold and that investors in the United Kingdom needed to know about Zambia’s gold.

The Minister said this when he met United Kingdom companies which included Jubilee Metals Group, Spark Advisory Partners, Shard Capital, Spice and Capital Jcam Investment who expressed interest in investing in Zambia.

Hon. Musukwa said that Mwinilunga sits on an excess of a million tonnes reserve of Gold resource that is on the surface.

“We have gold reserves across several parts of Zambia, but the Mwinilunga one, is phenomenon because it has brought new tidings in terms of Zambia’s mineral resources and we strongly feel that once exploited, this is the resource that can make a huge contribution to gold reserves across the world. The resources that sits in North-western Province in Mwinilunga is so huge, our geological team has made a preliminary assessment, and we are sitting in excess of a million tonnes reserve in terms of gold and most of which is just on the surface.”

“We have already allowed Bank of Zambia to be buying all the gold around the country and we think that we should now use the gold as part of our import cover and build up in terms of reserves,” he said.

UK investors
UK investors

And Jubilee Metals Group Plc Non-Executive Chairman Colin Bird said in the near future, Zambia will be a significant contributor to the World’s gold supply.

“Zambia is blessed with enormous mineral wealth. I think the mining world has not heard about the gold in Zambia. In the North-western of Zambia, there is an emerging gold industry with tremendous surface gold discoveries. I understand that the indications are very good and Zambia in the near future will contribute to the world’s gold supply,” he said.
Mr. Bird said he was happy with Jubilee’s investment in Zambia where it had operations in Kabwe and said Zambia will be a significant player in the gold sector saying it is the country to invest in.

Meanwhile, Jubilee’s Chief Executive Officer Leon Coetzer said the company is converting the Zinc Refinery in Kabwe into a metal refinery which will expand its commodity basket to include Copper, Vanadium, Zinc and Lead.

“Zambia has a rich history of Copper mining and a huge amount of potential in the mining waste processing space. Having recently acquired the Sable refinery in Kabwe, the aim is to build Kabwe into a central processing facility for third party material in Zambia. Jubilee estimates there are 6.4million tonnes of surface tailings in the region surrounding Kabwe containing Zinc, Vanadium and Lead as well as Copper,” he said.

He said Copper cathode production will start in the first quarter of 2020 and Jubilee Metals Group PLC expects to produce the first copper from its Kabwe project early next year.
Mr. Coetzer said the initial production from the copper circuit is expected to be 250 tonnes of plated copper cathode metal per month, rising to 400 tpm.

“First Zinc and Vanadium products are scheduled for the second and third quarter of 2020 with the production of lead concentrate targeted for the fourth quarter. Kabwe will be Jubilee’s fifth tailings preprocessing operation with the group currently producing predominately chrome and platinum,” he said.

Jubilee Metals Group Plc is an industry leading metal recovery business focused on the retreatment and metals recovery from mine tailings, waste, slag, slurry and other secondary materials generated from mining operations.
Jubilee’s shares are traded on the AIM Market of the London Stock Exchange (JLP) and the South African Alt-X o

KCM Board and Vedanta granted an injunction order preventing the sale of KCM Mining Rights


On Thursday, 28 November 2019, the Lusaka High Court granted the Board of Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) and Vedanta Resources Holdings Ltd (Vedanta) an injunction order preventing the sale of KCM Mining Right areas by the KCM Provisional Liquidator – Mr Milingo Lungu – to the Defendants.

Recently, Vedanta and the KCM Board became aware that the KCM Provisional Liquidator had entered into a consent judgement in Zambia’s Court of Appeal which would result in KCM’s sale of Lot 649/M Chingola – part of KCM’s Mining Licence area – for US$20,000,000 to three companies (Rephidim, Mimbula and Moxico Resources Zambia plc) with whom KCM had been in legal dispute over the area
since 2016.

Thursday court action was taken to demonstrate that this decision by Mr Lungu was not in accordance with the law (illegal).

