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Information PS condemns German Ambassador to Zambia

Information and Broadcasting Permanent Secretary Chanda Kasolo speaking at the official opening of the Media Self Regulation Insaka
Information and Broadcasting Permanent Secretary Chanda Kasolo speaking at the official opening of the Media Self Regulation Insaka

Government has condemned remarks by German Ambassador to Zambia, Ackim Burkart in which the diplomat questioned and commented on some internal affairs and issues bordering on Governance.

Information and Broadcasting Permanent Secretary Chanda Kasolo says the statement by the German Envoy is meant to incite Zambians to rise against Government.

Mr. Kasolo told Journalists that the statement is also a violation of diplomatic etiquette which requires that diplomats respect the sovereignty of the countries in which they serve.

The Permanent Secretary said Mr. Burkart should have used the right channel to engage Government if he had any issues of concern as opposed to a statement to the media.

Mr. Kasolosaid Government will now engage the German Diplomat over the matter and appropriate action will be taken after the meeting.

He said Government is sometimes taken aback at the tendency by some diplomats of painting Zambia’s issues darker, than their own issues back home.
Mr. Burkart is quoted in some sections of the media suggesting that there could be an uproar in Germany if the Head of State there questioned the judgement of the constitutional Court as was the case in Zambia.

The German diplomat had also commented on private housing projects in the Forest 27 land matters.

Meanwhile, Mr. Kasolo has called on Politicians to desist from politicizing the operations of the Independent Broadcasting Authority – IBA.
He is saddened that Mazabuka Central Member of Parliament Garry Nkombo attacked IBA Director General Josephine Mapoma over the suspension of the broadcasting Licence of Lutanda radio in Kasama recently.

Mr. Kasolo said the IBA took the right stance to suspend the Licence for going against the IBA Act.
He explained that Lutanda Radio was given a one-month suspension because it was a first offender and that the radio station management can appeal to the Ministry of Information if they are not happy.

Mr. Kasolo said it is sad that Mr. Nkombo went on to attack the IBA Director General without fully understanding the IBA Act.

Chilubi PF MP Rosario Fundanga has died.

Chilubi and Kasama Members of Parliament Rosaria Fundanga and Kelvin Sampa
Chilubi and Kasama Members of Parliament Rosaria Fundanga and Kelvin Sampa

Chilubi Patriotic Front Member of Parliament Rosario Fundanga has died.

Mrs Fundanga died today and becomes the second female Member of Parliament to die this year after Patricia Mwashingwere of the UPND in Katuba Constituency.

Speaker of the national Assembly Patrick Matibini announced the death of Mrs Fundanga in Parliament this afternoon.

Mrs Fundanga, a development Expert was elected Member of Parliament on the Patriotic Front Ticket in the 2016 General elections.

Dr Matibini said other details concerning her death will be communicated in due course and Vice President Inonge Wina will move a motion to place on record the house’s condolences on the death of the MP.

And PF Media Director Antonio Mwanza posted on facebook that Mrs Fundanga collapsed at home this morning.

Zambia’s reserves are at the lowest level in 10 years

Bank of Zambia
Bank of Zambia

The Bank of Zambia has announced an increase in the Monetary Policy Rate from 10.25% percent to 11.50%.

Grappling with energy poverty and rising inflationary pressure, two day deliberations by the monetary policy committee commenced Monday 18th November into Tuesday with the announcement made by BOZ Governor Dr. Denny Kalyalya today.

The Kwacha has been on a one way traffic losing streak with a year to date depreciation of 17% given rising dollar demand and asset sell off pressure as sentiment wanes.

Zambia’s reserves are at a decade low at just below one and half yards translating to import cover 1.6 months which has incapacitated the central bank from sterilizing the market through offloading dollars.

The adjustment comes barely a week after the Central Bank increased the commercial banks overnight lending rate and for the same reason: curb inflation.

And Economist Chibamba Kanyama says the adjustment is a big adjustment in relative terms.

Mr Kanyama noted that the Bank of Zambia had announced this year it would increase the Monetary Policy Rate again if inflation continued to rise hence the decision was expected.

