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President Lungu Commissions the Kalomo-Dundumwezi-Ngoma-Itezhi-Tezhi first ever climate resilient Road


President Edgar Lungu has yesterday commissioned the US$ 20.9 million, 247 Kilometers; Kalomo-Dundumwezi-Ngoma-Itezhi-Tezhi first ever climate resilient road in Zambia.

President Lungu said the commissioning of the new road from Kalomo through Dundumwezi to Itezhi-Tezhi district is a positive development as the Government continues to transform the face of the country.

President Lungu said the commissioning of the road was a clear reflection of the Patriotic Front (PF) Government’s unwavering commitment to improving the road network across the country and to delivering on the development promises to the people of Southern Province.

He said the new road could withstand all weather conditions.

“The road we are commissioning today, the Kalomo-Dundumwezi-Ngoma-Itezhi-Tezhi road has been constructed, and rehabilitated using the revised construction guidelines, making it the first-ever climate resilient gravel road in the country,” he said.

The Head of State was speaking at the commissioning of the Kalomo-Dundumwezi-Ngoma-Itezhi-Tezhi road today in Dundumwezi, Southern Province.

“As a climate resilient road, it is expected to withstand changing climatic conditions. This is the model road which we will replicate in other parts of the country, particularly, in rural areas, due to its cost effectiveness, compared to the traditional methods of road construction,” he said.

“Government is addressing the challenge of climate change in infrastructure development, by redefining the guidelines for construction and rehabilitation. The redefined guidelines are taking into account current and projected climatic conditions in terms of temperatures, rainfall and winds. This is to ensure that our infrastructure is built to withstand extreme weather conditions,” he said.

He observed that the efforts to transform the rural parts of the country were being negatively effected by the effects of climate change.

“Flash floods washing away bridges are making it hard for our mothers and children to access education, health facilities and other services,” President Lungu said.

He said the new road which links Southern and Central provinces, is a shorter route to the Copperbelt, Lusaka and Western provinces and will also reduce the hardships experienced by people in accessing markets, and engaging in socio-economic activities.

“The road brings numerous benefits to the communities living within the Kafue River Basin. For our farmers, the road has eased access to inputs, and markets for their crops and livestock,” he said.

He further said, “Our livestock farmers from Choma, Zimba, Kalomo,Dundumwezi and some parts of Western Province such as Mulobezi, Sichili, Machile, and Moomba Chiefdom are easily accessing their main markets in Central and Copperbelt Provinces, including Kasumbalesa boarder post”.

And President Lungu said local contractors will continue to take part in the development of the country by ensuring that all contracts below K30 million are reserved for them.

“We will continue to reserve all contracts below K30 million to citizen owned, citizen influenced and citizen empowered companies in line with the Citizen Economic Empowerment Regulations of 2011,” he said.

VIce President says Anti-Corruption Commission is autonomous as Investigation against Vincent Mwale is launched

Vice President Inonge Wina
Vice President Inonge Wina

Vice President Inonge Wina has reiterated that the Anti-Corruption Commission is autonomous and does not receive any instructions from anyone.

Speaking in Parliament yesterday when winding up the debate to support the 2020 budget to the Anti-Corruption Corruption, Mrs. Wina said that ACC has the mandate to prosecute people both in the public and private sectors.

And the Anti – Corruption Commission (ACC) has instituted investigations into the leasing out of Chipata Stadium to the Vincent Mwale foundation by the Chipata City Council.

And the Commission is also investing the awarding of tenders for road works in Eastern Province by the Ministry of Local Government.

The roads were allegedly awarded to several companies without proper tender procedures.

ACC Corporate Affairs Officer, Jonathan Siame disclosed this to ZNBC News. Mr. Siame said that the commission is actively pursuing the matters.

In October Chipangali Member of Parliament Vincent Mwale confirmed that he has applied to run Old Beit Stadium in Chipata for ten years.