Vedanta and the KCM Board have vowed to continue to protect KCM’s assets through all available legal remedies.

At the same time, Vedanta remains committed to engaging with ZCCM-IH and the Government of Zambia in order to find an amicable solution that is in the best interests of KCM and Zambia.

It is so disgraceful that illegalities of all sorts, including flagrant asset stripping, have continued to be committed at KCM through the so-called provisional liquidator Milingo before a decision is made by the High Court and the International Arbitrator on whether to liquidate KCM or not..

Zambia to officially protest to US government over Ambassador Foote’s remarks on Kapiri Gay Couple

Foreign Affairs Minister Joseph Malanji
Foreign Affairs Minister Joseph Malanji

The government says it is set to present a démarche to the American government on Monday following that country’s Ambassador to Zambia, Daniel Foote’s views on the Lusaka High Court’s ruling on a matter of the Kapiri gay couple.

Foreign Affairs MinisterJoseph Malanji said Zambia has values and culture which must be followed by any person whether citizen or through any other accreditation.

Mr. Malanji was speaking yesterday morning when he briefed Journalists at his office.

The Minister shared the view that whoever wants to practice homosexuality can do that in countries where it is allowed and not Zambia.

“Because next time there will be a country which is going to establish Sex with dogs! And that must be brought to Zambians to practice? If people that want to practice gayism feel they can enjoy it, they must go to countries where it is practiced,” Mr. Thanks Malanji reaffirmed.

“I wish to inform the nation that yesterday I called the Ambassador of the United States of America to the Republic of Zambia His Excellency Mr. Daniel Foote to express the Government’s grave concern regarding the Press Release issued by the Embassy on the recent decision by the Lusaka High Court on a matter of homosexuality.”

“I wish to state categorically that in Zambia, we subscribe to and maintain the independence of the Judiciary as a fundamental tenet of our democracy. The Judiciary is the guardian of the Constitution and has the responsibility to interpret and safeguard it without any undue interference,” He added.

He also added that Mr. Foote’s decision to question the Zambian High Court’s decision is tantamount to questioning the Zambian constitution on which the judiciary makes its rulings.

“To question its decision by a representative of a Foreign Government is tantamount to questioning the Zambian Constitution on which the Judiciary makes its rulings. This is unacceptable especially on matters of an internal nature. The decisions by the Judiciary are made on the basis of the Laws of Zambia and not of another country. Consequently, it is the Zambian people who should decide appropriately and through the established practices and processes to change the laws.”

“The Government of Zambia takes great exception to the remarks made by the Ambassador on the decision by the High Court as well as his comparison of the homosexuality case to other cases of alleged thefts by government officials, political violence and poaching. The Ambassador may wish to note that all cases that are brought before the Courts of law are adjudicated based on the available evidence. It is extremely unfair and highly misleading to suggest that such cases are never brought before the Courts of Law,” Mr. Malanji said.

He has since advised Ambassador Foote to confine himself within his competence.

“Regarding the position of Zambia as a Christian nation in view of the Court’s decision on this matter of homosexuality, the Ambassador may wish to confine himself to matters that are within his competence.”

“May I take this opportunity to remind the US Ambassador and indeed other Envoys accredited to the Republic of Zambia that they have always been granted audience by the Ministry and the Government on matters of mutual interest. It is therefore expected that any sentiments on national issues if need be, are presented to the Government through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,” he added.

RTSA Should Stick to Road Safety


THE Zambia Roads & Highway Safety Group (ZRHSG) is urging the Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA) to stick to their mandate and prioritise road safety and public awareness instead of revenue collection.

The Zambia Roads & Highway Safety Group was shocked to read a statement quoting the Acting RTSA boss Gladwell Banda that said RTSA had collected over K986 million in the period January to October 2019 and was pledging to be the lead agency in the collection of non-tax revenue.