He said in his assessment, the Bank of Zambia remained faithful to its mandate and has carried out its work well to institute monetary interventions that would help stabilize the economy during the time of uncertainty.

Mr Kanyama however said that this is not a cure to the ongoing economic challenges as the more the Bank of Zambia intervenes in the market, the more things are not well and they need change of strategy.

He said the increasing the Monetary Policy Rate at the time the country is likely to register the lowest GDP growth rate in years, industrial output already affected by load shedding, government facing weak financing options and general liquidity conditions already tight is like continuously massaging a malaria-hit child with a wet cloth without knowing what to do next.

Meanwhile, Mr Kanyama added that the Ministry of Finance statement yesterday following the conclusion of the IMF Staff Visit did not provide much cheer either.

He noted that there is a paragraph in the statement that reveals that government has run out of options about what to do with the economy.

“The statement reads in part, ‘The Government will maintain close contact with the Fund in finding solutions and ensuring that policy interventions are undertaken to address challenges and vulnerabilities that the country is currently facing”, he said.

Mr Kanyama said whereas the BoZ move is aimed at stabilizing investor confidence, the same measures undertaken will have a long term detrimental effect on the economy.

He said the Central Bank has done its part but that part is to provide breathing space for fiscal policy to kick in much more aggressively, expand the size of government revenues, prioritise spending, make austerity an implementable strategy, provide effective leadership across the public sector.

Mr Kanyama said the Minister of Finance needs to have a stronger firm hand on the treasury, get the IMF program on board and get all citizens to understand what is happening and convince them to be ready to pay the full price.

“If we do not pay the price now, it will be harder as we get into 2022. This is one issue that now requires collective effort”, He added.

Zambia’s Tanking Kwacha May Stay Vulnerable Even After Rate Hike


Zambia may be in no mood to tolerate much more currency depreciation, but it will be hard-pressed to prevent it.The central bank increased its overnight lending rate by 10 percentage points on Friday to a record high of 28%. The goal was to instill “stability in the market and to rein in inflationary pressures,” it said.

The kwacha has depreciated 4.7% this month against the dollar, almost as much as Chile’s peso, the world’s worst performer, leaving it 15% weaker this year. Inflation, meanwhile, accelerated to a three-year-high of 10.7% last month.“The central bank is looking to tighten kwacha liquidity, perhaps to quell demand for foreign exchange,” said Phumelele Mbiyo, a senior economist at Standard Bank Group Ltd. in Johannesburg.

The Monetary Policy Committee will also increase the copper producer’s base rate by 100 basis points to 11.25% on Wednesday, Mbiyo predicted.

There’s no guarantee the monetary tightening will work. Markets have long fretted about Zambia’s external debts, which the kwacha’s decline will only make more expensive to service.

Zambia’s dollar-bond yields average 19.6%, according to Bloomberg Barclays Indexes. That’s far into distressed territory, with only Argentina and Lebanon in a worse position.

The Southern African nation has $3 billion of Eurobonds outstanding. Its ratio of debt to gross domestic product will rise to 92% by the end of 2019, triple the figure from 2015, according to the International Monetary Fund.

The situation is exacerbated by the government’s struggle to rein in spending and a severe drought, which is hammering agricultural output and hydropower generation.

“The Bank of Zambia is in a challenging position,” Mbiyo said. “Most of the pressures facing the economy are either due to exogenous shocks because of the drought conditions earlier in the year or due to fiscal-policy conduct.”


Chingola residents alarmed at the over 100% increase in property rates

Chingola town centre

Dear Editor,

Chingola residents have been notified that property rates are going to go up by over 100% effective 1st January, 2020. This is from our council that for years has not carried out any essential basic services like refuse disposal or providing clean water.How does the council justify these hikes when they don’t do anything for the town? All they do is collected rates. Many people are unemployed and even those employed are complaining that they can not afford these prices.

The council has said any objection should be accompanied by the latest surveyors evaluation of the property before 5th December. Mwe Bantu you need thousands of kwacha to engage a surveyor and nobody can afford that. This is very unfair. We appeal to the authorities to be considerate of the peoples plight.