Mr Mwale who is also Infrastructure and Housing Minister said that the Chipata City Council advertised a ten years lease of the sports facility and his organization Vincent Mwale Foundation applied, adding that his foundation, which is a nonprofit organization wants to turn Old Beit Stadium into a state of the art sports facility.

Mr. Mwale said that that the project, which will gobble over four million Kwacha will be a replica of sports facilities set up by the Barca Academy in Lusaka.

Mr. Mwale said that he was confident that he will raise the money needed for the project.

Mr. Mwale said that he was confident that he will be awarded the lease because his foundation was the only bidder and wondered why people, whom he described as enemies of progress were being negative about his intention to turn Old Beit Stadium into an international sports facility.

Mr. Mwale said that the facility, which is expected to be opened to members of the public once completed, will house pitches for an 11 aside, 7 aside and 3 pitches for 5 aside while also accommodating basket and netball courts.

Chipata City Council has been under pressure to clarify reports that Old Beit Stadium had been sold to the Chipangali lawmaker when it is a public facility.

Zambia Airways will add to Debt Sustainability-CTPD


Zambia Airways
Zambia Airways

The Center for Trade Policy and Development recently concluded a follow-up study on government’s decision to relaunch Zambia Airways. Through an assessment of the proposed business model for Zambia Airways and an analysis of the financing options for the airline, it has been established that the relaunch of Zambia Airways will add to the unsustainability of Zambia’s Public debt.

Our recent meeting with the staff of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as Civil Society Organization revealed that the IMF will not initiate talks on a possible program with Zambia as long as debt remains unsustainable.

CTPD Researcher Bright Chizonde is calling on government to halt this decision since the current macroeconomic and fiscal position is not allowing for the relaunch of Zambia Airways.

‘’Government should instead harness the potential of the private sector through policy interventions in order to improve Zambia’s connectivity to the rest of the world. The relaunch of Zambia Airways, seems to be of high priority since government has continued its plans amid economic and fiscal limitations,’’ He said.

Mr Chizonde noted that Government’s non-discretionary expenditure, which comprises personnel emoluments and debt servicing, is currently at 50.1% and 40% respectively, giving a total of 90.1% of the annual budget as of 2019.

He stressed that this leaves the discretionary expenditure amount of about 9.9% of the annual budget.

“The rapid increase in debt serving is due to the pace of debt accumulation. In 2018 alone new loans amounted to US$ 2.6 million, compared to US$ 1.75 billion contracted in 2017. Since Zambia Airways may require financing through domestic tax revenue or debt financing, the relaunch of the airline will result in increased fiscal challenges,especially in the likely event of airline failure’, He added.

Mr. Chizonde said CTPD therefore urges the Zambia government to focus on implementing measures aimed at restoring debt sustainability.

He added: it is no longer a debate that Zambia’s debt stock is negatively affecting macroeconomic stability, government budgeting and the ability of government to deliver critical social services such as health and education.

‘’Taking on more public investment, over and above the US$ 1 billion spent on upgrading airport infrastructure, through launching a national airline is excessive in the current environment’’, Mr. Chizonde noted.

Mr. Chizonde said there is need for serious austerity and fiscal consolidation if Zambia is to achieve debt sustainability.

Luangwa Establishment wants mine to go ahead in the Lower Zambezi National Park

Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo kneels to greet Chiefs Mphuka and Mbuluma in Luangwa on Thursday
Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo kneels to greet Chiefs Mphuka and Mbuluma in Luangwa on Thursday

The Luangwa Establishment has backed calls for mining to proceed in the Lower Zambezi National Park.

Establishment Chairperson Joseph Felemenga said the people of Luangwa feel it is justified to go ahead with mining in the area because of animal-human conflict as people are frequently attacked and killed by elephants and crocodiles as well as the high poverty levels.