“The core functions of RTSA as stipulated in the Road Traffic Act part 4 does not say RTSA should be a lead revenue collection agency of the Government. The Act stipulates that RTSA should implement policy on road transport, traffic management and road safety. The Act also states that RTSA should conduct road safety education, coordinate road safety programmes and approve road safety programmes undertaken outside RTSA activities,” says Group Admin Mthoniswa Banda.

The Zambia Road & Highway Safety Group also notes that RTSA even collected more money than the Zambia National Road Fund Agency (NRFA) which has over 21 toll gates across the country but only collected K800 million.

“The Zambian motorist is heavily taxed as a tax payer and is subjected to many payments and taxes just to have his /her vehicle on the road. Once the vehicle is on the road there are faced with many road blocks, check points, speed cameras and toll gates all designed to make money out of the traveling motorist,” says Group Admin Mr. Mthoniswa Banda.

Zambia Roads & Highway Safety Group feels It’s immoral for RTSA to even set targets of revenue collection while setting traps for motorists. RTSA should concentrate on implementing best road user practice other than aiming to raise income.

The Zambia Roads & Highway Safety Group is confident that once RTSA embarks on road safety public awareness and educates erring motorists on safety and best ways to observe traffic rules, there will be less accidents and less fines to motorist that are greatly reducing their pleasure to drive on the Zambian roads.

“Our hope is that driving on the Zambian roads will return to be the safest pleasure that it was and that RTSA officers will help traffic to smoothly flow from one point of the country to another without hustles,” says Mthoniswa Banda.

Zambian electoral process has faired well in line with international standards-Chief Justice

Chief Justice Ireen Mambilima
Chief Justice Ireen Mambilima

Chief Justice Ireen Mambilima says the Zambian electoral process has faired well in line with international standards.

Justice Mambilima says Zambia has always conformed to legal provisions in the conduct of general elections.

She said Zambia has adhered to international standards of conducting elections, hence making her one of the countries that have demonstrated good governance.

She was speaking in South Africa when she attended the Electoral Institute for Sustainable Democracy in Africa Meeting held in Johannesburg, South Africa in her capacity as board member.

Justice Mambilima said Zambia has always conformed to the law on how elections were supposed to be held.

She indicated that EISA had helped the Electoral Commission of Zambia to build capacity in ensuring that credible elections are delivered.

Justice Mambilima said Zambia was still learning from other member countries on how to enhance citizen participation and dispute resolution in elections.

Justice Mambilima observed that Zambia’s membership to EISA has enabled the country to learn how to make the electoral body effective.

She added that Zambia could gain more from the expertise of EISA as the Electoral Commission of Zambia needed to be bestowed with some powers.

Justice Mambilima said SADC countries should endeavour to enhance citizen participation in elections as it was currently one of the thorny issues.

Issued by: Mrs Naomi Nyawali,
First Secretary Press and Public Relations, Zambia High Commission South Africa.

Zesco Leave Angola With a Draw


Zesco United ended their losing run away in Angola today, November 30 when they drew with hosts Premiero de Agosto in their opening Group A match of the 2019/20 CAF Champions League.

But Zesco rallied in Luanda to snatch their first points following two successive defeats on previous visits to Angola.

Cristovao Paciencia put Agosto in the 9th minute when he tapped in a cross from Manuel Afonso.

But the equalizer didn’t take long come, and six minutes later, Clement Mwape redeemed himself for his defensive error that led to Agosto’s goal.

Mwape turned in Thabani Kamusoko’s corner to see the sides share the spoils.

Zesco and Agosto are tied in second place on 1 point, two points behind leaders TP Mazembe.

Mazembe crushed fellow five-time champions Zamalek of Egypt 3-0 in Lubumbashi in their Saturday clash.

Zesco return to Group A action this Saturday, December 7 when they host Mazembe in Ndola while Agosto will be in Cairo to face a bruised Zamalek that same date.