By Chingola resident

NGOCC condemns the recent tribal remarks broadcast on radio Lutanda


The Non-governmental Gender Organisations’ Coordinating Council has condemned the recent tribal remarks broadcast on radio Lutanda in Northern Province.

NGOCC Board Chairperson Mary Mulenga said her Organisation has noted with sadness the trend by some people to try and divide the country based on tribe and regionalism.

Mrs Mulenga has said that history is replete with many sad stories of how such careless tribal and regional statements have caused conflicts that have degenerated into genocide.

“It is a fact that when conflict arises, the most vulnerable in society, the women and children, are worst affected in such situations. It is against this background that we urge all well-meaning Zambians especially our politicians, both in the ruling and opposition political parties, that as the country heads towards the 2021 General Elections, to please desist from inciting and soliciting votes on tribal and regional basis”, she said.

Mrs Mulenga has reiterated her appeal on President Edgar Lungu, as father of the nation, to provide leadership in this direction.

She noted that while the Government has released the report by the Commission on Violence and Voting Patterns, which was commissioned post the 2016 elections, it is our hope that citizens could be sensitized about some of the recommendations in that report.

Mrs Mulenga has also urge the Government, through the Executive, to implement some of the proposed recommendations in the said report to avert violent and tribal politics.

“No amount of comparison that other people have done the same things, can justify what happened at Lutanda Radio Station because TWO WRONGS DO NOT MAKE A RIGHT! NGOCC is of the view that while we may differ in political ideology, we must remain united in the true spirit of the founding fathers that promoted the “One Zambia, One Nation” motto”, she added.

Mrs Mulenga has since commended the Independent Broadcasting Authority for withdrawing the license for Lutanda Radio Station and also take this opportunity to caution the media against promoting politicians and other people that want to divide the nation on tribal lines.

She has also appealed to Zambians to reject any political party, or individuals that will promote such unprogressive politics.

“We wish to reiterate that our politics should be based on issues and should be about competition to serve the underserved Zambians, especially the women and children”, she added.

Linda Kasonde saddened with the lack of interest by Zambians in the petition against Bill Number 10

Linda Kasonde
Linda Kasonde

Former Law Association of Zambia President Linda Kasonde is saddened with the lack of interest by Zambians, the Civil Society and especially fellow lawyers on the petition to challenge Bill number 10.

Ms Kasonde who is Executive Director of Chapter One Foundation noted with sadness that with trial having begun on 12 November, there hasn’t been much interest from Zambians especially lawyers.

She has called on Zambians to show solidarity to demonstrate how important an issue this is as the trial continues today.

Ms Kasonde said this is the most important case in the history of Zambia after Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula tried to stop Zambia from changing into a one-party state in 1972.

“The stakes are just as high in this case and yet the court gallery is empty”, she lamented in a Facebook posting.

The Law Association of Zambia and Chapter One Foundation took out a petition to challenge Bill No. 10 and Trial began on 12th November 2019.

Numba Admits 2021 AFCON Hopes in Precarious Situation


Chipolopolo assistant coach Mumamba Numba admits Zambia ‘s 2021 AFCON qualifying hopes are looking precarious.

Chipolopolo on Tuesday suffered an unprecedented second successive opening AFCON qualifying fixture when Zimbabwe beat them 2-1 at National Heroes Stadium in Lusaka.

The result came just five days after defending champions Algeria beat them 5-0 away in Blida.

Thoses results have left Chipolopolo rock bottom of Group H on zero points, behind Botswana, Zimbabwe and South Africa who have 1, 4 and 6 points respectively.

“I think our chances of qualifying to the AFCON are a bit tricky especially that we have lost at home,” Numba told the media after his boss Aggrey Chiyangi skipped the post match briefing at Heroes Stadium.

“Had we gotten the win, it could have put us in a better position.

” But I think looking at the games we have left, all we need is to try and work hard and win all the remaining four games, then we can see whether we can qualify or not.

“We have a team that can do that but all that we need to do is to work on the team and encourage them.”