Addressing the media in Lusaka, Mr Felemanga said the Luangwa Establishment feels that when Mwembeshi Resources is allowed to go ahead and start copper mining in the Lower Zambezi National Park through its Kangaluwi project, poverty levels and wild animals’ attacks on people will also reduce.

Mr. Felemenga said the people against mining in the area are ignorant about the mineral resource in the area.

He has insisted that mining will have no affect on the wildlife as mining will be undertaken 50 kilometres away from the game reserves.

Mr Felemanga who was flanked by other members of the Luangwa Establishment have since asked the Zambia Environmental Management Agency who rejected mining in the area to go ahead and provide relevant documentation to allow the Kangaluwi Copper Mining Project to go ahead in respect of the high court ruling for mining to go ahead recently.

Meanwhile, two traditional leaders in Luangwa district of Lusaka Province have insisted that they want mining to continue in Lower Zambezi National Park.

The two Chiefs Namely Senior Chief Mbuluma of the Nsenga-Luzi people and Chief Mphunka of the Chikunda speaking people both of Luangwa district are of the view that mining in the area if allowed to continue will bring economic development.

The two traditional leaders have however challenged government to state its position on the matter as they feel that the Ministers are not being sincere.

The duo said this on Thursday when Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo held a meeting with them at the Luangwa district administration.

And responding to the traditional leaders, Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo has assured the two traditional leaders that he will engage the Minister of Mines and Minister of Tourism for a further discussion on the matter.

Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo kneels to greet Chiefs Mphuka and Mbuluma in Luangwa on Thursday
Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo kneels to greet Chiefs Mphuka and Mbuluma in Luangwa on Thursday

Full bench of the Constitutional Court condemns UPND for attacking former NDF spokesperson


The full bench of the Constitutional Court has this morning condemned the physical attack of former National Dialogue Forum Spokesperson Isaac Mwanza by United National Development Party (UPND) members and has called on Zambia Police to arrest perpetrators.

Zambia’s Attorney General Likando Kalaluka addressed the Court on the attacks by the UPND members on his potential witness, shortly after he had finished discussing with him within the court premises.

In raising the matter, the Attorney General linked the attack to a Facebook posting by one of the lawyers and former LAZ President, Linda Kasonde, in which she implored the public to fill the courtroom to offer solidarity to their case. However, he made it clear that he was not in any way suggesting that Ms Linda Kasonde sent cadres to attack persons with different views.

In response, Ms. Kasonde said she was saddened with the attacks on persons by suspected UPND members but that it would not be right to link her to the attacks.

The Court thereafter warned UPND cadres to never commit the violence against any persons within the precincts on the Court Buildings and has called on law enforcers to act and bring the culprits to book. The Court has threatened to stop any member of the public from attending trial if the behaviour is continued.

Mr Mwanza was attacked yesterday by UPND members who were in the company of UPND senior leader Sylvia Masebo on the basis that he has been supporting Government.

Meanwhile, the Court has heard the testimony of former NGOCC Board Chairperson Sarah Longwe who has told the court that the current Constitution enacted in 2016 and the proposed Bill to amend the Constitution were not people-driven as no referendum was conducted to adopt the amendments.

Ms. Longwe said Government did not consult any member of the public on proposed amendments of the Constitution. She argued that Government must always consult the people whenever amendments need to be made to the Constitution. She however struggled to answer questions on whether the call by the Ministry of Justice to the public to make submissions amounted to consultations.

President Lungu pays courtesy call on traditional leaders in Southern Province

President Edgar Lungu exchange with their Royal Highnesses chiefs Chikankata, Sinazongwe and Mapanza in Choma on Wednesday before taking a flight to meet with Chief Macha,picture by Eddie Mwanaleza/statehouse 20-1-2016.
File:President Edgar Lungu exchange with their Royal Highnesses chiefs Chikankata, Sinazongwe and Mapanza in Choma on Wednesday before taking a flight to meet with Chief Macha,picture by Eddie Mwanaleza/statehouse 20-1-2016.