Stubborn Green Eagles Hold Nkana


The status quo in the top five of the 2019/20 FAZ Super Division was maintained on Saturday following a litany of draws in that bracket of Week 13 fixtures.

The big one was at Nkana Stadium in Kitwe where 2019 runners-up Green Eagles visited the record 12-time champions Nkana .

That matches ended 0-0 in which Nkana threw everything at a stubborn ultra-defensive Eagles.

Midfielder Kelvin Mubanga thought he had clinched the winner with a fine stoppage time voley from point-blank-range but it was equalled by a superb saveby Sebastian Mwange who had replaced Kenneth Mwaanga in the 43rdminute due to injury.

It was the second successive scoreless draw Eagles had collected after they ended leaders and defending champions Zesco United’s 100 percent start to the season when they halted the latters’ nine-game winning start to the campaign on November 23 away in Ndola.

Nkana stay 4th on 21 points while Eagles are 6th on 16 points from eleven and nine matches played respectively.
Green Buffaloes stay 5th on 19 points after playing their Week 13 date against Zanaco on November 20 that finished 1-1.

In Mazabuka, second placed Napsa Stars escaped with a draw following a 1-1 result against Nakambala Leopards.

Elias Maguli scored his fifth goal of the season when he gave Nakambala 1-0 halftime lead in the 5th minute.

It took an 85th minute penalty converted by Bornwell Mwape for Napsa to leave the Sugar capital with a point.

Napsa’s draw sees them fail to move within a point of Zesco who are away on CAF Champions League duty in Angola on 25 and 28 points respectively.

Nakambala stay third from bottom on 8 points from eleven matches played.
Arrows are third on 24 points following a 1-1 away draw at last placed Kabwe Youth Soccer Academy who collected their second successive draw to amass 7 points from thirteen matches played.

Nkana 0-Green Eagles 0
Lumwana Radiants 0-Power Dynamos 1
Nakambala Leopards 1-Napsa Stars 1
Kabwe Youth Soccer Academy 1-Red Arrows 1
Kabwe Warriors 2-Mufulira Wanderers 1
13h00: Forest Rangers-Kansanshi Dynamos
15h00:Buildcon-Lusaka Dynamos
Played: Zanaco-Green Buffaloes

Constitutional Court throws out petition on Bill 10

LAZ President Linda Kasonde
Linda Kasonde

The Constitutional Court of Zambia has dismissed the petition by the Law Association of Zambia (LAZ) and Chapter One Foundation running by former LAZ President Linda  Kasonde for being prematurely before the Court and lack of merit.

Judge Mulembe delivered the majority Judgment of 6 Constitutional Court Judges which tossed out the petition while Judge Munalula delivered her minority views in favour of the petition.

Judge Mulembe said the Constitutional Court has no jurisdiction to hear a matter concerning a Bill which is a proposal or an intention to amend the law, endorsing the earlier decision of the Court of Appeal in the 1972 case of Nkumbula versus the Attorney General in which the Court stated that “it would be premature to come to Court before the Bill had been given its third reading.”

Judge Mulembe made clear the Court has powers to declare any provision of the law as unconstitutional and referred to the case of Godfrey Malembeka versus Attorney General in which the Court declared Sections 9(1)(e) and 47 of the Electoral Process Act as unconstitutional, null and void thereby allowing prisoners to vote in future elections.

The Court also referred to another case of Webby Mulubusha versus Attorney-General which declared the provisions of Sections 4, 6 and 7 of the Chiefs Act were declared null and void for being inconsistent with Article 165 of the Constitution.

On the question as to whether the Court has power to declare any provision of the Constitution as unconstitutional, the Court stood by the recent judgment delivered by the full bench in the case of Godfrey Miyanda versus the Attorney General in which it stated:

“While we recognise the possibility of this [Constitutional] Court to question the constitutionality of a constitutional amendment from the procedural standpoint, under the present constitutional framework, the Court cannot determine the constitutionality of an amendment based on the substantive considerations. An amendment become of the Constitution itself upon its passing.”