Zambia resumes its Group H campaign next August away to Botswana.

The AFCON qualifiers take a long break to make way for the Africa zone 2022 Qatar FIFA World Cup qualifiers in March, June and July, 2020.

Zambia police and ECZ should swing into action against agents of tribalism, hate speech, violence, sectionalism mentioned in latest report

Zambia Police officers move in
Zambia Police officers

GEARS Initiative Zambia says the reaction to and position taken by Zambia Police Service and Electoral Commission of Zambia on the Commission of Inquiry report on Voting Pattern and Electoral Violence as contained in the Times of Zambia article, Tuesday November 19, 2019 edition on page 2 leaves much to be desired and may act as trigger to further violence in coming elections.

Organisation Executive Director McDonald Chipenzi says the two institutions seem to lack a public strategy to address the dangerous highlights in the reports.

He says GEARS Initiative Zambia finds it shocking that the two institutions are seemingly ending at analyzing and studying the 2016 Commission of Enquiry with a sole desire to amend the respective institutional gaps cited in the report in the future.

Mr. Chipenzi questioned what their immediate action against the perpetrators of such violence and hate speech are.

“Such responses are undermining and downplaying the criticality of and encouraging the current trends in voting patterns and electoral violence in the electoral process in Zambia”, he said.

Mr. Chipenzi says it is for this understanding that GEARS Initiative Zambia has been expecting serious action against the cited perpetrators and violators of the laws of Zambia by bringing them to book.

“As we noted earlier, GEARS Initiative Zambia expected for sincere apologies from, arrests and prosecutions of the agents of tribalism, hate speech, violence, and sectionalism as mentioned in the COI Report”, he added.

“In the same vein, we expected President Edgar Lungu, after reviewing the report, to have acted against those names mentioned as perpetrators of these vices and serving in his government and party in various positions ministers, Permanent Secretaries, District Commissioners and ambassadors, and party officials”, Mr. Chipenzi said.

He said if President Lungu is reluctant to act, it was their expectation that the Zambia Police Service and ECZ should have summoned their statutory mandates, power and authority to effect recommendations of the report and detect crime, maintain and enforce the law by invoking the relevant sections of the penal code, electoral Act, Electoral Code of Conduct and other laws on people mentioned in the report that instigated the Voting Patterns and Electoral Violence in Zambia especially during election times.

Mr. Chipenzi said the report should not just be treated or regarded as a mere study or analysis report or reference or study book or material but one that should serve as a deterrent mechanism for would-be offenders in the future.

“Above all, this report was produced at a great cost on taxpayer’s money hence our call to nip out of the bud individuals and institutions that have been promoting and failing to curb tribalism, hate speech, sectionalism and violence in the country”, he said.

Mr. Chipenzi said GEARS Initiative Zambia is anxiously waiting to see the police swing into action against those individuals revealed and mentioned in the report as agents of tribalism, hate speech, violence, sectionalism among other vices during elections regardless of party, religious and/or regional affiliation.

He said this is so because the police is there to detect and fight crime, maintain and enforce laws, of which one is the penal code which criminalizes tribalism, hate speech, violence, sectionalism, etc hence our view that police must now show its teeth, impartiality in fighting electoral and political crimes and offenses.

“Otherwise, the tribalism, violence, hate speech and sectionalism attributed and promoted by mainly by elites and those associated with state power should not be swept under the carpet”, he added.

Mr. Chipenzi said Zambians must unite against tribalism, hate speech, sectionalism and targeted violence which always manifest itself during elections if we are to build a better and united Zambia for all.

ZRA Chief Welcomes President Lungu’s position on empowering Zambian clearing companies

Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) Commissioner General Kingsley Chanda flanked by Commissioner Domestic Taxis Moses Shuko (l) and Commissioner Customs Sydney Chibbabbuka speaking to journalists during the press conference

Zambia Revenue Authority Commissioner General Kingsley Chanda has welcomed President Lungu’s position on empowering clearing companies owned and run by Zambians.

Mr. Chanda has immediately presented a proposal to the Ministry of Finance on legally available options to empower Zambians in the industry.