President Edgar Lungu says he is committed to ensuring that all the 10 provinces in Zambia receive meaningful development.

ZANIS reports that the Head of State said this in Kalomo today, when he paid a courtesy call on Chiefs Chikanta, Sipatunyana, Mweemba, Nyawa, Simwatachela, Mukobela, Sekute and Siachitema.

President Lungu was in the area to commission the 247kilometres Kalomo-Dundumwezi-Ngoma-Itezhi tezhi Road.

The president has told the chiefs that government is keen to building a prosperous country as enshrined in the vision 2030 and the Seventh National Development Plan(7NDP).

He said he is aware that Southern Province has not been spared by the adverse effects of climate change.

President Lungu said the road brings numerous benefits for the communities living within the Kafue River basin.

He said for the farmers, the road has eased access to inputs, and markets for their crops and livestock.

Meanwhile, Chief Sipatunyana, who spoke on behalf of other chiefs, asked the president to speed up the construction of the mothers’ shelters at the various health centres in the district.

Chief Sipatunyana further requested President Lungu to assist the health centres with the provision of gensets in order to ease health operations.

In response, Minister of National Development Planning, Alexander Chiteme, informed the chiefs that government had already procured gensets, which will soon be installed.

Mr Chiteme also assured the chiefs that construction of mothers’ shelters is in the pipeline and that funds are available.

President Lungu was in Southern province to check on developmental projects.

Nkanda Yathu: The First Zambian Designer To Showcase at Windhoek Fashion Week



Kabaso and Chrstina

Bespoke fashion designer Kabaso Nkandu of the trending fashion label Nkanda Yatu showcased his designs on the Windhoek Fashion Week runway on the 9th of November 2019 in the sunny city of Windhoek. This debut made Nkanda Yatu the first Zambian fashion designer to participate in the event with the most sought-after runway in Namibia.

In its fourth year running, Windhoek Fashion Week has proven to be a valuable platform for African fashion designers. “The Windhoek Fashion Week is a platform that was created to bring opportunity to African designers, jewelers, models and so forth” said Luis Munana, the Founder and Director of the Windhoek Fashion Week.

“It is an honour to have received an invitation to share Zambian creativity in Namibia. My team and I left the runway with so much more than an applause, we took with us many lessons and skills in international fashion and design.” stated Nkandu. Designer Kabaso Nkandu was accompanied by prominent Zambian model and Brand Ambassador of Nkanda Yatu, Christina Sakala who closed off the show in sheer elegance raising the Zambian flag even higher among a Pan-African audience of fashion enthusiasts.

Christina Sakala

Further details of the showcase can be found on the Nkanda Yathu and Windhoek Fashion Week social media pages.


Fans Demand Chipolopolo Overhaul


Some soccer fans in Kitwe are calling for the overhauling of the entire Chipolopolo squad.

Fans interviewed in the town centre say changes must be made to both the playing squad and the Aggrey Chiyangi led coaching bench.

Zambia are bottom of Group H of the 2021 Africa Cup qualifying campaign after losing the first two matches to Algeria and Zimbabwe.

‘Substitutions made by the coach were not good. How can they substitute Evans Kangwa who was playing well? I am blaming the coach for the loss,’ a fan said.

‘We just need to overhaul the team. Zambia has fine players, we can still make strong team again,’ another fan added.

Chipolopolo are on zero points, behind Botswana, Zimbabwe and South Africa who have 1, 4 and 6 points respectively.

‘Chances of qualifying are slim as we are just remaining with two games, two home and two away,’ Proper Mumba said.

Zambia resumes its Group H campaign next August away to Botswana.

Makeni farmers cry for help as they are inundated with Pollution from AFCON company set up their midst

Where is ZEMA? As companies continue to pollute the environment to the detriment of the health of residents and their farm produce. Here crops in Makeni covered with quarry dust and other unknown pollutants from AFCON

The Lusaka Roads Decongestion Project by AFCON is welcome by all meaning members of the public, however at what cost is it to the Environment and people in general?