The Constitutional Court has also disagreed with the submissions by Chapter One Executive Director who is also lawyer of the organisation that the Constitution of Zambia has a basic structure which cannot be altered by Parliament.

The Attorney General had submitted that the question of the basic structure doctrine was already settled by the decision of the Constitutional Court in the Godfrey Miyanda as well as the Supreme Court case of Zambia Democracy Congress versus the Attorney General in which the Supreme Court held that the argument on the basic structure only exist in theory as Parliament has power to amend any parts of the Constitution provided procedure has been followed.

The Law Association of Zambia had told the Court that it was not challenging the content of the Constitution of Zambia Amendment Bill No. 10 but was merely challenging the decision by the President to initiate the Bill in accordance with the powers conferred on him by Article 92 of the Constitution. LAZ also challenged the signing of the Bill by the Attorney General for tabling in Parliament and the decision by the Parliament to perform its legislative functions of publishing the Bill and considering its enactment.

Jae Cash and Yo Maps unveil “Angel”


Jae Cash released the official video for his latest single “Angel” that features Yo Maps.

The song was produced by Uptownbeats while the video was shot by Mwenya for “A Jelly Cane Films Productions.”

Jay Rox collaborates with Tanzania’s music giants Rayvanny and AY on “Distance Remix”


Jay Rox teams up with Tanzania’s music giants Rayvanny and AY on “Distance” The Remix . The record was produced by Kenz Vill Marley while the video was directed by Director Kenny.

Zambian law maker lauds Berlin Internet indaba

Hon Machila, Officer Ilishebo when they visited Ambassador Anthony Mukwita at the embassy of Zambia in Berlin on the side lines of the internet conference.
Hon Machila, Officer Ilishebo when they visited Ambassador Anthony Mukwita at the embassy of Zambia in Berlin on the side lines of the internet conference.

The Legislator for Mwembeshi Constituency, Hon. Machila Jamba is among 140 Members of Parliament drawn from different parts of the world attending the week-long 14th Annual Meeting of the Internet Governance Forum, IGF, in the German capital, Berlin.

Speaking when he, in the company of a senior police officer Mr. Michael Ilishebo from the Zambia Police Force Headquarters visited Zambia’s Ambassador to Germany, His Excellency Mr. Anthony Mukwita, Mr. Jamba said lawmakers have been deliberating whether they need to pass laws to govern the Internet and if they do, what kind of laws should they be.

“In order to streamline their input, lawmakers have resolved to constitute a body among themselves that could serve as a point of contact with the IGF”, Mr. Jamba said.

He noted that the Internet has posed considerable challenges to governments around the world as the space has been used by different people for different reasons some of which have had devastating consequences for different countries.

Commenting on internet content, Mr. Ilishebo, a senior police officer said law enforcement agencies are grappling with the question of policing the internet as some information shared online is false, and sometimes defamatory.

Mr Ilishebo said while, some people may fear infringement of their freedom of expression through the legislation of the internet, a thought must be given to what would have happened if the Rwandan genocide of 1994 occurred under the current times of fast-moving information made possible by the world wide web.

“The discussion around law-enforcement and the internet is a legitimate one given the role information plays in influencing human behavior and how fast it moves today as compared to yesterday”, said Mr. Ilishebo.

In his remarks, Ambassador Mukwita said the government of President Edgar Lungu has embraced the Internet as evidenced by the Smart Zambia program that is rolling out internet-based public services throughout the country.

He said President Lungu recognizes the importance of the Internet in the provision of public information and access to public goods and services.

Under President Edgar Lungu, there has been considerable investment in the information and communication technologies that include the construction of communication towers in different parts of the country and a liberalized market for internet service providers.

Consequently, social media, among others, has flourished facilitating the enjoyment of freedom of expression as evidenced by the many platforms established by individuals, NGOs, private companies, public bodies and political parties.