Currently, there are 821 registered and licensed clearing companies in Zambia with over 80% of the business being done by foreign multinational clearing companies including those owned by foreign companies through Zambian proxies.

The proposed measures to government include but not limited to compelling all Government institutions to clear all goods using indigenous Zambian owned companies and private companies to give a minimum of 20% of their volumes to Zambian owned clearing companies.

The Commissioner-General has urged local clearing companies to desist from smuggling activities so that they consolidate the support, trust, and confidence of the Authority.

Mr. Chanda has also encouraged local clearing companies to form one Association so that they have a strong voice and work together.

Currently, local clearing companies belong to three different clearing association. “Such fragmentation is not good and may negate government effort to help them,” The Commissioner General said.

Mr. Chanda said the Authority is optimistic that these measures will not only empower the indigenous clearing companies but also create jobs and boost the economy of our country.

UPND wants State House to take immediate action against Kaizer Zulu

Kaizer Zulu
Kaizer Zulu

The United Party for National Development (UPND) says it is disheartening that President Edgar Lungus political advisor Kaizer Zulu has been allowed to walk freely along the corridors of power after causing terror and engaging in criminal activities.

Party Secretary-General Stephen Katuka says what Edgar Lungu’s political advisor Kaizer Zulu did by recklessly bashing a school bus in Lusaka carrying other people’s children and later brandishing a gun, after hiring thugs to beat up the driver of the school bus, cannot go without serious backlash.

Mr. Katuka said Kaizer Zulu does not deserve to be a civil servant let alone special assistant to President Edgar Lungu.

“We cannot have a person who, a few months ago, closed a bar in Kafue after an altercation with a fellow citizen. It is Zulu who used a gun in Kitwe to threaten civilians”, he said.

Mr. Katuka said Kaizer Zulu is not above the law and must meet all the medical expenses for the driver he beat up.

He has demanded that the Road Transport and Safety Agency in collaboration with the Zambia Police Service to immediately arrest Kaizer Zulu failure to which the UPND shall institute legal action against him on behalf of the Public.

Mr. Katuka said Mr. Zulu is a threat to fellow citizens and does not deserve to move freely the way he is doing now.

He said Mr Zulu needs serious discipline and the law should visit him.

“We are amazed that Edgar Lungu seems to be under siege and appears to be subordinate to Kaizer Zulu. It seems to us that Lungu fears Zulu to the core. This is the reason why Zulu has continued to misbehave”, Mr Katuka added.

He said it is regrettable that Mr. Zulu last time forced his way into Heroes Stadium pitch and started harassing match officials.

“We condemn the behavior of Kaizer Zulu and demand that State House takes serious action with immediate effect”, he said.

BoZ will raise monetary policy rate to 11.25-Stanbic Bank


Standard Bank Group which operates in Zambia as Stanbic Bank has predicted that the Bank of Zambia will today raise its monetary policy rate to 11.25%.

In May, the Central Bank raised the Monetary Policy Rate 10.25 per cent from 9.75 per cent, representing 50 basis points, for the first time in over a year.

Bank of Zambia Governor Denny Kalyalya is today expected to hold a quarter four policy committee media briefing this morning where he is expected to reveal the monetary policy rate.

And Phumelele Mbiyo, a senior economist at Standard Bank Group Ltd. in Johannesburg told Bloomberg that the central bank is looking to tighten kwacha liquidity, perhaps to quell demand for foreign exchange.

Mr Mbiyo predicted that the Monetary Policy Committee will increase the base rate by 100 basis points to 11.25% today.

“The Bank of Zambia is in a challenging position,” Mr. Mbiyo said.

“Most of the pressures facing the economy are either due to exogenous shocks because of the drought conditions earlier in the year or due to fiscal-policy conduct.”

The central bank increased its overnight lending rate by 10 percentage points on Friday to a record high of 28%.

It said the goal was to instill “stability in the market and to rein in inflationary pressures.”

The kwacha has depreciated 4.7% this month against the dollar, almost as much as Chile’s peso, the world’s worst performer, leaving it 15% weaker this year.