This company has set up a plant in Lusaka Makeni Farming area amidst farmers and human habitat. This is not right as this plant should have been in the industrial area and not in a farming area. This Plant is located at the Kamanga’s farm just after grey Zulu area. They buy quarry from united quarries company for their raw materials and store heaps and mountains of it at the same plant. The Quarry dust blows westwards to the farms and communities which are in the same area.

Secondly the equipment/Crushers on site also emit a discharge which is not known and has also affected the environment in one way or the other. The people living in this area are having health challenges in terms of breathing due to the polluted air that they breathe day in and day out. They don’t even open windows for fresh air, the plants are not spared as can be seen form the attached pictures, crops have gone to waste due to this and thousands of Kwachas have been lost. Even poultry has not been spared.

The Company AFCON has been engaged several times to find out what they are doing about this but despite several meetings nothing has come forth, yet day in and day out they continue to pollute the environment and endanger the people’s lives. Even employees at the farm do not have dust masks as they work at the plant. ZEMA was written to and they came to inspect but no report has been availed ever since.

Questions arise, was an environmental assessment done, if so where is it? Secondly how was approval made for such a plant to be located amidst farms and human habitat . All this can be verified. Is the cost of Lusaka decongestion project at the expense human health and crops as well as the environment at large? This appeal is to have relevant authorities address this matter before lives are lost and more damage is made to our environment.

Crops on a farm in Makeni Lusaka covered with quarry dust from AFCON
Crops on a farm in Makeni Lusaka covered with quarry dust from AFCON
Crops on a farm in Makeni Lusaka covered with quarry dust from AFCON
Crops on a farm in Makeni Lusaka covered with quarry dust from AFCON
Crops on a farm in Makeni Lusaka covered with quarry dust from AFCON
Crops on a farm in Makeni Lusaka covered with quarry dust from AFCON
Crops on a farm in Makeni Lusaka covered with quarry dust from AFCON
Crops on a farm in Makeni Lusaka covered with quarry dust from AFCON

ZESCO in K2.8 billion loss in 2018 – Nkhuwa


Energy Minister Mathew Nkhuwa has disclosed that state owned power utility ZESCO recorded K2.8 billion losses in the 2018 financial year.

In 2016, ZESCO posted a K137 million loss while in 2017, the losses jumped to K270 million.

Mr Nkhuwa said consequently, ZESCO has recorded an unsatisfactory rate of return on assets and has faced challenges to settle debts, owing to its weakened financial position.

The Energy Minister revealed this on Wednesday during a High Level Policy Dialogue Forum with Cooperating Partners in Lusaka.

Mr Nkhuwa observed that the high cost of power purchases from independent power producers and the cost of emergency power imports for 2015 – 2016 has been the major contributor to ZESCO’s liquidity challenges.

“This has also affected our ability to attract the significant amount of funding required for the sector’s diversification and successful completion of the significant number of electricity power projects already in pipeline,” Mr Nkhuwa said.

He said government is committed to creating a platform that will remove barriers and promote effectiveness in processes relating to investment in the sector in order to spur private sector participation in power generation.

“Undeniably, a number of private sector players have expressed interest to invest in electricity projects. However, given the market structure, these developers are looking to ZESCO Limited to underpin their development as the sole off-taker,” he said.

“Regrettably, the tariffs arising from the new power generation projects are significantly above ZESCO’s average selling price, resulting in losses on the utility’s part in the order of millions of United States Dollars per year, despite the fact that domestic tariffs were increased by 75% (from an average of USc 3.3/kWh to USc 6.18/kWh in 2017) and Mining tariffs increased to an average of USc9.3/kWh.”

Mr Nkhuwa said the increment factor is such that the overall increment in revenue collections was greatly affected by the depreciation of the Zambian Kwacha against the US Dollar.