In the west, countries are increasingly drawing up laws to regulate the internet and information that gets posted on the world wide web to ensure individual rights, national politics and national security are not breached.


Zambians should not harbour any positive expectations from the Monday Cabinet Meeting



File:President Edgar Chagwa Lungu (left) chairs the 17th Cabinet meeting at State House in Lusaka on Monday, October 1,2018. PICTURE BY SALIM HENRY/STATE HOUSE ©2018

By: Anthony Bwalya – UPND Member

On Monday, 2 December 2019, it is rumoured that a Cabinet meeting will take place at State House where it is expected that some key decisions around the future of this country will be made. But Zambians are warned against harbouring any positive expectations around this routine gathering because the purpose of it will NOT be to save or serve the country – it will be about perpetuating the long-standing appetite of the Patriotic Front (PF) to pursue acts of criminal terrorism against our country and our people so that the PF can remain in power post 2021.

I will demonstrate why and how.

But let us be very clear from the start, this is no longer a partisan issue. Our country and our collective national interest and values are under eminent attack by a party in government that has gone rogue.

The Patriotic Front (PF) have evolved into a terrorist organization, actively employing and deploying all tools of terrorism for the furtherance and pursuit of their political interests.

Terrorism is the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in pursuit of political aims.

And by every standard definition, an organization that engages in the planning, preparing, assisting, fostering and execution of a terrorist act is a terrorist organization, and by default those who actively associate and support such an organization are terrorists.

Now, the PF reign of terror against an independent state – Zambia and it’s people exists across Two (2) levels. There exists under and by the PF regime and it’s operatives Criminal Terrorism. This is because the PF’s political establishment is known to have, and continues, to actively promote, aid and shield crime and the criminality that underpins it, for profit of the PF as an institution, as well as for those government officials and private citizens associated with the PF.

From the latest Financial Intelligence Centre report, we know that the PF have been receiving tens of millions of Kwachas (and dollars) in exchange for the irregular award of public contracts. It is the PF that received K10 million in exchange for public contracts. We also know that close to K5 billion was taken in pure corruption by government officials aligned to the PF, working with private profit seeking actors.

We also know about how $42 million of public money was fraudulently applied to the procurement of Fire Tenders, a transaction that has almost resulted in the hacking to death of an opposition political party leader.

The failure by the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources to account for close to $100 million in Mukula revenue involving China, is a not a plot by a single individual to divert state revenue away from the public, but a carefully choreographed scheme at party level to a use public offices to divert resources towards the party in power and it’s operatives – both in government, as well as those in private business circles.

It is no wonder accountability involving state resources is thin under and the PF.

The second level of terrorist agenda being driven by the PF is Political Terrorism. This is where the PF and it’s militant membership are peddling the active use of planned violence and intimidation to not only scar their opponents physically but also where the PF seem necessary, take the lives of their political opponents.

There exists a well documented catalogue of criminal violence perpetrated by PF operatives against members of the opposition political parties and it’s leadership, with no successful prosecution of identified offenders ever recorded.

And because of the functional institutional monopoly enjoyed by the PF, they have actively sort to undermine critical governance institutions such as the Anti Corruption Commission, the Financial Intelligence Center, the Judiciary, the Police; with documented reports of meddling, bribery and extortion all being employed to ensure that these institutions only serve the quest for the PF to remain in power.

Zambia has reached a tipping point, economically, socially and politically; and we cannot and we cannot wait any longer as a matter of granting a PF political organization that has clearly gone rogue and is on a warpath with not only itself, but our country and it’s people.

Citizens must be prepared to defend the integrity of our nationahood and refuse to let the blood and sweat of our foreparents flow in vain.

The author is a member of the Opposition United Party for National Development (UPND) in Zambia 

DC Motema Pembe Test Zanaco’s Unbeaten CAF Run


Zanaco return to continental action this Sunday after a two-year hiatus with an assignment in DR Congo against DC Motema Pembe in a 2029/20 CAF Confederation Cup Group B opening game in Kinshasa.