Inflation, meanwhile, accelerated to a three-year-high of 10.7% last month.

Zambia’s dollar-bond yields average 19.6%, according to Bloomberg Barclays Indexes.

Meanwhile, Economics Association of Zambia President Lubinda Habaazoka has condemned the decision by the Bank of Zambia to increase the overnight lending rate.

Dr Habaazoka has since advised the Bank of Zambia not to use old tactics to manage the economy.

“My only advice to the central bank and ministry of finance is that let’s not use old tactics to react to worsening macroeconomic fundamentals like exchange rates or inflation,” Dr Habaazoka said.

“Surely how can we increase overnight lending rates as a solution to inflation? In 2019? If you want workable solutions that will boost the economy go to countries that have gone through similar problems but managed have managed to come out.”

He charged that Zambia is going through textbook problems and the solutions are in the same textbook at the back of the book.

“But you need to read the correct textbook.”

“I remember at the just ended Russia Africa Summit. The President of Congo DR tells Putin that in Congo, mine investors don’t pay tax and that all monies are externalized. Putin immediately answers to say that Russia had the same problems in the 90s and now they are gone after being solved. In fact solving those problems contributed to Russia’s repayment of all IMF, World Bank, Paris Club and other debts years before those debts were due. After that, Russia created a stabilization fund that could be surpassed by a few in the world. I expected the Congolese President to make a follow up question on how Russia did that? Alas it never came. I expected those that monitor foreign news in Zambia for Zambia’s economic development to be interested and follow up but that never happened.”

Dr Habaazoka added, “We can’t use the same tactics since independence to deal with the economy. The inflation we have now is exchange rate driven because we don’t have enough forex to meet our forex demands. So the solution is not increasing overnight lending. The solution is getting forex and first of all from the mines.”

“I know majority of economists in Zambia were taught by the same lecturers but can we please look at experiences from elsewhere.”

“Am still in a state of shock that overnight interest rate increase can be a monetary policy solution.”

He charged, “Economics is not always about econometrics which the BOZ put much emphasis on. Fundamental analysis has weaknesses in an economy where behavior is increasingly influencing economic development. When quantitative economics was a champion, big companies had assets and products that determined their values. Today companies like dotcom companies can only own one building but be worth over $50bn. It’s all about perceptions.”

“Behavioral finance at its best now. Anyway Behavioral Finance only gained prominence in the early 2000s and it’s yet to be offered by major universities in Zambia. Maybe that’s where the problem is.”

IMF Team concludes its Staff Visit to Zambia

Finance Minister with IMF Delegates
Finance Minister with IMF Delegates

An International Monetary Fund (IMF) team led by Mission Chief, DAN GHURA, has completed its STAFF VISIT to Zambia.

The team has been in the country from November 13, 2019.

During their tour of duty, the team conducted data exchange and policy consultations on measures that the Zambian Government is undertaking to address some of the current macroeconomic challenges.

The IMF team also discussed with the Government, recent developments in the Zambian economy such as the macroeconomic situation, the Governments policy response, and the progress made in the implementation of austerity measures.

During the staff visit, the IMF team met the President of the Republic of Zambia Mr. EDGAR LUNGU, the Bank of Zambia, the Zambia Revenue Authority, Cooperating Partners, Civil Society Organisations and the Business Community.

The Government and the IMF both acknowledge that the country continues to face macroeconomic vulnerabilities. Key among them is the impact of climate change on electricity generation and food production. The parties agreed that the stated vulnerabilities have pass-through effects on the rest of the economy.

Based on the assessment of the fiscal situation, the IMF and the Government further agreed that urgent implementation of policy adjustments related to debt management and fiscal matters will be essential in restoring the country’s fiscal and debt sustainability.

During the various policy level and technical sessions, the Government reiterated its commitment to continue implementing measures that have been pronounced in the past that are aimed at restoring the country on a high growth trajectory and ensuring debt sustainability.

The Government will maintain close contact with the Fund in finding solutions and ensuring that policy interventions are undertaken to address challenges and vulnerabilities that the country is currently facing.