“An increment in tariff from 3.3c/kWh to 6.18c/kWh meant that the revenue collections increased by a factor of 1.9. However, with the Kwacha depreciating against the dollar from trading at 9.68 in 2017 to 11.88c/kWh. The increase reduced to a factor of 1.5c/kWh in 2018 and then 1.3 in 2019 when the Kwacha further depreciated to 13.91.”

He charged that the reality is that ZESCO’s current average tariffs are still far-fetched below the cost of production from new Independent Power Producers (IPP) whose average tariffs are approximately US 11 cents per kilowatt hour.

Zambia’s 2019 GDP significantly declines to 2% from 4%

Bank of Zambia
Bank of Zambia

Central Bank Governor Denny Kalyalya told a media briefing yesterday that the second quarter of 2019, real GDP grew by 2.3%, down from 3.9% during the corresponding period in 2018.

“Contraction in mining output, construction as well as transport and storage accounts for the slowdown in real GDP growth,” he said.

Dr Kalyalya said economic activity is projected to remain subdued and the recovery is weak.

“In 2019, GDP is projected to significantly decline to about 2.0% from 4.0% in 2018 premised on projected contraction in agriculture, constrained electricity generation, and lower than anticipated mining output. This calls for concerted efforts by all economic agents to put back on an upward and strong growth path,” he said.

Zambia has $3 billion of Eurobonds outstanding. Its ratio of debt to gross domestic product(GDP) will rise to 92% by the end of 2019, triple the figure from 2015, according to the International Monetary Fund.

The situation is exacerbated by the government’s struggle to rein in spending and a severe drought, which is hammering agricultural output and hydropower generation.

The Bank of Zambia has decided to revise upwards the Monetary Policy Rate by 125 basis points to 11.50%. The decision was arrived at by the Monetary Policy Committee at its Meeting held on November 18 -19, 2019.

Dr Kalyalya said inflation is projected to remain above the upper bound of the 6-8% target range over the entire forecast 2019 to third quarter of 2021 due to heightened upside risks.

He said the decision to raise the Policy Rate is intended to counter inflationary pressures and bring inflation back to the target range in the medium term and hence support overall macroeconomic stability.

Dr Kalyalya added, “the MPC was mindful of the marked deceleration in growth and risks to financial stability. In this regard, the MPC recognised the importance and need for other tools that include macro prudential and fiscal policy measures to address these risks.”

He stated, “Furthermore, and as indicated in previous MPC Statements, monetary policy alone is not sufficient to address prevailing economic challenges and to restore macroeconomic stability. It must be complemented by corrective fiscal and structural policy measures.”

“In October, overall inflation rose to 10.7% as food inflation increased to 13.3% while non-food inflation slowed down to 7.8%,” Dr Kalyalya said.
“On account of heightened upside risks, inflation is projected to remain above the upper bound of the 6-8% target range over the entire forecast horizon (Q4 2019 – Q3 2021.”

He stated that the risks, which manifest through the expectations and exchange rate channels, include persistent high food prices, electricity shortages leading to extended load shedding, slower than anticipated progress on fiscal consolidation and high external debt service payments.

Dr Kalyalya said decisions on the Policy Rate will continue to be guided by inflation forecasts and outcomes, identified risks, and progress in the execution fiscal consolidation measures.

Koby unveils “Keep Forgettin” along side Slap Dee ,Tommy D , Yellow Man


Koby released the video for his single “Keep Forgetting” that is off his ‘Young Legend’ Album.

The song features YellowManTommy D and Slapdee. It is produced by Lord Aku and Hmac for XYZ Entertainments. The visual was shot by No ID Guru Pictel

UPND Members attack former National Dialogue Forum Spokesperson, Isaac Mwanza


Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) President Andrew Ntewewe has confirmed that United Party for National Development (UPND) cadres who were in the company of UPND Senior leader Sylvia Masebo have attacked former National Dialogue Forum Spokesperson, Isaac Mwanza, at the portico of the Supreme Court Building Wednesday November 20, 2019 around 17:45 hours.