This is The Bankers third group stage campaign in continental competition and coach Mumamba Numba’s second in charge as coach of the seven-time champions.

The Bankers will face their biggest test in this season’s competition when they meet the 1994 CAF Winners’ Cup champions and 1994 CAF Super Cup runners-up.

Zanaco enjoy 100 percent start in the competition after winning all four of their knockout round matches against easy opponents Bolton City of Mauritius and Cano SA of Equatorial Guinea.

But Zanaco’s continental form is in contrast to their domestic run where they are 11th and on the same number of points from eight games and three matches in hand with just three league wins so far this term.

Zanaco travelled to Kinshasa a on back of a 3-2 Lusaka derby defeat at the hands so second placed Napsa Stars on November 23 just four days after drawing 1-1 with Green Buffaloes when the league resumed after the two-week international break.

Zanaco will also be without captain and defender Ziyo Tembo suffered a head injury against Napsa and who is interestingly their joint top scorer in continental competition on three goals with Roger Kola and Guily Manziba who are in Kinshasa.

The captaincy, in Ziyo’s absence this Sunday, has been handed to Chipolopolo goalkeeper Toaster Nsabata.

In Ziyo places, Numba has opted for an attacking option recalling influential attacking midfielder Tafadzwa Rusike to the fold after he was frozen out of the team in their last two games since returning from the international break.

Meanwhile, DCMP are currently second on domestic front with one loss with 25 points and just a point behind unbeaten leaders and their archrivals from Katanga TP Mazembe.

But unlike Mazembe and their Kinshasa archrivals AS Vita, with whom they played out to a 1-1 derby at home on November 24, DCMP have not enjoyed perennial group stage success.

DCMP, who have two wins, a defeat and a draw in this seasons CAF Confederation Cup, return to the league stage for the first time since 2011 when they finished third in Group B of the same competition.

Lungu donates a bus to Northern Division Police command in Northern Province.



President Lungu at the Combined Graduation Ceremony of the 22nd Command Staff Course and 45th University of Zambia Defense and Security Studies on Thursday 28 November, 2019. Pictures by ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
President Lungu at the Combined Graduation Ceremony of the 22nd Command Staff Course and 45th University of Zambia Defense and Security Studies on Thursday 28 November, 2019. Pictures by ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS

President Edgar Lungu has donated a Higer bus to the Northern Division Police command in Northern Province.

Inspector General of Police Kakoma Kanganja handed over the bus to the Northern Division Command on behalf of President Lungu.

Mr. Kanganja commended government for empowering the Zambia Police Service with necessary equipment aimed at enhancing proficiency of the institution.

He observed that there has been unprecedented development among the security wings in the country citing the construction of over 12,000 housing units for police officers and other security wings as examples of development.

And Mr. Kanganja said the donation of the bus also shows the commitment the President attaches to uplifting the welfare of the Zambia Police Service.

He explained that the bus will assist in the movements of officers from Michael Mataka Police Camp in Kasama district to areas of operation.

The Police Chief has since thanked the President for the wonderful and timely gift.

He however cautioned the police officers against misusing the vehicle adding that he will not hesitate to discipline anyone found misusing it.

And Northern Province Police Commissioner Richard Mweene said the bus will help address the mobility challenges that officers under his command are facing.

Mr. Mweene said he will ensure that the vehicle serves its intended purpose of delivering services to the people.

Earlier, the Inspector General of Police paid a courtesy call on Northern Province Acting Permanent Secretary Davison Mulenga.

Captain Mulenga commended the Northern Division Command for its commitment towards promoting security in the region.

He has since pledged government’s support towards improving the welfare of the men and women in uniform.

President Lungu had promised to donate a bus to the command when he commissioned the Michael Mataka Police Camp in Kasama.