The Government will use the outcome of the just ended IMF staff visit to build a firm basis for a defined sustainable macroeconomic path, which is critical for restoration of macroeconomic stability and forms a basis for future engagement with the Fund.

Some PF insiders want to get rid of President Lungu. And they have a plan.

President Lungu addressing the media
President Lungu addressing the media

By Sishuwa Sishuwa

On 8 November 2019, President Edgar Lungu, speaking in his first press conference for four years, brought up Zambia’s elections scheduled for 2021 before declaring “I am game”. Breaking with his usual practice of governing through press aides and off-the-cuff remarks on airport tarmacs, he stressed publicly that he would be the presidential candidate for the ruling Patriotic Front (PF), in power since 2011, and would leave no stone unturned in his quest to secure a third term.

President Lungu was first elected in the 2015 presidential by-election that followed Michael Sata’s untimely death in office. He was then re-elected in the disputed 2016 polls, narrowly defeating Hakainde Hichilema, leader of the opposition United Party for National Development (UPND). Since then, Zambia’s economy has faltered thanks to a combination of government incompetence, venality and external shocks. A devastating drought has left close to 2 million people in need of food aid and contributed to an electricity crisis that has seen power cuts for as long as 20 hours a day. Grand corruption has become so endemic one might be forgiven for mistaking it for an election promise on which the government has been striving to deliver. Meanwhile, policy uncertainty in the crucial mining industry has, together with low copper prices, slowed production. These factors have halved Zambia’s annual growth rate from nearly 4% in 2016 to just 2% in 2019, while external debt and inflation have surged. These negative economic indicators have not only led to rising costs of living for ordinary Zambians, but also fed calls for political change within the ruling PF. Two broad factions have emerged in recent months.

Team Lungu

The first comprises party leaders supportive of President Lungu and his 2021 candidature. PF Secretary-General Davies Mwila has emerged as the most vociferous member of this group, while sources in the party say others in this faction include: presidential political adviser Kaizer Zulu; Health Minister Chitalu Chilufya; Minister of Home Affairs Stephen Kampyongo; Tourism Minister Ronald Chitotela; Minister of National Planning Alexander Chiteme; Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo; and various of Lungu’s business associates.

Among other things, those in this cohort are trying to show their loyalty to the president in the hope that if he does not stand, he will anoint one of them as his successor. Lungu is afraid of being prosecuted for corruption, embezzlement and criminal misuse of power if he leaves office. To protect himself, he might decide to remain in power for as long as possible or find a pliant replacement, the more loyal the better. Members of this faction also have deep vested interests in Lungu remaining as president. This is the surest way of guaranteeing their current positions of power and protecting themselves from prosecution.

Lungu’s attempt to secure a third term is therefore not just an individual aspiration. It is part of a plan by a whole PF faction that seeks to ride on his presumed popularity and control of the state apparatus to retain its positions of influence for the purposes of accumulation. One or two members of this group – such as Chilufya and Chitotela – are also rooting for Lungu in the hope that should he stand in 2021, he might nominate one of them as his running mate, a position that would give them great advantage in a future presidential bid.

The anti-Lungu brigade

The second faction consists of PF leaders who believe that fielding Lungu in the 2021 elections would be courting electoral defeat. Although it lacks a clear leader, this group revolves around the figurehead of Kelvin Bwalya Fube, a former PF election deputy chairperson and charismatic lawyer who played an important role in securing Lungu’s nomination for the 2015 election. Fube has considerable appeal among disenchanted party youths, an influential constituency that was central to the dramatic fall of former PF Secretary-General Wynter Kabimba and the subsequent rise of both Mwila and Lungu following Sata’s death. Also backing Fube are some senior PF figures, including some cabinet ministers who fear reprisals if their support for him is revealed.

This group believes that Lungu is unpopular among the party’s rank-and-file as well as Zambians more generally. The massive turnout at public rallies of the main opposition leader Hichilema, even in supposedly PF strongholds such as the Copperbelt, has further raised concerns. This ruling party faction therefore wants a different presidential candidate for 2021.