“The incident happened immediately after the Constitutional Court adjourned the hearing of the petition by Chapter One Foundation and Law Association of Zambia challenging the enactment of the Constitution of Zambia (Amendment) Bill No. 10 of 2019,” said Mr Ntewewe.

The cadres attacked Mr. Mwanza shortly after the country’s Attorney General had finished conferring with him at the staircase of the Supreme Court Building. He was rescued by the Judiciary Security staff who whisked him away using the other alternative gate as the UPND cadres had remained vigil at the usual exit gate. Mr. Mwanza is being medically attended and not in any grave danger.

He said Mr. Mwanza made no acts of provocation to those UPND thugs. If it is crime to confer with the Attorney General, then we don’t know where the UPND wants to take this country to.

This is the second time Mr. Mwanza is being attacked by UPND cadres. A similar incident happened last year after a program on Radio Phoenix.

Mr. Ntewewe called on the UPND leadership to take responsibility for the violence being occasioned to those citizens who disagree with them.

“The UPND must clearly understand that when endangered citizens decide to protect themselves against thuggerism from UPND members, the result can become extremely fatal,” he warned

Zanaco and GBFC Share Spoils As League Resumes


The 2019/20 FAZ Super Division season made a sparkless return after a forgettable two-week international break with Zanaco and Green Buffaloes playing out to a 1-1 draw at Sunset Stadium in Lusaka on Wednesday.

Zanaco and Buffaloes went into the break of this Lusaka derby scoreless.

The deadlock was broken in a spell of two minutes when Chitiya Mususu tapped-in an assist from Lawrence Chungu in the 72nd minute.

Buffaloes equalized a minute later when Paul Simpemba punished Zanaco captain Ziyo Tembo’s defensive error to see the two sides share the points.

Buffaloes stay put at number five on 16 points from ten games played, eleven points behind leaders Zesco United and five adrift of second placed Napsa Stars.

Zanaco exchange places with Nkwazi up to 11th and 12th places respectively, tied on 11 points.

But Zanaco have played seven games with three matches in hand.

Cooperating Partners Group urges Zambia to get on IMF Programme

Vice President Inonge Wina confers with Corad Thombansen whilst Germany Ambassador Achim Burkart listens during the tour of stands shortly after the official opening of Zambia Water Forum and Exhibition at Government Complex yesterday 11-06-2018. Picture by ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
FILE: Vice President Inonge Wina confers with Corad Thombansen whilst Germany Ambassador Achim Burkart listens during the tour of stands shortly after the official opening of Zambia Water Forum and Exhibition at Government Complex yesterday 11-06-2018. Picture by ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS

The Cooperating Partners Group has urged the Zambian Government to work towards obtaining an International Monetary Fund (IMF) programme.

Cooperating Partners Group Chairperson who is also German Ambassador to Zambia Achim Burkart says the group is ready to support the country in this endeavor.

Speaking during the second-high level policy dialogue with cooperating Partners at Mulungushi International Conference centre in Lusaka today, Mr. Burkart describes the recent visit of an IMF team to Zambia as a sign that Government is determined to engage
ith the IMF.

And Mr. Burkart said fighting corruption remains work in progress and requires the commitment of all Zambians and cooperating partners.

He noted that Zambia has numerous institutions and regulations in place.

Mr. Burkart observed that the increase in hours of load shedding has negatively impacted businesses and low-income households that cannot afford alternative sources of energy.

He said the Cooperating Partners have called on Government to deal decisively with ZESCO’s financial situation.

And, National Development Planning Minister Alexander Chiteme informed the cooperating partners that government is now halfway in the implementation of the Zambia’s 7th National Development Plan and the mid-term evaluation of the plan to assess the country’ performance.

Mr. Chitime meeting today will review the economy and energy reform roadmap among others.