The four-point plan to stop Lungu

PF Secretary-General Mwila has poured scorn on this possibility. Nonetheless, the group has designed a strategy to get rid of Lungu made up of four possible plans.

The first is to simply persuade Lungu to abandon his aspirations for 2021 and name a successor. If this fails, the second is to turn to Zambia’s constitution, which now requires political parties to hold regular elections, to call on the PF Central Committee to hold an elective party convention. Sources in the party say plans are already underway to hold one in April 2020. At this convention, members of the Fube faction would sponsor a candidate to challenge Lungu for the 2021 nomination. Given Lungu’s lack of a firm grip on the PF, he might be vulnerable in such a race. This is why Lungu’s supporters are now lobbying the Central Committee to either ensure the incumbent is the only candidate or to cancel the need for a convention altogether.

The third strategy is to use the courts to disqualify Lungu from running. Despite the president’s confidence, many people believe he is not legally eligible to run for another term as the constitution contains a clear two-term limit. The president’s supporters argue that his first term of just 18 months should not count towards this total, but Zambia’s Constitutional Court recently delivered an ambiguous ruling on this question, which has emboldened Lungu’s opponents.

Worried by the prospect of a legal challenge to Lungu’s nomination, the pro-Lungu faction has put forward a widely condemned constitutional amendment bill. Among other things, the bill would abolish constitutional provisions that currently allow any person to submit a legal contest to a candidate’s nomination.

The bill is set to be tabled for second reading at any time. To pass in Zambia’s 167-member National Assembly, it would require at least two-thirds support (at least 111 MPs). This is a tall order – especially if done through a secret ballot – given the PF’s narrow majority and questions over its MPs’ loyalty to Lungu. Aware of this uncertainty, its backers seem keen to postpone the process until it can be more confident of its outcome. The problem is that the more they delay, the more traction the anti-Lungu faction may gain.

Should all this fail, the Fube faction has a final fourth option: form a breakaway party, recruit many who have already been hounded out of the PF, and launch a political assault on Lungu as the opposition. Its aim would be to win power or, at the very least, make it impossible for Lungu to retain it.

Despite the PF’s disastrous management of the economy, it is fair to say that the internal factions in the ruling party are the real effective opposition in Zambia – that the PF’s greatest enemy is itself. At the heart of the ongoing rebellion against Lungu is the push for a Bemba-speaking candidate to succeed him. Although they harbour distinct presidential ambitions, PF leaders who are pro-Lungu, but hail from Bemba-speaking communities, and those outrightly opposed to him agree on one point: that his successor, be they from Team Lungu or the ant-Lungu brigade, must be a Bemba speaker.

The outcome of this raging power struggle for the leadership of Zambia’s governing party will have significant implications on its political standing and, depending on how the successful faction handles the political fallout and economic collapse, the potential for a transfer of power in 2021. It is worth stressing that while the PF is saddled with deepening rifts, opposition parties appear to be holding together. They have continued to capitalise on the gradual implosion of the ruling party as well as the growing public revulsion to Lungu over his poor handling of the economy, the kleptocratic behaviour of his administration, and the shrinking democratic space.

Khama Billiat Sends Chipolopolo Further Down The Abyss


Chipolopolo on Tuesday night sustained its worst start to an AFCON qualifier when Zimbabwe beat them 2-1 to suffered their first-ever defeat at National Heroes Stadium in Lusaka.

A Khama Billiat brace in each half ensured Zambia remained winless in two opening games since the 2019 qualifiers when they lost and drew their opening games.

However, today another milestone was added to that unenviable run when Zambia’s raked-in its first-ever set of back-to-back opening games defeats and are now looking in serious risk of missing out on an unprecedented third successive AFCON.

Billiat struck in the 15th and 78th minutes while Patson Daka found the back of the net in the 20th minute with a befitting consolation from a solo effort.

Zambia are bottom of Group H on zero points, Botswana third on 1 point while Zimbabwe and Algeria have 4 and 6 points respectively with four games left before the top two tickets to Cameroon are decided in this pool.